Vr.V. rU ,tO .mt Unjwtrsltr Library Kucsne, Ortroa Coa. 4 . i ViM ay, August 2f, 1927. 3 GAMES IN LEAD CHICAGO NOW , Charlie Root 'Msngs Up . 23rd Victory; Dazzy Vance Win II) llii' AsaoclaUil Pcpm) Tim Phlceito Cubs today had belter (rip on flrel place In the National Icaiun aa a result of Charlie lloot'a !1rd vlnorv of (III) season. Iln ItlBtikril Hip tnll-cnd PlilUlea 10 and Hil 1)1 ' Iruui throe anim oli-al of -the ' Pirates. '' ' ' ' ' ' HI. Loula wan Ul In vuHivnlny I but I only a whisper out oT ec 'oiul place by virtue of Hi riqi burah Plrutce breaking, even In a double" hrndeT ' oiralust lloatnii . Kent (Irurnrii'ltl pltilied Hi llmvrii in t I verdict In thr ' firm nni. Tin Pirate spotted ' Jla Kretnrr to Irfld la the flrsi Inning of tln second rume lliul waa enough to win, 1 1 ' IHtMjr Vln Daisy Vance finally rerrlvrd aomrlhlug; approaching, good sup purl and bit plli hnl llrmiklyn to 1-1 win ovrr Cincinnati. Once again Uie mauling Yan keM set luck the. Detroit Tigers MaePaydrn pitched anil hatted lb liostun Knl Box lo a 11 ' win over Chicago. Ho stepped Inlo Ibn bun In Hie elKhth and cut down an ambltloua White Hog rally and then alnglrd home tho winning run lu lli ninth. Cleveland ran Ita winning a trees, to five games by handing Washington a 7-5 trimming. Ty Cobb collected tlva alnglcs la aa many timet at bnt and lud J l,hlladr!phla .to . a H I victory lover lha HI. iJoiile' llrowns. SB5FI1W: Spec" Shea Invincible; Oak Lose 2nd Straight .V to Hollywood lt) I lie .tK Ulml I'rrai) With', nira Mi-Can bnlitlnR the leaaut leadera lo x widely aral tiirad him. Ilnllywond made It Iwa'atralKht otrr tho Oalrt. 4-0. Hvatlln went down lo defeal when tb Hen In anapped out of It nnd- burled Heal lie under a It to I wore. At Bacranienlo Klmcr "Hpora" 8bra pitched Barraniento bark Into Ihe firm dlvlalon when b bald Cortland lo ven hlta and ' a atnste run' winning 4-1. 1 Hill Welm-rl let the Ankela down with alx arnttered hlta. Tho Ml.vln rirllca gallDped off wltb 1 lo 1 triumph. I'UT TltKKH I'OK HAM.. NEWPORT. 11. I'.'AHg. !. (A. r.) WJien a Vandvrbllt given a ball, llirru aro rlnlwrato prepara tlima. Three hnnd red araall plno trWa were plnntod on tho lawn of tho oatuto Of Mr. K. C. Church 'Jr.. ,MuHel Vumlerlillll. eaib Uworoti'U with colured llghta. A apoclul ball room wna ronitruct- 'cd corerml with uuk Icivca. Kitty lighted overhanging" baaketa of flowisra wcro aunpcmlod from Hie celling. '' 1 i ; ' Tho alei'plng plam of tho ' whnlri nv4r haa definitely bven dlaroTered; Htneo thet mam ' ninlK' i'ttn hold their brenth for hours at a I line. It la believed that they do o while nlecp', ocranlor.ully retiirnlng lo the attr face for' a breiith of frenh 'air. You run wrlto your o-n wise - cracks about the equliiovlul atorms over Chicago, on Septem ber ' " ' ' ' Utttmt Vm wlmf iftry n't (jll. ILt si .... lite brrm-Uia4n saUssTtets. - ff--t- - ''SiS'V nne cant coif r .., . i ' , loo cnV t-Ace a UoKser.itou If ahV yo tiiia' ir a fxa't! ..":'i ' 'j LICK mm ,,r : r.r .-ai,w . E GOLF VICTORY America's Famous "Bob by" Trounces Jimmy Johnston, 8 Up MINNKAI'OI.H. Aug 2. lA'i Hobby Jiiiivh ntlntlllat.'d yralrr day In the third mutrli round of national amateur golf ihuinplon hip at Mlnlkaliila and despite a mUailveiittin at tin flrxt bolu where bta hooked drive Injnrvd a upertator. nrored ON or four under par to gain a lead of eight up over ho to a, alar thin Jltiiiuy Jnbnlin of the bmnn elult. ' ' '' Jontta ruim home In 33 four under par- afttr going out lu perfeet ' flgnrea. Juhuatiin. al iIiuiikIi thootltig ' fair golf. aeemed alinonl rldlrulnualy bad under the hammering Jonea gave him. Chirk Kvaiia. Chicago, acorlng ilre lo