Friday, Aupiwt 20. 11)27. THE EVENING HERAM), KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON PneeNIm I- ls ARKET PLAGE M DHNSON HQ I WW, fished Newt Item of Farm Di , trict Related by Her- aid Correspondent I.ON PINK. Auk SO - Mr and Mr. Clint Parker were bual niiM visitor In Klaiuilh Fall " Tueaday. Illll Nleman completed hla work on Ilia new home of Jeaa Juliuaun Monday. Mr. ami Mr.. Clyde Burke ndlciyde Murk. Sunday Clint I on kill wua a Merrill hualno visitor Monday. tended a pntutu club moating at Mm rill Tueadny evening. Mr. mid Mra. II. J. ll.ur.Uly and aon. Melvln Ervlu. atxiit Frl iluy nlKlH In KlHinuth Full vl II lux with Mr. Ilcardaly'e pur rula, Mr. mid Mra. J. . lienrdidy. Mr. mid Mra. Clint Parker culled ul the Clyilu Hark anil It. V. Ilcaaly home Tueaduy af ternoon. vMra. It. V lleisly. Mra. Clyde llurka and II. K (lertaon wore Kluniath Fall vlattora unu day I lila week. - Mr. and Mra. K. I:. Knmiui urn sume hud enjoying Ji extended Halt from Mra. Knitiuii'a brm h.-r. Itnaa link In mid lln, nf Hun Frunrlwo. Mr. mid Mra. Ilnl Oaln and! ami nf Klamath Kail via- Iti'd Willi Mra. Ogle' alalcr. Mra. I'. Galamcau Hulurduy. I'eaxl, Kilna, F.ugena and I'lnky lluualy vUltcd .Mm ln and Hilly llurka Wednesday. - Mra. C. llurka and hllilren. Muxlne and fully, and Mra. II. 1. Ileardaley railed on Mra. C. W. I.ejrl Wednesday afternoon. Two kiMiH k:oi ;ii. A dm lor had finished hla round uf Ilia llnka when hla x mall negro raddy ruinrkid : "Doctor, ain't you got sojnv ahoca In yo' Iim kr yo' don't want? I m-i-d MOVE Tf Imogene No More p?"n,4DoH?e' , At Salem Eliminated NEW TODAY STOGK BEGINS Illll Momnn vlaltcd at (he H K Kntnan home Nunday vcuitig Karl Shepherd of Klamulli Falls delivered a new i anu at the It. F. Ileaaly hum Thtiraday. Hoy llraaly and Carl Klger ul- Mra. I lyde llarka and Mra. J. Hosier were Merrill i-linMi.-ja Thursday. Wataon llur.luy culled on M. I lh to thank everyone fi r the Kjitiarrlptlona they here ulri-n ma. whether for Hire uionlha or nr yar. I niuy not am even a radio, but I am rln to inn lop and aim working. If any of my frlcnda read thla thai muld take ilia .New or Herald from me. or extend luclr auliM-rlpllou. pinna or annd word and I will rotne for It though I hanwilu walk. II aaaurrd I wllTln. working ui I., t It laal mlnuia of I In. ronli-ai. whirl) rloai-a HuliinUy, Aug. 17, I', M. VERA INEZ MOORE Ituldnlu II. .(H , Good Price Being Receiv ed By Cattlemen of I Northern California j KAN KltANC'li(.'t, Aug 26. , Kliltnui'iita of fuf t-uttla from II, i- "I'lirliulia " knl.l Him , "What all. do you wear?" ,N"h'-ri. of California, I .!,... .Hi, ..u... i In'" hlarli-d and by IIih flral of nnnr bought 'tin Unit wjy I can git In 'em or I run't Outlook. Ki'itrnihiar will I.h moving In : ..'good volutin', ai'i'ordliig to tin ; iW'aatrrn Calllii Marl.i-tlnr Ao--'ilullon. i Th dm-pMl holr In the arlli I l'"" il''0 on all . -Iiuav j la known aa th. I' Itpi"' "'' '" ' ml ! I, i I., ii,. .,.i(i, 'inand nntliiu.-a. (iood an-t'ra ar- LavU.-r.- ti-t-.'.i- On an near I he Philippine lalund. Ha li pi h I 31. Oka more rylug from 1110 to lllo fn-lxht are bringing IS IS f o b. ahlpp'ng ; und anakeakln are good. Pearl Biehn than al mllea below I lie level u"ln- '" netting, of the ara. Ivm 10. mi to d ti. i'rliea on' J helfera range from M 6(1 to IT.lii) ; K t I.I, (,I.O KS ' " ' "lilpplng point fori top (Wove for full u.e the novelty grad.