i ' ! ; Tap1' Ton TtIF! RVnlS'0 IIEKAIT). KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. Friday; August L'O. 1027. Beauty of Klamath Country Told in Magazine 'Article; v. S. P.'s Cascade Line Praised Wanta Pass? Ttil I TctN 'AerrMnry Who'll w is Lst Day llniKlle . I .10,0 nt( KUll.lt Tl. kclsl iTflllBISTS FBOM: Tompro unrnnim inmn mma. luflnu.: ! i - I i . 1 1 t ! ' i r I ! i '- i i t i ' J if ri. j I ! ! ill!! V. Editor's nolu: Aaaln U thelS.ott (8SS.1 feet ami Ml. Vi woalth of KUmilb'i a.enlc beau- Loughlln (S49I fwU. tics brought home rlo.e to the Al a point 45 utiles PM Ihr rest of the iinlr through the ue- , summit at Odell Pas. the Ine ..,... n Hie ur ntnd word, i nis r.-a. n.- iu - - .Mini., wrltinu hv John ! ervallon. which Iluiu mi. "... - - I - M 8oott. Portland, and appearing -3 tu'les. II In the "Oregon." state mat:aiine. Indiana hold extnlls the scenery along me iu moii Southern Pacific Cawodo line. It traverses for Here every year the a great field day and celebrated figures In the pi- oncer history of Oregon, still r eoutit their experiences riorlet of enthralling Interest. Anion those ntlll MviuK at Oaptatn Ap plegate. veteran of the .Modoc, Indian wars: K. J. M.t'lamilinn. who once drove slatte cohe from Eugene to Oakland, v'.'all fornla: and Cal Young, one of the Iirt Oregou pioneers. Knlvr Kort Countr). A little farther on you enter run ning alone the shore of Klamath By John M. Moot I To the lure of the Northwest may now be added a virgiu wsl- i derneaa of wild and beautiful ; countrv the new Cascade line. Just coinpl. ted by the Southern . pacific company. Whether seen; from .the magnificent atcel hlKh-, ' ".u...k lnnil .if moun- j;:n.l fnnH.. or from .the. Port Klamath country . i. - ti a.wfntline a w8. " - hmta. .Lake for 30 miles. At Klamath througl. nyon. k .own hereto fore, only to '" i. gateway from the new Ca ll challenge, the ' '.cad(, Un , Cnl tJlk. Xatl0. sportsmen and traveler the world 0Tr" , a 1 i.( Crater I-ake. of extraordinary ... Word, are cold and . ,,, lie, the cniter of an ex- " r- your feeling. 6i:: feet aboVe sea viewing tne new nil...-. o Shasta from this line a thrill n ."'7.:" ;h cipitous walls,rUing over WOrUS, uw. feet froi 1M" 7, ' ,K 7 7,hta int.. Aside from Its preat acenlc tains studded with " ' ,tIrtloS Crater Lake, with U. and the turbulent s reams and . ,ormans. is waterfall, tha comprise some o f - s of the most inspiring scenery in all h worIJ Fishlnt( America. Hut In viewing H (and u romantil. for present purpose. w shall nJ bewtchinl colorins suppose you are a - jare undplicated anywhere, (ovlng the safety and romfort ' . of the train, rather than a hunt er with no schedule to maintain .rt ' tin definite objective of VISITING -HERE GuetU at Governor Resi dence; Newt Notes of Hildebrand el.t. level; is six miles in diameter laud SOoO feet deep, with pre- llMMI feel from the water's edge to the and no After sundry obstacles. Le Uo place) you will slmoat n" 'tbl wea u exclaim. VW hy. I didn t Inow . and hlg br,de h UROUM IKiKTKl'l XEW YORK. Aug. 2. tAP) Roy er's ..Inn..t ...... ,1 hi. hp'Hn the wonderful' ...... ...'lormer uuiiii oieiiitri, uur ui ... most heaut!ful girls in society. In brief, the new t-ascaae '' iwedd,ng was postponed last May branching southeasterly at Eu-, of lnfss And ,ne there was such a stretch of country In America! Skirts laikes. dene from tne mikkijuk "-. crosses the Cascade mountains and runs! along the shore of Odell lake Tor six miles: then, turning south, passes within a few mile, of Crater Lake Na tional Park, skirls Klamath lake ceremony yesterday was an hour lata because the groom forgot his license. He had to chase 7 S blocks in. a taxi for It. MAYOR V SI ALIA" LATK. for 30 mues to tviamitn t'.;Fokl here now reaI0 thvs thence veers southwest to rejoin; .,. f Siskiyou line at Slack Butte, i Walter being tardy for en- f California. Incidentally, it short-; KaEemems , Eri(!land ,nd Ire.; ens the distance between Port-j ,an(, e wag on,y ha,f a bonr land and California cities by " ilau, for the American Club ban-, miles. "iquet. ' I If yoo are traveling sou.tn-j ; Douna over me nt i TR.1IX l'H.SHKS 0 u'wa are suDDOsing you are. i rAr,ia . t. .n.1f from Salt River to the summit ' .ay XM'n enroute' from Cham-: it affords wonderful views of the onlx ,Q ,he famoug gacjerg n(!ar- rugged