Tiiendnv, Aiiinisl no, 1 !27. TTTF, EVENING HERALD. Kl.AMATH FAU.S. OREGON. l'atro Five tv CHARLES LEVINE HIRES ANOTHER ll'lllllllllll'll HUM puge one) I'nlted hiaira (rum Kmn.r, Inn Mini lie Inti Vilnl In n)r liioiihln I il il. tin (I f in in mill illMit Ihelr run I in I. ' The owner uf I ho ( ')! li rliilli"-il Uml In' inilrril a pilot who did mil I'M'"' I peiferl i nn. it 1 1 loliM (or It Ik tt I in i( In fly nrrnaa Hie iiraan, uiMIiik: "I've ln vii try Inn in get liiuulilu iu Ink off fur Aini'iliu, lint he a unwilling In luke rlnii.n with uill pcrfrrl weather," 4 iniiaiil Ml I taring! ' While lilllllliill" lllllrr reaperl- Inn the manor In wlilrh I.evltiP 4)Hll Frame In ilifliune n nlr Mivliiniliin ri'iiiilulliim, ninl niin lutinintnia r gin ii "I'll nl I In- ruul during uf lil rilnli, uml ainno UI ltlHP l l'irl'l I liu i U iliii ml and In tragedy., I'uiU ri inrl ,uy hla lake nil wua aplomtld, lull hla landing u Croyiliin, arrnrdliia In Hi air drome ataff. waa a near dlanaler tin II mold he. Tlteae offlrlula hail bad allot k when limy Irani nl thill l.evlna in mi ibn war ami feared Irn'nliln knowing liU Hying ekperluttra waa limited When he mine over I he rii'lil ami ihey aow hla hraitatlng rlnio before landing, tliejr ruhed in ambulant inil fire cimlno on III rii'lil. fearing ira-h would end I hi- maneiivcra. riiiiu Itoumla ('plain Mulr. dlreitnr of Hi.' flying aervlre aurvry, who watch nl III arrival, ahl he u frlghl- nril when tin eaw hnw ihe lane waa artlug .Ml or rlrrllng limr iimra t a nelghi ut log hi toil 1,'tK. I.cvlne Irliil In Intnl. lint 'Round World Flight Log (II)' llii' ,anin lulrd I'reo) Aukiim MurlHir .r un til iii)iIiiii, Ciigliinil, lltn 2il.tll mllewi II) Inn 11 Kit l-ll hour. tuguat Ule 4'ruilnii In Mini, li-lii iiri'iiiiuiy, ilUtiiiifi IHMI inlliai fl)lnj lime iiImiuI M'vrn Ihiiii-h. Align Itll Mllllllll III lb-1. Iti mil', J nun Hlatln, illumine fUMl uilli-w; fl Inn lime 31a liuiira. Tuliil ill 'I nun- II I. VI mill or hImmiI iine-ai.iili IIii rlr. rumfi'ii-tiii uf ilii globe. Pre tluua Minril UN iln)a uml II lintira, iiriinnil I tin Miii-lil, held li) Well mill Imiia Him worn IIII mi .lliiiillr mi'iiimit luiirlli iliiy. BAN ON BOOZE j HELPS DAIRIES M'nhtluued fi'ini page unci awarded In lhe fulled Mlaina aa Klvi'n mil liy Ilia dxparlniMil ( riminiunn. from Il.uoo.ui'O iiiura fix-l In l'J2J In ovr l mlllliin In is 21 , I "ThK limit alKnlNrunt fnl nf nnr iri'i'iit day iruaiirliy la Hi llirri'lai-d piirrlinalllf )WIT (or I tin rontforta and lunurli-a anmiia Ihn irrHt maaara nf Ilia propln nf whlrli' mill tilionoiiii'nal (IK urea aa ilia ownoralilp nl twenty nilllliin puaarnavr ara a llm ao 'la In hiillillnx and luan aan rlitl lolia and almllar lmlrxi. aro Imi aamrili'a Thai rnmwa (nun tlin Imri'iimil imrrhiialiiii mwi'r avnlluliln liy Ilia ahullilon of tlm aalunn. Tli la la an ulinoal Iti narapulila I'onrlualnn." Too Late to Clattify FOR SALE "We Know How"' Phone 154 New City Laundry P.. i. KOMI, MiiK-r ADVISE USE OF PAPERS FOR ADS H'linilnui'd' Krmii I'nso (Inr-I pi-rrvni onr I liu uniwili rwnrilvil (nr lh priviMia nix ninnlha." "All ailrvrllHlni nii-dhinia ar vnliiulili", ha ulil, "Inn I tin nun ni I'll I il in whli h ri'aihr-a ill rlnnri nf pfnpln and lirlnaa Ilia en-ui-rl rnaulla fur Ihn amount pomlfd la iho niiwupatirr." An iliTaon rallid aiifniion la lh" ailvrrtlalns liolli lu of aorrra I nation w I d a IniMliioaa ron:ruN whlih ara iialnt nrwapapor unci lo ihr rM'lualnn uf all ullier (nrina of ailvriiln. Anilfraon alan BilviM-nirrt tho lilalillali ininl uf an nrifnnliil l,in Ilia w 1,11. hit I hi. run I, m ait.li , , ,tll, ,hi. flow ( hnllillni. a para that lh marhlnr. IhiuiiiI.