Piige Ten TUtf EVENING HF.nAI-D,' KLAMATH FALLS, ORF.llUN. iff KENO cms SPEND DAY AT SPENCERGREEK News Note bF Farm Di-j trict Related by Her- 1 ' aid Correspondent , . KENO A1115. 27. ' (Special to The 1 IfVnI(t T A party fit local folks, . Including "vt' Trefren. ; Lillian Doardman. Mr. and Mr. C. Snowgooso and children Uls. : Cora, and Velmt motored to Spencer rreek on Sunday, where they spent the duy. Hoy Clevenger and. his mother, j Mm. Clevenger msde a brief visit at the Hnowgoose ranch on Tuesday ntorrtlnjt. I- W. Anderson apenl Sunday at Like 6' the Woods, where ho picked berries. Mis Merlaio. Guibb an. afternoon vistior at the Ander on home on Tuesday. Mr. and Vn. O. I). Wllklns . and son motored to Klnmith Fnlla on Thursday. Mlaa Leila, t'ros spent Wed nesday afternoon with Watne (Iruhb. . Mm. R. E. Puckctt and daugh- icrs, Kthe) and Augusta, left Sunday evening for the big t'.x lobcrry mountain, where tl.cy, will spend several diva. During the absence of Mrs. K. E, Puckett ,tho Misses Olive Tref ren and Lola Snowgooae are in charge, of .the boarding house. ' T. A. Grubb of Swan Lake was visiting with friends in Keno Sunday. The county surveyors arc busy 'surveying the Keno-Worden road. Miss, , Olive Trefren and . Ben SnoipBOose motored to Klamath Falls Saturday morning. ... . Mrs. Carrol has just returned from Portland, where she has been visiting for several weeks. lessle Puckett spent Thurs-. .day visiting with relatives and friends. . Misa Mary, kerns spent Wed nesday afternoon visiting with Reatha Hartell. . D. J. Puekett motored down to Weed, Calif., on business Sun day. :v : LIFE'S GREATEST 'KICK' THUs lLdSiSiL A First" Parathute Jump, Say s the Navy's Star "Death Cheater," Dwarf Even Wait for Fate in Electric Chair Day KaaW MlaVKfRaaTMRM 1 1 A 5." -.: , 1 n 3 u m- mm Colored Hens Herald Dance Monday Night ' 1 " " . -V ' () . 1 '?n-L-r4 zLa ft " fi.-')..'X- . , VUi. TL . '' . x .. ( , ) "The dizzv fall, the roar of the wind slinoins bv j your face, the hysterical ruspense as you jerk the rip-cord, the 'freezing of muscles and heart action as you wait for the pilot 'chute to 'anchor ho man can forget that!" . says Alva Starr (inset), i HV .tl.VA K. ST.4RII. V. S. X. Xnvy's lnrwchute Juiiint A new variety of poultry is on display In the windows of the' Three-K store, displaying all the A sMp goes roaring by high colors of milady's sport garb, overhead at an altitude, say, of heralding, the. approach of, the 5000 feet. big dancevAuKust 30 In the new Suddenly, the steady drone of 120,000 fair building, sponsored the motor stops. It sputters, by the Klamath county fair couch, goes dead, board. j Then a burst of flame! A The dance will make the com- bjack spo k , ciimbs out of the jdetlon of the the fine new fair I cockpit, hesitates on the edge ground structure to be used for : and drop9 earthward like a exhibits at , Klamath county's ,,one. u faiu sigkeningly for greatest agricultural show and wnat een,s an eternity of sec rodeo, in early September. D- R. onds and plop. ' a white can Jensen, manager of the fair, has opy of allk opon, uracefully and arranged a number of unique and n qutt.t descent is roado to iaiertainl'ng features for the mother terrafirma. dance, which promises to be the Another life has been saved. biggest of the year. . Another' pilot has experienced that experienced by the first jump from the wing tip of a swirt ship thousands of feet In the air. The diizy faI. the road of the wind slipping by yoiirj face, :h hysterical suspense as you jerk the rip-cord, the "freezing" of muscles and heart action as yofl wait for the pilot 'chute to "anchor" and the deep wave of relief as the huge circle of silk "ftrings out" and all Is well no man can forget that!" larnival Dance to , Be Staged Tonight There Is no describing the sensations to a new recruit. - I have seen the most hideous expressions come over the! faces as Ihey let go and fell A big cnrnlval dance' l sched uled to be held tonight at the Altamont Amliior.um by Hul niaikliiirn and his' band. A large; shipment uf interesting noise- ' makers, confetti, serpeutino and other things have Inst been re ceived and will be given out to everybody) alteudlng the dance. t The orchestra assures every-, body that there Is a great plenty and it 1 anticipated that a