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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1927)
Tnowlny, August 2.1, 1027. v EXECUTION OF 2 RIOT CAUSE (Continued from Jiug uuc) ohi rlttrii ralda (iii mill luii pi, tur. theater Iut A mer it a u films wvrc living shown; film of Duug In Fairbanks. Mnrr l-lckrorrf ' nnd Norm. I " troyad In Ihu streets; 35 persons Wuro Injured. A lino M Hewn was posted ' that 111 I wo tiivu ha, ivtuallr been executed, a crowd In front . of newspaper office In Buenos , Ainu, Argentina, began alunltiK I'nllnd States commercial nous., Only wild tin, aid of reinforce, menta wvr Ih (i pohi-t able to 4 UUcll Ihli,.n To tli. air.liu of ih. "lied IL K l)Mrh'r- r"u K. WIht, flag" and' shouts f h,, .n,!.""'"" ' MrCarl. Ilufua J. Ile.u vauivltl nuiHt ut ill.," a pro. ' "M"u' "!". - rcs.lonnisr.lud Into III. ,l. hi ' ny lv,n Hu"vU- 8 ' Umdoti thla morning. Thie la Uo"' iHrU.J. It. Hcumouii Ih. wide thoroughfare In ' Win. l. Ilura, W. T. W heal. I or Buckingham, and aa marchers neared in. peine, mounted po- i ico scattered thitn. arresting a uumbvr. Tlioan who look u.n In lha demonstration annarnnilv ! wrt man and women who at-l1""' r"" "" I tended a gathering In Hyde Park n","",r ' x!r- ,-r- " w"j laat ulghl. wh.r. It w. in.1"" ialJ lo imi In Ihla en -n Bounced that If ilia two meu woru put to drain, a naa demon. tr.- tlon would b. alased Tumi,, ..lor, a Kir I of iiivmorlal service, be ginning In ih. aft.ruoon and la.( lug Jltltll o'clock tonight. A alronc 'tiiard waa krpl about lha Anivrkrau ruibnaay In tandon and moitm.d pnllra and luarda vera In ' rra1lnma In lii'llhlxirlua yarda aud .nrloaurmi. Tli. Auurlinn rnibanay In I'arli and Hum. Ilk.wla. wrro h-ally guardd. , I'arla hi, .rl (i.monalri llon, but at.ady lain k-pt Ih.ui within r,aonllo boaiid 8 treaty niriulxri nf th rontmuu Ul parly wjnl In lhi Amarlran rmlmmy In an rfforl to with Hhrldon Wllltrhou., lh American Lara, d'.ff.ire. Il ' rona.uled to receive a Ivw of ' them and tiny preaenled a re.o-1 friends on rout to Keattle where lutloo urging that a final appeal . he will locate. Mr. Palm baa for pardou bo aent to Washing-1 ' een realdlng In Kan Franclwo Inn. j aim leaving Klamath Falla Communlat In Berlin and other i where he waa employed with Vlr Gernian rltlea attempted to stage gll & Bon In lha furniture buat nianlfeatallnna, but tney were nusa. auppresaed by the police. Home diaturhsne took place I-efi Fr TaromK al Stockholm and Gothenburg. I Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson Sweden. At the latter place the bo spent Ih past few days hero pollc had lo charge the crowd s the house guests of Mr. and when It tried to reach tho Amerl- Mra. Arthur Wilson hava left can consulate. - for the north. Dr. and Mrs. Wll- At Montevideo, Uruguay, and son are the nephew and nolce of Asuncion, Paraguay, laborer Wilson of tho Wilson Ab atopped work, Iher were nojalract company, taiicau or busaini nnd no news-' papers. th. printer" having Joined the -wrote.! eirlk. POUTI.ANlTore., Aug. J. (41 The police gun aquad mide a hurried trip to a downtown cur sor Inta la.l night when a re port waa -telephoned lo lha sta tion that IkIiI or len nun weru yelling that lb bull. Unci would bo blown up aa a result of tho Barco and Vanuttl executions When the po'lce arrived at thn acene the greup had dlsappe trod A tragedy Indirectly connected with the Kaceo-Vanmttl case oc curred yontnrdny. near Arlington, whore Milton Baker, who was acting aa a guard at the John Day railroad brldgo wis killed when bll by a train. The Oregun-Waablnglon Hall road and. Navigation Company placed guard at brldgea In caatorn Oregon lo prevent any act of vloh ii' o. Association Will Discourage Long Distance Flights WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. (41 An enrly meeting of thn contest committee of the National Aero- nautical