THE EVEKINO HERALD, KLAMATH FALIiC OREGON. !-" 1 - t .. - TTEN CUTTING OB BIG PLANT Log Being Shipped to A1-, goma Lumber Co. from i Swan Like ' .. 1 .. - . , I . Alice Maxah, who lives at Van t'l'I'KIl HWA.V LAKR, Aug. 20,'eoMer. Wash.. I vialtlng at Iho (Hixilul to The Herald) llr. .01- hunm of hor nunl, Mn. c. W. ti n. contractor, bo aeUbU'ihed N(illu, , M atnti IhM ll Artn....l hiIII l,.l.n 1.. ........ (. t.1.1..!.... U'lll ,ml I, bu.lly oul log for I ha Algotna Lumber .fltnpanr. :. . Frank King, who h.. charge of in.i.., .1.. ...r.. . i... timber -crealag opratlua for Ihn 'I I ' S t Time Place Any Any J ust Phone 7 8 9 For CAL'S TAXI i . ... Safe drivers Comfortable cars i li j l . : 'ii Courteous service Country trips ' and dance, trips a specialty ,v.::. . . . f i. i NOW is the time to Buy Prop in- Laiiceview, Oregon - ) and iIturas, California I Wo have business and res idence' property; acreage and sub-divisions; business chances. Wnfe F.aveiretley Realty Co. I -l j r iv, iiancviewi) vrc. :crssexr.iarsv' MOM POP UPME.06VfT TttAT SOuCit - LET M& IO 1 AfihNtO aitr. urs as II30AO CA7S PRQrr- 77.AE AUD AS A0 IQmS jjas'at ' roAXaver AM AS VVENT" 70. THE BACOaJ ESTATS- , By 1 I.oHK llcill Lumber rumpuiiy. v tW- lied lit Ilia John Nnulirrt home Fred Cullman nd son, C'ticm nr. acrrmipnnli'd by Arthur Fischer. Uiotoretl In 'tin AllKUln valley Hundiiy, where hy found wild blmklrarrlm In large iiujntltle. Mr. Oerber, of the Klamath I ti -1 lllin service, ltiaprlid iiiiw roada . Ih'Ihk liullt In I Ilia section, Wed-1 inula)'. N.ub.,rU..m..(..,,.x,,ll,.nt lrop 'of hay itrln nnr Klamath Falls. , Mr. Ilcn.lnger tr.ii.arl.d bu.l-1 'n.. In Klamath mil. Tbur.- ,i.u day. Jlr; flark. of Ilia J. II. Coll I company, waa In tbla l nlty ra eiltly. ,lla "old two light planla to farnara In I h la anrilon. Ioiili Htllaa la harvratlng an axcallanl inp of bay. A.Y.D. - (Al Tour Door)' . t.t i as, J ? Industrial Supplies WILL TRADE For Lots or Acerage 1921 Chandler 1924 Buick 192:1 Buick Several Tmcks. BUICK GARAGE lerty s -!-;' ) -rr. (I Jt' Alturas, Calif. BXCBP?- Q 7U.AT IS TMw B IA , II ) rani KSM J At the Pine Tree AT TIIK I'lVK TIIKK. Hi U Ctrl' IWertur In Wild Hou-h- I lliu "o M.ui'a, Law." Serpentina Hpilnxs, helling tiluri for I lut huniad. where every 1 wblsverlug shadow waa a warn ing, wua ruled over by a great, black stallion- of wild baauty, , running and deviltry. Near Ibla oaala In Heath Valley lived old u"h" w"h bU ''. . , ' ' ' ' ' , V' u'l " " h,"! ou" ' T!'!? L.i u'l faded iworalla. Diiiura waa lnr loarher, and . bar playmal waa (he wild borax, who altowad no olbrr bamia bring aoar blni. Nrat to bla mato. Lady, Toby waa I he our . thla. wild craatur moa liiodT )'l'a waa bla, to be guardad and prolavUid. One auurlao, two man aaw a llarb of whlla through lha tttf bruab aaw a girl polia oo a rut k, fly throusb tbo lr, f waco ful flguru, and Ibm aplxtU Into tbe cold watar of tba pool. It waa .Toby at bar- morning bath, aud tba. man .bad only the night before ,roaaad tba (lata border a lew li-apa ahead