-a and good. I ght rilv-a leather In Ihelr fuahlonliig. "' 'r,n lluu to 111 ') on aaia. t ! Kalea of feeder iVltle are tnk . fng on larger proporllnna. S ze- ablu atrlnpa nf Aritonaa have ; been mid to California huyera; 15(i0 three year old atoera going to Imperial Valley and 2. Out) . yearling going to a buyer In 'the c-oaat dlatrlct at Tc f.o.b. rara. Ctah and Nevada aloek i-allle are ; alao moving to California buyer. i I - . GLASSES fyr Euminrd. Fitted nd lite CjleUci (ruuiul in nur own iMUHf to imtt your imdntjuut rfifmnmrmi. Broken Lcntet Replaced ' .DR. GOBLE'S 70 main atariT ,' i Phone 639 . 911 Pine St. " i Graduate of Elison-White Conscn'atorj' ' Teacher of Piano and Harmony Gases Beginning Sept. 1st Register Now! FIRE INSURANCE We apvrlnlize In Irrigated farma and atork ranrhea. M year' experience In county. REED & REYNOLDS 10:lU alnln tt. I'hone IOM 1 Another BIG TIME! r , N 'Ji, ) . ' -. r $ , v-e-3 -'-r .11 KAIKM. Ore. Au. 21. OPi Th (to-cttllt-tj "doit houHu" at the mat prison, uhtrh tittn hem m Kailirtiiic plti' ? for conrfrtu un dr Horn rfKi'iit'N mid a lirellitK p !(' f(ir Viirloim vUf among th lirinoncru, hit hn loru down to make room for Dxpannlon of the mate I tine plant, prison official j unrioiim e. NEW TODAY KOIl HAI.K II y owner. Iteo trurk. 3u K. Muln. 2 rt -2 'J HOOK with all mod ern convenience, been iiaed only five montha. Will take car aa flral payment. Cloae to Kalrvlew School. The WALTON-WUKillT CO. Kerna Ilolul I'lione 1144 2-.H WANTKD- (Jarage to atore trail er ror winter. See flarrfa at Herald office. 2H-27 KOlt llKNTKour room modern newly furnished hotiae. fniiutre Jon I-wia Ht. 6-:7 Foil I'.KNT 3-room modern hooae with garage. Si month. ( all at Clenn Hotel. 26 KOlt HUNT Weeping room, near freight bouee. Oentlemon pre ferred. llK'J Pine. l"hone 2-27 WANTKI To borrow f.Miu on I22UK e'lulty In 1.1500 Klamath Fjil realdem-e property. Will pay HI per rent, Call at Apt. No. 2 Kaplanade Court Apia. , . , ,.. . , 2S-27 For Sale Real Etat you HAI.K 4-room nimlern Klurco hnua. Tarm. V" 1J1 Wllford Ave. ti-im KOlt TKAliE One 8-roain boua on l(iu ft. lot, anil on 2-room houae on 6ux4il ft lot. Thla property I well located In K.l.o. Waah. Will trad for Klamath county farm or atnall acreage. 1'liou iS3-W. R. C. 1'hllln.en. ti-f WANTKII Second-hand itove and several other pieces of good furniture. I'hone aid. HTOI' HEXTIXO New four-room home with hardwood floor; fireplace ind all kinda nf built in. Corner lot, double con struction and with garage. Beat residence district. Priced at t $2!r,H wllb,f I4"0 down and I balance at- 12 per month I and Interest at per cent. j YOr CAN'T RKAT THIS A new five-room houe on pavement; furnished complete, furnace. KOlt HA LB- toil share ilas A common atock. par Talus UJ plua accrued interest. In New IWvlce lonilriea. Inc.. owning and operating New City Laun dry, Klamath Kail, and New Bervice l-aundry. Kugene. Hoi I) plants In very good condtlon, and atock well aerured. Clasa A atwk cuinuLatlvn and pre ferred a to aaael and divi dend. Price $22UV caah. . 1S-15 locitlon.. Sewf-r and pavement paid in full! VrVe i.'.SHtl. with reasonable payment. I KO?l 8AI.E Crab apples. I'hone 373-K. tit. Conger Ave. 2-29 WE BI'V; RKI.I. OK TUADE live- I atoi k, rowa. hogs, work horse. ! chicken. Trade what you have j for what you want at the , Adams ranch. Merrili. Oregon. ' ' 2-2 A HEAL IIOMEHr.Seven rooms complete; fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors and complete In every detail and located on lovely street. Frfc-e'PTnou with tluuO cash and balance on easy Daymen! TKI-STATKii HHAI.TY Keiltora 1134 Main Pi. Phone 10 2-27-29 FAIIMS KOR INVESTMENT garage. Ire ad lawn. In fine r j20o acres, mostly all farmed . -fair Improvement, aome old alfalfa meadow Just right to plow under and plant po tatoes next year. Th crop consist of hay. grain and , bluegraa and timothy paa ture which I all Included In the deal. Price 850U.0O. Terms. jFOK KENT Two room furnish ed cottage, screen porch, use For Sale Automobiles of phone, bath. tub. 120 per FINB aI'TOMQBII.E To trade ... n I h U II 1 . lamuiU Phnn. I - -. ..... . . month. 