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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1927)
Wfilm-sday, August 21. 1H27. ';'!' i wo THK KVKNIN'O UVAXM l KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Jones Forced to Extend Self To Win 1st Round Match PJay 1 vtlVlKAHDA Cl.rn. MlWti-j ntxt three holes, while' Hobby : Arol.lM. .Mini).. Am:,;SI. iJV -j si tiled ibxvn to ivrtii golf tud Jtohliy Junes had lo fiplil bald tolivoli all three to I itiir-li wo ui. win Ms first round mat h today I . ) mnl firvlved for the title slrug-j VINNiC W'OI.IS. V nn . Aug. !4 gio iii the national utiiai-ur Rlt I i AIM -i:...r2 V.m Kim. d..fend i championship, as lleorce Yon-I1R ehunipion. came through Ills j Kim did lo survive the uuatify. rirs, match round ! defeating i lug round yesterday. jnn. McKinloy Jr. of Chicago. Hi; Inst thi wizardry that RJt s and 2 N ' hem u 6" yestnrdny and when lip j . n.irrv I-e'rg ol Minneapolis .1. - a!itint''d to a -'J. iiiklus 4" , C,e Hr.-it ulnt'. while .Minn ice Mi--;t ! certify .of X. w York. was . scor-j m ilu second round. . Iik' bettor until the tyst threcl fia,,, ..tin. l.os AngeleV de !, he hnd to haul.- for ills' featcd Howard Walton. Chicago. Collins lit t. The. At Itint.ui w.H mid 5. 1 ,no iliiun at 11. turn and after) Kran. Is Ouimot. Doston, de- ! liaising the next six holes waSi,.anj Hilly Sixty. Milwaukee, (still one ilnwn and three to go. o and 5. Th-re .VI. Canny faltered tit his Koland Mackenzie. Washlng- Kiiiit killing expedition and took ton. defeated C.eorgc .Thomas. :it nliovo par tri each ot the 'Chicago, in 1S holes. t ! The carcity of major IohRUP DlLhlU? ihall plnyvrs i certain norii to Il)an ttnfl Thlr(l Mllsem!ln .Lei 1 cniiMi drastic action on the Part ; jjtu , , ut the magnates to retneuy ma I nituatlon. To my way of thinkltiR there Is i only one answer to the solution. ' . i .. iilooniIPuri'l1!iiii; of one club ja a farm 1 " ""rr.ilhr a number of the magnates, lot ni nor league clubs of various . ' , .. .. , j However, the St. Louis Cardinals class feat Ions, where promising!. . , , . , , j i. is the onlv one that has the I luaturial can be dveloiwd step . . I I prcrri'saive system, which even- , "y ""P' , , , , , ,u i will be the unanimous an- i 1 lie nu tenuis itiu ui iiim - I . tional League Is the first club to; I put this theory into practice. 1-lranch Rickey, a smart base-: hall man, who haa been connect ed with the game in practically every capacity, has successfully ' worked out tb problem for the' i Cardinals. A the present timci the St. Lom1s system -is composed of the jcardinals as the parent club, with Syracuse In the International League, Houston in the Texas League, Danville in the Three- iHye League and Topeka In the i Western Association. The the system U ehamp-.on.shlj. Sypwndjna has prored bevond a doubt this 13-3 victory over Vluln- 'snring when Totnmv Thevenow,'' delphia yesterday. Hob O Farrell s 'star shortstop of the world cbam-i Ked Hirds moved o within three .pions, broke his leg." A hurried sanies of the leading Chleigo call was sert out for help. The 't'nbs. , It was the only game ; Danville 'club was first to respond ' PUyed in the major leagues, the with Heinle Schuhle, who was other contests on the schedule 'itxaR sandlotter this time last,l,,;'nK rained out. , 'year. He fitted Into the scheme! ' jniioly and, considering his Wm- Hied experience, has plaved re mt '-kibly well: 1 More than 100 hal! rlarerg