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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1927)
TJIF, EVF.N'IN'fV !!F.nA!.D. ta.AM ATHFAI J.S. OKF.CON Saturday, August 20, 1027.- f ... BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH Itepia of.Intei't'HfConcernlnj; ilenidcnU of the (Jreat Klamath Hawin, If You Have News for Thin Department, Your Courtewy in Calling 88 Will lie Apmiciatcd I'lnii IUI1I1II I . ill A rabbit baii'iui'f', to be held OU lin Second I'VI'lHllg of Jlte iiiiiiily tn(r and labor iitlrliralluh a iiniiuuvd t thr inuvtliiK of li Kliuiath Itablill . Ilrni'ilrt' Ah.ikIuIIuii Innt Kvvilliia. TD" public will b lurltrd la' til' bmi'ltii!. Krauk Hi'itou, rounly rlub Iradrr, ('. A. IlKbdvrwii, rounly DKrut and Judit Thayr,. rabbit apc.lallnt. will irk brbfly 011 lb Indiialry. An nhlbltlon will bi plarwl al ill couuly fair by 1I10 anao rlallon Ihl year. Tu lillo ltd Hal Th I Jill Aid of III Klrai Midhodlat rhunh will cpgnanr a I ir hint I" Rrrltal on Krlilky i I1I11K. Aukiiat S, al Ilia Library, armirdlug to aniioulirruirnli. Mra. Orai-a il.illl.i. r llinalna. j a iraduate of Ih Iowa Male C'ollrie, will Blvo aevrr il rrd Inita and a umnbrr of loral p.oplo will appoar nn lb pro Riant. Tl'e ptiblic la Inrllxd Hi km have iiei'll nUrrd on al. " , To Ciijoy Huliu Th linalnoaa and rrofmalonal Women ar pUnnlnii lo enjuy 0 VWnte and wlrouiluc parly on Monday rvenini al . Wlul-k" braih. Cam will la for Ihr braib al S:30 from Iho chambei of commrrra and all builnra clrlt of Ih city wbeiher inein Iht of 1 tin club or not ara Invit ed to enjoy Ih evening. I.r.liif For Nnrlh Mia Mary Ta.vno Green of lloalon. Ma., who ha been the boua gueat of Minn Margaret Magulr for Iho anal fortnight, la planning to If are ihl evening enroul uorth to Heat lie. Van couver and other point where lie will vlatt before going on to Alaika. Kaxtrrn Star Turodny Aloha chapter of the Kaaiera War will enjoy another Informal rfiernoon on Tilroday afternoon at Maaonle ball. Mra. II. li. Wort ley and M. Onrar Peyton will preaidu aa hoatraao. . VIU Ing member In tha city air ex tended a rordlhl Invitation. Ilob .Iniinrnnan l oinlng Hob Zlmiucrmali. formerly of Ihl cliy and . now making hi borne In KrallU-. I Mperled, her Ihl coming week to Vlrll wltb reUIIre and friend for a fort night. Mr. U Zimmerman, ad vcrtlnlng manager of The Now. I ht mother. To I.akei I lie Wood A party Including .Mr. Peat. Ml (iraeo K. "onboy. Ilebne Dranl llreltenateln, Hydney Peat and lr. 1 W. Peal pl0 lo apend Suu'duy nt Lake 0' the Wood. Motoring! To Knirrnr ' The Mho Klarvnra and f'lar lea Klllotl left tbla morning : hy motor for Kugeua wltb ' Ihelr bouae guoat. Mlaa Dor lit Tbonip mh. They plan to return borne on Tuoaday." Home, from The Hi u lb- Mr. and Mr. II. D. Mortcoaon returnud on Friday jnornlux'a inln from n trip to aoutbern Cnlltnrnla. Mr. Mortenaon I president of iho Pelican Hay Lum ber company. Homo From' V"" Mr. CtanrlM Mock h ro' turned home from Medford where he ha been