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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1927)
Mumlny, Aupwt 22, 1 027. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Tafia Flya' DUILDERS''HO an. WNERS-mOE .rr,,- MS 1 ME U BUILDING LOANS Disappearing Mortgages 'Just Like Rent Mil Ion fell want, elmpllfy borrowing on ri ite; at lb san Urn sonuj rr the li.uuor and 14(11 fur Ilia borrower. Call and lt u explain fully. t insurance Department Wilson Abstract Co. General Insurance Loans Bonds Itiuno IflO R. E.- WATTENBURG 7i Sash Ii SjSoiS.A,1 kindl' of Mil,wo,'k' Calilnct .Work nnd Euilt-ln Features In'one 1316-R AIIHTIl.UTH AN OREGON CORPORATION Chartered lo lu a Gnueral A bat rail and Land Tills Iluluca. Our Certificate end Corporal Seal Cuarunto Accuracy. ABSTRACT OF TITLE COMPANY of tioiillicrn Oregon . Mid Main V. T. Price. Manager Tel. IIOO I AIIHTII AITH "IVi-wim! hrr(.T" TITI.K IXKFK INt'K till . a. i ITS L.M'U a.. I a.- C jjgfc.-rM H. E. ROSKAMP, Builder I'honc 57: Brick, Tile and Concrete Building Construction of ell kinds Commercial Buildings Apartments Residences Public Work; Etc. fcullmntn Cheerfully Kurnlnhed Philipscn : 8C Huls v Phone 293-W , 204 Main Street A jft. ao, jftfc j&m. j.a-a,k Aa, ja. j&a. a. A.a-.aAaaAA. ELECTRIC FIXTURES-WIRING X "SUN PROOF" PAINTS ' "WATER SPAR" VARNISHES . "BANZAI" ENAMELS R. P. OLIVER y X Phono 722 Show x Concrete Pipe for Sewers and Culverts All Also Stone Tile for Foundations and Walls Our Pip ami Stone Tile Guaranteed lo lns all Tust Require nients and Building hiiecidcntlona. v i'llic Itcnnonulile, Phono or Cull Klamath Concrete Pipe Co. AHil-W 1 80.1 Market HI. CHAS. N. COSEBOOM Building Plans, Specifications, Supervision 210-211 Underwood Bldg. ' Phone 6S4 Oil Mulu XI. Contractor and Builder und Door Screens IIouho lU'puil'S. 801 Spring St "lYnuiiuil H..rlV TITI.K INMI II t. K A Home Dullt of Superior Malarial and Workmanship will com mand a Higher lt-ole Valua. nome ror i ou 1972 Earl Street 7nrf rwrnV PEOTLK ay tlicy like to buy their pniut aupjiljeg licre bccniifto tliry 1 receive pxxl advice ulotiK with the 111 a trrihls. Of course, tbo advice is (;ivru only wliru wanted. Hut ojirpuiiit-acllini; experience La I illicit us many tliiiiK' that we ' lile to ln on to customers. Via liavc Dutch Buy white-lend and linseed oil for both exterior nnd interior use. Ami afull liue tf olli. r puiut supplies. Cuius In and talk with us aliuul palutlng. Patterson's Wallpaper and Paint Store ' Phone OSS-J Ci So. Cllt SI. ? t t ? T Ilooms 120 No. 7th St t C2 r- Designed by C. X. Cimebooiii 1 til modern liotrl and more bullillcg oo South Sixth street at Ilia corner of Oak street waa designed and construction super, vised hy ('has. N. Coseboom for Kdward Illabve, owner and man tger. The lower floor la occupied by Ilia I'uhllc Market and the sc ond floor by Ilia Hotel Illsbeo. The hotel contains thirty rouma and a commodious lobby. Building News Building aetlvltlva In Chlloquln art much In rvldenc durlnic Iho put week. The moat Important announcement coming from the office of Kred Poteron. county auperintendent of achoola. tell ing of the building of a K.00U (ymnaalum In tba neighboring etty within tha nair future. II. It. Perrln. local architect In tba llopka building, recently com pleted plana for In building. Mr. and Mra. C. V. Miller plnn to more Into Ihvlr new home on the Ijikerlow highway within tho coming fortnight. The home will ktuod out aa one of Iho mobl at tractlre In that particular dla trh't, aud la being built by Goo. I'eraon. An added feature to the beau tiful rllmn theater which la nearlng completion la tho dormi tory to be occupied by actor and actroe who appear at the theater. Twelve roonia, beautiful ly furnlahed will take in the apace Juat over the alage of the BigBasinLnmber Company KLAMATH r.ll.9 '. ' ' OREGON . Retailers a Regular Lumber Yard a Goon pi.rn to tr wk jwcm sf. ok the i,..r.GR stocks to kitt axy rrnsE. it is to toih .nrv TACK TO TRADE V.lltKK SKl.lXTIUNS AUK OFFERED. WE AIM TO CDXDICT A POI'cL.B TR-VDlXii 'ruCE. WM. H. LODGE, Manager i Now is the Time to Build BUILDING MATERIALS: Crushed Rock All Slxca. Sand All Kinds. Cement. Re-lnforclng Steel, SASH and DOORS . . SCREENS Klamath Cabinet Shop E. S. Robinson 616 Spring St. Phone 1434-W BISBEE HOTEL I lop floor. The niT.