are owned directly and indirectly by i tut-.Cardluals through this sys tem of parent cluu ino sun-sta- uot.8 A majority oi me:? pia- era aro major league proppects ,ai.ed up in the hope th.i; proper; t t.ool'ng in the minors ind'; cimiwtent managers w.ll develop 'them all the more rapidly. , Ow-nli'R these mii'-r league 1 plants enables the Cardinals to hold a big advantas! over the tot W;r c major league c'ltl s. It niakts ll possime ior tnm to Beat lib? rnV that after . player Is , farmed out for two yearn he leithcr must be retaml or sold.1 That the' St. Lonls club has Xomo excellent prospect i In the imiking Is made apparent by the laci that three of the St. Louis Iirms, Danville, Houston and hrracuse are battling for the Veurjant in their respective or gnnltations. Take the make-up of the Car dinal infield as an example. iiany a v.-uo never studied aritlimctic knows L hewtotnke a cruint . ine can't ctoa Mi- A ce Pops U,1W Clr(,OKI.A. . . . - Kitily Kncpper of Chicago 2 and will meet Von Kim There is Jim itjttonilev nnd of Iha el-... U .. V I'rahlx-d from the semi-pro dr oit's, lie was first s.nt lo Hous- J ton for a year, then graduated to Syracuse for a season, making 'him a full-fledged candidate for the majors. Tommy TheTenow. thn brilliant Rhortstop, propped . fiir Ikh vjnng ! Mrro..iica no 1lt ,.. Vonorr -l.,vr nitllf. That other major league cltihs r re seeins the wisdom of the St. I.otiis syvtetn is shown by the swer to the scarcity of major league players that arc coming ;:p each season. ' , St. Louis' Moves' Up; Four Homers . Hit In One Game (lly.tltr A.socint ; lrs) Four home runs Jn one nine hy the St. Louis' Cardinals have impressed fans with the fact that the world's champions are still In the race for the national Ha- Life-Like Model Of Horse Stands On Roof of Store Pedestrians arid motorlnts who .... ,1 it.,. ,.w.. ... A Tonfh .. .1 Man tni morainK Morpt.d to RRTe at tne ure-like horse which gtfln(), rIi abov the A. J: Conaollr suire and can be seen for n,uekl, , , drectn The horse, a window model. i for many months has been used , in the windows of the local store ; and last night was placed over the building as a means of ad- Tertising. With the use of skids and the I assistance of several cowboys it was placed over the store. The actual weight of the model is 260 pounds. Contract Let for New Tennis Court Contract for the construction of a tennis court in Mills Addi tion city pafk oi' Ka4' iMain street was let last nlaht to Ih i W. D. Miller Construction com pany hy the city park, boird at a special session of the hoard in the city ball last night. . Offer of the successful bidder was Sit.S57.iD, Other bidders included Porter Construction company, I'hillipen & Hule and O. H. Knowb-s. ' The court will he colored with red to obviate a glare. IMaus of the park board also call for construction of tennis courts In Hot Springs addition, Kwauna Heights addition and in Moore city park. Letjue Vorriill About Money OMAHA, Aug. 24. IIP) Comes' from ' Clarence Chamberlln R story that .Mr. Levlno was more worried about a roll of hills on their trans-Atlantic trip than about himself. He forgot lo leave the money iM-hlnd for his payroll. "When he thought of it," Chamberlin relates, , "he shouted in consternation, declar ing Hint he certainly hated to go down into Davy Jones' loeke wftb all that money on him." Huffalo Kvening News: To pro tend is just to confess that you're ashamed of what