THE FA'EN'IN'G HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. Friday, AupiiHt 20. 1927. : . f ... - j u SI u n lit- '! f lit :. f i H2INE WLL BOOST KLAMATH BRIEF NEWS -OF KLAMATH Articles Appearing In ' "Oregon Business" On ' Btsirt Country With pictures of many of the beautiful pot in south ern Oregon displayed between the page of several Interesting rili li on Klamath county, "Ore gon nualneas' for lb nronth, of September will be devoted large ly lo this section. The Klamaib county chamber f commerce has token over the September issue, and already the following anil-leu are being ar ranged: Induatrlal Klamath A'firnlture Today and It Pos sibilities (by C. A. Henderson;) Klantnth Falls, Th future Dis tribution I'rnter (br llruie IWn Ills:) Historical Klamath (by Captain U. C. Applcgate:) A Va cation What Am (by Fred Flout.) ADVICE GIVEN By DR. NEWSOM (Continued from page one) published: The patienl should be isolated aa completely aa posst ble In a i lean, bare roonv (nU screened to keep uut insects. Visiting la not permitted, and only the necessary attendant should come In contact with the cae. All discharges, tncludltig sputum, nasal secretions, urine and feces, should be thoroughly disinfected. Kating ' utensil should be boiled. F.verythlng that conies lu routact with the patient should lie sterilised. Towels, bed linen, and other fabrics should be boiled or dipped in strong germicidal Solution. The period at which Isolation should be malntalued csnnot be guessed at. rhildren are not permitted to return to school for at least three weeks. "Ip the presence, of an epi demic, street and house dust rhould be kept down by sprinkl ing, oiling, or other means em ployed for this purpose. Dust should be alloyed whether there Is an epidemic or uot. During epidemics children should be kept away from public gather ings. "The possibility of infantile paralysis being a milk-borne in fection emphasises the Import arcs cf the prophylactic value of pasteurised milk. "The summer prevalence and the rural distribution of this disease are . disturbing factors with regard to summer vacations. The only sate rule Is to avoid places where localised outbreaks are in progress. The fact, how ever, that infantile paralysis does not usually strike the same .place iu epidemic form two sac 'reeding seasons makes such places reasonably safe the year .fallowing the epidemic." Fraternal F.vrnt Saturday One of the largest fraternal social events of the season is scheduled for Saturday evening In the Moose hall when the frat ernal order of Eagles and the Vets of foreign Wars combine Decision to bold the big social was received at a Joint nieelinj ! in Ihn Moose hall last night, at tended by the following repre sentatives of the various l-niges: Walter Perkins, F. O. K . X. II. Canter, V. F. W.. and C. D. Long, F. O. E. The public is I invited to attend the uig supper sno uaucmg party, ana eaca iauy attending is requested to bring a bahket supper. l-cfl For Xorth Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ilrown o( San Francisco who havo been the honae guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Sparks left this mornlug for Portland, Seattle and other northern points. I.'nroute south to their borne In San Francisco they will be Joined at Ashland by Mr. and Mrs. Sparks who are returning to the bay city. Left Fur Lake Mrs. C. I. Reckards left this afternoon for the l.ake o the Woods, where she will spend tha week-end with Mrs. K. Nichols at her summer home. Mrs. H. I!. Winters has been the gnest of Mrs. Nil hols tor the past week and plana to return home on Sunday. Left For North Mr. and Mrs. W. W. McNealy plan to leave tbia evening for Seattle to visit with