receiving modlrel attention tor om time Her henllh la much Improved. Don't (to II bot. tired and cranky, when a Utile, dip In lb mineral water at tbo Hot Hprlng Nat will make you froh and happy Adv Mr. Melralf I III ' - Mrs. Chrlatlne Metualf I aorl ouly III nt Iho home of her daughter, Mr. F.. W. Vannlce. Mr. Alelrnir waa token suddenly 111 Thuraday evening. . Ml Weetlon lUduined Ml Lola, Wnednn who hn been vlaltlng with MIr Jusnltn Taylor at Fort Klamath for. Ihe pant wook ha relurnud homo. When light hair I growing dnrkar Imvo . a (loldcn Glint Khnmpoo. Drabuoas dlaappearn In ono hmpoolnRV A drug or tol lot good c(iiir)teT9 Vor at your halrdrensor. ndv. ', Connolly lira, fltinriinloe All good sold, by tbnm to bo a repreonled. Adv. 19 MflH. WIM..IHI1 JOHNSON , Accredited teacher ot i'lauo, llarmany., .'. I 1. Studio, 818 Proapect Ave., Phono 7:l.1-!t. At 1-1 7-1 8-1 0 !l nihil I'lrniilii I'laiil r'oniiif II1.I1I111I 'iiw- On , Aiini'iiiK't'MK'iil wii niadu lodny I WHIInni llulim.iii. fornu'rly of of lliu iinrolni of a mod..rn rlvim- Klamath Full... .n I away at .... ... , , 1 tl' family limnw In Krrmm, Cull- in, .ibllb.nnt 10 b . (ilrliH uB TbllrM,y ,,, , ilm door tu lb f" uffl word r... flved In llif. . Ily Ihl CtlUoquln. foriiuil oM-iiln lo taU mornlna by frli'iidn. .Mr. llule plar iliirlna Iho romlnK wok. ' man li ivu a If" and two rlilbl Th lr will bn unt and rl-n to mouin liln iiihIiik Tin- oMTt.d by K. A. I't-rry ami r-n ,,ll..w. of Ihl. i-IIV. Mr. M till- r.a formi rly owm-d lb- H- ' I'uul ball wlibli 111 rocunlly di - poa'd of. Tbo inoal modi-rn cqulpmrrit will ba placd In I hi ui-w buluH. ( lall'tl Irmii Kirrn Ml' l.rl Tlmmpaon of Ku CUri da boin en I") ln a IH al I he bom if Mr. and Mr. Orvlllo Klll'ilt ot Klamatb A'- tf Cor lb pt wmk a ih lioua nuaal of Klorrnra and Clar ! ! Kllluil. . ' A numlMir of an- Joyawla affair wur tirta lu Iht In nor. Mine lo New Home Mr. and Mr. C. W. Millar plan lo inova Into their new home on the ' .ikvvlew read within the coming fortnight. Tlio home I brlug built by (leorgo Pearvon of Ibl illv and will ! otia of lb mol atlractlve borne In that neclloB when completed 1' ,.!'. - Vlalleil Willi llrollier Mr. (,'. K. Pvron of Havre m'Milo penl aevernl day here vlaltlng with her brcther. Ueorge Penraou, ouroule home from a trip to fealtle and other north ern polut. Mr. Pearaon alo vlalted with Mr. and Mr. C. W. Miller hllt Keluiaj from Vitcailon Tlio Mlw Sybil lumber. Con nie Cryatal and Variant Wort ky hav returned borne from a fort night' vacallcn .eut In Port laud. Seaalde and other point north. lotrel T Illy Mra. Jamoa Irlcoll and Mlaa Clara t'alkln of lb Drlacoll In iurini' office motored 10 Hly Ibl morning on a combined bualneu and pleura trip. Mr. Ilrlncoll will wltb her par ent at Illy. ., w. . I Mr. Wlllanl Jidmaun Accredited teacher of piano harmony. Studio kit Prop-t. '. rhou 7J3-H. adv. l-:u VUll Aldiey Home ' Tha Ml; Myrtle and Mamie lie Long, uolie of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Abbey auant