Paye Six O. A. C. Expert Describes Peat Land of jLower Lake; Holds Forage Best Suited W. 1,. POWUtS , -Orvgsm Agricultural Espcrlmenl Mallou ... A brief urvey has Just been ( completed of tbe chief arts of organic lolls or peat lamia In tlita ' stata In company with Or. Al'.iro.t rlutmed for torag crops. Or. ,P. Parhnowskl-Stokes of the c. : Stokes w:is much impressed with :C. department of agriculture, one tl'e ntryem of witter con of the linrilnff pent ejperts of" trol f..r Irritation au;' deep draio tha world. Soma fine aporlmaui re oc large Biaf-h reclaimed' of different klmla of peat bave by Geary Brother auJ stated been collected for exhibit and ""H h! trawl-, ottr peat laboratory atudy. i'.t.rnls In America aaJ Europe he The peat In the Lower Klam ; eth Marsh 'contains a coarse, brown, flbroua material la th 'surface (oil which la a rcsidae aecond end third foot la wo!l de- Tnv,?a "" ,h,(,"; r"IJ" " composed knd at an average ,.n docomoo,!- depth of 2 V, to 3 feet edl-1,101n s ,h?' '" read'ly . mentary murk Is encountered rul hregh lth ny .harp In composed largely of a colloidal '"". Below the soil material derived from orM0,Jof woody peat la a fine fthrouj and Inorganic source.. Tbhi ma-1 hIrh l " t.rlal la cheesy when wet and ' ' ls '"' ot B,"! i horny when dry. The color when I dori" tTn hc"- ,0 ,nl wet i. gray and when dry l;n,rel "rounding, showed an almoat white. Thft material w M'nmu'a, "B of over the formed In -shallow 'water largely rm" ."'"'"".k " "J . from the boat-shaped siliceous ' fn dc"'h- " r(-ount '' Shells of mlcroacopic Krowlh.the presence, of a woody p0at of : popularly called.' "diaion.-. and " b,,t the resulting material la ( pi'ubl 'hariM' ,he, Vrc": ceous earth. The toll, when sab-,xf "!re,1" ,?e.,f'""nJ' of ma.r' "dued and provided wltlC drainage I nd the depth of ibl. boK. It la and .upplem.uul Irrlsation to "'" e"Jl'l-( eontrol mobtture. Is vary .ultnble Hi,iese 'hlB Np""n ' Jor forane-crops auch as AMke ' clover and timothy. - . Soundtnga wero taken in Up per Klamath Marsh opposite Hocky Point and the pent here wo found to extend to a depth of IS feet. Much of thia ac-1 tnmulation I from sedges orj flat leaved water grasses aud at j a depth of 7 to 10 feet the fame Z. PETERS TEACHER OF MUSIC '' Accredited by the State i Go&rd of Education. Piano. Violin, Banjo. Ila . waiian nnd other Instruments tuuj;ht.' For information and parti culars leave ' your address or phore number hv calling 415-W or UiMi ' travei t0 Only stralght-thro motor coach service to Portland. California cities and great Southwest with 3 daily sche dules. Serves all intermedi ate points stop-overs If de sired. Great responsible sys tem protects you care for baggage. . Finest glass-enclosed ears, reclining chairs, heaters. Leave for ' ntEKA, nrxsMon - - BAJf MtAXflSCO LOS AXGELES . ' BAN DIEGO, PHOEXLV EL PASO s MEDFORD, ROSEBCIUJ ' PORTLAND BEATTIK, VAXCOrVER . 