-iI ,, , , t )ll(f.a Hwl fifty fral. I. r VI ni-, liuwrrrr, a altlo In ar-trralhi initlna and man Jun fr. Kvrninnlly h mailt a rluitiay litil aufr ItimlliiR. luilcr (in tr-lari hw wraa unutiH In are wtuil Ihr rrnilon alimrti wrrr worrlid alxiut, anylni II aaa "an ordinary, r y day lirrad and bmtrr ahnw." I'AltlS. . Am 30. lAI'l-Mra' 1100 ACRKS, Klamath Uiv-( , vr, fincKt bottom Hoil ; . well improved, $50 per aero. I Obituary 1200 AcrcH, Meadow Lake:' hounoH, barnri, rcHervoir! for irritration. 800 ncren meadow, 2 nprinir. Good Flock proposition. SAVE the expense of an engrav ed plate ly tfivinjf . your order to KLAMATH t . PRINTING COMPANY for emboiwed stationery, c a r d h, 'announcements, Chri.KtmaM KicttinKs, t-tc. 522 Klamath Ave. Phone 1282 Complete List of Prize Winners Announced In News-Herald's 6,000 Prize Campaign Millions of Votes Cast to Win Awards. Success of Campaign Is Splendid Tribute to Those Who Participated. 720 Acres, Meadow f-ake, , unirriKQtcd t ' house," two barns, bunk house, cor-1 nil. 2 wells. Good Ktoek j proposition. $10 per A. F.xclinnces considered above. for ItK.tV IIIWAItll III'MltM I Iron Kit ward, iho cn of Mr. and Mra. K. A. Dunham, paaard a winy at tb family roaidi-nre ihla niornlna al 4 o'rlnrk. fullnwina Charlra A lln. ai ling for h-r ,, of , , ,,.w (ay,',dur. hn.linml. who flrw hta Irnna-Al- ,,, iliMun ,0 ,, Unllr niniioplnne ( nlunilila lo h) ,,,, , ,,. nU ,,,. London jnatrrduy. wrni to l.r ,wo brothrra. Dalr ind Dm. and llouritri (irld toduy and paid on, ,u,ri Horothy. Mnurlra Drmihln 4lw ind.ooil Th boy aa born In Klamath fnmra dua h:m undrr iho larma (.-.u, Krhruary 11. Mil. brlna of the funtrarl by whl.h lie (lr, yfnrt ,u moniha and waa lo hara pllntrd Levlne am.aa rlshlern dnya al Iho lime of da the AllaiUlf. The Prrnrh avlotnr look the Th, rrmalna ara In rare of the money, aayln "I arrepl II l-- Ear whltloik funural borne on rnuae I he not iho rouruKe In ,.,, ,, M HXln funeral argue any more " arranaemrnla will be announi-d Mra Lrvlne told Ihe pllol he at,.t ' ' , -i r.rrnril vrry min h Hut her r .- , biiabiind hud dm'liled not In fly lo Ami-rlrn with him, bin. arte adilml. niilMnly could lell what Mr. l-rlne woa Rnlm In dn until he had done II. BR AZl'LTwl LL AID IN HUNT 820 Acres timbered land northeast of Bonanza, near oil drilling lands. $6.25 per A. This means the lind ant not anyj l.'a-io. FOR RENT i.ouirrTA roKvxi-: hmitii ' l.jri'ito I'oryna Smith, hrloved two-year old daughter of Mr. and Mra. Krneat Smith, dlodjit lha family realdonro on t'aldarell avenue, lal evening, follnwlng brief lllneaa. Mretta waa a alalt-r of Zelda and Krnratlne Smith. The funi-Val aorvlrea will lie (ContlMinf r..m p.iKOoni ) ,(1.u m,row morning at 10:30. lu.nra In naihlng the South lin(1r lhe direiilon of 1. A. Atnerlinn lontlnrnt and he then Toc.. miller nnarunllno rrgula- ronllnued Iho flight hoping In , The llerereid DcVrlra of rearh llroill. he probably had lo , ponr-s,,,,,,,. r.oapel rhtirrh rnmn down, nt aomn.plaro where 1f(r1, , ' prrhnpa d.i) would be required liefurn he waa able lo n-ai h a point from which In roiiiiiiiinlratn