-l Man la I being tried out In the local theater for the flrat t!m ou the Taclflc coaat. With the foundation completed and the frame wnlta practically completed, work on the new Pint MelhodUt church la Doing runhfrl along In horca that It might be nearlug completion bofore the cold .weather acta in. II. R. Per rln la architect for tho new church, whlib when completed will rank aa one of the of lie type In no u thorn Oregon. Formal opening of the Pelican cafe In the new William build ing on Main and Seventh la. ex pected within the coming few d.iy. with tho placing of equip ment In full away. Mr. Van I Trace, manager of the cafe baa . nparcd no expenpe In farulahlng .the d'nlng room and grill with the beat furniture available. i v . j Till romlrg week-end will find tho Pattenwn Paint Shop torn- fortab'.y located In the new down town quarter on North Fourth at tho roar of the t'onco build ing. A complete line ot the latent I materials in wail pa;era and point will bo on display. t Mr. Jconlo Hum w!Il move In to ber attractive new home on Pine within the coming fort night. The home la built on the Spanleh type ot frame and con lt ot three apacloua room and bath. A unique feature of tha cottage la the entrance of brick which la made through the chlm- Truck For Hauling Lime, Plaster, W. D. Miller Construction Co. ,. . , General Construction concrete Building Blocks, Phone 78 Oth and Commercial DnPont Exp'aelves. HOLLOW TILE HOMES The home built of Hollow Tile is everything that a home should be. There is no danger of warping, cracking or shrinking to permit leaks ot cold air or dampness into the home. Hollow Tile may be finished in several differ ent ways. A facig of stucco or brick may be used, or the wall may be built with a finished wall of face tile. ' Hollow Tile the most economical form of per manent construction. Klamath Falls Brick & Tile -Co. 420 Main St. Phone 1017-R. Yard, Shippington- Phona 1017-W ney. ft. E. W'attenburg, local contractor, plana to bare tha home completed by September firm. Mr. and Mr. Albert May bare rent'd tha apacloua home of Mra. Hum on Fourth and Pine whlib they will occupy ahortly after September flrat. Renovation of the Krandenberg home on North Third waa atarted today by the Patterson Wallpap er and Paint Store. Complete re-palntlng and ro-decorating of the Interior of the bom will ! take aereral daye. 1 Mr. and Mrs. G. L Stebbina . plan to move Into their new home on Crescent avenue during the coming week. The boms u a new five room bungalow which waa built a few month ago by R. M. Smith. Bale of the prop erly was made through the firm ot Waiter and Barnhlael. Decorating and remodelling of the Patterson Vp-Town Paint iRhop to be located at US North Tourth mill be Blurted this com Ing week.- It l the Intentiona of the firm to have tho new lo?a kl Ion ready for occupancy by the I flrat' of .September. I Mr. Patterson will leave this I coming week for Portland wherj i he will purchase equipment for the new atore, with the intention jot making it one of the finest In jeonthcrn Oregon. . The borne of hollow building tile baa all of the phyalcal ad vantages necessary to make It a KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT CO (Reliable Abstractors since 1903.) ABSTRACTERS TITLE EXAMINERS TITLE INSURANCE! Bine Printing Fire Insurance 111 So. 4th 81. v ' i-hone 188 perfect hone. Considering theae advantage the one outstanding feature I that It I fireproof. Hollow Tils la a hard burntd clay product, mads In varloue sire, and having ons or mors void running longitudinally through It. It nmy ! mide ot urfa's clr. fire clay or Hhale, mlibb U finely ground, mixed with wa'er Into a plaallc ma and forced through die. . The atream of cly coming through the dies Is cut Into the required lengths. The plaaea are thor oughly dried and then burned la apeclally dcilgned kiln at tem perature ranging from 1700 to 2000 degree. It to thl extreme ly high burning temperature that give hollow tile ancti an enor mou fire rea!tlng property, ac cording to a bulletin publUhed by the Hollow Building Tile As sociation. , , Hollow Tile la Impervious to moiature. It moana dry, sani tary, healthful condition. It mean dry wall, eliminating re pair caued by