WVdnmlHy, August 21, WW. THK KVKN.XG 'UfAlM M: KLAMATH FALLS. OULCON Pup Tl'i- BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH Items of Inlorwt Concerning Reside nts of the Gjeat Klamath BaHin.' If You Have News for This Department,' Your Courtr-ny in Calling 88 'Will He Appreciated IIi'IuiiiIiik Tlil ' Wei'k.rJml ' I'naiinixlur and Mr. John A. Mi Cull mill rtuiiKhler ii r e. parlml luniiu thl week end frimi Hun Jue, I'aliriiriilu mill uilmr oil ( It ti r li iiillil w hi' i Ihey hmrii' Imrh vkltins wlilr trim ! mul friend. Mia llllllrf McCall'hu been aicmtltig Hi greater par1 of lli ainiiiiier vacation In C II fonila tul iiluntf In' resume her ailioot work m Hie. Aahlund Nor mul haul niiiiiili, Idlm nliiu Hnih " lr. and Mm. T. K. Hi run of Hun Franrlaru, who have bean n)iiyln n..rn I rinya hern vlalt I tin wlih Mr. nl Mm. II. V. Jovom expect lo leave inninr row for I b I r homo In the mm 111 Mra. Hi run mil Mr, Jnyatu are alalrr mul 1'ioilinr Thin la Ihu aeeond vlH Dr. anil Mm. Klrnns ' Hnmon. have p.Hd Klamath Fall thlaj llv. I-Frull, fieormi ('. I'l- iinimcr and each limn have in- rlih. Jiryed llin lrli Iff I'u'fr Lake. I IHv. J Ilea ami dairy prod- lurlx, liana Kylunder, Percy Mur- . f K'rniNin llnlojiil ray, Karl Hlininoli. Member lif Alnha rlmniar of I The Kaalern Kiar enjoyed another of Ihalr Informal afiettunna rin Tueaday alien I hey tint n th" Miunnlc' liall. A number of 0111 of town vlaltnr enjoyed lh. afternoon along villi ilio inciii Imt of Aloha chapter. Dauahlrr Itnia Frletida nf Mr. ami Mr, F.. I. IHion of MihIim- I'nlm will be In tcreatcd fo learn of Ihu nrrlvnl .of a Imliy dniiRhlvr. born In ( hi ram. Mr. Illion hi hrrn ! Iilm hnr parruia In tit raat for avrrnl ninnlha. ;ror' ( lillil III llurlmra Ji-an, lh Ihran-yfar-oM d.intliii-r nf Mr. ami Mra. Chuck (irmti of Wnnllund tva nuo. la riporiril a aliahtly lin lirovnl lodnr. "The child ha barn aorloimly III for acvrrel duy at Ilia family homo. Ilnurnlnii Honili '"Mr.'amf Mr. Itlriiard Wath nrljr of Ban ""Kranrlaro, ar r inrnlnK anuth loinonow afiT an ' rulnyalila) vlalt harn lit III'' hi.iii" 'nf Mr. and ' Mra. II. ' V Joyaiu Mra. Vrniliarly l ti u. lrp of Mr. Joynm. ' l-fl For SoHli Mr. and Mra. J. W. . Kcrna and rhlldrKn pft ypali-rday for rnrilunij wimra tiiey ai-omitnnniaa i Mr. and Mra. (Juan wHo are en ! route raa( after vlalllnx here for the greatar part of the anminer. I jtr. aim it. ivarn etai io raturn hero around Ilia Ural next weak. nf wnen iikui nair la growing darker Have a Oulden Glint ahampoo. Drnbneaa dlaappear In 'Al.AMMnnlnHl II .If.,, AH I.I- let good counter or at jour hnlrdreaaora. adv. It.lurnlng Koulh . ' K. V. Ilelh of Kan Franrlncn, n mem liar of the Continental l.lfo Inauranre firm, I returning no in h -thla evening after flatt ing hfro briefly In the Interetla nf lira company with A. K. Rnome local repreaeutailve. s ronilltlan NIlKlllly Hell ' 'Mni. Kloyd ' Dnneon McMillan who la