Cascades. Alter leavmis ,here jumpcd thc tracks and ouo . V ' XAOMA L.kVKNSOHN' She knows her fight game, this liss Xnonia Iwensohn. secre tary to Tex KicJtard. and If yon don't believe us. try to get a puss from her to the Tunney-lempsey flt:ht In Chicago. She's In the Windy City now to take care of more than a miUion dollars In i receipts Involving sale of 150. uou tkkeut to the fight. STII.I. Il-VVK SI.AVKS. LONDON. Aug. .26. The buy ing and selling of slaves still Is practiced In Abyssinia. Hun dreds of human being are put on the block each week in Adlsa buha. To obtain more slaves, gov ernment troops raid and devas tate the country of neighboring tribes. .' LACK' f KKATIOX Cold lace Is carfrldse shirred to a pink georgette crepe eve ning gown and used to fashion little puff cuffs for the bare arms. It Is reported that Lindy wants to go back to college. Well, col leges couldn't make him a bigger fool than most of the American paopie have trie4 ' to. ' ' , H1LDKHKANO. Aug. ! On ; a tour of the state of Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunt. Jnmea, 1 llerg and William Hunt all of, Moscow. Idaho, visited al the Covrrnor home this pist week.' Mrs Cox. Lloyd Cox and Mtts Kit It h Cox of Klnmalh Kails were also, guests at the Coventor home. Lloyd Cox spent Thursday at the liovernor home enroute to Sprague River. Prlcnds will be sorry to learn of the illness of the Infant son . of lr. and Mrs. ('has. Plackus who has been 111 for some time. I Kveryone Is glad that the son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Klackua Is tiutte well agalu. j Miss Ada Klackus of Klamath ' Kails spent Sunday with her ' parents Mr. and Mrs. CJinsJ Plackus. ' Dr. llarr of Klamath Palls I was called to the Llnxl homo on j account of the' Illness of Mr.. Unit. ' ..: Mr. and Mrs. Kmile Klackus! of Ashland who have been visit-' lug friends and relatives, left for their homo Sunday. j Kved Petenson, county superin tendent, was In (his district , Transacting btislnees Tuesday. ' Mr. Shidler Of Klamath Kails was a visitor at the Knille t'tsrt ' home Sunday. . Karl Heck and Carl Stiles who : are working at Spriguc River, ; were in this district for a short time Sunday. i Miss Margaret Pool was a Klamath Kalis visitor Sunday. j Mrs. Harry Parker and Jack Hugo were business visitors at, the Rodnar home Sunday. 1 Mrs. Emile Kgert left for the ! huckleberry patch Sunday. ! George Berk will begin loading 1 li'M sojn again or Jack I lor ton. Better Bread nalcridm most of the trip 1st through the Salt River Canyon, a region of striking beauty. Part of "the line la built on a shelf cut from' the mountain . side where, looking down, you get a kweep of fifteen or twenty miles across great forested valley. Looking np, you see overhanging cliffs and narrow gorges, chiseled car containing about SO passen-1 gers fell Into a ravine, says a i Havas -dispatch from Chamonix. ' The number of rasraltles was not known. ' r COXVKRTIBI.K COLLAR - . A blue duvetyne sports coat l collar ran fasten up like a choker 1 be lowered to neckline or opened deep revers to the , from solid rock by glaciers ages wide wlln ago. the glacial action be.ng I waistline. plainly evident even now. i Near Kails. j I1KLT JKWKL Y'our train passes near Salt svelte black satin evening Creek Kalis, which have a sheer cgown, with swaying silhouette, drop of 2SS feel and are easily j uses an oblong diamond and accessible by trail. Here a re-1 topaz pin to emphasise its belt. raarkable scries of great scenic i pictures forests, lakes, roaring i IHSTKMKII SKIRT rivwrs and, high mountains ! A rose satin dinner gowu has basses' before your car window j fitted bodice and swathed hip while the train bears you up, up. j line with the dixtenried skirt to Odell Pass at 4.S43 elevation, j flaring surpriseingly below the the summit of the Cnwade line. I hips. Perhaps you may wish to stop t over at one of the many resorts IJLACK L.lf K hidden In the forests of pine and J A black lace gown has a sweet fjr. There are many of these, nn-i beading of silver at neck and seen and unknown except to those arm-holes with the skirt flounced who have Teen so fortunate as j in silver lace embroidered in tto dream away summer days in j colors. ' ! the sanctuary of these vast i ' spaces. s r One good thing about a rough Emerging suddenly from a tun-1 road, anyhow