Ulilfty Library Comn. um. Orecon '. . '. ,-iQ ,sj,3 ,, wr.tTiiKR RKmn? OREGON: Fair tonight and Thursday. Cooler In tha Mai portion tonight. Humidity baluw normal. . Moderate northwest wind along th roaat. City Edition The Old Home Paper' Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Price Fivo Cents KLAMATH FALLS, OKE., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1027. Number 6113. mm T P9 Sf 1 N III mum JUNJ INFURIATED MOBS II IN CAPITAL I Paris Takes Stock of Damage Follow- ing Execution i PARIS. Auir. 24. (AIM 1'nris wan taking slock to day of the dnmnirc wrought by infuriated radical in an orgy of destruction lut night 'after they were luf-ili-d in uUcmpta to stage demonstrations agiiiiiHl tho execution of Siicco and Van jsctti, on tho treat boule vard and around the Am erican embassy. It In estim ated that before the dis turbances were brought to an end by ' heavy storm noon after midnight. thotis andH of dollar worth of property wan wrecked. Police reserves drnv I ho manl fnatants from Ihplr mealing places earlier In Ilia n Ik )( . Thar regrouped al various points wall uwny from where tho poll vara concentrated, ooinhly on tha boulevard - HehastapolrT.-ln. "la Mont Mnrtre aecrton they war augmented, th police say. by largo proportion of Apaches uud underworld character. Windows Smash-! On I ho way Ihry anisahrd aloro window. acnlterltiK nr plllnglng Iha rniiieiila of ahnp. At He haalapol. In tha absence of Iha police, they had everything their own way for a tlnia. They wrecked tho largoal grocery amra In Psrla, than raised Inir rlmd of rnrta aad tnhlpa. and used canned good aa mlaallna llh which to pall tha pollre who rushed up In nulo truck. The patrolman aoon alnrinad Ilia i Continued on Page 4) f Trospcct for LargetYield is Good; Spring Wheat Disappoints NEEDED OR CORN CROP I'OUTLANI), An. !4. i The weekly Oregnn crop report luaupit hy the weallier bureau to dny aaya corn I doing wall but needa rain where not IrrlRaliHl. In the enter n pnrt of the alnle Ihreahlns of winter when! la completed. In tho caatcrn part hiirvent la prat'liriilly flnlaht'd utiif tho yield for tho alula will dniihlleaa he Rood to excellent. Harvest of aprltm whrnl la under way hul the yield tn reported from Mime aeellon la rilxnppolnt Iiir. Ilepnrla on the rnndlllnn of on la continue favorable. Ilurveat of barley n eastern aectlona ban aj lieRiin. I'lcklnR of penra, pencliea and pin ma rnnllniiea. Home aim acnld nnil activity of wornm ro- ported In llorthoin . declloiia. Home hrnwn rot In prunea, hill n nnrninl crop. Flight to Rome Again Postponed CIM1TIS3 FIF.l.n. NKW YORK Aim. 24. P) Lltllo hope for n atari -on Ha prnpoand fllnht to llntiie wna aeen today for the Fokker monoplane Old tllory. Allhoimh ihn aim wna alilnlnn. Ilia runway at llnnaevell field 'a allll aoKRy from overnlRhl rnlna and It wna not believed It would dry nut sufficiently be fore nltfht In pormlt hopnff. GAS STATION LOOTED; ONE MAN INJURED MF.DFORII. Ann. 24. (41 K M Alioik, acrvlce atutlnn opr ulur liar wii xlioi and wounded lust li Ik til hy two tinndlla. Th' pair mum In tha aervlc alutiori In a iur and ordered anma oil. aa Alcock entered tha station, a bandit fnllowi'd III mi and com manded "Stick Irm up" Alrftrs hoallnli'd, uud Itiltt Ilia rubber thi'l ha needed lh moni'y. Tha sec nnd man then entered and hrtii qucly di'niundi'd tho rah. Alrn.-K compiled, und a h walk I'd away, waa ahoi In tha hack of Urn hi-ad. Ha waa told to kn.'ol down In a rornar, and keep till. Tha loot loiala aliout lliti. Alcock was token to a hospital. Ilia condi tion la not anrloua. 