confined in the family borne with an attack , of lllneaa I nil r ht Ir Imprnvorl today. Mr. Mi'Mdlun ha been III for aev eral day. ' Don't tin Home hot, fired and cranky, when a little, dip In the mineral water at the Hot Spring Nat will make you freah and happy Adv. Ifera From f hlliMiiln ' f'arl E. Yancey of ('hllnquln. apent Tneadny In He efty trnna nctlng hiialneaa and returned homo I lil" nmrnlnt. Now For Von ' llaautlful roat and nlan dreaa e In lioih large and aninll alia. Mode Shop,' 822 Mnlm Adv. S:i-24 rum Halam 4 ' Mr. and Mra. K. C. Forayth motored Into the cliy yoaterdn'y from Salem lo wprnd aevernl dnya here -vlaltlng with rrlenri. They nre hotel gueala at Tho Arcade. Fuller IlriiKhe For Immedlntn aervlen' phone U77-W. ' Ooorge 1). Mollrldo. Adv. 0-0 VMtcil Vrnm The Vnlla) ' Jack and Coorge ItngerHon of Moilfnrd, ' apent Tneda)r hero vlilllng iV.imU nnd looking Into linalliea.' ' ' roni l'mi lllilifvi- ni, A."'Sfnr' and 'fl. -Hnnaon aiieiit Tneadny In Hie cliy from I'lno IlldgH' on a brief biiBlneai trip. , Klnmntli Flower Hliop ' For flower. Floral dnalgn. quality with acrvlro. S34 Main street, rhona E80. adv. i- lllilaliiu Nuhi.'iI Kill Im I n ir In Hal of III ii auper lllli'liilrnl of ilvlloii4 niuuad In piralde urer llin Klnninlh count 1)' fitlr "Oil product allow lit be In-lil hum mi M"iliinber 2, S, t unil B.' IHv.1 A Iteef ratlle, A. I.. Mamlinll, Himh MiNeniy. Imv. n-lmlry eiitle, Clyde Hnidley, Frail Jli Kmilriw, W. O. Hmltli, Jiilln. IHv. ( ' - I Iik, Kuy Ni'lnon. IHv: Ii Hheen, . Will Ham mond. Ida II. Momyar. lilv. K -Poultry, Mr. Wm t'heyne, I.. Alva l.ewl: I'oulir prod m I . H V. Kcaler. Ulr. K llnlili!u. II. It. Mllner. W. V. Whllliilili. '' Dlv. : Farm pruducla, Chaa. .Murk. It. F.IH Youiik. IHv. If I'olaloea, Henry !lv K Klnwer Maadumca W. I'. Mvara. M. . Waat. IHv. I. IXimaallc art. MM diima II. II. Mllnar, II. A. Km mill IHv. M fiillnnry. Mi-dnma Vf. J. Hi.'linfirii. I. K. Voniia- IHv. N liny' and (ilrla ilnh work, Krank W. Kntion. Mr Nallle ('. Wlilllatch. Vamilra llilumliitf Koun Y.. W. Viiniilra of Th Ooldrn llnlj' Utora who haa bei-n aiiand-1 (r. ,. w. I'arl of I 111" rllr Ine lha ml inonili at varlou'an, rv,nily arrlrcd hare with aaatarn pntnia purrhaalni mar chnndlaa for lha local alora, pinna to leave HI. Iiula thin ava nlna enrnuta home and axparta klo raarii hare lha flrat nf tha waak. Mr. Vamilra apanl lha greater pari nf hl tlinu In New York Cliy. To Vlall II. n ' Mlaa rnnal llnliartaon nf Ku acne plana in ape ml the holldaya hare over LalHir iay with rela tive and friend. Ml Itohln aon 4inw realilia In Kuiene and la private aurratary lo Carl A. rialil of The New Scrvlre Laun dry of the northern ally.. 1.1-fi or Kiut Mr. and Mra. W. Qual. who have apanl the pant eeveral weak In Klamath Ftilln vlaltlnx at the home ' of Mr. and Mra. j, w. Kern flare" left for Ihalr home In the eaat. They are the narPn of Mr,, Kerna. M Tllk i.,,,,..,, Mr. t rill Mall