li 1 1". A Pare Six MRR K MSKK- IIIIIUI Ul IIMIUil RETURNS HOME 1 'Mi i i? Wllliams-Is HI; News Notes of Spring Lake Are Told (Special To The Herald! RPRINO I.AKR, Auk., IS. After submitting lo medical at tention for several daye In Mod ford, Mil. Cherlea Mark h re turned noma. Hr condition ia very much Improved. Oladya Forguer who recently bad htr tonslla removed Is re ported aa recovering rapidly. P. O. Williams of (his aectioa baa brfil III for anmp time suf fering with an attack of stomach trouble. Mr. and Mm. I. Ircnblce and family -with Lata and Henrietta Dixon visited at the home of Mr. aud Mm. E. A. Bchreluer on Sunday. Mra. Clara McPherreu visited at the home of Mra. Carl Schu bert on Monday. Mra. Wyant and ftsocltfer For Sale Cadillac 8 : 150.00 Good rubber. A Bargain! FLOYD HENRIOT 234 Main F. G. FULLEKWEAR Jhe all-purpose SPAR.. . , . : mRNISH , A can of Fullerwear Varnish is one of s . the handiest things to have1 about the' ( house! This wonderful varnish has a hundred uses inside and out. Tuller- wear is resistant to moisture, alkali and rot 'Automobile TULLE R WEAR AUTO ENAMEL X" cejr-fooerf, laMtimg toita , od black. W. P. as tl PsciC You can uy Fuller Products from your Dealer listed Below: .1. . Browne' Paint Store . MOM'N POP IT I'M 60IN6 TO LET 1DO IN 0 ." I HONOR OF VOUR . -VJT 'WTNE.EOARY " LL PLR D5H , . i. vm.i- t - - i. ent Tuesday In Klamath Foil, t f" I P H 1 1 IP PTII I :ri ::Mm IS STILL1 Andrew FoUcim visited Mra. Frank Stewart lust' week. nr returned I Mr. K. A. Schrol home Monday from Huckleberry I mountain. She reports the ber- ' ries aa being very ex-srre. , Mm. F. 11. William railed on , Mra. Mark Monday. Mra. J. Thorn (won and her! mother visitors Mm. Laager Thursday.. were city ; Investigator for Bonus Commission ' r?nmmonrl. I I Indications that ItU report to tbe stale bonus commission Tiould be favorable 'and would tend to recommend the lionui commission O. K. loans to homesteaders on Tule lake, were jrlven laat ulght by J. F. Rergesch, Irrigation eugineer. who, . aa a special investigator for the bonus commission has devoted several days to an In spection of the project. Mr. P.e.rgejsch said that the Ktsmnlh Irrigation district aud ' the Tule lake constituted two 'of the flnrt irrigation proj- octs he had ever seen. His ro- 'port will be made ptiblio follow- lag lea aubraissiou to tb utate to use hU own Judgiueut as .to bonus commission. :how long the search should be . , , continued. The fastest - moving living! The rult w a radio order to creature si the deer or bot fly, the Omaha and her fleet to con st North America, and Europe. liiiuo on to Honolulu, sweeping Entomologist say It can fly at probable drift sreaa between their tho rate of 185 miles aa hour, yreseut positions and the Ha- iwalian Islands. Naval eommuni- Though unrespoctlve. as a cations officers were scrutinizing rule, to natural beauty, Xapo- chirts closely In the hop of Icon showed a marked prefer- finding an unexplored area into lenre for violets. j t - l the sun. - -It combines all the essentials for in terior use quick drying, toughness, durability and pleasing lustre. Use it on floors or linoleums; around sinks; in bathrooms; for refinishing furniture; and on doors and other woodwork, in terior or exterior. FULLER g CO. toil 12th gtrm. SACRAMENTO Ct CIHti Fietsrin ia Si Frsscisco. L AsfI, Penluo. Distributors of Vaiipu o lbs Pacwc Cut 102 Ml St. PAINTS VZ2 GLASS , VARNISHES mil LACQUERS PIONEER WHITE LEAD HAS fl Mlfert fit SAfe AND i;u6 WRITTEN Ull I'UII UL.LI. LOST1 FLYERS i Dare llODe Held for MtSS'Jno. l.lstman. J ' Dcran and Two Pilots; Raft Test fiiancisco, au. 5..a. P With authority to rotttuu.. search for the missing Iol filers. sis. men and a Kill but while try ing a flifbt irom the Golden Gale to Honolulu, aa Ionic aa of ficers in charge think thero ia a chance of finding them, the 1. 