Pnce Four THE EVEN') NO HF.RAT.R KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. Wc'ln.'s.lav, AuiruKt 21, U7. -r- 4 7 Eurithtrjt litttxlh T. B. MAKARKEV... W. II. VKHKIN8.. V. II. KNOLISIi. ....Kdllor ..Advertising Manager ...itustiies Manner Entered ag second rlass matter at, lh posfofflre at Klamath Falls. Oregna, on Aagut SO, 10. under art of Congress March . ;S7l IMIvrrtsJ lijr f'arrler rear ft SO One Mo Rr Mall One Tear I So Ona Month fix Months . 3 60 Tnree Mont ha Three Mnnlht . li Kli Months Due Month - .64 Due Year ...$ . I TS ITS 4. 00 f Associated Press Leased Wire , Member of Audit Bureau of Circuation Mt-mher of the .ssnelated Presa Tha Associated Press Is eiHuslfi-ljr entitled to tha use or republic tlun of all news dlspatrhes credited o It or not otherwise credited la Ibis paper and rlco the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved "Wednesday, August 24, 1927. tweca ladoB and Washington, which he has Jiisi publNhed I In hla paper, fireal llrttnln, he' declared, flatly derlliiea to re gard America as a potential em my. "We shall continue tn retard war between the two peoplta as unthinkable aud Ini poixihle." Mr. Garvin sees an opportunity for a wiser t'atn. hent on con struction, not destruction, to in sist with the same Iteration, not that something; must be abnIUhed hut that something must he pre served. "Me might say at the end of every speech upon other topics, 'For the rest. Anglo-American friendship must he maintained.' " The (ieneva ctinlereiiee. In Ha technical results, will be the subject of discussion -tn many j quarters. Hut. as Mr. IS-trviu ! has pointed out. a greater Issue ' than mere parity of cruisers faces the world. That sisiie Anglo-American friendship is of such importance that It rvtuse to be ignored or belittled. Nolh- Mr. Kaldwin Tries Engineering Obituary . ri-1 ft'WKrii- 1V-: :!'? .'j :. I ' " y 'jjsja" ' i. vj MMtllll JAMIMIIV r Kricnds are re.... dully luvlti'd to attend the funeral acrflijrs for Ihe late Mnriha JuuilsiAi whli'h will be held on Tli it intlur after iioen at !: o'clm k at the Karl Whltloek funeral home. Tine ttvw- I tlih. iter. Ktun k Vm uslor of the Kltst Mellio- dist ihureli will efri.tiim. Inter ment will be nuido In l.lnkvlltu cemetery. , I 11 II II III! hue at lett. Iu ing ran minimise Its significance 'nle Iialdwln. prima minister of tireat Hrluihu tried the Job of I v,i ..,.... It represents a problem that will ''""ile while rlsit.nx in Tt-rtnito ,n.f tund it- very nice. I, ",,,",,. - admit of hut one solution Mr 7.h'r """ n,lu "' ,n ,fu' ' ,f ' ' " t Nall.inal ! ,l,u 1 u ,"n. Carvin his doo? wed q turning thouicht (rum the smaller aupw'a of the prwent situation to a rn tral thrmt of world polity. Anglo American friendship ta a ktr ton of the arh of th future peace of the world. INFURIATED MOB CAUSES DAMAGE The Duck Disease With great satisfactioa do we note the statement of Ruy C. Steele, VniteM States yame warder!, that the duck disease of the Klamath basin is on the wane. So serious has this "mysterious" malady been during the past two years that the. very existence of hundreds of thousands of ducks in the Klamath country was im periled. Nor was concern over the situation confined to this country. Special investigators from California. from Washington, D. C, have been sent to Klamath to .fender. look into the situation. Even Dr. E. W. Nelson, head in Mont Martre. most of the of the United States Biological Survey, journeyed from 7,,,,;";,, his mahogany desk at the national capital to investigate. , their shutters: those who were Every conceivable test to ascertain the cause of the ot quick enough had windows strange sickW was made. Sick ducks were caught and placed in pens; carcasses of dead ducks were subjected companied by yens of -death to to analvsis; testa of water in infested areas were taken the Bourgeois." . .... ' j.e:-: i .v, .... f th m.l. amuBs Store Hit aenuiu; wiuuvu vy, . , The flmon, Meulin (Continued Imm page one) barricade aud routed the de- Kailway'a new "northern lpe" engines. whole ItrU I h empire. Inrtcii iHHiino(ite In the! IKIIIOTIIV M tit IK IIVI.IT Doruihy Murle, the lulniil duughter of Mr. and Mrs. titto II. I.sngslet of tin l.lmoln street passed away at J ni on Veilnrv ility morning, following an Illness i f but four days. The ihl it was horn In Klamalh Kails on July ST. IS;. The remain are In rare of the Kn t Whllloi k funeral home. I'lne avenue at Sltih Funeral arrungvnieiiis will he aa- rrlval of Mr. J. I.. Kami of Salem, an -unit of Mrs. Langslet. If You Arc A Lover of Beautiful Things l)ni) in ami nif tlio new Free Wcitinghouie Electric 'Sewing Machine Asl uh iibmit'oir easy paynifiit jilan and Free Dressmaking Coui-mo We have Oil, Belli iul Nrrdlc for all rnakca of machine. WIRTZ MUIC STORE Everything in Music 122 S. Cth St., Between Main and Klamath 40 SHOTS FIRED BY MEXICANS ady has been discovered.- Now- se is r was the cause. Rouge I? . . suffered most. It had Its glass -it Mr. Steele's judgment is correct the dis- n,p,e,"L. 0""""- a- ease is receding w ithout any definite knowledge of what overturned and .i. Whea chased by the police, the ' W i . j . .L . . t ... 1 !. v o jj : .,- '"" " rc lie i ij: i. ua iiwc nisi iiaiuiu ua.i ouuccucu in siupi'ivb Trtomphe. where It the death toll of game birds where man has failed for. by many who had after all. the tame and fish life of the Klamath basin ,r3rin " ,h embassy. At is a heritage that few accessible countries enjoy. (Continued from page one) CI.ARKMONT. Calif.. Aug. 21. Florence M. Anderson, a Pomona high school teacher of Spanish, left here with a tourist party Including exchange atud euts from Pomona College for Mexico City several months ago. She is known to hare been re turning via the west roat of Mexico where a train was re ported to hare been attacked by bandits and a woman of that name seriously injured. ller home Is In !.oa Angeles. supplies of soap. Waterloo Tribune: The So many manifestants were luiured PDI"7F WIMNICDC i lets are buying American rumr i Is not known, but the number ... " itiiiLiiw ! . but we won't bi-iome cnnvliu-e l Is bellered to be considerable, as RETURNING HOME 'until they begin ordering big cue ponce pueu ineir nuns vig-- oniusly. f " ' ileiUiuunl from page one I In all prtM-eeds from their adven ture. The pair paid final culls today on Covernor Wallace It. rnrr'.ngtnn. Meanwhile, the Bry's search for the missing filers has been virtually completed without the slightest sign of success. Wil liam Mnlloska.. backer of J. Ant sy l'edlir. pilot of the Miss lhran. admits he I less optl. mlstic now of ever finding, them. 1 lS"u . ' CHEVROLET I Tin Truck, good tires, rims good, duly Koo.uu. Ostendorf Motor Co. Sift Klutiutli Ave. I'hotte i'.l f, ' TlHNk lilt- .tMli miL-.HV Initti oiii tno ill M tu iIiin flic JMiLvl viiii;: I'.'t 'Hi' ltiwctcJ ttilv t mile will ilV. AI'I'AltKNTI.V IIKITK JACKSON-. Miss.. Aug. II. i,.l P i With Si precincts missing. Tbeo Hilbo retained a T.liuu em ' over C.o,eri.or lv. Murphree nectary to have In the run off race for Ihe demo- , .. , . , cr.tic race for governor. I lyli'h l"" " " ' ,a U reived sllaht lnluriesk How l"l''ly i'lliied. Trade Prejudice was joined ' been ralnly the arch, the ait nf the tnmh nr . i the t'nknown Soldier, the news- '4 papers report, flowers- werei.i trampled noon. i t After the mob left this local!- A I r t ha V .-1, ru l. j - .v. T . mm . i iib i- . s i lie flowers were replaced on the POPULAR EXCURSION -TO- i One of the greatest problems that faces Klamath ,omo b n "" "' f . , - v. n Prayed. t.', lumDermen' in tact, an pine operators is mai oi otue , stain. Srslleml Hj- Police t Again scattered by the police. A t.,., ,L.i ".1 l.,mKe r.ollrl miw hs Knlrl ,ne crowl1" Proceeded down the; " ' --v . "i. .Champs Elye.