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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1927)
Monday, Anoint 'J'.l. 1.127, "THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OliEfiON I';iho St'vtMt t MARKET PLACE I : f & k. F. OFFICERS MAKE ARRESTS 1P,(i,11j tr,i n.,k. ' I I..UIH i.r, lH.r nia pullrd 0'llrl.iii ! h will tin ui mU'iiml (ml iy on Win i hnimv , , , . "It n a I in rx I toil bad in la i-uk up Iho lathering", ' Am l.rnno smiled," lOurh inn (if llii ini'ii IiikI a hoi I In In their hand, mid were apparently . hirkitrliia uhout Ihii liny In Kimil did Krln." Next cum an alleged wntnhlliiK opi'mllm). Alio ii I midnight Aiuhro.e mill Patrolman Aid I'aidili lnnuH Malkliii piirpmtrd gambling kit mi In pmnrfHn In liuuni n i Standard, Dyers and Gleaners Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing . 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 A.Y.D. 7 (Al Your Poor) Industrial Supplies. rilONK an 44,4.4.4't44. Small Down Payment ! J , Four-room house -And half acre splendid soil. Fifteen minutes from Main' street. City lights and .water. Enough potatoes sacrifice if sold "' - - Slater 115 South 7th St. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS 7W6S6 ACS AJICS PICTU06S BUT A1QOS I fri'i i! ii v : iaa.l I I 1 -sr .M VlA E Iho rnrnur of 'iiuiiicr,:nl Kluiiiutli avenue. . '"10 In Jail. ' '." ' Ten ware III Iho game. I' was being conducted ly a nuilt who h, " Mlray. ; I iir't ami c n r u a alfuwu over lint ttiMr when I'n dun nnd Aiiibruan (1(M iiki'il In ilirouxh ihn window, in) money wua In night. . , "Mo we Junt waited unilL mon ey did show anil Ihn broke In," Am'irnno no lil. According lo llm 'chief. II wa a flva ilulliir lilll thai "ia flral flaahad. Tha nfflcera ruahed III Ida ami grabbed the lilll mil cf dm lrniiiir' porkut of nni of I ho nlayera where h had. effl- n r luld, hemlly stuffed II whilu I ha mpa were breaking In. tlrny will alo lie arraigned to day iib gambling charge. ' Aplwrvnlly I trunk Iron I'ocrl, a section gang wnrkvr. tt apparently drunk, lie waa staggering up Ilia alde wiilk lowerda hl car and Intend1 ad to drive- nt thit ramp near Alumna, ' , Patrolman Cnou Intercepted. "You're drunk", ho an'U. "whe're you kolng " Tha Italian laborer Informed A STAGES TO ALL POINTS 326 New Phone Number New Reduced Rates New Location 8lh & Klamath Ave. "Tho Hunt-lilno Route" The Better Fuel Cheaper than Coal Toko up ffour fuel problvrw with uk, find decide heforo Winter. .'e handle FUEL OIL and OIL PURNERS r PEYTON & CO. "Wood to Burn" 601 MAIN . PHONE 535 1Z in to last you all winter. Owner will 7 this week. Total purchase price less 'than . " $1000. Investment Co. 3C 60T AvjJPOLAJkie AICE-1 SUPPOSe PB6:kL6S? aa J! i him that hu ia not drunk and thut he could drive. ." tun ,ni", ilia of liter aid. " Von 'd belter gut a room ami sleep It off.' Tha minion of Ilia law earorled I hi- railroad luhorvr to a hotel, mill thi n stepped Into an alloy to sen wlin't ti In ilmi'it woulrl do. "I'm kcit" l i Htrcel A fi'W minute later I'oi'il pi'akrd out of Ilia holnl, thoui'ht tha I'Dlint w dour, "pnund" lil iii'iiir ii it lh lrrl In hi mui'h Ina rrawlrd in and wna on hla way. i Hut hn tailed lo look behind. Coon bad "lipped uo (iiletly from tha Pur,' hopped onto lh pal tlrn rark In tho bark of tha rar and )ul aa aooa aa lha niarh lun k" uudrr ay nlared Hir driver under urritt for drlrlmt wblla Inloxlraied. I'oei-I. alto, will appear before I'nllia Juile I .mi. I,. (inKhagen loduy. , At l.llieriy Deinpey-Hharkey fljtht plrturea at tba l.llterty Tueaday ami Wfd neadoy. Adv. i At l.llteHy ' Pemiley Rliavy filit plrturea at Hie Liberty Tueaday anil Wed nod ay Adv. ' FIRE INSURANCE We , rlallia In Irrigated farma and atoek rancnea. It