Mr. Me Nealy's mother, who la quite seriously ill. Miss Ruth, their daughter, will return home with them after spending the greater part of the summer in the north. Fosters Leaving Mr. and Mrs. James Bishop Foster and daughter. Fhylis plan to leave on Saturday evening's train for San Francisco, where they will enjoy a fortnight with friends. Mrs. Helm Returning Mrs. Myrtle Helm, principal of the Pelican City school. :a expect ed borne on Sundiy evening, from Eugene where she has been at tending summer school at the University of Oregon. Hop to Rome is ( Again Postponed p ROOSEVELT FIELD. NEW I 'tORK. Aug. 26. (A) Head winds tor 1.2U0 miles between here and New Foundland caused an other postponement today in the take-off of the monoplane Old Glory on its proposed flight to Rome. j Mrs. Mctealf Improved - - Mrs. Christine Metcalf was 'able to sit up yesterday for the first time since her illness and is reported as rapidly recover ing. She is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. W. Yannice. .Miss Clow To Visit Hera Miss Thelma Clow formerly of this city and now a- resident of Chico. Calif., is expected to ar rive here early in September to be the bouse gnest ct Miss Helen Abbey for a fortnight. Art Larson Hot Art Larson, popular student at the University of Oregon, is spending the remainder of the summer here and has accepted a position at Modoc Point. Lar son is a Phi Delt from the Uni versity of Oregon. 8 Hurry Cash Grocery 524 MAIN ST. PHONE 576 The Second Oldest Grocery Store in Klamath Falls Ccme in and have Lunch with us at any time Saturday, August 27, 1927. We are demonstrating PURITAN HAMS and MON ARCH SPAGHETTI, two of our best sell ers. Try these at our expense and tell us how you like them. Plenty of Home-Grown STRAWBERRIES Large Bottle Catsup 19c Lima Beans, 8 lbs. 99c 4 Tins Hot Sauce 23c Red Beans, .10 lbs - 93c Libby's Apple Butter 16c Mayonnaise Med -. 19c Monarch Coffee 49c Maxwell House Coffee 49c Carton Matches . 19c Can Whole Sweet Potatoes 18c S. & W. Coffee 49c Small White Beans, 10 lbs $1.28 Beyo Beans, 10 lbs. 93c THE ORIGINAL DOLLAR -DAY STORE Saturday, Aug 27 Store Opens at i 8:30 A. M. Keeping Faith The "Women's Store" has unauali fiedly adopted the principle of Hon esty in Advertising and, are faith fully currying it out. pur advertise ments contain no exaggerated state ments. You cun find ever' statement that we make regarding our mei chundisc substantiated in the nv:r rhandise itself. We shall never be tray your confidence in us or iu our advertising. We keep faith v:!t'i our customers. 7 $1 3 Pair Reg. 50c 1 Children's Hose P 1 Kamous Cordon llrand Hos iery for children. These can be had in all sites, in colors of either Cordovan or Black. 4 Yds. Fast Color Suiting A cotton fabric In many beautiful and dealrable shades. One yard wide. Col ors are guaranteed abso lutely tost. 2 Colored Border - Turkish Towels..,. J 1 Very large slae. Heavy weight aiid is closely wov en, hss long nap. Absorbs moisture like a sponge. Kine value... Children's $2 School Sweaters V A The most exceptional value we have ever offered In a child's sweater at the price ConiiUtU' range of sites, lleautllully colored. 8 Yds. Red Check t "I Class Toweling.... P X Here is exceptional value and shouldn't lust long at the price. Iiarublr. tine weight and waahea well. Full Bed Size d 1 Comforter Bats.... 4 I Kail sewing season is here and cool weather is Ju-t a round the corner. t.ct your comforter bjt now at a very low price. 