FYMny, August", l'.. lf27. ' ' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. t Si-&-: MARKET" PL AE BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH Mlh U'lltMiti Iti'tunied ,MIh Ollvo Wllann Iiuk ri-t u i n ml hoiun from Ilia vnlley where li wmi railed by the mnlili'ii ilixilh cif her lirntticrltiliiw Hhe 4411111ml lir pi. l Ion 11I .Miin' III! nioriilim In ilia ready-tii-wciir department wliem li will ro. 111 ii I ri until I ho opiytiiiff nf acliiiul. A.Y.D. (At Your Dour) . ... Industrial Supplies. Re. Phone IU;i Klnnutlh Full Office I'tione I IH.1 tK UioM nidg raw 0 . : t T Portland Sleeper Newovtmlshf arrvica from Klamath Falls on th Cut Wrtt Cuuir. Departure at a convenient hour in the even ing, with arrival In tiro to late the Jay In Portland. Pullman rrady for occu pancy at 9.10 p. m. Leaves Klamath Fallt ICV44 p. m., ar. ' rival I'urtland 9:25 a. m. Portland and back; good for 16 days. Southern Paci: Jl. J.MIl.I.F.It 1'iar rn as ' I'm.. Airt Sfl.f HOplut 1'uono Road Oil VaV-yoir AjJ He 9 Our System la Hornet Ii I np; : New and Better than tbe Old Huiid Hyatem Cam Washed Motor Clcani'd ' Varuam Clean eo fins We call for and NEW SYSTEM , Esplnnndo MOM'N POP BUT.Poff YOU SHOOLP HAVG . AND4 HOW WILL WE ; J k 11 V I I II Iii vj At Tim lii(i'r Ilium Mr ami Jim. r. ('. ruler unit flnu lliiwnril of J'orllunil 111 111110UK I hx I ft-i-h t In k summer rlMim In Kluiiiuih Kalla anil II will wild liitereat llmlr iimny fiicnils li'iirn of llmlr return nf U'l' u 11 nhaence ot iiiorn tliun pin hi yenra. Mm. Cofer on J Mm. Lenlle lingers ure slater nml ilurliiK lliulr visit horn, Mr. uuil Mm. Cofer nml aon will be Kmwla at 1 ho Rimers linnieuii I'm 1 Ifli' Terrace. H"vituI eiijiiyulilu iiirnim will be given In their liuimr ilurliiK Hi luniliiK few (1ll'H. Returned From Trlf Mr. mul Mm. II. K. Wallcu- Imrit with Mm. fl. 1.. Illll and I'lillilrrn have returned homo from a trip In Koll, Oregon, 'where they i.peiit I ho pout week jvlalilng with Mr. Wuttcnbiirg'a , mother. They iimilo Die trfp by I motor. "We Know How" - ? Phone ... 154 xNew City Laundry E. f KOMI, lUanger GLASSES Tjft rmiJ, f itrf tnJ tin Claasca Qiouod inj"ii on, t fjnitiir in imiCyvitt'- 'I .TiMl tiSndL k.pitt mwu t, f Broken Lcntc Replaced DR. 60BLE'S 70 yiAiu amttT Rrfuhf i . . . Qmi Sctmt m Veronica I Alas kv(MrOa1 j Pkyttclaaa la ake . ' ejaanan 1 IVth Blood Acid CoadllUat Kldeey, Utm aaa Dladdat Traahlae latliaiilea Calllflitla Star Drug Co. eat where it's cool SPECIAL DINNER Kvr-ry Kvcnlnp; $1.00 75c 50c Try them they're appetizing! Club Cafe Cleaning Polished I Expert flreaalng Free Crank Case Service nnil Oil deliverPhone 606 AUTO LAUNDRY near East Main VICLL.MOM, IF IHeVKOfiST LOMEi, iou inN pi ixnsi FiCE THt W0RI.OIND SW- MV HOSBflNDWASArieBO- he Sfifmnceo his urf IM THE PCRFOBMrVNCE OP DOTY HIS WOflD WAS HIS BONO AND HE MET T?e CND ffcMXCP THN BE 30WrRD m X-THBEYeS OF HIS FtXLOWMfcN - ,! ' - ' II w.iumiw'ta m 1 , Jfiiv. 1 JA. P..-, . MA MHVK-r INt lrLJ,., J 1 .. I .11 1 I i .. . ; I '-.'