year' aiparlrnca Id county. REED & REYNOLDS UM Mnln St. I'hono 10U3 t ,-i .1 1 Phone 688 J I- AOCBSTOKS, 0..'Q O i; , fmm i 1 1 1 1 ' i 1 wmm "A 'zmm ..m mis Hermann Koohl (Innet. left) and AiiKuat Loo a flnnet, rlrht). German pilota whove at tempta to non-atap-hop to America from Deaaau wa4 defeated by bad weather after 22 hour' flight, ara going to tiy again. Thla la (bc-Ir all-metal Junkera monoplane. Bremen. slater ship of tha Ruropa. , ' SINNOTT TELLS Anriirr mm mwrr nuvrw a uuii-uiiiuiFO, SALE New (Contlnurd from page one) Klamath Falla Batulday and la remaining here for several daya to vlalt with his many friends In Klumalh. I Because of his unceasing devo-i Hon to the requirements of his I district. Slnnott haa won the praUe and the aupport of Klam ath and adjacent territory. . . Good Buy ! 1 For a Man Able and Will ing to Convert His Spare , Time Into. Money . $2,000.00 . Two three room houses with. I - water tiM-d Into kitchen, built. , lata year and In good rnmti- lion. 10 minute walk from nth and Main. Corner,, lot I (Mil in, good vi.-w In a loca tion with a future. 1 . I With spare time work fixing I up anl and putting on a few finishing touches sale, value of these places ran be- greatly lnrrraed. . . . Two irood little houses for 92,0( HUH; with a rhance for inrreaw In value, with the growth nf the town, , ; fiuod term to tho right man. M.L. JOHNSON 406 Main St. Phone 205-W Ancestors tvi v? cacTAiMiy you ANOS7 ''.! . 'i' - 7 ' ' ., - v.. "l t-iAL'T.-" ,Sv 1 They're Going to Try . s w. Ml 3" 11 . ' I-it. . I -': NEW TODAY 10-foot' cedar at aurriflee. boat with oara, bono 1180-M. ' WAXTKD Woman to caro forjTO LEASE 7 -room furnished two children In her home. In day time. Addreaa Box 21. care Ilerotd. 29 WANTED House cleaning by the hour. I'bohe 5H8-W. 2D-3" FOR RENT Small ni.ihed houue. 1' . Ave. . partly tur 65 Oregon ' 2S-S0 FOR RENT Lirge 3-room apt., completely tarnished; also a large alK!ng room. Wall bed and private batn. McCarthy Apis., 530 Pine St.' Phone . 800. r 29-31 IIOYS WANTED To aell papers. Call at the Herald Office. . . .. - ... 29-31 WANTED Position aa . housekeeper- or chamber work, or will rook for small, crew of- men. Can give reference. Ad dress Box 17 Herald. 29-31 FOR RENT--Rooms. Gth St. 235 No. 9-31 HELP WANTED Experienced chalnman with 4-nasaenger car for survey party. Call 1075 or 179-J. 29-30 PIANO TUNING - Will be in Klamath Falla again about September 15. W. II. Mor gan. Earl Shepherd Co.' 29-30 WANTED .Married couple wants room breakfast aud supper with private family for about , a month. Address liox 18. Herald. . 29-30 FOR RENT Modern 4-roora houae. Lawn. ' trees, garage, range. On pavement. 1' block from school. Phone 266-M. 29-30 FOR RENT Furnished house. Call 380 South 4th St.' .Phono 433-M. 29-31 FOR RENT Large bedroom for two men. Near hath.. 123.00 month. Phone 299-J. v.." 29 EXCHANGES 120 acre farm. acres In al falfa; a few acxea in grain; re mainder in pasture. A. four room house. Large barn. A .I"- i.., . 'Z., lolA " n'ne room house ..h r.ii. ,, , ' u . . ath Falls Will exchange for a good clear residence property . ...... ... A uu uujer (u uiuiu oavv mortgage. CIIILCOTE & SMITH 'NOm "Realtors" r 27 Main St. Phone 00 k s er M AUA1TA1SVJER AAMS AAO AMY . CICVCDC f. 'l-v ,r 'I V.riaTSr r ttnvicc. 1 TV AAUl Again . - aW m M--su.wr..,-. FOR RENT Furnished house and garage. In Hot Springs. Phone 1222-SI.. 27-30 1 4-room apts.. one block from juiid m. i uone iiy. Zi-i- , houae on Pacific Terrace. ISO month. W. W. McNealy. 