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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1927)
till Paee Six ne needs TUB KVKN1NC HKKAU),j KLAMATH I'AUO, OUKCON Wpilnpsilny. August 21, H27. IRE CREDIT rullural problems by II. W. Kl.' gore, chairman of ibe board of (rumen of (be American Cotton (rower Exchange, In an ddrs before the Institute of Politic. lie held thnt turning (armor from the production o( one crop to another temporarily profitable ii i r n provided no atriVwor.-"It 1a no hi- neaa or wtion urowen ,urt() of ,n, f, Continue Surveys Despite Statutory Cloud on Election NewPrcaricts To Facilitate'. Vote Counting . .. ....... . O Exchange Offers Rem- 'edy ror Tiller Although th question of whether or not the half million dollar road bond lsu la valid will not be lettled until the rut nroblem." heirtattite which throws n rloud on jsald. "to ahlfi the area of dls-jlli special election of June 16 "oam ne lacea wnn oerworg; tresa from the corn belt to the ! la taken before the slate su- no longer will the press. Inter- No more will Klamath election ! tenth Und bark again, went to east." or from Vll.I.I AMSTllWV Mau.. Anir . . . . .. . Rtreastns- srlilltlnnal credit n -tl ' ,. '. the sole solution, he asserted unloosed road projects which me lurmer whs ciihu louuy as ' - ... . . , .n,. .,-j- r. ,v,. . ,i ;mai no.euori, nowever anouin win oe inuiaieo. 11 mo riecuou " th only remedy for the agrl- i , . v . Trv preme court for interpretation. "'Kl Clllteu and yeathe in the meantime the county court candidate themselves, have to is proceeding with survey on '' 1,11,11 midnight and after to get returns irom .city pre- ','We Know How" T. Phone ' 154 New City Laundry E. J.' KOLli, Manager lie apared to expand farm loan f is found legal. I :Vor to relieve tha situation1 and Intermedial credit facilities County ' Judge fioddard ex- ia wke the burdn easier ou under farm sympathy and con- plained yesterday that a certain 'Icrke ! Judge of polling trol, and that freight adjustment. 'amount had been set aside in the booths. Mid also to belter serve water way Improvements and tax Wlget to conduct surveys ind vo,Br themselves, the county reductions should he part of the. that whether the houda were clerk, office in conjunction with national police. j found valid or not, the aurveyi Ino rouuty court ha estuhllahed could be used In future county six new precluclis in Klamath When o. pedcxtrian succeeds In road construction. KII a,,d W1 ' I'roclm-le getting across a busy -street un-1 - without' the city boundar- scathed he' so surprised you j A atrinload o( aitomobi!e could knock him over with a i burned on a siding near lhMiolt. To effect the change u wns fender. 