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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1927)
aTugtne, Ortvoa Gity Edition The Old Home Paper WKATIIKH. Oregon: Pair tonight end Sun liny : cooler In th east portion Sunday; normal humidity; mod erate aorthweal wluda along lh coast. Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade ; Price Five Cents KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1927. Number 6110. mi we BOND ISSUE QUESTIONED IN OPINION Statutory Cloud it Thrown Over June 23 Special Election 1 A statutory cloud which may tieccHMtuto another po ciul flection, but which County Judgo Fred ft. God (lard hopus wilj be diitpullcri by u decision of tho state nupreme court, has been cast over tho J500.000 road bond itwuo election of June L'C. In an opinion submitted to the county court by Teal, Wlnfrno, McCulloch L Shu lir, Portland bond attor neys, tho firm Mated it could not approve the bond Iwtue because of a certain statute section 4C32, Ore iron lawn which states ait follows : "Only ono special election hnll be held in any county in any ono yenr." .'V -' -- "Only one apodal election shall be hi 14 In any county In sny one year." F.lrrllon Ki-hnwiy I. Tho opinion rail attention to the (art that on February 1. 127. a apeclal election waa h.'M by which the 1145,000 (unilhiK outstanding warrant bond lu wna approtred. (Continued On Tact Kite) U.TMf GET SETTLERS Farm Advisor Will Aid Tule Lake Settlers, Kreutzcr States That an export furm advisor will be aent from Washington. 1). C. to aaalal Tule lake homestead era. working through the oftlre of ('. A. Ilenderaon, waa (no word brought memhera of thn Kin math county litnd settlement bourd who met with George Kreutier, director of economic (or tho 11. 8. reclamation bureau of Washington. I). ('., In the ehauihvr of commerce on Frl Uny afternoon. a Declaring 100 percent success of fnrmera already on (ho project to romn aa the paramount factor h. a comprehensive campaign for Innd settlement. Mr. Kroutxer rare a aplendld talk boforo tho board on land problem. , ('. A. Henderson, county agent, presided aa chairman for tho lo cal board and explained tho plnn under which the board la work ing nt tho preaent time, which met with approval of Mr. Krout aer. Thnt every acttler will be kept within personal touch of tho ex pert who la to be aunt hero, waa assured by Mr. Kretuxur. At all Hums ho will bo on huud to ad vlsn and rondor valunbln service, which tho county agont, with an ninny ilutlea to perforin, might not bo In a position to do. It waa voted thnt 4a committor, of three be appointed from the local board to go before tho vnr loua board of director (o holp lint land. , , "Just.nffor tho truth and bare fuels without attempting to p-iliit n vivid picture and you will be uvlouniled nt tho settler your county will have within abort tlmu," wire tho word of Mr. Kreutier. Knrly In the tiny. Mr. Kreutier met with meinhara of the IClnni- (Conllnued From Page One) .'. . . OFFICIALS OF TWO LINES TO CONFER HERE !.( page In the two-year Ma lory of rillnoud negiitlutlona and akli tulahea attending the entrance of the Ureal Northern Into the greut Kliiinuth baln. may be turned tlua afternoon at an Im portant conference between high offlrlala of the Southern Pacific railroad and representative of the (Ire it Northern. A apeclul train la due (mm San Francisco late tmlny. It will probably bear either William Hproule. preatdi-nt o( the South ern Pacific, or Paul tfhoup. -tlve vice-president. (ieorge W. Homelike, chief en gineer of the Southern Pacific and J. P. Saunders, freight traf fic mausKcr. are alao expected to be Includud In the official ret inue. A. J. Wllcbcll. chief engineer of the 8 P. 4 8. and the Oro gnn Trunk ra'lronil. wbu la rep resenting the Creat Northern In the ncKoliulloiia which will take place today, arrived thla morn ing to confer Willi the Southern Pacific official. Mr. Wllchel! declined to dl cluae