you arc. "n-feate n Jack Dempsey Stresses Jack Dempsey Think He'll Knock Out Champion Gene Tunney When They Meet In Chicago . ,' ' It) DAN THOtl IS ' : . -t-t' t " BOTH FISTS ArTTS TUSNtV'S CROWN LOS AXtlEr.ES, Aug. 24. , "If I catch Tnnney in the ring. I'll knock him out." That was what Jak l)enip.s?y. past and future tm-iyliel heavy weight champion of the world, told the writer shortly before leaving here for his training camp near Chicago. If the former champ's pre diction is fulfilled, he will not retire with the crown. He will dafen(l-it at Icaat mimics tiii!4yb two ore three" times. " ", ; , "I'm not an old man yet I am only 32." declared Dempsey. "1 should be good for at least two or three more years tfter I hurdle Tnnney. And why should I retire when Tex ltichard wtil pay me anywhere from half .1 million to a million dollars a fight? ' Sure. I have all th money I need, hut purses of that size aren't to be. laughed at.. I want another shot at Sharkey to crtse the h'.ot on my victory .of a few weeks ago." Dempsey doesn't, lake after his namesake. Jack Sharkey, in being cocky. He is Just confi dent that after the night of September 22 he will again wea; the crown which rested upon Jils head for seven years. Perhaps his confidence is not without reason either. Jack fought the ex-marine w-hen the latter was at his best and he' was at his worst. "It will be a different story when the gong rings in Chicago." said the ex-chatrrjilon. ' "In our last fight, (ene was fresh from several tough battles while I had a long lay-off. This time it's Tunney who has haft the lay-off and I have n fight under my bell "I kno Tunney can't hit hard enough lo knock me out. That was proved at Philadelphia. And when I get paf his defense he'll go down fpr the count." It might be nolbed that Demp sey didn't say "If I get past his defense." He said "When Z. PETERS TEACHER OF'mUSI(J' Accredited by' the State Hoard of iMlucnlion I'i.ino, Violin, Itsnjo, Ha -waiiHii (ttiilar atii! tither lir tiiiiiif-iits taught. For information and part! tulars leave your address ,ir pheno number by calling 4.M-V'r 11:m REACH PGR THE TELEPHONE AND CALL ',408, We Will. Come at Once! Klamath Cleaning , & Dye Works 431 Main f &m kf' r-j X BIT OF PlAY :- WITH "JERRY THE GEflK L Speed for Tunriey 4- . I get past his defense." There's no doubt In bis mind that some time during the ten rounds he will get air opening. "In what round do you think you will knock him out. Jack?" I asked. "I can't tiy what round it will lie." he responded. t "That would sound too much like Sharkey." Dempsey is in excellent condi tion now. The cuts above his eyes, sustained In the Sharkey battle, have practically healed. He has gained about seven pounds, weight which he ex plained will come off again as soon as he goes Into Intensive trilning. His training here consisted of road work every morning, fre nuent go'f games, gymnastlu end occasional workouts, all with a view of speeding his work with sparring partners. Jerry the Cretk, his trainer, keeps a watch fu( eye on the "champ" to make sure he doesn't get down too fine. The .Manassa Mauler already is la fighting trim. All he must do MlUTftRY foHri.ASU. ii:io-i Si -livlrn, .Mall rUiMW, swrrfal erlJap. .rt-t 4I-. elellar. seljii .s...i.s.. ..a sssl inMsnso:, iilaJas chsisrfailr Mat sa s. ' A.Y.D. - (At Your Door)' - - ' I ndustriaf Supplies. PHOXE 871 Standard' Pyers and Cleaners Odorles Cleaning i Oiie-Day" Service , Expert Dyeing' 1409 Esplanade St Phone" 825 watch repairing i HERE '1 year guarantee on all . -, urk GEO METZ JL-vVKLER 622 Main pavcnrisc; iie RIGHT roR GfcNE k. stay there, and Improve his speed all he can. In another few weeks, fight experts from the four corners of this 1'nlted States will start pick ing the winner. I'll cast my vote now for Jack Iempsey on the ground that he is about 400 per cent better than he was in l'hl adelphia and also that he knocked -out Sharkey, a really good fighter. 