Wi'diu'wljiy, August .'ll, 1!27. STATE SUPREME) COURT IS BACK Three Written Opiniom and Many Oral Orders Handed Down Today HAI.KM, Or... Aim .11. - Ili'intiy im tn work alter a v- llllloll I.f lOtlMll all Wcclia III1 aoprriuii court ycatcnluv bunded down I In.-K written opinion and muni rinin 11ml urdeia. 'I ho opin tuna were: W. (I, Furilliaiu, appellant, v. Z. PKTKKS TEACHER OF MUSIC An rciliiid l.v Hip Hlnte lionid 11 f I'.'iliii'iilliiii I'limo, Violin, Itiiiijn, I In kiiIIiiii (liillnr mill oilier III' HUM la liiiiuhl, For liifiiiuiailiiii nii'l parti cular leave nt aiUieaa ur phoim miiiilH i v mlllim II.VW i.r 1 1 :1M Veronica lUdudng'WWghl ; Fk.ilclaat la ia Hln BI00J Pin, . AI4 CaaaliUat Kltfaay. LIom an BlaaJ.r Treaala Ia4lalta Caaulf ailaa Star Druj Co. Tomorrow Night HAL BLACKBURN AND HIS BAND Open the WINTER GARDEN With a Big v Carnival Dance REGULAR DANCES OFFICIAL DANCE Every Labor Day Wednesday Celebration Saturday FRI.-SAT.-SUN.-MON. Say it with-' For $9.00 We Will Deliver You An' Ice Box, and 50 Pounds of Ice for the Initial Icing. PURE CRYSTAL ICE MOM'N POP C BE HANGED If l CAM r SORRY fLrtR PUNS WeSe N , WHEN OUR POtftSDrlSH ' ' ffMil SUMMER HOME AT" ftDDRESS WAS A8O0T TO START j y M'ih V BELOW AN O L'WfU. . v CrtPt EHICSON TURNS 5PECIAL ( EAPtflIN THOROOGHLy ' i J N. OPMISlNaV. , OEuwfRV- );f V tIT. ERICSoN ' 7 MKGUN"yM Cun-y H. Hifuritit; upiiciil frutu In m liiitt'N loiiiil y ; ui'til from JuilKiiK'iit iIIoiiiUhIiik HlUlllK out ut ! I lull of m li'fifl 1rmi titr (iplnl'iii l.y JuMllrt liruwii. JinUt WuMxr II Kvuiim iiniiui' ii. I'.-tt r IImukIhii 1 imI K, An tlxmou, iIoIiik IniHliifHH un Ainlrr moii u iid IUiijcIun v. Ml. MmmI Woinllklirf inmpMliy, (Irfitiil-tlH mul k'mIIiiiiI : MplM'rtl from M 11 1 1 -niiiiuth iinitiiy; km i ion lu rtrnvrr iiMUK-y fur mrvlri'M, Opliil'in hf JuntUm lliiml. JmU" Wnlhr II. Kvunw nrftiinit1. A ti Ht 1 11 OKlmrii vh. Mary II. ! KMm, tiilmiiiUirHirlK ut of Kltim lifKi.nc, ilix i:itl ; hii'I );. I'. I'urkrr uml JtiinoN H retu rn -r, m(h'IIiiiiIh; ji ppoul from f lu 1 nop roiihiy; ohjfi-iion hi row! hill tl-nl it hi niiltiloii ty Jiim- 1 Id i ( 'ohIiow, drill onlftd ir Iim.1 tin fol low: Ivtllloim fur rf iM'HrliiK id iili-il Jit I n m HviiiHii; Ul vh. 1 Yoiihk; KrUwoliI vn, IiiU'I Sun cm Nuiloiml li ink ; Himtmoi. 'tn, Wlinntir; 1'iiHffi Hiiiii'H Nm U01111I hunk v. Miller: I'mnilim v Viitr.il Orciton Loan mm n' : l.i-a vh. Jtloi khiiiil ; Kit rm - IT Mil Ilk Of WentOM V. Kill. I A'h'u illHtiilvNt-tl in Hintnl trd llrl. k unit Tilt rompuiiy v. II '.i for.l, Mollim In iIImiiI- ili'iilfil In . Htiilf v A. ('. I'Hrroll. I Hrowrt l.Hurri illfMilNMtl. mvU vh, Nor(liroip illNiiiUHed. GLASSES ryri I'fniitf J. I nirJ ml llu" (iUtr (iitNjnJ in mt ohii l.itioiy tri tmit font tiJ lfJaJ n.jmn Willi Broken Lcnbo RcpUccd DR. COBLE'S ?0t MAIN ftTftrtT WaaMaiWtaa)ai ICE fHONU BO Ki'iihii vm. M'Mi'1 illnuilim-il tin nllimtHllon'. Ki'iiIkiiuIIiiii nf Tiiiiiiiim (Inti'it (r'ilii himril (if liur txum nil- I llllM V1' '"pl"'l Ull'l lX-l'lllVff cunt niHIi'n P"iii-l'-tl In nnmliijlu mir-I riMimii- l.y flint .M.MMluy In Oi- Thi'iitrv will u viri.nii dmihl. ) ln-nipi y v. Mmrk.