par. we one down at the half way mark to Kdrilo Held SI. Loula, who took tho lnt hole where Chick pushed Ilia drive to a rltimp of young 4'hrlntmaa tree and bad to ahoot out altlo ) and take fire. Krunrln Oulmenl. Iloaton. by tallying par "2 gained a lead of .1 up over I'hlillpa Flnlay. New York, who took "7, while Harry lag of Hie home rlub. waa aquarw with Itoland Mar- kenile. Wanhlngtou, both aror- Ing fair T'a. ' Militant W.C.T.U. ' Threaten to Vote For "Dark Horse" i MIN.KAIt)l.l8. Minn.. Aug. :. ( Al') L'nleaa the two major polltlrnl part Ira nominate dry eilulldatea for preatdeut next year, the alx hundred Ihnuaand membera of tho Wonien'a Chrla Hon Temperanoe I'nlon will volo for Independent candidate. Thua .lid Mra., KIIA..il.l.Af New. York. W. V. T. U. preeldnnt, out- SCORES line the political aland of the or- . m(,or.,Bllt ,.nvvv.TlKht bouta that gaulxatlirti at the opening of the raij,,.uy ,i,cred tho fistic hnrl aumial ronrentlon Inal night. ; ion lelaney versus Maloiiey: Tho V. O.'T. 11 furthermore. . Mnlouey veraua Sharkey, and will fight a movement for gov-1 Sharkey tenia' -Dctnpsey. ernmental control aa a prohi bition eubatllule,' Mra. Iloote as serted Hhe advorated an linine illute and expansive nrganltallon to war against any modification. WOI I. If 4'I.OHK I. k tr That Harriett lake, located alx , went Into buttle with youth and miles north of Clover creek jatamlna ou -hla aidu against ranger atatlon ahould be closed aging and ring rusty l)i uipsry. to fishing la the opinion of Karl 1 He lost. J. Templar, who baa Just re- Will tho aanio bold true In turned from the beautiful lako'the aeaaon'a reel-letter wlndup. of 'the CaBcadea. 'Mr. Templar 'Tiinney V its us Dempsey? ' said fish were plentiful but too I Consider what a difference a small to ditch. Ho recommends year and a day will make, that the lake ahould lut closed lo On the night of September 21. fishing for aeveral years to allow ltU'li. Jack DvmpHey crawled time for the trout to attain rite, through the -ring ropes against ;o.T I.ATKNT PKT PAD. NKWI'dllT.'lt. I . Aug. 80. I A. P.) The luteal fad In pole 111 thla exclusive rcnsldv resort la a baby gont. Miss Lilly I). Cuahlng act It. She caused eyebrows to be raised when 111 a red dresa ahe carried a pure, white baby (oat under one arm. The Italians huve renamed Illunr Ml. Mussolini. but would have been more appt ate' to' rename Mr Veai which la famoua- for- tho b hot! attiff It ahoota out. :1 STANDING OF CLUBS TODAY . PAt ll'IC COAST I.KAGI K. Team: W. L. 'Pet. Onklnnd S3 l .008 Seattle S" 61 .50 San Fronrlaro M OK .649 Sucramento " 77 .497 PortlHiid 7ft 7 .497 Hollywood 71 RS .4 81 .Mlsslotia 68 85 .414 Los Angeles D& f7 .302 NATIONAL I.KAf.l'fr:. Team: ' ' " V. t.. Pet. Chicago 72 4 .610 Plttnbiirgh 68 48 '.586 St. lilla 61 48 ' .B8:l Now York 7 til .663 Cincinnati S2 64 .4 48 llrooklyn 00 69 .4 20 Iloalon 49 06 .4 20 I'hlliiilvlpbla 4.1 70 .361 AMKItlt AN I.K.Mil K. 1 Team: ' W.' f.. Pel. New York 84 87 .095 Detroit 68 Ml .MIH Philadelphia 08 CH .662 Washington 1 6 64 .650 CblMgo '. M 6S .403 Clovttlnnd 63 68 .438 HI. Loula . 48 71 ..403 button 37 - 82 . ,311 Tunney's Training Quarters 'Champion Should Enjoy Conditioning 'Per iod With Country Club - at Hi Disposal ip'fiUJf.r::. ..... : Li COUNTRy CLUB,, wui train. ,1 i i 1 )k -6 h v f ' i i i ; i Pi j t -it i -ifr.t'j-iVi.v - s t - d ' tIT ' 1 W. ! (L - 1 tni 1 '" ' rl-iaeai The luxui'.oua Cedar ( rent Country rlub near Chleago. reeling on hill Juki above Lake Valla with For lake on one aldx and Lake I'rtlle on the other, will be tleno Tunney'a training quartern for hie mining fight with Jack liempaey. The entire club and all Ita fucllltlra