102 Main St. 27-2' ; 'FOR SALE er'a oven. Would be suitable ! for email bakery business or restaurant. Oven Is In good j condition. Phone 1056-W. 27-311 1300 will handle nice' apartment -house In center of city. Well furnished. A auap. Investl- F0R SALE Crab apples. Phone gate this one now. . ( jtj.r. s!!s Conger Ave. J 2-29 14300 Will buy a fine home In' , splendid district. Hardwood FOR SALE Bicycle. In ,Qod con floors throughout, fireplace,, dltion.. 230 N. itU SL 21-30 nook. eOTtrrete fntlndntinn . lutuA. ment, garatte. wood shed, cor- '"TjeF lot' otllparemeht. Liberal . terms. $5600 Beautiful , new stucco home, clone In. Corner lot. hardwood floors, concrete foun dation, basement, garage, fire- REMOVAL SALE Three gallons place, breakfast nook, etc., paint $.75. White, ivory and Term- j light gray. In gallon cans only. ' A. A. BELLMAN &' CO. Patterson Paint Store. 23-37 120 N. 7th St. Phone 158 'FOR SALE Cheap, used Best 45 29-30 i ' Tractor. Been eomnletelv over FOR SALE 1 1927 Super Six Essex sedan, com. equipped 1785 1 1924 Bulck aedan, runa fine . 2675 1 1923 Bulck 4 roadster. license .. i $250 1 1924 Ford touring. 11- cense, runs fine 1125 1 Ford coupe. Delco lg- nition. license $135 1 Overland touring, 1923, . runa tine $120 -. l -Hudson touring. 7-paa- . senger , $250 1 Hudson speedster ...$325 l-r-Stti Bear Cat roadster ' some car ..$375 ' Come is and look them over. - Liberal Terms. i. . - . - ROY.CALL"S USED CARS Sea Walt Abbey Sth and Pine St. Lot. Phone 334 27-2 FOR SALE! " furniture. Located one ; block from Wain B,rw,t Ho,6 r..ii , . , - " . . w. , U.i .1. I .,. - UWUU CHILOOTE SMITH Realtors 27 .Main St, . 30-Jyl By.Blosser " N-..i-t, - iik nto u t er orr. J 1 !S . BS Oil Ltly7 ' NEW TODAY FOIl BALK Itodna road ater. l'erfert coaillllon. Only 4U00 mllea. T. A. MUlor, Al mmi, Oregon. 27-2 FOR RALR 11927 Ford 4-door aedan. . Ilka new S00 1 12 Olda coach, da luxe model, licanaa ... f7S 1 192.1 Hudaoo coach, all ' j equipped, llcenne MO'i 1 1M Ford roupe, tins I condition, llcenaa .. ....... I17S Wa faava many more to lelecW from Liberal Terma. ROY CALL'S UHRD CARS Sea Walt Abbey Stb and Pine St. Lot, Phone 334 27-2 LOST AND FOUND LOST At tent abowou SUtb St.. a moaa agate brooch, keepaake. Reward. Leave at Herald. 24-3' LOST Coral atrln of beads at the Lacey ranch Sunday. Find er return to the Herald Of fice. , 22-2"' LOST Bnndle of cloihlng Sat nrday morning on Merrll and Lakevlew highway. Finder re turn to Herald; 15.00 reward. 23-2 MISCELLANEOUS WE BUY. SELL UR TRADE live stock, cows, hoga, work, horses, ehickene. Trade what you have for 'what yon want at the Adams ranch, Merrill, Oregon. 26-2 MAKE YOUR DATES Tor paper1 banging. Bay your payer now. , 35 per cent off until Septem ber lat. Patterson Paint Store. 23-27 WINDOW CLEANING Floor waxing, boose cleaning and Janitor service. References. A. ' M. Rhoada. Phone 105S-W. t 107-2-tfi FOR SALE FOR SALE ' truck. 302 E. Main. 2-29r. FOR SALE Cheap, Columbia phonograph and records. . 603 N. lOlh St. . .. ...i 25-27 FOR SALE 200 tons of hay. I C. J. Swingle. Lorella, Oregon. ".''.-! ,i 25-31 hauled and ' has a new guar antee. If Interested write H. . McOreevy. 493 ft Rodney Ave nue. Portland.' Ore. 24-30 WANTED PRACTICAL Nl'RSB Desirea work by the ' hour. Phone 6-J. " ' 1 23-29 WANTED ' Cook house. See Frank i Rayger. Merrill. Ore gon. . . . , 22-27 WANTED To lease 2.000 sheep on shares. References it re quired. Box 435, Alturas. Cal. A20-S20 WANTED Work by the hour or practical nursing: Phone S-J. 24-30 WANTED Room and board for man and his daughter, six years old. Phone William H. Wolm care Claremont Hotel, after 7. 