ha arcapled temporary poaltlon with Moe'a Store In the bonkknenln denart- mlnt ,0 ,M Mymm iiroiherlnn dllrn, thp ,,aence of Mr. T. a Ahboit who I to leave within forlnlKht on her vacation NoHharn VUllom . Mr. and Mr. II. M Wllklna of! Taroma arrived In the elty laal evenlng from the north to apend a few day In flit aectton. Theyjalatant advertlalng manager will are hotel gueata at Tho Willard, ho In charge during Mr. Parkin while In the city. , i J. W. Pratt of Eugene, con-J Faohlon Dlnplny . nerted with the Telephone com- Deuullful dreaae for all oc pany. arrived hare, Ihl morning 'radon, all color, alaea. maicr-j and will trannact hualnaa here lals and price 16.75 to 169. 75. In the Inlereata nf hla compiny for aevernl day. He I rcglatered at Ihe hotel Willard. MetliodWt Ladle To Meet The Flrat Methodiat ldle aid Horiely will met wlih Mr. Cha. (Tiaoboiim at 302 Waahlugton on Thuradny afternoon al 2:30. All ' meinbara arc requaaleil tend Ihe meeting. lo al McAullffe II Jack MrAullfte, prominent stork man of the Fort Klamath district. I In Ihe cliy today on hualne. Mr. MrAiillffo la slop ping at the Hotel Hall. Here From Mnlfonl Mr. and Mr. 1. n. Orny of Medford are visiting In tho rlty today with friend. They are registered at tho hotel Hall. For Inaurnn Boo Jaa. II BldB Adr. Drluroll. William Mr. Dillon Awny - Mra'. 'Tom Dillon of tho Hotel Wlllnrtl la enjoying a vtalt In San Frnnclscn with friend. ' 1 I live From Hon 111 - A. 'llnnnurHiiii of Diinsniulr Is hern on hiialneaa tor Ihe South ern Pacific nnd will bo In this onion for ft I least two week. r IT C.WT UK riF.ATI Tho Mlncrnl Wnler nt tho Hot Spring Nat. Adv. Illy Itealilcnt Hin- ' n. M!, Atlanta and Ivm fnln holh nf Illy, are registered nt the lintel Hall tnilny. Hill For Flow and Floral doilgui, Phono 1118. adr. To Itoi ky I'olni To allow Ihalr ii'U. Ada Mil lar and llirih llanfiird. from 1 WuahliiKlon, who urn nuoala of ! Mi. and Mra. Iliilph lloyt, aomn 1 nf thii wnnlira of ih KIhiiiuiIi i f'Oiintry, thi'y with laki-n to lloiky I'll I li I yriTiliiy. Oihi-ra In III" liany wtfrd Mia, K. I'. Kil noau and Mra. Anniiliall llyun. . Tito nr.rthi-rn rlallni ara wall i .'il wild tlila country and am -I ll In k In k of iiinkliix Ihi-lr fill lire noma lira. Tlwlr are ai-vnrnl mora parlli't i.laiiiicl for thusa ! KUnala.. '. l hilli-y ll'inii MIm Winifred Winn, rourln , of Mr. f. KHIpy who haa lin rnjoyllia a vlall al Ilia Ki-I-l'-y bimin for tha put two w--ka' lift llil moinlnic for Hi" aniiiti. I'nroul" In Honolulu, whom alio will li'uch art In Ilio xhoola. Uhlla Mia WIik rlallod lii-m a nuinlipr of an)nyalla affalra wi-ri alvan In har honor. Thi pur wi'fk-and. Hha won honor Ruaat af a liouao imrly at I hi- aummcr hnma nf Mr. and Mra. K"llry at l.akn n' Iho Wumla. Art flit loliion Hydnay i-aat. raramiy f Hn Haao. ha ariaplad a poalilon I Willi tha Ilutiliar Innuranra fom- pany and look up III ilulli a thlaj liiotuliiK. Ha la a