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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1927)
w - Friday.. AuRiust 2G, l'J27. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREflOV. Face Fiv DON'T MISS THIS ONE! Spot Dance , MERRILL SATURDAY NIGHT . i LES SAILING And Hi. V , COUNTRY BOYS Will play 'til 3 A. M. Supper at Midnight ," rrrJ. WHITE PELICAN CLUB . Dance at KEN O Good Eatt Saturday. Night Vt-r4 f "For Men and 1 ,' jYoung Men The'- smartest, the most up-to-date tre these ultra fashionable Men's Suits. Patterns and materials direct from the exposition building, Los Angeles, where the style (how is now in progress. These Stiits are smart, correctly cut and woven with ex-' ceptional beauty. View our special window display. $OA50 39! 'I A ic. "I uK,u.. -i' A-in-.s. .-. .r- 40,000 ACRES SWEPT BY F RE Half Million Dollar Lot. Suitained in Huge Cal ifornia Blare ' NKWIIAI.L. C.illf., Ah. 20 i i in ' i i.i-. i. i ... jii 1 ' ' I 900 acre. ainiilili In the wnke of til" il"vanlullia Angelus Na- lloiiiil Forest lirimli and tluilt-r ! fir,, north ..f here which, a. It , d out on to tho dc.-rt llur. Ina llin nliilit alrvady bul dono laiiuiKK tlnilii r alaiiila uml re aorl linllillutt. allinali-d ul ir.oo,- ooo. Kuri'at ruiiKi'ra ut tlio alnilon Ihtm liiillivi'd Hint lha lluim-a woiilil anon api.nd tliinnaclvi'. In III.. HiImiht alnnd4 of iunaiultv T Good MUSIC T ' until 3 a. m. uIIoih. Smart New Stamford Twistex Suits ill V IV J . Flip or curl brim., -whichever you like they're both. good. New shades of 'browns and greyt. Dust - greys' are in favor, too. 'Some have bands of black silk. They're certain ly smart. 5 to 15 l..'i'.,",T. tltir.-'Iief.l' ougarman Ain't Mad at Nobody" nil gituaewnod on (ho VhIhv. Fi-il.-fal ml county forestry of- i in law-, alanm-d when another fire alurtcd yealerday near F.liza lii'lli I,n k ii uml burned over HO aipiarn mile. In-dire' being con-i ( Ml.a l.elului Ve,( Hpanlab uml trolled early today, were conald- geonielry; Mi. . Virginia Weal, ring rloalng all reaorvo area to I English ; Mr. , Yc(inlruff. urlih Hie public. 8cvnty-flv manlmctlc. geu-iral wlmiro and book- were left In patrol the mm fire arcs whlla approximately too followed the big ronflsgrallon on ! to lha deaerl. Damage annulled ut 112(1,000 was dune, to build luga at Ilia Tweedy I. aim rlub re aurt where clnlmrilo ralilna be- lllllK III I til Wl-allllV lieOUle Of Loa Angelca woro dctroyd. lard, algebra and geography; Mm. I 111" fliiinna a In ttmlr way I Paul T. Jackaon. pulilli' apeak;' "iukIi ai re of timber) lug; Mlaa Allen Keaalir. lyp-lni?! '!'" r""'' d""r,n". ,h. j n """ H ''"' """". "' - hck . homo economics; Mr.. Kf.,l .I'jiu. in uiioiiiuii nr.urui runi ii- ' .iii'i 111 y ri., r.iiKiian anil inuair; hao Im-iiii burimd ovor wlthiMlaa Murlu llni;a, alKi-dra ami' tlioiiaunda, of arret vl prlvuloly (xi-oini.try; lira. Iluilmi.l Applu-i owm-d tlmlii.r. . ;gatn Hnlomon. I,alln; C. Vandvr-i ' pool, i.lvlca uml Kni:ll.h. Southern Oregon i i'ni tii otninic of iiooi tin. j M f, niKTgCT Ul JIHgH Betters Service j KftiKNB. Ore., AUK- 20. (API - Mi-rriT of llin liiiururban Htaa-o Tlriiitipany of Houltiiiru Ori'aua I with tin. Ort-tun Ktactia. Inc IhiTi'liy ratcudlng llm ouvritlon. of tin- Oregon Kluara from Itona liili. to Aaliland, wa. annnuni'ed him laat nlxlil by it. W. Ix-inon. and Kanrral