THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. S.itiinlav. AiiiMist 27, Two 'I. II. MAI.AUKKV w. ii. pi.i.mns ;... I'. It. KM1I.IKI1 ....... Kim-nil on toroarl il.ia mattrr t Uiwn, mi AuRUKt Mi, lKUa, under VH-'fcWll.vf . Associated Press Leased Wire Member of Audit Bureau" of Circuation Mi-mlu-r of lite AnanctaUd ITim Tha Aniorlatad Vrrfr. In ?xi-luHrfly enlitli'd to the or rtpnhllr-lii-n of all iiows 4Unai'kis credited o It or not otherwiae crrtlliad Ii Ihia p.ippp and rlt-o lie local near t,u''il"'4 tlrarola. All rlsh;a of rt uuoliintiott of a-!iil liaiu-hta nt-rain mt alao rwrtwl Saturday,' August 27, 19271' Let Us Show Tliein A .tils' outsantliiiir proof of the bright future for Klamath. Falls is the water for irrisation. It is jilenti A.1 and nature hits reservbired U hij;h enoujrh that grav ity tiikos it over the land and makes it "blossom as a ruse.' to use an old poetical expression. . i This eveniitjf . the congressional dclegaV'on . will ,be t-ntertaiiied by people of this city and at the dinner we will hear something of the policy toward irrigation in the West. .. . .'-.v v -- " We realize that western congressmen have their troubles in getting reclamation , bills through the na tional contrrcss, for bear in mind, a great majority of the congressmen comprising the lower house are elected from states where irrigation is unknown and .therefore they cannot well understand the problems of the west.' . For this reason people on the Pacific slope .appre ciate most profoundly the excellent work 'done jn the past for the reclamation or arid lands. In our. district we have a man who has done valiant work for the irri jratcd districts and Congressman Nick .Sinnott has been ably supported by Congressman Addison T. Smith, of Twin Falls, Idaho, and many others. , . 1 ' The Evening Ilerald . wishes to impress, upon this delegation, who. are guests of the city this evening, .that their long, tedious and seemingly endless fight in con gress for the west .is Jiot overlooked by any means, but k is held firmly in the minds of our people, who thank them sincerejy for their efforts. IV e believe it is most gratifying, however,. to these, congressmen to come to a district like Klamath Falls ind see achievement; see their promises to the national toiij-Tess made good by people on the land; see a desert turned into productive homes., We can think of. nothing that better backs up a public official than .for him to .be able to say to his colleagues, "we told you what we world do if you approved our Teclamation bills and now time has proven our statements tOube..true" - -. j That is the backing Klamath Basin is giving the work of "the delegation who. visits ush'isVveliing'; tlmt is: the thanks we are offering the reclamation depart ment foi; its effort, and that is the'p'roof we are giving the entire, nation that the faith of Sinhof'arid others has been sound". And to this delegation we wish to say further that 'we have barely started on the high road to agricultural, success. Come back in five years, friends of the west, and we Ayill show you such development that you can' scarcely realize possible. We know it is in the offing. We know because we are here on the'; land and can better understand conditions, that a few years more will ' make of this Klamath Basin an irrigated homeland, the like of which has yet never been knoirri Sn.