-y flxlil lr luli'T. , dill i.f mrli ly ami plrliir.'a I111I.1) inrn Tli rinhl .m m u k-I In Hlmy iii rmmfiil u len t a ut jrviVnt Iwr niiiiiliiiilliii uil.iillu-il itu prar llrn i.f law, I Kilkiir A. IIi.iiiih of I'l.rllnnil, iiiilinliii d mi i.riiliullnn 1.11 Ok In- tiniiiic i-rrtlflruli.; Hpi'tircr I., j llulrd of I'l.rll.itiil, mlmlitfd i.n , liriiliiilliin 1111 IiIiiIhi i-iti llli !; Hoy ('. HurilliiK nf Kxli'in. ad 'lulitnd en iirnliKllon of Ci.lnriidi. 1 crl If lm . Stone Cutter Held Because He Worked At Job on Sabbath I.A WNHAI.K, Cnllf., Ann. .11. It' I' I HeruilNV h' clrliiMl .I liiili 1.11 li.iiiliBlriiii-a h In i liiin li lirllii with rlliKlnu. NVIIo llm i I, 1 aluiio rulliT, win arroaled for V In I H 1 1 11 K III Klllliluy rlonlTlK Inw nf IhlH luwn. AlihoiiKh lit wim rlaHd on Ilia ow n rcroKiilruni ". Hun I la InillKnuiil iil.mil lila nirinl. rliilm lii II111I ariiluiiirliiK arurpalmixa la not at vurlanio wlili Ilia K.il. ImIIi. A.Y.D. (At Your I trior) Industrial Supplies. rilO.VK .171 SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD Hut ynur winter' Htipptr of nlork-wnod and crien-nlab at nne. whll tho price ara at (ho bottom, FARMERS Alan tock tip for tha year, at Ihn lit n or delivered. We deliver anywhere ll lha valley 1 cord Junilio load. Peyton S07 Main rhona 538 a I Something Queer Tilly KVKN1NT,. HEItALI). At the Pine Tree I'mrnim (if lb '"In" Iroililuy l IIih flrni Ik.Iik of Hi 'Willi u wxll illvi'miripit primruni 'Sam York i.n July 31 mid curl I i.f vuutlHVIIIv i.ri'iii)'JiiK Him nr- j a ki..ui (.U ltf roiit rov.'rMy 1. '1.111I (...I'llifii, jinim Hliuik.-y I'liuni.'d li wn. : Twn In. y Willi a Hittx lit ly .r-; I'.ulnl. Til raiiii'in r.-.ir'ln - M'litutli.ii i.mll(i:l i,t Li kiniliu' i.f nlfiy nii'iii.liiK, iii ljillikl"ni.' I U-vr m riiliiill. i 1 intili! l r Hroi k und 1'lioiiipHiiij 111. itllllid flcliila Hl'l'! Iliif (nil nltlul ' I HII'I ItlV" lll alio' 4 rry lar lliilic "TIih Klaf.pcr mid lh( with Hi i-ley ami Wullcra por IrayiiiK Hie cliara.'tuVa IK .-'cl. v eiiy inieranven' a'li B Iu...l. H.....i. K-U.. .-rU.-LH I.I..I I a aoim or two . HaKen and liowell in Kr-4a Me. I'leane" are a yoiuiK couple I with plenaliiii icrnallllea und i neatly dovetailed offerlnK wli "i fom'iy and aotiK. ""Tlie Favorite (if Hie Air" Arkaiii'iia Ciiarlie who la well known to radio fana will lie heard In a repertoire of cro'Ki. I11K nieiodlea playinK Ilia own a comtianlmeiit on the nkelele Charlie liaa a pleaalnx peraon ifllt y an eaay delivers and a mora than uxnal aood plnKitix j vnl.