1'iillra hire today w.-ro kaap ln rloaa lookout for tha two hlKhwaymrn "who hold up and wounded a aarvlia alntlon opi-r- alnr In Mod ford In hi nlnht. A loni dlainnra rail from Modtord alilhorllloa Kara a cood ilomrlp lion if I h'' liandlt. FIRES STARTED " BY LOTING 45 Blazes Ignited in Three Days in Southern Washington I'OUTI.AXP, Ora. Aug. 14. I A. P (- r'oraal flr.i flaiitliiK condl llona wara linprovad In tha Co lutnliia foraata and In the Olym- 1 plr. ald n-porla today to iha ll'ortland otflta of the foraat or 'lee. but llRhtnlnK alorma wara rraatlm a aarlona mannre In Iha fhclin dlairlrl of tha Wanatrhea foraat. rinlly llnhtnltiR alorma hva aet 4 5 flrea In till foreat In Iha pant thrra duya and 30 amor Kanry icuarda and lookoula have h. ou put on Iha oh. A "S-arra flra la humlno' In Ilia IJinh I'nlo protrillon foraat In tha Cliolan ri'Klon nnd OS men are flxhl ln It. In the north wont ndire Ihnn inn (lira hara haan ael liy Hiihl n I it li alneo Friday. . (CoullniiPd on I'aea Flra) N orris Boom Gets Under Way; 5,000 Committee Members LINCOLN. Nah.. Aue. S4. (AP) A Norrla-fnr-prealdent commit tee of five thoiiaand. In proreaa jof omanltntlon and the announce- ment that petition to place the name of t'nlted Htatea Senator lipoma Norri on tho republican ballot - In Nebraakn. would be filed aoon with the aerretnry of atnte were political derelopmenta In Nehrnaka, mado known today. Rotary Officials I To Attend Meeting , j, At Longview, Wash. . 4 r -John r. Iloyle. prealdent of Iho : ISotary club, and Paul Landry, i aerretnry of tho service club, j plnnned today to leavo for Lonr ivlew, Wash., whore they will meet In annual aesslon with prealdenta i and aecrelnrlea of Kotnry clubs jof the northwest. Uphold Stand of I Governor Fuller I MIuni.KSIlOUO, Ky., Aim. 24. ! (AIM Meaiilutlona eniloralnx the action of (lovernor Filler of Massachusetts in not grnnlliiR rlemeney to Bnceo ond Viuueltl were adopted todnv by tho atnte 'council of Jtmlor Order of l'nl- led American Mechanics. Prefer Homo to Hluiio ! NKW YOUK, Aug. 24. (Pi From the singe Katharine Young : Wilson la lo head straight for Poverty Hills and domesticity .when she become Mr. Ulrhnrd ' Unrlltplmcss, If he tins It right. "She doesn't want tn be half 1 nitres nnd hnlf wife, but juat n I wlfo," he anys, hul hn doe not I know Iho color of her eyes. He thinks th oy ro green. PRIZE HERS OF LEAVE JSLAND Reception of Two Flyers Cordial But Not Cay In Honolulu IK.Vf I. I'M'. A-.-l. i!4. Al') Aitluir ;.Im'I mid l.leoienont lutl, ' p Pl tin I linl..il i rr aNitlii'l. of ilio jt'rlnni. Wool ' nriM. Mhlrli niMiy: won flrt prlr In tin lio'r r.ira fr'in 4Hk- Innd to Honolulu, turned lownnt Ihr lionielnud atfnln liHlny ufier triumphal wiH'k In Hawaii. Although Iholr raiapilnn here haa tiean moat cordial throiiich jout. It lacked murh of Iha aplrlt 'and aaleiy that markad tha ra- i apt ion of Hmllh. Ilronta. Mail In nil ami HeReuhercar. who aoma wei'ka o nudii Iha Irlp Juat for iha alory of It. Tlila dlffi'ri'iiea In ih rarap tlona waa due lo Borrow m-raa- 1 loned hare hy tha dlaappaaritira j of tha tloldan Kacle. tha Mlaa Itoran and Hie Palki Spirit. I With (ioehel on hla ahlp Ifxl.iy jtoea hla prlxa wlunna plana .rarafully era tod and ailll equal I to nnny Ionic. hard journeya. Corbel aipr.la ro renin In In San Franrlaro only lone rnouKh to 'parmit tha Wool iroe to ha aet tip aitaln at the Oakland airport. .That dona ha will lake off for flover field. Santa iftinra. fnll j fornla. ! tVlehrnllon I'lnnnnl. I (ioahera movamenij afiar ar riving at Loa Anelea are a far ' undiilarmnrd. but It I' known hla home town. Hollywood, where ihn onre waa a ninrla attint filer, jla plannlnK an elaborate recep tion for him. He hopea to go to Kan lllaao, he aaya. and may 'alao no eaat. Lieutenant Davla jhoiea to aerure rxtanalon of hla eac of abaanre from the navy In permit him to vlalt hla home In Atlinia. tia. It la known iha two fllera aland to win upwarda of ;.'