what rourae he expected I he conference to take.' How ever It la aaaumed I bit the final arrangements attending tho Ureal Northern's entrance Into Klamath Fall over Southern Pacific lines will be consummated. It Is known (hut negotiations have b-en car ried on 'between the two great railroad systems on ibis point and that some points governing the (ireat Northern's rights on the line, have been unofdrinlly ill led. Siskiyou Pioneer Dies Early Today At Gazelle, Calif. i Death, early thla morning, end ed the career of one of the moat noted pioneers of Northern Cali fornia, Mrs. R. Elisabeth Foulke. (taxelle, California, president of the Kdson Foulko Livestock com pany. Mrs. Foulke died suddenly from a stroke. She was SO years old. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 p. m. in I be family burial plot al (la id lo. The prominent pioneer was anrvlved by one daughter, Mar garet Foulke Katabrook of south ern California, and Ihrce son. Klsun I.. Foulko. l-ewla. M. Ftitke, Jr., Ulund 8. Ftulke. Mrs. Foulke. then a young girl, act tied with her parent at (iVselle In 1S54 and has resided In Siskiyou county for 73 years. Suspected Arson Case is Probed Investigations Carried on dur ing the pist few days by Jim Ponieroy, chief deputy state fire marshal, with tho cooperation of District Attorney Duncan may re sult In the presentation of a us peiled arson rnao to the grand Jury early In September, It waa nnnounced today. A fire occurred here early this month In n housa which had been vacated by tho owner but a rouplo of hours before the blase started. Tho owner had planed to leave the cliy for the northern purl of the stale and the dwelling was fully Insured. Ilucnuao of the speedy run nindu by the (Ira department, the blnsu was conrined lo one room ' , no,hpr lh. explorer bad sl!p ot tho dwolllng. and subsequent . .,. ,. . ,y walora and had nvustlgatlon Indicated Ihu the fire undoubtedly was of lncen- diary origin. ' Thn names of tho suspected parlies are being withheld II the fire marshal, district attor ney and Flro Chief Keith Am brose make further Investigation. Plumbers' Strike Finally Settled Kl'OKNK. Ore., Aug. 20. (AP) Agreement has been readied between employers and local plumbers who have beeu on strlko .for the past two weeks. Union officials announco that thn principal muster plumbers h.ivn ugruod on tho scalo ot 19 a day after January t next. Tho pres ent acaln la 13 a day. It la aald thift sumo of tho uuisiiir plumbers havo not signed written agree ments although K. ('. ll.irt. secre tary nf tho union, stains that tho men will rot urn In work Monday. PLANS FOR inn WAnn MIL THKU AKLJULU Bend -Che rvult Exttn t!on Completed By Nov. 15 PIiiiib for tho rallroid yard of the (ireat Northern railroad call for facilities that will eventually erve l.buo car. A round house will be constructed lu the near (mure on the unit plan: a repair hop will be erected, and other necessary adjuncts to a modern railroad yard will bo liistulled. These fuels concerning the Oreal Northern a luteat move (he purchaso of alul Jull acre of tho Whilellne tract on the tt..t aide of the Klainalh river for yards and indurirlul alies wire revcah-d today by A. 1. WluheH. chl.-f engineer of the 8. P. 8. Mr. Wllchell I here today to center with (ieorge lloschke, San Francisco, chief en gineer of the Southern Par (1c on cerliln features of the north-, city. Careful analysis of the va ra line's entrance Into Klnruath ttr In the lake shows that (here Falls. To lluikl ItrillKV. Tuesday, the (ireat Northern, tli rou pt h Its subsidiary, the 8. P. 8.. applied to the state land board in Salem for pt rmiislon to construct' an -(mit bridge across" Kwauna lake from the Kberleln tract on the east side a site now owned by (he invading line (o it right of way on (he we( side at Kaauna Point. J. 8. Stewart, connected with (he stale land board, will arrive In Klamath Falls Monday to Invealtgate the situation and report