manacrr of llm 1uiir oraanltatlun. The In-l-Turhiin Ktutci company waa pur- liaarKl' by lha Oregon Hluaca from Win. I.. Iewla. who baa oiwrated the line between Aali land, Uledfnrd and Kowbura. TbroiiKh ai-rvlre between I'ort land and Aaliland will bn atarled M,'n,,'lllb,r Heretofore' the Tureion siaxea operatea amy a. mr auiim a. lloaeourr. "Ni'Trr lip. nvr good alnian for rolfc In.' la a nd air New,, Fall Hats REGISTRATION AT SCHOOLS BIG , T . (: lnued From Px One) keeping: Mr. Him lair, phyalm and clionitalry; Mr. (Serger, I. In-1 tury and biography: Dir. Ik. II. maoual training; Mr. Emery. Jnnrnnllam and Fngllah; Dun Flalmr. hlaiory and aril h ' l-; Dwlulu French. Iilolnir. clb anil couch- Mra frank '. Ilnw .orrito of I'roloaaor Jarkaon Willi ,e OI.n rroln nn(, un, ,, nn from oim o'cim-u umii nv for tlioiiu wlabliiR to rtlalur. Thai tlio full cnrollnii-nt of ",,"l"tl. In 'h c ity prlmury "diooU will far aorpa.. llm murk t at when 1014 children were ri-nlati-red, la the belief or J. lvrry Wella, rlty auperlniend ent of ailioula who It apundluir. aeraral hour, of eai'b day at hla nfrire In the Kromnnt bullillnx. 1 1 li in ac up the work and arrang ing for auppllea for the turning ar. ,. r To fill raeanelva which hire oerured alnre the cloae of thv arhuola Ian June. Mr. Well, haa added fourteen new teacher to the lint, liir.ludlnK Mlaaea Ilcrnlce Kckatein, I'luma bhumate, .Mar guerlto Kdwarda, Vera Jungjo hawa. ' .Helen Clark, Barbara Clark, Dell Hocoril. Anna r.rid inger. Agnea Arfatrong. Mona Thorp. SK'lla McKay, Charlotte Martlnaon. -Mra. K. L. llarrl. aad Koreat SihnlJer. With the Milla addition not yet completed, puplla of the aer entU and eighth gradea a well aa tho real of tbn overflow from Mlllt addition will be housed at the. Krumont tchool. "It will probably be early October before tho addition Ma FOR SALE! A lean on a nine room house with - furniture. IXK-nted one block from-. Main "Irene. Houae full of roomer. Good Income. CHI1.COTK SMITH Kcaltora 727 Mnlrt St.l W-JyX t- Tahc nlcniv of Mm Jor the in We carry a ' complete stock of Eastman Films all sizes. . Brownie Cameras, $2.00 .up : j Folding Kodaks, $5.00 up -.- Expert Kodak' Finishing In at 9:00 Out 5:00 i Currins for; Drugs SATURDAY SPECIALS J..L s ..... ; v . ; ' :- . Beef Shoulder Steak; lb. ' .....:15c . . . -.1. i v ' r.-'.. ' ' - ' : Beef Shoulder Pot Roast, lb. ... J5c Veal Shoulder Pot Roast, lb. . Lamb Shoulder Roast, lb 1-2 or Whole Ham, lb 1-2 or Whole Bacon, lb ,'. 35c Picnic Shoulders, lb 22c Miller's Phone 750 V ' ' ' ' ' J completed." Mr. Wella Hated. Following U a ii. t ,.r titdier wni will teach In the various m lt'iulii of the city: lilnVw hrliwil limned, Mra. Kb In, principal. Callahan. Mian f.lU. ' Hrowu, Mlaa Edna, liners, Mli-s lima. Myer, .Minn (.rare. Kllla. Mr. Freda. Fremont Helmut I'arm-r. Mini Auguata H., prln- 'Ipm. ' NoWe. Mlaa Hizel. M " mra liriMiii, Mlaa II. I;.u. Korler. Mia. Lulu. Ma'l.aiiglilin. Mta. Violette. Phlnney, Mlaa Ma. Mlnlir. Mlaa Itulli. I'rtltrnl KehiMil llarketl, .Mra. Lflia, principal, f'noley, Mlas Verna (i. lleliHng, Mm. Mi.lllu II. Aduiiia, Mina Maryanna. JoIiiikUio. Mlaa Anna Mae. Mllla Hiliool LaKVAiin, Mra. Agnea, priuclpul Hill. Mlaa Kiltll. Clynt h, Mlaa Auguata. l'hllliua. Mlaa Hazel. ' llryant, Mra. Frieda. Tiiley. Mlaa t'roaale. Dlllliigliain, Mlaa Melvene. . S.ot I. Mlaa