brother of . I.I. molhar from aoutliarn ( all-1 fnrnla. to innke ihl hi home. future Waiiiar Vl-li I lly J. Welner, owner of The Orc xnn Woolen Stnra on Main and KIkIiOi. ent Ilia day hen eu rou I a north to lila home In Portland after altandliiK lluyrra Waak In ' fm Kranrlaro. He vlxlted hare with the local man afar, J a mi a Walsh. hhopiml Ham Tueielny Mra. Katlier Ionian of rlillo-;"" nuln apent Tueaday hare with her parent. Mr. and Mra. J. t'crtlug. Mra. In mull ahopprd for ff-vrral' hour while hero. Rh" returned thla morning to f'hlloquin where her huahand la In chnrgn of Stone'a f'nah Mote. flaw lay Tranaferrail M. W. I Doc) Dawley of lha Shall OH I 'oni puny ha ' been , irnnaferred lo aoulhern f'all fornla after making thla hi lieaduuiirtar for the puat ai'V- era I year. Mr. and Mr. Daw- lev have left for their new home via motor. On Varallon W. II. Perkln. advertising ' manager of The Evening Herald ' I left thla afternoon for Diamond ; lake with hi family, where he I will upend aevernl daya on an puf- Ing. Mia flrare K. Conbay a-; labnence. No duplicate new from San Franelaeo. Open evening by ap- noi.imani llarth It Jarrl. Nel-! Martha It. Jarrl. Nel Ho H. t'oote. Hotel Willard Sam ple Itoom, Klamath Fall. Adr. ,M.nM To Kent Hiillillng Wnlion Wright hare moved Into their new office In the Kern building on ' Sixth anil Klamath from the Mar bulld- Inr where thev were located fori moro than .a year. Kront The Valley Hay NorVal who visited Klam nth Fall freqiienlly from M.'d - ford wa In the cliy yesterday on ! biiHlnes. He rrglslcred at hotel Hull. the ; t Front t1tlliMnlii , Mra. John Peppurd spent most of Tuesday In Iho city shopping and vinillng friends front her home at Chllonuln. Vlaillnir Fnini lw Angela I.. A. Ballmer of l.o Angela arrived In the ally Inst evening lo spend several day here visit - HlK. ' j : " i Mnlin Vlslloi' , ' I.orlhda M.' Sander was 'd-jj clnded In the nut of town visit-1 or. In the elly 'yesterday from Mnlln. ' : Front rooa'lliiy E. Mulled ' Veglstered 'at' ihnfj hotel Hall today from Coos Tiny.; Rxpert rriaerlpttonlata Forboa Pnra Drugs. adv. I I nnd Nee Connolly Tiro. For yiiopl rif Oregon California gamo luwa. Adv. Expert PrecTlptlonlsl Forboi Pure Urugs.- odv. Frisco to -Hawaii Under , Sail ; r ,r . " ' rwm$r m '&-t&?''t&V ' ' .. .. "...v Whlio aviator irra rrtuitnliir fllaliu ;.nu. Sin : n:n Iwo t H iir.lniii, fiiplaln -lviH'. -VirtM miitiif iba aunt irl. In mnnner miirh m:ri' nld-fa-hlaift-a: -l al m .1: Iv aa puriloiia. ; I, ini'klim ih trip almiif In v SS-'fofjr Klooii' rtnd tpi-i'ta lo inkf It . in 2' laya. FUTILE SEAHGH ; Kill! Even' Rumor. Virtually j r Cease ( Crten Flare Re; port It Run Down . - : uv ri'inui'ii a... .i,', Mo? b" TTk Pa"' ' aau'a III Ilia ifior nil im- irom ...... , . , .. . .. . . ., .,1 "I am particular v anxious to I s r rum-iM u nay to . iiuwan look off from Oakland port, the world una mill awitlt- ' Iti word of lha fate of rdx men land one woman who were Inn in connection with thl fcreat adventure. Nolhlna: haa biin heard from Ihu plumai alia Ikir- an and tlolilan Kaala alnre thovi farad forth ovi the- I'e.rifi. early Tuesday oflarnoon Aliens! ' 10. allhonull an oci-aslonal 'rum- ,.. - , iv .wV, .h,m .i.. " " : , : ; '""u .'