Association lo ranntjcr saVp to discourage long distance stunt flights la planned by 1'or-1 Irr Adnm. president of Iho asso-. elation, who relumed to Wah-!f8; Inglon today from a vacation In New England. "All the contest rnmmlllro can do to provent a recurrcnr of Iho Dole prlin accidents," Mr. Adnnis said, "la lo refuse to snno- lion any event In Iho tin to re nf a stunt which doea not, on the fnce of It. contain element; for Iho advancement of aviation commen- . I. l 1. " auniiu won iho linn iiiiwm i M.MtTHA PAMIHOX Martha Jamison, wife of Albro Jamison, pussotl away at her lutn lesldnnce on Prospect avenue at Hm-Kent Btroet, on Tiiesdny morn ing nt 4 o'clock, following an lllntiss of seveml weoks' dura tion,, In addition lo her hus band she Is survived by n son, Clnrenca A. Mitchell of Marsh fluid, and a daughter, Mrs. Kilns Von ' Blckla of Marlines, Cali fornia. Mrs. Jumlson wna a na tive or Missouri and had roacliod tli age of 66 yours at th lime of hor passing. Sha has resided In this county for 'nioro than 60 years. The remains nrn In the slumber room of the Earl Whltlock Fun eral Homo, Pine aventto at Sixth, whure friends may call. Tho futiornl arrangements will be an nounced Inter. ; Obituary . -v BRIEF NEWS -OF KLAMATH l-,,r' llllcre Kollowlng la a list of tli. for eign rara registered at III. A A A booth of lha chamber of coin more, on Mnndiy: II. II. Perkins,' C, O. Holme, Oourg , Kay, ' H. L. Itolhwlck, C. A. I'ylHnr! j A. II. Il'.ustln, 11 M, Pheglo, i K. llnlf, C. L. llarrla, Imw Kll i n.y, Pru K. Clark, Mr a. K. M. I. antvrinBn, Clyde L. Uuthiie, I iiinroiu miver, i-crranns n. isie. Leave fur r-'ullertiia Mr. and Mra. C. Lear of Fuller ton, California. r.'nmiM o- Inl I"01" after ullindlhg III Monday afti-rnoon. Mr. and Mra. ' mane iP '" " Mr. and Mr. Ilalli llrre . Mr. aud Mra. I-ouln Hath aprnt tha day her ti.itlng old friend. A remarkable action anot of C. M. Mclaughlin, of Indm. dlaplay enroule north to Portland and 1 nX extratrdlnary form at thn UrltUb national diving meet. nvattle on a pl.a.ur trip. For the pant ervrral year. Ibry have been loiated al Newport, tall- fornla, where they were In Ih. garaa. bualneas. They have dl- poaed of their Inlereaia In the southern city. For many year. Mr. and Mr. II. ih readied In Klamath Falla and ar known lnv many of lit older resident of Tn Nebalem Timber and Logg- h. iDnca Stales aa pr Klamath county. 1 1" Uompanya logging campa on l ornier Ite-hlcnt Mere Hurt Palm, formerly of Klam- 'h Fulls, vl.lled her today with I llet urn. from I'orllanil Ml. I'earl lllclui. arrived home thla . morning from Portland whero a he spent ih pnat fort night aa the house gueat of Mra. Paul K. Kvllor. nco Francla Hum phrey, 7 Markets BAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 23. (A. P.) Butter fat fob Sin Fran claco. 4 Sc.., NKW YOUK. Aug. 21. (API Dried fruit ateady: hope easy: late IS and 4&; Hate 1956, nominal; Pacific coast 19!. 20 and 21; Pacific coast 1S:&V15 and II. PORTLAND. Or., Aug. 23. (A. P.lWheat: II Bll hard while, hard white Bluestcm, Baarl. 1.1.1; Northern spring, 1.32; Federa tion. Soft white. Western while. Hard winter, 1.31; Western Bed. 1.2s. Today'a car receipts: Wheat n.y 2. BAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 23. (AP) Apples: Kings, l.itf and j 1.7b; pears, Bnrtlelt 1.00 and . 1.2S large lug; number 2 60. j i CHICAGO. Aug. 23. (41 . Wheat, September, open 1.41 high 1.41 3-4; low 1.404; closo 1.40 C-l lo 1.40 3-4. I December: opes 1.4G 3-4; high 1.4s; low 1.44 H; closo 1.44 3-4 to 1.44 7-8. I March: open 1.48 3-4: high 1.48 34; low 1.-4 ?H; close 1.47 7-8. CHCAOO, Aug. 23. 4) Wheat No, 3 red 1.42; tio 2 , 1, 1 1 H. I l, I u.m ,,11 ti ii ,.,.. Corn. No. 2 misled 1.11 3-1 ii 1.12 1-4; No. 2 yellow 1.13 Vi tfl.ll. OntH No. 2 white .48 10 50: No. 3 whlto 47 H 0 49. Ilyo. No. 2. 1.00. r Hurley 75 1f 1.00. Timothy seed 3.00 0 3.75. Clover seed 18. 