of the aneriff. Aud bar. at band, .were two prtaea to be bad for the taking a girl aad Jake'a gold mine. . . Hut thane two bad man reckon ed without Toby'a cuardlan. the wild here of lhundrln boofa: and Ihry reckoned . without .tbe apark of darenry that atlll burned unauaiiertlngly . Ja . tba aoul of Rpliler. O'Jiay,, wbo, , wh.le far from bulng a aalut. waa better man thjn Hharkay Nye- - , , purlng the twenty-four boura from . one aunrlae . to the. next there la enacted . a dimi between . ib four hu man .character . and Max.'. tbe wild bore. In "No Man'a Law." the feature .bowing Sunday at the, I'lne Tree theater. Uarbara Kent. Jaroea Klnlayaon, Olive Hardy and Theodore Von Eltx comprlaa the cant. "Como 'I'nto Mo" una tho pious widow In the church but ahe winked al tho old reprobate deacon acroa tbo alslo. - them are fine cook If live on salads and fudge. Legal Notices 81MMONS X)lt PIB1.1CAT10N. 7 Lota of 1 you can In the circuit vouri ou m, f Btato of Oregon, for tha County M of Klamatb. ' .' Louise Hull, plaintiff, vs. ltar f ry Bell, defendant. i "' i To Harry Hell, defendant: In tbo name of tne mate oi Oregon, you are horoby required to appear and answer tha com plaint, on fllo In the above en titled suit, on or before tha Srd day of September, .1927, that tx.lnr tho last uuv for such ap- nruaerlbed in the order of tbe Court for tho publication lot thla aummona. and If you so 'tall to apneas -and-nawer.- for I want thereof lira plalutltt will ap- i . .. . . ...... tmiy to tne toun tor mo roue. prayed for la her complaint. Tlx; A for tho dissolution ot tne bonus (of matrimony hrretofnro existing p bet woe n iilalutlfC ant) defendant .' upon tbe grounds of desertion by .4; you -of the defendant for more than one year last past and Im- mediately preceding the filing of pialntin a complaint. . Thla summons I served upon you by pirlilicatlou , in the. Kvc nine lleruld. a dally newspaper. printed, published and ot goneral circulation In Klamath - County, Oregon, for four saccesalra and consecutive woeka pursuant to order-.ot the Hon. A. L. Loaritt, Judge of tbe above enlltlod court. Dated: August 2nd. the first publication being tha Cth day.t August, 1927, ond the last pub lication being tho flrd any of Sep tember, 102,7. -., .,,1 , . F. H. MILLS. Attorney tor Plntntlff. It Looml Illdg., Klnmath Falls, Oregon. , A6-1S-20-27-S3 tiere It'AME"V)ISI'r 1 AE MASMT arisen ye?-- B0BSV B&CQM ASAECG T&U-AIM IS A6BS? V rn V I i n v . mr- xi Rattler Strikes 1 As Young Golfer DLm DW" KeaCtieS tor iialll' UI'LANI), tni:f . Aug. Z. ll'. P.) Donald Murk, ,17-year-old golfer, thought bo found a golf ball on a courae here. Hklrmlahlng alwut . In the rough, aeeklug bl loat ball he thought he bad found the clualvo jKiJInl and rearhed for H. It wi.n l a golf ball. The huge rat tlraoako. whlrb hii had graaprd, truck wlihoal. the anual warn- ng ana imoeniira lie in . inn lao a wig. war a tore loa nuiri from hla barg and Bull no. it lightly above .iho wound, an ac tion which doctor credit with tbe aavlug of bl llfo. All