9. S. Omaha, flagship of tho de stroyer division, and nix destroy era today were ploughing the Pacific with renewed energy. Tho navy had announced thai the search Would be given up tonight if clows lo th, missing aviator failed to materialise. . i ... , . i.t..r f men Auimrw r.ucm-. ... naval operation in Washington, l. C, authorized -Admiral R. H. Jackson. In charge of the huul. which the plane of life -rafte The Wrong RCSflCD FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIP PfiOFItVlBLC V0YA6E A SMCRT flOPe IZT'S HCAA IT- 11 f-7 '.. 4f.lllltW J THK KVKN'INt. HKltAI.ll, tannrhed by the. atrauded fliers might have drifted. Trt Mail. . Tests of a "rubber life raftj, the every respect as those enrrled by the Rot tilers. ' re newed hope that the IpKt aviators Pedro chan bo jfloul. The lesis. 13 m'I'.a out In Sin nt l w ith an ' lS-miie westerly wind, a choppy aea, and heavy ground swell, ronvlnced Imauwaln in the I'nlted States coat guurd and commander of the cutter S5-II that It would bo Impossible to' sw tmp the raft, ': . ' ! The ISO-pound - man . went' aboard tint raft, the cutter with- 1 drew eight miles, and the mnn stayed on the raft for ait hour and i0 nilnuto without ahipping a drop; of wutsr. Ufflclals of the cutter aald the raft was plainly visible at the eight mile range, and estimated that It could be alghled easily by a ship's lookout with n git's !0 miles nway. Ill Hud Runs. The test was ordered by coast I guard officials when ' life raft manufacturer protested that r-. rent If sis of tho Win ruft ul Sun ' Diego ware not made with the type of raft carried by the Pole i flier. Officials aatd earn of the Dole flight plan1 earrletl one of . the rafts, and the result if the text indicated to coast guard of ficials if the filers got aboard their raft with supplies suffi cient to sustain life, they could flout indefinitely even under ad vene, condition. Search In Hawaiian waters and ca tba Inlands yesterday combi ned intensively, hut without de veloping a trace of the lost flier. Martin Joaten. who piaeod aer ond in the Dole flight, flesr to the Island of Hawaii and returned having seen nothing to Indicate that the loot tilers were on the lofty mountain Maun a Kea where a green flare wa reported aeen Monday night, arousing hope that the lost aviators, might be sig nalling. Jensen circled the moun tain without seeing a trace of them. BY OX t'ART AXD IL.XK. NEW YORK. Aug. J5. Two New York University students have completed a Tauu-milo tour to Chihuahua City. Mexico, and back. Thoy sUrlod with a dollar bill, which they still "have. They did not ask for money, rides or I food, but say they were offered, and accepted, ride In everything from an ox cart to an airplano. 42 irtlliatl "ir 'We Know Hou' ;-Phone 154 New City Laundry ; E. J. ROI.n, Manager SUMMER PRICES ON WOOD Buy yonr lflnter'a supply oi block-wood and groan-slah at once, while the prices are at Use bottom. . FARMERS- Alao stock np for tbs year at the bin or . delivered. Wt deliver anywhero la the valley ihi cord Jumbo loads. 