. nno aa a reanlt of their trana l'nclflc fllnhl. Thl Include movie and other rontrnrta. Joe hel aald tod.iy that Lieutenant rtnvl la to ahnrn half and htUf I Continued on 'Pace 4). Chief Executive Of State to Pick West Point Cadet 8ALKM. Ore., Aim. 24. (AP) Ciovernor Patterson has been no tified that ho la to hare the no-, lection of a candidate for en trance tn the I'nlted State mili tary academy at West Point, the applicant to be a member of the Oreitnn National Cuard. The pre liminary examination will be held some lima between November 1 and 5 and the- entrance exam ination will be held March 6, 192S. World WarVets To Meet Tonight, I Initiation of several new mem . bars tn be fallowed with an ent i erlalnment la scheduled aa part ' of the program to be held hy j Veterans of Foreign War who meet tonight at their headquart er In the hnscmrnt of the court house. Visiting member In the city are extended a cnrdlnl Invitation lo attend Ihe meeting: which will convene at 8 o'clock. Poison Fatal to Egyptian Leader CAIRO, Egypt. Aug. 24. (A1) All tho government, office were closed today, owing to the death yesterday of Zagloul Pasha, na tionalist lender and prealdent of the Egyptian chamber of depu ties. , Heath wa cnued by the gen eral spread of poisoning as the result of enema of the ouler'enr. filils Alrlglil ATLANTA, Aug. 24. (P) "Tile girls may wear exaggerated cloth ing," any fllshop Wnrren A. Cantller. Method!!, "They may even misbehave a little hut I inn not believe they are fitndn- mentnlly wrong." Dole Rescuers HOP 'ti$&.- FOR im m MURDER -ai- Tli. lr plane donn over the I'nclflr In a toll apln aa they aousht to flv In a rfHcuc trip for other miliir llol,- flijcht plane. ( nplaln Jtlll Krwin, left, ami Ilia natwialor. Al Klchwuldl, in turn beeame ine.ohjlM'la or llie ocean aenrrn oy inr i. n. nary inn mercnaui iiwIh. Ilrlow la llielr plane. Tile Dilllua Spirit. 122 3-4 Acres of Klatnath Spuds Pass First Certification Test; Second Examination in I Week Another Iouk forward etep, to ward perfertinc the Klamath po tato industry ha been taken with Ihe word from O. It. Ilyalop. chief of the farm crops division of the Oregon Agricultural col lege, thit 122 acre of Klam ath potatoes ha pant the first of the three eed certification testa. ..Mr. Hyslop will arrive from Corvalll September 1 to aubject these field to a second lift. The I bird test will lie made of the actual product, the poialo. aa it lie in the blrls. Following I a list of potato acreage of Klannth which ha passed Ihe first tint: Jackmnn and Oraflon. 36 14 acre; F. V. Myers. 15; S. P. pph linger, 3; J. A. ohnson. 2 : Will lllackman. 12.T: J. K. ("rav en. Ihree-lenlh of an acre; t!. V. Dohllnger. 10; t'.eary Ilroth er. 4: Carl Dehlinger. I'k : Har old Dohllnger. 