w t ;S ii I 1 ; u W'erlm-wliiy.j Antplst Ht, 1927 MILL PROPERTYFAIR Pill .1 TUB KVENINTr HERALD. KLAMATH FALL5?. OREGON. - Pnjre F1v. ERE IS SOLD l.EJB Willi Walker, Red Wood Official Are Enthuiia.lic Lumber, Company, Ac- ! Over Attraction! of f quires 29'Acret Big Event' Hail' ill t'l arrue uf 1 ii in lying north, uf tbii .WhuiIir-pliiKiiot) .umber mnipuiiy iriul lo Wil li" J. Walker, tun of T. 14. Walk er, niul general Diimasxr ft tin' lli'il Itlwr Lumber r(miinr. by Urn li ulrnl I'ucltle (Huiillirrn Pa cific I railroad roiiiuaiiy hei'mnt known today with the (Itlm of warruuty dued shortly before noon today In Iho to may rlvrk'e ofn. Tit' Influx of nnolhi'f' rol ii in" or iimillty i-ulrUi, lutiiliir with the arrival of several f'tinoti rnili'o iii'rrilliir, uinong lliniu Howard Teg la ltd. ex-world'Hj champion iiroiiro busier, UnliiV (urrli'd the lutr bun id and rodeo aaxoi tut toil fifflilul to new high pciik if niitlittilnxiii (or II"' big K 1 1 in rilM ruunty rt'liUiutluli which i.pi'im Mt tlio (air grounds Krliluy uinmlug. 'Hi Iratinfer rcuowa rfimiira of "All oh.iarlca In llin way of ronlt'iiipluled ' operation In Ibis ; Klumuili county's greatest Iiirni territory of llin Walker Intercut , which own evverul tillllon (.mt of )lluw pine In northern California. producta iiliuw ami rodeo, us well lit tlio hlic lulwir temple HUM) i (nl Inn it-liihrailon, have him r nioviul mill w are mini lug lo- Tllln la I ho Wbuilir-Olumleud 1 wurd lint will absolutely ha thin Lumber coiniwiiy l Imlil hy K. ! soeilou'a greatest full Mo." tienr Hill llunli'r. prealdont ol tlio j llmiimonil. ptfhldeiit of Iho fair taw XIII KuKlnitrlax Construe- i hoard declared today following a lion company. Mr. Hunter (ore-1 conference Willi other officials, cloned on thn defunct lumber J. J. Miller, member of the plaut and secured tllln after committee lull I ml llin Klumeth hittrr light lu federal vourt In ' roundup, was Jubilant this morn Portland. ' ! lug when thn bw (roup of well 1iirlng Ihn contrivers). Walk-1 known rlilnn nl ropers arrived era naiue mid also thnl uf Wi ll- here In . ruler the' Hutu for the rd II. Hiivry. prominent Han J Kluinuth rodeo' w hh-li opens (iat 'mnrlro tlinhi'rnmo who nun uritiiy ' tbo. (air xruumln. rluhlo uoldliiK In JOmuitlh nd I Hfri-uty hi-ad of ilia., mnir'n likc niunllf. rr lulrd i wlldxat InirVlnic nlorlt wuro pluwl llh llunter'a In I ha dil affrl Inc Iho trminliT of Iho defunct Will. , It ui ri'porlrd In Portland prr at the time Ihut Walker hlunni'd to buy tlio Whi'ol.'r-ulin-itloail plant, and tnitka Klainuth Knll a inanufarturlnR t'entvr for llo Walker lioldlnita In HUklyou anil llodoc count loa. , The report waa denied. Iluw. ever, purrhane of property by .Mr. Walker, adjacent to th Whnrler-Olmntead l.uinlx-r rom paiiy la rrgarded by many aa a atraw howlnc lha way tba wind la blowing, Obituary In mii at the fairground to day, .Mllli'r raid, and lnl l atlmii now prerarn a rminilrtp- wbli-h will rlvul tha (inuii. wllil wei howa atuKi-d annunlly In I'cn dli'tmi and Chi'Venm-. The Hfi'ff.'H'H kliowK havq ar rlvwl for the luhor day n-l". hrallon ularllna Krliluy mid run IIiiuIuk (or four duya III iniijunr-' lion with the fair, and are now j bi'lna. net up near Hevenlh and Oak utreeia where Hie bin carnl' l will be tield. ' A feature of the labor feta will lie Hllppery (iulrh hof prnpenilllcj (or merriment ar mil known all ovr the rouu- ANNO.UNGIiG j f THE.QPEN1NG.0F ' THE OREGON PANC AND TRUST i ,. , ; i1 I ' .,. ..' on September 1st '- ' , .,' - " '. ' ':;: ' v.