67 Main phone fcaf Description VJEHAVE Wtnt US THIS EVf WHO IS FrVUILtAR To AlX. I I Peyton MAM WHO DP-IUES STprtiGHT FO r- R(6tiiwoR Lerr ANouoniiNd cam . Torn Him from his oocr.p. U "r . i, MIS PATH, 51'LL. He "v CiOlNG -HE IS A WrVI 0E K LA MATH FALLS,' UK KG Jack 1 Dcnipsey Arrives In Chicago "And now to start trnlnln to win Orn Tunney' tltlo! ' That came from Jack liemnsev. ftrtunr liNvywelglit rhaioulou. l.n.n hl ,rrti 1 I In Chicago. The ex-rliauipii n, who on oepi. jj. M .riin-t jiuie wttn I'. Hyau. lib; rnanagor. ulnp I the Morrbiun hot, shortly after h'-i arrival. Ititadred (reeled Deinp- , nay upjn his arrival. Ktelln Taylor, !cmps- s wife, Jonrneved to ChlraKO Willi hlu and will i-tnr there tbrnujth the I rainitMt period, t'lvnn Is shown In tUe lelt forearctiud next lo Humpsey. Leasing of Lake Is Now Assured A sixteen month lease of 25.-' 000 acre of lower Klamath; lake by the K la ninth county grai-1 tug association has been ap. proved by . reclamation offlelglu at Washington. D. ('., according , in wonl received here lute yes-1 terday by A. M. Thomas, secrr- tury of the K la ninth Irrigation district and prominently Identi fied In the move to scturo the huge area for gelling purposes. Committee Will Visit Saturday In 'spite of the fart 'that the vislt-ef tho .house committee on irrigation and reclamation ha been -changed from Friday to ; Saturday, the same plans for re-) reiving the noted visitors will j go aliead. I Previously. It had been derided ' by tho- commute ,to visit Kliim-: I utti Frhtay nnd rontlnua on their I southward Journey the following I day. cbangs iu plins namely tho desire to rest a day la Uia i northern part of the state will! bring the committee later than first anticipated. v Mllllct'Ot' Fiunn- Aopruvml NEW YOltK. Aug. 2h. (A1) Society looks with approval on the fiance of Millicent Itogors. at least his looks. The two ap peared at u tea. Arturo flnmos, entiling. , alt feet two, dark and lender. ' wnr a do'nhlo' breiMed I blno serge suit and gray fedora. I Mllfhnt Aad a bine taffeta gown I With three quarter sleeves ! chiffon. A felt helmet over i boyish bob, tan gloves and black shoe -with huge rhtnriione buckles. '.-. I . Fbipr) In J'Inno .i.A.VC'ASTKR. Pa.. Aug. tB.yF, And now airplane elopers. Hold ing ft bouquet nf four .leaf clovers Alma Halze, IS, and Caspar l. Dickel. Jr.. 22. flew In a rommorclal piano to Itclalr. Mil. The piano bad to, land In a field.. Alien after . Journey of three mile In a farmer's nuto they .found an obliging parson. . " , . , ' .Mis X. V. Is'Oemian - XRW OUK. Aug. 2S. UP) Berlin, which is all agog over i Mayor Jimmy Walker, will per haps bre pesed to- note 'that "Mlmi Now York" is of tlerman descent. Tho father of Frieda N'lersc. who has been selected t'i represi-nt the rlty In the Atlantic City display of .pil'hrltude. Is on his way lo vllt his mother in Halle, (iermany. K'.MG ( IMAM Sj-.C ' Cf US' KtbfS ON NCftVE $))-. ON meets Tuntu y ut soldiers' .Field Standard , Dyers and Cleaners Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 When you need glasses, go to the lest Optometrist you ran find. DR. BARR,Specialist Ky Sight Socialist CUS DUNN , Ji:wi'i i:it AM) fiPTiriAX Min au reel i Legal