- smashing 'wla-' by lumbermen at a sacrifice; we know tnat there is a dows of one or two cafes. Then ! definite prejudice against lumber which has bluish-gray ' the storm broke, semilog the j . . . , manifestants home. j sireans inaucea oy over-exposure 10 me elements; we know it is a curse of the lumber manufacturing business. But here is a fact that buyers of box shook and upper he T"'""-. mo"t,y ,or obstruct- , - . , . ,, . ., . .. . ion and Insulting the police. Ten grades apparently do not know, that the tensile strength poiic,,,,,, were. hurt by of "blued" lumber is greater than standard lumber. knife thrusts and so others re Some years ago the United States Bureau of Plant Industry and the United States Forest Service in collab oration, conducted scientific tests to determine whether or got "blued" lumber loses its strength. The tests not only showed that such was not the case, but also proved beyond a question of a. doubt that the strength of the stained wood was materially increased." So active is the prejudice of buyers against blue wood, we are told, that not only buyers of upper grades sniff disdainfully when offered the product but also box shook buyers. Why box shook" buyers should turn up their noses at "blue" grade is somewhat of a mystery but turn them up they do. I . ' In point of fact, the wood that is slightly stained, is , impractical for upper grades in oniyVthe few instances when the wood is not painted or otherwise covered in ' the home. And in how many instances is upper grade pine used in building construction left "as is?" Very few. ' . . I So after all, it is merely a trade prejudice and wise is the builder who, when he builds a home, buys "blue" ; lumber at the far cheaper price. Crescent and Odell Lakes AUGUST; 28 Greatly Reduced Rouhd-Trip Fare. ,.s Kliinialli f ull I n sceiil Ijike X.! (XI c, -,!,. Summit K,.1'i Aluoiiu. l mi l-nke . 4',m-ap Summit :Laii " DR. BARR.Speciaiist t'ye SUM Specialist CVS DUNN" JKWKint VI OPTICIAN ou.1 Muin Hi reel I An.! tp it idl with fiiwl.mi Item nnltit sA l,j pillKltlll tHml'U fl.lJ-nlc l"C Jllll'.'.lN l"'l 'J . tulv. L'M '. ,' .' ' , KV. I'oUmi N.r i.ilvwill ' j ' ' ' at.niii'lili-ill'l"-",J ,'' yJ si. ' ' '' v ou. -. More Hun IV) Strsrs tn thr V'ret- fWbstcrn .Auto' 1' Sunnlv Co. ? I 7TH at tflNE Clii(Nniii Two hundred demonstrators ' i were arrested In the course of,' A T -Tlt.tlX St IIKIX l.r t'uscml- Suitiiiiil (CI.'Jll 7: IO A. M. :-to t, M. II:.KI A. M. 111:11.1 A. M. . 4:4.1 I'. l. .VIMI , . P. M. FORD CARS 192 Tourings 1283.00 1S25 Touring. R.-A 150.00 132 Conpe 4TS.00 19I Sedan 525.00 Ostendorf Motor Co. 515 Klamath Ave. Phone 272 l.v. hlii math fulls Ar. t'rv-K-eiil lakc . I.r. fresrent 1-akc ; Ar. t'asrade Snmillil ... I.r. I'asraoV Snmniit !... Ar. i 'rewrnt ltke l.v. t'rrwnt Ijike Ar. Klnntatli ft-nlla T:.V P. M. Spend the day on beautiful Crescent or Odell Lake, Fishing, ' Boating, Swimming," Hiking A wonderful opportunity for a picnic party. Southern Pacific Lines FOR J-UJRTHER INFORMATION CALL J. J. MILLER, D. F. 0 P. A. HOPKA BLDG-, EIGHTH and MAIN PHONE 709 OR ANY AGENT 14 i Out Our Way POSE. WE9' WtL l-2. OtMiMOS ME. CF- AE. CF ( A 8CLL MOO&E , CNJG, htb KOAMivi' 4 I OA Editorial Opinion From Over Nation KIHM'K Tlt(HlS (IF III KIVKSS Verle Thorpe, editor of Na tion's Itiisiness Magaitne: I went into a shoe store the other day to buy a pair of shoes. The clerk, not knowing his customer was a poor editor, hrought out a fine pnir priced 114. To try him out, I exclaimed, "Fourteen dollars! That's high- consideration of the selling price I or a IK pair of shoes? Hid her Xo, you're right, he : didn't. He said the man u fact urer 1 was the rut-throat, that be was I "holding us up." The retailers are the shock troops of American business. ! They stand a thin line, between I 'the great consuming public and 1 ! an Industrial system, intricate,! growing more tnmpllcated every REMiMDS ME NVAiKEf ASi ?OP EMS BACH. V E." KOAMjM KlCvCQ MAKE. A HAmO, HE.S TOO MtJL AFOOT. wny Jobbery. ' How do you get day, with lis maze of machines away with It? I know