7:1s a. in., 10:00 a. 1:00 p. in., 4:00 p. m. - Terminal Stage Depot Phone 999 ' ;" (11.1 MAIN ST. MOM'N POP SHBIEK-F1.M5 VI.IVE-CRCfrK Cheer fop AS HB AfKiVES flT Trig DEPOT TO DEPART OM THE GREAT POLAR. PflCH ' aswJa , J' Departures daily - sedimentary dlatomaceous mater fill s found 3 that hi h occurs la Lower Kl.itn.llh Marsh. The reaction of the I'pper Klamath Mamh it practically neu tral and' where tho t'levaticn U favorable these tmida ran fce r- nau not seen a more motteu larce scale development. Peat on tho famoua Lake Lab iih. north of ivikm. la woody derived from willow and related --""- .v (growth of mint aud onions Dr. Stokes regarded aa excep-.toaally ' fine. - CJlf CHIO'V iTdsOT AvicCoTS Plan to Hep Off Tomorrow ! . WINDSOR. Ont.. Aug.. 2. (A. r.) riill Wood nnd "Duke-' Sebillcr.' aviators who plan to fit from Windsor, On:., to Wind sor.; Enqland,.' leaded at Walker ' field. .New York. r.hero tbe plane's instruments were, tested for ther trans-Atlantic flight.; Wood and Schllier on landing; . Slid that they would si-irt their flight soma time tomorrow, weatliw pcruiiltiug. ". - 1 GLASSES . Eyes EsMnincd. Fined and tho . ' Gimcs titul;lrT t3t Arb fatlory to mil ymk - '. ' ittJitidtijt tctjxhtmmt. Broken Leases Replaced . . DR. COBLE'S , -70 MAIN STREET Refjirt Quid Scrriet croaica fnw i 'RiucirjgKWghi Physician In ia OraossMsul fl Ulgh Blood PMn Acid Condition! Kldoay. Llva ana Bladdar Troabls ldlttl Caas tlf aitlaa f Star Drug Co. All kinds of GLASS Sash and Doors 'Screens Window Frames Come and see us GLASS HOUSE ' 215 No. 11th Phone 477-W Ml TJ.Crvf .iiTiNo-woAjocRt ssaiecf l-yi'-hk.) Hi iTJ R -C s : ; Family Picture Show John's a v, ... ... , This new picture ot the Coblidee Country club, showa bow John is his mother is very marked In thia At the Liberty Everyono lo'.ss a good ilos. and while human motion pic ture star hav)' their following according to tha type of role they portray. Ranger, the canine star ta appear In Breed of Cour-1 ago" at tho Liberty Theatre to-1 nithL ha a wider nmuai to the ! public than any of his two-legscflt colleagues oa the screen. ( Naturally,', when choosing i doc to anoear before the camera in starring roles, only the moati. m"u an , ulh toot ''"'T.- C" " beautiful and Intol.lgent of can-1 Mm company as he f IsheJ ' f"' R'rl" n".ls"!n fho" Inr ore chosen by motion picture j Keene Creek stream, . located ) ' ' . ,1 u.tho-ltK's. Ranger, "wbWahout 45 m Uom Klamath Straastly, , ant yet naturally boauty is nnquctiencd. U said , Falks . yeaterday afternoon. , "mtgh this r'.ialume. with lis : to" be one of the anal ' Th Blmal grow,ed Vlftutt V ZST. most talented dogs on the screens .wltAcd his tiU back and forth. ',n' "ll ' M than, the Kne ihA first tlmi, on record . "I looted hnrV Crenn.ntlv hill rtUIIUItlg frocks Worn hy MI.1S n 1 , . ... - .. i is Gutipnnea uy two otneri featured doss. Nitchamoosc. lead-1 In sr lady, and Ogoma. too Heavy. The 1 former, whose name is Indian for beautiful' lady," was chosen for her lovable disposi tion, and gentle face. . Ogamo. jJt.!..