The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 29, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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    Monday,' August 2!, 1!27. '
Pur" Thrfo
Items of Interest ConccrninK KcHirients of the Groftt Klamath Vanin; If
You Have News for This Department, Your Courtesy in Calling 8S
Will lie Appreciated '
Hark From f'UMir "trip '
Wi tl.' I'rrkhi unit fiimlly ro
tururd , Hutnnluy t veiling (rum
IHamofid Luke where they pint
niiiai of last week on nn outing.
After several wk Of rtullne.
Inn flailing liajt revived nl this;
famous trout resort, nml limit
rnlches were being nif.1 nearly
every aluyt according In Mr. Per
kins. Tho neV tbiee-rpom rli
tage hav ddJ grratl Jo tho
fharnv pt IMnipitnil Lake p 8
vacation resort, lhe otlnge
being I'umuliilxly f in utlirf. with
acreunerf-K slewing porrhe ami
II other convenience.
KrliMPDoU lynrtnir '
Mr. ud Mr. Vim Bcbuppel
ilaa to Iriv. this ' afternoon (or
Han Franrla-o. California, on
combined bualnraa and pleasure
trip. They will mill I he trill
via Hocruai.iiito and plan to re
turn In about Iff rt)d over tho
ril ' route. Mr. ftrhiippcl In
District -Marinaer (if tho Oregon
Ml 'Insurance Company. Mra.
K.huppel t private- secretary to
l.nn Hahln. secretory of I ho
rhamher of commerce. '
llr(Uintiln nt '. ut ('.
W. J. Vann, lliairy I. Itfoma.
Il(Kr W. Prior. Mllo Knowlion.
A. P. Illplvy, U DOuka, W. II.
Vorln. J. It. l.ork, Harry II.
Conlfy. It. It. Hindu. N. II. Mol-'.Mr.
romh, l.allui F. ,liapp'll. Val A.
Jl.inni.y. Elmor J. iohaaon, V. T.
Hhuaart, Hon II. Palmer, V'nnU
N. Klmhall and V. F. Hunyan.. all
ol California: nay Hhafnr. Trxaa;
Arthur Mlrhaclla.
. Huvada; M.
Blonf. I'tab.
Ir. Hi-Jirr Kprako
Dr. John W. Fllir, aaaW'
ant atati anprtntndent of tl"j,Mlrt, , H,n Krn-I 4
parlfle Cal Protmi HooUty. w fA tt (;. A. MHiur-y and
f poke to the Mnhodlat Kpl-oHI (-m(ty ,(X yntrrday Kf . motor
onriatlon In tho public library !fof Franciwo. Thry will
building yoatorday. on wrlfare l d ,wo wwv, outhorn rlt
work rarriwt on by tho lnaiiu-.
Ilnna uorivr hla rar.
lloinr from Im Ang.'l
Hay Mordoff, aon of Horry
Jl.irdolf of thla rlty. returned
jreaterdny from . Irfa Angoloa h tin ajKindlng hv
ummer montha. Hay. will eoa
ilnue hla high achool work here
thla winter.
Bperlal Meeting .. . - .
. Kvery I'ythlaO Knight ' In
Klamath Falla la rordlally Invit
ed to our meeting on Monday
night at $ o'cloek, September H.
flualneaa of Importune to he
tranaaeted Adv. I9-0
Kbunath Flower Hlwip .
i For flowera. Floral dealgna.
quality with aervle. 3t Main
llreat. Thon 689. adv.
urrluwrt Cottane
Mr., end Mr. C T. Darley
bave pnrchaesd a. rot 10 bo at take
O'The Wooda and Mra. Darley
and the children will remain at
the rraort until th opening ol
arhool. - .
When light J Blr la growing
darker buy r a Golden Ollnt
thampoo. brabnnt dlaappeara Is
on abampoolnt! At drug or toi
let good counter or at your
halrdreMMi. ad.