13; Ira Orem. 20; Henry Semon, 12. Neck Kent Spuds. lertlf Ic.itlon Is lo determine what spuds can be certified for seed purpose. The work Is bulng carried on for the purpose of Member of Land Settle ment Group to Jour ney to Lake l'nder the leadership of Leslie Roger, chairman of the land set tlement rommiltee of the rham bor of commerce, . group of some 2!i or 3(1 local business men will leave this city on Sat urday morning for Crater Uike jto meet members of Irrigation I-.. I . I . ! . . ....,.. ... I. M-lll null 1 i-vin lulu 11,11 ihwiiii, n ,m, n, be guests In this city until Sat urday evening or Sunday morn ing. . fc The Itinerary of the commit tee sails for their arrlvil 11 1 the like some tin e In the forenoon eomlnr from Bend. The visitors will b,i brought to Klamath Falls hy .no local business men and n dlnn.er In their honor will ho given here on Snlurdiy evening, Cose to 41) will ntlend dinner. A nn in her of Port land men are (Continued On Page Eight) PLAN GREETING! OF .COMMITTEE Lost In Pacific n . establishing in Klamath a local ecd supply not only for the reason that such anion la a more economic and mutually benefic lul practice, hut also because it la firmly believed by authorities. I hat seed potatoes from Klamath are of a higher grade than ran be shipped Into thl country. Three testa are taken to de termine whether field are rated aa certified. ' Three Tenia. The first test Is taken during Ihe early growing period. If the disease in the field I below a certain point. It passes the first leal. A second anA aimilar test I taken of the potato fields when Ihe crop Is approaching ma turity. The third la taken of the potatoes from the field that have passed the first, two tests, to determine whether or not the tuber was suffering from disease. "It la almost certain that out of that 123 arrea there will be some certified seed acreage." C. A. Henderson, county agent, said thl morning. "That la the noxt goal toward which grower should strive to create our own seed supply. TODAY'S RESULTS NATIONAL l.fUfil'K Piltsburgh-Iloston two games postponed: two game tomor row and Suturday. First Game n. H. E. Chicago 10 0 Philadelphia 7 13 1 Ilalterios Blake and Hart net t; Ferguson, Bush and J. Wilson. Second Ciamo - H. 11. E, Chicago 13 22 0 Philadelphia 17 1 Batteries Jones and Gon- lales; Sweetland. J. Scott. De cutur and J. Wilson, O'Donnell. AMKItlt'AX I.KAIil K Score B. H. E. Boston 3 1 Chicago 4. 9 1 Batteries Ruffing and I Ilof mnnn: Blnnkenshlp-and ('rouse. Score -. rf. H., K. Washington ..' 1 '4 2 Cleveland 7 tl 0 flatteries Thurston, Braxton, Yunnltyno and Rucl; Miller and ;l, fck'Woil, POLICE SEARCR YOUTH COUNT Body of Mother Found Buried in Basement; Two Shots Fired CIIICAtai. .Is- it. (AP) cltargo of nintrlclih todjiy pur sued 2 1 ear-old Hurry Hill around Clilrauo aa plana went ahead In his home Ins of Ktrranr. Ilia., for tlu funeral of the uifrtlier lw la arrnel of luiv- liiff alaln. Yonng Hill "The Fish." they call him In Streator because of gambling and apendthrfft habits for which his mother was said to bive upbraided him was shown to have been lu Chicago Monday night spending the eve ning at a friend's home. From there the trul disappeared. Huatuind Kluda llody. Dr. H. C. Hill, a well-to-do Streator oculist, was responsible for dlacovery of the body of Mrs. Hill from whom he had been estranged for seven years. Learn ing that Mra. Hill had not been aeen since August 4. he asked officer to accompany him to the home In which she and her -on lived. In the basement they came up on newly laid bricks. Digging, they came upon the body of the 55-year-old woman. It was clad only In undergarments and there wert? two bullet holes In the head. Mrs. Hill had been dead about three week. On the back porch wis found a pair of young Hill shoes and on them was (oand 1T.1v such as that in which Mrs. Hill's body was found. Gambling t'nosc. As a motive for the slaying officers pointed to several gam bling obligations H.ll bad con tracted. They said that a nee Au gust 4 he had been living at a Streator hotel, explaining