have Ix-en tendered the heavyweight champion and bta ataff for the training period. Our phntagraph ahsw a front view of the rlnlihou-. and the club, library i where One la aure lo apend many hoara. i' ' "Under Dog" Usually Winner Dempsey's II: Jimmy NKW YOHK. Aug. it Thla ... ,im , ... Ulld.rn,ilr - To datv there hive bceu three ill each case the underdog won. llelaney, clever, apcedy and a ' master boxer, waa a hot favorite to beat Hharkey, who was almost knocked over by McTlgue. He lost. I Sharkey, Improving rapidly. civaticiscsfi V ' ' " , Departures daily Only atralght-thru motor roach aervlco to Portland, California cities and great Southwest with 3 dally ache dules. Serves nil Intermedi ate polntH atop-orors If ' de sired. Gvont responsihlo srs tum protects you cares for bngrtagc. Finest glusa-cn-cloavd cars, reclining chairs, heaters. Leave for YHKKA. DUNSMllH ltF.DlHXi HAN PHANC1SCO l.OS AM.KLKS SAX Dli:iO, PHOENIX, KL ' PAS4I MF.DFORD. ROSKIURQ PORTLAND 8UATTLK, VANI'OI VKU 7: in n. in.. JO:H) a. in., 1:00 i. in., 4:0U p. in. Terminal Stage Depot ' Thone 999 . i M'travel' r0 01 ... . THE EVRNINTi IIEUA1 D, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Iff 1 1 ! Friends Declare INeerre (line Ttinney, a heavy bcttlnr t-.- populu'r pain' In Oi'h vorlte.-toiit neck. On the nlpbt of September 22. I937, Jack Dempaey will crawl through the ring ropea against Gene Tutiuey. an outatde In the betting but a popular Idol the underdog, currying the good wishes of thousajida of fatia on hla bronzed shoulders. I don't know how Jack Demp aey will feet In that email white ring In Ihe center of the big throng that la aure to pack Sol diers' Field thla coming Septem ber night. it will be aa Interesting atudy of mob psychology. Crowds and rrowda and crowda. They Jeered him at Hoyle'a Thirty Aires. They hooted him at Shel by. And they laughed when he stood, beaten nnd alone. In the rain al Philnriolphiav ' Hut recently they took him bark' In their bosoms. It mwnt hare aatounded the black-vlsaged Dempaey when he heard the roar (hat greeted him at tho Yankee stadium. We were aitting In hla corner at the time. Ho looked up. 'actually 1 etariicti. He : could, A Big Surprise It has been a big surprise to us the way our famous BATTLE CREEK FOOD line of health ('ereals' and foods has gone over. We have had so many people who have . started using and have expressed themselves of how pleased they were to be able to se cure this wonderful line at home. We trust that every one who is now using this line will pass the good word on to some of your friends who may be glad to hear of it and its merits. . " We hope to have in the near future a demon strator who is an expert dietitian and knows the line thoroughly. She will be with us for two weeks and you will be advised of such on her arrival through the columns of the Herald. We are pioneers of all good things in the food line, and lead in high class merchan dise with the largest assortment in the city. Give ou Monarch Coffee a trial. The Sunset Grocery "Satisfaction or - Money Back" BILLYS mm TaiJor Hei'ba IHrori- Hud" Taylor, genrmlly garded aa the bantamweight , rnampion. . apiuireiiiiy euiir- lux from a ra'lwr periillar row- t'l'-. - lu ring rlrrlea. Taylor la -Aa-I feel now. Ihl will be knows a a fighting fool, the j mr , r,.,,r," remarked Ty to Im.i at bla weight. Yet the 1 mr reremiy . f found It difficult wlrra lb other day rarrlcd the , KM tll ,hape thla prlng and report that he w M-eklng ( hiird to bold my rnndl vorre front bla wife on grounds ,)on The t,.f, won- ,RII( tr n. of cruelty. "i have alwara wanted to en- There In nothing onuninl about , divorce, nud Hie charge of