back to (he lands board. It Is assured that the land board will grant the re ( Continued on Page Five) FIND NO TRACE OF T Cave Explorer Believed Lost in Maze of Fam- ous TupncI SIIKLL MOUND, Tenn., Aug. 20. (AP) Kleven expeditions In to .Nlck-a-Jack cave had failed toda to reveal any trace a to the fate of Lawrence Ashley, cave explorer and geologist, who entered the cavern at 0 o clocg laat Monday. Ashley, aa far as can bo ascer tained, carried only acan( pro visions wllh him and was equip ped with a limited supply of carbide to light the underground passngn which lie set out to ex plore Near (ho hank of an under ground sircnm which flows (hrougu (ho rocossei of (ho cav ern, one pnriy of searchers found Imprints which they believe were mado by Ashley's hands and knot-s. but (here was no clue as been swept away or had nteroly crawled to the bank of the river In his exploring work. In the meuntlmo, there was no cessation ot the search. Farm ers In the community have volun teered to penetrnto tho uncharted passages and tho state of Ten nesHn has also tnku an active part In the quest: IVeafner Outlook For Week is Fair KAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 20. (P, GEDLOGIS The weather outlook for (he week beginning Augnsl 21 was nnnounced here (odny by the United Slulvs weather bureau as follows: Far western suite! The out look Is for fair weather, but with the usual amount of tog along (he coast. Temperatures will bo normal along (ho roast anil generally above normal In tho Interior. . State Departments TT.f V4- uigc ijcuci ocwci Facilities Concern Expressed Over Outfall; Council Advised to Give Problem Immediate At tention; Public Health Jeopardized Concerned over what be term-1 matter should be given imnudi ed Inadequate sewage facilities in gts attention Kl.math Fall. Dr. Frederick D. I , from brah Hrh ker, Portland, has written Mayor Tom Waders and the city ;" "e 'cliy of Klamath council urging the admlnhtra- falls should take Immediate tion to take all steps possible to-' Slops to drain and properly wards pushing the much nuiVded j sewer (he city. This, undoubted niunlclrml Improvement to a.'suc-! ly, will Increase (he amount of cessfnl end, according to word received here today. . At a special cliy election las' spring, voters by a small nifryla turned dnmn a proposal to Usae !$loo.00V In bonds to flnasce (be construction :if a new aewer sy tern in this city. The teller, which will be read at (he city council meeting Mon day night follows: Mayor and Common Council, Klumath Kali. Oregon, (irnllemcnt: An Investigation was maUA of the outfall of (he sewers of yoar Jar an exlreirre amotin( of pollu tion going on. This pollution is ao concentrated tha( It haa been found to he d'trlinenlal to fish life. The Oregon Stale Hoard of lleath Join wlth.yrt. (JiimesrJ Fish Commissions in calling (he I attention of your city that thla I Four Districts Provided for In Tentative Plan of Zoning Conception of each member of ion four districts or xone.i: resl the city ion I iig committee on dentlal district a. for better what skonld be the boundaries of j class homes; residential district the proposed four different dls-j b, for middle class homes: com- trlcts which may be Incorporated under a toning plan tor KHmatb Falls, will be presented at (he next meeting ot the committee. It was decided last night at a meet ing in the city hall. Koch of the seven committee members will draw on a city map where be believes the boundar ies should be located. I'ach member will support bis Ideas in a general discussion. The Portland inning ordinance was read to the commitrw Ten tatively, the committee decided State Chamber to Join in Fight for -.J Cross-State Line SALEM, Ore.. Aug. 20. (AP) YVY O. Ide of Portland. man - nger ot the state chamber otfni,. who are nndcr arrest at commerce, writes tho public serv ! Klamath Falls, will be extradited Ico commission tha( he believes t canyon county. Idaho, to