- all the world, because we have the wide expanses yet to be developed; we have water in abundance; ws ".have-.the proper clim ate, and we have the home market, together .with the entire market area of the Pacific coast.. , ',. Klamath Falls and the entire community, is today thankful to a generous government and to the congress-, men who have gone a long way and undertaken big fed eral investment, to start an empire which will now be brought into full bearing by the sturdy men and women who want to call it home. . -' : . . t . P O P U I EXCURSION! 11154, ; Crescent ancl 1 Odell Lakes AUGUST 28 Greatly Reduced ' Round-Trip. Fare Khiinatri Kill In 'I'w-tif Ijikc J;t.fNI I'aHrarlt rltiinnilt 14.2.1 Allionin rrm-fltt Jjiko $.1..". OArartc Hunimit :l.OA ( lillHiiin rpaiinl. Ijiko CnarailP Sunimit V:l.20 THAIS I.i. h Knlla Ar. I'ntHi-nl Ijtkp l.y. Crc.iTiil I.nki .r. 4'nwaili- Suintlill .: I.v. Cnxwli Kunilllll . i-. I 'ri-Mifiil Ijtkn i , v... ni 1-k,. At-.' Kliiiiiulli J'Hlla ,7,:M 1. Spend the day on beautiful Crescent or Odell Lake, FUhing, Beating, Swimming, Hiking A wonderful opportunity for a. picnic party; Southern Pacific Lines FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL J. j. MILLER, D. F. & P. A. HOPKA BLDG:, EIGHTH ". Killior . AJvrUmj Maim" ..1 Ituslanx Manager Iho poatnffli'e at Kin math Kalla. art of tVtixr.'H Marrh 3. IS 79 L A R HOIKIHI.K T: l A. M. I:4 t. l. :.V) .J M. 10KI5 A. M. 4t4X T. M. I . i. .Vi I'. M. Weli f . I i , 'I i , and MAIN PHONE 709 .1 Mlllll I.4NIKM4. I'lt I nhurch-lloxitin itoutilf hnul er p.wtpour.1. ruin. National tiril itauit: I I tl chli-aio , . . I 7 I'hllii.l.'li.lilu t Huli. Hoot aiul Hartuelt; 11- rl. Ii anil Wllain Mnoi.d Kami tit) Innliticst. rhuaau id i i I'hlladi'lplila li ; j Ritllltaari. Knot and tiitnt.ili-a: j 8J pel laud. WIlHon. Wlllouislil'.v and J. Aiui'rit-an l.iMitit. Washington 1 4 Chicago ( In ll.ulley. Hurko aud lluil; l.y on aud Crouaa. S , Koaton ' .... riaVrland - OF LONE PILOT ..C.iynuMl.froni oo Infurmatioa remain umon-i"1" rirni1 - , ii' Soriu.v of no'; wasnoi irn- UiltHl luto Unn. huw.vr. for lb nitiM that Redforn laid on. carried him 6m virtually n ack-' If Maa and land. CoDiiouod llti- will not Income porient of danger until .the hour of his planned arrival haa passed early, tonight of he fliea to . Kit) l)e 1 Janeiro, or near Boon today t low fuel Piipply or' another ciuse i prompts him to swerve eastward 1 to IVmnnibuoo. rm the roast. . One further eontinency would land bim ut Para, northwest of ' reruamburo and athiosl lf0o miles directly north of Kio De Janeiro, the major objective of the darlnj! pilot ho catapulted Into spare from Clynn. ).-le., near hero, at noon Thursday. , 1'arn a hb intended tandinK p)a.