!.. -pTT-.. tTUa Miirilolf Tn l'v At t lit) nl (if tlilR ooralDK wri'k Mlaa Mao Mnnliiff, ilniilth tnr uf Mr. mid Mm. M. (I. Mor iliiff, pluna tu lAV fur Huti t'runrliu'O wlinr aim will vlult for I IIiiik, bcfiira JmiriiryliiK on t to Chlrano mid llotrolt, At lln troll Mlaa Mnrdrr will tenrh iliylrnl i'iIiii nilni In the city mlimilH (hla wlntxr. MlM Allu Kullla nf Mi'dforil, who haa biten t il 1 11 at ttm mi 111 in fr In Ihn wont with miIhIIvi nnd frlnndii will li-urii with Mln' Murdoir mid r4uiii Iiit iionlllon uk tachr In H111 ouHtrrn iiii-lropulla (hla fall. .trrlvi-d l'nini Kifni Mm. Ma M.'Aiknii nf Frcano. Ciillf.irnln, h.ia arrived In th illy and will apend a fortnlKht hore with ri'lnllvi'M and frlmda, Mm, Alkan la Iho duiiKhlnr of 1 no 1110 jerry amriin one 01 tine cliy'a moat Doled ploncem. Dur hnr vlult licio bur frlcnda liavo planed a niimbcr nf Informal af folia n bur honor. VOIR KYIA MUX TKI.L VOf! If your eyua aro laborlnit uudrr an uBiloii atrnlu you muat lit (Guerluua at aomvllilna wtoik, , , DR. H. W. 3ARR .. . V ! Er SlKht fpolnlltt CUS DUNN JEWKLKft AND OPTfCIA.V WW Main Btrct ' On Trains,' and ' -k During ; i. .''; i Vacations ' lottura muat often be ' 'written ' without the , convenience of a deak C , frrquenily In a hur 1 'ry. ' LORD - ' BALTIMORE Writing Portfolios are mada for )ttnl auch c meraenolVni The wrltlna caae cover.' placed cn lap. knee nV chair arm aupplli-a did link, and Iho paper U fnbrlr-fintah-rd atork ot blub quul liy. 1 Complete outfit with SO hecta and III tnvelopcar ,50c . STAR DRUG STORE Klamal'a Fall. Or. RAISED . LETTER PRINTING KLAMATH PRINTING COMPANY 522 Klamath Phone 1282 "ir J;L W I 'BE-- 4$ . t !r . SlimChances :4 ; - , . ' , S Ii r . . r v , n - t ...... ' i 1 P i ' S X T f wuv bl MIIPT ft9 WH1T9 ue AraAinV A I wirr MJUATlli: Dd! A ' I UOGftOJUF IT " 1 ....... vwy...,, . . j - II I J- vjln irtMi 1 . - .-i. .?nw . l; 1 VAS A WAY OUT 7 ' ' IA . j COHlTfiflRY L'AA f .V OF GOINS SReEM6MT rVtO a : f : ) rvu WrZ cr;r w a m " S T I if r 1 I I' Xiim' T -v- . Vf C.' IC5 vmf " I I . Vti.M a I tfJSr'H ,.. .'... . I . .... ' . i I ) i K 'vSJ '.' I I x , t Mrur Tnr v .i r r rnn i v 1 -Mr i t rt n a v I r P-lJ i I r"..- i i iibn i j u r t i ii ii n 1 u u n 1 n b n a s ft a irwr ixcati bauaiaj . At the Liberty William Fairbanka aa a Secret HitvIiii Muni That la the proapect for film fnna to look forwar l to la "Thru Thli k and Thin" which la at the l.jhirly Theatre today. 'Ilia; Hill' Uvea up to hla repu- lutlnn aa the arrcen'a aiionxeat man In Ihla pidnr and action lulore U !Uuranted. b''n ho capture band of border emuf- Kli r kIiikIo banded. One of tbn moat nervy (tilnt ovr acreenod forma the climax of ihla picture. Kthel Shannon. Jack Curt la, Coo. Terlolat and 01 hem popular with ttn public aupport the atur. Fire Conditions' Growing Serious POHTLAND. Ore.. Au. 19. (A. I' ) Kant wind and low humid ity a combination feared by for eat fire tinnier mado condition In the fire awept region of the Columbia national foreat more menacing today. The filouxon fire, which broke from control yeatcrday waa atlll