there aren't many . nol, the summit of the Cascade billboards. . :. Range Is attained, . revealing in I panorama the new and hitherto .little known world or ' Oregon, with countless mountain means Better Health Growing children should have the very best bread. Crisp, brown, and baked well done. v . Better Bread is baked right " T '! y ''"' Nourishing . Tempting ' Health Giving When ordering Bread from your grocer say Better Bread. i, BetterBakirigCo. formerly Sixth Street Bakery ' 12 So. 6th St. ' i ', "For&boAhess "Sake. Eat'I Beitert "Bread" VP lakes soreading their blue waters before you. Many of these moun- tain lakes are easily accessible from the main railroad line. In cluding Odell Lake. Crescent Lake, and Diamond Lake. This great district Is already famous as wn attraction for campers, hunters and fishermen. "Line, of Jjikm." '. Just the original Siskiyou line might be called the "line of riv ers" following as tt .does the vulleys of the Willamette, the Vnipo.ua. and the Rogue rivers, and beyond, the Klamath and Sacramento rivers Just so the new ' Casciide line might be known as the "line of lakes." Such magnificent stretches of np Innd wuter, together with hun dreds of sparkling neighbors, will soon take their place in the pub lic's appreciation with Klamath Lake and Craler Lake. - A number, of towering moun tain peaks may be sunn after leaving Odell Jake." who's south ahore you now follow for six nill.s, These Include Maiden Peak (elev. 7 7 T. t feet I, lofty background of Odell Luke: Odoll lltttte (TOflO feel) and to the west ntitmond Peak (SHOO feet): Wt. Thlelson ( !17 ' feet I , the rugged rim-of Craler. Lake, Mt. v .. i ill . . A ' ,.i - " - . . . - . PALACE MEAT MARKET 521 Main Street Phone 68 Come in and have lunch with us at any time Saturday, August 27, 1927. We are demon strating Puritan Hams. i . ' Also ask for one of our shopping bags free. Free Delivery 8:30 a. m., 1:30 p. m. Phone 68 To Get Winning Votes- Thrilling Race for 4 Automobiles and Other -Prizes jn Pevys Herald's 6,000 Campaign Ends Saturday, Aug. 27, 9 p. m. ' Only today and tomorrow remain to get the winning votes in The News and Herald's mammoth $6,000 prize distribution Voting today and tomorrow will -' ;:.'' . , . . i . . . ; . , . t t' .-.;. be the deciding factor. Let the final vote schedule carry you to success. -New subscriptions turned in during this final week are tremendous vote value. Study this final vote schedule carefully. Get every new subscription possible. i i. ' I - u f ' , I u ' . i - - ' ' ' Final Vote Schedule Showing the' tremendous vote value of NEW subscriptions during the last week of the campaign (August 22nd to 27th 9 p. m.). This schedule is positively final and will not be changed. It is the only schedule that counts now, and supersedes all previous schedule, except that votes on OLD subscriptions are the same as they have been throughout the campaign. Votes on NEW subscriptions, as shown below, are figured as equivalent to ,000 extra votes on a $20 combination, thus complying with the original announcement. ... , v . . Rates for News or Herald XEWH or HF.ILU.D r lly Carter In kuuudiu. ' Kail ' Votes PniCE . SEW OLD Fir Years ... $31.50 IT3.730 1SU.U00 Four Yours .... 26 00 ZOl.OOO J 10. 0U0 Three Years .... IS. SO 138.250 70,000 Two Yean 13.00 85.500 40.000 On Tear 1.50 37.760 15000 Six ilonlbs .... 3.50 17.ZS0 t.000 New or Herald lly Mali (hitsltlc Kliinuib Vails ' ' Votra PRICE NEW OLD Flro Years ....125.00 237.S00 150,000 Four Years ... 20.00 170.000 100,000 Three Year .... 15.00 113.500 60.000 Two' Years 10.00. 70,000 35,000 One Year ...... 5.00 39.500 11.000 BIX Months 2 75 13.625 4,000 i Combination Rate for Both Papers '' ' SEWS AMI HF.ILM.P Hf Cnrrirr la klniuatb Falla Vote J'UICK 165.00 (3.00 3S.00 26 00 Five Years Four Years Three Year Two Years . One Year 13.00 Six Months ...... 7.00 NEW 587.600 412.000 316.500 201,000 86.500 31.000 oi.n 360.000 260.000 130.600 110.000 40.000 15.000 Fire Years Four Years Three Years Two Years One Year .. News and Herald i ... . H Mall Unlolde Klamath Falls Yutee PKICB 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 Six Mouths ...... 