6 Yds. Bleached d 1 Canton Flannel.... P 1 Fine grado of Mem lied can ton funned. Can be used tor ninny purposes. Mt nup. eusy to launder, dur able. 66x80 Cotton Blankets $1 It Ik hard to get enough of this popular Item lo sup fly the demand. They route in colors with contrasting borders. $1 Dresses for Crowing Cirls V;ol. of superior quality Knglish Prints and liltig bams. Many sty lea each distinctively trlmmrd. They come lu sties i 10 11 years Embroidered 1 Table Runners..!. P 1 The runners are easily worth one dollar and a hulf. fri'lt). colorful, dainty do signs. Made on fine qual ity material. 1 Pr. Colored i d 1 Ruffled Curtains V 1 llreety. rutfl'd curtain, full length of tV yardv Can be. had in shades of rose, blue, nmiie aud lsv-rnder. Rubber Aprons, Two for .. $1 Kine quality Everrendy brand rubber apron. Can S'e bad in several different hades. . A genuine utility 'rouud the house apron. New Fall Dresses Just Arrived in Time for Dollar Day $1275 They arc beautiful every one of them in the newest and most authentic styles and colorings. Trimmed ac cording to Fashion's latest whims. Such ma terials as Flat Crepe, Georgette, and Crepe Satin are represented. Sizes to suit everyone. Dollar Day Baby Specials Hand-Knit Bootees, Two pair for ... f 1 TVmfnn'o (.'Innnln. f!ni-mm3 Lfcuwu a hjiwj'ii'g uai iiiviil, . Size 0 to 1 : Tnfnntc Wpunnrc it Flannelette Diapers, size 27x27, 6 for I Huck Towels, Eight for A nice sited hand towel tn white only. A general util ity towel for all around the bouse. Six Turkish Towels for .. $1 $1 $1 Novelty Doll Laundry Bags ...1 This is Indeed new. A run ning laundry bag that is a French doll. Lcuks like the more exiienidve French dolls and is of heavy material, well made. $1 Purses and Hand Bags ... These rome in a large var iety of styles and sites. Some are made of real ' leather. All are worth more than we sk. $1 $1 Fountain Pen Desk Sets .... This Item Is needed In ev ery home. A real self-filling fountain pen and ink well. Colcr scheme of black and marblelted green. $1 Feather Pillows, Each $1 A full-sited bed pillow with filling of first grade feath ers; a superior grade tick ing, sanitation guaranteed. Rayon Stepins Kayon step-ins In new styles' and a pltMSlng selection of pantel thades. Materials snd workmanship are tho bent. Nainsook 1 "1 Nightgowns P 1 Ileautlfully 'trimmed with wide and narrow lace, necks In several styles. Shades of pvsrh. pink, or chid, niaite. flesh and others. $1 Leatherette Pillows Triangle leatherette pillows, with quaint designs pTo cesed In oil. Come in black and colors. Silk Fringed 1 Panel Curtains .. J) 1 Dress up the hcue for Spring with these new silk fringe . me eiirtair.. Love ly designs. Come in light ecru ihaduj. $1 Lovely Voile Step-ins This Is exceptionally good . value. Fine quality voile, lace trimmed. ahadev--4if peach, green, apricot... pink -and orchid. ' ' Nice sized Turkish hand or massage towels. flood weight, abaortient. Comes In white, only. Fine value. Jap Table Cloth 1 and 6 , Napkins ... P 1 Imported from Jaws. Site 44x4 tin. cloth and nap kins to match. Can be had In several jiatterns. Colur. blue. Rayon 1 Bloomers 3 1 This Item I exceptional as It-e material Is the fcet and the fullness through- r jut Ik unutuol. Can be h:id In all . desirable pastel hades. Hat Box Hand Bags . Made of durable leatherette, round in shape, neatly lin ed. Pretty illustration on one aide, rounded handle, metal clasp, - 7 Yards Union 1 vLinen Toweling.. P A A lovely duality linen crash. Can be used for tablo run ners or straight and roller towel. Closely woven, laun era well. Woven and Turk- J ish Bath Mats .... P 1 A large, heavy, cbsely wov en bath mat; at this price ou should buy two, at IciihI. A household necessity. Four Yards of English Prints . Fine q'.nllty Kngiisb prints in a very wide asortment cf j.