The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 31, 1927, Page 10, Image 10

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    Pg( Tel)
tup: kvkn'in'ij hkkald. klamath oHY.v.oa.
t in'stl :i y, A umist :i 1 , IS'27.
CaPs Interest in Columbia
Basin Project ' Guarantee of
: Appropriation of 250,000
' roim.AN". On- , Ajj III, A.
P.) 1'resldent i"pllil:i.' Inter
est In the Columlilt nanln project
ad his expressed deniie lur fur
ther Information nn (ho fi-st-Hill-Ity
of the plan, nrlinlly assure
lb appropriation ir $2Si).oi0 by
lb next conareita fur further In
vestigations, Addison T. Smith.'
chairman of the hnu IrrlRailon i
llt-nil. for the purpose of creat
ing a large ninrauo reeritiir.
ii. X. Iiil'rele.t
Ureal irt!iern railway offi
cials art- known to harp had this
oiitmeeiicr in mind when thev
hPiuaht Ihe Shevltn-llixon railway
for a part of their line antitti of
Hend. instead of usltia their own 1
Leader of Clubs
I f-
i i w
; - ,. .V;-f ..; -
u " -
lEA , V
Aiiiiriiiin euui of iju.l M j- hn Uuil "Hire Kiilopeann" rre
-ilon and V. WaiKltison, an Kiir-j sl;i!n near the T!ln t.m h. rdor hy
llfhinnu of the t'hliiu tnlnmt mix- lr.,,u '
ion. Wt're slain hv llo.lde It l- j
tlNe. was relayed by the tier- The. pally l auld l have
man trsinn-mean wtrlo prens hoien the. shorter route
'he expedition was' i-rosalng ihr , Interior t'hliiti. deemlim tha eoaat-
wild and moitnliiimiiia reKtini of ' 'e trip too duiiKenina, ulihiiimh
there ore wuriilni'a of anil for-
fol. J. F. Keen. Va. inner. II. t
HlLUKIlKAVn. tint.. A(S.
Vrs. T. P. Mtrhart Ad son.
; Marvin, aere visiiora in Klamath
' Falls Monday.
! Mr. and Sir. J. L. I.inii and
'family were visitors with
land Mrs. OharlM Woelk Tues-
'day eveninn.
a naniea preni.ient of the In
ternational Kxerntttcs' As.h-ui.
lion, aii, unrHiver ;; a. h ii.l
th l;s meeting ii r l
erent s.ili ljkp t'Uy vmivenilon.
' rtcht of wav whli:h followed nn
and reclamation i-ommlttec, toldj,,,t, rlvrr thn.nth tha ro-vrvoir
tha Telecram.' Klte. The Shevlin-Hixon line, on
"'The friendly attitude ' rrenl- Jthe other hand. Ilea ahove what
denf roolldna hai evinced and would he the aaier level of ihe
hit KiijCKPathut thil further data ! proixised' reserrotr.
ahotild be obtained on this kIkiiii- I , a
tie and unprecedented lind-rmk-iog,
will no far toward obtain
Init favorable rinnideratlon from
coiiKreaa on our requet for a
StSO.COO appniprlutiim for fur
ther enrlneerlnE work." Mid
Rmlth. '
llllla Pr.-parl
Smith said that itieanure pr
vldiiis; for tjiln appnipriatlon
would be lntroducd in the houtie
by representative Summers of
Walla Walla and in the senate by
Senator Wesley 1.. Jones of Wash
ington. Smith exprettsed the con.
Mellon that congress would tusx
the appropriation by early sprinr.
He believed that th
appropriation vuni i.e sniticient;, F()nl toiirtnK car. : I S.Sl'H.litln. - Tele million tons
in imiitiiciii u mra.iiimii ttn.ii Warren Hubert, muni son of of carro have been freirhied on
to prepare tentative plana. AtMr. and Mrs. I'harles Flackns. the canal h-tween 1"I3 and 1
the eonclunion. of thia InveMi-1 hli 1))en s,.rtisly ill for the ; at an operating h.a of $7 a ton
gatien the matter will have tol,, wwk. or a total of JH. ;0(o and the
to before oongresa again for au-l XIr. anJ Mrs. T p. Michael taipaver has had to meet this
inomy 10 proceea aim irm-;ld family were visitors with deficit. In ISiS ii c,.t ih ...i
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woelk Sun-' f 1.5 1 a ton fur ail frelghf floated
day evening. 'on the canal. resarMos' of the
Kroil Kgert and grandson. Kay length of the haul. Between
K:ert. were visitors at the Leon-1 1:119 and the railroads op-
ard Ritter home Tuesday. I eratiug iu New York siaie ffm-
iieiiunl t'hlnn, headed fur lildla.
and was ttpprom htnk IMhet from
the eat.
