Pii.f.. KUthf THE EVENING HKHALP, KLAMATH FAUS, OREGON. Moinlay, August 20, 1!27. CLARA VERNQH REDFERN PLANE ,TWO LONG HOPS BELIEVED SEEN MADE BY FLYERS iL6CAL ACADEMY I -GROWING FAST GIVES IN Ilujene Women Address ci Tennant Congrega- . tion; News Notes (Continued Irrtn pace on) beln ( third althoush It M re ported from the Bahamaa that troll during the Journrr. eteamer hd een Me plane Anild crlee of "lloch" progreesini souinvsra. both under and uul.lde (he ( perccut tux-tlmliat!.iti. Total elate re'iuircnwiits tor 1I7 aud 1 SIS are ratlmaied all , ., T '.' ' . JI.30.JtS 71. but o( iMs ... .,, .lonultor vlll They took turn, at the con- amount tS.tSi.4Hi li Is not, dl-. heated ly lam and ventilated reetiy reiatea to ii.n govern- by itio latent method employed ment. belna railnly mlll.iae taaesltn lunlitutlona. , " the crowd, the airmen atarted for ai ""-"i' approprltitlone. I The .nr. it for the I n lum mi fiiviv,iui.pj vis naa ni nro ihiiiii itontlnued From i'ace One) BRVNSWICK. Ha.. Aug. -9.l,h' h0"1 ,r " voted by the people. viirolliiK'iil and erraiiKi'imiiita have been made to' bring here atlilltlonul al.tvra the number ( students III the grade and high mhoul groat. The greatest be gain u( any ot thu department. haa brvn mude In I lip china palm ing class, which was started li-tn than two nra ago and which rciilre. the full time of already itwo tenrhera and the part time A P.) Renewed hope thu Paul"'" 01 Kedfera mar bare reached South nana, the Cerium i f league. ili!ch Indicate that the attend- Kequlremente of alate and atute anc will be far ahead ot lnt aided tn.titutlone tor the blen- yi-ar. breaking all percentage rc . . . (Special to The Herald) TENNANT, Tallf.. Aug. 49. ifn. Clara Htlvcra Vernon, and mil. .Stiver Vernon, field worker Caraca. America waa given today to the The titer plan to continue u'um are estimated at 43.1 ".. lords alifce lia foundation. In the wife and friend of the aviator ., B,lr iounfy tomorrow. nvr ioiaj ta rw-ii ui mr paIhl Auu-larrf Pnwe bulletin fmm 'ra'"1 1110 nowever, .ist they heading for Conatnr'lnople. It IS4.4S, and departmental and music and painting department generul expenaae of itule govern- two additional teacher have been waa ment f !.?4$.411.:i. added to cur tor the Increased i remarkable. of a third. The progrea made by those taking thla course, whlrh la open not only to atudenta of the academy, but alo in thoae who may ilea re to take only china painting lessonl. hue been Many Imuiea In Mils cliy are I n finished and remodeled III iiiiiuy the pniiid pnaaeseur of liu mt rinivi li, Nil aa In full Imr . niet-l painted china Ibut a hurl tlnin ' ttt demands uf the 10111I11 yeiir. aao thought ain'li possessions lui- I'riie new wililllliin coat about Ilk,. possible. One uf the Impiirtanl lino all, approximately IIU.uuu fouturna of till ilepurluienl la a will be expeuded In furnishing large k ilia lor baking I lie china! aud equipping It and remodeling Hlmllur aiii'ceaa haa allviided j and redecorating I lie main strut--the niiialv classes. I.a.1 year 1 mro. the latter having been lu early In the session the 1 lu.ses were cloaed by reauin of lack of li Iter, to meet the deinaml, bill thla couilllliin baa been cared tor by I he additional teacher that will be avullnble. Itcinmlclcil. N The main building ha liecn Ihe hand of I'lilllpacn Hula. , Three yrara ago the growth of lie academy exceeded th ability ol the Kentucky Klalera lo auppiy tenrhera aud It wa laken over hy Ihe Hl.tcra or HI. Krnncis, abuse nun her houae (or the weaiern provlnc la locnied al I'endlelon, Oregon. for' the Blhle rnlv'eralty of E11-! The new waa communl. aled n,"th 4"nd at Helgrade If tt . '. ....... . w-itM ile.niaMl ftiKll.lA geiie, Oregon, were here during ' Immediately lo tbo young wife Ike week In Iho Interest ot thn'f the aviator who h-a been Orpbanngo ronnecied with the ataylug with frlenda here alnce vnlveralty. lira. Vernon la a her himhaud hopped oft at lt:4 very capable rpeaker and occu- p. m. Thuraday (or Mratil. pled the pulpit Sunday night al i Redfern'a plotted courae. how h Wlldwood Chrliitlan church, jever, did not carry him over Mr. and Mra. A. W. Mcleod 1 Venemela and If the airplane re nd children wer Crater t-k ! ported lighted there waa the Port vliliom Sunday. They had a i of Irrunawlck the aviator had wonderful time, being there, early : oecn blown off hla courae few ..,mh m u, the annrian over ' hundred mile to the westward. v.. i.w 1 I H.Mifern-. manned echedula cill. . make a non-atop flight from Mr. Fred Boylo. head of the i ed fnr hi paaaage over th Oren- J America to London. 