di'tylng batiUne crew today, Ui eat report lndlcatlnn tb.it It va apreadlng. ' The Itock rreok fire.' another danicnr a pot. wa beina; odd but wind and humidity were favoring the blute. Two fire In tbe Qulnnlt river dlalrlct and the Storm Kins fire alao were threatening to become more acrioua. t Two Urea wero burning. In alaablng ot the Oatrander rail-. way and timber company at Sil ver I-oke, 19 mile northeast of Longvlew. Waah. One of the fire wa tinder control 1 thin morning. Three hundred logger were fighting tboaa fire. (l j ' A pair of (locking 1 plural, according to the United State euatom cour Some of thoae we've aeen were lingular. , Safe Wi.raVPl t travel tdl . Departures daily , Only stralght-tbra motor coach aervlce to Portland, California citlea and great Southwest with S daily sche dules. Serves all Intermedi ate points stop-overs if de aired. Great reaponalble sys tem protects you cares for baggage. Finest ginse-en-closed cars, reclining chairs, heatr-r. Leave (or VREKA, DrXSMCIR RKDDINO SAN FRANCISCO Mrs ANGELES SAN ITEJO, PHOENIX, FX PASO - MEDFORD, ROSEDIHO PORTLAND SEATTLE, VANCOUVER 7:19 a. m., 10:00 a. to., t:0O p. m., 4:00 p. na. Terminal Stage Depot Phone 999 Can t) ii si, m ' l . ' , . i 'i UjHT Itna apool barb wire.' Hhafnr. Phone IV). IK-2 2 FOn ItKNT 4-rooin modern huuae, fnruiahed. Inquire at (ountry Club. 174& Main HI. KOU ItKNT 2-room cottage, neatly furnlnbed. bcre-n porch, uan of bath and phone. HOI Alameda. Phono 02'J-J. 19-22 Foil MALK My eullre atock of pedigreed Now Ztiajand rabhita. Prtiea reuaouable. 15S War den Av 19-2C Vim fl I,K ook atove und two hmtcm. 727 Plumb HI. Phono CII0-J. 19-23 WANTED Houae cleaning by the hour. Phono S97-W. 19-28 HANDY MAN wanta part time work, day or night. Phone 794 W. , i9-22 FOIt HALE Leaiw and furni ture of twelve-room boarding houae. Good location. 60$ Plum St. 19-21 1XKT lady'a gold brooch. Ea gle claw abned, with three atone und solid gold eagle In renter. P.cturn to Herald. Re ward. 19-24 FOR HAI.E 1U0 abam claa A common atock. par value $2S plua accrued Interest. In New Service ltundrlea. Inc., owning and operating New City Laun dry, Klnmath Falla, and New Service Lauudry. Eugene. Both plan! In very good condllon, and stock well secured. Claa A stock cumuUllve. and pre ferred a to aaaeta and divi dends. Price $2200 cash. 19-25 FIRE-INSURANCE ' W apeclallte in Irrigated farms and stock ranches. IS years' - experience in county. REED & REYNOLDS lOIIS Mftin Kt. ' I'bone 1003 OUR BATTLE ! CREEK SANI );7;TAIiIUiM HEALTH FOODS y V j HAVE ARRIVED Yeg, the have arrived and we want to call :, voui" attention to our wonderful display of v this peat line of HEALTH FOODS we 'have just stocked. ., 'We want you to drop in and look them over. Health is the greatest thing one can possess. There are thousands of people in ur little vicinity who cannot boast of this wonderful gift They are eating, too much or not the things they should. We can right this trouble and put you on the road to good health. ,, ' i We will be glad to. have you call in and