an the state chamber can be depend- Uwer charges ot contributing to ed upon to support the COUimls - slon In Its fight for a cross-state railway from Crano to a con- noctlon with Natrou cutoff.. Ide said he wduld take the matter up at once with the executive committee and the board of dl- rectors. Ninety local chambers are affiliated with the state chamber. NEW SPEtl.U.TV. LAKK GKOKOK. N. Y.. Aug. 20. (AP) Mrs. Lolt'.e Moore Schoemmcl, originator of the grenso swimming suit, has a new specialty long distance rowing. She propelled a boat (he Ion nth of tho Inko 3 2 miles In eigh( hours, (is pnrt of her training tor a murnthon swim ut Toronto. V.1.IMKI TO UK HOY. NEW YORK, Aug. 20. I AP) Harry Ath SeKgermnn does not know It yet, but It cost 15.000 lo be a boy. Frederick K. 8eg german, who died a few weeks ago, left a will stipulating that his prospective srundchlld should have a legacy of 10.000 If a girl; halt thai amount It a boy. Hurry has Juat arrived. Los Angeles Express: If this rig today by hoisting home run thing keeps up, the nvlutor wholnumher 39 off Pitcher Miller In haifu't yet nan-slop hopped arras the first Inning of the Yanks' an ocean will bo (he rare bird, clash with the Indiana. C in CitvllHILO TUH; sewage. If the outfall lake at the present (Ime ha reached (he point of saturation, (he addipg of more sewage will cause (he hike lo became a greater nni sance. It Is, therefore, very Im portant that (he city of Klamath Falls give (he matter of sewage disposal careful consideration. It would be a matter of good business at (be present (ime to properly educate the people of the benefit to be derived from proper aewage disposal. It is only a question of time when the city will be forced to mako (his Improvements. A surrey has been made of yonr city, and the needs are known. Yon can not hare a great city without adequate sewer (o protect the public health. , I treat this matter will be giv en yonr early consideration, i- . - Very leu !v !"' - FKKDKIUCK D. STtllCKKlt Slat Health Officer. n.ercial or retail district; and industrial district. "Under the Portland plan pro vision has been made whereby a property holder In a residential district bordering on an Indus trial district. If he secures the assent of all property holders within S00 feel of his home, could sell his property as an In dustrial site." Mayor Walter ex plained. "Thus you ran see that It Is an elastic law. designed (o serve, the people rather than cansef hardship." Klamath Robber Suspects to be Extradited Soon SALEM, Ore.. Aug. 20. (AP) .j0hn Klrkham and E. A. Gra i .i... dolinoiiencv of a minor The I reaulsltiona from the governor ot idaho were Eranted todav bv 'Governor Patl erson. Asainst Grlf- , f;,h -i.0 . rhrae of trn- I porting liquor. I . j . . , . ' tcuueni JU(U( IV . Auto Race Driver ! VANCOUVER. D. C. Aug. 20 I (4") P. Churchill, racing auto driver of . Norjh Bend, Wash.. ! died tn a -hospital here today from Injuries received yesterday j In a crash during auto races at 'the exhibition grounds. I When Hie enc driven by Art ' Hlnes, Portland.' traveling 9i i miles an hour, toro Into a fence. Churchill's cur following, piled Into the wreckage. Churchill snstained a fractured skull. Hlnes was badly injured but va.i expected to recover. Doth cars were demolished. - KITH (iF.TS ANOTHKK . I CLEVELAND, Aug. 20. (JP) Hebe Ruth went Into a tie for, . homo run honors with Lou Goh- I AQT PI FFbscaTpTom !UI ' ' riiin rnn RADICALS . . ' ' Stay Or Execution Re-1 ... fused Today by Jus tice Holmes nvvviM v t... n it . " P.)