1 office force and Bud Lynch, who i Ida lalaada and the towna of St. Although thay landed at the have enjoyed a month." vacation Goorge Friday morning. A , froydon field la hr'.gut aun.hlne .1 fun Pmnri. nd llnnninln . atretch of 4 miles ot water "a "y ,bou minute be- I.O.VDON. Aug. ts. (Ji Am arica'a round the world flieia, Ed ward F. St-hlee and W'm. 3. Ilrock. completed the first lap t their baaardoua adventure lb flight arroa the Atlantic expanae' from Harbor Grace, X, F.. to Croydon, Eng., London a airport ' In S3 hour. SI minute and won the diatlnctlon of being flrat - bind their schedule, the hop waa not wlth:ut It peril, for during Saturday night, when aome hun dred of mile otf the Irlab coast Into a hurricane that relumed Friday evening. 1 then ahould bare brought him Mr. George Murphy who on-'over the Tobago lalanda JS9 o'er went aa operation at th Weed ; mile from continental land. Frl hnanftii a few eMki am r.iiim. day afternoon he expected to be ed home Frldav. Mr. Murnhv ' near Port of Spain. Lie of Trial-1 iiir la gaining her atrength and i- dad. and Friday Bight he hoped l 4h alert for four! rorerine fmm the nneraiioe verr ' to Pa aa over the continent thro-:0'' aours. I The night waa' pirely. ' ugh Dutch Guinea but if he en-'ky black aa tAelr monoplane ' Mr. O. (1. Stevenson left the countered eeverr head wlnda he . buffeted absut by the atrong ilrat of the week for Redding. ' would have been held back poe- J wlnda, and rain poured In streaka. California. Mr. and Mr. Jack . and .mall daughter. Margaret, were Tennant visitor Thursday. ' Dora Augutt !4. at the Klam ath V vj I y. hospital, Klamath Fall., Oregon, to Mr. and Mra. ('. V. King of Tennant. Calif.. a 1 pound son. to be named Chan. Albert Kin jr. alblv until Saturday morninc be- There wa lightning and thund- Roddsrd tore entering South America. id aomewhere about mld-At- '. The south 45 degree eaM lantlc they came through a courae would have taken Redfern , P of fog and aleet. bad Inland over South America a' the mouth ot the Copperame river In Dutch Guinea. Paramaribo. Voat netore daybreak they got a wettt o(, glimpse of green country, but un- fable 10 determine just where they I Sine Redfera wm alone and ' ere, they cmisCd until aunrue. had no radio, ha had to figure Tvea then they could not g Mr. and Mr. J. W. Hill of 'out aa best he could hla course In ; their bearing, and nrocg wroia .Pine Ridge, Oregon, old time casa winds or atoms awerved a note on a piece ot cardboard friends of Mr. and Mra. E. F. him from tha plotted route. The and dropped It overboard, askiag Miller were visitors at the Miller hope wa held here that the the name of the country and re ' borne Sunday. ' ' J aviator. In trying to dodga storm, j Questing that It be written oa Mrs. If. J. Templetoa enter- reported In tha lower Caribbean. I the sand of the beach. This and ta'.ned th Tllllcum" club at turned .purposely from hla course a second note were carried away luncheon Friday at her home oa ', and had descended aafely some-, by Ibe wind, but a third, wetcht C street - j where In the Interior of Northern ed by an orange, caught the eyea . , . 'South America, perhaps at aome J of coast guard men who spelled A QUI A MH WTMC point where there Is no wlrelout the wcrd 'Seaton.T This did VOI llMlSLS VYlllO communication. , not help much, for the name did 1927 ' PENNANT I " Redfern was forced down In not appear oa their maps, la a ,. ... - 'the Interior aad escaped Injury. 1 short time, someone hoisted the he bad sufficient food to hut for 1 I'ntoa Jack aad they knew that ten ' i Contiaacd irora pace one) ' Then came the unfortunate lgtnh. Warren. Aahland catch er .Invljut d vt uiil . wtl. ler tq Mitchell who fooxled lt. finitely exist lathe Jungles. An out advanced Warren to third; then came the horrible roller which bounced high over th Pelican In fielder's bead and daya and safety apparatus 1 thew were over England. by which ha predicted before ; leaving be niiabt almost hide-i QTATF HFFIPIT ! I ctKMtm a nr 0 a ru brought In Warren with tha win ning ' run. ' Rut even In defeat, the Peli cans looked as good or better thaa the Bcaa. Davis. Aahland twlrler. pitched 1S1 balls; Ilea Ion tossed 103. Klamath Falls Pelicans. AB R H PO A B 4 0 110 1 Eddie Morgan, recently pur cbaaed by (itrvcland t' an alm nns of TuUne university. " (Coietlnned from pore oner)- and all estimated requlremcnta r Mitchell, aa .. Grant. 