get literature on the different items which we have in stock and also want you to just try out some of the ones which might ap peal to your special case. The cereal line is wonderful and is good food for any one, and very reasonable in price. Here are a portion of the items we have . "ZO" Fig Bran, Bran Biscuits, Fruit Crack ers, Vita Wheat, Toasted Rice Flakes, Whole Wheat Wafers, Meltose Sugar, Fro tose Vegetable Meat, Paralax with Ager, Vita Wheat and. many others. We are excluisev agents for this line. Ask for literature and samples. The Sunset Grocery "Satisfaction Or 10th & Main FOIt WALK Late model Chevro let roadater. Jut like new. Excellent ahape, fully equip ped.' Terma. Mr; Rimer. 715 Jnffemon Ht. 19-22 FOIt SALE Young Holateln j bull, ready fur aerr'o-e. II. Hair. Ilox 347, Algoma. 19-22 i FOIt ItKNT x-room houw with I ' bath and - garage and wood- abed. 1003 Sargent Ave. Phone 253. 19-2(1 FOIt HAI.K Pedigreed Iloaion Hull Terrl'-r, female, i. E. Sampaon, Shaw-liertram Lum ber Co. Houae 1.1. 19-20 FOR RENT 3 -room modern house, furnished. Inquire L'nl- ted (,'Ignr Store, 629 Main St. 19-20 FOIt BALE iWIre-balred Polnt . ing Cirlffon puppies from the beet hunting stock In the state. Horn hunters and retrievers on -land and water and staunch on point. H. Mlddleton. Midland. . . ' 19-20 WANTED Housekeeper and cook, must be nnder 40 years of age. No objection to one or two children ot - school ' aga. Easy pl;co, good home. Tour Own boa. Phone 19-R. 19-20 FOR SALE Modern 1-room bouse, furnished; garage, large lot. room in front for good alxe residence. Close tn on pavement, $2500. Small pay . ment down, bilanre like rent. See Dr. Kambo, I, O. O. F. Bldf. . 19 NEAT 4-ROOM HOUSE and ga rage in Hot Springs Addition. , This should be seen to be an- I predated, and priced at only $3000 on good terms. ! DANDY little 3-room bouse and- garage, located in Hot Springs. This houae is now under con- . et ruction and the buyer can have the inside finished to suit. Priced ar $2975 on good terms. , I Consult ua about your Insurance. We also have money to loan. , The WALTON WRIGHT CO.. Inc. Phone 1144 19-20-23 Money Back" , Phone 200 By Taylor i A IIOMB FOR YOU New' tivn room bouaa with nice shade treea, large lot and good out buildlnga. Priced at IliOO. with reasonable caah payment and halanc at $23 per month. LOOK HERB A good 4-room modern atucco houae with dou ble garaxe. Nice lawn, tree and flow cm. tiood baaement and lar( lot, ioxe to achool. $300 caali' Will handle thl. Vnit WIT.T. nttlv hav.. in hiv 1100 down wllh hilanra like I rent to own . 4 new 4-room atrtctly modern borne with hardwood floors, basement, sleeping porch built-in break fast nook and on pavement. Corner lot and dose In. TRI-STATES REALTY Realtors 1134 Main St. Phon 1050 YOU CAN MAKE MONEY on thl 1$0 acre ot good rich, level land, 25 acres nnder dltcb, mil fenced and eroa fenced; S-room bouso with out buildings. This excellent land is priced at $10.00 per acre. DIRT CHEAP 5 acre close In with J-roora bouse, fine well and fine land. Priced at $.1200 on term. ' RANCH BAROAI. 