Wfiliicsilny," AtijiUHt 21, 1!I27. TIIR EVENINT! HERALD, KLAMATH FAT,lfc. OREGON. Patrc Five STRUCK BTAUTDMOBIL DD mm uu V. mm fist! spent Hit nli y Hi Hi" hnniH lf Mr. : iiinl Mm. K. K. .litle'..: I .nr. aim nun. iitian mi tin iii j n", Wro. Hpaimler, Mr. K. H)iiKl-r ( uuil duiiahter uf llcditliis. t'allf hmi Hiindiiy at Miil foul Ashland. II ft I t as i i Mr. mill Mm, J. Handle ml i Jack Melvin of Modoc Mr. ami Mr.. h.iIk m aiiimiuin Point Hurts Newt Notes ! i i v iu crater i.k on Honduy. ' or commuimy oiu v v H111.,,.liril .,,,,.,., , on Mniiilny. , (HmtIiiI l Tim HiiiiIiI) I Mr N j Kliort li-ft alt .Mull- 1'rniliiiiliiii n( I);iIk llrulhira MtUKlC POINT, Aim. IK -1,11. y nvrnliiK lor Hed I"r. Albcr- " 'Hn'l '" bn ii-n lie Jin .iieivm nummry ears pen ta, In ha two weeka, crlnue Injuries wln-n he waal ur. .,,,1 .Mrs. K new r.JirluM roa'later t .nl In proilinilnn a few day" n' ii ml with Iliese buly tpea alo uu Hi" market a mill dinner m i rt'.m. In production In Ihe near (ilium In Indicated " . FIRES STARTED n,w Conn- r.i.,:,!,!1 BY LIGHTNING Roadster Now In Production ItAKKII. Or.-., An. Z4. APl I (miiliiued from iiKf one) -- Kir caused tiy IlKlnnlng bum id over ililrly j rea In'tha oorih ern purl of Urunl rtMiuty. Hi tin Increaanl J.", ii'-r cent, ur ir,l n c I'"" Ik I . t Whitman nu A Warner ' Informal em received fuui Uu. linatllla foreala before Ihe flamea .truck by reckl.... driver .lll ,nd Mr.. K, W.m,, .r, rclurnlns "' ""-r ."' M . hro"M ""',ro1 " r ' , .h ii.i.. I...I.. .. . ..""....'..'... .. ... w.... 'ocnl IIoiIko III o h ri dealer, fclil... lodnv. Hr flKlmm from both " ...... - - - i u mrir lliillia III mw ilium , , r....l. n.1. i.f ..I Hi. rhlllt i... .,..1 ,.!,. h..,.. U'Kf tl t tl - f .lit. ll I ll l,;n finUl CnKIIKOll win thrown It I In urnuiiil mid II wan tHH'f.nury lu luku .fvurul Jin hi'o'ln lil. rllmw, whnrn ho mm of Mr. mid Mm. J. Melvin. Mf.. I'hntiiHo llmniiiun f Klmuulh Full. wn. t tl o mint n( Mr. mid Mr.. J. lelvln fur -rml dny. mid returned lo her hum on Hund.y. Mr. mid Mr.. Iioyla .pent Kri il.y In Kluinmh r'uM.. Mr. ud Mr. I'lerunn, Mi. Dnrolhy I'lemon. Vinm 'lir,i (lu Htndilnrd mid Chuih Plr.n Tbry rn lo .1 roliip.lllecl by Mr .ml Mr, (iaorfn Yolkliiud at KlBinmb K.lla J. KluiliiMun of Hnn Vmnrlm In Die bnllle fin 11 Ik invi: i 1 ii. ji'iinldi'r;ilili! d.roue w. non Kui-iurl Kour In A in -r l. ." Ii . 1 ' luultin- yellnw pine ind yoiimt I n runnliiR bebliid riMnil ;nei, urnwili. ,.' .Inr July 17 when ill.- n. w Th fir will bn held In rhcik I mil. km 1 he wind rUe. today, . ll'l ll u-n. f..rMi,.llu ,.,.u. ..rf I - - i 1. ..I t...l,i ' " "' I imed. Mild deiilem hiiv I.e. 11 a report from tin- nn. ... , . , . ' . u ,..,,, d.illverlnK I'lia ll fl reelv.-d Word ha. Ix-en reri.ved fiom " chl. nito t hut . buby 1I1I wn. Inn 11 lo Mm. K. I.. Ulnon on liml Hun ilny in.iriiliiv Mr., nixmi I.'