-11'. .its I'Hge Six NEWS OF ( ( t . , iSpecitl to The Herald) NOTES FARM fiCT MAI. IN, Auk. :iu. Mr. and "" Mra. M. M. Ktartny and sons, Edward and Waller arc taking n .. two wei:k vacation. Thoy nU spending It with Mr. Startny's '- parents, Mr. ami Mr. . Joseph '" ' John, near Eugene. Mr. Tofel and son,, Frank, re turned Sunday from a visit wtth Mary Tofcl In Portland. VIks Mary la attending arhonl in that city. , George Lcntlngcr, of Ylelber Is employed at the cheese factory. ,Mr. Lcazingor Is a cheese maker 1 and Is helping in thnt capacity at the factory. Wanda Craig of Reiner is visit- -Z. PETERS TEACHfR OF MUSIC Accredited by the State Board . of Education. Piano, i Violin, I ton Jo, Ha- wallan t.uitttr and other - inHtrumrnts taujtht. For Information and parti culars leave oiu addresa or phone number bv railing 413-W or IlilM Ever taste assythiag Better, than tliese -l.r a-at ' i ESIDES being a treat that you and every ' --JD rnembcr of the family will enjoy, these Fried Tomatoes will demonstrate to you what ; remarkable fat Mazola is for deep frying. Being a pure vegetable oil pressed from ; the hearts of golden corn kernels Mazola fries foods so that, when ready-to -server they : are greaseless and easily digested. And after frying, merely strain the Mazola, using it over and over 'again as it never carries odors or flavors from one food to another. , ; '- tv . . This recipe is from Ida Bailey Allen's New Book see coupon below. 4 medium tizej tomatoes Fine dry bread emmbt " Uaxoh I Wash and dry the tomatoes sod slice crosswiM to auice three I thick pieces. Dust with salt, pepper and a little sugar and roll in f:n dry crumbs. Beat the egg, add the milk, dip the slices in this, dip again in crumbs and try in deep Mazola. . hot enough to brown a bit ofbtead in one minute, 350 degrees F. Drsin the tomatoes on crumpled paper and serve plain, er cm toast with white sauce ' . - The Perf ect Oil tor Frying , gmm ... r Sm MOM'N POP i - jaA s rwe -;r. fj. SALAD , , aw .,.'.;-,.t,-.- i ISNTINHiSROOW-wet-C. VCT GOSH! to eWSS TO ) V I'LL JOST SIT DOWN AND , T CLCPK AT THE DESK KNOWS ) X V"T Till. Mfj COMCS l! , " . 'V WERE C IS ' 1 M ' V ' ylfej " ' " ' " i ' ' - -da vl-. titar it- the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith. Mrs. Jllerdorff haa com to Malta ''to' Join her husband who kas been employed for some atonths aa meat rutter at the Kallna store. Mr. and Mrs. Pier dorff are from Marshfleld. Ore gon.' Their two children will be bora La enlrr school. Mr. and Mrs. (I. W. Page and little daughter of the Malln bak ery relumed, from a weeks trip lil MJI1IH?II1 )MI,I1I. Air. rrstis i.ai'ii, t.ester nercj ( and Mr. and Mra. I- K. Purriss and family returned Monday from a trip to -the blackberry patch. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Daley of Susanrillo visited at the home if Mr. and Mra. J. W. Bandera Wed nesday evening. .Mr. Haley is principal of the SiiHanvllle high srhcml and Is returning' from PetReley( where he haa been tak ing )0"i graduate work. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Taylor and family are enjoying a vistt from Mr. - -Taylor's mother and- his uieee. Mra. Jim Ottoman of Klamath Falls Is visiting with her par rots, Mr. and Mra. J. V. Rajutts. A new barber shop Is betng located lu the Ilajuul building on Hroadway. Jean and Mervln Wilde have planning exhibits for the county gone to visit their mother. Mrs. fair which will be held September Vivian Wilde at McMinnville. , 3. 