- .Moiulav. -AutfwU22. ! 19S7. Pn?e Six TIIE F.VENIXG HERALD.. KLAMATH FM1&. OREGON. - --"-t - -- - 1 - j " -- . : - - " -: . . ; in -j ii i '. i , They're neck and neck in the last quarter. The News and Heralds's great $6,000 prize race closes Saturday, August 27 at 9 p. ni. ? .4 Motor Cars 4 Radio Sets Cash awards will be given away. Six short days and The News and Herald's widely famed $6,000 Prize Campaign comes to an end. AH of Klamath Falls and the surrounding ter ritory ere waiting, watching and wondering and hustling for their favor ite candidates. The .candidates are seething with the bustle of preparation for the final rush. All are determined to help their candidates fight val iantly through to victory. Excitement is keyed to the highest pitch. Riding on the , wave of this wonderful demonstration of enthusiasm are the ambitious candidates, candidates from every point of the compass, who are exerting vigorous effort to capture the beautiful prizes the $1515 'Buick Sedan three other handsome enclosed cars four Radio Sets two $75 Cash, Awards two $50 Cash Awards. From all of the districts is gathered the storm of votes that will be showered upon the campaign of fice the closing days. v . Study the new. schedule carefully. Note the liberal addition in votes given on new subscriptions. It's your last chance,' and it's sure one way to victory and a big prize. - . Present indications point to a hair-breath finish and it's certain the Cap ital Prizes will be wan by only small margins. No one candidate can appear certain of victory, and there is abund int speculation as to the outcome. This last week will decide. It is only thoss who rise to tho occasion and main tain a stiff upper lip, brushing aside obstacles that may' arise, who have the best chances of winning the big prizes. It lecrns to be unanimous, this per serverance that is characteristic of candidates, and this final week will un doubtedly witness the most spirited battle that has ever been waged, in this . section. ..,..' The race is too close to bank upon any possibilities, and there are too ' many people interested in each 'candidate to insure anyone else an easy vie- tory. . Over-confidence loses one a battle. Relaxation at this stage of the campaign is suicidal to success. ..Determination to win, coupled with relent less activity in vote-getting, will make a contestant a winner. There is.no time to hesitate. What is intended to be done must be done NOW. To temporize is to let s'o'me candidate sweep ahead and claim the prize that " would, have been yours. FIRST CAPITAL PRIZE $1,515 Buick 5-passenger Standard Sedan, purchased from end on display at Buick Garage, 1330 Main St., K. F. JHtb.) ' : THIRD CAPITAL PRIZE $965.00 Essex Sedan, purchased from and on display at - the Acme Motor Co., 400 So. 6th St., Klamath Falls. Important Notice 'The votes as they appear today will remain unchanged until the final count by the judges, except in the case of correction of errors that may exist. Every can didate should he sure he or she is listed in the tight district. " If you are not enter ed in the right district, notify the campaign manager immediately. Every candi date must be entered in the proper district in order to share in the distribution of prizes. Also see that your name is listed correctly. The News or Herald will not be responsible for any errors unless notification is given. Ten Per Cent Cash Commission will be paid to all active non-prize winners. Under the Rules and Regulations in the original announcement of the campaign in The News and Herald an active candidate is one who turns in subscription payments each week of the campaignt from the time, of his or her entrance. Final Vote' Schedule . . "Showing the tremendous vote , value of ' NEW subscriptions during the last week of the campaign (August 22nd to 27th 9 p. m.). This schedule .Is positively final and Will not be changed. It is the only schedule that counts how, and supersedes all previous1 schedule," except that votes on OLD subscriptions are the same as they have been throughout the campaign. Votes "on NEW subscriptions, as shown below, are figured as equivalent to 70,000 extra votes on a $20 combination, thus complying with the original announcement. -,-,..,... i Read These Final Instruc- ; dons carefully. A't matlri,f caution, and to guard against the possibility of loss to candidates during these days of the campaign', final instructions are herewith append ed. All candidates, especially those who live in ter ritory; witsidei of Klamath Fahs, should read and weigh every line carefuly: "i;i i., mltttnc malled trcm " n "hould be mailed snecial deliTery to Insure their reaching ua in time H ill lMn.?.tt'dV Klamath r11 BnJ ltd to nail intafJS -ciowi. PreC,Ul'0n to nnd ont what tlme Ptomce 1 Un. 0?nafo,!.l.OTedA,ho P1"':'1"" ' "a'l'nif your sulwcrip ttons np to Saturday Auguat 27. 9 p. m. Thin gives you the 2&H t'-tofcwk.,,lp to -t Wut.. mVndlaS roi lTTZXHi!hZ yUr PofficeUorc K amath Fall.. Ore. Thl. will In.ure abaolui; accuracy "nd R,Pre1!? 