Uladya. Crank. Mia. Marguerite. I'eliian i lly Htlwiol Helm, Mra. Myrtle, principal. rilmmoua, Mlaa Mildred. I'hinuer, Mlaa Hiratrlce II. Willett. Mlaa Ella. - Hin-ralili- Heboid I'almer. Mlaa Chloe. principal Wella. Mr.. Maye B. Mllla, Mra. Jennie II. Howe. Mia. Florence. Claye, Mra. Jane. Kandera, Mia. Ruth'. S-ecijil Tewrbrra Krdmann, lKoy L., manual training; Wilaon, ..Mlaa Oli.e. home economic.; Applegate, Mine Kvelya. ' mualc auperrlaor; Can field. Mia. Helen, echoni nurse; JoaepU 1'eak. phyaical director. PILOT ZOOMS ON TOWARD BRAZIL (Continued from page one) headed in a southerly direc tion. A position eaat of the Bahama, group would Indicate that Red fern had covered between 400 and 600 mile, when sighted by the .teamer. Redfern's course waa aet eo that at a diatance of approximate ly 24,5 land mile, from Bruns wick he would past 35 miles east of the lighlhouae on Great Abaco Island of the Bahama, group. Shortly thereafter the mono plane would course cast of San Sulvadore. , . SA.V Jl'AN. Porto Ilico. Aug. 26. (P) If Paul Redrern, Georgia nvlator who Is now enroute. from BruiiHWlck, Ga.. to Hla De Jan eiro passed over Porto Ilico In his fuge Stlnson-Detrolter mon oplane during the night, his pas sage was unobserved so far as any reports received here show. Aviators said today that the lighthouse along tho coast ot Porto Itiro as well as the reflect ed lights ot towns and cities on the Island would bo sufficiently strong to aid .him. greatly In i keeping ef - course if 'he came i within 25 to 75 miles or the telsnd. . f.S . -l2 i 119 Die inJapan Battleship Wrecks TOKYO. Aug. 26. ( API- Fig- urea Riv,n out toiUy placed the dead in Wednesday nights Jap - janesc naval disaster at lit. in jetudlng eleven of ficorik-Only one body has been recovered. War ships and airplanes Were contin uing the search. 4 ..20c .25c ..28c Market 818 Main I ONE KILLED IN ! r a n i c i inniciwp I Continued from page one) 8lie wa. accuaed ,of obstructing foot traffic Taken To Jail The placard, were torn up. Ilioea, cati alia and hlasea aame from thoiiaand. outalde a parlor In the north end, the Italian action, a. Mia. Donovan was taken five blocks to a sta tion by two policemen. Hhs waa releaaed on 125 bail. One of the placard, read: "Bee what I did to thoan anarchist Judge Thayer." The reference wa to an out of court remark attributed In affidavits to the Judge who prealded at the trial at which Hacro and Vansettl were convicted of murder. Two other contained cierpia from the men', letter, or .peer he. , The undertaker forbade the placarda to be dlaplayed and when the police took action the placarda were torn ahred. a. Mia. Donovan struggled. MMiikr, Claim (lardner Jackson. another member of the defenae commit tee, who was with Mlaa Donovan when she was arrested, said that the placards bad been taken to the funeral parlor at the re quest of photographers; that they were not uaed because of the undertaker' request, and that the trouble developed when a photographer asked to see them. Just before the melee mem bers of the defense committee In cluding Powers Hapgood, arretted several Umes in pre-execntlon demonstrations, had kissed tho brows of Sacco and V.nietU. The casket, were draped with red. . Thousands unable to view the b-xllea last night bad to defer their visit till today. After lb parlor wa closed four comrade, stood watch