. , . ui ilia ilium npiru wnone dauntlaaa pilot and navigator li ft lo neck tha anlKslnyy no word lui come alnce I he dramatic HOS flahad acroaa Hie water when'.. ... , . ...... . , ,i, .., eia To Mm Tonlishl :..,ortlVKaVotock - , - lUalrrt! - r.Tl,co flrta.MM-rrWefih-.- No Mffn of I'hiacn . Sc-reu deatroycrfl, deployed acroi a -1-nille rront, are con tinuing the wull-ulgli hopelew aearch along the great circle '....,.. (iteamer.laiio between San Fran-: ,l,'"" r 7''v ' ! rUao .,i iim, i i.n.n,r Sir, and Mia. James augbn of ea plane despatched from the deck of the ' airplane carrier Langley and the aircraft tender Arooatock are acotitlng an 80 mlle natch of ea and every ef fort Is being made to trace down rceurrenl -report from land or ocean. The lateat of these, a I up v ittut . a rnwonn n.i-M m- u ' r 7T- j seen to riae aim me miva annul i S.000 feet up the rnggad alopa of Mauna Kta. In the Island of . Hawaii. Sunday night, had thua i far filled lo result In definite word thai any of the flier has I been found. wwrai nm. im oa . "' " "B on a etlon are "' k'' Neither last long enough. AUTO LIMERICKS By CLARK NEWTON There once (ran a wisp Hula bird Who'd ask you to stop for a word And tell you this shop Wus Ihe place you ' should stop Of these fi-lk you surely have heard. It J e I 'J RELIABLE CARS . Listen to the advice of a man who bought used ear of us. You'll discover the reason for our reputation for reli ability. Even the man of means buys a rebuilt car today. It's as sen sible as buying a used house. 11 t !J j !J ! !J . J (t USED CARS ' 1924 Chevrolet Touring .......S225.00 ' 1926 Ford Coupe 350.00 1924 Oldsraobile Touring 225.00 ' 1923,Sti.(lcbaker Roadster C... 325.0(K . 1923 Dodge Turing 300.00 .1923 slord Coupe ..: - 75.00 R. li. R. GARAGE, 1 820 Klamath Avenue J J 'H''i-'r't'-r'M'r'r'r'H''t Students Asked to Register al School In hope th.it avry afudant In-! I'Tidluit.lo mfiar Kl.-traalh rminly lilKh utwl thi fill mlicht rK-i' iafcr iM-fori- Ilia openlni; day, thu; office of Profcwor Paul T. Jur k-, on. prln' lpal of IIih hlKh whool will bu tTn aai h day. The hnurx i will b from uina !n the mornltiK until noon ami from one In, tha atiarnoou uii'll flva o i Iim k. Tliia wm tin- unmuncioii'nL made tliUi morning by Mr. Jn.-k- i , naw xomam uO--dvatdo ;of thl opportunity lu reyiHtLT." j Mr. Jai kin itatc-d. j All plana tor the opening of hii; arhnol have been completed 1 and the entire ataff, conalailni; of IS teacher ha been named. .... . -'"- .