76f 20.75. .Lnrd 12.50. Illhs 11.76. Bellies. 18.25. Wheat closed yeak 6-8 lo 7-5 nut loss; corn 1-8 to 38 hlghnr"; out 1-8 to 3-8 up and provis ion 5 advance to 15 decline. r 11 : f National lagno. Chicago-Boston poslponod, ruin. fit. Louis 13 17 3 Philadelphia .1 3 11 2 Rhurdel and Q'Fnrrell, Bchulte; Scott, Decatur- nnd Jonnnrd, O'Dnnnell. American Longue, , Washington-Detroit postponed, rain. THE Form And How! r. V HaX .1 fJekalen Timber WCnaten i ITTXOKT Company tO Opetl " . . r . Logging OH t tfSt ' I'OTI.AM). Ore., Aug. 23. OVl Ih Nebalem river which have hoen closed down for th pa.l montn aue to me nr nasaran. '" 0Dn fu" forc on September 1, employing approximately 476 men, according lo Information ro- reived today by John T. Doug- laa manager of the Columbia river loggera Information bureau, Th Beaver Lumber Company of Preacolt started operations Monday after a shutdown of sev- eral weeka. Two hundred men ar employed at th mill. Indlanapolia Star: The nolae of puulca us about European pon tile growing corn la likely to tics la that the left party la so muffle th falul echo of those often right and the right party Low den bonma. ao oft on gets left. Here is the Secret oS Making DelicSoti French Fried Potatoes THE secret lies b Mazola the absolute! pure vegetable oil pressed from the heartj of fully ripened golden corn kernels. Mazola reaches a high temperature without smoking and thereby seals in instantly the mealy flavor of the potatoes. When ready to serve, Mazola French Fried Potatoes are absolutely grease less. Once you try Mazola for frying you will never o back to the old fashioned way of . using animal fats. 1 And, liketnillions of other modern house wives, you will prefer it fcr shortening and salad dressings, v This recipe is from Ida Bailey Allen's Few Book "The Modem' Method of Frej utJig Delightful Foods" see coupon below. J S' forniJt Iruh potato) Salt Ma;oU . Scrape and par. th. potatoc and cut lengthwise Intd long atrip, about itxtei h to a potato. Rins., rityon a towel, put inal'ryina h.let and plunr. into, deep Marola hit enough te bai .( ! t of bread in a mtmite and d hjl!', iJ!3 dcreca 1-, Lu.i;n p.ipc.', uui with ko,t and mcvc J-. a uh this cei pen and -ou will recc t lW 'IsBail.yAiltn'twondertulnowBoc I A j f 'vni, cncdininu 112 rCM of ui 'iH.eViK II V'f" TMhiuen tl."M Compin ,.r. r'tt I 1 ttati ei fraut Ulds-.' iAt I." wo :II10 ; a i-'- . ' Tm c.. EVENING HERALD. i Business Outlook J Fair Hoover Says I WASHINGTON. Aug. 23. Of) A summary of business conditions) commerce aeparimcni aiuaiea. , convincea mm. no aia 10- day. that the outlook for Amere can prosperity during th next five or six months Is "very fair." "Of course economic prophecy' la alwaya deriged about .with ! doubt and difficulty." Mr. Hoover aand. "Hut notwithstanding, the 1 outlook for th nations business J for the next five or ail niontha la . very fair." ' Charleston Dally Mall: What I - - I-i33ir or coin jam iT JrlV 17 TOT y If - : :' only n - u r . . . ! v-ith this c,M;pcn and ou will receive a copy of Dooh, eitracriven unuraai recipe. J KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. n ri inn n n TERMS Budd Learet Tocy fori Inrpection of Core true- I v . tion of Line . PORTLAND, Ore . Aug. IS. (A. P.) Tha bead, of tha twp trana- continental railway ay.leijie that for the piat tlffee ycari. have been endearorlnie to our-dianenv- er in. owht in .ohi n nni fui Oregon, wera 1'oVtland vlillora 'od- ' ttalph Budd.' pr.wldent of tha Oreat Northern rafJway. arrfted today from bla tacatlon In north- woatarn Montana. Wn. Bnroule. present of tho Bout hern 'Pac.fle company, r- rlrad Bundiy nlglit. Mr. Budd expreaaed agreement with Mr. Sproule'a atatement yea- terday that tha rival roada bad virtually reached an agreement on matter pertaining to the Klamatb' Falla area nd that a