Notices IX HAMiHCITCy. In the District Court of the i I'nlted States, for the District of ! j Oregon. I In the Mutter of Valentine' tComtiesl and Stella Mctilnnls eMewwMsise J Klamath Falls Business Directory ' l.OIH.K, KKATFItXAl,. NtlTICK II. I'. O. tl.Ka Meet Thursday evening. Isltlng me.nbers el- rome. Ct.KS TFMPI.K. 3rd and Main ! OI.IVEIt tiplKKll. Ex iltcd Ruler K. X), McM IL,LAN, itecreinry Fraternal Order of twnglcs f Of .Moot Eyory Frl .,1b ' day. 7: JO at &Mt3 Moose Hall. C. D. I.ONO, Secretary terle 20D0. Phone 674 Xtbor ; J-TempIe . .' LOYAIj ORDKIl OF MOOHK Meet every Thurf . day, 7:30 L. O. O. M. 7, Moose Hall. Klam ath Ave, ' GEO. OGLJE. Die. ! KI..LTII UlIKIK X(. 77 - "A. V. aud A. M. t ' Staled Communications . 2nd and 4th Monday V.Uy Visiting Jlrothtrs s Welcome ixk)mih iii ii.dim; By Tavlor i oo .: , " ' - HOLD OM "rtlteJR Y . -jT ( VfjOPlE ??.?. LlABLG TO ) " ' ? I - "THINK I'M A TWWCK t J 1 M r & rm fir rn ii s st orr fiy'WA' fnu , . Tombest, liankrupla. ' i To the vradllor of Valentino rouihoal aud aislla Mctllnnis Coin best : ' . Nolle la hereby given thai on August sth. mi?, Valentine Cniiiluuit and Hlulla MKinnls Couiliesl were duly adjudged bihkriipl and thai t It first meet lug nf creditors will bo held ut the office uf the undersigned, nt i 401s Main Street, Klamath Falls. Otvgon, on August Sgtli, 1 1 a T . at , i o'clock p. nt., at which time jrredlinr nmv uiti nd, prove their 'claim, ekumlii the bttiikruiM. jaleul a trustee and transact such other business a nuiy romo i fore them. . Muted August 18th, IDz?. I J. r. IH TKNIC, . ; Heferea In llankruplcy. I l Kl'MtldVM. lUiliily .N.r. UIOI ttl III., i'.,ri ,.t lll Htuie of Oregon lor Ilia Couulv of Klamath Allen Morgan. Plaintiff, vs. C. F. Morgan, IMundanl. To ('. F. Morgi.n, defendant above named: In tho uuuie of the ytaln of Oregou, you aru hereby required to uppeor uoil answer llin rnm plaint hurvln f led In the sImiv Klamath Falls 'l. Business Directory i ATTtm.NFVH c. c. ititivi:lt t Attornev-nl Law f Plato and Federal Courts Ahstrnrl Ktamlned rus. Wllllts llldl. I'Nors 011 Ileal Kstutc Law n Hlierlulty i:. I- i:i.ijott Altorney-nt-I.w Wllllnins l:ldg. Phone &34-J Office phone K54 M. O. WILKINS Lawyer IDS Wl'Uams Uuildluc , Klawath Falls, Oreion Phone ls Hay cr Night AI'TOMOIUI.E DF.ALFRH Hepolr Work, (lattery hVrvlce, Tiro Kash. Oakland, Pontine, Packard -It. It. It. (iAHAUR S31 Klamath Kelt to Psstofflc Phone J1J tloodyeer Tiro Fireproof Storage ACTOMoniLB iinrs Urlag In your worn Hire 'gut AOUO mile Mora j at e nsnal cost ACK TIKE MIOV ' " Guaranteed vulcanising III Bo. 11th At. Phone 41-J re-treads tCTO RKPAIR Smithy's Rrpsjr Hami Cuarantoed Auto Repairing Cara called for and delivered South tb 81. . Phone 403-W DATTKRV HICRVICM Battery Berries, Magneto, Starter and Generator Repalrtag -FLOYD HEX RIOT CO. 234 Main St. Phone 197-W Battery, Magneto, Generator and Complete Electrical i Service . W. P. Johnson'g AUTO ELECTRIC NF.RVICK 721 Klamath ,- Phos its Pblleo Re my Dtlco Uoach Antollte DMITt PARLORS . expert Operators, individual Booths, violet ray, marcell ing, hair tint lug IHWTO.V llt'AlTV HHOP Glnrenna Warren Winters Bldg. Phono 311 Water, French Paper Cnrl racial and Brain Treatment miLDIXO M.lTKRI.tLS 8WAV LAKK MOl'LDINf CO. Quality Building- Malarial South 4th SU - Phone 758 WANTED ' Carpenter work by contract or , uay. cabinet work and fixtures buIlL- 4 1401 DIvUloo Nt. Phono-1 435 CHl'RtUKS HACKFII, IIKAIIT CIIIRCH tlgnth and High Sts., Rev. , A. F. Looser, Rev. C. B. Felge, Sunday masses at 4:30, P: 00 and 10:30, Kvanlng dsvotinna -at 7:30. Work-day mass t 7 a. 