of whlrb Mark daclarea U one rea.yn.wby. golfer, abould' play the fairway, and tb. g rena , and leave I ha rough alono. Now that itumaaia. haa ala-' year-old muntrch. would 1 joti say a cat may play wltfr a king! Lepal Notices . . l ,J I MwHll , ' ; ' , Notice la hereby given that the pirtnerahip lately exlatlng be- tween II. D. Perklna and 8. t. dray, under the firm name of Klamath Borvlco Repair rom- pauy, waa ll"olvd on tha 21at day of Jo y J-927 by- mutual conaent. All debu due and ow- lag to the aald jartnerhip are 10 received by R. D. Parkins and all I demand, on tbe aald to mm ror payment. 1 na aa dress of the said R. D. Perklna la now: Care of G. B. Perklna, 1101 PTIero Building, 8t.-Loula. Mlaaourl. ' ' KLAMATH SERVICE A HE PA IK COMPANY. , . . Ily It. D. PERKINS. Eubecrlbed and sworn to before me thla 12tb"dav of August, 1927. ,.. - W. J.- LOOKER. Notary Public for Oregon. My commission expire 7-12-30. 20 NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR. Nntlra la hnrohv aivnti thnt tha rhllnmiln lllah Rrlinul 111.1 rlnf 1 will receive sealed propoaalif on lh Gonoral and Heating- Con-! tract lor. now- Gymuaslura llullding to be erected on the school property at Chlloquln, Ore. Blda will be. rocolved -In the ofUce of the County - Superin tendent, Mr. Fred Peterson. Klam ath- County Court House. Klam ath -Falls. Orpgon. and by Hen rietta Markwardl. Clork. at Chllo quln. Oregon, up to 2:00 p. m. Thursday- September 1st, 1927. Deeds Filed ' E Ilia bet h 8a bo to David A. Schati; Lot 6 Blk (0 Second Mot Spga. , .The K. D. Co., to Tho. Hef ner; Lot 7 Blk C Dixon Addn k. f. , . : Ella II. Rifo et al to Fremont Land company; Lots 3-1-5 and SE'iNW Sec. 6-27-11. .; . Harry Ninis. et ux. to E. '-IT. Jobnaon: NSWfcSW'aSWV. See. 20-28-11!,. . ,. ASM. MED NAME. '., J Park Laudscope- Co.. assumed by O. F. I'ulmurlon, 133 Grant St.,.. City. -r i -Vr 8ATIHKUTION. Joseph Morrow to. Vesta Hib-! bert. (duta sol shown.! , . ,( The American Natl. Bauk of i K. F. to J. M. Van Duyne: Lot' 4 Tlik 1 1 Falrvlew Add. No. 2. $600... .... . . , POWRS .OF ATTORNEY ' Thomas Frailer et ux to Geo, A. Stephenson. . Ella II. lUXo to Goorge A. Stc pheuson. - iA , PROIUTE. . , " . Estate ot T. J. Gibsou, deed.; William Gnuong, Attorney, appli cation filed. j CJKCI IT ttllRT. I M. J. Buslek t. .W. T. Thrash er: debt; Myers & Napier, at tornoys. Wrft Issued. '"' . " :' We .Are A U77L&VAD By E MAVS OP 7nAU6 rr--T-fVX Kk h proposal Is to be men in-1 allied by a certified check In the imoiiiit ut five percont tS7J . ' VUm and. aiHUl-atlon may Im- nbiuliiKl at tlie o'l'i'i o( How- ard It. J'urrln, 2t-2 1 5 llopka Uhlg.. Klr.ninth Falla. Uregon, on 0"poa;i or am uo, p The rlrbl la rea.-rvrd to reject ! any or all hlda. i 1 IIKXItlBTTA MAIlKWAflDT. Ki.rn.lar f I. II,... u In Itlrh ' 1 ...r. bchool DUtrict A20-22-29 CITATIOX, ,u. ..,. '.k.' of 0re(!Oa ,or. Klamath County. In the matter of the eatatn of '?'"'. ;". Plder and Mary Mildred Elder, minor. To all peraona iuteroated In tbo above entitled mate: P' ne.Biaie o, ra.nt , ordfV of -., nrilble Kred K. Coddird. )udge of! and entered AugueL 19. 