4, 5. ' Mcrviu drove them there In hlaj Mrs. Illbert Largcnt and chtl new roadster. ;dren spent Friday with Mrs. " j Thomas Largent.1 The real tragedy will be when ; Kj E. Lane finished combining some of those 1922 Model-T'a al- for Harry Mosby on Wednesday. so will choose not to run tn 1$!S. H tmp milk SEND ONLT So STAMPS OK COIN e t t . : . j wtth this coupon and you wul receive m copy of J Ida BaiU-y Allen wonderful new book, rctively I bound, containing 112 page of untiaual recipe. Writ $oh neon LtrWr Cmnoj' - i'tsrfUcul, Ore.- I Nam. ' -. Toirn ' State ..i- J.F BUYS HERD OF STOCK ,j . ' News Notes' of Midland District Told by Her-' aid Correspondent (Special tn The llernlif) ' MIDLAND. Ore., Aug. So. D. Hooper VU'ehased (s herd of beef stock this week. Mr. and Mra. O. Fares drove to Humboldt and spent a few days with relatives. Their aon, Kiancis Flowerav returned home with them efter spending the summer wtth relatives there. John and Ore Hooper vcvra In Dorria attending to huxlness mat ter this wiek. Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Ktirber of Klamath Falls spent the day with his brother's- r.-tmily. H. It. Tur ner. Rev. Bryant and Rev. Cole wore visitors In this district Fri day. They are planning on open ing a Sunday school tn the near future at the school house. The people of Hits locality are Mr. H-apolU spent Friday eve- ning at me noiuepi e. u. iiur- nett. I Among Midland visitors Friday evening were tilchard and Citildo jRobustelli. Fddln Shulmire and .Cheater Pin ford. j Mlsa Catherine Burnett vlsltetl at the home of Mrs. Harry Mid' idleton on Friday. ' "' The' farmers of this ' district (are preparing their grain for threshing soon. Most of them re- port a good crop this year. q Veronica lit ' -tor Plcem ( k arsuatwa ei High Blood Vt assise . Aeid Condittias Kldotr. Ue aa1 Bladder Trenbles i Indlgestfea Ce,tlrnl Star Drug Co. GLASSES " s , . i . .. ' v Eyrs Examined, Fined ind ths Glistc Ground in our own aaory to tu'tt your- -indnidtid tequ'trmtntu Broken Lenses Replaced DR. COBLE'S - 109 MAIN STREET Refjirs Quid Service SUMMER prices or? WOOD Buy yonr winter' supply ol block-wood and green-slab at once, while the prices are at the bottom. : - .. FARMERS Moo stock , up for the year t the bin or delivered. We deliver anywhere in the valley 2Va cord jumbo loads. Peyton 607 Main Phone 63 I Baffling I KVKNINli HtUALI) KI.AMATU FALLS, OfUXIOtf. r At the Pine Tree I'airona of the -Pine" Ties Theatre will see a strong double bill nf variety and pictures this Tuesday and Wednesday with a well diversified k program of vaudeville occupying lue second ectlon. Two boys with, a apeclaly pro aeniatlon cimsetiltia of a routine of nifty stepping Including some 'clever , acrobatic numbers are . Hrork and Thompson. Th,es dence fiends are the Inlttiil act and give the show a merry1 star' off. ' ' ' 1 The Flapper and the. Uulie. ' with Seoley and .Walter por traying the character Is a -cleverly tnterwovea klt with a good laugh some wise crack1 aud a song or two. , ' Hugen and Lowell In "Excuse Me, I'lense" are a young couple with pleading personalities and a neatly dovetailed offering with comedy and eong. ' The Favorite of tho Air" Arkansas C'harllo who la well known to radio f.tna will bn heard In repertoire of croon ing melodies plnylug his own uc rompnnlmcnt on the ukulele. Charlie has a pleasing person ality an easy delivery and a ' more than usual good singing voice. Tho cross pusile