'in. Merrills, 1st and Irrt 'Sundays at 10:30. All ara cordially wolcome at oar lerv- . iok, , (IVIL KXOIXKKRH J. C, CLKfJUonf Civil Kiigliieer and Surveyor xiv ruga Strom C, C KKLLET , Consulting Civil Engineer Underwood Bldg. Phone 1076 Thmmlay, August 25, 1927. milled causa nud Court within four weeks from Ilia tints of the first publication ul Ibis inoiits. to-wlt: July l, If you fu.ll so Ml"''' "a awereold vomulnlnl, lHulnlirf Will spply lo the ubiiva named t'oi.ri fur III relief iru'd ' ""''I' rnuipliilul to-wlt! for a decree of divorce agslust you. on the ground of cruel und Inhuinao trratinsnt. and for euch other Mi liar as the tout! may deem 'unliable. Von are hereby notified that this summons Is served upon you liv tiutalliatlon thereof lo Tba ' Kvenliig Herald, a dally news ' paper uf generul circulation, printed tint! published at Klgm- Mill Falls, Oregon, peraunni 'in the order of lb llonoiubhs A. I,. I.euvltl. Judge of ld tnurl. made on Ihu Mlh duy of July, lii7. And yon sro furiunr notitied , thi t the dale of the llrst publics-V tb oi nf this suminona t July :aih. 10?;, and the Inst publica tion thToot rll ha August l&tli. !!):. n. Fi.KTciiKn. i , .116 rinulh Mb HI reel. klaainth Fnlls, Oregon. Attorney ror Plaintiff. ' . JSI.A4-ll.UI5 HFATINTS General Practice of TVentlstry llll. PHILIP tVlLbl r.H Main Over Moe's Htorn phone Id I t ijh-d Krenlngs by Appolnlnisnt Kit. K. (1. VMi:C.UlVKR . Ull. M. Im lUOl'Ell ivnlunry X-RAY Laboratory Underwood II bis Pbne 4I r, Kyo a ad Noee Doctor Dr. J. J. Emmens, Medford, Ore. Practice limited to eye. ear, suss) and throat.. , Psoas 147 CHIROPRACTORS lilt, GI.F.N MOORB Palmer (Iraduate Chronic aad Nervous i New Uelbai Block, & Mala . Phone 1171 Opposito Court Jlonse ML C. XOItVALL Graduate of Palmer and i Paslfto College Fourteen years experience We remove the cauae of disease Dunaata, Ore, . A1S EMPLOniHXT AOF-NCV KLAMATH FMPIAIVMKXT OITICH Employment for workers Is every trade mills, railway ' and farm. Jamra Hyali, lron. 01 h ami Main. Pliono 1ST MCHIC UTi'DIll ' MILS. WII.I,AIII-JOIIXH4N Arrmlltrrt Teswltrr of PUao Harmony, liar Tralniag and Musical History. Studio 111 Prospect' Phone 731-U- 1.1A MVKSTOCK Kresb rows on hand at all times from one to carload KLAMATH DAIRY COW CO. I'tuiaes: -Hanoh l2FlRa.-41 K. Mochettaf, Jr. - Tevuss Station - OHTKOPATIIH Hit- F. H. UtlllltARD I.0. 0. F. TKMPLB Osteopathic Physician and 8nrgeon Office and Residence Phone 311 I'AIXTH, WALL PAPER Wall Paper, Paints, Enamels, Brushes . P. It. OLDS Across from Postbfflce Pbone 41 Evorythlng a Paint Store Keeps ' Paints, Oils,' Varnishes, Dead, enlni Pelt, Glass. Roofing, Wnll-Puper I'ATTI ItKOX'H FA I XT SrORB 2 So. tlt St. Phone 611-J STKXtKlltAPHY M w. J II. HACiVB Public Stenographer . Notary Publln I ' . ' Savings and Loan . " Rnal Estate .. ' Insuranoe 210 Wllllts BUR. Phone 037 Ail kinds or 'legal form' TIMIIUR t'RlMKIlS Timber Cruising, Reeoiinala ..anra nnd Appralsnl II. II. MJI,E 400 Main Ht. Pliono Sti.'VW . Working from .-- M' Johnson's offlre EXCAVATLXQ RLAHTIXfl Sewor and Cesspool Work ' Pliono 4211 Call at SOU R. Mala St. FKANJiiiLUlTIN