that a and men, transportation and farmer gets only SO cents for a i warehousing, credits and Insur eds and no worker gets more nnce . and financing and gov-' than 15 for making- a pair of;ernment. ' shoes. It's scandnlous. Did the clerk tell me that lie had other shoes good shoes at $6 nnd $7 but that this pnlr .was the' finest .product that American Ingennity could pro duce? Did he explain that an expert had to sort over 1,000 hides tn find Ihe one hide from which these uppers could be rut? Did he tell me that such nu lli ty shoes had a limited market: that styles change; that Our business life Is less and i less understood by the man In the j street. Misunderstanding breeds suspicion: suspicion brings In-1 crimination and bit txr reprisals. recrimination. A.(iU).AMKI(l('A ' J-'KIKMINIIir money Is tied tip, and Indlcat Ihe twenty olher Items of legiti mate cost that enter Into the Christian .Science Monoltor: ; Of vital Importance and vigorous ' beyond the ordinary. In both I extra letter and spirit. Is the plea of, James'!.. Oarvin. the editor of: the Loudon Observer.-for a 100 year treaty of arbitration be-J V AWL mmmm . X: f I ' fe I , f e V MT Off FOOT" Western Auto Supply Co. T1W WorU'i larxtU rcUiilm of Auto Suppli Scrvfnf tha iJnc t V09 ,-'jf r - uii ii ''"' nith f uaruntccil AccruurUs. Tfrst Camp QwmIj ami KuJics 2Sk8SKbbi Dependable Lights TAKE no chances ... he sure your lights arc dependable and law complying .. You'll drive in greater safety and peace of mind. Io awure satislaction, buy at western Auto where you'll find a complete line of guaranteed liiidn equipment, at pleaiinyly low Safety Slop Signals Reduced I 7 Iff W1r- V3 R -esA-l r ft fij& ytJ2zj "HI )Y6ur Choice this week only V'lBla'H'..W.,is' iI"3sVi'-1.l,.'t.6si(H nSH . ki 7 tr-'y vi' rLV': a-4 ar r ywif Regularly $1.75 COMPI.HTE with nct-cMiiry wire, lulli, switch atil rrit):!. Huge Savings .i . Rcuhirly o "KAY-BEE RUBY HAY kUtnUtrty $1.75 A compact, fiandtomr, tfon ijcntl ... dint and wra titer prwA, wirh thick long Jiitinic lm. Easily attache J without dfilhnu hilc to tmt light or 1 1 cent bracket. Durable enamel with nickel fftmmirts- f Reduced thU week 5 DRUM TTE STOP SIGNAL Rrgulurly $1.40 TrotctM ni hesuiilirs tour csr. Du arid eillur r'oi.l, lisidnie!y enamclcj slut uklcl inmnttd. ui ply limited .... buy iuks will n be told. OjJ Tim week... only Other SnoWghts, Rccmhts, StopKgfcts and Headlights We sell such well-known brands as the "S 6. M," "Kay-nee", "Stover" and "Williams" .. .also the famous "Ilco" Ryan-Lite 1 IcaJliyht. , "CUUV-LITE" Turns with the front wheels, I'erfect lllumltiation lor nil.t y't-Jn - in directum of front whrrli, 4y?N. keeping light rjyslwayiioii the . rosd shrad of you. Kiiunrr J tror on frsme brsre or bumper, It gets under the fun. Reliable, lusting and fully guaranteed. hlaik enamelled. .' $1 2.50 Nickeled - SI4.W Oilier guaranteed Rosdilijliit...'. S4 HStoSI 1.00 "S &M" SPOTLIGHT A pnwerfiil, w,! comtrurle.l lilit. Ilc.i.ililul gl,,uy baked on enoinrl, nukrl ttlminrd, duttpriHtf, eunnot thorc cir cuit, snd patent cbinp pre. Venn lluht bring thrown too high. In. lulled free. Regular site throws 2000 ft. beam.... I-srurr il:e throws 30C0 ft. beam Other guaranteed Spotlights t $ 0.50 $11.00 $1.28 to $o.yo I;Rt"U CATA I.OQ . . . ;it off t!4 fcreii . . . Many w suvtnfi. Bvtry motariil ilwuld hut a cofo. "Western Auto" bin vicb A!orc than lX) Stores In the Wfat MutJu'-nulbsfor Cror Home All our .tors ell giiarimeed "Maida" Umt...all sues. v A featurt that tavet you money, hen-ict connectjijni Are maintained in all ctUn ithrrc us Haw ifm-ri. to tKat goods pwrchaied from , HI may bt properly and STompiIy tnitaJicd at a vtrf low rats.. .In many In. stances. a sill curl WfesteiitALito HV. l:TH ASH MXK HTH. IsVWan fVI BULB CHEST A burned-out bulb Is no excuse . . . C jrry an estrs let In one of thrsa sll nietsl theits. Non-rat. tlliigsocketsfin-twolsrgs snd three small bulbs... Chest only. ..each, JS 1