In aerobatics are supplied by Giddy aud Giddy two gymuasta who offer 'a thrill minute with their series of .l,iLit, tin Tlll fcaiHro picture Is a clever vlintiodr TrSeven Innem't full of thrills and mystery. Murle I're vost la starred and la ably sup ported by ('live ftrook, : Clande (illltngwater. John I'utrl.l; and Charles Couklln. ' , ' The feature at the Liberty to day and Tuesday Is tlta first showing of the Dempsey vs. Sharkey fight pictures, .The fight was sinned in New York on July 31 and caused a great deal of controversy because Sharkey claimed he was fouled.' The camera records actual events not opinions and from, the press j reports many argument have come tno aaueranis ot tno prin cipals of course taking sides. If you would know the truth and the truth la ahown on thd acrecn -see these great pictures, Thoy faithfully Ueplcf every moment of the one of tho greatest sport ing events in this world's history, with Jack Dempsey, the most colorful champion the ring has ever known, returned the winner. HUKLNU TO.MOKKOV, . Preliminary hearing of YV. T. Thrasher, former employo of M. J. Buslc, who alleges tho defend ant embettled money . which should have gone to the con cern for which, be worked, will be held tomorrow, It waa an nounced late yesterday. , . ' Henry Judd Cray denies the reports that he baa been spend ing tils time In, tho death cell knitting. Which amounts to the height ot defending one's repu tation. The war' far t;hlnaiiai Interfered- with, 'production of, frozen C3gs and pitied eggs. It seems that even out of tills war some good is coming. - , ' GET HID OF PILES ; THIS NEW WAY feasalloeal. Faadnntralal lllaravrrr i I fiamr r Him buroim Dt4?overy made by n J-year pfl aufXerer. Stop pain, Iti-hlnn. ole?d Inc IOt rxmctly thin or vry tsent i refunded. C0arnicc(J to contain no idopal ' Not an ointment, axlva or aup poaitory. A brand new retni-dy which abaorbi and drla up the pile. Nothing ffreaay or hard to . Quickly penetrate and 4rteea at the cofiBTeaUon. the Irrltatlom. From ovr 30-year knowledge of Ilea we KNOW that If you wlh real relief you mum either xsnm J. C. I'll Remedy or aubmit to a fltirCI cal operation.' and thounnda at teeta toave proven -J. C Pile HmJ edy to he superior to surjtpry and Infinitely Icsh costly and palnrul: Come on. you CHRONIC I'U-M FUprPltEltS! U J. V Pit RemJ edv and n)ov 1If najnln. 11.00 p-i bo. a-tth unllmlled mnny-b,fe guarantee. At nil irned drup lta. J. C. Pile RemeaV Underwood's Pharmacy. 1 1 rviic -eiiui- l r . . . l V . 06, Irs ) At the Liberty ! mm To Face Evaders : C rv, , ; . v - . ' ' As "Miss Atlantic City." Mar got E. Webb wll defend her homo town beauty against an In vasion of prettinesa (rem other cities at the Atlantic City beach paijrnnt. And how generously fhe's fortllled with charm! yater Concern ; ; Threatened by ' Slashing Blaze MAIISHFIKI.O. Oro., Aug.' SO. fAlM A slashing and brush fire which threatened the pump sta tion and hiKh power line to tho plan! if lliu Coos Bay Water eom'p&ny near Marshfleld. lato yesterday, was practically ex tinguished In thn night by a heavy shower. About cne-lhtrd of an Inch' of rain fell. More than 50 men, were en gaged yesterday and last night In fighting the blase which had aytept swiftly nearly two and a haf miles; Aside from danger to the city water supply of both Marshfleld and North Bend, the fire waa beaded toward the residence dls trlut of West .Marshfleld and also the mill of the Marshfleld Mill A Timber