1 I Dot ens of pedestrians were saved, necessary to re-loc.ite city pre- ,clnct boundaries which will uo essltnto re-rcgltratlon by many Some farm relief bills might do a lot for agriculture. With other measures, agriculture migght be done for. Weakens 'I (IP PflHTDIirpr K IS COMPLETE f)W I nniniliril th' County Court Mouse, Klam U ft I I J J 1 L I 1111 Oregon, and by lien- III H Ikl llllffll I ,'''' Markwardt. Clerk, at f'hll.i. U I III till U 1 1 II U L nulii. Oregon, up lo 3:to p. m, I'M About I'lajlim luitl on Sunday v tvw . v n i sW.i i ' .:: m .' '; SH- .! ve aeuli'iC liropimnls 'tin '. neral and Hiwllug Con- new tl) llius.lum Itulldiiig In lie-nrecied on tlis school pruiieriy nl t'lillciqulii, Ore. Illds will ba received III the office of the County Hliperlu- tendent, Mr. Kred fetvrsnn, Klam We'd like to take the bard of voters, "footprints on the sands of time" into a first-class buukor. "Many HeR-glstT ' registered voters New Note of Ililde ; brand Related by Her ld Correipondent tKcpclul To The llernliU llti.Or:llUANI, Atiif. ' H I.kiikIiu lor J. P. Coluliaii was 'uuy or all iiiln, Thurailiiy, ttepteiuher 1st, 11)17 i Knell pMiMral .' lo tie u. ceni I panled . by n eiilliod check .'In th nioii lit uf ivii M rui i i ri ) 1 of the hid. I I'laus and siierlflcalioiis limy he iilitalnrll nl the nfllre ut How jnrd'll. I'errln, SIMI-DU llopkn llldK., Klumnlh Falls, Oregon,' on ideHialt of fltl.uil, ' The-.right l i reserved lo reject Two years uko, Tat t lawford was sold lo a major leaguo rluh. roiiipliled lust Thursilay by A. I.. Michael who his the contract. Cl'rtih's I. In I who has been ' ill ut the fumlly Inline Is re-, poried as Improving. Mr. Oliver Kinney And fainl-1 ly of Olvjie was a vlxltor with, .Mrs. llait l.ov.'luil on Sunday. Mr. und Mrs. Dun f.nveludy trunsucled hiinlnesa In llui rltv on. Tuesdtiy. , Jmeii Colnlinil wns transncl. lug IuikIiiivi in Klainaih Kails' CHRISTENED A TRIUMPH For a few absorbing minutes her guests have watched her fascinated. With great nonchalance she has been prettily occupied, stirring and measuring and mixing.- And now she deftly pours the well blended dressing oyer the succulent salad before her. It is a delightful custom this making of French Dressing right at the table. Delightful custom. Doubly de lightful dressing.- For French Dressing is so much more appetizing when it is freshly blended. ' For a tart dressing, try three parts , of Wesson Oil to two pans of vinegar or lemon juice. But if you prefer a -' nilder dressing, use only one part vinegar or lemon juice. Always con sider the strength of your particular lemon juice or vinegar. Salt and pep per. Paprika, too, for its bright color, Many charming hostesses give" a special touch to their Wesson Oil French Dressing fcy adding a few drops of onion juice or some scissored chives for vegetable salads or a bit of mint jelly on salads of fruit or greens. This chance for variety Is one reason why French Dressing is so popular in smart circles. Another is that it allows you to enjoy the full flavor of good oil. . Wesson Oil is a choice salad eil and a highly nutritious food. Clear and light in color arid delicate in flavor. -. .. - but rcfuin'il lo report -becait e he Thursday. dldn t want to play banohMI on iive Skein of Wprngiio Itlver I Mifli.lay. Now he has changed was In llllilelirnud foV n short j his mind and big league scouts while Thursday. i are following the tireouvllle. S. Mrs. Jack Morton, mid Mrs.1 C, club uroitad rn an" effort hi Krnest Itnhin were In lllldehr Hid buy him. ' He M ono f thobes: f,ir a short time Monday. inrielriers in the Sally 'circuit and T. !', Michael and won Marvin , lit hitting well ahoy .S&d. I)ur- were .. In llouania for a sliorl . fxig the winter, he Is hem! inhch while Thursday ecenliig. 