atatement would bo made aa aoon aa all th detail bad been dla- poaed of. Mr. Budd will leave tonight for Bend and will apend tomor- i . f I t. if&yXJ i-&rJ.i'j- .. .... .. .,; . . ... ,1 1 r v NO more Ie to buy no more spoiled food to throw away constant automatic refriger ation that guards against the dangers of tainted foods. These are the advantages that Frigidairo brings to your home. Frigidairo Is so low in price, so economical to operate, so necessary as a protection to health that you can no longer afford to bo without it. See the new low-priced Frigiduire and get the reduced prices on other models. Call utourdia play room today. . (TRIG I DAIRE) 601 Main St. P R O D V C ! TOW looklDC orer Ih. cnnatrurtlon prngroa ann'h r,f lli-nd. Hupirt Haum-r. who with bla brother, Kcvncth. ronpr lha ' i tli in ,f Inivr Tlrnihar. ira-t.;r in ' bara. of tha con-. airyttlon aoutb of Ilend. ild Ibat triuk lay Inr wnnld bcxln aa aoin aa itoel la di.'llrared. "Thrr la from flv to a'ltM mllea of grade ready for track now, and we ahall be able to Kiwn pretty rioae on-the hee'a of lha grading outflta with the , rall Mr. Haniier raM the. wera WOrkln on a arbedulo of about ,wo mlp a diy of rradlng and , (hl, ,h, prrl,n, r(lU of prorrra" r:nif(i lo th mmn'etlfin of rrndfl ,bont th, midd! of or- tober. Development of tha Creat Nr?bern'a terminate at Klamstb Fi I la ha been held np pend'na; rfhe working out of fnrher track- pre arment with the South-i ern PriClflc. The Grant North- Vine 11 KUntlMg em la to n.a Ho-thern Pacific trirk from Chemult to Klamath j " Falla. . I PENDLETOX. Ore Aug. IJ. - While neither Mr. Budd nor ' (Jp) Th Indian baaeball nino Mr. L. O. Oilman. r1r-reldent , from tha Umatilla reservation of the Great Northern, would an- will compote In th annual ath- thorite any announcement nf ar-' letle meet of the Union Pacific rangementa at Klamath Falls, th 8yatem at Provo, Utah, on Bep- Telegram today aaya it la under- tember i and and will play atood that tha propoaed I.'nk th winning Union Pacific team. river entry Into th city Itaelf It became known her today haa been displaced by tha r-,wben the Indian began mak- . l-t i n. - W you .can FRIGIDAIRE SALES E. T. Hunter, Agt. T O F G E ranrmnnl tn wn thmnvh thu Itv In. on tha Routh.rn Hncllle track. , tha north. m lino being givi n the prlrll.ra of ohtalnlnc lia rlral rcin-:'Pr Irackj to reach tha lndu- In trtea north of Klamath Kulla that would haa twen ranebfd by the Link r!r routa. i Tha Great Northean will nana thronrh the Southern Pariflc'a terrain il property and awing westward acroaa Iike Evrauna on an aoo-foot trentle, to a 2uo- acre tract, where It la under- irviam ivrminai win ha tarai.'l Whether Oreat Northern pnv aenccr tralna will turn northward again aftnr cronalnir the like to tho alrerily acquired alta In tha c ty park, or whether other paa- aencer atatlon arranxementa are In proapect haa not been dla- cloaed. i lf.t.ll t ' ' '. . il . I AND SERVICE have l Ohio ' j ' ' I" i "d ' ' ..'Ml,,. ' I . '" ' "-( I ' . i t Phone 618 JY E R A I nnnirkllniM fn. thl t r k In Hah In full tribal rrfatla. Tha Indian learn will bo com poaad of tha Bam a mambar thAt . roipnily formed lb India ifm r tha Illua Mountain load. Leaving For Ruartrurg " Mr. and Mra, M. 0. Rarla at- roct to ruturn to Itoa.bnr with-10 I In tha near future where they will make their future bona.. . '. Wall Street Journal: Molca governmnnt derlarea vlolatlosa of alien rujtnia mora art rara. Aiao ' - ' F!fty-flr per rent of Holland' windmill, bar been demollihed j nine. a menaca flltra. Probably too great . f roar trana-Atlantle ' :U II. H. HlATT UPHOLSTERING Now in the time to tiuve your new overstuff set made,, or your old one made over. We have a full line of samples. Come 1 in' and see us, or Phone 258-J 23 Main St. Klamath Falls, Or. -ml . .. A sat 4,.) L . i "lt t - I- .i. VI" MOTORS