Pfi'e Ten THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH. FALLS. OREGON. ( Thurstlay..St'ttumlM'r 1, W 3E 3C The Greatest Shock to Prices . - That Has Ever Hit Klamath County 'it. i ! :j (. Uncle Sam WORK SHIRTS 59c 1 If ft Men's BLAZERS 1.87 ' ' Odd Lot of DRESS SHIRTS All Boys' sweaters 1.89 a .! Men's WORK PANTS , Heavyweight ; 1.95 One Lot Men's V TIES ' 1 ;25c f Men's FLANNEL SHIRTS at Bargain Prices. . Buy Now for School and Fall. It Will Pay You to Bor . row Money for This Sale. TTT) 7:r H J 517 Mam St. Mamtore J ... . ... " 517 Main St. Gigantic Administrator's Closing-Out Sale NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF KL A MATH COUNTY This entire high-grade stock of - men's and boys' clothing,, shoes and furnishings must be closed ut, regardless of cost. It must be sold to settle the estate of Mr. Beck, who passed away last spring. -..;'V:2i:;.ii:a fe5' --A. J.. Beck, Administrator. .... . . 1 Our loss is your gain. Never Again Will You Buy Goods at These Prices tarts Iriday, Sept. 2nd, at 9 A.I. A whirlwind administrators' .'sale to liquidateRemember folks, every Men's and Boys' suit and overcoat, every pair of shoes, every article of wearing 'apparel 'to be sold turned' into cash prices cut below cost r ' -NOTHING "RESERVED! ' Every article in stock to be sold at unheard of prices. Buy now for school and winter wear. . t Lease and fixtures for sale. i My new modern six room home for sale, i -H-W-t.4- 1 1 H 1 1 1 I I II Odds and Ends of ' 1 Lot Men's ... . . I EXTRA SPECIAL DRESS SHOES 1 Lot Mens ORESS SHOES Small Lot Boys' ' Boy.. An Woof Go at the Crazy ' r' WORK SHOES W. L. Douglas SHOES ; KNICKERS D . Close Out Price Union Made Value to $3.00 J" OQ8 95 ' 2.39 Close Out . 1.98 , ; , 2:98 Valu;, to $8.oo f' , I 69c fZ ! Men's suits and overcoats, including new fall merchandise. Nearly ; fQBftJ VtfJzs ' 200 garments to choose from Well Known makes to be sac- rif iced at cost and less. s -mS'- One Lot Men's One Lot Boys' All-Wool I . - ' Men's Men's Cotton -Rib SUITS OREGON CITY Wright s All Wool UNION SUITS " SUITS UNION SUITS n . :! , wnnvi OVERCOATS on . f ;nvi Tan, Black, Grey $2.00 Values TOPCOATS 2 Pair Knickers, Values $b.50 Values While They Last Medium Weight 514.85 ' 'otl80u! ,98:l.: 9c ' ' 49 Every article in the store to be sacrificed at bargain prices. The greatest price smashing event of modern times. We mean business. 1 No Refunds ! No Returns! Open 7a. m. to 9 p.m. hmMVilQlm,!,,i,J No Alterations ! 517 Main Street i 1C