62S-J. I S'Jl Alameda. Phone i 26-29 .VenilKr mi.iir Wilson, the! rspoT . DANGE Follies beauty' Well, she's atlirltAISE FPIDS 23'i acres with beautiful but she's no longer K!?'P "i" Sfl .-J00.?. Wbn Ite rulurned to ATTENTION t IT 7 Look over these real values on Used Cars . ... . 1926 Star Coupster ...425.00 1 926 Star Touring .................... 400.00 1926 Ford Touring 225.00 1927 Star Four Coupe 600.00 1924 Ford Roadster 150.00 If you wish a good car come and look these over. SERVICE WORTH WHILE Merrill Supper at Midnight Music by ,, LES SAILING'S COUNTRY BOYS il 3 A. M. lmov?n. New York from Europe the other day. rally betl.Kut In a Mtunninff J new coat, h alo J name Mary Nolan. rlKht had AT THK IIKACII Mun with boat-hook: It's all sir I'll get you in a for lfvestoi-lc -tor land. It's wonderful Locomobile, best car In America. ' new and perfect. Will give good trade. Address W. care Herald. 24-2S I SELAK U TRACY ' . 6U9 So. 6th. I'hone 6 25-27 KOlt SALE New 4-room modern house with garage In Hot Hprlugs. (2950 on easy term. LOST AND FOUND 1 1 . house, good well water; 2u acres In alfalfa and one-fourtb mne waier mini, ny pun:ng LOST At tent show on Sixth St.. i in this alfalfa land In spuds j , ,gate brooch', keepsake, t c' -' 'iei Reward. Leave at Herald. . I Neat 4-room cottage on Call- ' fornia Avenue. A new house and new paving. IZ750.0O. Good terms. first year, on terms. Priced at t luuu 24-S6 IV, ACRES LAND with good 4-room house, city water and lights, for S2UU0. with ljuo down and balance at $21 ou pet month. I'lfturbi'd Bather: ,.Vbat ..the. jTKAPB.-.SU't arrr., all indr.Ir- a ioi. i on. ' ii..sf niiai'on wan -roorn r.ou$e on for help. J Loth. I'asniug Show. ! 1 always sing In my clinging gowns. II Wife: Yes. the longer they i cling the beater you like them. , Phone 1050 TK.HT T.TSTHS I!uKband: I like my wife In piact. barn, sheds and other out-buildings. Fine, rich, level land und priced cheap at 125 per acre. Owner wiil trade for good Klamath Falls property. LOST Coral string of beads at the lcey ranch Sunday. Find er return to the Herald Of fice. 22-27 Almost new Ford sedan to trade for lot or small bouse. What have you? LOST Bundle of clothing Sat urday morning on Merril and iJnbkview highway. Finder re turn to Herald. $5.00 reward. -.,.,, 23-29 Good lot on Conger Avenue, $600.00 for quick sale. Pav ing all paid. -Pearson's. TIU1STATES REALTY Realtors 1134 Main St. 26-2T-29 Hamaker Phone 1040 Motor Co. 8th and Klamath Ave. $ - i J "C - - All America is saying: - inarsmemr. . W W Ntt fr years litis automotive America seen anything like it. Here, there, everywhere everyone is tal king. A lou 1 1 h is new interpretatitm of Amer ican motoring needs. About the new low prices. Aloiit the Oakland AU-Anicrican !?i. Less than 30 days have lKisscd siitt'C it flashed into the field. I Is authentic American beau ty has captured every eye. Its brilliant performancehasdis playcd itself on every type of American road. Its comfort, : luxury and distinction have created new American sland ortls. And everyone is Miying, "That's the car!" Higgcr, better, brilliantly; beautiful! Meeting every American demand for relia bility,stylcand performance! Offered at new low prices! ' 1 1 ere, at last, ia the All-America n Six the AU-Amcrican value. V NEW WW TRICES s-noim S kL'Ikl VI ' a7" I-'.