- . , .... . . Biggest Value -t?oU3r-S3r'doUarlt Vhcn yoo invest in an engine, the biggrct value is the one that gives you tbe raoit dependable service, '.. lasts the longest and costs the least over a period' of years. That's why a half'-million farmer bave bcught "Z" Erujineg. These , famous power plants arc made in the world's largest and finest en-' gine factory. vXae -country's fore ' most engineers design on-J develop tb:m. -:The "Z" has such feature of advanced Resign ss the new Fairbanks-Kote Roury High Tension Magneto, -butlt complete and fully guaranteed by Fairbanks, Morse & Co., and many other im provements. , - Sizes from 2 to 20 horsed . po-wer. Come in and let n . . show you why the "Z" is the ' biggest dollar - for - dollar value! Aatb.irlzcd Dealer X ' P AIRE AXES-MORSE PRODUCT 123 No. 6th Where's the Captain? 1V ,jr r- - V ij '.;' i! " ::' '. i' J I n TJIE.KVUXIXG .liKItAU., KLAMATH TALUS, PKtjCON', v:"a.v 'v.y rf-J . f family, taken on 1e lawn Vr ihk developing rapidly into full - picture. en' the other hand, la a real roughneck, in keeping wllh the part he plays. Ilia face la bard and crnel, only larking tho black whisker and moustache to make I him a mclo-drama vlllian. j Jeanne Morg-tn'and Satn 'Xel-t son ' supply tho human love in-' tereat. r-,. . lamatn r isnerman , ' Sfilhttf fiv Cfitton'r ' Keeping a safo distance i,i...i c 0-.. . j . ... .. rcano r.o attempt ro- piay wnn th big fallow," Nord auiilingly remarked aa he told of his ex- pcrlence. ' Kafurnlng homo from the trip Mr VnH . I.l,,, along tho ruadMdo-. Phone 371 VeU. f.Con?0UHo XiuVHOwN' ' VHATIH . - irTMIS . WJJg . V.-TrlE-WSLD ( WflgS A BI& ) - - became ' me Feet, 1 1 ceUBRA.tX J , . tRltSONy OH GOODY- . V I S ' I GOOCiy-TM I . J fr I TRAIN'S GOtN'J "s. ,B- IP - J v- "S mi ML- mmmm V. t'n at li Big Boy. Now " ' ' t,.i Snrin o...k n.i.i. . own man. The raaomblanre to'1 At the Pine Tree ! Tho moat remarkahl ward-1 robe aver worn by tin.1 urtren r i worn or tin. ui irp t."" ' ' ' i dNpl'iyed on the person tr 'lb ,h? r,U .U" iren Monro for scene. In her'" "Tvl& M EE?"' comedy Xan.h.y n'" I Assesaor KUMaltt County, Oregon was Collren jliewc Nice." which plays tonight at the Pin Tree, Theatre, The outfit epreenta tho nf "nry entertained by a plain awkward, freckled girl on an . n th County Court of th be-""""""l T'M . T,BCh 'nA "''Stat, of OrRoii. hi md forKtlav ..rI " wne" s0, mr.atn county. Moor In other narfii of the nli..i . - i ,'u" - ; Tho auiportlng player In lu the aftornoon of said day ana ("Naughty Hut Nice." which waailh" -'ort Room ot aald Court produced nt (lie First National 0,B PP0lnt4 a th llrno tU(l O bV Jllllll Mffurmll'k. In! clutln Kiunld i Iteed. Claude Gil j llngwater. lillum Cooley, Knlh jryn M'tliilre. Eitylho t.'hapman j and CJ,lfn ,liinyne. . . Couole Slack blame tho beat for his luiu't slump. It ain't the heat It's'thu stupidity.' ! Legal Notices t ttl XTr THKASl KKK'n XOTICK. Notice 'Is hereby given that there are funds In tho County Treasury for tha redxmptlon of I'lne (irove Irrigation District warrants protested on or before Dcromber 2. 192. Interest on samu will cease at this' date. 4 Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon.- this 2!lh day of August, ia:7. VERA HOl'STON MOSKR, , County Treasurer. ' A39-30-31 .NOTICE OP PETITION TO VA ' (ATE ORCHARD HTBEET. Notice Is hereby given to whom It may concern that on Septem ber It. 1927, at 8:00 p. tu. In tha council room of the City Hall, School District No. 1 of Klamath County, Oregon,' will petition tha- City Conncll ot Klamutl) Falls, Oregon, to vacataj Home'' Street betwoan Kact Main bnd Front Street, a dis tance of - 1 block, closing aald street between these two . polnta to all future traffic. This po tion I being presented inr (he reason that' Ibe SchoiH Dlrflrkt own all property abutting on Home HI root between East Main and Front, and the street Is of nrKvhhie to the general piiblle.' the cloning or Damn ' will- nut work a hardship on any person or properly holder, and will Imneflf the community and school hy allowing tha district to mnk needed Improvements on the ground of the mhool district, j, School District Mo. 1, ' f-.nvKiotaiMh (Uiunty, Oron,' Jclu li. Momyr. Clork. ; ' A29-HS-12-19 r i'X v 1 , xotu k t coTn tTfnn. Not Ire la hereby ivon that til t'lillootllll MlKh Kchool lllntrlct will r'ive sealed prupoanla on (he 'deneral nnd llout liiot Con tracta for a new ' Uyninaalum Btilldlna to ba erected on tin ' achool pruiariy at Cbiloquln, Or, Did will b received In the, oftira ol tho County 8uperiii leuduiit, Mr. K reil 1'rlerton. Klani-1 alb County Court Home. Klam ath r'alhi. Orraon, and by Hen-1 rtetta Markwardt. Clerk, at Chllo-' nvln, tlrcfon, tip to 1:80 p. m. ' Thurwlny. Heptember 11. IDIT. Kach propositi la ta ! arcom pnnted by a certified check In the .amount of five, percent f.vl ot tne ma. . I'lans nail apevlflcatlona may be obtained at tha oft Ire ot Mow-1 ard It. Perrln, I09-11S llopka Ulil , Klamath t'alle, t)reoO. on depoail uf U.0U. I Tha rlttbl I reserved to. reject . any or all bids. - I 1IKNUIKTTA MARKWARDT, I Secretary Cbiloquln High ' School Lffatrlet. 1 AJOS3-J9; NtrTICK Tv TAIP.4VKHM. You are hrraby notified that tha Hoard of Kiiuallidlon will attend on tha lltli tiny of Sep tember. 19S7.-4tbA aecond Mon day of Pepteiuber) at the County JudRea otiice in the court Moune .m. ...i.. i. ..i. nr thirty tlaya from Ihnt date, for t ho pur pout of - eismlnlug tha AHeatneut Holla for the year 1927 and correcting all errors In ruinations, descriptions, or qual ities of land. Iota, or uther prop erty kar eased by I lie Assessor. It aballhe the duly of all persona lnt,trntM(! fn anne.p at tha tlina '.and place appoliitod. AU prolCsts acalust valuation l""! Iy '' Assessor Mil be A23-:-:-K-&- ,xoTICK F KISAL ACCOfM. " Matter ot th. CUM ot I Notice hereby given, that ;h underaiined. a. a rtrnMitatra.; Irlt of ijM WwIb. STti X Oonrt m Bn(, fof KUnu,th Co,. . , .-A ,kmt ,h ' . . n JT , . ana aay ol nepteronrr, A. t. 1937. at- tha hour of I o'clock. wi. ..,... u I Jcctlons thereto, and the tlle- ment thereof. ' . Dated thia 13nd tluy of July.t A. P. 19J7..- r . I r NIKHEO LEPIMtBK, "J Admlnioualrlx of th Katato of Kdwln C. Watklrra. Deeeaaed. ' Aug. 1-8-1 5-1 t-a .No. L-10IHII .. . . ' I .NOTICE Or BKlZt'RE AND TI.MB A.NIl PLACE Or TRIAL ASU 1IKAIUXG. ' . I In th District Court of lb , in lieu Btates for the. District 01 Oregon. , " United State of America; li belant, v. Ono Jordan Sedan. Motor No. Klamath Falls Business Directory LOIHil- HIATKItNAU NOTICE II. 1. O. EI.KH . Meet Thursday evening. Visiting mcMiber wl-' com s. ELKS TEMPLE, trd and Main OLIVER 