4. jfr-o-.-'v--, ., . '$.istU4H Tlie Ileal Siufh American Chinchilla: In ' no way i onrttl -with the- so.,-alied chln ihllla rabbit. There ate only- two capttvo herds of th Ileal Chinchilla In existence.' ' Facts: The Ileul Chlnchjlla la nntlru' to . South America and Is practically extinct. It, took) six yt-ara wl'.h a band oi experienced trappers u- ruirttirV twelve anjmals. There lire less than 125 ileal Chinchilla's In captivity In tint wtirld. On." nf the only Irn. herds Is In Oregon'. Tbelr fur Is the most sought after, the most ekp-ehslvn. and by far the most beautiful In. tlm world. Pelts .bring' from Ko to 2.10 ch. Wraps, of Heal Chrachllln re-, tall for 130,(104. lo 110,000. . , This animal n the easiest ot all animals, to ralso. ,Tbey are 'vegetarians. Three Chinchillas consume . no m'urf ( food than one chicken. Can be raised In small space. ' No disease or parasite Is known to them and they live lo be 30 to 35 years of age. They breed three limes a year, producing one to four pups to a litter. The young breed when three' to four months old. ) . - , - 1 A money making opportunity Remarkable surrms has been achieved during the, last eight years in the breeding of Chinchillas. Today there la no fur bearing animal in captivity that can rival the Heal Chinchillu us a money mnVvt- . , Three p-'ople own all the Real Chinchillas In existence In caiitlvlty. It can be easily seen that the world stir-., ply must come frtm' us. When yon flgnre the law cost of feed and care, the rapid Increase in herds, and the high market price of. pelts, you can readily understand why new nrtunes will ho made in this new Industry. " " ' .1 geiil. c.p'iKirliinlfv' Is open lo yon,' If you will only Investigate the pn.l and liituce of this i are noliiinl. Write tnilny for tlie cmnplwe Hlgn mid mull Hie ronxin Ix-low: ' The Ileal rkinfh American Kur KiiMii's, Inc., All .Morgan lliiilding, Portland, Ore. I I , fientlcmen: I'leasn send ma full Information In accord ance wllh I lip .subject checked . below. It. In e-prossly understood that this request places mo muter no obliga tion whatever.' J Hlory of the Americanization of the Chinchilla lltisinesH possibilities of Iho, Chinchilla, Very truly yours, , Xi'imp. : '...'. Totvu - .Mali Htlilress STANDING OF CLUBS TODAY - (ST I.KM.I H :V, I., IVr, Ou.klaui! HI 6s .til Seattle ... m S .577 Hint r'riiiii'lsio . . Ml liK .&M Cortland Tl V6 4'l , Su' laineiilo 7S ". .191 I Hollywood lit) St lt.i Mll..h 7 t(l l.oa Augelea M sit . SHU NATION Al, IKVt.tK W. I. IVr t'hlcago 70 41 .lilt rillshnrKh . . .. . 7 47 ,6; St. I.oiiU .: .. . r7 4S .bK I New otk 7 61 .&;:i t'lncinnatl !t till .:! lloHtoii 4S 85 4:1'. Ilioukljn .. 4tt H'l .4 IK I'liihKielidila . .... 