company. . Kl.VfJ JlriT PI.AIX HOY v-SINIA. Knmania, Aug. .10, (A. P.l-T-Mk-hnel, the boy king of PRnmanla w4h Is popularly known a "Mickey; (s to be reared like any ordinary American boy. A threat by his mother of a "good smack" fulled to make him de sist from pulling bla dog' tilt, but an idded threat of being sent to bed without upper worked. I, Writers are discussing varloua jobs for C'oolidgo after his term ends. It is nnrellablr reported that several movie flrmi have of fered him handsome contracts to play westerns. Legal Notices tmXTY TRKAritnKIVH ' -XOTJt E. Notice Is hereby given that there are funds In tho County Treasury' for the- redemption of Pino Grove Irrigation District Warrants protested on or before December 2. I!:i0. I Interest on snme will cease at llhls dnte. Dated at Klamath Tails. Ore- f - CAPT ERlCSON , UUV I ' CrieCKCD 1 III. MeRe trtpee V II V DrvS MO SS3 I I - era o. s esforr. I m i aL J JiX eia7yiaiAstsvm.aie. gKCVJ J 'gon. this 5 1Mb day of August, ll'tST. VKItA IIOl'tlTON MOHKIt, Vmiuiy Treasurer. Aiu-.nu-ai HI M MONK, . t'.qudv st!M In the Circuit Court of the Htaie of Oregon, for the County of Klamath. I I .ester K. Hullng. I'lalnlltf. v. Harrleli M. Haling. Kelondunl. To llurrlelt Mi Sallug, the above Ranted dufoudnut: In the name of the Slate of Oregou, you are hereby required to appear and answer lite com plaint Med against' you in the above entitled suit on or before Tilt-sou v. the Juih day of Kepti-m-her. 1117, aud If yon full an tn answer, for want, thereof, the plaliitltf will apply to the court for the relief pruyed for In lis complaint, to-wll: fur a dlvoice from you upon the grouuda of desertion for a period of tuero mm one year last' past and Im mediately prior In the eommeme ment of 'this suit and for anrh other aud further rvJIef which to the court may aeetn Just and eunllable. This summons la served upon you by publication thereof once each week for-a period of four 141 auecesalvn and consecutive weeks 4 five) Insertions), pursuant in order of the llouurabln A, I.. Leavltt. Judge of the above en titled Court made and entered on the Unit day of August'. I!H7. Date of the first publication here of August 1.1 rd. 1S7, and dute of the last publication September Joth.' 1927. ' D. R. VAN VACTOIt. Attorney for Plaintiff. Postofflre and niislnesa Address tai-1 Wllllta llldg.. Klamath Kalis. Klainkth Cnutity Oregon. Ai3-30-ll-13-SU NOTJt K. In, the County Court of tho State ot Oregon for Klamuth County.' In the matter of the estate of T. J.i Olbson,. deceased. . Notice la hereby given that I hare been appointed admlnlsira' tor of the estate of T. J. (ilbsou. deceased, and that all persons havlug claims against the estate are required to present tbem. with the proper Toucher, within six months trout the date ot this notice, to me at my law office In the William llulldlug,- 714 Mailt til reel. Klamath Falls, Ore gon. WILLIAM fiANONfl. Administrator of the estate of T. J. Olbson, deceased. ASJ-JO-SS-n-SO KOTIl'K TO ItEniTOIW Notice la hereby given that the undersigned ha been ap pointed administrator of the lEstate of Samuel H. Craig, de ceased, by' the County Court, Klamath County, - Hlate of Ore gon, and that all person having claims against the Relate of said deceased1 a rn required to present thn same, with proper voucher duly verified to thn adminis trator at tho office ot his attorney,- Kdward It. Aahnrst, Room S Loonils Building. Klam ath Kails. Klamath County.