81'IKER, Kxilted Ruler E. D. MCMILLAN, llecretary t 'Fraternal Order ot Eagle f Of 'Vests Everv Prll " Moos Hall. ' C. I). LONO, Secretary lerie JOSO. I'hon 674 Ubor Temple LOVAL ortPKfl OK MOOHE Moot avery Thurs day, 7:30 L. O. O. M. AMoose Hall, Klam ath Ave. GEO. 00 LE, Old. KLAMATH l,OIM;n SO.' 11 A. V. nnd A. M. .. f ' fltatod Communication 2nd and 4th Monday I - O ..I .... .. . X k . . iHiting uroi tiers . . .VI ' -r Wflronw"' UrOMIH liril.lTINO - By Tavlbr X0 tub hotel Yr i . DtLOKG" SOME YrllrKS'S )p. il .. I Hflppcweo to cfipr. yU 7,y i 0M1J5I. and tools ind ecceaant la:' and V. T. Weslfull. To T. WeslNII, and all oth er whom It may concern: Notice Is hereby given that an u niu.i in tha abova-rntlllvd Court In Ilia above-, not own paid; conlrary to lb aulltled cause, on tlm Hth day of form of tho atitiit" l surlt caa August, wherein nnd where-, utad and provided, by It 1 sought to nava certain That aald onvvyunc. lo-wlti properly rieacrlbed n foliuwa, lo- , uid Jordan Hedaa. Motor Mv. wit: One Jordan 8eilun, Motor 'riiGI, and loobj and accoaoorle, No. ISKaC(. and tool and ac- now MUbJect to aelaura. under eesaorlea, which said property Hectlou 14 of tha Art of Con waa aelseil on the llh day ' ' gre of July 13. I"1. July, 1DS7. and heretofore attach- . XBu, by rder ul th Court all d and nrrcstod and bold and person Interested In aald abova Belied, and now la In the poaa- j,,.riu piooiTty and tha llbalaa esslon ot IV. K. Newell, Oepnty ir9 bernby cited la file anwer ! Federal I'roblbitlon AdmlnUtral- W4 Infortnatlnn, aeillng forth or for tha HUta and District of ,nrr interest In or rllni to ssld Oregon.' forMted for the follow property libeled. If any Ihey lug raasims, to-wltM have, wllh lb Clerk of thjp That lieretnfore. lo-wll: On cr ( earl, In the City of I'ortlnnd. about tha loth day ot July, 1!7, I he Hlsle and District ot Oregon, In Klnmalh County, St and ofl or before tb Cth day ot Sep District of. Oregon, and befora tembrr, 117. , aald aelaure, .llic aald property Dated till"- Ith day of August, above deacrlbcd waa by K. T, ,117. - West full used (n the removal,' Cl.AIIRNTR It. ItOTCIIKIRi and for th deposit and ronceal-' l'nl"i Hlatm Maraball tor men! of . qaantlfy of banded! Ih Dlatrlet t Oregon, whiskey or distilled spirits, wit hi Ily Claronc C, NV'slls. hue (ft ta defraud the. I'nllad I ' Deputy. I. ..Klamath Falls Business Directory ATTORNEYS) -. C. V. IlltllU Ell Attorney-at-law Plain and Ktderal Court Ahntraet Elmlned ' ' SOS Wlllli llldR, I'bone III Real Estate Law rtpeclalty ft. t. jf:i.i,iotT. ' Attarny-t-tw Wllllsins Eblg. ' Phono SJ4-J Office Phone lite M. O. WILIINS Lawyer inn Williams llulliilng Klamath Falls, Oreton' Phone HS Day cr Night AVTOMOHI.F. DEALERS Repair Work. Ilaltery Hervlc, Tires Nash, Oakland, ' Ponllae, Packard R. H. R. GAR OR ill Klamath Neat to Poatoffira Vhons til ' s Good year Tires Fireproof Storag , ArroMoniLt) truES Itrlng In your worn lire get S00O mile mors at , H onI cost ' ' ACE TIKE HHOP Guaranteed vulcaalilng 11 So. 11th St. Phono -J re-tread AITO REPAIR, Smithy' Repair Shop Ouarantiied Auto Repairing Car called fof and delivered South th St. I'hon 