dampnoea seep ing through. It provides much bettor Insulation agalnat beat and cold than any other masonry material. Dead air la the beat known Insulator axatnit tba pas sage of h'-at. and the hollow spa ces In the til wall provide tbla dead air space that makes It possible to keep oat the heat of summer, aa well aa to retain the beat Inside the bouae, in winter. Fuel billa will be materially re duced in the home built of hol low tile wall. I Conaldering all ot theae point. It la eaey to realise why It has been universally named aa one of the moA economical forms of permanent construction. t K. C. Pbilipsen of Phlllpsen and Hula, local contractor, la transacting bualnese 'a Portland for several day In the Interests of hi firm. Swimmers Drown In State Waters PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. IS, (AP) Dale Llonterber. 17, was drowned yesterday at Blue Lake perk when be sank suddenly while attempting to swim tj a, floaL TWIN ROCK8. Ore., Aug: 2J. Lawrence Anderson, 27, Portland carpenter, waa drowned yeater .day when be woe awept out in the eurf while bathing. PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 22. AP Struck by an auto while walking across the west approach ot the Burnslde bridge Saturday night, Fred E. Day, Sg, a watch man for the Oregon. Washing ton Railroad and Navigation com pany, waa killed. Industrial Electric Co. E. L. Hill . F. B. Bremer Electrical Contractors Wiring Motor Winding Repairs Fixtures Phones: Whop, TT1-W MKhl, 771-H New Location Cofer Building 7th and Walnut Ave For Vour Pmfectl'aj THE KLAMATH FALLS Plntlng Contractor Hlg i:-tn l.ntnher Co. Lumber Mullders Bnppllss Bottumiy A. Kt(rr (I'tnttl C'-ntracto' Browne. C. II. l-intln contractor Rutler. It. M flennrai CuntrHiioi Cain. R. R. Lathing and Shingling Cofer Bros. Cabinet and Mlllwork Drake Lumber Co. Lumber at Builder Supplies Ewing. L. C. Plastering Contractor Cloyateln, Henry Painting Contractor Garcelon, Chaa. 1. Electrical Contractor Graham. A. P. - building Material Gray, J. M. Plumbing Contractor Hanson, L. F. General Contractor, Fred Lathing and Shingling Humphrey, A. V. General Contractor Industrial Electric Co. Electrical Cor tractors lenaen, J. M. General Contractor For Further Information (24 California, PAINT , POLYCHROME ; The latest in French Mirrors . ' . ,.-s,: bee Uur Prices COFER BROS., Inc. - 4 Phone 389 Brick We Can Save You Money on Your Lumber Here are some SPECIALS Dimension Stock $17.50 Shiplap $17.50 4-inch Bevel Siding $10.00 We have manv other 'Items to how yon. Drive out and look hem over. We sell retail at price ' little over wholesale. ' Pelican Bay lJumber Co. Pelican City For Choice Building Lots ... See Waiters & Barnhisel Phone W6 620 H Main Su Fred Jordan z General Contractor AND Builder Phone 801-J-l Lakcvlcw Rt- HOWARD R. PERRIN Designs and Plans Commercial, Industrial & Residential Buildings 209, 215 Hopka Bldg. Phone 250-J Fmploy Mem hem of BUILDERS' .EXCHANGE JnTlv.t Ar'bnr plaaterlng Contractor Jordan Fred (ienersl .'onirafor Kl.i-niUli Cabinet Fhop CiiMnel and Mlllwork . Lakeilde Lumlier Co. . Lumber Builder Supplies k Hnlnes Plunitilng and Hheet 1ct:it McCollotn, Geo. .- , I.nmt.or - - -t Mlchaelion, Jobn Pa nting Contractor 1 Nelson, Lin General Contractor Pattorson. W. E J. E., . - Palming Contractors Pierce, Rsy Painting Contractor Porter Construction Co ,. General Contractors Roskamp, H. si. t General Contractor Sixth St. Lumber Co. Lumber 4 Builders Supplies Steven. W. A. It Hon General Contractor Swan Lk. Moulding Co. Lumber ft Builders Supplies Van Fleet. D. . Electrical Coutractors : .' Wsttenburg. R. E. General Contractor Westfall, T. B. . - Ci noral Contractor Call, Ray Pierce. Secretary Phone 10ZS-W GLASS windows . f".'i Right - c:?;v5 ' 1 220 So. 7th St. V Builders! Hardware Q Better Lumber Better In choosing the .Lumber tor, your construction work, Insist upon the very best which of course, means that yo'Jl. gwt it from the Lakeside Lumber Co. We enn supply your needs t any dimension or ' amount Let ns flgare on your next work. Lakeside Lumber Company 1 W. B. PEXWARDEN, Mgr. Klamath Ave. at Center St. Phono 128 "U It Can Ot Built Of Stone or Concrete Chas. Bennett Stone Work SpecUity P. O. Box 838 PboBj 801-B Klamath FaUa " f -J Plant More Trees