Mot It
1 V Albert May of Moo' atore la
moving till Week front the Wat
hut apartment! to the Hum res
idence, on Pin and Fifth, N
Fuller nruehee For Immediate
aervlce phou H77-W. George
I). McBrlde. Adv. 6-0
ItotuniHt to Mwtfonl
I Mtaa Heily .' Jgne. who haa
heeu vUltltig with Mia Gertrude
l.lndley for tho paal two wreka.
returned to her horn In Bed
ford Sunday.
. Vea
. f lotblng. runvna gnoda, guna
and heila giwiya en Bnnd'ttt
; Connolly Hroa. Adv. .. '
"To Crearcnt City .
, ( Mr. and Mra.' Geotgn Orlttle
(Mid daughtora, Helen, Fayn and
Thelmu, motored to Creadimt City
the inner part of th week to
apend aeveral dnya ',
IMrnlp nt Hpriwr Ciwk
( The oniployea of Woolworth'a
ajr.ra will enjoy n picnic Tbura
.lay night, almllar to th on of
Urt Weduoaday, when Ihry went
to Hpencer Creuk. . , '..
In !T..:::e
Mr. Miller of I)rt!r and Miller
Will bn In bl new homo at SOB
norewayntrlvo, the lot tor part of
thla week. v . ' .'
I'roin Puckctt'a,.MIII '
' Mr. and Mr. V. K. Unclaei
were In tho city yeatorday froin
llielr homo ut Pnckott'i mill,' -
Expert PrencrlpUontet ' ' 1
Forbo Pur Druia, d?.
St The- Mlllsnl
Mr. antf Mra. ('. It. Hnmrrlrk.
Oakland: 8, $. Blrt. I'-nUnd.
.. II. Ilnyer, Portland; II. (.'. lliir
lan. Portland; A. A. Mai", Port
land; Harsh Cnrrle, ftun Fran
cis, n,' Anno l.'nrflt , ftrjn' . Friin
rla.o; F. T." timer, Portland; M.
A. Cook, I'orilund: Mr. and Mra.
K. r. rxnlxi, ItolMi K. K. Ilrown.
Ilolan; T. II. Mutagen, Oakland;
I. K. Murllnel. Calll.r K.I
Whlln. Hacrumento; I,. II. Illlsa
beck. tletid; (llcnn Hhclly, Port
land; ('. W. Ingram, Han Fran
risen .... Mr. und ,.Mrs., , tl. M.
Iiixhuy. r.irilniKl. J. lc. Hrlni
stlnr, I'ortlund: A. A. Can. Port
land; Hen Mitchell,- Portland;
i.oonnrd Kaufmanit, Portland;
Mra. (i.'0. Dlllman. Beatlle; It.
II.. Maples and family. geatths;
Arthur C, MelJrk, YVIIIIamsport.
j'enn.; U. K. Hancock. Detroit.
Mich.: M. J. Thclsa. Detroit; W.
T. William. M.d:' K. W. Kin
er. Hcauli-; i. J.' (ialn. Port
land: Mr. and Mra. ftnwdon, Hai
ile;' J.T T. naiertt. Portland; B.
It, llnllcr. Psrtland; Mr. and
Mra. Max llnrnnrd. Mwl'ord; l(.
V. tliinn. Ia AinMea; Mr. and
Mra. It. A. Leot. . Norman II.
I.m.t and llarbnra lt, Oakland;
roll V.'Hhfldon, 8n rrnnouro;
C. W. HtlnitiT. Portland: F, A.
Vvtlton, ta Annoloa; Mr. and
I Mra. B. 0. Jolinaoa. liouywoon;
and Mr.. l. P. Kruaon
rortland. .
, -
IIIIM. (iiimi f MUaa IVmania
y,,, Ann(1 KhPa of A,inrla will
L h nfM t MMs yur.
Itatn lliwn ovr lit w
nd. MIm Klira. who tatifht at
Olcna laat yrar. wilt lk up th
laamr work at Pray Mill thla lall
Frm Hrtilllr
'Dob Zlmmarman. aon of Lynn
Zimmerman of lbs Klamath
Newa. arrled her early llila
momma, from Heatllo where 'he
lina ben amplnyed ,ln the Irtu..