-o if adverse winds and weathtr fori-ed too rapid consumption of fuel in the opinion of Paul J. Varner, cJtatrman of the loral committee spoDsorlnp the flipht. . ' Radio fiat ions, ships and lifilH ' houses sprinkled on and nar his southeasterly route amiss the equitor are ahrt to bis voy ap-p and ' plan to flash to the world The first news they have of Redfern or his plaue. Ama teur wireless , operators through out the , southeast, as well as operators of powerful jfovernmeut , and commerelat stations are. keyed up and listening In for the slightest bit of Information concerning the pilots' where-, abonta. ' Adding to the generil belief that Redfern will attain at li'ast his secondary objective Pernam buco, are reports of gort-rnmnt meteorologists, that he will en-' clinU"'r favoraWe weather condl- tlons through practically all of -his trans-equatorial jump.- and ; espeei'illy. ovef those ' dubious stretches of the lower Atlantic; and the Caribotan Sa, whose treacherous reaches he has trav-1 ersed already If his program of t " -T - ' .la : It. takes rea! stamina -to" enable a machine to of digging potatoes. The McCormick-'Deering digger ha$ a frame built of heavy angle-steel bars. The side's are made of heavy steel plates. The whole frame is solidly braced to. resist excessive strain. Jne beams arc made of extra heavy.I-beam steel, There is ample denr ,ance under the beams for vines and trash. There is also Rood clearance be tween the tongue-truck axle and the ground. The elevator links are made of seven-sixteenths inch high carbon steel, which is very hard. The links are tempered to give best gearing qualities. They are arranged to form pockets to keep the potatoes from rolling back down the elevator... , , ,, , .... Everything else being equal, potatoes dug with a McCormick-Deering digger should bring a higher price on the market than those dug any other way.. Furthermore,. there are no potatoes left in the ground. You get them all. Built in 2- and 4-horse power sizes. J. S. MILLS and SON V I f It k It t mil no iiii(oiiivii niln- I . . . naiit-v . , II y hl pra-flluM i-oiiiroilailoua lirOfi'in lola .lioiilil Iw nvcr Ilia northi'a-iii'rii nan of llruxll. mmu Hutih liulm-a ami Maxiitti a itw IUkIi roail ,' I ti hiiili luounlntu rangi-a. REPORT 83 FIRES . A'r,-,E' EVMSrCT IN LARGE FOREST (Omlluuid Vrotn T'usi" Otto) Indi.-JI 111! that the public lx' l . .-ontlng more -ur-ful in ilil r wt Thl ti not tru-" "T bha UntoUiTs' Jttvs, huaviT. and a " mi-iiI atfori I living mailt- Ihia u . yur throitahotit ilu rat-til' noiitiwi-.i to rail al trillion In lit ilatuiiK licliia ilotit Ity tlropuluK r'ltiir and ilaaivtii nulla wlillo ty aro Halited. i tii (ortAl f Irr I. Iium wvn 1 V- r HrnURU. of Nonh Varu- . linn, trctl by m fa tit uf an auU' crnk hUh he n,M' n.'lnRiilshd oampCixo and j l,v trm-fc m nlo hy him and III '" doR UHr h,i.r h 1 ln ho J"'1' rt r .eavinit a fir t rttR - unaitended n oro-l RroMnd and waa fined $2. ami , t. . , . . . Another" New DRESS OKI frocks .m;iy" bo dyed - another shade and look, exactly like new. Our scientific methods insure the best results. 