3b .... Powell. 3h .... 8tracna, lb .. Peterson, c .. Hhlao, cf .. William, rf.. Heath.' It .... Henlon, p . 31 1 7 It 10 1 Huckleberries $1.50 a Gallon Crawford Peaches $1.10 a Crate AB Marlow, cf ... 4 McSbane, lb - 4 Sporea, aa ... lloffard. If . Rohbina, Sb . Droletta, lb . I-ogan, rf. Warren, e ... Davia, p S S I 27 I 1 Ritmmnrr Ti-n hiu lifta Heath and Marlow: struck out li by Davis. 13 Kenton. (; base on balls, off Henlon 3; left on J ba.ee. Ashland 4. Klamath Falls t 5: wild pitches. Henlon 1. Davis 1; double pin vs. Sporea to Me-,2 Shane and Strarna to Mitchell; ;4 time of pame. two hours, five : 2 minutes; uuip ro.i Pool and Rlfiga. R If PO A E 1 ' 1 A A 0 0.3 S 1 j V 4 0. 0 1 . ; 0 ,,,,, . 11 1 1 1 10 0 10 t,T I 0 0 1 0 0 ! 1 10 0 T. 0 0 X 3 0 0 1 0 Of. 2 1 1 12 0 1 3 0 0 0 4 0 J ' PUBLIC MARKET "Pay Cash It Pays" 6th at Walnut Phone 169 IIIIHIimilHHIHIHX M. L. Johnson Fire i Auto MEDI'OHD. Aug. 2. (JP) The Boa. tram of the Southern Ore gon league, defeated Klamath Falla. 2 to 1 her yesterday In the dociding game for the rhain plon.hip, before 1500 - people. The winning run came in the eighth Inning, when, with a run ner on second, aa easy grounder lo short hit a pebble and bound ed Into left field, .allowing the deriding run to cross the pan. ll'h Henlon and Davis pitched airtight ball, for six Innings. In the seventh . Inning Henth hit a single, stole second, and scor ed on a slnglo by Mitchell. The Unas tied the score In their half aa a hit, a atolcn base, and an error. Scoro - R. H. E. Boa .. .... 2 4 3 Klamath Falla 1 7 0 . Bniierlea Davia and War ren; Hen ion and I'eleraon. Liability INSURANCE This office's idea of- proper insurance service. 4M44t44l4M44M4l . . .. To write your policies correctly with the most protection at the best rate applicable. To pay your loss ; claims, cheerfully and promptly. fairly. A Uhrrt) I Dempsey-Hharkey fight pictures . al the Liberty Tuesday and Wed-1 arday. Ailv. I If we can be of service in finding the answer to your insurance prob lems don't hesitate to ask us. liompaey-Khurkcy fight pictures! at the Liberty Tuesday and Wed-' 406 Main St. Phone 205-W ' 1 ;r o,,j. ax. K peed Transmission Brakes hydraulic; J Wheel (lockheed Heading' .a new Cl . complete iiine t Chassis itRQW Vz TON TRUCK SPEED . A WHEEL BRAKES TfTRANSMISSION X(LOCKHrro hvdmauuc) . with the new 4lindcr en gine, the finest Dodge Brothers ever built stronger, faster, more powerful no advance in price. Chassis, f.o.b. Detroit T:fJ245 6CYLINDEIi2 TON DUMP TRUCK 4 SPEED WHEEt BRAKES TRANSMlSSI0NZ(uxKCD hvomuu: New, powerful fS-cIia dcr en gine gear ratios to' fit your needs a specially built chassis for dump truck work. Chassis, This, new Graham Brothers Truck is being sold at the lowest price ever put on a 6-cyIinder 2-Ton Truck hundreds of dollars lower than most c:hcr.;. It means higher speed for heavy loads with perfect safety. It means power abundant, smooth and instantly responsive. if0N G-Bdi Known the world over as the 'greatest value in-the ,1'Ton field, the famous G-Boy now has the new engine more power, more speed, faster accel cration, less fuel xrx aXuj chassis, f. o. b.lx J sCT Detroit - ' O Us COMMERCIAL CAR New speed, economy and case of handling the ncw 4-cylin- dcr Dodge Brothers engine smooth, quiet, dependable ' for years the standard among light delivery cars chassis, f. o. b. $ mb Detroit . . rUA 1? It means more trips per day rfrofit to owners. more Engineers proclaim it the most ad vanced motor truck .... See it ... Compare it with any other truck ever made. Sec the entire new line . . . The new 124 engine in the lighter trucks .... New cabs .... New body lines .... New standards of value. Ostendorf Motor Go. Phono' 272 515 Klamath Ave tUa ti-1 VljV-y XCrX sold and sr.Rvicnn cv DOUCE UKOTIICKS fEALUCS CVC2VWIIESS ICS BUILT BY TRUCK DIVISION OF DO DCS BROTHERS, INC. nedsy. Adv. I'