-otty designs and the colors are absolutely fast. 5 Yds. New Ginghams ... New crisp ginghams. It In. wido. Fine varley of pleas ing patterns and shades. This price for IXsUar l)uy only. Seamless Sheets, "1 Size 81x90, each 4 1 Full sited bed sheets, free from filling, wide hem. pure white. This is a most ex ceptional value. Four Yards of (1 Black Sateen J 1 Thla 1 a a f r o a a material comes In Ifi-ln. widths. Is fine for making under things for adults and children. Six Yards of Percale for . All near perrsles In J-ln-h widths. New patterns and jew colors that are ahso- utely fast. Cbolco mater- lis. Fibre Silk Hose, d 1 Two pair J5 X Fashioned to fit fibre silk hosiery In msny new shades, lli'lnforred toes and heels. Very tine value. $1 Two Stamped Pillow Slips ... $1 loyal Society brand stamp ed pillow cases, neat, dainty designs. Come In while only: all ready for the needle. Pillow Cases, 4 for $1 $1 $1 Site 3Sx: In. Made of good quality muslin "with doep hem.'j,rVtlca!ly froe from starch. good .bar;aln. 6 Yds. Colored Marquisette Another new 'i ri;for tho home. It ran be hs'd In sev eral shades, to your liking. Excellent quality. $1 Service Silk Hose, pair '.. $1 Many popular shades are represented. A fine quality, pure silk hese with reln , forced Hale toes anI beela. $1 Ladies' Voile Bloomers Tbe material Is excellent, soft voile, knees are trim med with lace. A!o bloom em of h-jriste and lingerie cluj. Satin SVilovr Tops, each... $1 $1 This Is a new item and a beauty. Made of high lustre en t In. with quaint figures In colors, prucrts work la oil. $1 4 Turkish ....Towels for Come in a handy site In colors. Very' fine absorbent qualities. Fine for camping. Fine welgbl and are very durable. 54-in. White Da- 1 mask Table Cloth J 1 Sua while table cloth. Kite 6 1x04 ruches: neatly trim med, and launders almost like linen. Very durable. Tied and Dyed Scarfs, Each. There Is a great variety of color In these pretty scarfs. Vsrlgated shades in soil blends. Very popular. 3 White and Fan. tf - cy Turkish Towels') 1 Very fine value large site aud full Weight. Can be had In all white or fan cy colored borders. $1 14-in. Leather ette Suit Case.. Tils I. tha handiest little i se Imaginable. Metal Irlnimlnga and ratches, lock and key. Come In sbado of bro n. Fall Numbers in House Frocks $ There is an amniing amount of style to these dressci. They meet cvtry woman's tlemand and arc priced far below the figure suggested Ly their quality and unusual ntttractiveness. All sizes. Two Yds. Table Damask for $1 $1 Fine quality, white table damask with colored bor ders: is Inches in width. Durable and launders perfectly. Plisse Crepe, 5 Yards for In a fino stortment af love- lu II -. I i . . . . . 7 iiu-iurca ucsigiia. All new r shades. Fino fcr making j' dainty underthlngs. ' 4 Yds. Plain Broadcloth .... $1 This comes fn 3i-in. widths of a fino array of wanted shade. Fine for Spring and Summer dresses. Fast colors' Double Ve Wrap tf Around Girdles .. P 1 Developed ' from superior quality coutlc. Come In' flesh color ciity. ' Careful workmanship . throughout. All altos. A bargain. Comforter Chal- tf -l lies, 6 Yds D 1 There Is turh s wide color and paturn range In this material that you ara sure to find It to your liking. $1 All Linen Lunch Sets . 3-ln. all linen lunch cloth nnd 4 napkin to match. Color am gold, blue. pink. Sets are made In Ctecho-Klovakla. Two Leatherette - 1 School Bags ........ $ 1 . Can lyi used for clthrr school or shopping hags; very convenient; have re inforced handle and are well mudo throughout. Children's Crepe, ( "t Nainsook Gowns.. P X Made In style similar to thone for grown-ups. Shades nf while, pink and peach. Decorated with lovely baud ctuhroltlrry. FREE DELIVERY 8:30 a. m. 1:30 p. m. i . I TRUTH IN ADVERTISING i 1