all night. Many Weep Many of those wbo passed through the room In group of 20 gave open demonstration of their grief. Men a well a. women wept. Because of the smallness of the room and the fart that thouaands had waited for hours for a glimpse of the bodies, none was permitted to linger a. they passed in single file through the narrow corridor, once around the caskets and out through an alley wiy at the rear. One woman was led out scream ing "Bart! Bart!" The funeral chapel where the two bodies lie wa. opened this morning and from that time on a steady stream of sympathizers and curious persons passed by the eofflns, ' , , Police kept the visitors' in a for more than half a block. RAILROAD MEN . SEEK SUPPORT (Cont'hued from page one) slou at St. Paul. Minn., Oct. 24. J'oHlaml U liool ' I PORTLAND, Aug. 26. lP) H. E. Byram, president of the Chi cago. Milwaukee and St. Paul railway, said here today that the builder, o fthe Paciftt coast ex tension of that system Intended that Portland, at well as the Puget Sound cities should be a Pacific coast terminus ot the line. , 'This idea still prevail In the n,inu ot ,ne ro,d s ' o"lclls" said Byram, but he added that plana uuwi (iiuMu- '""; Jalu operation of the Mil- usee mill Ulliuuu. no ouiu m. succession ot events, the - war,, the agricultural depression, and finally, the financial reorganiza tion of tho Milaukco had pre- ! rented tho carrying out ot tho Intention to enter . Portland. I He Indicated that it the Mil waukee were lo come into Port ; land It would have to come over i the tracks of one- ot its competi tors.' ': : ! G rand Jury Probe i j Of Portland Beer ' i Drinkers is Plan ! PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 26, (A. iP.) There was a report current! i at the court house today that a 1 card, file-containing about 1.000 names ot local resident, suspected i of having been- customers ot an I alleged "beer Joint" at Highland Court ' Apartments, which was: raided Wednesday, will be placed1 in the hands of the grand Jury for Investigation. No definite statement as to the action which, will bo taken regarding the list was Issued ' by the district at torney, however. j Two ot the women and one I man who were arrested by the state dry agents and deputy sher-r Iff. who formed the raiding party Wednesday, pleaded not guilty In district court yesterday afternoon.1 j Hearing ot all cases was tot tor . next Tuesday. j Mi". Tunncy says'" he't not highbrow, but up at his camp at ' Speculator the other day we saw 1 his rook use the Yardon grip on a broom. , Too Late to Classify ' WANTED Lady wants board and room In private family., or will share apartment. Phone COl. 2fc- 2 CONTRACTS LET -BY' Sprinkling. System to Be Installed; Courts Will Be Floored Two contracts one tailing for Inatallatlon. of a aprlnkllng sys tem on Mill Addition grounds on Kast Main street; the second for building maple wood flooring for two play 'courts at Fremont school were let by the city school board at a meetiug In Fremont school last night. The sprinkling contract waa let to the lreni F'lrlm'liing com pany. , Tho uccuiful bidder of fered approximately,. 1050 for the work. F. Jordan, with au offer of approximately S320O, was given the contract for laying maple flooring on tb iwo -vlay courts. At first It had been decided to cover the courts with bltulithlc pavement, but lie- board later ehanged it course and selected maple flooring. -;, ; . ' ..,.,.'