'Juitflibne- . ., 1166 ACME CLEANERS , & DYE CO. 15Vx Main I v t i : f0IM The Better fyiel - Cheaper thar Coal Take up Your JOofprobitmst! with ug, jin'fl. decide" refe "VVfrfte,. , hindle , FUEL OIL and OIL BURNERS PEYTON & CO. . ... "Wood to Burn 601 MAJN . ...... . fPHONE I 100 MILES OF TIES NOW LAID tt'uiiiintitd from pattt unr) II. Mii'mincy In u lalrnhmil1 lit-Ir-rvlow ; I It im ni.iHihia,, i . Tic' uutl aiaol for tin Aluirrin. l.aki'Vii'U Mot-lion, a dtaiunra of 54 itnl'. ' art now I'urouti and will Ih iIMi I Im l mI aa rnil a lluy arrlvo. rroviVion a 111 lit I ttiadt lot a Irniulcr It-ark at Al ! ItiruM an soon an iho utw atorl la l.tid to Unit ixiliii. a plan wliith . uill p. i mil of tliu ivluana uf intu it iiiirri'tt attti; riitlptitinl. ' t'ri onifaai4! In tltt work now niiuilH-r ovp ttut) nnii. iht ' larci'i.1 niinilii'r that ltaa )vt lux it ; ht'ld MKi'tli.'r at una llttiu Titi' In b. ii- luviioviT appcant lit lx l -' :tt-nlni;. ltirr for u tlnti rcplnrt" 4 ir -,( n nc !h-cI forwnrTl nml tltit tu nvere. Save Your Money ... w.i ink XV. 7 SI-KKIM MI-rTKK TIh mo.K popular i-ant M,itr,v tuulppad w-tth A. T. fpid omptam. Jawallod antl ma-atti- mex-hanUm la tuad. whti-h inmtra aivurr of pd in-dli-atlon and mtl,iii: rislatru t ion If rnii aro not itaini an A. CV HMad'uitar rn your iar let a 'itiaiall ont. JOHNSON'S Auto & Electric Service 721 Kliuualh iMiono 340 535 McCorinick Deeririg Potato Diggers A Few 'Reasons Why These Diggers Make F r i'e n d's Wherever 'i They Go: stand up to the hard work innnta harill)' kt'pt pat-t Willi la iMiioia li'avlna. A lilK four )uld 1.1. Mill nhovi-l In upi'tati ft ii tit tin ki-iudaid aauaa Una will ittrivi Ihia work to wldi'it i-tttH mid trar away rni. Iiunkini-nia ttlotiK Ilia ltiwr part of Ilia lino Wlillo hiilluMliill' III i'imii Intti ai-tlvly. Iliii tiitMiutlon will not ttolny opi'l'atlon of Hltitid artl KttaKi t rultia Hlnrt arltiMtittfi call In- inalitlaliii'd nvot- tin lnu um Noon na tltt lalla ara In jila-'. Iliottalt. nii-iitaril on a flow at'titnliilt. itv i.i Tiiviiivriii m il iiijr Unit' sti-.Vi ' ' . ti. V. Iloriutnn. pnator Tlirn will In no Sunday m Itool or nrrli-ra on Sumlity. Anitual !S, and no' inwtlua ot niltlra rlam n'l Mintilny rvi-nl iik. Sun itiiy ai-hool ami rrvlir ami ill Sunday. Sol. ltli. Tho Yon in- IVopli-'a Kortaty III ' llli'ft Urxt i ritt.ty vvt'utitii at :j. i SI. I'uul'a Kilrtal I liurrli i i , ITha rrlftKlly I'ltitrchi SIti nl Ji-(faron i ' llotr. J. Monty TIioiiiik f'liurrli ihoue Hi. Hi-siilotut 1 tif-it. ; ii a. m., Holy Cuniinnnlon. I 11 1. ui... Monilni! ii nti i-r ami normon Ity llio rclot'. ; In future Holy (.'otnmuulou will i , br i'li'brai-d t?viry StinUny al 1 a ut. inataail ol S:1o a. in. OCR Something real 'good for Sunday. Klamath suckling pig and frefsh apple dressing and new sweet potatoes. - ; ......i.i - Special Sunday Dinner ,$L25 , , . H-l-rl' ' The Hotel Willard Coffee Shop "Only the Best Served" 3-cdV"-i' , l A 5 installed iii .. " ' - I'-1 ' buiton "This' button lock is the greatest ' itt ,bt . u..i .' . u) unlocl improvement in modern building jus turn the ' Kob equipment of late years," declares a leading contractor