-e. : Tlw cruaa putrle In aerolialli-a are aupplied l.y Clddy mid Cldriy two eymiiata who offer a thrill a minute with their' aerfea of athletic feala. 1' j Tlio fen 1 lira picture la a-clever ; comedy "Heven Bltinera" full o' thrllla and myatery. Marie I're i'ul a atarrrd and la al.ly anp I ported l.y ('live llrook. Cluude ' tilllliiawaier, John I'alrtek . an l jf'huiiea j'onklin ' Roclul note from hurope: Mua- :aiillnl aava men with whlakera Irffsii't ntnni.nl in nni.h Cpurit!. llernnnl Shaw hi gone to Italy. Standard Dyerc and Gleaners .Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service -Expert Dyeing , 1409 Esplanade St Thone 825 eaklaraftS Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works . Phone 408 Thorough CloansinR U a Health Precaution 431 Main A Real Treat lb eat at the Brick Cafe where all the food is cooked and season ed to suit your appe tite 117 NORTH 7TH We Are Open j All Night! . T 6osn-ir,S;SoMe k'iDii oor Ht-RC-FuiNMY THE Ajcoeff spoxe ofuhs SUMMCR HOME BE t 'ORG ; A KLAMATH FAU-.S, ORF.nOM. At the Liberty 1 "" 1'ii-nlH - iit i.plnloiia tml from ' Ur ir." ri .i l many 'K"ii" iil li' n.iiii- - IIib ml lll'IDlHH of till- ;rllpMla of niiir-" tjiklnic aidi'4. If it nM know llio iruih und iln' iirititi'i ti ah'.wii on tnt tH-rr-i'ii '' " "" """" sreaf pli tilria. Thv ; l.ili hlully di plit rvcry 11101111 n' 1 of ;(li ituftf ilia Kr.uicpt aporf- I11K cuius In Ihla world a lilninry. !(, .Jink Uiiiii.cy, tha moat inli.rfiil (hiimplon Hin rlnit liaa "'.'" " winner. L LQ LlTCMae W Oman Walks in Sleep; Killed in Ffl,'"','.?i.',ai ,i ,h..i,uil!""kl- sh think U u a I.A f.HAMiK. Auk. 31. (A') -Mla (iertrudo Ijint. u limit 40 ye.ira of axe aa found dead yea lerday underneath her aeeond atory bedroom. It ia believed that he fell w hile walkinK In her ; ale. -nj;;. The acreen ( ver her win-i do' waa lorn and the body waa I attired only In nlicht clothe. I'eath. the re. 11 It of Injuries to ; her head, la bellered to have been inntantaneotia. ' Arrest 3 Women I For Having Beer PORTLAND. Ore.. Anar. 51. I A. ' .1 Two atate offli and a i 'deputy aheriff jeaterday arretted i t,r,.B women and aelied 310 i-it, v.".-. u t . apartment at 173 H North Ten- ty-KlrHt ntr"it. The m offbera purtlrtpaled a few day una In a raid on the Highland Cuurt ftpurtuientK In which two ttmu Ruiid q oar in of beer wua aeized The women arretted yesterday were Alma Kenyon. Kva Olm'D and Minn A. GaKKnoy. w. r. t. r. iik.0 .iki. MINN'KAI'OIalS, Auk. 31. M --Mm. Kllu Hoole of Hrooklyn was reele ied ireildent of the na tional Women's ChrUtian TVm raiiee I'nlon in unmial conven tion here today. Our Own f French Pastry v Ask for it when you eat with us We do all our own baking Rolls Pies Cakes Club Cafe PRINTING! Gets Things Done! It builds sales, creates good will, wins friends, retains old