. I nit her arenl for .eyerul inotilb. Ill Itelvecleri., III. Kind Tobcii.nn wllje lo -(mil bl. .pproi loilon ' for th many ktinlnu. aironled blm by Miss Helen Wills , Takes 2nd Match . VOIlKKT IIII.I.H. .V. V.. Auk tinyd 11 dellnhiliil week-rnd l ! hi. friend, followlni I he lo. of Ulrniiind Mr. and Mr.. M. K. Krauaa, Mr, and Mr, (leuijto Juhnaou, Mr, and .Mra. II. t'larlnmon, Ml., .lune I'larlnaton and Willi. in Kar 11 it in aiwiil th" weekend at llur kleliorry Miniinluln. Tbry riiort tltv oerrlea am not a pliniltul aa laat year. Mr. and Mra. Itia Italian t ynn in'ertalne.l with an noyable lirldKO on KrliUy evening at their brima In c"urtey tu Mr.. K panler and dnualiti-r of H'd a'mt. Calif., who arn vlalllnk l,er. Orvln Kliihen of Ijinm'a raniu pint Friday at Modoc I'nlnt. Mr. and Mr.. N. V. Hniytnn iiw i,,, ,, , ilau.hier Uila bihoii the we. k-encl Hi Jni kaonvllle. Ore. Tline who drove lo low 11 on Haturduy evenlua were Mr. and Mra l Jk. MrMlllan. tienrae Mi Mlllan. Iilt k Mamilra. Jim l-iuch-erty, Mr. and Mra. 8. V. Kaellne, Mr. and Mia. Wllenx, Mr. and Mra. (. Jonea. Mr. and .Mra. A. A. Clark. Win. Hpan.ler, Mr. and Mra. Itoaa llallantyiin and Atr. and Mra. N. J Hhnrt. . Mr. and Mra. J. Melvin drove tn town on Hitnduy. Mr. and Mra. S. W. Kaellne .pent timidity at Dnrla, Calif. Mr. and Mra. O. Illar-khiirn rn loved the Lake o' the Wood, over Ibe week-end. Halph Howard of Medf ird anent the week here with bla alaler. Mr.. Illaikburn The iirent jump In prodm tli.ii la the I lil 1 l whleh llodKn llrolli era have niado within three Wei ka. I'nder the new ai hediri" atiiiroilmuiely l.liou foura are 'inmlna. off the line eueh tff lltMlaa Helen Wllla, three romiuired w fih alniit noil pr ,. lltn.-a Jonner i hnmplou and fav Tbe auliKimitlal In ' orlie o reauln the Amerieau ren.e.-.' Mr, Oniendorf atm.-a, "In- ' nien- tennla erown. awefri ' -dl.-ntea rlearly the iipprnvul with ihrniiKh her aeeond round rnatt!i 1 will, h tin. new and finer Undue Knlnl Mra. I.illlnn Kelmr- hl. aon, Chtla. l-e.ler rU-. n -"" ,,r (ni.r, fH)r , man lle.l. , of firootlyn 0. -J. viniieii wiiii 1M.11 ,,n.f,mM InK the week. ' Mr. and Mra. V. K. Hodefalroni. ' Mr. A. Thorhon and rhlldren and Mra. F. Aliliul and family were aueata of Mr. and Mia. II. A. .Mi - , Mlllan on Tueaduy. 1 Mr. and Mm. Fred Cjlllna. for merly of .Modoc Point,' now r-aldlna- at ('amino, Calif , are the proud parent, of a new Vfc pound I uby dauahier. Mra. A. Jniohaon ah'ipie'd lu town on Wcdiieadny. Mra Dan Cnnnp apenl aavernl ! it I i 1 1 1 '..rn t I vnila dm- t w.ik A. ",. 1 I ten eontine i to bla home for aevoral day. wlib lllneaa. Th Thuraday llrl.e eluh met at the home of Mra. J. Melvin. There were three lahlea In play durlnl the alternoon. Mr. and Mra. ('. Jonea drove to town on Friday. everywhere. II la partlrulnrly I Mra. Mom Mullniy. the de nlf bant Hint an.h an lea volume fn'lln rhaniplon. met unexpeet haa been n arhed t aoon afler -;Pl'lnn "" Una, the Intioduetlon of the new in,., driving duel wtih Mra. William' na to date only the aednn haa Knllenlt of llo-ton klid w e heen dUpliiyed. A new roupe and " by -lu or.ia ot -4, -l. 103-Year Old Man Of Roseburg Dead KOSKIII'HO. Aug. ,14. tfli- Una Mil, hell, of Heotlaliui a. dleil lat tiiahi at the j-nuniy borpHnl at the age nf 