and builder. ,. " ' . . TYPES FOR ALL DOORS Z . . GLASS KNOBS . OR METAL KNOBS All U. S. standard makes. ( ''',"' -." ..... v . ; 'fe&ldwin Hardware Cb. "The Winchester Store" 414 Main St .. . , Phoiie 261 i hist inrnsr i in in n Klululi and Waslilnaloii Mtii'ota ' A I'. tiliniiioiia, ialor ' llllilw ai liool lt.:lu a. tu. riimf ' )a for all. Moi'iiIuk oilili and aorinon, II nil a. ut KviMi!it n. rvln, a mi P ui Vint nrw Invlt.'tl to wtitliii a It It tta. ( H.t III II HI- UT I III IU H Kit lull ami 1 1 1 K Ii Htri'-ia I lli'V. A K. I.nani r IIhv V. II. Kolui Kumliiy tnaati'a ut li ;ln. K:ut unit lu lu. Kvaulim drvollon u ' T:.1ii Wrrk-ilny tiiaaa at T un a. lit M.-rrlll. flr-l and lltltd riiin- l.iya at I" 10 .All lira lorillnlly , wili-ontt al our ai'rvlia. 4lllilliiii Ki-lrili-r NiM-irt) IVnili at WanhliiKton Kiittlay ai Itool. 9 ii . lit Sunday i-ryi-. It on a in. W'dtiai.ilay rvanltia- iiii-tlnK at .UI. Krua ri'ii.linit room nml lro lomllni: lllirury opi'it fi-ont J::n In 4:1" p. m. on Tm-d iv, Tlitir lay and Sliird.i). Tin, pulilli la i-ordlully lnvli.,1 M attoud Hi' itorvli-i-a and tta tin roidlnx room. M.UI.ITII TKXI'l.i: , liny l'Vrli. pailor Tumor KIkIvi unit Ouk Nla. t liun h of tin Fourfold tioa pi'l. Jaaua t'ur:I llta aniiio yt tonlay. fciduy and fornvnr Tin Sjylour. Houliir. Holy Spirit Hap llr.T. and romlnil klnc A kta tki'liomo awalta all hn rmna. CHEF SAYS ; i . ... Tulilulil 1 1 I iitxalllK roiiilui-i-ad liy titi' yoiniK P'oil'la at tin loliii-r ul Ht vviiih and alaln. Hun ,l,i v niiinilna at : 4 ft uYloi a ytiu will rnjoy vllllnn our Humjuy ailmol. I'laaara illi roinpiltiil irmliaia for H aatw. Mia. John 1.1 n I .xt . aiiporltilonilaiit. . Al I) uit .ii'ilin k dlylnu or ahlp. You iiiiinni ii I ford to iul 1,1,1k aroitl orvlii Tuple of um m.iiik Ity tin pu.tor. "Kof Zlotia Huko.'or Hod fall In Hi-rHi-a " A lilvHUiia BHa you. Al b b p. tu. Votina I plf'a tiTvli-a fol- lowi'd hy a atrivi iih'oiIiik. Al 7;4S p. iu. rrat avanifllal lc aotm and priun liltia atrvlt-a. Una of I In lal anrvk' avar ti"lit In Ilia tuililo la npn'iitl. Tin rhoir will alii "Down V'roin 111 Ivnrv I'aln. i- ' Mm John l.inloaiy m a ho lirltia a pailnl nia.u.aa in umi. antltlml: 'Whrn Ilia I'oarly lluloa I ufold," roilowi'il ly Iho o iiiki'Uxti' m'a Itoin lltid'a aonl -(inlawaya lo Ilia KU'rtlal I lly " Suula ata batni aarml. aud Hit auk ami ilfrrln lira brlim hrulr.l li- Kalih In (iud. ramo wiilt y,itr hiirrt-nt. and, tarry aauv a in I la Ji-ok la an ra. api-.-lor of prraon Vliniwor will may i-oiri. ant lr lil-il. Tit Ity vonltiK. Iiatid pi a I if". Mr. I'ollpt In i-haritp. Wi'dnan day, ivnliik. Krol inli.wMk ci rili o mi Ilia ilui.p. Iltinila ,if lioit. You rannoi a'., ml In tnla u la aorvlia If you d.lrn a rlnaar iilk wild lio.l. Tlitiraduy tya nlni. iliolr pra.-lliji. Mra. laVrJi m'ci i-'ridi)' vaniim, "i 1 1: a Holy Hplrli IIoimUiii fnr All Today T" I'uator. liny HaVrloa. rraldani-a S.'J llomia St. I'honi homo 107. M. aiudy t7fi-V. to lock ' lust nrrcttli (J ' OR ANY AC ti . i. OR ANY AGENT , . KLAMATH FALLS Is : . - i . i.i, i .ti j. i i ( " - v. i- (. t