Iho pat week hero vlaltlng from their borne at Coqulll. j f Connolly Ilnw . ; j dlaplay of gun, lluullug Muenn for derr siart Si-pt. loth. -adr. To Ijike u' Ihe Wool Mr. ftnd Mra. W. O. Smith will have Judge and Mr. C. F. Stone a lblr week end houae gueat at Ibclr Cottage a.t l.ake o' the Woods. " . ' ' Khunalli Howe Hliop .. for flowera. ' Floral . dealgn. quality with orv lea. (34 Main street. Phono 689. adv. Left for Mouth tluatnr Uhrlxty of tbo Solomon Dutto Lumber company of Kirk left on ,11 , cveiiiiK' train for Han tiaiR'lsi o . and otliur liny rltloa ou tnnlnesii. Kvrwrt Pn-crlptloult Forbes Pura Drugs. adv. . 1 ' '. . , 5 Hero From Kirk Arthur Petereon and Joe 8. Itoger of Kirk are apvndlug the week-ond here with friend. They nra refcletered at 'the' Hotel Ar cade. Condition HI I gin ly linia-ovcal The condlllon of- lire, fhrla tlna Mataalf 1 reported as slight ly Improved today. Mr. Matmlf wa taken auddenly . Ill at the homo of her daughter. Mr. Kj W. Vnnnlcu on Thuraday evening. . I Fuller Brushes For Immediate acrrleo pbono H77-W. Quorhc U. McDildo. Adv. - t-S llv From Eug.n . , Jack Cartwrlght ot Kligeno I a bUHlne 'vlallor In the city to day. : ..',.,,, Vonr llet t'hnnre to buy con In, dreiHe. hntn. Hhop. ' 823 Mnln. adv. Mode 1S-1!I V lell lug From Mwlfonl Mr. and Mr. Ooorgo flhaw of Mudford nro pondlng tho week end here on a combined btinlpe and pleaauru trip. '. IT CAN'T UK BKAT! ' The' Mineral Water nt the Hot Sprluga Nnl. Adv. Ibml i Viallor- . , . Dill Owens of Rend Is paying tho. city n brief hitalnen vlll today. family lt.rt hi re 11I1011I a yur a fur Manalnrlllo wli..r lh,. r..M. -d for ome llmo b. fi ...i,., . tn f rivii.i. Mr. Ilalvman meinhi'r of 'lie hlini't and .M.lal Worker I'libm of Ihl illy and employed Willi Lorwu and Company while here. Tlio re. in.ilm' were laid to rnl ut Fre 110 till inoriilng. Hi iiiiiK il From Medronl Mr. and Mr. Jin k Ikul niturii d ln evening froiu .Medford a here Ibi y apvuf Hie week while Mr, Ileal aulimitlvd to uiuillcal Ireatmenta. in. Ileal reaumed ' her dutlv a Deputy County t Clerk thl morning. Mr. Dial li teportnd a allghlly Improved lu health. Well i4-nt Iiik I.. J. Well will leave nilil woe k for Han Fraurl-cu where li.- , will laka up hi work a principal I of one of tho coant city acliool. Well w for two year a form er principal ot tho chool at Ma lm. For Irwuranro Bee ia. II. Dri.coll. Bldf. Adr. William MiirrliiK Llrt-iiM Ormilrd ' A marrlar.e llceute wax grant ed In Worthy lllnaou Vtnderford. aged 27 of Willow. California, and Cora llotidulon. aged XV of Urddlng. California, al th office of Ihe county clerk Ihl morning Expert Prracrlptlonlata . Forbes Pur Drngi. adr. Take advantage of the splendid, summer radicrprogfanTsith' & clear, selective Atwater Kent. TV - .V ' Cv -I Baldwin Hardware Co. 1 ' "THE WINCHESTER STORE" ' 414 Main Phone 261 Insurance In the same, old place but in a better way and, as before, our interests are yours. We want your business so, . let's get acquainted ! i i - J; F. Maguire Jr. '.' ' 816 Main Writes All Kinds of . Sound Insurance 1 t M a.n.1 Mra t flail 1 .Vul irkev nil Minn huKUB Tucker of I'orl- Uml arrived IB the r.iy ;tn)-r- day fieriinoii to apend Hi neck-,tiy end btr with Thorn Ilurxiaa Mal.irkoy of Tb KveirluK Herald. ... . ... . . Mia Tucker wll be Ihe i Ki.c.t of Mr. kBd Mr. N.l.on Heed during her vllt ben.