103-W BATTERY SERVICE Battery Service, Magneto, Starter and. Generator ' 4 Repairing PLOT!) HK.NRIOT CO. 234 Main 81. i'bone 397-W Battery, Magneto, Generator and complete Electrical Hrrvlcd W. P. Johnson's ' AtTO ELECTRIC HER VICE 714 Klamath riione 340 , Pbllco Remy-Usloo Bosch Autollie BKAl'TY PARLOR Expert Operator. Individual booths, vlylot ray, niarcell- - ;- Ing, hair -liming BOHTO.N IIEAt'TV HHOP . tiloreung Warren vVlnters Bldg. phono 111 Wtr, French Poper Curl Facial and Nealp Treatment BlD.niNO MATERIALS BWAX LARK MOCLDINO CO. Quality Building Material 1 8outh 6th Rt. PhOd 7C9 '' - '. " '" "" ' i WANTED ! Carpenter work by contract or .' Day. Cabiaiit work knd .j k fixture btfllt. - 1401 DlvMon Kfc Phono 153 CHURCHES SACRED HEART CHUItClt Eighth and High His., Rev. A. P. Loeser, Rov. O. B. Felt Sunday masses at :(), ;00 "d 1-no. Evening dovotlons at 7: Id Weak-day mask at 7 s. m Merrills, 1st and Srd Si'i'idys at- iosjo.' All are r-nllally welcome at ouj" gerr- CIVIL ENGINEERS . C. CLEGIIORX F'T" !l:n5lP.,V;r. H'lrreyor 210 Jllgh Hreot C. C. KELLRT ' 'v '' ' Conlultlng Civil Engineer Underwood Bldg. Phone 1075 Mt.julay, Aiipru. 2l, lg7.f Hmtea of the la Ibefeon, tha Aid distilled spirits then nnd tliero being a commodity fur which and In respect whtreof a iu iburetofor hud twea and then was Imposed by lh luwa ot ilia ttniied Mlatra. which lag lma KENTIHTH General Prnrlle of Denllilry ' .DR. PHILIP COLB - Sin Main -Over Moa's Htors Phon III Open Evening by Appointment DIL E. 0. W IHECARVF.Il DR. M. K. txmPEn - ' Dentistry ' ' ' ' X-RAY Laboratory Underwood Rldg - Pbena 141 Kr, Eye and Koo Doctor Dr. J. J. Emmens, M Kit ford. Or. Prartlro llmtl lo y. ear, sose and throat. Phono tlT CHIROPRACTOR DR. GI.KN MOORB Chronic and Nervous Di) new. olelbsr llloek. Ill Mala Phone 1171 . Opposite Cvart ItosMw, DR. C. MIR V ALL ' Gradual of Palmer and " -Pacific Collegw fonrieen year pcrlence Wo remove the cauo ol . dlsaa - . Bonansa, Ore, A15 ' EMPIinifST AGBXCTt KLAMATH EMPLOYMENT 'orrti'H Employment for worker la every trade mills, railway - and farm. Jmr Kaa( Prop, ' Oth and Mala. - fbowo 1ST Mt'HIO HTt niO PEARL I1EIIIN Graduate of 'i::i:..un-Vhllo Conservatory. - Teacher of I'luuo and Harmony. Phone 119 U Pine St. A2I-I 1JVEHTOCK Fresh cow oft hand at all lime from one to carload KLAMATH DAIRY COW CO. Phones: Ranch 18 F3; Re. 411 E. Mocliettat, Jr. ; Texum Station OHTEOPATHM DR. B. GODrMKD I. O. 6. t. 'TEMfLB Oiteopathlo I'byslclso Sod ' Surgeon Of tic and Itealdeaeo ' Phone SIT ' PA I NTH, WALL PAPER LtVall Paper. Painta. Eaarktlm, nrusoe - , . , P. R, OLDS . , Acfosi from Poatdtflo ' Phone 43 Egerytblng a Paint Store Xeep Paints, Oils, Varnlsbei, Bead enlng Felt, Class, Roofing, wmi-Paper PATTI ItRO.N'H PAINT r.wtnai S2I So. Itji St. Phono tll-J STENOGRAPHY M RH. L. B. HAGUE Pulillo stnnbgrnplisr . T . j ' Notary ' Publlo ' ' Saving and Loan :' . KtU TsaiiMtaika 810 Willi! BM(f. Phono 83T aii sinus oi it-gal rortg TIMBER CRI'IHERS Timber Orulslng, Rocnnnal- 4tM Main HI. Phon tlnVW , Working from L. Johnson' office : BLASTiita 8ewer and Cesspool Work Pboe in Call at ia B. Mala So. ,' ' FRAK MARTIN 1