rrueltv Is h common on. However. It seems ralber Im ongrnous for a rhamplon flxhti-r to offer thtt aa an alibi for rutting the fainl- ly tli-a In twain. lluiitam ihalleugera ahould lake rourago from the above ad- mlsaton of fear on the part of young Mr. Taylor. Kvery lime Charley Hoot of the Chiiugo Cuba scores a victory us I write llii-sii lines he has 11 to hla credit, I ran aee ' I'hll Hall, owner of tho Drowns, gnashing hla teeth and Indulging In a few favorite worda of pro-; fanlty. Al prraetil, Charley Hoot - le the most A-rrirldit tiltcher III the majors, lie haa a chance to win 30 ball game. And. JuM thhik of It, for a period of three years he waa the property of one I'hll j Ball) whose club never watt wont off for pitchers. ' j ' George Hlsler,' when minager . of the Hrowna. traded Hoot to ! Los Angrlea with arvernt other) Lrowulea for the battery of! Lyons and lu-go. neither of a bom made "the grade tn the majors. ' Maybe that la one of Ihe rea- 1 hardly believe It waa for him. He Uiought aomethlng had hap pened that someone had entered the ring beside himself. ' Of course part of that demon stration at the stadium waa a alap - at ' Sharkey. ' The crowd wanted 10 aee tbe rocky aailor allenced. ' ' But Deinpsey will get plenty of cheer Instead of Jeera when he pops hla raven bean through the Chicago hemp. It may not be as pronounced as the demonstration for the Manly Marine. After all. the' Intelligent and quiet thinking fan really haa nothing but respect and admira tion, for Jilt . clean-living;, close, luoulbc.l athlete who la our pres ent champion. He la certainly the finest type of man we have ever bad wearing the purple toga. j And then. too. It seems there . are any number of people In Chicago who own a book or two j and thinje nothing of It. I ; l -i -- ,i I t RAISED - LETTER PRINTING KLAMATH PRINTING COMPANY 522 Kjamath - . Phorte' 12B2'-I -f ttona why George Hllrr will not 'he one of the four play re who are to hr retained from the pr . ent HI. IMtta lineup. . arrordliig I'hll Hall. ' i IjwI Ver fur Ty ' Tli in la prartirally rertilu lo be the lnl ran for Ty Cobb ' In the Amerlean l.'aaue. Hud It lint been for thn unpleasant bet ting arundal of la.t winter. I anut IfTy would have returned rr ,jm .JJ7 ma Ixii. I'laylng ,1,1, year waa merely a form of vindication. , ( Trutlon during lh.' ,nminer montha and I think lJH Wtl mark my getting II. Hlnre ' ' MM.ba!l Is msl forte. I m iy re-' mrn. but for a y.-ar I want to earn ),, t i,.,i ( be away from the itraln " ' f g fr olb to purchase a . minor league club, probably lu In, outh. hla home. He may 'dabble In major league ball for I know thit he haa twice made ovcrlures lor big league Iran- rhises . Moriurty Is Nurccwe George Moriurty baa definite- Rea. Plioaa lr-Kt-Klamaib Falla Office, Phone 11MS Helliaaa Uldf. FOR SALE Cottages Three-Room and Bath, $2,000 $100 cash, bal ance in terms. Two-room, $100 cash. Lots, $100 and up. Terms. W.. M. Montelius 521 Main" a Greatlrains -EAST 1 only SowttHern Pacific Ojfert this command' ing transcontinental travel cr ict. 4 great routes a choke matched by no other transcontinental rail . road. Swift, deluxe trains direct ' . oChics8o.KsnsasCitYNcwOr leanawnhPuUcnansrhruwithout , change to Minneapolis, Omaha, St. Louis. Memphis, Jacksonville and intermediates. Thm tourist sleeper Los Angeles to Washing ton, D.C v i Go one way. return another. Summer excursion fares are in effect; for example you can go to Chicago via direct route return vis New Orleans or vice versa at no added fare. Slightly addi tional for one way through th Pacific Northwest. ' i Travelers everywhere know ' these routes and trains. ' OVERLAN'O