103 year. lie waa a native of England and In hla early life waa a tailor, com ing to S.ntlaburg In ,1X711 on board a Bailing veuel. He de- Mr. and Mm. Doyle had dinner t ided lo - r. liiuln In Oregon nu I gue.ta Hundny, Mr. and Mra. Kld (.nguged In logging. Liter going era of Pidlfau "ii. r. Into. bvalnraa al Atoltaliurg. Froiu Mr. and Mra. Cook apenl Knn-''the "tint of hla rrlvnl In" lH7i) day at the home of her daugh-lhe made hla home rmit-iRununly ler. Mra, J. V. Kvana. at the ' In the lower' tmptiia country its Foreat J.nniUwr coinpanf f-inili. til. he waa, brought to Koaebtirg Mr. and Mm. Sapplngtnn nf tn the inunty hnapltal alxint North llend vlatted Mr. and Mra.ltwo nmniha ago. So far a la Jim lleliua pn Hunday. I known lie leavea no relative.. N'urman Wllcux arrived thlaj pat week from Km men. Idaho. ISAAC I.PMAN liKAU 1.1 make hla home with hla por- POItTl.ANI). Aug.' . tll--vnta at Modoc Point. laaac N. I.lpmiui. aon of Ktlo- . Mr. and Mra. A. Ja.-knon drove mon l.lpman, pioneer merchant in Medfiwd on Huuday. who founded the firm of l.lpman Mr. and. Mra. Hwnnaon had aa Wolfe Company, tiled todny. , liueat. on Hunday, Mr. and Mra.' M. Walden and Mr. and . Mra. Ileynolda of Klniunlb Fulla. - 1 Mlaa Anna Ile.lherg .pent Sun day In town. Mr. and Mm. Fred llugox of M'dlnrd and .Mr. Ilnywarit of Ki.ragua Itlver .pent Sunday at h" .home of Mr. and Mm. Wll- Bargains in Used Gars 1923 Chev. Sedan, 4 new tires. $575 1926 Stude. Sedan, like new. . . 1925 Hudson Coach ., $500 1925 Ford Coupe, new paint.. 3275 1924 Buick Touring $450 . 1926 .Studebaker Roadster . . . :": Acme Motor Co. ONLY FOUR DAYS MORE! To Win 4 Four Automobiles Radio Sets Cash Awards in "The News-Herald's" 6,000 Prize Campaign! Just four days remain to gel ubcriptions and win in The New and Herald's $5,000 prize campaign. The Newt and HsraldV famous prize event is rushing through the home stretch at unprecedented speed. Candidates throughout the terri tory are voting their way to the top with such determination end enthusiasm that all Klerrath Falls and surrounding territory is thoroughly aroused to the importance of the momentous question about to be decided. The final vote schedule, shown below, ii the supreme opportunity to attain success. It enables candidates to earn thousands of vates on new subscriptions turned in this veek. This schedule replaces the former schedule of regular votes in use up to this week, and is to be used for determining th: number of votes for each subscription during this week. Saturday, August 27th, at 9 p. m., is ths closing hour. All subscriptions must be in by that time or mailed to show a postmark not later than that hour. Every moment counts from now until the end. Every sub tcription is vital to the success of any can didate. The race with many is close, and there is no telling who will win. How Prizes Will Final Vote Schedule Showing the tremencTou vote value of NEW subscription during the last week of the campaign (August 22nd to 27th 9 p. m. ). This schedule is positively final and will not be changed. It is the only schedule that counts now, and supersedes all previous schedule, except that votes on OLD subscriptions are" the same as they have been throughout the campaign. Votes on NEW subscriptions, as shown below, are figured as equivalent to 70,000 extra votes on a $20 combination, thus complying with the original announcement. .. s Rates for News or Herald NKMS or HKII Ity Carter in Klaliuilll Kail Volet I'ltK'K NEW Ol.n Five Yeara ...III. SO 273. 