25-27 wanted To borrow $500 on $2200 equity in $35Q0 Klamath Falls residence, property. Will pay 10 per cent, Call at Apt. No, 2 Esplanade Court Apta. 26-27 For Sale Real Estate 4-ROOM HOUSE-with all mod ern conveniences, been used only five months. Will take car as first parniont. Close to Fairview School. ' ' Tho WALTON-WRIGHT CO. Kerns Hotel Phone 1144 26-30 STOP RENTING New four-room home -ilh hardwood floors; ' fireplace and all kinds of built- , Ins. Comer lot. double con struction und with ganiKO. . Real residence district.' Priced nt $2950 with $400 down and balance at $25.00 per month and interest at 6 per cent. YOU CAN'T ilBAT T1US-A new five-room hoiiBO on pavemont; furnished complete, furnace, garage, trees and lawn, In fine location. Hewer and pavement paid In full. Price $5900. with reasonable payments. 1 A REAL HOME Seven rooms complete: fireplace, . furnace, hardwood floors and complete In every detail and located on lovely street. Price $7000 with $1000 cash and balance on easy payments. TRI-STATE8 REALTY ' Realtor il3l Main St, Phone 1060 26-27-2 For SaleReal Estate rOK UALR 4-room modara atucro houK. Tortua. Call 1114 ' Wllfnrd Ara. 1S-I9 FOR TRADE One ft-roota houae on SOxloo ft. lot. and one 2-room bouao on 10x241) ft lot Thli property la well located In Kelao. Wuh, Will trade lor Klamath county farm or amall acreage. Phone t9-W. B. C. PhMlpaen 3-8 ' FARMS FOR INVESTMENT 200 acres, mostly alt farmed and Irrigated, cheap water, , fair Improvements, soma old alfalfa meadow Juat right to plow under and plant po tatoes next year. The crop constats of hay, grain and bluegraas and timothy ' pas ture which la all Included in tha . deal. Price 18500.00. Terms. SELAK at 0t So. tth. TRACY - Phono t( , 2J-2T RAISE 8PCD8 33 4 acres with paid-up water right; ( room house, ' good well water: 20 acres tn alfalfa and one-fourth mile water front. By putting In this slfslfi land tn ipuds you can pay for tha place, the first year. Priced at 1400 on terms. ... . lVs ACRES LAND with . good . 4-room honae. city water and . lights,, for t200l, with 1500 aowa ana Balance at per month. TRADE 30S acres, all under Ir- rlgatiou with 4-room bcuae on place, barn, sheds and other out-bulldlnilg. Fine, rich, level land and priced cheap at 1 15 . per acre. Owner will trade for , good Klamath Falla property. ( TRI1STATES REALTY. . . Realtot h. nn.r uPhon 1058 ' 1134 Main St. 2-27-2t FOR 8 ALB - New 4-room modern housa . with garage In Hot Spring. $2950 on easy terms. Neat 4-room cottage on Cali fornia,. Avenue.. Aiear hosts . and new paving. $2766,00. Good terma, ; Almost new Ford aedan j to trade (or lot or small house. What have yooT . ; r . j' V. Good tot on Conger Avenue. $600.00 for quick tale. Pay. ing all paid. . ' ;' The WALTON-WRIGHT CO,. lac ,. Kern Hotel Fhona 1144 " 1527 FOR RENTN ROOMS 120 Lincoln, rhone 597-W. . J27-A27 FOR RENT 4-room modern fur nished house. Inquire 305 Lincoln. 25-30 FOR RENT Neat desirable room In private family. ' 624 ' 8th St. - 24-27 , FOR RENT 6-roora bouse on Broad St. One block oft Main; i Partly furnished. Call 1U4-W; . 24-30 FOR RENT Completely tarnish ed apts. Steam heated. Kex Arms, 224 Broad St. Phone 1116, ' A25-825 FOR RENT Four room modern newly furnished bouse. Inquire 200 Lewis St. 26-27 FOR RENT Sleeping room, near freight bouse. Uentlemon pre ferred. 1109 Pine. Phone 1432. . 26-27 FOR RENT Furnished J-roora houses. $18.00 month.. ' 423 Plum. Phone G44-J. - A4.84 FOR RENT class furnish- ; ed apartments. Steam heated, McCarthy Apis., 630 Pine. Phone 800. A!i-8& ' FOR RENT Furnished urt apt., 2 rooms and bath lee. i trie range, hot wntor, C a rage. tld IfftK L'..ll..J. ' Dh... 794-W. . A 1-81 FOR RENT Two rouru-fni nish- ou cottage, screen porch, use . of phone, hath, tubs. $20 per month. 901 Alamedi. Phoro 629-J. ... 26-2 FOn RENT We can sava you big money at the Arcade Hotel Apartments, , furnlshej com pletely. electric ranges, Hnan, dishes and telephone. Or -rooms with private bath at real cut rotes to permanent guests. Arcade. . ' - M9-J y . .. ..-,