-Hiate of Oregon, within six month from the date h'reof. ' Dated: Klamath Fall. Oregon, July 18. 1927. THOMAS C. CIIAIO, Administrator of tho Estate of Samuel It. Craig, De ceased. J19-Z6-A3-9-K-23-30 NOTICK TO CKKDITORH. ( ' In the County Court ot the Klamath Falls 1 Business Directory LODGE, MMTKItNAL, NOTICE CJj 11. 1 U. ELKS f -77 Meet Thursday evening. i V . Visiting mrjiber wei- asa come. ELKS TEMPLE, Ird and Main OLIVER 8PIKER. Ex.1 1 tad Ruler T Di McMlLLAN, Hecretary.- . Fraternal1 Order ol Eagle Meet. Every Fri day, 7:30 at Moose flail. C. D. LONO, Secretary Verle 2000. Phone. 674 Labor Temple ' LOYAI OKUEIt OK MOOflE Meet every Thr- -4ay, 7:30 r - ' L. O.'O. I. fw Moose tiati, Klam ath Ave. GEO.' OGLE. Die. KLALTII LOIKiR NO. 77 A. E. and A. M. . n Btnted Commiialcollons 2nd and 4th Monday '(Vy? Vlaltlng Brother , r Welcome LOOMIH 111 Il.pl.VO By Taylor OUT OF He MVSTffcV 1 ' 'itflT OF EkiCSon 7 7 S ;r n A .:'.r ' Twwtuy.'AuKiiHt ;(, H'J7. Htato of Oregou, In and for tli County of Klamulll. In the Matter of thu estate of Alberta Florence Kasley, fiirnier ly Alberta Florence Nlqustie, de ceased, Notice Is hereby given thnt the undersigned, ha been appointed Administrator of the-ubov en titled, estate, and that all per sons having claims ugnlnst said estate shall present the snme, duly verified, ' with neccssery touchers, to tho undersigned, nu or before six months from th date of tills notice, at thn office of bis attorney, Manning; Mo Cpllmh si Urlseoll. at ii Main dtreul. klauiath Fills, Oregon. August tnd. 1 0 17. . . C. II. llAHniH. ' Adnilnlstrntnr of the estate tit Alberta Flfirenra Rnsley, for luerly Albert Florence 'Nl quelle, Deceased, ' Aug. l l-83-ai NATIONAL KottKMT TIMIIKIt I1HI Hll.K. . .. Sealml bids will be received by the lllsirlct Foresr, Piirtlnnd, Oregon, tip tn nnd Iticludltig Hep tember 14. 17. for nil the mer chantable dead timber standing Klamath Falls .... Business Directory ATTOIt.NKVH '. v. nirovKit. ' : Attnrney-at-l.aw State and l-'ederal Court Almiraer Rxnnflned 201 Wllllta Uld. I'hone H Real Eslule Uw a Hneelally F I,. K.I.I.IOTT Atlervy-at-I.aw Williams Cldg. Phone 6!4-J Office I'hone 1!4 M. O. FILKINS Lawyer i wminm llull.Ung Ktoinath Kails,. OresuB Phono lthl lay cr Night Al'TOMOIULB iE.i.i:iia Hepalr Work. lUitry Hervlre, -Trres Nasb. -Oakland. ' Hntiac, Parkant , n. it. it. ailm;k - 831 Klamath . Next to Pusioftlen l hone t flood year Tlrea ' Fireproof 8tornn AITOMOIIILK TIRI-Ul llrlng In your taunt tires i get , tOUU mtle anora -at-' H usual rust ' ACE TIltK HIIOP Guaranteed vtilcanltlnf lit Bo. 1 1th Bt. Phone I4J-J ' . - re-tread ' 4VTO ItEPAin. Bmlthy'a Itepalr Shop Guaranteed Auloi IXepatrlng Cara called for and delivered 8ooth tb St. - Phene SOI-W QATTERY BKRVICE Battery Service, Magneto, Starter and (lenerator Repairing FIX)VD IIEXRIOT CO. 234 Mala 8t. Phona 397-W Battery, ' Maguato, Oenerator - and Com pluto -Eloctrlcal . i -, .iM Bcrvlce e-v-W. P. Johnson' ACTO - KLKCTHIO HERVICE 724 Klamath ' Phone 240 Phllco-Remy Daloo -. Boach Autollta BEAITT PARLOUR Expert Operators, Individual booths, violet rsy. marcell ing, bnlr tinting UOHTO.V IlKAI'TV HIIOP Olorenn Warren I Wlntor Bldg. ' Phono 211 Water, French Poper Curl -Facial and Scalp Treatment Bt'ILDIXO MATERIALS BWAM LAKE lOI'LDIXO CO. Quality Building Material Bomb (ith fit. -. Phono tit WANTED Carpenter work by contract or Day. Cabinet work and fixture built. 1401 Division Nf. Itione I4IM CHURCHES (At UK I) HEART flUIUH Eighth and High Sis., Rev. A. F. Looser, Rov. C. B. Feige. Sunday masses n't 0:30, 1 00 and 10.