1927. yon are hereby cited .and required to PPr In the court room o the win i lira cunrt ai iitiDiiiu i KaJla. Oregon, on or before Fri day, the 2.1rd day of September, i . - H. . .... i ... i. - - tptltlon of William (ianong. guar- dlan of the estate In Oregon of Jotm AbeH Elder ,nd M,ry M. irrd rM uitoon. that be be iuthoriWd and directed to pay 0TM. 4lj r,,oneys u hi haad as Iurb guardian, and all money wnU.B h. mly Matm9qaMliy Tt. wlM wch ga.rdian. to A'ma j I)un.Jlllf ttuenii gu,rdian of ,h, fMnuDt nd Mtale of chI(ir.n ln ,h(, 8tat9 ot ,h0nM not be allowed and grant- Wltnca my hand and the seal of uld fourt lhta. ls,h day of August, 1927. R. DeLAP, - X.'ounty Clerk. A20-27-SV10 NEW TODAY Hotel. 20tt FOR SALE Vl-troli.. Call ISJfc '. Jobnaon Ave. 20-22! 1 FOR RENT Office space In Wll- llama Illdg. . Ward & Dale, ,2 . xwauore., ,a aioin ca. - sv WAS'TKD . r.xpen oeauty pvr- ator. must be experienced. Phone 796. Betty Jane Beauty Parlor.' - , - 20-21 Ranch. Merrill. Ore. - 18-24 WANTED Portable sawmill out- 123.00 REWARD To party who fit to cut two million feet of can give information concern pine thla bit Write -Box J7. lag persona who stole fixture Herald.- - v - v 20-231 for -derrick from. A. J... Man- , ' nlng Ranch'. . .-4-i0 WAVTKIl Tn lt.aj t llflfl slieen ' on shares. References if re- quired. Box 455, Alturas. Cal. - A20-820 FOR SALE 2 4 -stool restaurant and card room, in connection. Am tired of business. Good lo cation, for business, 4th and 4 3 South Front St.. Medford. Ore. K. S.-Naknno.-, 20-22- STAGES TO APPOINTS ''326," New Phone Number New Reduced Rates New Location 8th & Klamath Ave. "The- Sunshine Route y i. kii-;...' , FIRE INSURANCE . W speclallr ln Irrigated farms and stock ranches. 18 years' .experience In connty. ' REED & REYNOLDS 10:10 Malu St. Phono 1003 t 1 6E6-TAEV MUST i, AAMS OTACR COMPAjy , I AiEVJEQ SAVrJ 7AAT MAM . IV3 kMES PAhSTS BEPOfi Teu. aim i ser , S AxeBBE a-i NEW TODAY WAXTKD llouaa aleanlna; by the hour. Fhone 197-W, l-2 , J OK . H l-K-Ono lUilatala tow. fruhlng. A. E. CreRory. Mld-I Imnl. Oregon. S0-22.l IfAXDy MAN want part , tlmn. work, day or tilgbt. Phone 794- W. 19-22 1 1 ' ' ' L". Ill IlL-VT 1 m anii... ....... . .. "tr-. "'"'y furnlabed. Screen porch. nae of baih-and phone. 901 Alameda. Phoa ttt-t. 19-23 KE.NT i-room bouae with bath t-nd gnrax . and wood- bid, 150J Sargent Ave. Pbono roR SALE Four acre on bin-: way . H ralle Mat ot AabUnd FOR SALE Learn .and furnl Normal Kchool. Exralleat com- ture.ot twelva-repaa.. boarding' merclal lite, itallroad faeilitiea. houae. Good location. 10& It"aaooable price. .Terms if do- Plum fit. 19-2S aired. Writ owner, Geo. Me arww, wwMMtiOawrwrwwrr)r, Donald. Rome No.. 1, Box 111. ! W i NTFn ' Aabland, Oregon. 20-22 1 i n rVn(l)I,U ..t. . 8TRAYED Prom my ranch- In California, buckakla team, both Will help pay expense. Ad halter on. Shod , In front. dree V. P." Herald, 15-20 Amrlr m.1, nrt fall. I i ' I ' Mar light coloi.masa and tail Weight 1400 lb, each. Please, nuiur f. tv. DinKti, jimiuiu uruen asa. a. mi pay p.". 