with lhe oulalde world. Thla la eaperlally true If he lauded In III" motinlalnnua region, anme where between llrajll and Vene Iiii'ln or Hie niilnoua, whlrh are not even well liinpprit. The nruillliin governini'iil haa nn expedlllnn In that region at Iho preaenl lime anrveying the gtimindarv, but Ihe rentrnl offlro of the N.UInnnl Telegropha wa ndvlaed al l:1il oVIiM'k Inat night I hut Ibere na abaolulely no newa. t-Room house, cor. Oregon and I-akcview; dandiest little home; lots of built- irtrt. hrontcf it innlf- fire- ! lacc, jrai'Jitro $10 per month. ' ' " mm "Tlie norlil niiila a rur I Imi Kill nulla' I Hie liurlaue." ii.iii:v oi.iii'iki.ii 4-room cottage, on Dalles Calif, highway, conven ient to busses. $11 per month. House, barn, sheds, on 80 acres near O r i n d a I e school house. $20 per mo. MRS. L. B. HAGUE 210 Willits Bldg. Phone 227 Realty 87 rir;s. i With two raaea reported to-I day. the number uf Infantile paralyala raaea alnro'tho proaent rpldvinlr atarted early In Auguat baa reached 27. It waa announri-tl from the Klamath cniinly iirntin . v AXTKD To buy imn henvy offlre. Two fnlnllllra from the horaea. wagon and harne.a. illHi'UMn wero reported lual night. I'eytnti t Co. 30-1 j Insurance Loans INi You llnve Tmnlile Mnrtlnic Vonr Kurd? The llout'h Icnltlon tiyatem ellmlnatea all timer troublea and pruduo-s I.Ik. IiHpiiij. per fi'illy limed .arka Hint make the enclne run amoothly. Kaay aliirtliiK, a in o o I h ruiiniiig. ennniiiy nn.l mure powrr are the big adv:iiil!iuia o( the IHISI-II SVSTKM. Alunya Vemly lu Hi ll anil . wrvi- nu. i W. P. JOHNSON'S Aulo & Electric Service CHICAGO MOVIES HIT BY STRIKE (Contlnuctl Krnm I'aco One) llaagreetnctit. Until fiutliina nii noiinred they would not com promlae. Jai-k Miller, malinger nf Iho rxhllillorn' aaani'latlon alated Ihe attllude of Hie theater ownera Ihla way: "The cjlilbltora are llrrd nf being dlrlnted In by unlona and I heir offU lnla. To hold our aelf reapeet we run glva up no more rlglila aa ownera. Wo will re main cloned aa long aa neceaanry to win nur flu lit . no mailer what II rnata ita," citYbuildIng CLIMBING FAST (roiillntied from pnao one) lo $10,1100, eleven for Kir:iK'" and wood alteda, one for an In dtiHlrlal enlerprlae, 2" for nddl tlnna and remodeling nf hnmei and hualimaa hoitaea, and one itpartineiit houae. However. Iho AnKiil mini for 1027 haa fallen fur below' AftKiml Inlnl'g uf the pt three yeara wlilrh are nn follmva: AttKitil 102(1, S R 4 (V. 1 Si A : AugitHl IDJi'i. $25n,2Hri; Attgilal 1924. $402. D16. Mill (IHAV l ll.l. Huh (Iray, nrrealed early 8un tlny morning by pollro on Ihe rhnrgn nf gambling, entered n plea nf guilty hefnro Police J ml go (laghngnn yealordny and waa (Ined $25. lie paid tin flno. i i 7UI Kliiioolli I'lionn niu III I : jm Out Our Way', , - tSAW , w,c,OHpvvy o : GtVtK, f3R0Tr f u-.v 1 PROMfttD HIM A HeSA- Vy ' MiM E-VyevTHlMO 1 QOT Am' V--. yi M V MEKl L HAFTA Go in OEBT I 'S ? H W V'M FERTfUNOST AiMT ' ' . .. . ij.l'AJilliiVM'j MORTGAGED'- : 23 - . t The Official Judges' Statement Wc, trie undersigned, acting as official judges in The Klamath News and Even ing Herald's $6,000 Prize Campaign, after carefully checking the votes cast' by the various contestants, do hereby, to the besst of our knowledge and belief, declare the following contestants to be winners. (The right to correct any errors that may appear in the following