8ny ,eUera from 80ln5 "r"y. B sure uae Special Delivery sump on all ml , , J n,?m4n '.ur Iote ba"0' 8 carefully and see that the cor- li,P ,1 0t .haTe been saea oa am- Pa' Krtlrular attention t3 oallou MUed on aecond paymentn. and he ure that proper remittance and roten have been credited If there - are any corrections to ha made, notify the Campaign Manager in peraoo ar In writing, and return the ballots for proper cor rH'ion. The campaign department tll not be reHponaible for -SfH t.,f';0rL,,J"e8 uotlfltatijn la iveu- whereupon correct nun will be tirade. j ..MlInd!r n" c?ndltIo will votes be transferred trora One-' '.candidate to another, Thl. is an absolute rule and will be strictly enforced. . .. , ' ' Ev,e,ry, nsTlptlon turned In '"will be verified and' no pritesi will be awarded until this Is-done. AH votes secured 2. . u, u,'9criPtlonB turned in as new will be cancelled. switching' will only result In regret and disappointment Be sure that your subscriptions are-marked correctly. , - 7. Second payments must te marked as such en the re inittance sheet.; Also put down the amount of the first "pay ment so that proper votes may be given. i 8. All remittances sent Into the campaign office after Wed nesday, August 24, should be either postal money oTders. -x-press money orders, certified checks, or drafts. Only bona fide Subscriptions will be accepted. No sums of money will be ac cepted the names of subscribers to he supplied Inter. Every .subscription mQut. be accompanied by the- usual remittance sheets, profcrly filled out. -.'-ABHA'TKLY NO MONEY WILL BE KCPCKDED ON 8UBSCKIPTI0NS PAID IN DURING THIS CAMPAIGN. . 10. Prcmpt acknowledgement will be made of all subscrip tions and remittances received from candidates. If you' ii Hot. rceolvs prompt, acknowledgement o' sutacrlplions and . mil Unices you st ud In, ba sure to notify tba campaign manager Immediately. , . - Rates for News or Herald NEWS or HERALD Hy Carter in Klamath Kails Five Four ' PRICE NEW Team ....$32.50 27,750 Years 26.00 201.000 Three Years .. 19.50 138.260 Two Years 13.00 HS.600 One Year . .50 37.750 Six Months .... 3.50 17,250 Vote . OLD 160.000 110.000 70.000 40,000 15.000 5,000 Combination Rate , for Both Papers NEWS AYD IfEHALD Hy farrier In Klamath Kolla ' Volt TRICE Five Years ....!. 00 Four Years 62.00 Three Years 39.00 .Two Years 26.00 Ono Year 1.1.00 Hlx Months 7.00 NEW 687.600 442,000 316.500 201.000 H5.60O 37.600 OLD .160.000 260,000 180,000 110.900 40,000 15,000 New or Herald By "Mall TMtrMa Klun'iatli Volls ' Votes Five Years Four Years Three Years Two Years .. One Year .. Six Months ' FftlCE ..$25.00 .. 20.00 .. 15.00 .10.00 .. 6.00 .. J.75 NEW 237.500 170.000 112.500 70.000 29,600 13,625' OLD 160.000 100,000 . (0,000 ' 35,000 12.000 4,000 News and Herald It) Mull OulBldo KlamatU Falls VotM Flv. Years . Four Years . Three Years . Two Years ... Ono Year .... Six Months .. PRICE .-$60.00 .. 40.00 30.00 . 20.00 10.00 ... C.50 NEW 615.000 3X0,000 266.000 160.000 70.000 31.250 OLD 340.000. 240.009 160.000 ' 00,000 36.000 12.000 SECOND CAPITAL PRIZE $1,005 Chrysler "50" Sedan, purchased from and on dis play at Howie Motor Co., Esplanade and Pine Sts., K. F. ' for Economical Transportation FOURTH CAPITAL PRIZE $849.00 Chevrolet Sedan, purchased from and on exhibi tion at the Chevrolet Sales & Service, 522 S. 6th St., K. F. DISTRICT PRIZES Two $300 r Stromberg-Carl-- - son Radios Two $150 Stewart-War- - ner Radios 'JS mi mm Two $300.00 Btromberg-Carlson Radio Rets, fully equipptMl, one for each of the two dis tricts, pnrhaHd from and on illnplay at the liarl Bhepherd Co., 607 Main street, Klam ath Falls. Two $75.00 Cash Awards mm Two $150.00 Blewart -Warner, Radio sets, ful ly equipped, one for each of the two dlslitcts, purchased from and on dlnplay at tho Karl ' Bhepherd Co., 607,. Main street, Klamath Falls, Two $5d.00 Cash Awards Two $75.b6 cash awards one each of the two dittricU. for Two $50.00 "cash awards one 'for Standing of Contestants DISTRICT NO. 1 i Comprise all torritory within the city of Klamath Falls, Shipington and Pelican City. Dorman, Wm. J ; 860,400 Howard, Ju'anita ...810.625 Vernon, Mra. J. W '. 865.900 Moore, ,Vera :.;..890,500 Hoskinj?, Mrs. J. E ;......V860,450 ..Foster, Mra. Walter ..: ..881.675 Martin, Mrs. Jack. Pelican City a.897,575 Edmonds,' Mina ...895,725 Druchb'u, Sophie ....890,260 Jones,. Mrs. Wilbur 891,450 McEwin, Marie .....896,675 Torrey, Mrs. R. D. '.. ...89&S400 DISTRICT NO. 2 . . ; CompriHcs all territory outside,.tho city of Klamath Falls, Shippington and Pclicun Midgiff, Mildred, Algoma Bunch, Marian, Ft. Klumalh SkeenT Meda ,K. ..j t Bi'oWn, IVfrs. Arlene, Merrill Andcrsqn, Mrs. Francis, Dorrls, Culif. Kclkar,' Kamilla, Malin ......i....... Dufort.JMrp. J,'.0.. Chijoauin t, Wait, Mrs. II. W., R. F. I). . ................. '.Daniel, 'Mrs. Cf M., Bonansca Puckett, Jessie, Keno Barry, Josephine, Lnkoview llanan,; LpuiHO, Paisley ,.:..( limits . City. ,863,100 ,.668,375 .'769,450 .880,725 .857,875 ,892,500 809,775' 894,700 '867,000 ,855,250 899,750 474,500 each or the two diUncts.