20-22. FOR SALE Start. sport touring. Thla car ba not been mn for one year. Paint, upholstery, cut ta Inns, -top .just like new. 30i5.77 balloon tire, bump er, snubber. motometar, auto matic windshield swipe, spot light and disc wheels. Will sacrifice for qnlck sale. Ask for Failey at Buick Garage. . , 20 LOST AND FOUND T OUT rVna innnt harb Wire. Shafer. Phone 759. 19-H LOST Lady's gold brooch,-Ea! gle - claw soaped, witn tnreo stone aad aolid gold eagle in center. Return to Herald. Re- ward. 19-25 a-wai uiuk cuu uuuuu. buhm diamond In center on on una: ana sman amppoirv in wmur v. other. Return to Herald office and receive reward. j . MI5UfcLLAINt.UU5 Vyi . - I ' r. -.,.t-MI-v-,-TV n Ml BEST- OPPORTUNITY, to, get . llrst cTa-fftiJr cows: no calls. selllnc entire herd. Tbe Adam mt.irvv luaa.". . Floor waxing, house cleaning- and Janitor service. References. A. M. Rhonda. Phono 1056-W. .') -v.. - r. -.'107-26-tf AUCTION Furniture - Exchange anniversary sale, Tuesday, in- gust 16. and each ' Tuesday thereafter, at 7:30, p. m. J. E. and H-. Ralney. 23 X. 4th St,, Klamath "Hs. Ore. 13-20 For Sale Automobiles WILL TRADE r, A good .used touring car for lots or creae.. Clear, Jio -equity Buick Ga- rageT . v-.; 17-23 FOB SALE 7-paasenger CadUlac in aood condition, newly paint- LL ed. 3350, - by-bwcor. - Inquire IT .- Herald.-, -11-tf -' ' i ' FOR SALE Late model Chevro- let roadster; Just like new. Excellent ahape. fully equip- ped. Terms. Mr. -Rimer,- 715 Jefferson St. 19-23 vFOR ' S ALE FOR EALIf-Cook stove and two ' 1 . I --? t..M.K C. Ul-.a hesttera.a.727 Plumb St. Pbone. 686-J.-. 19-23 FOR SALE Pedigreed Boston Bull Terrior.- female. J. -'E. Sampson, Shaw-liertram Lum . bur Co. House 13. 19-20 FOR SALE Wire-haired Point ing Griffon puppiea from the , .headhunting stock in the state. ' Stora hunters and retrievers ou I sand, 'and water and staunch on ; point. H. Mlddletou, Midland. By Tavlor IT'S AIS meat down, ollance like rent. FOR S ALE!! I1 -. FOR ALU llouaobold '('. ture. 1761 Main 8t. i foil 8ALK Voung Holateln bull, ready for aervice. It Balr. Hot H7, Algoma. 1-S2 FOH. SAUK Bargain. practlceM D ivory bedroom aulte and two library table. Call 240-J. .17.50 IM rOR BALH Banltary eoacb, two mattreaaea, wringer and iMbe bouaabold articlaa. Inquire at 701 Delta t, , , i . , 17.20 Will KAI.K Mr anlira atorlc of pedigreed New Zealand rabbit. Price reaaonable. 1541 Wor- den Ave.- 19-2 WANTED A rid . to Portland. i bi r imt ictaaa necnaoic at. Merrll CaragA -- .15-20 WANTED Housekeeper and cook, muat be under' 40 year of age.- No obJcHlon to on or two- children of school age. Easy-plaoax coid bom- Yoar own boa. Phone 19-K. 19-20 WANTED Return load of fur niture for Salem or Portland at oac: Reduced rate. Capl toL Citr Transfer So., Salem, .Orv. 'I... .. .. 