that hla mother waa away on vacation. A bank was said -to have cashed several checks drawn by Hill against his mother's account, ac cepting his explanation of her ab sence.'' Princess Plans to ' Join Two Aviators In 3,000 Mile Hop LONDON. Aug. 24. (tf)A dispatch to the Evening ' Star from Bristol says that it has beep learned that a princess will go as a passenger with Captain Leslie Hamilton iad Colonel F. F. Minchen on their- projected trans-Atlantic flight, which Is scheduled to start tomorrow. "This Intrepid woman Is the Princess Lowenstein-Wertheim. herself almost a pioneer in avia tion, for she made long distance flights before the war." the dis patch said. "For nearly 3.000 miles she will keep her lookout from a rane chair that has been fitted Into tha fuselage of the plane." Suspect Gypsies Of $300 Robbery: Held by Sheriff I SALEM. Aug. 24. (,P) Two 1 big touring cars, and their or- cupants,. who were gypsies, were 1 held for three hours at the city hall yesterday afternoon while Sheriff Taylor of Lane county came from Eugene to Investigate the wanderers and find out If they were the same gypsies who I were wanted In Eugene for rob bery of 1300. They were not. so after their detention they were allowd to go on their way. General, Aged 66, Married to Widow NEW YORK. Aug. 24. (API Major General Robert 'Lee Bill iard. U. S. A., retired, commander of the second army tn tho world war. and Mrs. Elln Reirf Wall, widow of Duncan Wall of Phila delphia, are to be married today. General Rullnrd Is 66 years old and Mrs. Wall 62. BLAZE RAZES FAMOUS CITY OF CHALCEDON i CONSTANTINOPLE!, Aug. 24. (AP) -A huge fire In Scutari, I the Astatic suburb of Constant- j Inople. ramourtn Byiantlne his tory aa Chalredon. "the city of the blind." his destroyed the moat picturesque and more Turk ish district on the shores of the Rosphorua. The fire which started last night, destroyed about four hun dred old wooden latticed houses and drove two thousand refugees to the famous Scutari cemetery. celebrated for Its cypresaea. where tbey encamped. . Tbe refugees took shelter amid fallen tombstones and .'were sup plied bread and water at the order of President Mustapha Ke mal who watched old Turkey burn from Ihe oloa Bagtche ' palace on tbe opposite -shore. Tbe loas waa estimated at 1,000.000 liras. The origin of the fire waa at tributed to an old woman trying to burn out wood buga from the lattices in the windows of . her shack. F TO Second Try to Dynamite Bridge Frustrated By Good Luck PITTSBURGH, Pa.. Aug. 24. OP) The Pennsylvania Railroad made known today that a second attempt had been made tn de stroy one of the road's bridges, a quantity of dynamite having been found under a span at May view, a suburb. Several days ago a small explosion- at the same bridge led to an investigation and the finding of three quarts of nitro glycerine. Tbe dynamite bad a wire and percussion rap attached so that J a train passing over the bridge would have caused an explosion. ! the railroad alatement said. j The Pan Handle division of the road, on which the btHiJge Is located operates in the soft coal district southwest of Pittsburgh. Corey to Address Bar Association of . United States SALEM, Ore.. Aug. 24. (AP) H. H. Corey of the public service commission will leave to- jday for Buffalo. N. Y., where he will speak before the convention jof the American Bar association I on the question of state versus ' federal regulation of public utill- ItlM Ralnrnln ha will .Inn a , Chicago to attend a continuation of the livestock rate hearing be fore the Interstate commerce commission. State