Print Papor rnmpany.' Ho pln
to vlnit-for two wfkwlih hla
irother and alatrr. notty.
Stwiptilna la City
Mr. Frank. Thompaon, Mra.
Hopklna. Mra. Ollleaple. and Mra.
Ilratherlngton were In from Pine
II ll go Saturday on a ahopplng
tour. : . .-
from I'etlrnn City
Mra. B. H. Pike of Pelican
City waa ahopplng In Klamath
Falla Saturday.
W.t-k-Kml nt iJikevirw
- Mr. and Mra. J.'. A. Cordon
and daithir, Hope, and' Mix
Ruth t.tndaey. apent the week
end In l-nkevlew. .
St Liberty
Dempaey-Sharkey fight plrluren
a( the Uhyrty'Tnaad'ay nd Wed'
Oeaday.-r Adv.
From Ulnneeova
Frlenda of Mra. Hattlo Toomln
Will be glad to hear that alio haa
returned to Klnmath Falla. Mra:
Toomb apenl the winter In Min
nesota with relative n nd frlenda.
Td Lnkot lew '
Mra. Horla N'orrla of tho Fifn
and Amlrke atore I planning to
leave for !-akovlcws, Saturday
night to visit with Mr. Lelanri
Wlllltts and dnughtar, Hhnrop ...'.'
Motor to Critter jkr
C.rdon llukor of. MoMlnnvlllr..
Mr, floldberg of Stockton, and
Mr. and Mr. C. A. lfayden mo
(ornili tit Cnil'er l.ako Sunday.
At fliwry (ViNk llV
Lenlle Peyton of Cherry Creek
llayeo reports a lingo nuruker of
gueal at Iho reaort Ratnrdny
ntifl fittnrtny. ; '' -
lllll For Flowiin
and Floral design, rhono 1118.
dr. ' '
Drew on Vncittlop
N. It. Drew and family left for
Plnmnnd J.nke Hundny morning.
Drew experts to ret urn the latter
part of the week. '
Llmlacy- Iniprnvra-
Walter Llndsey, who haa been
arrloualy III at hla horn -on
Sixth street la rapidly recovering.
I.lndKoy la omploned at the Klnm
ath Ileutlng company. ' ' 1
For Insurance
So Jan. If, Drlucolb
Bldl Adv.
A tie ii. !h lkill (innic " N
Fred Houston bf tho Klumnlh
Klnthlng Kompany, motored to
th valley to attend th Klnm-atlt'-A'shlnnd
- game which was
played on Mod lord's field. :
(ar.t m ll.rf.-l Hull 1 ,
N.,J. 8lnniiit, Tho fllu; Mr.' j
aud Mra. I). W. .Carri-U, l.ake
rlw; Mlldrod (.arrcit, l.akvliw; I
II. K. Heed. Portland; J. V. Wal
ford. I'ortlnad: W. J. Ituraoyn. '
Portland;. J. N. (illlirngk and aon, :
lli'no; Vt M. Itiwnrfia,' Portland:
C. M. Arnold', lienor C; AV. anii
Newoprt, Vh.:' A. ,V. Vonnr.
Han Kranriaro: J. F. Crundail, f
Kiigena; W. II, llundrlll and fntn-j
fir. Portland: C. W,, Irvine, In-'
dM'ndenee; Mr. and Mra. W. I
II. Duy, Portlnml; II. I'. I''
aon. Walla Walla; II. 1'. Klnic.
H-4Tim: U. W. Waiter and wlfo. i
Baker:. It. K. WlllUm.on, gaira
mento;. C. J.. Iiaurh. I.a (irande: '
Kay Kaneo, Jerome, Malm; I., II.
titration, Hurramento; K. J. Kow
ull, Portland: -1 l. T, Hodon. i
Portland: llnthTrno, Han Ilicao.
(I.llmialn llank (iMn
7ti fhllui)nln H t a t e flank
op.nnd Hji d.wra thla morning.
Wnlur Klmmerman.' rtuhler of
the now. Inatltutlon. la In rharco.