---i ' ;; CHECKING ACCOUNpj fi jfncral cQmrnwial . bunew will .be : Ir inHHctod. uivlrnc attention to the financing of all classes 'ofusineiwi stockraiHiiiK and farming. ' -.. . ,,.,. .' . . SAVINGS ACCOUNTSj The nuvings department In kept entirely, dep urate from the commercial buxincxit. Operating under the Oregon Departmental Saving Bunk act pawed by.fye 1923 Lcgiolature, the bank will only make such invcHtmenU for the protection of Havings iik are rctjuired under the law und approved by the Superintendent of Hank, and will XOT be loaned on unsecured business paper. Four per cent inlercHt will be paid on saving, payable July 1st and Janu- ii-y 1 Ht, each year. ' TRUST DEPARTMENT The bank is authorized to act trustee for KstnJeH, 'C.iiurdiun for Jlinors and others.. and' to act' as trustee for corporations. ; ' ,r " i sOylORTGAXr LOANS: For its savings department the bank will make ' "'firt mo'illKagc loans on improved property al not more thitrj 50'' of k!i Ul (Ukir I Mill I W V.HIIVMH M Ve ' SlV I v'iiL rc After wal bin hi mi mile ra bin rliaucea I r taklnic In- J and end up. by plaahlug Into the lludnon.i with her pluiiu. we've rorae to.) ihn emu: lui Ion lb.il , Thea l , I lijX'll". HK CIIWAItl) IK. Ml AM. I'rlvalu (uiiurnj ervrt (nr He.in Kdwartl Dunham '-will . ! held at the Earl Whlllo. k Fu-, . ntrni Hume, rino ,Awuu .at tl.Aoo. JLate to Classify Hluh. ThumUay afienmon at ii o'rlixk. Krlentla are rneet(ully hulled to attend grnrealde aerv- li'ea In l,lnkvllle cemetery, com- J uienrlnc at 2:30 o'clock. Vault rrj eblouibtnent will be made litime- I . tlliilcly following. J'DII r ' M'i KAI.K OK i her" Tlr. A. TUAUK--'. Sinlle Kay :il Ik. jONTJJLT PaVENT LOANS: Loans on dwelings and income bear ing improved business property at Cairatcs.- , v-; " " 'j'1, , ,.r;. ji .'V'vri r. rJrKjL.- t. s THE OREGON BANK AND TRUST Capital and Jdeseryes $90,000.00 " Charles Drew Geo. II. Merryman D I EEC ,T 0 R S Wilson S. Wiley Geo. ,R. Lindley John P.,. Duke. R. C. Hovey Dunn O F F I C K U, S : . . ' ' JOHN P. DUKE, PreHident ' " GEO. R. LINDLEY, Vice. Pres. and Cashier C'A.' DUNN,' Vice-Pres. WILSON S. WILEY, Counsel , ", :' ' ' ' ' '".v- .-- 1 ;-, .-.;-. r; - : .l ' . , , . I.?' ' Ask State Supreme Court to Deliver Opinion on O. & C. ' HAI.KM. Aug. 11. frl At the iimtan'-e of Hecreiury of Stale Ko Z'T, the atato 'atipreme courl a III be aaked to advance on Iho docket the raae of the fate kgalnat Marlon county, brought to rerov.r for Ihe ttute a purl of the Oregon-California land grant lax n fund i . The cane ap pliea lo all other fonntleii com ing under the refund act and "hi.ulil the ui" reoerer ll llure would be about 1 1 .S'lO.OOO. of the morn than i6.uuu.0UU awarded Ihe counlk-K. In the lower court Judge 1.. tr. MeMaRan hide! again -it thr atala. POWER WASHING , AND GREASING 3 . t ,,! 'We Know How" Phone 154 New City Laundry E. t. KOLB, lUnaer Leave your par with us at nigh and have it ready the next morning. t - ? e ) YVHIia Garag ims "ALWAYS OPEN" Phone 106 :..m Cor. 2nd and Main i ii Wes tern Auto Supply Co! t , TW WfWt lorirX mailcn ml Ante Supptia. . . Jam'n motmlit ilnce 1909 viA fiwrojured Aecctaariu, Tire. Gimp (jooJj and Radio, Jl.tllY K.MII.V IIOMIKItT. Kuneral aervlcra for the la to Mury Kiully llolheri were held from Ihe Karl Whltlock Kuneral Home thli afternoon with Iter. Frank I.. Wemett, panlor of the Flral Metbodlat church, officiat ing Two aelected hymna wero rendered by Sim. .Marjory Oliln. Inlrrnient waa mude In tin fam ily plot In Llnkvllla cemotery. I)II MT V X)HYK H.MITII. Iter, (luy DoVrli'i officiated at A i no tunerai aurvicea or iittio uor- etta Coryno, the , beloved Infant ( fluughler of Mr. and aim. Krncat t'mlth. which ware held at I bo (avealde, under quarantine regu lation!, at 10:!I0 o'clock tliln morning. I. A. Towey being tlio 1 1 director In charge. Fable: ouro upon a time a photographer abut a plrturu of a prominent boter In Inilnlug ! .and bo waa not wearing a golf ; ault. CM) Rexall "93" Shampoo Paste V 3 To koop Iho hnlr and , ' sculp heallhy, wo rec uinmcud Iho fieiiuvnt iiho of "113" Hhiiiniiiio 1'nnta. It given new life to the hnlr and clniintica the artilp tlioroiiKhly. 