ROUTE, Lake Tahoe Lina San Francisco to Chicago. Sun Fran:t5CO Oterlantl Limited, transcontinental aristtv crat. jold Coust Limired; Pacific Limited. Pullman to Chicago via Denver and Royal Gorge SUNSET ROUTE'-San Fras ; Cisco to New York via New Or leans. Snsf tLimittfJ. famed , round the world. The Arxonatst. from Lo Angeles. By rati or ship New Orleans to New York. GOLDEN STATE ROUTE to Chicago. Extra-fare, 63-hour Quldsm Suite Limited, none faster nor finer. The Afch and the Cutifomian. SHASTA ROUTE to Port land and Seattle and east over northern lines. The extra-fara CascaJe, Shasta and Oregonicnt from San Francisco. The new West Coast from Los Angeles via Sacramento. Ak today for new Illustrated fcrochureaboutthesenewroutes; also booklet, "Low Fares for um i tnertrifw." Southern 4. 3. MILLER . Wj V5t DM. rVRt. f "W5 Paaa, Agt. tl " O Oave Y ly proved that uiniilri s are abb ' lo manage mn)r league hull rlube romiM-tenlly. II ! debut In tho hig allow must be rlus.d as a derided sun ess. The few nniplre who took a whirl at Hie minagerlal game ere lioue t'Ki sui-reHeful and when Owner Frank Nevln luriiel Ihe I Mi rr.li rlub ovrr to Mnriarty. the lrres greed that one year would t alxmt his limit. t;,uinx aw g away to a bad aturt. due 10 a lough break In the weather, as well as many In-jurli-a lo bis stars, (hints looked mighty blue for a lima. Moris rly frankly admitted ntunaglng waa a loggbr Job than umpiring, explaining It by saying the nmpiro worried for only two hours dally while Ihe manager had 21 hours of It. Ten games below the .ftou WATCH' REPAIRING 1 year guarantee on all work GEO. METZ JLWtLKIt 122 Mala A.Y.D. (At Your" Door) Industrial Supplies. PHO.NE S71 CO&BJS Ends pain at once No wmitind one minute after you apply Dr. Schotl's Zmo-pad the pm U cine. After the corn is healed it never comes back. If new shoes irri tate the spot at sun. a Zino-pad fixes it overnight. Old method of paring corns, or using caustic acids, are dangerous. " " Dr SarhoJI Zine-dt trr safe. anttMp tte. rro(cctiV4g. halinc They top the cautK of contt robtttn and pfcMina; mt sho. At all dBcsist Ati srioaj dealer' Cost btU a tnfle. -v DSScholls Xino'pads Put one on the pain it (of Xauaranteed J)entistry We can give you the begt of service in every branch of dental work. Whether it be a decayed or aching tooth, crown or bridge work or complete plates, we will give you the best. You will be pleased with our moderate prices. Portland Painless Dentists DR. HAVENS, Mgr. 11th and Main '" "Xr - Phone 01 We Wish The .Grand .Opening of The State Line Dance Hall, located at Calor, on the Midland-Dorris road. Turn to left 100 yards south of Keno. A real supper served at midnight. Music by Hal Blackburn and his band. I ' The largest dance floor between San Francisco and Portland. Good Music - Floor - Supper SATURDAY NITE O'Brien and Baiger Owners Gentlemen $1.10 Ladle Free Pa (.to Seven murk at the first of Juur Mit- lu 11 y finally got his ssleui pi-nu-erly Instulled en.l the Tlget- have laen atfpplng, fast vcr slnco. ' l( U't.'uH run finish w-rnnd - It has more than flcbting cliiuirr - - Morliirtr ilrservea lo ! clnST.rd as the nirsiiindtuK lie' pilot In the Amri'lian ! B i 0 . ' ! nnJ recreation in a Summer playground of in-. temarional repute . . . eaty c'.nlhcs comfort at moderate cost C;ina- . dian i'neific opemtion -nnnp tini.r! Take the whiile f.in'.ily this year: l-.i!;e. fch, s .vir,i. ride, golf to yot'r heart's content. BunjMlouCnmpliteratufe teib all about it. i. U CvMi - '-.pSc! ; Cv ...T'.cI'TI iJaaUtUlili f ,. :S m-rtnjrrr. 5 . - s-0- "-4 -e - rirft(ia5j I it WOrican-OenlJaei t-Pair Dcor SSnilrdJfenlanOMu.ToniaoHaclii) . to Anounce