The- twurd of dlrei-iora la ar fol
lowa:' l-eriny Uleng'r,' llert Al
bert, Jimeph V. H.-aalg, flenrge
M. Hirowhrlitge; chaa. Wllllama,
and Walter. Zlmmnrmnn. Ti
olflrent nre; Jowpll -V.'4 llealK.
ptealdcnt: Cliaa. ' M. Wlllbitna.
vlre-proaldont : Waller dimmer'
man, raahter; , and Mr. Klhnt
Zlnimernraa. aaaUtant rawhlor.
Tlu Wont lien
The Cyrot-Htormngraph at l?n
derwood'a Pharmaey ahowa thai
the liaromefrlr preaura baa lieen
rhilng Head My for the Inat II
lHwr. More aetil.d rondlilonr
are probalit for anfnorrow. Fore-t-aat
for Beit .24 houra: Fair
hh brlhk cool wlndaj Tha Ty
roa recording thermometer regla
lerod maximum and minimum
temperaturea lo.lny aa f.tllnwa:
High S lw JS.
To firanla Pusm '
Mra. Rra Jordin of thla rliy
attended' the wedding of her
father, C. T. Davldaon, In tirauta
Paaa Hunday. While there ahe
alao vtalted her nnfle. Elllah
iwviiiHon, uiacovererof -tno ore-i
gon Cavea. . ' .!
Dempaoy-Hharkey fight picture;
at tha LIlM rty Tneaday and- Wed-
m-Bi.ej.. flu., . i
' Mr. and Mrar C. P: Dartey and
McXrj- To Hp In Cfillminln I "n')' niT Ml; Katherf Vetch
' will enterhila dl- i motorod to l-ako o' tho Wooda
tlngulahed gueat. Senator Char: I Sunday to aiwnd a week nt the
lea L. M. Nary, on Soptember lt.ll'arley calrlti. .
Oregnn'a aanlor teantor I mak
ing hla Initial vlalt to till rlly
and will atny for only a ehort
i Liberty
' Demmev-Sharkev nlrturea
at the l.lbvrly Tneaduy and Wed
neaday. dv.' - .
From Hun FranclMti
, Mlaa Kllenore Torrey. daugb-1
ler of Mra. II. W. Poole, audi
Mra. (ierirude Tiftgu and daugh-
tor. AlleenC arrived recently from
Portland in mike ihelr home
' ' U'lili - r - "
Mr. and Mrs. Heiary Conrad!
of Stlnaon'x Studio apent Sunday
visiting with relative In Keno.
.t Liberty
Dempaey-Sharkey flgllt pictures
at -th Liberty Tneday and Wed
nesday. Adv. V
fluents nf Llndlcia
Mra. Ren Lindas and clauchlor
Anna, of Oregon City, will be
the guests of Mr. and Mr"- (leorge
l.lndley gt llicfr home 'on l.lnd
ley llclghta thla Week. ,
.t Liberty . "
Dempaey-Sharkey fight pictures
nt the Liberty Tuesday and Wed
nesday. Adv.'
IJal.y filrl llnrn
..Vr. and Nra.'H. R. Hoyerdahl
ore the- proud parents of baby
girl borh at the Klnmnth Valley
hnspllnl Monday morning. t''
lnvliiR for Sowlllr
Molvln Kimle. - a graduate of
the Klamath county high achool,
la leaving for Senltlo Thursday,
where he will entor the Cnlver
slty of Washington In October.
n Vacation .
Helen nrolteneteln. of" the
Krenlhg Herald, la spending her
vacation visiting several of Klam
ath' Ink resorts, she will re
sume her wovt next week. ,
Itabv (Hrl
' Sunday night baby girl was
born to Mr, and Mrs. Will Iltack
hurn of tipper Merrill Road,
floth mother and babe are doing
Cur going to Spokane,
for 3. Call 172, Room 14.