-ma iiau'iic aici taiiino ot inc Klamuth (ounty Health Clinic la exiKK'lvd home from a three weaka' vacation on Monday. Mlaa : McClt-lland. with a party of friends from the north. In a vis ited a number of Intereattng polnta In the atate while enjoy ing her vacation. i "JT'""" -"' r";"a "r I ,.?. 'he '.crfcm of the court; iiuiihc huh evaninft at . eiKim o'clock for the regular business meeting;. Following the buainefia! sejalon Initiation will take place. 1519 Sargent avenne left today ,or a., raiieo e. o, inn critical iiiucbb ui iiirs.' Vaughn a mother. TRUCKS Graham 1-ton Panel ' . Donne -on Panel ; .. O M V 1-toa chasnis rhevrolet 1-uin flat bed Chevrolet Delivery ' . Cstendorf ' Motor Co.' B15' Klamath Ave. Phone 2 72 t -:-:-i--n l-'roni T.k I'm-k IImih Ii '" l. K Alnanoi r 'of'Tlia lloi k f'raak Kan.h wn In lha rli today tranaariiiiK hualni' for , aavcral hour. nawmtTp AT The Pine Tree LAST TIMES TODAY VAUDEVILLE With . Iti.w M' rr' Ihi hi slra an rial litailliiwr. )V THK WliDKS ' I.KWIH HT'iNI-: Klam lu "Lonesome Ladies" AlloUi-;li-r ihif of i he Ihi proxmioa hp linn- Imil - for -a Ioiik Iinm'. LEST VOU FORCET! The f'h;implon rii:irlaton'-r. Mm. Anna Orecnwcil. will ii fand 1'i-r IIMa Thur4lay nl:ht an.iinur Ii. frninw. Br.dlna. You know lha i'immi.on c-in au-D. innif unil lha chal- . lancer. k:i! i alaaaaaNaaaaaaaaaawaaaav Dresses - - A beautiful' assortment. Ne'W presses from Nsw Yoi k shqvin, all colors, sizes, materials and ' ' " prices. . ' $6.75to $89.75 ' Open Evening:! Ly Appointment. Bertha B. Jarvis Nellie B. Coste Hotel Willard, Sample Room i Klamath Falls itching, Irritations Use Zemo, Healing Liquid, "' Don't suffer shame of ugly, itdrj- sfcin. ever endure Skin Tortures and lrri ations. Banish Pimples, Blotches and ilackheads. App)y pltasant-tu-use.de endable Zcmo Liquid. Use ac any ime. The safe, sui t- way to keep skin learand free Irom bKaniihes, Attirug ?sts c and $1.00. OR SHIN IRRITATI O N 0 Qood Health Requires Good Elimi. natioiu TO be well, you must keep the blood stream free from impuritict. If the kidneys lag, ' allowing body poiaons to accumulate, a toxic condition is created. One is apt to feci dull, languid, tired and achy. A nagging backache is some times a symptom, with drowsy headaches and dizzy spells. That the kidneys are not func ' tioning properly is often shown by burning or scanty passage of secrctioQs. If you have rea son to suspect improper kid ney functioning, try DoAr's Pill a tested stimulant diu retic. Users praise them throughout the United States. Ask your neighbor DOAN'S""3 Srinihat Dimltc lo ihm Klinym roaur-MUbura Co. kU. Cbca.. DuSakx N.Y. ! i bi-iM. I 'ita 116 ? r S. r i - Ji am AT The Liberty Iji-t hiun' of III m ifn iii ititty fumiy romwly "The Lunatic at w Large Thursday and Friday BIG DOUBLE BILL! I.Kll MI.