7i0 1.00 Pour Year .... !.00 01.000 110.000 Three Yeara .... 19.50 13H.210 70.000 Two Yeara 13.n0 S.'.SnO 4.U.000 fine Year ....... t in 37.7S 15.000 Six Mop ilia ... 3:0 17,2:o S.0G0 Combination Rate for Both Papers XEWH AND HERALD r.y Carrier In Klamath Fall Vote rnics NEW OLD Five Yeara ..1S.06 i7.500 30.000 Four Yeara 2.00 442.040 20.000 Three Yeara .... 39.00 SU.CCO 180.000 Two Years 28.00 201.000 110.000 Olio Year 13.00 SI. 500 40.000 Kix Month's ' 7.00 31.500 1S.000 New or Herald n' Mili ullile ' klamalh Falla Vote Five Years K.-ur Yeura T!;r.t Y--a , Two .. One Year '.. ..a Six Muniha 25.00 20 00 15. no 10 0.1 5.00 2.76 NF.W 237.5'JO 170.0(10 112.5f.fl 70.0110 . 29.500 (I.C25 oi.n ISO. 000 lno.OOtl GO. 000 35.000 . 12.000 4.000 : News and Herald r.y MM ftutxltle Klamath Fall , Vutea tripe Sew old Five Yeara .$50.00 S1S.O0O 340.000 Four Yeara 40.01 3-0.009 210.000 Three Year 30.00 2C5.O00 160.000 Two Yeara 20.00 ISO. 000 90.000 Vine Year 10.00 70.000 35,000 Six MorltsV..-i" .50 , 31.250 , .12,000 Be Awarded - FTTTHT CAPITAL PllIZB 11615 00 Bitlek Sedan will be awarded to lbs ramlldat. reiard leat of dlatrlct, who polls the GKEATEST mtuber of votes dur- Inn the rampalgn. ' HF.(!)M 4'AI'ITAL miZB . tl.005.00 Chrysler "50" Sedan will be awarded to the candidate, rexarrileaa nf dial rlet. who polls., the SECOND GREATEST num ber of rotea dnrlnx tbe campaign. THIRD f A I I T A I. I'ltl.K 1965.00 Kssex Sedan will be awarded to the randldate. refarnV - of diatrlet, who polls tbe T lilRl) GREATEST number of rotes dnrlnn the ramMlan. FOt lCTII CAPITAL l-IUZE 1849.00 Chevrolet Sedan will be awarded to the candidate, roiard- , less cf dint rlrt, who polls tbe FOL'RTH GREATEST number of roiet diirlnft the eampalitn. I NDKK THF. ARRANGEMENT FVFRY fADnATK HAS AS Kyl'AL OPPORTI XITY OK WIN'. XI(J ONK OF THF. CAPITAL AWARIIS. RKG.VKDLKHS OK UISTKKT DISTRICT PRIZES T'ae awardlns; of the district prizes will be made after elimin ating tbe CAPITAL prize win ners, and aa fellows: The next four candidates. In vote atand inc.. in earn of the two csm taiisn district will receive dis trict prizes In the following ord er: I3U0.00 Stromherg-CbrlsoD Radio Set. 1150.00 Stewart Warner Radio Set, $75.00 In cab. ISO In caza. ' All candidate!" who do not win one of the a!c. 1 prizes, but re t?tin active from the time they, enter null! the campaign closes, will be paid a ca-.h commission of ten ttr cent of all rew sub :rl?tlon money they turn in dur ing the campaign. 1 Phone 6S0 100 South Sixth Mr. ami Mrs. M. K. Knauas and sueata, Mr. and Mra. K. I). 