4J0 acre of fine land, 05 11c re In fine al falfa, good C-room bouse, large barn, land all fenced and crosa fenced. 100 acrac In grain. This Is a Rood farm or a good stock ranch, as there Is plenty of outside range. Priced $7100 with cash payment ot $1500 and the balance on easy terms. TRI-STATE3 REALTY ' Realtors - -1134 Main St. Phone 1050 -. .".. ..., LOST AND FOUND LOST Link cuff button. 8mall dkamond In. center on one link ' and email sapphire In center ot other. Return to Herald office and receive reward. 8tf MISCELLANEOUS BEST OPPORTUNITY to get first class dairy cows; no calls. . selling entire herd. Tbe Adams Ranch. Merrill. Ore. 18-24 $25.00 REWARD To party who can give information concern- ing persona who stole fixtures (or derrick-Jrom A. J. Man Inlng Ranch. "" li-iu' WINDOW , CLEANING Floor waxing, bouso cleaning and -' Janitor service. References. A - M. Rhoads. Phone 10SS-W. - 107-2-tt AUCTION Furniture' Exchange anniversary sale, Tuesday, Au gust It. and each. Tuesday thereafter, at 7:30 p. m. J,. E. .. and H. Jlalney, S3 N. 4th St.. Ktematb Falls. Ore. 13-20 For Sale-Automobiles WILL TRADE A good used touring car" for lots or acreage. Clear, no .equity, Buick Ga rage. ' . .'' ? ? 17-13 FOR SALE 7-passenger Cadillac in good condition, newly paint ed. $350, by owner. Inquire at Herald. 11-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE Irish Setter pap pies. Midland Store. Midland, Oregon. 13-19 FOR SALE Household furnl- lure. 1768 Main St. 17-20 FOR 8 ALE Bargain, practically . new Ivory bedroom suite and two library tables. CaU 140-J. i 17-20 FOR SALE Sanitary couch, two mattresses, wringer and other household articles. Inquire at 70S Delta St. 17-20 PIANO FOR SALE Seeburg electric player, automatic, oper ates by nickel or metal checks. In A-l condition. Easy terms to suit. Leave word for Paul O'Neil. Wlllard Hotel. 18-19 WANTED : ; t ! WANTED Housework by middle-aged woman.. No children. Box 1. Herald. 18-19 I WANTED A ride to Portland. j Will help pay expenses. Ad- dress V. P. Herald. 15-20 WANTED First class mechanic ' at Merril Garage. 15-20 WANTED Transportation to 8u- sanvllle. Will share expenses. Phone 1231-W. 18-19 WANTED Return load of fur . plture for Salem or Portland at once. Reduced rates. Capi tol City Transfor So., Salem, Ore. ( 17-19 WANTED Return load of furni ture for Salem or Portland at once at reduced rates. Capitol City Transfer Co., care Eve ' nlng Herald. 16-3t WANTED 25 ladles and girl to win $100 in cash prizes by selling tickets tor the big open ing dance at the Fair Gronnds, Aiivttat SO rail Dn.nl office. Room D, basement court I house, for particulars, or phone I 214, 18-24 1 $1575 Nice 1-room furnlahed. house on pavement. Oarags, 'Urge lut, ate. i.ibrral terma. $4200 Fin 4-room new bom in Hot Spring. Nook, (Ira , place, basement, concrete foun- datlon. hardwood floor, tc Easy er;na, ' $4200 4-room borne, sloae In, ' hardwood .floor throughout, j . fireplace, ' garage, baaement, . concrete foundation, nook, lot of bulltlna? tc. Terms. . ,, $4600 Will buy fine home on 1 pavement; full basement, con- crete foundation, cement floor, nook, fireplace, hardwood il floors, etc. Liberal terms. 