-Juatlce Holmes of (he tnl- ted 8(ntes supreme ecurt at his home here today refused a stay of execution for Sacco and Van- , - . ine juautea Decision waa an- , nounced by Arthur D. Hill, chief defenae counsel after a confer-1 ence wiin jiuace nuiiaei si 1B!bnlIt a fire home here. Leaving the house. air. inn issued mis unci siaie- . ment "Justice Holme declined lo bv sae a stay of execution. He wrote a memorandum of his reasons which we are taklog (o Boston, I V. .. .. I vl k. wtmAn 1... ih. ..... .... . iieB. He declined (o amplify this j statement and started imme diately for Boston. BOSTON. Aug. JO. (AP) , Counsel for Nicola Sacco ' and Itartolomeo Vanxetti found them selves balked today in their lat est effortsto savti the two men from going to the electric 'chair after midnight next Monday night. Justice J is. M. Morton. Jr., of the federal district court, re-j fused to grant a writ of habeas corpus or a amy 01 execution ana j that if Sacco and Vanxetti are the office of (h? clerk of the 'executed "they will have to fear United State supreme court at legitimate reprisals by an exas Washlngton refused to permit the perated proletariat," Is given by fillng of a petition for wr.t of certiorari until full copies of (hetjrier in the an article in L'Hum- (Conilnued on Pagt Four) TO LAKEJPLANNEO Special from Klamath Falls Will Be At Cres cent and Odell i ' Announcement of an excursion train to run lo Crescent snd' I UOCII U1KB OH OUUUHJ. 4Wuai , 28. was made from the office of 'J. J, Miller, district freight and passenger agent of the Southern Pacific this afternoon. The special will leave Klamath Falls at 7:10 In the morning ar riving at Crescent Lake at :40 a. m.; at Cascade Summit on Odell Lake at 10:05 a. m. Returning home (be (rain will leave at 4:45 p. m.. reaching Crescent Lake at 6:25 p. m., and arriving back home at 7:55 p. m. An attractive rate ot $3.90 to Crescent take and $4.25 to the Cascade Summit has been made. Reduced rates to residents ot Alroniu and Chlloqutn will also be made. A party of mors than 50 mem bers ot the Henley Comtnunlly club are planning to make the trip and will have a picnic party at Odell Lake. Iloaling and fishing, will be the principal diversions for those taking the trip. Everyone Is ad vised to take their own picnic lunch. . - Already many local people as well as residents gf Chiloquin and Algoma have made arrange ments to make the trip. DKLAY AROUMKXTS. SALEM. Ore.. Ang. 20. (API Arguments In the Ellsworth Kol ley habeas corpus case, Insti tuted by his attorneys In an ef fort to save him from the gul- lows, were again delayed tnduy when the case was put over to 10 o'clock Monduy morning. This was done to accommodate Martin I,, ripes. Kelley's attorney, after It had been agreed by Willis S. Moore of the attorney general's of (Ice and District Attorney Car - son and his associates. , - . . EXCURSION "DEATH TRAP" SEASIDE. Ore., Aug. 20. (A. ) Caught In (he "Death Tran" on the beach at the north jslde of Tillamook head by rising tide laat n'.ght. tier. W. L. Riley of Portland and Mrs. Klloy,' strug gled throuah (be night op the face of a precipltuous rocky cliff, and were found at i a. m. I today, beside a fire which Rer. nne ba balli at the top of the iu cliff. I Wandering at low tide Into I the cove-like pocket at the. base ;ot the 700-foot wall, they were Imprisoned by the rising tide. ! Their on. whom wn with them. i clambered np the rock and made h. W4y , where , 'spread the alarm. Reacne parties 1 were sent out along the beach ni o' tn tP ot th Dluff- j Meantime (he minister and his 'wife slowly and painfully climb- ed th. hr or th :rotkll n(, fln.r reacne1 .,nelf at the top wh,re RcT KlleT GEXKKAL OK:il:D. SANTA.VDER. Spain. Ang. 10. (AP) Official American docu ments Touch for the good char acter of General Piimo De Kiv- m I! ... - t : . l"' " 1 In the American navy 1)n thB AmerlcaJ) Blrr Bow. pa- Ifore be could become auch ha had to have reference. Ambas- Isador Hammond and Padilla obliged and put their John Han cocks on a piece ot paper aboard the I'.. 8. 8. Detroit.