- Kvnnlng derotlou ot 7;:I0, Week-day mass I at 7 n. m. Merrill, 1st and 3rd 8iui,ias at 10:30. All are C'lillttliy welcome at our rv I . tiVIL KXOIXEEHH : T, CLEOIIORV Civil Engineer and Hurvcyor 210 High street O. O. KELLET Consulting Civil Engineer Underwood Bids, Phone 107S , ' i ' I ii I'oV down, and all the live timber 'luniked or deslsiiitted for culling on tut area embracing nnd arte) within Hecilou ,1. Towushlp 31 Koiitli, Itangn t Kail. 0't Hertlnn I. Township 33 Uoiilh, Itanga Hast, W. M., Ann i Creek water shed. Crater National Forest, Oregou, estimated to be H.O'iA.' Dill) feet II. M. of wsntern yel low aud sugar pine, I OK, ODD foot It. M. of lodgnpole pine and 4. OIMI feet II. M. White fir. tollll of 'S. ttS.linil feet II. M . more 'or less. No bll nf less Ihsu t(.(i ,pr M feet for western yellow pine, siiuur plu and ludgopola i pine, and ll.oii per' M feet for white - fir,' will "lie ron anient. I'JiliiO in us I be clotuiellej wltU cm h bid to be applied on tho n ii nh use nrli-e. refnniletl, or Te mined In ptrt a lliittldated dam ages, ncrordlug to rundltlana of sale. Thn right tn reject uny nnd all bids reserved. Hefotn hid are aubmltled, full Infnrmatlna i ciiiicsrnliig the timber, the -" dllliins of sale, and the subinls- 'slon of bids should be obtained, from the Forest Hupervlsiir, Mwl ford, Ort'gnn, or the District For -ester, I'orllatiil, Oregnn. ' j;!i-A5-5!J-30-H-obJ IIKVNNTS Cental ' practice of IVnttatry lilt. I'lllLII tOLK 11 Main ' Over Moo' Hlore Pbon RIO Open Keening by Appointment Ilt. K. U. WIHECARVKtl inc i. e. (xMircn - ' " Dentlatrf' ' X-RAV laboratory nnderwood Ride ".i'knaa 4I Kar, K)-s and Xoaa Doctor Dr. J. J.' Eramenti ' Medfnrd. Ore. ' ' ' Practice 1lmltel to eye,' ear, oae and throat. Phnna l7 CHIROPRACTORS DR.' fil.EV MOORfJ Palmer Oradualn Chronic and Nervous Dlaeaaai New Melbase Block, iii Main Pne 7 r Opposite Court llooaa . . , - - lR. C. XORVAI.L Graduate of Palmer aotl Pacific Colleasi Fourteen years evperlenco V(t remove the -en use ot , disease Dunansa, Or. AtS EMPIX)YIEXi; AOEXCT KLAMATH KMHLOYMEXT UI'KICH Employment for -worker la every trade mills, railway and form. ' Jam Ryan, Prop. Oth aa4 Mala. - 1-hooe 1ST MI HIO HTIDIO I 'KARL IIEHI.V Qradtinl' "of ' Kll'-e-'hlte Conservatory. " Teacher of Piano and Harmony, Chono B3II. - t PlBfl St. A2-e Ln'ESTOCK Freeh cow op bond at all times from ona to carload KLAMATH DAIRY COW CO. Phobee! Ranch 22FS;R. 411 ' B.' Mochettat Jr. " " ' ' ' Texnm ' Statlcn , OATBOIMTIIS , DR. V. K. (MtDDAHD I. O. 0. K. TEMPLE Osteopathic. Physician,-. and i r Surgeon -'i v . A' ' Office and ltesldenca " . )htn 'tit rAI.VTH, WALL PAPKR t Wall Paper,' Pulnts, Enamali, 'Drushoji I - - r. R, OLDS AoroM from Pdstof flea ' : - Phone-1 .; Everything a paint Storn - " -: Keep , , Paint, Oil, Varnishes, Doad ' enltig Felt, Olasa, Vldoflnt,'" Wall-Pnper '' PATTI nSOV'H PAIXT SrORB 2 So. th St. Phone CHtSI STEXtKiltVl'PlY . MM. L. D. HAQUB .' ' ' Public Stenographer, ; ', Notary Pithllo " . t Savings nnd Loan -. Henl Estata 310 Wllllis Dlils! Phono S37 ah Hinit ot ii'Kiil form TIMIIKIl ttlll'IMKRH. - f.' Timber Cruising, nnconnattw l- - aocn anrt Appraisal ' , ' n. ii. tMii.M 400 Main- Ht. '-' llimift 905-W .it n, Working from" M. L. Johnson's office KXCAVATIXO : ' iii Ahti.no ' Sewer nhd Cesspool Work ' I'hono aail " Call at ftofi E.1 Main St,' ; HIANK MARTDT (-' a'.-aW.', ,i.l