THE EVKNINO HRKALT). KLAMATH PA I.! A OUFHON 1H27. No Word Heard Of Mining Fliers ' ' :CoUnuel Fruin Vis On)' itV m'la at of Honolulu oa almllar coura la the March. m Areuad the Tarloue Island of (ha Rroup cruised other naval , traaela. ' ilul ao ward of the two ml la planet and their (our men and one alrl cents to cheer the cjrebers or (be anxloue ones i.hnre. ','. RA FRANCISCO. Calif.. An. 19. (V) How Ion two callone flf eeK-r ran at trntweea three triple rent adrift on tha Pacific aeon, waa a matter of eonject tire here today when It became known that Ml Mildred Dor a and ber companion. John Aasty Pedlar and Lieutenant Knopo, atoe-ed that amount In their plane for the Dole race. The larder of the Mis Do ran contained the following article, (bowlnc that tha "Arias achool teacher" and her crew were bet ter equipped for a at rain tat. un eventful fllcht to Hawaii than to withatand day of drifting ab out on the ocean: One dotcn chicken aandwlchea. Two quarta hot chocolate. ' One bottle malted milk tab let. . Three package of mlota. One quart condensed fruit Juli-ea. Two gallon of water. Jack Frost and Cordon Scott. pilot and navigator of the Colrivn ' K eagle, me otner miKeing piane. carried prorulona erpected to lat them thirty day and were each equipped with "life cup." define which work oa tha face to condeata their breath Into drinking water. Mr. Low Improve i Friend of Mr. Judd Low will be pleased to Irara she la re covering from a eertoua lllneia md has been removed to ber borne from the residence of Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Soule where aha ha been store the operation. CoamoUv Iln. Guarantee i All good sold by them to he aa represented. Adv. 1 1 66t4$44&t46 QWWfrWbWbtbW$ Extraordinary Values in Men's I SHIRTS I Lou Langworthy's three-day Shirt Event it now on and the fin- v eat a ortment ever of 2, men's collar-attached and neckband shirts can now be had at v ridiculously low pric es. These shirts are mostly Broadcloths, some Madrcs with Silk stripes, etc - Group! $3$v Group 2 51 65 Group 3 $235 Group 4 $285 Men's Flannel Trousers l3off Smart flannels in plain j and striped models. All I full. cut. and style. full of, MeiVs Panamas and - - Sailors A chance to secure your next year's Straw Hat at a very low price. Smart 'new,, bands and shaped . 4'i ; : ' Men's Summer Suits Wen's two and three-piece Tropical Worsteds, .Cashmeres etc., in a very Bmart showing. It would profit you to buy a suit for next year. Vs off K. SUGARMAN "I AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY' GUS DUNN V MANUFACTURING JEWELER & OPTICIAN 605 Mtin Street ... , , ' .. , Klamath Falls, Oregon LAST DAYS OF JEWELRY Auction Sale NUF SED - V ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .''.- - ' FREE Useful and valuable souvenirs given away free during this sale. " Take advantage of this opportunity. A Store Full of Smart New Apparel At the "omen's Store" you may choose without compunction as to whether or not modes arc authentic. For here you have the privilege of choosing from styles select ed by foremost stylists, Purchased in large enough quantities so that there is ample assortment for everyone. . Garment in all sizes For Women and Misses Fashionable Fall Frocks The beguiling influence of the mode that is distinctly Parisian is emphasized in frocks as beautiful as these. They sparkle with the verve of novel trimmings, bril liant colorings and fascinating style turns." Materials arc Rom6 Crepe, Crepe-back Satin and Canton Crepe. COLORS Biege, Brown, Maurice Grays, Green, Black and combinations. M, n jp ;. ' Review Stere V dow . . ' ; rr. rrfh' Conde' '! -JH$&' v ' w 'rrsportsts- ' :.: ' Wondertat New . . WW .''"'T " Very RemarkM, , . ed from plaids and novelty ' ' ' Y$'H ' mixtures shaded and blend- EWffl ' Dress Coats, ''wffl . ed fabrics. Fur collars arc Ka ' Low Priced ".,' .'...;.-.' I'" WM '. mych in evidence on this Eij. 4 - ; j ; type of coat but the plain 1 j . ' " -fri C0ad styles are much in . $85 Strutwear Chiffon Hosiery, now . ; ; Full-fashioned,, flawless ilk Chiffon. Give charm to the knees and grace to the ankles.. For your fall wardrobe this hose is partieur larly recommendablo.-. .: . ' MM mm Strulwar Service 35 dur nosiery, now j An exceptionally smart hose as smartly de signed as a Parisian gown. Very serviceable. They can be had In all sizes and shades. Get a pair to match your frock. Daily Arrivals from the Eastern Style Centers Crowing on '' Value .Truth In Advertising N. r Built on '' Quality '"