'at liitilford College In North W. It, llllxs nrromnnnlcd ,liy I Carolina. ' ' Manuel Vl. lrn were tninsartluR bultn'ii. In Kliimath Kills , Wednemlay. can move without being directed.' Qiil!e- iinmlMf of penple of' aud thoe that are'moved will be tliU vulley attended the funeral : sent a formal notice of what of little I'uul Klui kus, liifaut thalr new precinct Is." Deputy son of Mr. and Mrs. Then, j County Clerk Charles K. Icl.ap Klm kus. ' I suid toduy, '"lliil those w ho. Iter. Ilufimnii, Kluinulli Kails, ufter the first of the yeir, liav.i held services nt the lllldelirtnd nut recel''d notice t h t we rhool house Hunitny. Mr. Huff have changud their registration mnu's pluns were to hold serv- !iatrcl. mii't (Olio In and re-rrgls- Ices at lllldelirand once' a er. Otherwise they will not he mouth, able to vole at the .May pri- Mr. and Mrs. Thnmns Michael murli's." , and fnmlly were Irnu.uctlng busl-' ' Number of city precincts was ness In Klamath Kails Thursd ly. Increased from 1? to 23. A new Thone who attended church precinct formerly -part of Alta- fiund.iy were Mr. and Mrs. l.eo- mont prcnct Including' -parts uard Itttter and family. 'Mr. and , of Uiknvinw addition. Iluxon lid- Mrs. Charles- Wnelk and family, j Ultlon. Kust Klamath Kulls, Hill- Mr. and .Mrs. Jl. 1.. Mills. Mrs. ' sldo a.liljiion. Opportunity addl- Curolltu) llltior. Mls Olva, K.Mhor I lion and Mnunlalnvlew addl- und Dorthi Michael' and Iter.' tioa was establtsheil. This pre- Huffman. inct Iiulu.lcs recent settlements 'Mrs. J. I.. I.lntl was,:s vlnltor i which have grown up Just with out the city limits. ' What remains of Altumont prt rlnct ' was divided Into two pre cinct.. . ' ' flounflarles of the new with Mr. Charles l.ln:! Tuesday. Fewer Clot hi-s .Terrible! STOWYltrtOOK. N Y . Aug !4 The Her K. II. Meyer ut illy London deplores that women, lie precincts and the new rural pre- wearing "few and fewer" clotb cluctt will lie announced by the Inn. Hiving his Idea to the lien- county clerk's offlco at an early eml lllhln Conference, ho pro- IdaJ. ..-: 'i 1 ceeded: "They tell bio UmtHit u cfaoTy 'drK hnll womtn wear Th summer fur sales have ' "j" '""y p1' oa made the demand for sealskin . ! coats mndo of rabbit skin so great tb-rt ' artificial sealskin Legal Notice coats may have to be made ot sralekin. 'OTK K TO CONTKAI.TUIIS. I A sk Us This Question ''"What will a new battery cost?" is the first ' question a car owner ' . ' usually asks. He may bo ,' thinking about, the final .. ' cost: But more than ' likely he h concerned .' with what it will cost '; ' ' him over the counter. v .Conic to us with . s that question and you J : will be agreeably sur f nriscd when you learn ' ; how little a new Exidc ' will cost you first and last.' r BATTERIES s IMPERIAL GARAGE Next to Willard Hotel : . Notice Is herelie given that th Chlloiiuin High School Ulntrlrt Klamath Fall . Business Directory l.ol)(.K, IltATKItMI.. NOTICK II. 1. II. EI.KH Mt Thttrsdny evening. lolling me.ubori sal- CIWII. EI.KS TEMPLE, 3rd and Main OLIVKR HI'IKKK. Kx ilted Killer Y. U. MCMILLAN, Itecretary - . , Krntemol Order o Eagle , f C e Moot Every Krl-' day,,7;30 ot ,! nl5t!y Moose Hall. C D. LONO, Secretary lorle. 