43 71 .ail'i AMKIIIf.W I.KA.I'K W. I.. I'er New York hi 37 .k Detroit IIS 4K Wushlnatoii tit 62 ntVi I'hiladelphl 63 .641 4 -hit-two 65 ti . -euUtid 61 x ,4:vi SI. l.ouls 4H ti ,41 Huston :H 1 .:iok Dter Nuisance at West Lake Resort So ru.ttiy deer wander un and down the plue anil brush covered slopes of the Cascade In the reg Ion of Cherry Creek and Skv lakes, that they are almost a nuisance, according to Leslie l'eyton. Cherry Creek haven Mr. Peyton reported Ihnt part ies to the Sky lakes hid espied . many deer, and that he hail seen several Sunday night. (iiirdcns , nt the haven have been virtually destroyed by invnsltins of deer. Tim wisdom of the older gen erntlon was In doing what the younger generation is doing be fore it did them. rtrs. Pbonn 11 .- Klamath' Falls Office Phone 11H3 Mclhasa llldg The fur '"int t4nlun'il in tin uoi-lil. - AT a VJ -vrfc ,-' . t . - Beavers Pound On' in Climb; Take Another (lit' till' A huh hlllfl Al .Sueianii'iito live Ills III the ncioii'l I n n i n k save I'orllnnd 3 runs whUh tiiarnnteed the ion- lei. I to Hi, on, ti to 1. Siorii ineiitirs only score tm .Me LiiuKlilln's liouie run mer the' , left Held Wall III the (lllh. ' Oakland c iplured the oietilnx ' KMtiio of the set leu with the llol- ; liod Stars 6 In 4. with hits hull, lied in the first, seventh and ' eltln h IiiiiIiik. A rally III the seventh IrhUm . gtivv Seattle u colllesl IlK1 lust the Seals, with the final score 7 to 4. j The Missions mid Los Auaelcs , ; uere Iruvi'ltUH., ' ' i There ate ll o iii 1 1 1 1' nut I ' 111 i ' South Dakota, says un Item In '. the newa. Hut another story r. , pl'ihts II with the headline: , I'rohllHtlou .Most Krfectlve In South Dakota : r; . . ... .. . : j.1 Our Own French Pastry Ask for' it when , you out with tw Wo do till our own ImkiiiK KoIIh Vic Cnkt's Club Cafe GLASSES Fyti rjtfti(v4, Fmcl an l ilk . Claiuct (iivuihI tuu( imn i.utiry to )uill)nt ,. Broken Lcnsci Replaced DR. COBLE'S 7 OB MAIN rnrir RtpMii Sirtiit Road Oil Our Hystem In fioniedilnf Old H Cam Washed ' Motors Cleaned Vacuum Cleaned (is We call for and NEW SYSTEM llsplniifliln Correct Dental Work . When you come'to mo for your dental work you will be axaurrd of proper workmanHhip nt a just and reasonable price. My lint of gatisfied patients i.i Kroin( daily. You, tin, will b plentied with my service. Free Examination's Given DR. R. D. COE Hopka Bldg. ' Phone 836 Roofing NOW IS THE f IMfi f Or PUT ON THAT NEW ROOF. Do not wait, until' further rainil and iold weather set, as roofing can. not be laid to best advantage except in wferm weather. We have a complete line of Johns Man sville Asbestos Roofing as well as. their Rag Felt Roofing on hand. We also have an experienced r'bof.' ing crew ready to apply new or re pair old roofs. Call or phone for , estimates. Do Not Delay! W; 0. MILLER Construction Co. 6tli arid Commei NUT Joe Jarkxin ass fees. ' a news dl-lmlih "tvs We don't kIlOW Ithout tllo lee., hut ll" sure needs cotill.el. i Tuiiliey tickets, Hit, rliwslile! America Is n Jren roiiiilry I. ded hv llin Indians and hounded hy'lhe sciillo'ia. "llllnoN cities sWaiiip flahlers with offers' ('Miami, II seems Is a hodv of laud entirely sur roiindeil hy iralnlni lainps. s s A iiiIsh Is as ijo'kI ni) tulle. Ilui U oiir lona apiiioiuh slops ui ur the rim rdite - who's iioltx lo holler? Caser& Mei(6h 4 ' the Printer i i. nay the ptirpnW of thl simp h not mort'ly to tcll printing-! hut to hilp'you Hell nioiv gorilla thiotiRh printing thut hoIIh. Phone 183-W 121 South Seventh Cleaning Net anil Usttrr than thn ind Hystem I'oll.bcd Ktpert ;rcaslnf t-Yea Crank Com Rervlra and Oil deliver Phone 606 AUTO LAUNDRY nnir Mnln' ' 1 - cial , .Pliohe 78 i if j