((KY In "Two Gun of the 'Tumble weed" and Ilia pn-ntot rtumvlv avi-r ninda ly I'HAIII.IK tilAIM.IN "SHOULDER ARMS" A ip a fe a" amj 14 W . Tonight 1 Is Our Bargain Dance The Price 75 c and you dance all ' evening to music hj Hal Blackburn and His Band ' ALTAMONT COMING SATURDAY A Great Carnival Dance tie high in the ',Vr y " magniheent f 3 Canadian Paeific'jb Rockiea you iy.' on a course of V$" i ' srrtyd!sign:yourAk .drives carry far-TJvS ft Ather throuRh the .'y f your putts are rmire sure- an tha perfect greens. f And golf is but one of the many sports at Banff - as well . you'll enjoy the hiking, swimming. Horseback, hshins!. boating, tennis, lp the evening a il'inaa in tkjt K..a- f tiful ballroom, or a cu'im in t li Dn. I mon plunge. Von cofi gef literature mow. Canadianfccilic VY H Deacon-Cr n7 Yurn Pasr Dep SjRinTJSU'brdirea-HDjtnonuhtja::: kGnuiiMn Paafic Travctlm dut y 7! Don't Forget DOLLAR t , 1 t M H Saturday August 27th 'Mr? i lbs . ,'A DAY vxpe.n iiwuimq I'AIM INU Tf1IM , - SMITH BROS. - fl.OO far ftontit l"p ' rbou 4U 1 r The Cascade Hotel KTftKTI.Y MOUKKN Weakly Itate a.l.oo anil I'P hhon. r mi.f Tub liallul Frwo Dill ami Walnut. I'lione HM1W . KluuialU Fella, Ore. Klnt'Kt alinaral V'ct -In Ilia World HUT HI'ltINO , ' ' SATAMXMIIl'M aotv iiian from 7:00 A. M. to inldulcnt Tuli Hatha Swlmmiua; Tank Hot and Cold Hliowsra i For I'rlvat" Fsrtlea , riiono iai-W Sprluit anil Kaplan J9 FOH THK 1IF.ST Auk for the union card P. It. Old. J. II. Flkaa, It. L. Groan,' L. II. Fhehorn, C, H. Klna, Mr'. Carpenter Employ member o( L. U. 117 Starting July It Red Ball Stage Line Two 'lnlly ataarai Tietvrrea Klo math Fall ami I-ukcview. I-avlnar M:.lo mornlua; , Invina i!:tH l.- M.' leaves KKI KAKD'H , Aato 8lto Offieo ' Phone 77 or 600 i UtURT TAXI SER1CB Under New Management Phone 541 Prompt Service ' J10-JY19 HOWARD Transportation Co. STAGES f invlns Klnninlh Fall ?:30 il. M.,' lOrOO A. :-l, X P. M., :40 I. .M., making eonneo thin to I'ortbind and way pniiit name clny.- Coiineetlona nt Ashland with Pickwick KtaKea for C'alifornlai point. vtsu A. M. and 1.-0U v.- M. Stage maka direct throuih coanectiona to : rortiaad and Seattle lu A. M. and 4:40 P. M. Stages mako direct con nections to San Francisco and Los Angeles. . . '. , Ixvaa Office 015 Mala Si. . Phona 009 rovsa Coal & Transfer " ' Company ' ' "Diamond Brlqaeoj Phoae 1007 i. ... ...... First Methodist Church Tenth and . Illch Sta. FRANK li. WKMETT, ' HmlMer ' Residence.' 1003 Hlfrh 8. "We Specialize In Helpfulness" Sunday Services: '' 11 a. m.a 7:30 p. dl. Chiloquin Stages Leave Klamath Falls Dally tor Clilloquin and Intermediate points' as follows: ( 9:00 a. tn. 12:30 noon 3:: p. in. 7:00 p. m. '"' Take a. m. bus to connect lor camps beyond Chlloqula. O. 8. Kl.NU, . Owner KL.UlATHVEEO WtLXZ WEED - ' "'" and Intermediate points. Lv. K. F. 7:30; Ar. Weed in Lv. Weed 1:30; Ar. K. T. 1:00 Stages Leaving Btajro Terminal Depot ' - Ola Main St. i DUIXK RADIO! WATER Has enred thousands. Why not you 7 Radium ore for eale by - -V. A. ItKIUtiH, ... (Special Representative) Phone aao-W . '' J1-AI 'Diamond . Briquet VOIXO t (ll, TRANSFER ' COMI'AXkr ', . . . . Phono. 1007 " .St. i- t-.. ,. .