2050. Phono 6i Labor j, Templo - I LOYAL OIUM'lt OK MOOKK I Moot overy Thura-j day, 7:30 I L. O. O. M. j Moose Hall, (llam-" 4nlh' -Ave- 'ceo. dole, nic. liL VMATll'unttiK o. 77 ' i ' kr Arr. nnil A. M. - , j 'stated Ccininiunlrallona j tn- . 2n,l and' 4th Mondays j ytf . Visiting llrothers " ,' Welcome ' y LOOM IX IH'ILIHNfl j MOM'N POP Ghick's Right .7 i By Tayloi rsuBE appreciate mz ccMFioEce you PLrtce THftT VCuR FflM',r-C VK L . BE WELL TAKEN CAPE CF -BUT PEfSC'N ALLY, LTKIN - YOU WRg BiTHATY in sis.'iiK'i up rop such A DfW&EKOUS TRiP 4"V irs too Lrtfc ro "iTwr now- I've : cvrr to go ThPoJen vitv-i if CNEa, HENRY, AFT6R I SAIL Fcff THE K)LE V X. WANT YOl) TO LOOK AfTER TKL B0SINE7S TtiE SAME AS I WOULD IF ftNYTHINrS ) HAPPENS AND L "FAIL, Xo RETORM.I LEivE V'.y IT TO YOU TO ? TKAT MOtt u v I I 17KPW CAPF r.F- I MOW-0. Vt -yV her shape our or The i i i ii i . ii f VICLL.YOO MiSHr GCM'lilMiS I YO)P, WIFE. BEUEVH Y'XyC" ) A KLO BHCXXtl HI:ROWtT ' rrwrrTTT. .! . iron wecve ear you !Mk. -MA .. CA(JT fooume f''i ' 'ill 5 w 1 Hill ii hMMi : fill- v.-- itr.iid li s-,4 y- l'ei i-T'M Viil I IMii'irn i Vfn ..i'rci. i WUTO toOOD CKjf.K TKAT v T.VhZff0 f i BEFOe YOU START ' peHlON Ht'LL HW6 THERE, TOO -y- r,l-3 KTfl omTsrstsrsvicc.mcM V II K.N It I KTT A M A It K W A It I T. 1 I tterrelary t Ml.niuui Ilk, ii - " ,H. llln k l. . Alu-'i9-! kkai.i:i HiiiHjivAMi n. Healed hid will he received by Hchi'ol Dlslllcl No, I, hlnmiilltf I'oiinly, urugiin, ai Hi ulllch nt the clerk In lloom : llopkn llldg, tll and Main streets, un to August Si, IUIIT. at mil laiar than nnon nt Ihal day, fur Ihn furnishing uf lualeilals labor, elc, and the Innall iilun com. Idi't of siirliil liiig s.vsleut on the groundsel the Mills Addition t school, iii'iordliiK l lh ilana und iei lllciuiiiis oil file In lh otllce nl Ihe clerk III the Hol'ka IHdg. ' All bids miisl lie accompanied , by csriillcd chock, or lildder'a bond fur i)t hid, Hills' Itlilsl lie ueiilvd and 'marked "Hid on Kprlnklir HVMein." .. Ths Itntnl reserves III right til relecl nr cccil ny bid or iviuri nil bids. . IDA II MOM V KIli . Clerk School lllali'lct No. 1 .AIU-I Klainaih. Falls Business DirectQiy ,iTuiti-;VM . r, liliow I It Attorney ut Law Si:ite end Kederal Tourta AlHlracts Kxnnilued nt Wllllu III. It. Phone "lit liral Kstute Law n 4ierlnlty i:. I.. r l.LIOTT t 1 Allurncv-at'-LuW ' VIIIIuiii IMilr. Phono S'.'l J Otrice phone 1!99 M.O.WILKINS Lsiwyer lOD Wllllaws UuMdlng Klamath Kails, Oremn.. Phone llil liay er N cht AI'TOMolllLrl ItKAI.I IlS lU'iuilr Woik, Haii.-vv Kerviee, OuklauiL ' I'otilliiP, I'a.