- Mr. and Mr. Mularkay ere iiuixt at Ihu lintel Wlllnrd. l'i l rwii llrro Out HiiiiiIid Ivlliit-r i'utrioii of the AMui Llfi- limurani'i; Company of I'ori lund I lo wild tin- -ik in. I 1 In re 011 bu'lni' diirout linm j flom Hun Kran lx:o wlii'rr lw 111 111 Utll.'UUIllK II ton Villi Ion : til WvatiTii (roup ili purlm. nt of , t hi- Anna I. If". ' i-ntliiK for 'frnnunl Mm. II. Kiwirr and ihllilr u """X r , I unnmil . I Ullior- la. m K-nd ihe wfek--nd. Tbry 1 were art ompanled hy Mra. C. W. ' Murpliey, luuthcr of Mr. Fouler. , who h i bi-cu apeiidliig the pant I wc-k here al tha home of her 1 diiMghter. ; Mr. II.t-IiIh rg.-r III . Friend of Mr. Jai k llerah berger will regret 10 learn he I a path lit at lb Kluniatb Val ley boapllal, where ahe auhinll- 1 ted 10 an operation on Friday. Her condition I reported a f- 1 vorable. II11111I lliok.o l-a-t MkIiI 1 A. I.. Travl ot I Do hiamatn ! X-ay laboratory In the t'nder j wood Rulldlng auffered a broken ' right hind In the bateball game Urt night between Hie Klwaui and I, Ion Club. ' Tlutiker Vb.ll I lly ('. Thacker a representative of the nlue Hllibon Company of 8 11 ; Franclnco 1 vlaltlng lu Hie city en a brief bulne trip over the week end. Left For Nurtu ' Mr. K. Dletacbe. wife of Dr. E m-ltHche of the K. Kugnrinnn liiillillng. left Thuraday for Port land with ber ton and daughter, where the wilt remain for aome lime. Mr. ami Mm. Hughe Away Mr. and Mr, (i rover Hughe loft thl aftrnoou lo enjoy the1 weekend at Medfori) wltb friemt. They plant to return on Sunday evening. If your radio it not giving results call .i on our service de partment. We ser- all makes. vice Real Estate Klllf IImimI Ml I.UIH lllMin , Mil. J umn HMivD Jualer en- . lei tallied on Friday with one oV0. k brlil luncheon In lor'u",", " n,"",, 'I'" of Mrn A. II. Kpperaon of l'orllnrt. whu n been her houae uot for vrrl day and Mr. . . ..... V. W. Jliirpb, of Tennaul. I all- fornli. ( over, w.r. laid for elxhf Mr. Murphy left llila af- ferimon for her homo In Ihe j Plan to U-ive tomorrow lor Tori- mutli and a ai loiiipiinled hylnd. shore they, will apend ev- ii'T diuKlii'-r. 1r clilldrcu. II Fovlirr Hid VUlliiiic l-'roin l.ok'tlrw - . Mr. and. Mr. A. T. ( oiliriin ' of Uiki kli w moiornd o"r lo . pind tlio wk-fnd h"r on . ' romblnrd hii.ln.. and idMiauro trip. llurliiK' Hi. ir atjy In thr city Mr. and Mr. Cochrun will b" Kui'nia ul lb" Huli'l Hull. I-Mvliitf 011 Yiiiaibm - Mr. and Mr. J. I. Heard and daughter. J'-uu, will l"ave for Newport on Sunday, where ihc will apend two weel.s 011 a vea l!tn. . Mr. Heard 1 enjoying hi eurunier vacation from hi dulli- cl the First National bank. HiiM-kmaii lli-r John Alli n: of tbu- All.