It was iu Tibet that Or. Kib'h-
" " - tier I ii"t mi renown by petiij.
News of Att&ck Received tratlna forhldili-u teirltmy and
In Special Wirelcs. to ,!r,T"1, ",:;,1"l,l"r;"
, -y , j, lal the rlk of hl life. Ills wife. !
Jey TorK tBper idumiL-nl ,s a man. been use of J .
'tribal vrejiidicea anieiiK the Tibet-
iun. tttvonipatiicri nttn ou eat'iy
! e,peii!tloiii. Ir. Fth hner waa
al.-o tiiiioUi for hta leuderHhiiis
of Kcnill p.i!ar eploratlon. bark
! ed by lhn tlerman kaNer. rlor
Mo tlte uottd war. Me was later
a tlernihn staff officer.
J Diipatches titmi IVklng yester
day s.-tid that the leta
, tloti h.ul lled the Chlttoho for
jetirn office to investigate the fate
of tit white nun. following re-
elan senilmcut In China
A popular cafe In Taris has
barrel women pipe smoker.
Hues the Indies III have to lake
to clsars '
liela llcul) Work,
Vlli Mmiie Yank huilrr.
pitched In more llinii 40 games
bitfore tlir- inoiiih of August was
H tmfhw. Mail .
Pimples and Blotches
llicie l a rlrnn, liealin( l'('iUt, ray
In bit any (Hue, tin! will hutily rlitii
away IHmiilr, llla-klM-arii. Klotrliea,
lUctuhlm uihI kiintUir S In ItTttalioiis.
To krep your Mn Hear um healthy
nlaasu uw ann. the hialiiar.
I l.aiuinintiKciil liK-ikiuuiultu.nliiiii.
I taiajii.tiuc and tl.OOut alt diutfiitt.
XKW YOISK. .Aug.. 31. I API
i -The New York. World today
'says tlat a messaKe tetilna of
the massacre of a i-a-ty fit white
men led Into StecJiwan p.ivltne.
Chlnn. by Dr. Wilhelm-Fi liner,
timed to-rman inplorerl) h.t byea
intenepled by Its wireless, sta
tion , (
The report of a lrit(-sh fev.
dent in SiVhim. India ' tial
Fib hm r and his party.- hti h
Included V. tl. Plymire of itist t -a-tt of an official
message say-
The Krie raual. owned and o;,
erated by the state oi New York.
Mr. j renreseiiis a capital investment o
I i'l.tieu.uort. raid iu hy fix
payers, with an annual five,!
per i cut of
tion and for the initial approp
riation. i Jnthusiajitir Alaiut Madras
i Smith has tost one of his en
thusiasm for the proiKisil to re
claim some 100.000 acres of land
hear Madras In central Oregon.
I "Thi project Is so obviously
feasible from every point of view
that the government should not
wait until -the expiration of Its
present ten year pro-gram to give
it consideration.
.. "Iu my Judgment it should be
adopted at once as a part of
that ten year program, and Rep
resentative Sinnott and myself
vill do everything we can to
Jiave It included". Smith promis
ed. The estimated per acre cost
Of reclaiming the Deschutes lands
, ranges from $05 to S9T. It Is
proposed to build a dam at Hen-
il IbaSt klll.l
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ougmore
and Mr. and .Vrs. Itiskius were
transacting business in Klamath
Falls Wednesday.'
"II. J. UhrH-n was a visitor at .
the Jon Smith home Wednesday.
Hill Hasklus is delivering wood ;
to the Nlmm's oil well, located
on the Michael Kueck ranch near
Mrs. T. P. Miihael and three'
daughters were visitors with Mrs. :
II. J. Ohrlen Monday. I
- Ieonard Hitter was a business '
visitor at the Jacob Kueck home
Mrs. Charles Woelk and son.