rec- . iord breaking crowd will bo in I attendance to enjoy the fun. The i The pew. fair building, with tbe thriU of "The Death Cheat- to what they 'believed' would be r",va.' ,na? , '., i hardwood floors,' will offer one erg" namc apriied hy some to certain death. A man sitting In i ' , I of 'the biggest dancing pavilions nlv dag, 0f young airmen at the the electric chair could nut look , m ' , , ,n v Inl t,u.,.i. ' In the state, and it is expected Lakehurst, N. J.. naval air sta- ; more indescribably frightened orl "vr , ,, , " " ",',',, I that the crowd on tbe opening ; , who are tauxht scientific ' agonized. j burn and 1.1s ban. I win proceed dance will tax Its capacity. parachuting for emergency drops r Some men stare at the earth The twelve colored hens, to- from ,ilc clouds. in fascination, as a bird charmed gether with one rooster, are Xa . by a snake. Some grit theirj be swarded the gentleman tak- , Almost every layman I havejtreth and literally hurl thoin Ing the most ladles to the dance, talked to has an erroneous idea selves off. Others, with a de Another feature prize, consisting ' what parachute-jumping is all 'spairing glance at companions of a. Jersey heifer calf and a iabout. ' " . ' I in the fuselage, pimply roll off. bale of. hay, Is to be awarded to., "Oil, I'll b'et it's the' greatest thrill In the world!" . "You must be crazy to do It. "Only a man with iron nerves would do anch a thing, etc.' i And so the comments vary. I have taken jumps from ships" at all4 altitudes. . at all u,.t.,l frnm 40 tn 140 &lf!esBn VLl. 17 rj, hour. I have- hopped off the some lucky, lady at the dance. Music Is to be provided by Les Rating's and Hal Hlackburn's or- ' ' rhestraa, and as the floor will ; be the liest obtainable, tlie dance is planned to go over in a big way. All have to conquer a -form of hysteria that makes them oft en forget ten or twelve weeks of ground Instruction. Big William Wins rWay to Last Round i NEWPORT. It.. I.. Aug. 2", (A. Shenandoah, ..liOs Angeles, non- , f ,nni Tilden and -Manuel rigid airships, free balloons and j Alonno. both of Philadelphia and practically all' types of aircraft. 1 t)le frt and .second ranking , I have guided more than 1" ' players In the country, resnec- P.) John F. Logan. Portland students in my classes through to i tvely. today reached the final attorney, who was seized with a graduation "exercises" in the sky roud n the Newport f.'aslno In falntlng spell at Salem yester- and f . still maintain that tl' vitatinn tennis tournament. The day following his appearance In man WITH fear Is a better jump- finai hnttle fr tle challenge cup )ohn F. Logan on Road to Recovery .... ... .. t , . . . PORTLAXD. Ore., Aug. 27. (A. on which Tilden won a leg last the sand and gravel hearing be- er and a better airinan than Ihe fore the state land officials of man WITHOIT fear. year Is scheduled for tomorrow. Oregon and Washington, was The "daredevil," he who hon- While Tilden's semifinal vlc- restlng' comfortably today, ac-slly has no fear In his neart. torv ov,.r J())ll Van Kync, Prince ton alar, -t. 6-3, was no surprise, the triumph of Alonso over Francis T. Hunter In the oilier semi-final by scores of 4-fi, fi-S. H-4, 6-3, ume as a decided upsi't. Cording to members' of the fam .11 y. .The attack was o'f tempo rary, nature and Mr. Logan was taken to his home In Portland. It; vras roported from his home that It was believed lie would he fully recovered after a day or two of rest. noor airman. He takes too many chances and 'Is Inclined to be careless whereas the Intelli gent and fearful man will scien tifically go. about his business In a methodical and wise man ner. Consequently,- his chances of succeeding .are. mlich better than the reckless one s. f 1 That much for 'that. How does 'it feel to jump ofl aneediiiK nirnlarie? What do Iterative of the law forbidding the King of.Kngland from trav eling more than f0 miles from . London without n minister In attendance. (U-nmn IV had the von think about as you fall. milestones from. Loudon to Hrlgh- , when you tug at the rip-cord ton give the distance as less than no your 'chute falls to open? Do do miles. vcu dive hend-flrdt or feet-first? ' -r- Is It much of a .shock? Is A radio Ration that planned much of a thrill to broadcast the sounds of nn Insaue asylum