. 'a, . Columbia Forest ' Fires Controlled PORTLAND. Ore, Aug. 26. (A. P.) All fira la the Columbia national forest ware under con trol today except the Rock Creek, blaze. That tire -was- quiet ex cept oa the west, able, where a crew of men wa -working today to keep it from breaking across the line. , :! Portland Attorney Collapses atSalem i . SALEM. Aug. 26. UP) Jut after he finished addressing the state land board, Jobu-H, Logan, prominent . Portland lawyer, col lapsed here . this afternoon. . A physician was called In. Logan was representing th sand and gravel Interest...; .. f .. DOROTHY MARIF. . LANGKLET Funeral service for Dorothy , Marie Langslet were held this ; afternoon from the Earl Whit lock funeral home. Pine avenue at . Sixth with concluding ser vice at the graveside in Mt. Calvary cemetery Rev. Father A.. J.Loeser. jiastor of Sacred ftVBH kuvTh ,'offielated. See It Today ! The Smallest Watch - - . in the. World THE world's smallest : A watch is now on dis play in ouryindows. , ! This tiny timekeeper ! snullcj than i dime jtells ! tune with a predsTon that j only Bulova knows how to build into r watch, .; Be sure to see it today, i It is one of the marvels ! cf the age,-. i ' GLOVER'S JEWELRY STORE 10 , Obituary . a Big Shaker Knit Sweater Special All-wool ruff neck coat style. Just the thing for school wear,: outing wear,' golf wear, for this fall and winter wear. - These coats come in black, navy, mar u roon and white. ' Special, $6.50 . . ,;; See these sweaters on display in our windows today. Justin &. Montgomeiy MEN'S Williams BIdg. Wenatchee Night Marshal Murdertd WKNATCHKE.' Wn . Aug. 84 (P, Night Marshall All.m Car ton. 61. " Chelan, wa nliut to death today . When he. surprised burglars looting the wfu in lh" gsrage ot Hunt Wolvertuti. Car ton's body waa found clutching a guu In one hand and his flaaa light In another. There were four bullet holes In the office wlu dow and another through- lha sheet Iron wall, giving mute) evi dence ot the dimperate gun bate tie that took place; FA I.I, IM FATA I, ' l'OHTLANl). Ore., Aug. it VP) Charles liarlng. 34, . who wa found unconscious 111 hi apart ment lust Tucadry and taken lo a hoapltuj where be died that night. rec-lvd his mortal Injury when he slipped on. a rug ami full. In- the opinion of Police In spectors Ikilllus and Horack. All the evidence pointed to this, they said, although at first the pos sibility of murder was considered. EXCHANGES 120 acre farm.. .40- acre In al falfa; a' fens acres In grain; re mainder tn pasture. A four room hon.te. Large barn. A good well. - This farm la to- ceted - seven mile ' from Klam ath Falls. Will exchange for a goocf clear residence property and - bnyer to assume $3604 mortgage. - ' ('liIM'OTK' SMITH , . 'Rrnltor" - 1 727 Main Ht. Plione o . .. irBUICK'S, BEST BUYS In High-Class -at - ' Used Cars - 1925 Buick Brougham 1926 Buick Standard Coach . ' , , 1925 Buick Standard Coach ' - 1925 Buick Master Coach 1925 Dodge Special Tour- ing . .... .' ,.i 1925 Ford Coupe " 1925 Ford Roadster i i , i, ,1 ' . V . , 1924 Buick Master Tour- 1925 Buick -Standard Touring 1924 Flint Enclosed Touring 1924 Studebaker ; Tour'g Ford Light Delivery; 11 .. Ford . Ton Truck Buick Garage 1330 Main St WEAR Klamath Fa'.U ''. n. . v,;v VY .. .