25c STAR DRUG STORE ' n sn .. Klamalh FalU,.Or, fail i ' I it il ioi t mm ye'll soon be able to show , you the beautiful new Ford . car. It's bejter than you ever hoped t it . yfoujd be t h e smartest, speediest, most economical low , price c a r ; you've, ever known. i. il'hvfl i.Mi-jJl !!) .. ii l.V.lll I n ihf. f "V I. WE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY LABOR DAY BALS1GER MdTOR . CO . . lusdkj Savingor LabarDayaMf Otho'Trip The week ending September 3rd brings big savings to many wise i motorists who avail themselves ol the remarkable bargains in aids ' to fconifqrt 'arid fconvenlejioe .shown .below.' -: - . . 7 Our entire Camp Good itock -SPECIAL TIRE SALE- of WEAR-WELL CLINCHER CORDS t x3 CL-"r rt Regvlariy Once before we offered cheic ten. 5.65 Mojonal reductions oo clincher circa 1 anil ilmuunili nf HmnunanM $ jd985 moncT on them. So that our fnendj wnoaianotrAiTtnenmaTaijoDene- wJI 6t bv these tavinci. we repeat .. . (of one weciccne tame low taie prices. Regular Sis. KtUi Lw, Prka e.al FullOvenhe . ."iV99 KmtUt lam Prk S'Ai Other "Wear-Well" Valuea . ml mUtutmr Lw Pritm Guaranteed, high grade ores ..'.with, toad-gripping treads. ,j t-- WTAK-WeXL CORDS 3!i4 IS Ov: , . . .. SI0.6S ilxi S.S. 0erce . . . . 10.95 WEAR-WELL BALLOONS ' ' Pa4. . . . $7.6 29x495 10.75 Odur eUes prepui tiowately iota 1 Ret. Sire frifj SOOOnulea re '!LSr j 5.45 u reducea In price tor thU ble sale . . . hundreds of items all combining quality and low price to a degree made possible only by "Western Auto's" Ions ex perience, knowledge of market; conditions and husepurchas tng power. ..erery article it guaran reed to satisfy. - i ' An outstanding Tent Bargain Olive Drab Folding Cot "S : Redaenlta ; Cnmfi-TTabte, east to set up or fold. Steel braced hardwood frame with specially woven 13 oe. khaki duck covet. All new material and not to be contuMd .with tc -covered cots. .fOuatanased tss.auppoet up to KVC pourua. " 1' 1 . v icedr. Universal Quart Vacuum Bottle KationalW popular becau of hleh quality. Uruttuallf efficient duribly ctiimtleti. RtjuIrt $l&5 value. Stanley Unbreakable $85 Quart Vacuum Bottt'e S The fraulne Stanley "Super Vac" everlasting bottle. Guaranteed not to break. Filler made of porcelain lined areeL Quart sue. -Reduced ft om $7.20. CUooood Jug This "Peetlees Jug Is splendid eatu. it our low price, there's no reason to dent yourself this great conve nience. Strong ribbed outside with earthenware lining. Keeps foods of liqtilds hot or cold. ' Regular price J1.95. Swingspout ' 3 in 1 Canteen Rae-tt This reculat $3.90 unit Is wonderful value. With It you have a generous supplv of Gas. Oil and Water always with you. Holds 2 gallons each of Gas and Water and I gallon of Od, In srurdV. easy pouring containers. No funnel to borhee with, hinged pro tecting coves, ' ' Folding Skillet 48c . .. . 1 ' Very convenient. Due. 'VlOt tfastn I5O StBK tl tb&YfOBt' tow neu wun loiaing v j i hM-. . . 1V Larger sua regularly ' " 1 . ' . iirrtrttxr r FREE Road laps Handy awpt up a iau . . foli as ft pacsab . . Kjtt yours at s mWi Aim Sun. Save on this Handy 'J 7x7 Auto Tent f The easiest tent to erect ... roomy enough for bed and dressing spacsL Full 7x7 l! 6'6' at top with J ft. rear wall and large door, rineweathy erproof material. ... well stitched. Top extends well over car end makes convenient awning tf desired. '.Two jointed poles, ropes snd ia stakes included. .Reduced n this week to... ; I ?5 60 14-Piece Nesting Aluminum Kit j ludwlis Coapleta outfit for four persons. pots, pans, pistes, cups and cone, pot High grsde sluminnmi remov able handles on skillet and coffe. poc AU pieces pack Into large cook ilUJ pot, I '. ' 1927 BlM ook $9 25 R.I. i.l. aV"" .Most eoenplrta tourfnf guide printed . , , Ova. mileage and full dlree dons fur any trip, dsngtr spota, points of Interast, strWe 'sseelems, hotels, etc Compter, with 6-cel, Open Saturdays unta9P.M. oc maps and beady srar 1 .5ta:entht.a)LFinew:; mm f sunt snap holies. J