abandoned the at me nftenest when I alight state line ncvir Dorrls where they will furnish the bulauce of the , music for the opening dance of that hall. 1 MIXNKAPOLIS, Aug. 27. Senator Kohinnon of Indiana started to play golf abo'ut the time a certain young man, ar rived In Atlanta and the world, but he has Just seen It played. So he disclosed after watching Hobby Jones burn up Mliiidahrin. An American cantnred bS' it Mexican bandits was released 1or only Moo ransom. W can rc- heso are Ihe questions ' hurled ' mr-mhu- the time when Ameri me oftenest when I alight, .cans 'used , to bring at least II Ofl'i I believe that to the average airy day, buN as the reformers program, says n dispatch. Guess we'll have tQ get along with theman (herejs no emotional "kick" I say, we've eone to the dogs tor jasi naudsior g,wnue longer. Dig enougn - lo compare wuu riliiy, . trans-Canada Limited Finebt train through the Canadian Pacific Roc kies ixnnt mountain Wcrtcry in tlir uttrld' Fast et time acrr the Cana dian continent to nil polntMn Kastern Canada ami the United States! LOW ROUND TRIP i FARES NOW ONI May 22 to Sept .V) Return Limit Occ Jl. Open ntxrrvntjon car; men club car. valet ser vice, liberal Mopovers everywhere. imuidinK Banff and Lake Louise1 Cenodtan Pacitn Tro-.ellrrt Canadian Pacific W h Deacon -fir IJot n t Pi ji'r De pr 55ThbdStJsilrK)Mulirs)mhHor!SI For F irHkt Sm O H brttn. Dot f n All of Ncws-Heralds 6,000 Prize Campaign And f iie Fblir fine The last chance! Only a few hours m ore and The Klamalh New Evening Herald's famous S6.000 Dtize c amDaiirn Will come to a close new motor cars and numerous other pr izes will be won as a result of the gigan Ai t,l ...1. L -LJ. :i' n i i. i i nv. iuic uoiiiv tvziii.ii etius at, ? u, viuck i oniKiii. , Will your name be In the winning col urtin A big final spurl today may de cide in your favor. ; The final vote sche dule shown below is your last chance, and it points straight the way to victor y. . Make the most of it before 0 o'clock tonight, and one of the. automobiles ma y be your reward. Mike this last day your BIGGEST DAY! ; DtVt b e Late! Doors of Campaign Office Locked at 9 oCidck Tonight Candidates turning in subscriptions t department by 9. o'clock tonight.,, Thos in have the privilege of mailing same. .S the'postoffice before 9 p. rri.,. August 27 ment by Monday hdon, August 29th., C place a special delivery , stamp on .sam oday must have them in the campaign e who cannot bring their subscriptions inscriptions mailed must be placed in th, and must reach the campaign depart andidates mailing subscriptions should e to insure prompt delivery.... i Final Vote Schedule Showing the tremendous vote vilue of NEW subscription! during the Uit wetk of the campaijin (August 22nd 14 27th 9 h. m.). Thii schrdulo U positively final and will not be changed. It I the only schedule that count now, and supersedes all previous schedule, except that votes on OLD subscriptions are the same as they have been throughout the campaign. Votes on NEW subscriptions, as shown below, are figured as equivalent to 70,000 extra votes on a. $20 combination, thus complying with the original announcement. " ... Rales for News or Herald N'KWft or liu:i.i Ily ('nricr In klAinnth Knlls Vote rnirn Five Vears ...3!.50 Pour Years .... 26.00 Three Years .... 19.50 Two Years 1J.00 One Year 6. Bo Six Months 3. 60 NEW 273. 7S0 201,000 138.2f.O S5.500 S7.750 17.2S0 Ol.P 100.000 1 1 0.OD0 70.000 , 10,000 15.000 5.000 Combination Rate for Both' Papers m:Vh am iirnw.l) - Ily t'nrvlor Its Klnninlh Knlls ' Voim rnirK Fire Years ...5.00 Four Years .... 62.00 Three Years Two Years .. One Year .. Sis Months .. .19.00 20 00 1.1.00 7.00 ' XKW &R7.500 442.000 3M.500 201.000 si.BOO 30.500 oi.n sso.oiio 200,000 iso.ooo 1 10,000 40,000 13.000 riy New or Herald Vlull riuliile Klnmalh Falls ' ' Votm News and Ily .Mall Ontslile Five Years Four Years Three Years Two Years ., One Year .. Blx Mouths PRICK .125.00 .. 20. Do .. 15.00 .. 1000 .. 5.6o .. 2.75 ' NEW 237.500 170.000 1J2.500 70.000 29.500 13,025 OLD 150.000" 100,000 60.000 35,1100 12,000 4.000 Five Years Four Years Three Years Two Years .. Olio Year ... Six Months .. PRICK .150.00 .. 40.00 .. 30.00 .. 20.00 .. 10.00 .. 5 50 Herald Klniiuith V NEW ClS.OUO 3SO.O00 265. 00O 160.000 70,000 31,250 Fall, btr OLD . 