17-18 WANTED Return load of furni ture for -Salem or Portland at once at reduced rates. Capitol - City Transfer Co., care Eve ning Herald. - - l-3t WANTED 25 ladle and glrle to wia- iuv in -caan. pnte - oy setting tickets for the big opea- . ing nance at tne I air urounoa, Augnai 20. Call Fair Board ' toAlce. Room D, basement court ."hosrsOi for-partrcurarr.-er -phene 18-24 jraeatt . . : .-I for Sale -Real Estate , . , - room I house, furnished; garage, large lot,, room iq .front tor. good f aiza. residence. -Close, in , on y Mrnmniil . iflO Small .... ' - ' - ' 8enr., wkapoT'X.'tK 'ao. ' T. Bldg. 19 FOR SALE 100 .bare class A common stock, par-value 125 pins accrued Interest. ln New Service laundries. Inc.', owning . aad operating New City Laun dry, Klamath Falls,, and New Service Laundry, Eugene. Both plants In very good condtion, ' and stock well secured. -'Close A stock cumulative and pre ferred as to assets and divi dends. : Price- 82200 cash. 1 ... .-? , , , ; KEAT 4-ROO.M HOU8E and ga- rags in Hot Purines Addition. Thla should be seen to be an - preciated, and prtced at only 38000 on good terms. - DANDY Uttl 3-room honso and garage, located In Hot Springs. Thi ?. nw . tructl? ?d ,,,oe b,T.- .,n"1J5, "nl,he1 fait- prlced, at .32975 on. good - terms. Consnlt us about your insurance. We also haw 'money to loan. v.- ' ' " - Til WALTON WRIGHT CO., Intt pbone 1J44. . '' : 19-2Q-22 . . . . .' . , A HOME FOR TOU Nest five- room house .with nice shade trees, large lot and good out buildings. Priced at $1800'; with reasonable cash payment and balance at 825 per month. LOOK .HERE A good. 4-room ., modern stucco bouse with don- ' ble-garage. - Nice lawn, trees and ; flowers. '. Good -basement land large lot. close to school. , 3300 rash "ill. handlo this. YOU WILL. only . have, to pay I tOQ down with balance like rent to own a .new .4-room strictly modern home with hardwood floors, basement, sleeping porch built-in break fast .nook and on pavement. . Corner lot and close in. . . TRI-6TATES REALTY i , i Realtors 1134 Main St. ..v - rhone 1050 YOU CAN MAKE MONEY on I this 160 acres of good rich, i level land, 25 acres ' under ditch, all fenced and cross I fenced: 6-room house with out I buildings. This excellent land is priced at 810.00 per acre. DIRT CHEAP 5 acre close In with 3-room house, fine well and fine land. Prtced at 11200 on terms.- -, . RANCH BARGAIN 480 acres of . fine land, 66 acres In fine al falfa, good 6-room houae, Urge barn. Und all fenced and cross fenced. 100 acrss) In grain. Tbla Is a good farm' or a good stock ranch, as there la plenty ot outside range. Priced 37100 with a cash payment of 31600 and the balance on easy- terms. For Sale Real EUU " iS16 Nlro 3-room tnrnlahrt houll8 0n i paTementj , Oarage, houao on pavements . Oarage, lirge lot, tev Llbarul terua. K 200 Fin 4 -room . new , home) In Hot Bpiinga. , Nook. flr-t pfantk. baaeinenl, concrete founi datlon. hardwood floora, et,c.( Eaay terma. . . . . -i ' .t - 1 ; ' M200 4-room .borne, eloaa In. hardwood .. floora . throughout, Mreoiaca. earaee. baaement. mmwn fminitallnri. nook, lota of bulltlna. ate. Term. ' - '" ? . f t . 