-n mid Pyle Ktockmen' company In Hjn FrJIii'iai'O. I here for a few dy from Iho souili on bulni. Mr. Allin I atopplug at the Hotel 1111. Fronf H'ull C. V, rli-liujiu of flealiy irn gcted buiine-j here on Friday for hiium. ' r. Z. PETERS TEACHER OF MUSIC Accredited by the State Hoard of Bducatiun I'Uno. Violin, lliinju. Ha wiiibui (awilnr anil oilier lie rcumetil laiugil. For Information and par'.l rutara leave your addre 3r pbene number by cftlllns 4M-W or ll:m ' i' iti'-TLkJ-v -r r mm i ' . . . r' ' Hie live stock industry is properous. The best crops ever raised in the Klamath country are about ready to harvest. This is very graiifylng and means Money on Mam Street 1 this fall: : ' This bank has done its bit in this development. Y !. , . : . .; ; FIRST NANAl; BANK A NATIONAL BANK UNDER NATIANAL SUPERVISION 1c takes real stamina to enable a mach'::e to stand up to the hard" work of digging potatoes. The McCormick-Deering digger has a frame built of heavy angle-steeled bars. The sides are made of heavy steel plates. The whole frame is solidly braced to resist excessive strain. The beams arc made of extra heavy I-beam steel. There is ample clear ance under the beams for vines and trash. 1 There is also good clearance be tween the tongue-truck axle and the ground. ,., The elevator links arc made of seven-sixteenths inch high . carbon, steel, which is very hard. .The. links are tempered to' give best gearing qualities. They are. arranged to form pockets to keep the potatoes from rolling back down the elevator.. Everything else being equal, potatoes dug with a McCormick-Deering digger should bring a higher price on the market than .those dug any other way. Furthermore, there arc ho potatoes left in the ground. You get them all. Built in 2- and 4-hcrse power engines. ' J. S.. . ... ,lld .... n ilr, ., . ... jorenlna; from : Ukevlew. her Mo y bav bean vlaltlnif with frl.-iirf. for evrj daya. -- Or. J ...n Win lr. and Mr. K. U. Johiienn . ''rt daya on a pK-uaure trip. iTbry am making lh trip borili .a inu'or f-'r.oii Him ,1'irnry ' Mra. Jennie T. KotfiT of Klaui. nth Amiii-y la h'-ru ou a brief "l'I"n trip. .ura. oc-r. .. a U1" '" """- 1 . I Hi-re I'rotn W eeil .Mr. K. T. llunl-r of Weed It .peuillng the week end here via- ' Unix with friend. Tho gn-atuea ot leader I one part ability and nlne prt fol lower, fy. , .. , . ' AT ' . ' The Liberty SUNDAY and MONDAY One of the year's greatest " ' ' 1 pictures !s "The Great Mail Robfcery" A . Great ' Tribute to tHe "Devil Do?s" of the U. S. Marine Corps. Never be for have so mcny thrills been crammed into - one picture! ' 3 EE i Mni'A i i T- - MILLS and KLAMATH FALLS Prosp ltl( l)V TKS. I. .ply avuaible of lliw In . ply acuaible of Hie ninu kindly nits ami eiireiwlon ot ayuipathy i.ndured I.. u durluit our rei.m trying hour. Hie I..- " and pulnit of oin ilurlln; , W.liiud. we have recoil r l.i Ihi aiean of conveying uur am-1 , , , ,,.,. our frlcn.l. and neighbor. !.,, Muriull at amman,., verbal.. iTn in, aptrltunl. lessened uur j nn lmni.'nrliln dcitrc. 