S 9 -.10
Expert Proarrlptlonlat
Forbo' Pure Drugs. adr,
Fresh 'Milk Feed for
Tlil Cerl.rr, fajjmnla, ';ioMy eive mil'4 Ut a lorttir wsxuph.ine
endilianre toau-ai. Ueplte hi. wll. The- winner played hla Inotru- j
mcKt n-.r tlu;i eltrhlot'ii houra.
i AT t ; 'j
Lait Showinp ,Tonightx
' ;,. lf prj ' ; ;'
, Colleen Moore
"Naushtv But
Nice" '
Tuesday and Wednesday
St..p In Ktnm:ith Fall "
An Jo- .Van Mnrrtmh c(niln
ucd her Journey to Portland from
San Fran. 'luce. Sunday nliibl. af
ter ' slopping over in this city
to vlalt with Mim Klli'njr Tor
rey for nevera) day. .
.,'... .Jin
Mra. M.'C. Murdrff an4augh
ler ElUxflnj :who.U.torrd ircLtV.r-
j""" "J 'Z .
To ljtkr (1 T ,
In Algtmiu
Mr. and .Ym, IIern;nn Clavold
if thla city apenl Sunday vlslt
Ins with relatives In Algoma.
from Vnciit ion-
Mr. and Mr. H.niun Stokea
inndi family returned tndiiy from
i Cannon Beach where they have
I been enjtiyiiig a two weeka' va-
"'I'Uly HlH-riff Mueller
! IPI Shorlff IjuI. Mueller
! '"' SntUldny for" WanhlnBtoni
-twbero lie .will visit for aeveral
jtlaya with friends and relntivea.
lllo will be accompanied by his
wife artd child.
tiooil KiMMhrT HtnyiT.
Jim) Ouyon. fiujil
fielder,, was ' a r irret'- bock
iieorgia Tech a few- years ago.
Rexall "93"
ha 'a gVrml.lmil. Vit im t
luting tonic which will
give tho hair renewed
lfe mid lustre. "Ninety-,
three' is ny siikv ,
n.ft siiakv ,or
; r.i- 1
It la crbv. to npplv and
does not Uavu tho hn ti
ll rv or brittle.
14 miiico iMitilo
Klamath Falls, Or,
:'-! ' f i I '. I
inuiunt j
Saxophone Player
The Lib er ty
Lt Showipg Tonight
: Breedf ':0
featurinj; "the ! wonderful
'The Dompsey-Sharke
Fight Picture
j More than 3000
Preferred Shareholders
i.J J"T ,j
Ask- Mt-i
) '
Containing sixteen pages of pictures and facts,
. illustrating and describing the properties of The
California Oregon Power Company, the booklet shown
above is yours for the asking. 1 f '
It is packed full of informative facts about this
progressive public utility company. Its charts present
Cvi'a striking picture of growth.. Its pictures illustrate
V modern plants and properties,' built and maintained
K'.' for the 'service of the public. The capital supplied" by'
: s thousands of investors goes directly into the construe
tion of permanent, useful public utility propcrlicC
A large map illustrates the wide territorial diversity, :
It tells how you, too, may become a partner in
public service by investment in the Company's piefcr
red shares. Writp or phone for your copy today.
The CAufornia Oregon Power Company
British Girl and
Helen Wills Will
Meet for Honors
FtClKST' lll,' N. Y.,' Aug.
2i lAl'l-lliJin IV1IU all! liwu-t '
lietty Kuthall In it llriilih-Anien . finul tomorrow for the wo-
m.'n'a (-iijiw r"'ll"iihl. The
ttiree tlmra f.irm.'r i-hmploii ti
day irimtied her ( ulilornla rival.
Did Dempsey Win ,
on a
See the official picture of the
. i 1 . i't ' . . '
. and you will knovy..
: vJ- : Correct Dental Work
When you come to me for your dntat -work Voij
will be assured of proper workTncnship aal just
and rfiaRonuf.le price. Mt list of kalittfied patients
is growinjr daily. You, too, will be- pleased with.
my service. Free Examinations Given '.'
dr. r. d: coe: :
Hopka BIdg. ' " ' " '" PKoW836
i .i
' r orncES.