340.000 240,000 ICO. 000 ' 90,000 35,000 12.000 Official Judges The following business men will act ss the Offi cial Judges in The News' and Herald's Great $6, 000 Prtie Campaign: . Hon. T. B. Watters Mayor of City of Ktausth. Fal's. Rev. J. Henry Thomas 30 N, 11th fit.! Erneil M. Bubb Vic-Pre, Amoilrnn Sal'l. Hank. Read These Final Instruc tions carefully. ' As a matter of caution, and to"guard against the possibility of loss to candidates during these days of the campaign, final instructions firm herewith append ed. All candidates, especially those Who' live in ter ritory outside Of Klamath Falls, should read and weigh every line carefuTyi ' ' ' V-1'! .rcn,1,tnce mn""l from now on whotitd 1i0' waned special delivery to Insure their rearhlnn n, n time. If yon """i'e ef-Klamath Falls, and Intend to moil Suhscrlp closei precaution to find out what time your poslofflc-e 2. You are allowed the privilege of WSlllntr your suhscrln. tlona up to Saturday, AiiRust 27, p. m. This gives you tho opportunity to work up to the last minute. In sendln- yon sulwcrlptlons hy mall, havo them In your postofflie lefore batur(Jjy. August 27, 9 p. n. , 3. All remltlances should he rnrefully addressed lo-the Cam Jalun Department, The Klamath News and Evenlnir Herald. Klamath Knlls, Ore. This will InMiro ahsoluto Bwtimry and will prevent any letters from koIhk astray, lie euro and use bpeelal Delivery stamp on all mail. 4. Examine your vote hnllols carefully and see thai the ror rert.puqiher of .voles have be.i uuuori on same - Pay prl lenlur attention to Ballots Issued op serond payments, and he sure that 'proper remltlonro and Votes have Imen eredlled. If there' are any eorrertlons to ho made, notify the Campaign Manager In person or In writing, and return Ihn hallols for proper cor rection.. The campaign. department will not ho rvsponslhln for cwrlcal errors unless notification is given, whereupon rorroc tlon will ha made. 6. T'lfdor no condition will votes hn transferred from rfne candidate to another. This Is an ahsoluto rulo and will be atrlrtly enforced. . 6. Every subscription turned In will he verified and no prises will ho swarded until this Is donn. All voles secured on old siilmcrlpfion turned In as new will be rnncelleil, 'Switching" will only result In regret and disappointment. Hn suro that your subscriptions are marked correctly. 7. Hccoiid payments, must l,o murked ns sitifh on the re miltnnce sheet, . Also put down the amount of tho first ajr ment so that proper votes muy be given. 8. All rornlttiinc'es soul Into the rammlgn office after Wed nesday, August 24,, should be either postal money wders. ex press money orders; certified checks, or drafta. Only boon ficlo subscriptions .will ho accepted. No sums of money will ho ac cepted tho names of subscribers to be supplied later. Every subscription must lie accompanied hy the usual remittance aheots, prnrerly filled, out. 9. AllSOU'TEt.Y.NO MO.N'EY WII.I, TIE REFUNDED ON .fitniflCIUPTIONH I'AID IN DIIItINO THIS CAMPAION. ' 10. Prompt acknowledgement will hn made of all subscrip tions and rcntlitahces reci'tved from cnnillduliM. It you do not receive prompt acknowledgement of huIihc rlptlona and ro mlttnncps you send In. lie sura to notify tho, campaign manager Immediately. ' j , Standing of Contestants DISTRICT NO. 1 Comprisos nil territory tvi'thin tho city of Klnmuth FnllH, Shippimrton ond rcllcnn City. Dormnn, Wm. J ' Howard, Juanita Vernon, Mrs. J. W Moore, Vera ', , Honking, Mrs. J. E Foster, Mrs. Walter Mnrtin, Mrs. Jack, Telicnn City Edmonds,' Mina '.. 8G0.400 810,625 ...803,900 '. 899,600 860,450 884,675 .....897,575 895,725 Eruchou, Sophie 890,250 Jones, Mrs. Wilbur y 891,450 McEwin, Mario 896,575 Torrcy, Mrs. R. D ; 898,400 DISTRICT NO. 2 Comprises all territory ontsido tho city limits of Ktnmnth Falls, Shippinftton and Pelican City. Midffiff, Mildred, Algomu 8GS,100 I!u!it:i. ri.'irian, Ft. Klamath ' : 627,875 okecn, Meda K 7G9.450 P.rown, Mrs. Arlcne, Merrill 880,725 Anderson, Mrs. Francis, Doiiis, Calif. .....857,875 Kclkar, Kamilla, Malin 892,500 Dufort, Mrs.' J. 0.,Chiloquin ;. 809,775 Wait, Mrs. I. W., It. F. D ..894,700 Daniel, Mrs. C. M., Donnnza' 897,000 riiekett, Jcssin, Kcno f....855,250 Barry, Josephine, Lakovicw ; 899,750 Hanan, Louise, Paisley ...474,500