Engineer to Retire Next Month SALEM. Ore., Aug. 24. (AP) J. T. Beebe, hydro-electric engi neer for the state public service commission tor the greater part of the last seven years, will quit the commission In September to j become Salem district manager ! fn .ha nHrtn.U..1lllni, Waf er Service company. This Is the company that re cently bought out, the Salem Water, Light and Power company, and which has 'acquired poss ession of water service utilities In a large number of Oregon and Washington cities. Special Election Held October 18 SALEM. Aug. 24. W-Th speclnl election In the third con gressional district, comprising Multnomah county, for the elec tion of a representative In con gress to succeed the late Maur- lea V fpumnai'Va, vlll hn halil Tuesday. October 18. Thadate' was fixed by Governor Patterson vesterdnv in an official writ ' after he had conferred with Multnomah county political leader. The writ, according to the constitutional -provision cor- . arlrfir tha casn. In dlraelad tn Iha sheriff of that, county, ATTEMPT ID BUM 40 SHOTS FIRED BY MEXICANS Florence Anderson i "Seriously .Wound ed;" Late Report - WASHINGTON. Aug. 24, (AP) Florence Anderson, an American citizen, wait , "seriously wounded" when the train upon which she ' was returning to Los An geles from Mexico City was attacked several hun dred armed men at 4 o'clock yesterday morning. 15 kilo meters south of Acaponeta, Nayarit, Mexico, the state department was informed today. 'About focty shots were fired on the train, which was being operated by the Southern Pa cific Railroad, the departments advices said, adding that IS other persons were . reported either killed or wounded. Miss Anderson received a wound In her left: side. . . ( . Mlaa Anderson was the. only American citizen Injured In th train attack, out, oL, a party of 11 American aboard, the re port said, ', . . , Cpon arrival at Mazatlan, Mexico, at"9:4S a. m. yesterday, she was taken to a hospital where she was to have been operated on at 4 . p. m. yester day. Hospital physicians re ported her condition as "serious" since the Intestines appeared to , have been perforated. , Immediate steps were taken. N by the American consul at Macal lan to Inform Miss Anderson's relatives and telegraphic repre sentations were made to tha governor and to tha military ' ' authorities of the state Navarit. (Continued on Page 4) KELLEY, WILLOS EIN COURT. Legal Moves to ' Prevent" Execution Brought Up By Attorney SALEM. Aug.. 24. At the conclusion of arguments yester day In the : Ellsworth Keller; habeas corpus proceeding, attor-' neys for Mrs. Estella Kelley,' mother of the convict and peti- , tloner for the writ, asked leave,: of the court to file brief In, the case and were given until Thursday noon hy Judge Mc-' Mahan In which to do so. After the filing of this brief the state's attorneys will have : 24 hours In which to file a brief it they desire to tile one. This means that the decision 6f ' Judge McMshan. granting or de nying the writ of habeas corpus, cannot be reached probably be fore Saturday or next week. , , M Tha petition on behalf of James Wlllos for stay of xe cutlon pending a mental exami nation of the prisoner will prob ably he argued bofore Judgo Percy R. Kelly at Albany to-,' morrow. High Official of Standard Oil ig Visiting Crater E. S. Harknesa, high official ef the Standard Oil company and n director of the Southern Pacific, railroad. Is spending several day at Crater luke, enjoying the geolo gical and scenic marvel. Mr. Darkness who waa at Iho lake yesterday saw the Jewel of the C'aacade at Its best. f