customers, adds new ones. It saves your time and therefore your money. It taps hid den reservoirs of busi ness, opens new mar kets, carries your mes sage to the four corners of the world. Case & Melton 124 South Seventh Phone 183-W v i- CftPT A., -if--?. jri v I 37 U 9 T f'N.. Vm . ' . w ' ' V ! GAL TO STUDY BAS H PROJECT! President Listens Atten tively to Delegation from Northwest ! ICAI'll, riTV. K. I'i - 'ar-tu atudy K.ed Coliinii.ia fly. inaiinn proj.it in , atatc waa proi.iUi-d t'nolldKtf today to ll. Ani. Zl. of tlio pro- r l.anln rircla-' U'anhinftton f by rrealdent a Krniiu of wcMicra rltlzcna wIk called v ex- plain the pro fmf.ii I. .Mr. CnolidHK umlernlaiida the ! folumliia rlv.y project would coat , , - ...- nil- n lavora aneu uropoaii lona I III K-neral way he made It clear .today that hfj would like more ! infrmaiion on thla gigantic uu-i Aa a xeneral ruin, the president f would liki to aee auch develop-1 menta prnceed aa fait aa funda ifrom tile reclamation work wrAild permit, j j He listened attentively to the 'delegation from the far north ' went, 250 Tourists. Shivering on Alaska Beach ' I. Alaska. Aurt. 31. (A. than 2'0 tnuriata j JI nkai:, '.i-More refugee from the leakinx" and ; diaaliled coaatwiae liner Prlnceaa iCharlotte- - morning on dhlverd early this) a bleak and wind-) . wI'k AIaaki.il b-rh while score or vessels steamed under . forced draueht to their aid. Radio advbfH recsfived hc-re ! said that the stranded tourists,! Riming them many wealthy real-; .dents of the Vnited t&ite sand U'anada. were landed from the rritices Charlotte at midnight when the vessel was refloated; after striking a rock in treacher-j 'ouj WranRell narrows of south-, .eastern Alaska. !A jagged hole, said radio re ports, was torn In the prow of j the Charlotte. .Although the ves sel seemed In no Immediate dan cer of sinking, it appeared ad-1 Tillable Ho land the passengers on the nuaheltered beach, more than 20 miles from the nearest vil-. I.ipe. J '; At the time of the mishap the bits steamer waa returning to, Vancouver. H.' .. from Skagway, ' Al-iuka. . SOS aignals aent outj ahortly after tho vessel atruck the rocks ut 9 o'clock last night ' were answered by tUEa, cannery, boata and three fa;l government 1 cutter, which act out to the aid, of the strirken ateamer and. its! a!ilp(.recked passenger. ; "Let them pass," is to be the slogan in Krance for the Amer ican Legion convention. Might aa well he that they d pass "any way. Klamath Falls Business Directory I.OIH.K, I-1!.TKI!..U NOTHK 11. I'. O. KI.KS Meet Thursday evening. Visiting me.nbcrs wel come. EI.KS TEMPLE. 3rd and Main OMVKH SI'IKKIl, Kxilted Ruler K. P. .Mc.MlI.UAN". iiecretary Kraternnl Order of rllcs . Of Jleeti Every Krl-ewsr-. , day. 7:30 at. Si?2j?a .Moose Hall. C. I. LON'O, Secretary . lUrio 2OH0. 