figures is fpeeifieal'y reserved.) J i Winner of the First Capital Prize $1515.00 Buick Sedan Sophie Bruchou, District No 1 ....with .....".,., 15,854,175 ' ' . , ' , Winner of the. Second Capital Prize ' $1005.00 Chrysler Sedan Mra. R. D. Torrey, District No. 1 with 10,703,023 Winner of the Third Capital Prize 1 i $965.00 Essex Sedan - Nellie Rose Jones, District No. 1 with 7,376,700 Winner of the Fourth Capital Prize $849.00 Chevrolet Sedan 'f - Mrs. J. E. Hosking, District No. 1 with L. 6,482,850 WINNERS OF TWO $300.00 STROM BERG-CARLSON RADIO District No. 1, Mrs. Walter Foster with ..:4......,...............-.,:................. ! 5,863.425 District No. 2 Mis C. M. Daniel with' '1....!!.....'.!.,... 5,263,500' WINNEHS OF THE TWO $150.00 STEWART-WARNER RADIO District No. 1, Vera Moore with 4,448,850 District No. 2, Mrs. II. W. Waits .with , 2,260,275 WINNERS OF THE TWO $75,000 CASH PRIZES District No. 1, Mra. Jack Ma:lin with 3,310,125 District No. 2, Josephine Barry with ........ .... 2,207,625 WINNERS OF THE TWO $50.00 CASH PRIZES District No. 1, Mina Edmonds with .W : - 2,299,423 District No. 2, Kamilla Klekar with 2,088,125 Winners of the , three special gold prizes ' 100, 60, 40 ' Sophie Ei-uchbu :.. . '.:.::.lv:.'..........$100.00 in Gold Mrs. Walter Foster ... -.!.$ 60.00 in Gold Nellie Rose Jones.....' r " ........:....:.'........:..4..'...$ 40.00 in Gold OFFICIAL JUDGES 'CHI r-V, . . (SIGNED) . v' vX T. B. WATTERS, .1. HENRY THOMAS E. M. BUEB. Final Standings DISTRICT NO. 1 llrurhon. Sophlt Torrey, Vra, II. I) ; Jones, Mra. Wllhur HoxkinK, Mra. J. K KtiHler. Mra. Walter Moore, Vera Mat-tin, Mrs Jack, Pt-llean City Kdmcnda, Minn j. Vernon. Mra. J. W. McKlwln. Marin Howard, Jitunlta Unrman, Wm. J A DISTRICT NO. 2 rnnlcl,"-Mr. ('. M., Donnnin Wall Mra. It. V It. K. I. ?. linrry, Jnnephlne, likevlew .. Kelkttr, Knniilln,' Mulln ... Antleracn, Mra. V'ranrlH, llnrrla. Cnllf Hrnwn. Mrs, Arleno, .Morrill Diifort. Mrs. .1. O., t'hiloqnln Mldklff, Mildred. Algnmii .Itii-kett, Jeaale, Keno Ilitnrh, Marian. Kort Klitmalh Pkeen. Meda K Iliiiinn, L.ottli.e. Piiltley i; ... 2. I.SC4.17S 10. 70S. 02.1 7.37,700 ...,t. 6.4S2.850 ' B.!l:l.42S :'. 4.44S.850 3.S10.12S 2.2HD.42S !. 1.1.-1. 4 2.1 1.367,0.'in 1.19H.445 1.1 j.H.50l) ... 5,2R3,r.OO ... 2.260.27S ... 2,207.62:i ... 2.088.12:. ... l.B40,80 ... 1,484. 9.10 ... 1,289,8.10 ... 1.108,600 ... 942.750 ... 810.107 7KO.o.'.o 4 74.6(1? Prizes to be Awarded Today Candidates winning prizes in the campaign should make arrangements to call at the carfl paign headquarters today between the hours of 10 and 12 for their prizes. The orders are ready, and '; ;will be given to each' candidate as they call for ' them. Candidates winning cash commissions can either call for their' check or else same will be mailed to them tomorrow. ' Important Notice Under the rules of the! campaign all candidates ' who entered and remained active, turning subscrip tions in each week, arc entitled to a cash commis sion of 10 per cent on all new business, providing they did not win one hf the regular prizes. The names of the candidates who qualified for cash commissions are set forth with a staf appear ing before their names in the final standing of con testants. Commission checks will be mailed out as soon as the proper calculations have been mado. k in i-.,l- ' '- I 1 . n .a. i 'fill .1 ! -.Il ii A. iH ' i i it -' : I