1 Mil AS'I) MRS .(IWmillC S hi M IIKNriO.S nnil fAMVA'. ! The Pine Tree SATURDAY ONLY I "Broadway NighU" SUNDAY and MONDAY No Mans Law afViFft" .LMT jMts rnaunrwN Nobodys Horse Wild and Kuriou! , Free and ' Fe3rlei-n! . , Wlih love In hi heart only for a little girl Grd forgot: With. hatred and fury toward all airanger who cajne with in hi domain: Rex's Greatest Drama ; ' ' ' "i 71 v ,.'. :.' .1 : ' i '. J '.. -. 11 r!"Vy'g':'),'y:: a , aa 1 nn 1 . 1 :- erity jmmw. l w i iiii.ii 1 V lawlauaHMBiHaMrjBHft ; at McCormick Deering Potato Diggers "A Few Reasons Why These Diggers Make i'aa P e i . r. A . Wk, lerever They Go ; SON l-APF.H IUNUI.NO . PAINTINIi TIMIXU . ... .. - . SMITH BROS. fl.iHI Per nooni tp . i'Uoua aou . , . The Cascade Hotel , HTI11CTI.Y MMr:U. I Weekly lli.te aVLIMI nlat 1 I Mioner ami Tub l:ntli rev- Kill and Walnut. Phono Ht- Klaniulli Full, ro. l-'lneas lli rl WaUV In Iho AVotlil HOT HPKIMIjH " N AT ATOItlt H , , now open from 7:00 A. M. to midnight Tub llatb Swlmmlntr Tank Hot and ('old Mtnwars For Private Parlle Phone. 1IMI.W Hirln anil Kplaaada FOU THE BEBT Ak for ibe union card F. It. Old, J. H. Flkns, It- U Green. L. B. rJhehprn, c a. Klna. Mr. Carpenter Employ membars of U V. 1179 Starting July 11' Red Ball Stage Line Two Dally -atagea Becwevnl Klamath Fall and Ijakavlew. leaving K:1W morning leaving X:0O V. M. Lravea IttCKitRM'H Anto Btago Office) ; Phone 77 or.,600 v HURRY TAXI SERVICE! Under , , , New llanagement Pbona 341 Prompt Service J10-JY19 HOWARD Transportation CoJ STAGES . t-avlns Klamath Fnll 7:.K A. M, J0:0O A. M.. 1 r. M.J 4:4l P. M., making ronnee- Uoii to . Foiilanu ami way point umr day. fonnertlonv at Aabland with Piekwltk Stame for I'allfornla BKiinta. 7:. 10 A. .r. and 1:00 li. M. Stages , make dlraet through connections to foreland and Seattle. 10 A. ' M. and 4:40 I'. II. Stages make direct con nection to Ban Francisco and Lo Angelas;" " '"- "" ' Local Office CIS Mala St. l'bono 0U9 rorjxq Coal &.. Transfer Company.! "Diamond TlrinneU" "v. fbone 107 Methodist Church Tenth and Hl(rh 't. . . H1A.VK L. WK.UETT, Milliner ... ' ' ncidenee, KHJ.1 Hlch fit. 'We Specialize In MolDfulness" Sunday berrlccs: 11 a. m., 7:30 p. m. Chiloqum Stages Xeave Klaniath Falls Dally fori Cliiloquin and intcrmcdlaUi .. .. points as tollotrat . 9:00 a. m.. 12:30 nJOO a::ll p. m. 7:00 p m. . Take a. m. bus to connect! for camps beyond Chlloauln. C. H. JUNCi, ; liwnti 1 -4 KLAMATH-WE EI BTAQE li WEKD snd Intermediate poln't. 1 Lv. K..F. .7:30:. Ar. Wood IS Lt, Weed 1:30: 'Ar. K. Hi C:Oo Stages Iavlnj . j Statfo ; Terminal Vvfoi I 015 Muln St. DKI.VK RAKIL'M WATKH Has cured thouaanda, ' Why not youT j Radium ore for ale y X. A. IlItKiliH, iT (Special Uepreentali) I'bone USO-W , ' ' JlVAt Diamond Briquets' VIMAII roll. TiMNritKlt I MIY . . , rimne 1007 , It v llll, C. MiUV.ll.b Cradmite of Palmer and Pacific Col lea Fourteen year axparlencn We rrnav tit (ait of dlveaaq ... Boiiantu, Ore, Air, i