1 A. A. BELLMAN CO. - , Realtor 120 X. 7th St. Phone 15R 1 , 1$-2Q'' FOR SALE 20 acres, m mile.' from 6th St. Write Box 287, '. Rt. L. or see owner. 15-20 ;l WILL' SACRIFICE splendid new j t-room bouse tor $1000.' Will take car or other property, half 1 payment. Phone 591-J. H-21 FOR TRADE Portland property ij tor Klamath Basin property, either town or country. Good ,i 'deal offered. Call News, phone 877. l-6t TOR SALE 246-acre rancb. Will, sell all or part. 100 acres A-l i potatoes. - House and other , buildings. 200- chicken. (7B head ot sheep, all young black faced Hajnpshlrea; seven good : work horse. Three good milk 1 - cow. 120 acres nnder paid-up . water right. SI acres nnder;; government dltcb. For partle-' nlars call at Herald office, or ; phone 141. -' 12if FARMS FOR INVESTMENT , (7 ACREarCbeap , water right. good potato and alfalfa land. on tin highway. A 'doubled chance to make some money -due to the fact that two oil . rigs are drilling nearby. Noth-... ' ing wrong. Just a snap. $27.60 " per acre, easy payments, ten,,, years to pay. t Interest. y 80 ACRES. Improved, close ln.4 located in best potato predue- " , ing section. Might consider .-elaaa-ieity property for partv payment. Price $(640. Terms. IF T0V7 WANT tbe best garden.; and berry land es law Mr Fair Acre, $300 per acre. Small payment down, balance! $4.05 per month. . - EELAK It. TRACY x . ReaUora , . , , 609 S. Btfc St. ' Fhoni Jiv FOR RENT ill FOR REN" Four' room apart- ' ment. 825 Lincoln. U-20' FOR RENT Modern 4-room fur( I nlsbed ofl. I Inquire at 305 ' Lincoln. v ' 15-20 FOR RENT 4-room furnished , apartment. Reasonable. ' 1314a I , Crescent Ave. ' i 1S-19'' FOR RENT A room for gentle-! . man. 121 N. 6th St. Lorenx Apartment. - - 16-21 j FOR RENT Modern 4-room fur- , niBhed bouse. Inquire 305 Lln i coin St. ..., ' 15-20 J FOR RENT 3 -room furnished- ' - house, garage. Hot Spring ' Addn. Phone 1154-W. 17-19 ! ROOM FOR RENT Nicely fur-j nished front room, use - of ' phone and bath. Furnace beat. .422 .No. 3rd St. Phone 798-J.Sl 16-22 FOR RENT Furnished !-roonrM houses, - $18.00 month. 421 Plum. Phone 644-J. A4-SV. FOR RENT First clasa furnlsh-k' ed apartments. Steam heated.' 1 McCarthy Apt.. (30 Pine. , Phone 800. A5-8Sbi ROOMS 920 Lincoln. Phone j 697-W. ' , J27-A27'! FOR RENT Completely furnish ed apts. Garage, paving, new building. Just oft Main street on Broad. Rex Arm Ar.' Phone 111. J20-A20 FOR RENT Furnished ort apt., 2 rooms and bath, - lee trie range, hot water. Garage.' $35. 1(15 Esplanadn. Phone 794-W. - ' , Al-81 FOR RENT Completely furnish ed apt., garage, new building, Just off Main on Broad. Res Arm. Phone 1116. J20-A20 FOR RENT We can save you big money at tho Arcade Hotel Apartments, furnished com pletely, electric range, linen, dishes and telephone. Or room with private bath ' at real cut rates to permanent guests. Arcade. M9-Jt . .... 1 . ' $