- 1045 5prl RoaUtlrr I0T5 ' 4-!or !VtIa '1115 Iadau Scd.. 265 ronri Siw. r-vliirl jw ice's). $74X fa rf I trti vrl ri-j jnri it 4t mifiirnf.m ht'tlut0 ( rhmrgfM, , fit pm or ifio lihml f .tr nrl , R. R. K. GARAGE ' Phone 212 831 Klamath OAKLAND : ALL-AMERrCAN SIX MISCELLANEOUS MAKE YOL'R DATES For paper hanging. .Buy your paper now. 35 per cent off until Septem ber 1st. Patterson Paint Store. I S3-27 Inc. The WALTON-WRIGHT CO. Kern Hotel Phone 1144 ' 25-27 FOR RENT ROOMS 20 Lincoln. Phnn 6J7-W. J27-A27 WINDOW CLEANING waxing, house cleaning ' and i ; laaitnr service. References. A.' M. Klioads. Phono 1056-W. I 107-26-tf i FOR RENT 4-room furnished apartment. 823 Lincoln. 23-27 Floor! "OR RENT Four room modern house. Inquire 305 Lincoln. 24-3 FOR SALE FOR RENT 4-room modern fuT nishetl bouse. Inquire 305 Lincoln. . 23-30 FOR RENT Neat desirable room in private family. 62. 8th St. 24-27 Oll SALE Bicycle, in good con dition. 230 N. 9th St. 24-30 j FOR KENT Office apace in Wll- FOR SALE Cheap. Columbia I Hams Bldg. Ward Dale. phonograph and records. 503 Realtor., 24 Main St. 20-2 1 N. lOtb St. 25-2 .FOR RENT -room house on Broad St. One block off Main. I Partly furnished. Call 1114-W. : w . 21-30 I i FOR SALE Lloyd loom revrsl-J FOR JtENT Three room house, ble baby buggv. As good as ; I,a,h- Rarage, woodshed. Phone ew. $15.00. Pugarman resi-' FOR SALE 2110 tons of hay. ('. J. Swingl..' Jrella. Oregon. ' 25-31 denvev 824 Lincoln. 25-26 FOR SALE .My entire stock of pedigreed New Zeuland rabbits. Prices reasonable. 1543 Wor den Ave. 19-26 FOR RENT Completely furnish ed- apts. Steam betted. Rex Arms, 224 Broad St. Phone 1114. A2S-S2S REMOVAL SALE Three gallons paint $S.C. White, Ivory and light gray. In gallon cans only. Pattersorr Paint Store, 23-27" FOR SALE , Lease ujid furni ture of $elve-room boarding house. Gok-- location. 508 Plum St. 19-25 FOR RENT New pianos. $. per mouth, rent to apply on purchase price. Wlntera up stairs store. Phone 149-W. . 24-20 FOR SALE Cheap, used Best 45 Tractor., Been completely over hauled and' has a new guar antee. If Interested write H. McGreevy, lJ4 . Kod,ney Ave nue. Portland." Ore. - 24-30 WANTED WANTED Mouse cleaning by the hour. I'lione 5S7-W. 19-26 i PRACTICAL Nl'KSE Desires 1 work by the hour. ' Phone 5S6-J. 23-29 rnoDUCT C.KNCRAl MOTORS WANTED Cook house. See Frank Rayger, Merrill, Ore gon. , 22-27 FOR RENT 4-room modern house, furnished. Inquire at Country Club, 1745 Main St. 19-26 FOR RENT Furnlahed S-roora houses, 118.00 month.: 423. Plum. Phone 644-J. : A4-S4 FOR KENT First class furnlah ed apartments. Steam heated. McCarthy Apt!., 630 Pine. Phone 800. A5-SS FOR RENT Furnished aoiirt apt., 2 rooms and bath, elec tric range, hot water, Garage. $35. 1615 Esplanade. Phone 794-W. Al-81 WANTED To lease 2,000 sheep on shares. References If re quired. Box 453Alturas. Cal. , i. A20-S20 WANTED Work by the hour or practical nursing. ,Phne 5H6-J. 24-30 WANTED Position by stenogra pher and bookkeeper. 5 years experience. References. Phone 1389-W. ', . , ' ' 24-26 FOR KENT Modern furnished apt., $40 per month; alao sleeping room $20.00 per mo., small office room, furnished, good light $1H per month. Winters Bldg., Phone 149-W. 24-26 WANTKI Room' aad.eoard for man and hla daughter, six J years old. Phone William II. Wolm care CInremont Hotel, I lifter 7. 23-2J FOR RENT We can save yea big money at the Arcade Hotel Apartment, furnished com pletely, electric range. Ilnon. dlshe and telephone. Or room with private baths at real cut rate to permanent guests. Arcade. M-ii I.