1'houe H Labor Temple l.OY W, or.HKlt OF MtMlSH itPTWVl Meet every Thurs- VaTQN day. .7:30 L. 0. O. M. j .Moose Hall, Klatn-j nlh Ave. GEO. OC.I.K, Die' KI.AM ATM LOIMiH NO. 77 .X. V. mid A. M. Stated C'ommunicatloua , 2nd and 4lh Mondays V't-.? Visiting Itrothers ' ' Welcome l.OOMIS Ul ll.lUNti By Taylbt Dii y I irrv--'a Seek PermTsston To Build Power m . . L.ine in iOUnty 4 I'OtiTI.AMi, Or.-,, Auk. 31. IA.IM-J. C. Thniiipai.u of the I MiniiriiiA .ri'iinn anwfr rnin- ipaiirand W. Vkd Kmon. Klnm- ' alh Kllr. 'i(' th Wm.d Hirer ! Tower rompany, aiip.'arrd li.'fi.t.! ! tlia aluto hlKliway (..niiiilii.it yeatcrday ia.h a, kind th rikht I (if w;ir III (Mlmlrurt a poll. Hue I for power wlr- alinix The Diillen-i 1 fHlifurnla li I a li w a 1 from th"1 .KaTna,m.AX"ry '0 A""" ' r"kj n. mi..laa4..n marie It plain'. lliai any pcrnitt rranted for v J""" - u"" "" 'no mailer wax reierreu in the.- t-ommliuilon R attorney for advli-a... 4VIHiK IMI (iHTKll A V NVK.I ' ,. ' " ' VLMI- VADt' 1... ot jar., 1 , . in in jiiauce,' ra anrreo l.y Jir. Klamath Falls Business Directory .vrroitNKvs ; t: r. iikowkii ' Attorney-at-Law State and Federal Conrti Abstracts r?xamined 20! Wlllita IU'lg. l'hone 911 Itcal, Kstale Law a St'cialty K. I.. KI.I.IOTT Attorney-at-Lw Willintns Lldg. I'lione Office l'hone 1296 M. O. WILKINS Lawyer JOS Williams liuilillnir KHramih Fulls, Oregon rhnno 1X4 pay cr N glit .UTOMoiiii.iii:.w.i:it.s Ueiiair Work.- liiittery Service, Tires Nitsh. Oakland, Pontiarj Packard ll. it. it. ;.it ;r: HZl Klamath Kext to l'rjitrifflca l'hone 212 t . (TuoUyear. Tire .Fire'prouC Stiiraffn . AI'TOMOIULK T1.KHS llrins in yoitr worn tlr get .VHH mel more at -!i a-iil cost " ACU 1 IKK SHOP' -fluarnntcidi rulcanizinx; 115 So. lltl St. 'bone S43-J ne-ttvads REPAIR SStrl'ih Repair Slion rtiBrranteed- -Anto- Repairing; (:ar--4illeJ for and delivered Sooth. tjwt. l'hone S03-W n.VTTERV SERVICE Barfory Service," Maffncto, Starter and Generator i Repairing FI.OYK HKMtlOT CO. 234 Alain St. Thone 397-W Battery. Magneto. Generator and Complete Electrical Service -'W. P.' Johnson' AI'TO Fl.i:iTIUO SERVICE 724 Klamath 1 Phone '349 Phileo RemiK Delco Bosch Autollte ma i tv . p.vniiss .. Expert Operators, Individual booths, violet: ray, murcell- ing. hair tinting ROSTOV I'.E.M TV SHOP -Cllorrnna-' Warren Winters Bids. Phono 311 Wilier. Kronen Paper Curl facial and -Scalp Treatment l!lll.ll(i MATERIALS SW.W I.A K F. MOl'I.DING CO. Quality Building .Materiul South 6th St. I'boue 759 WANTED Carpenter work by contract or -Day, Cabinot fork and,-" ' ' fixtures built. 1101 Ilivisioii St. l'hone 14.V5 CHURCHES SA l!l.l HEART ClU IU'll Eighth and High Sis., Iter. A. F. Uieser. Ilev. V. II. Felae. Sunday ! masses at ti:3o; s.oo and1 lit:. 