6.60 NEW 616. MO 380,000 365.000 160.000 70.000 31.250 OLD S1.00 240,000 160,000 90.000 35,000 13.000 Official Judges The following busineaa men will act is the Offi cial Judges ia The Newt' and Herald's Great 000 Prize Campaigns I , Hon. T. B. Walters ( Maror of Uly ol Klaiaath Fsl's. Rev. J. Henry Thomas 630 N. 11th St. Erneit M. Bubb Vice-Pres. American Nsl'L Uank. il" Read These 1 Final Instruc tions carefully. As a matter of caution, and to guard against the possibility of loss to'candidates during ?hese days of 'he 5nP'Sn, final instructions are herewith append ed. AH candidates, especially those who live in ter ritory outside of Klamath Falls, should read and weigh every" line carefuly: " " ' ' l-!'iH remittances 'mailed from now on should be mailed apccisl delivery to insure their roarhina; us In time It you lire outside ot Klamath Falls, and Intend to mafl subscrip tions, tako Ihe precaution to find out what time your postofrice closes . , ..,-........,. 2., You are allowed the privilege of mailing your subscrip tions up to Saturday, August 27, 9 p. nr. This (rives you the opportunity o work up to the last minute. In sending you' ffiibncrlpllons hy mall. have, them in your postofflre before Satardayt August 27, 9 p. m. ' Jv 'M Remittances should be carefully addremed lo the Cam paign department. The-Klamath News and Evening Herald, Klnmatb Falls, Oy. ..Thls.wlll insure absolute accuracy and will prevent any fktrrg from going astray. Me sure and use Special Delivery stamp on all mail. 4. ' Examine your . vote ballots carefully and see that the cor rect number of votes have been Issued on name. Pay particular attention to oallols issued on second payments, and ba sure that proper remittance and votes have beon credited.' If thuro are any -corrections to l.e mode, notify the Campaign Manager in person or in writing, mid return the ballots for proper cor rection. The campaign department will not be responsible for nerlcal errors unless notification Is siren, whereupon correc tion will be made : . , 6. ' Under no condition wjll rotes be transferred from one candidate to another. .This Is an absolute rolo-and "Will- be strictly enforced. . 6. Every subscription turned In will be verified and no prize will be awarded- until this is done. All votes secured on ' Old subscriptions turned in as new will be cancelled. ."Switching" will only result in regret and disappointment, lie sure tbat your subscriptions are marked correctly. - 7. second payments must 1,e marked as such on the re mittance sheet. Aim put down the amount of tho first pay ment so that proper rotes may be given. t. All remittances seat into the campaign office after Wed nesday. August 24, should he either postal money orders, ex press money orders, certified checks, or drafts. Only bona fide subscriptions will he accepted. No sums of money will he ac cepted ihe names of eitliHcrlbers to he supplied .later. Every subscription must bo accompanied by .tbe'uaimi remittance sheets, properly filled onl.".- i ' t- -t II. . ABSOLUTELY, NO MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED ON HUriHCIUPTiONU PAiD IN DUKINO THIS CAMPAIGN.. lu,.,. Prompt .acknowledgement will he auilt of all aiiuscrlp tlons and remittances received from' candidates. 'If you do Dot receive prompt kcftnowledgeme nt of subscriptions and re mittances you tand In, -be sore to notify the campaign manager Immediately. . ' ' "... - - Standing of Contestants DISTRICT NO. 1 I Comprises all territory within tho city of -Klamath Falls, Shippiiigton and Pelican City. . Dorman, Wm, J tv 860,400 Howard, Juanita ......i.810,623 Vernon, Mrs, J. W ....865,900 Moore, Vera .....809,600 Honking, Mrs. J. E. .-..860,450 Foster, Mrs. AValtor 1884,675 Martin, Mrs. Jack, Pelican City 897,5TB Edmonds, Mina 895,728 Bruchou, '.Sophie .................;;.:"..:.......'............i.890,250 Jones, Mrs. 'Wilbur 801,450 McEwin, Marie 896,575 Torrcy, Mrs. R. D : ..........:.'.:......;.898,400 DISTRICT NO. 2 .... P.orn prises all territory outride he city limits of Klamath Falls) Shlppington 'and ellcan City. Midrfff. .Mildred, Algoma Br.r.ch, I'.-mun, Ft. Klamath , Shorn, Mjda K.' , Brown.'IIri:. rlono,' Merrill I Anderson, Mrs. Francis, Dorris, Calif. . Kelkar, Kamllla, Malin Dufort, fin. J...O., Chlloquin Waft, Mrs'. II. W.f jjt. F. I).'.. Daniel, Mrs. C. M., Boniinzu Puckctt, Jcsale, Kfeno .', ,..,;... Barry, Josephine Lakevicw Hunan, LouiHe, Pnisley l .86:1,109 .627,87l .769,450 .880,72 .857,875 .892,506 .807,0d0 .855,250 .899,756 .474,506