Grants Rass. Roscburg, Klamath
,IMni Jahi".d-u. t l.. after tho
1 .;-( i r-olil KnaliUi.jtrl irlumph-
d over Mra. - Ctl.irlotte, lloainer
- i Z
i It la alicnlfh-iinr th i when Tex
1 ftkkard 'rt.irnel frqm fWo j
f..r a rei he "tloah. I'm I
ahot t.r plerea."
' Fali,
Un.A 'i , Vm there
ilng' iiit Id '. w York
rm a ttttx
TiM ilM nt4n1p 'f foul.
...... .
Ealls - Orcgori ij
S '.'
Jv '
t.l0 Per Ihmia l'
I'lion 4Uw (
MftM. Wil l AKK 40IINSO
Accre.e, Toucher tt
lUimoi.). Far Training j'l
Ml'Ki.Sj llimofy-. 1 ; J
H'uiH,, x 1 1 fror-. :
. I'h,.n . U-33"
FineM. Mln-rnl WatrfJ'
In I ho V nrl.l
. ; llirr HI'IMXI.'t t
i now oienr Irum
7:01 A M to midnight
Tub IlatliH Swimmtnic lank
Hot and Cola Shower
For Private Parlle
Phone. IfMi-W - ...I
, Hprlnu uii'l F.-.ptiinato
ray THE BEST .
Ask for the anion card
F. R. J. If. Flkes. U. U
Green. I.. II. Shcborn. C. II,
tcinff. Mr. Csroenter
Employ member of L. U. 1279
Starting July It ',
Red Ball Stage Line
f ! I
Two Tlailr atage Itrtween
bllnmath Fulla and Iikrvienr.
IsvhiK morning
Leaving; S:tK P. M.
il-nvca. KKCKAKD'H Aut
Klnge Otri.e
Phone 77 or 600
Management ' .
. Prompt Servtc
Pbon J41
Transportation Co.
lainr' Ttlamath Full 7:SI
A. L, 1U;(H,A, !., 1 P.
4:i P. M.. makinir Conner-
tlona to PortlaiHl anU waiy
points sitino. day. Conm-ctluiis
at A'lilaml with I'lck wick
Stage for 1 i'lilifornlA potjits.
7:30 A. M. and 1:00 P. M.
Stafes make direct through
connections to t-ortland ' aad
Seattle. 10 A. M. ami 4:40
P. M. Stages mako. direct con
necltcis to San Francisco .and
fa Angelea. v v.
Local Office 013 Mala St.
- - i' rhoM 08 r;
.. vocxa ,
Coal & Transfer
J:'. Company '
"Diamond nriqnct"
' Phone- 10117
First '
.Methodist Church"
- . - - " i-' - .,('
Tenth anrl. nipti Sta.
'i."i 'Mbalster' .-',
Reside ace, 100.-1 Hlch fit.
"We Specialize In Helpfulne"
Sunday, arrlcoe: . .
11 a. m 7:30 p. r.
Chiloquin Stages
Leave Klanmth Fall Dally for
Oilloquin awl Intermediate
"- point ea follows:
' (:00 a.m. 12:30 noon
S:30 p.' m. 7:0U n. nl. . '
Tak 9 a. nt. bus to connect
jonvee r
qulq. I
tor camps beyond Chlloq
Vt H KI.1,
- . - t
", and liitermcdinr pol
Wncd jj
Lv. K. F. 7:30; At
Lv. Wood I: SO; Ar. !C F, (oti
Stage Lt&vlng i 1-2.
Rlogii ' - Ik pot J
tll.I'MKln 'Htj. '
I)RtK, R.lrOl Wx t, j
lie eurcd 1hobsj'fidr '
v- XA'by not youT ' '
v Radium ite -for. snlu 6y 1
: K, A. Illilt.f. r 4
(Special Itepr-B(intiitl,vJ '
. Phono DIO-W ' '1
- : . . ' .. JlCrA
'Diamond Briqu '
j'orxu t-oti. Tim"'
:' . : t.Mlt!n v , -.
'' ' '; Vh'n llior' 1'.