10, Evening devotions at 7:3,0. Week-day mass at " a. m.': Merrills, 1st and 3rd Sunday nt 10:30. All are corillally wulcotue at our serv ice, i . t n il. f.;ii:i its T. C. C l.i:(.4l(lHV Civil Engineer and Surveyor liH ilinh Street C. C. K El. LEV Cnnsulllnir Civil Engineer Underwood llldg. 1'liuuo 107G Pncrp Nina I p'Tfwl ' aitupletiia whcit h liu pl'i'ii Unit bi'niimo wiTniKit aniokxa aha )M lha Iifmll villa 'in a iiuian wniunn 1 11a iinai lund rallroud anui.umca tUal Iniiiln puffcra who ot.Ji't tn wo mvn puffin ln lis nioklii car mi ivnuih fr.,111 tbu yoail. A n.wpap?r headline pay H'lfa l'iun't Mind H-allnit. ny ,y ,,, vn ,0a , ihalr ' hunlianda. In alum, a l.-allii. .ww..wp. ... m:nmM Lpp;ai Notices ;.. vrvT.KAs.it,:irH . . ";. rtva-n that l)lore Bro ,nnAt 1(l ,h. fnty . Treaaiiry for th redenipllim of I'tno ! Iltiiw Irrltcutloa IMatrlct warranta prnteated o-i or hefora 1 Deeemlicr 2. J!2tl. Intorent on aanui will reaaa at limed nt Klunuih t'nll. rira. ton. this 2!ith day of Auaiint, . JUJ I VKHA HOCrtTOV MOHKIt. f'wuniy Treaaurer. HEXTISTS General Practice of Dentistry DR. I'lllLIP COLE 51H Main Over Moe Slore Phone 689 Oiien Evenings by Appointment DR. E. ti. WISECARVKR DR. M. E. COOPER Dentistry ' X-RAY Laboratory i Underwood Bid. Phone H4S Fjir, Eye and Nose Doctor Dr. J. J. Emmens, Medford, Ore. Practice limited to eye, ear. aoso and throat. Phone 667 CHIItOI'RACTORH IR. CJI.KX MOORB Palmer Graduate ! Chronic nnd NerYous iiiseasor New Melhase Block, 325 Alain l'hone 127S Opposite Court llooae DR. C. MRV.I,I. ".',-' Graduate of Palmer anil Pacific College . Fourteen years experience We remove tho cause pt disease - Bonanza, Ore. A15 KM I'l.OYM EXT AGEXCY KL.VMATIl ElI'I.OVMF.T OFFICB kEmployment for worker In everjr trade mills, railway and farm. Janie Ryan, Prop. I nth and -Main. l'hone 1157 MI SIIJ KTI'DIO . PEARL REIIIS ' Graduaiev of Elllson-Whlta Conservatory. Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Phone 9U Pino St. A26-9 I.IVESTOCK Fresh cows on hand at all times from one to carload KLAMATH DAIRV" COW CO. Phones: Ranch 22 F3;Itea. 41( E. Mochcttaz, Jr. Textim' Station OSTEOPATHS DR. F. R. GODDARD I. O. O. F. TEMPLE '. Osteopathic Physician anrl Surgeon Office and Residence' , Phone 321 . PAIXTS, V.ALfi PAPER Wall Paper, Paints,. Knatneli, Brushes P. R. OI.D Across from Postofdc Phono 43 Everything a Paint Store Keeps Paint, Oils, Varnlshos, Dead ening Felt. Glass, Roofing, . ... Walt-Paper PATTI RSOVS PAIVT r.rORH C26 So 6th St. Ph5no 68J-J STEXOiiRAPn Y MRS. L. 11. IIAUUH Tttblic Stenographer Notary 1'uhlin Savlnc anif f.oant Real Estate ' Insuranc 210 Wlllita Blilif. Phono 1M7 All kind of legal form TIMBER CRIIHEIM Timber Cruising, Recoonala anre nnd Appraisal' 11. II. CMiLK 40(1 Main Ht. Phone SAft-W Working from M. L. Johnson' office - r - r ' -t . ,11,,, EXCAVATIXO . BLASTING Sower nnd Cesapool Work I'hope -'J Call at Miti E. Main M. I RANK MART IX -ftA si- m,n ti BAT MY. BlUT BY NtA StSVICL IMCJ