Carl, were visitors in Klamath
pnid in taxes 1 4 l.oTni.uoo. 'con
tributing through their tax bills
for the losses sustained by their
competitor the state owned ami
operated canal. That is what
might happen if the state of Ore
gon went into the business of
manufacturing ind selling Ijght
and power scheme' that was
defeated by the peop!e of this
stale last November by a vote of
1IS2 to 35,315.
Will open" at New Location for Luncheon
Ik-ginning tomorrow we will wrve:
Luncheon . . . . . 50c and 75c
Dinners . $1.00
Voir will find that home cookincr cannot
compete with the wonderful meals seryefl
129 N. 5th
Locke Motor Co.
Klamath Falls,
you know
I want to take this means to
that 1 am wonderfully pi eased with
Chevrolet sedan which I won in the Evening Herald
Klamath News circulation contest.
Since taking
can readily see why ihe
beautiful car in America.
possession of my
v-nevroict is called
1 know I shall get many year
car I
I the most
of genuine pleasure from this Chevrolet.
Cordially yours,
MRS. J. E.
ham Palls, ten miles south of Falls Wednesday.
A man died in Kurope after
drinking sixty glasses of water
ou a wager. The strange part of
it Is that he was able to rind
that much water in Kurope. lei
alone drink it.
t '
Automatic Ovens
Maintain Temperature
m-- , ; . .
Other Exclusive Advantages
of llotpoint Automatic Ranees
CALROD Surface Unitt. A Hotpcint patent;
cast in solid iron; practically indestructible.
More efficient than any other nude. .
Speed! On repeated testa, the Hotpoint 6-inch
and 8-inch "Speed" surface units, and tbe
Hotpoint oven, are fastest in reaching a re
quired temperature.
Larger Ovens, Hotpoint ovens are "over
aixe." Measure them and see hov much larger
they are.
FirelriS'Type Coo Iter. Only Hotpoint can
offer this. It fits flush with the range top. hi
place of any one of the surface units. For
boiling, stewing:, steaming, making soup and a
host of other uses. It helps mke Hotpoint
the most ECONOMICAL electric range
ever made. :
That's why
Hotpoint-cooked meals
are more delicious ,
YOU have undoubtedly learned
this fact from your own expe
rience. Now leading Home Econ
omists, and Dieticians as well
those who are experts on the
preparation of food and its rela
tion to health state that main
taining the correct oven tempera
ture is essential for cooking food
most perfectly and palatably.
Hotpoint's automatic oven is
built like a fireless cooke, so it
is surprisingly economical. BUT
it also goes one big step farther
ahead. For it automatically main
tains the heat you set it for all
during the cooking. This explains
why you can cook the most de
licious meals you ever ate, and the
most healthful,
in Hotpoint's
automatic oven.
' Hotpoint has
its automatic
temperature con
trol and ther
mometer com
bined in this one simple device
so you can see that the heat is
actually being kept exactly where
you want it.
These are but a few Hotpoint advantages. See the full line of Hotpoint
Automatic Electric Range on display at your power company show
room and learn in how many other ways they are superior to all others.
There's a llottnint Electric Range for Every Purse and Purpose
v. ,
Automatic Electric Ranges
rorlif sLargsetNfanufacturerof Electric IUngei,Electric Water tlcaters and llousetioU ElecfrkHeoting Appliances .
CsM ..-W -i i' ( .
In this modern World of business and ' I J S si. ?
, knowledge of value, the public is d. " Jf' "S ij ; ' fV
.- ways ready to recognize merit. J "' Py ' 3 i.v'
1 ; ..... v. tr- . vr"i-v --!
(tQfll Modern smokers have an expe- hsimrrKH h'. i I
"'" '
finds Camel
THE people of this modern, busy age
are always anxious to recognize qual
ity, ind they have placed Camel first
among 'cigarettes. . -
Modern smokers have an expe
rienced taste that quickly learns to
know 'good tobaccos. Camel is their
favorite, because they recognize in it
the choicest tobaccos grown, blended
to bring out their exquisite taste and
fragrance. ,?,
Camel has won its way to the top In
the hardest-to-please age ever known
because' it has the qualiues of good
ness that make smoking a pleasure.
You1 will revel in the enjoyment of
these cigarettes. No better smoke can
be made. "Have a Camell"
C 1917, R. T. tnnMi Ttie
CMaDtar, WMMea-b4tai M Ctf .
it - (