-ksrd It. It. II. 41 til AUK alt Kisnmth Next o Pntn(frn' Phone JtJ tidotlyear Tlrci fireproof Sloragn AI'TOMOIIILK HIIK.M llrlng In your nurn tires gel ' ,1IIOO tulles nioro nl I usual rol 1 At V. TIIIK SHOP CuarantiUMl vulranKln'e IIS Ho. llth St. Phone 43 J re-treads MTO KI PAIH Hmllliv1 Renalr Hhnn J ' Ciiaritnieet Auto Hcpolrlng Cars railed lor and delivered South lith HI. l . Phouo vtlJ.W nATTKflY KKIIVICK Battery Scrvlc. Magneto, Starter -and flenerntor Itetmlrlog - FliOYII IIKMIIOT CO. ' 231 Main 81.' Phono 1HT-W DsHery. .Vggnato, 'Generator and Complete Eloctrlcai Scrvlc W. P. Johnson's AITO KI.KCTIIIO NKRVK'K 724 KlnmutU Phon 14V Phlleo Romy DUco ' Uosch Antollle . ItKAt'TY IVMIIXIIW Expert .' Operators, Individual oootns, violet ray, marcell ing, hnlr tinting OOHTllX 1IKAITY HHOP Oloronn Warren . Winter Bldg. Phono lit Watr, Kronrh Paper (rurl Facial and Scalp Trcalmont lUII.DI.Vli SIATKHIALH 8WA.V LAKK Mol 1,1)1 NO CO. . yuainy minding Mnlerlal South 6th St. Phono 7S9 WANTED Carpentor work by contract or uay. I'abiitiit work and fixtures built. MOI Division HI. Phono 145.1 men fines A'IIK IIKAIIT rllllllll Klghtli nnil High Sis., Ilv. A. V. Loeser, llnv. p. II. Felge, ; Buiidny musses nt 0:30, 8:00 and 10:30. Kvenlng devnllona tit 7:30. Wenk-duy mass wit 7 n.'m. Merrills,. 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30. All are -cordially wnlroma at our gorv loc. .... 4'IVIL JAOINKFIIH .?. n. f LKOIIOIlN ' i Civil Knglncer mid Surveyor lis High -Street . V. C, KK'LTKY Consulllng Civil Englnear lrtiderwoof TOrlnf. ' Mivni"-1 07R niCNTIHTS im. k..o. MHi:cAitvi:n int. m. i::'coopkr - Duntlatry , X-UAY Laboratory ,Undorwood Illdg. Phono 145 HKNTIHTrt (ieiwriil Prncilre if Dentistry mi. philip roi.u Ms Miilu Over Sloe's Htor.-'.piion Iti Open Kveuiuga by Appointment Far, FT' nI 'No Pocto Dr." J. ,'J. EmrriersV. " Al'Mllorf). tire.' ., ; Pr.irIio llinlied . 10 eye, ear, aoso and'' Phn n7 t'HIItoPMAlTOHH - Hit. t.l.l N MIMHIK t'ultner tirudiiate rhrmlc, and Nervous, Dlsrasai New Melhato Hlnrk, 315 Main Phone 117 Opposite I'ourt llouso . Illl. '. Mill VAIL Gradustn nt Pnluier and Pai-Kle I'allego Kntirieen years eierlenro We rcniovn the uiio of dlsesi llonnuia, Or. A15 iMiiwiwwMwMees FIP!.oVII:NT AUFM'Y KLAMATH F.MPIYMKST i.UFFU'H ' ' Employment- for worker In very trade mills, railway v and farms. Jame ltnu, lrop. mil end Main. Plume 1BT ijaJixraxo.rirwr'""w's'fciiAi"i'i' Mrsrrr Mkt SU'HHVKTI'IHO MIW. Wll.l.AUK JollNHOV Ari risllti-il Icai-lirr nl Plana llncjiiony, Kur Training and Musical History. Studio HI Prospect Phone 731-11 1.0 ' 1.1 VFJtTIWK Fresh rows ea band at all times from one to carload KLAMATH IIAIIIY IYY l. Pboues: llanrh JJK3;ltes. Ill E. Mocbetlox, Jr. - Texutu Htsilon ' . OSTFOPATIIH nil. F. II. oniAKI I. O. O. F. TBMPLB Osteopathic Physician nd 8urgoon Office nd K-wldenc Phone 111 ( P.ilXTrt. WALL PAPKR Wall Paper. Paints, Knam!, llrushe . V, It. OLIIS '. . . Across from l'ostoftlc Phono 41 . t . Evorythlng a Paint Stor Koop - Paints, Oils, - Varnlihos, Dead enlof Folt, filass. Hoofing, .... . Wall.paper PATTI RHO.N'M PAIXT l,rOnR 02 44o. 1th St. Phon 6S1-J HTKNOOIIAIMIY - Mftrl. Im II. HAlitli -Public Stenographer Nelary Public . SbvIdki and Loans . ,i : ltl KstAto Inaurane , 310 Wllllts Tllilit. Pliono 227 7 All klcda of legal form TIMHKIl t'ltl'lHKIIH Tlnfber Cmlslng.- ttoconoat auce and Appraisal II. JL OliLK 100 Main Hf. Phono S0A-W - - Working from M. L, Johnson's offle " EXCAVATTXQ - llLA!4TI.a Sewor and Cesspool Work ' Phono 4'Jti Call nt HOSI B. Main HL Fit AN K MAHTIV "--'---- - lyinwwmium Try Evening. f Herald Fixed Space Ads ' " - ;,. -,.' - 4-, .