11 1 1 on and Mill lei Mnrrh of ('Men, Calif., apenl Monday at Crater l.oke, Cla larenie Met lee nM'ellian City DODGES 1919 Kmlnn. grml buy. 1195 00 1924 Tourlnn 375.00 1920 T.ntrlng : 125. 'l 1925 Ciiiiie, reliuilt . . 675.00 Cstendorf Motor Co. 515 Klnnmth Ave. 1'hiinn 272 Ja- S s444 oja, Ja -444 -aja. ojs. ,.4, . ir 1 x iLxtra Value X t ? ? -T ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? V ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? at Decreased Cost ? f 1 .?: v $!. ?: . ?! I I Used T aa 1 Cars - - - Vote-Standings Will Not Change Until Final Count The voies as they appear today will rem xin unchanged until the final count by the judges, except in the case of correction of errors that may . exist. Every candidate should be sure he or she is listed in the right district. If you are not entered in. the right district, notify the campaign manager immediately. Every candidate, must be entered in the proper district in order to siare in the distribution of prizes. Also see that your name is listed correctly. The News or Herald will not be responsible for any errors unless notification is given. ' Ten Per Cent Cash Commission will bs paid to all active non-prize winners. Un der the Rules and Regulations in the original announcement- of the campaign' in The News and Herald an active candidate is one who turns in subscription pay ments each week of the campaign from the time of his or her entrance. Read These Final Instruc- tions carefully. ? Y ?? fit fit f.f f if Gum Dipped Tires t v ""sT -at I t f t t t t f t t f f Y r Y f f f f f t t t f 1 1 1926 Buick Coach Standard 1925 Buick Coach Standard 1925 Buick Coach Master 1925 Ford Courc 1925 Dodge Special Touring 1921 Flint 55'Enclosed Touring 1925 Hupmobile Roadster 1924 Jewett Touring 1921 Chandler Touring " , 1925 Ford Roadster 1924 Studebaker Touring Ford Ton Truck, $95.00 The Above Car Are Meed Right t We Will Take Trade , Let Ut Give You Our Price On Your Size Before You Buy Another New Tire KLAMATH TIRE HOUSE HAMILTON & BIES, Prop. 315 So. 6th St. Phone 472 VULCANIZING and RETREADING Best Equipped Shop in Klamath Falls i Y Buick Garage t ; t f ! f: f. f ; f t' t f As a matter of caution, and to guard against the possibility of loss to candidates during these days of the campaign, final instructions are herewith append ed. All candidates, especially those who live in ter ritory outside of Klamath Falls, should read and weigh every line carefuly: ( 1. All remittanrea mailed frcm now on should ho mailed aneeinl delivery tn Inanre their reai-hlns na In time. If von live oulairie of K h Falls, and Intend to mail subscrip tions, take the precaution to find out what time your poatoffU-e eloaea. S. You arn allowed the.Tirlvilere of mailing your subscrip tion up to Saturday, Ausuat 27, p. m -Thia Itivea you the opportunity lo work up tn the Inst minute. In sen ding vou' pnlwrrliHIons l-y -mail, havo them In your postnffiee hetore Saturday. August 27. 