14400 Will, bay fine. .horn os . pavement;. lull, basement,, con-, crate foundation, cement floor. :. nook, fireplace, hnrdwood ;- floors, etc. Liberal- terms. ' . A. A. BELLMAN C6. Pjltor f 120 N. 7th St. Phone IKS FOR SALE 20 acre. Ihk mljec from 0th 8L' Writs Box 27. Rt. L, or see owner., 1M WILL. SACRIFICE aplendid new t-room house for $1000.. Will . take car or other property, half "payment,' Pbone 591-J. . 14-2X FOR TRADE Portland propeny for . Klamath Basin property either town or country. Good deals offered. Call New, phona 877. .l-6t FOR SALE 241-acre ranch. Will aell all or part. 100 acTe A-l potatoes. , .Houaw and - other buildings. --. 200 chicken, (7a head -of sheep, all yonng black, faced Hampshire; uvea good work horses. Three good milk' cow. 124 acres ander paid-up water 'right. ' IX- ears under - government ditch. For partb ..ulara call at Herald office, o phone; 1419. - . - . 13tf t FARMS FOR INVESTMENT (7. ACRES, cheap water right. 1 . a . a u.ii. ' a a good potato and alfalfa land. on fine highway.- A double) chance to make some money due to tbo fact that two oil riga are drilling aearpT. Notb, ing. wrong. Just s snap.. 227.50 per acre, easy payment, ten a 'ear to, pay, t Interest, ., , ; i "CTtES,', lmprored", close "In. located In. beet potato prodno- lair - section.- Might consider clear city property tor part .payment. Price 84500. Terms. IF YOU WANT tha -best .garden . and berry, land cloee ln. see "Fair Acres. 8300 per acre. ' ' Smart payment dews, bs!sc:s ' 84.05 per month. ' -' . v selak a tract ; Realtors 649- S. .6th St, i Fhone 969 FOR RENT. ' FOR.- RENT- Four -room ipart i: iacoiq. ' ifii' m irsr-iiniini f,,. nisbed house. Inquire t 305 VUncolB. -- " 16-20 FOR, .KENT 3-room modern house., furnished. Inquire t'nl , ,ted Cigar Store.. 629 Math St. .-. : .7. ': ' ' 19-20 KOR-RENT A room for gentle, . -maa..-12 U. 4th .St. Lores s i Apartments..' . . 16-32V FOR RENT Modern 4-room fur nished house. Inquire 30S Lln- coin St.' ' - ' Ifc-to. FOR RENT; 4-room modem house,, furnished. Inquire at' :. -Country Club, 1745 Main St. . ..: 19-26 ROOM FOR RENT cicely futt nisbed front - room. ne .:ot phone and bath. Furnace beat. . 423 No, 3rd St. Phone 79 s-J, - - . - , 16-33 FOR, RENT Furnished 2-room houses, 31S.00 month. ' 423 i Plum. Phone 544-J. A4-84 FOR RENT First class furnlarj, ed apartments. Steam baa ted, McCarthy Apt.,- (39 Pine. Pboni 800. ' A6-S5 ROOMS 920. Lincoln. Phone i 697-W.. -- r i nr J27.A27 FOR RENT Completely furnish ed apta. Garage, paring, new hniidlng. . Just off Mais etreet on Broad. Reg Arms Apt, f" Phone 1116. J20-A39 FOR RENT Furnished jnrt apt., 2 room and bath, Jc trtc range, hot water. Oarsge. 835. 1616 Esplanade. Phone 1 794-W. Al-Sl FOR RENT Completely fnrniao ed apts., garage, new building, Just off Main on Broad. Reg ' Arms. Phone 1116. J2O-A20 FOR RENT We can (are vm big money at tbe Arcade Sotel . Apartment, ' furnished cota . pletely, electric range, linen, dishes and ' telephone. Or room with private hatha at real cut rate to permanent guests. Arcade.- . M9-J4 TRI-STATE8 REALTY Realtors 1184 Main St. Thon 1060 !