- -. ; Hangmen Warned t By Sympathizers Of Two Radicals PARIS. Aug. 10. A warn- lug "to the American hang men' the socialist deputy Valllant-Cou- anite lod.iv. ," the fascials end American Legion accomplices lake notice." be says. Emph&slxiug (hat Sacco and Vanxetti are "victims of class hatred" ha declares that the pro letariat,, which by Its action has already stayett the hand of the executioner, can yet prevent the Irreparable, if they ?xpress them selves with sufficient rigor. Therefore he Invites all workers to attend twenty meetings orga nised by the communist in Paris and the Paris district tonlvhL ' ATgo-yo Terrorize S Railroad Laborers PENDLETON. Ore.. Aug. 20. (AP) A call from Meacham re ceived iRte yesterday afternoon that a giant one-eyed negro was threatening the live or railroad section hands sent local officers on a futile search (or the man in the canyon ot the Blue moun tains. The man was said to be armed with a large revolver at the time the tdreats were made. RASKllALL RESULTS National League Score R. H. E. Chicago 5 11 0 Boston .. 10 0 Batteries Root. Brillheart. Carlson and Gonzales; K. Smith. Wertx and Hognn. Scon; R. H. 10 12 -Donohue,- Kolp . 2 and I Cincinnati .. New York .. Bntterles- Suketorth; Murnes and Devormer. Score R. H. E. St. Louis - 8 17 1 Philadelphia I 11' 5 Butteries Alexander and O'Farrvll: Pruett, Sweetland and Jonnard. Score R. H. K. Chicago 1 1 Boston J ' 7 1 Batteries Bush and llartnotl; McQuillan and Urban, Gibson, American Leuxue Score R. H. . Washington 05 i Detroit 5 11 1 Batteries Zachary. V'snal- lstyner and lluel; Whltehlll and Shoa. ' HOPE FOR RESCUE OF; 7 SLIGHT i "Dallas" Spirit Goes Into Tail Spin; Dive Into Pacific Ocean ' - ,l HONOLULU, AuC. 20, (AP) The army signal corps radio at Luke Field today intercepted a "tail ' end message" on 600 meters wave length which, it was thought there, may have been trying to report loca tion' of the Golden Eagle. The Luke Field operator caught only the words "picking up" and "Golden Eagle." . Luke Field immed iately lost the unidentified sender and was unable to locate him again and was unable to obtain the send er's call letters.' 1 . HONOLULU, . Aug. 20. (AP) Mercantile ships and naval seaplanes early today had searched nearly all" Ha waiian waters without find ing the slightest trace of the Miss Doran and the Golden Eagle, - Dole race entrants three days overdue in Hono lulu, and without doubt eith- er wrecked or helpless Meanwhlle'other naval vessels. are searching from San Francisco' and the United State destroyers. Snnnndln and Pelican are cover ing fixed courses, at sea north' of Maul. The Sunnadln and Pel ican have been out since Wed-. nesday night, the day .'ollewlng. the departure of the two mlaslnu, planes from Oakland. ;. The Associated Press repre senativ aboard the Sunnadln re ported high seas oft Makalpuu point. Island of Oahu, at mid night ot Wednesday which caused naval authorities to express doubt as to the ability of any airplane to survive on the surface of tku water in such weather. At o'clock Thursday night the Sunnadln reported having: sighted a flare in the north. Both the Sunnadln and the Pell can Investigated tut found noth ing. . . The rumdV crop Friday waa much smaller than on Thursday, principally because of the rea.y tton loccally against publication in the Honolulu Advertiser o the erroneous report that the Miss Doran. piloted by John A. Pedlar and navigated by Lieuten ant Vilas K, Knope, with Ml Mildred Doran ot Flint. Mien., as passenger, had been found and (hose aboard rescued. Residents on all (he islands, however, continued to watch the sea carefully, and some reports were received of '.'myslerlousj' (Condnned On Page Five) ., it. -o i. w. i TV ana vfOU.k, fi iiiuuws creak as Tremor Hits ' Lower, Klamath City. ; . EfREKA. Calif., Aug. 20. --An earthquake of cover luteri-'-sity lasting about one nilnirte shook Eureka today at 12:10 D' m., breaking window in the court house, business buildings and homes, scattering twrchan-, dlse In stores, cracking walls rnd knocking one building out of1 alignment. No one waa injured, and no serlos damage was done. People were warned not to s'ar( fires la their stoves. EUREKA T BY SEVERE QUAK