9 p. m. , S. All rentltlnnrea should lie rarefully'nddressed In Ihe Cam nnlun Ilepartinent. The Klamath News and Kvenlnir Herald. Klamalh Kails. Ore. This will Insure absolute aivuraey and will prevent any letters from roIiir astray, lie aure and use Special lKllvery stamp on all mail. 4. Kxnmlne your vote hallo' a carefully and see that the cor rert nu m her of vutea have been ls-ueu ou name. I'ay particular attention tn nallola Issued on awond payments, and he aure thai proper remittance and votes h'nve been credited. If there are any corrections to he made, notify the Campaign Manager In person or In writ Inn, and return the ballots fer proper cor rection. The campaign department will not be responsible for eierlral errors unless notification Is given, whereupon correc Hon will be made. 5. I'nder no condition will voles he transferred from one . candidate lo another. This Is tin absolute rule and will he strict V enforced. i . Kvery subscription turned lu will be verified and no prizes will he awarded until this is done. All votes secured on old subscriptions turned In as new will bn cancelled. "Switching" will only result in regret and disappointment. Ho sure that your subscriptions are marked correctly. 7. Second payments must l.e marked as such cn the ri miltnnce sheet. Also put down Ihe amonnt of the first pay ment so that proper voles may bo Riven. ( X. All remittances sent Into the campaign office afler Wed nesday, August !l, should ho ellhcr postal money orders, ex- ' press money orders, certified checks, or drsfts. Only bona fldo subscriptions will be accepted. No sums of money will be ac cepted the names of nhacriiera to be supplied Inter. Kvery subscription must he nccompnnled by the usuni remittance sheets, properly filled nut. " 9. AIIStil.l'TKI.Y Nf) MON'KY VIM, 1!K TlKPI Xnivl) ON SrilSOIUJ'TIONS I'AIM IN Dili 1(1 Till.- CAMPAUIN. . ID. rn.mpt nckno ledgenient will lie made of all subscrip tions and remittances received frmii candidates. If- yon- do not receive prompt acknowledgement of subscriptions and re mittances you tud In, be sure lu notify the campaign mauagcr Immediately. . Standing of Contestants DISTRICT NO. 1 Comprises all territory within the city of Klamath Falls, Shippington and Pelican City. Dorman. Wn, J 8G0.400 Howard, Juanita 840,625 W. Vernon, Mrs. J. Moore, Vera Hosking, Mrs. J. E Foster, Mrs. Walter Martin, Mrs. Jack, Pelican City''.'.!... 897,575 Edmonds, Mina 895,725 865,900 899,500 860,450 ..884.C75 . Bruchou, Sophie ..... ' Jones, Mrs. Wilbur McEwin. Marie Torrey, Mrs. R. D. . 890,250 891,450 896,675 . 898,400 DISTRICT NO. 2 Comprises all territory outside the city limits of Klamath Falls, Shippington and Pelican City. Midgiff, Mildred, Algoma .... Bunch, Marian, Ft. Klamath Skcen, Meda K , ..T ... Brown, Mrs. Arlene, Morrill i.:, Anderson, Mr3. Francis, Dorm, Calif. ....... Kclkar, Kamilla, Malin Dufort, Mrs. J. O., Chilocjuin Wait. Mrs. II. W.. R. F. D. .......................... Daniel, Mrs. C. M., Bonanza Puckett, Jessie, Keno Barry, Josephine, Lakeview Hanan, Louise, Paisley - ...863,100 ...668,375 ...769,450 ,..880,725 ...857,876 ,..892,500 ,..809,775 ...891,700 ...897.000 ...855,250 ....899,760 ,..474,500 .l.iiil I .'ii'l .-till. :i;-l