Yayy. Six w...:jf!a.,-j.-..'.l-sy Nominate Delegate mr f .. 1 i t wants convention " Klamath Klwanlan irnH yester day at the Chamber of Commerce (of their regular weekly luncheon Which was presided over by President T. W. Deliell. Among routine business taken up "win the nomination of delegate to contention In Spokane, and (ha announcement by Joha Hous ton that i the Klwanla bseiell lab would play tha local Lion' team here next week, j At tha end of tha luncheon Quality Meats ALWAYS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL " "Picnics"- lb, s 22c Half or Whole Hams, lb 28c . Half or Whole Bacon, lb. 35c Pot Roast, lb, 15c Beef Shoulder Steak, lb. ...:............ 15c -1' . Shoulder Lamb, lb. ... 25c Veal Shoulder Roast, lb. 20c Full Line of Hens, Springers and Rabbits Miller's Market Phone 750 tllllllllllUIHIlHIIIIIIHIIIIlllMMttllllHI WHITE PELICAN CLUB DANCE AT K E Good Eats . Saturday Night until 3 a. m. TniiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiinniih 7ANN0UNC1NG . , vji i j . r: " " New Coats : of Fall ; (Watch our windows) . ' " la-a. ' ...... Smart, distinctive, authentic, unsur passed in value. Supreme in, chic, and the inherent ' quality of . , ; BARNHARPS LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR McCarthy Uldg, II No, 118 No. 7th St. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Entettalnmenc Chairman Re 1 ('.mil tauonwxu . no auuiu ni- ,rai.tUm ln ,u, furm 0( ihro. of tha city' bent Charleston dan cer. Misses Addla Jenkins, Vir ginia Richmond, and Mr, Alln Ilrrgevln. who went throagh . galaxy of atepa that left tha KiwauUne1 heads swimlog. As , , .. ,. a special added attraction Mr. Hlalt announced "Our Hot Jlind" ai prwrin minimis mil rMcnui-u dance engagement at the Wo Pelican Dancing Clubs flallroom at Keno. Oregon. They furnlah-1 edjnuslc for the dancer. ' 818 Main ' Z J! I I NO 4 i. c.T a.., Good Music BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH Returning To ICt - ! Weber and .daughter Norma Ruth who have ; knlM KUii1 ot Mr Mrs. Kred Murphey of Tha Sun- an awii uumta lur mw yua ,.,.- .. left this morning (or the., "" ....... -. Canadian toiite, wnere'iuey win V IMII m lH MIUIIP IIU ,, Enroule home they will via. I for The several duya as Chicago. visitors were taken on a number cf delightful trlpa while here, in cluding a trip to Dismoud hike. ( rater lake and over the Green Springs mountain. IVmt ilo Home -hot. tired and crauky. when a little dip ln the mineral wnter at the Hot Spring Nat will make you fresh and happy Adv. I Mother li Ill Mr. Josopli Shirk left yester day for Fresno. California. wk,ere she wns called by the crit ical illnes ot her mother. See. Connolly 15rw display of guns. Hum lug season for deer starts Sept. ltiih. adv. Mrs. Rarnhnrt A way Mr. Veorgft Ilarnhart of The Barnhart Shop Is south on n extended buying trip and plans to be away for at lal a fortnight lor t er. VUUed Valley Mr. nnd Mi. Druce Dennis with their house guest. Miss Victoria Wellmnn of 1'onland. motored to Medford yesterday afternoon to visit with friends. Mrs. Wlllnrd Johnson Accredited teacher of piano harmony. Stndio 81 S Prospect. Phone T33-R adT. 17-20 Here From Rend Hurh O'Kane of Bend Is business visitor here yesterday. He is stopping at the Hotel Hall while hero, i Expert Prescript lonUts Forboe Pnre Drugs. adv. Grants Pax. Visitor Mr. a ot Gran out of Mr. and Mrs. . W. L. Cameron Grants Pia are among the town visitors enjoying Klamath Fall yesterday. .Mullami VUiUMTi ' Mrs. J. L. Sevick and daughter Mary spent yesterday afternoon here shopping and visiting frieuda from their home at Midland.. II! rHMl III! For Insurance' T. See Jas. H. Drtucoll. BMg. Adv. Tfilliams In the family circle' ftanm Bik- fery pastry brings many deliditts, i Fresh from our ovens fragrant with the tasty goodness ot tho best Ingredients. KaT It a few times to yourself and then' say Home Eakery Pastry to HPECI.1LA: Devil Fool Cuke ut Ijonf ; THK'KVENlNli HKUAIlVKLAMATKAt.LSlJUKUDN Deputy's Car in "" Automobile Crash Each driver blnmrd the olher( In a crash In which leputy Slier- J I'" " " "- Mueller crushed Into jchtne driven by Frank Puiiula on I'luo utreut between Sixth and Seventh atrveu. 1'attula. who la employed bvfto meet once each week. F.ven the lireni riumblug company, aaid Mueller wa traveling, aboiil Ui mllea an hour; Mueller In hi i i n..,..i iveTa" m?Z f .nMr.llllv ... ull.hlo ... n.lt -- - - . t.j to back It from the l.or. ni Plumbing company proper; Into me Hireei. Top and For . . The New Fall Hats are Here. New Shades New Shapes i An4 New Low Prices. $5.00 and up. We guarantee every hat we sell to give satisfaction or you get a new one free. ! l f . ' Men's Oxfords New fall shoes and oxfords are now on display.. You will find here only the very, newest leathers and lasts in solid shoes and ox fords and also the best values in Klamath Falls. Priced ;., $6.00 and up When you buy a pair of shoes or oxfords from us you are assured of two things: ' , 'A Real Value and a Real Fit. ' Justin 6? Montgomery - MEN'S Williams Eldg. Cctisin Alfy aAJ STAVAO-DAy , IP VCOS MOM'LU A 3 US FoS ir,v JL) 1 I City to rRush Zoning Proposal (foiilluued From Page One) rh city l growing and thil growth should be directed. Mrrt (lute r'nih Week. "Tho toning rommtltee plnii luilliv m prolialily dn ten- Utlv Doundurlef of five differ- ent dlairti'ta aa fol'iowa: renldon tlul dNirlct tmnilier 1, number 1 and number S: a commercial dlKtrlrt and an tniliistrinl trlct. "When wo work nut tlieno boundaries to the beat of our - " "" " a, Bottom Fall WEAR Klamath Falls A La ;M-I'O LIKG SUE AORfe OP LvulatUlva aUlllllea, the oomnilltee 'will Ihcu appoint a aub-commlt-1 . tee from each llti f to meel with the main inning cnmmlllee and rilaciiM the pMn I', affect ' each dmtrlcl. "A I undemtund the lolling plan It could he adopted by the cnunrll hy ordinance: but mom cltle hare considered It of o much Importune thnt they have Ktihmltted It to the p.'ople.-' The mayor tllmMmned the (henry of (onlng at nme length. "Konlng In lulled Hluloa clllc particularly those which are atlll In a prncen of growth ha dl-ioom to be rcgiirded a nalur- l nnd proarejslve step. it lubllnliea and maintains property values, set off one district from the other, and prevent en- ,.ro:n hment. Ih-wrllM-a Plim. "For example lit residential district number 1 the so-called best illsiricl no apartment hous e would bt peruiltled to build. District would bn a step lower and would probably permit apartment houx't; district 3 would be home "f Industrial worker. "A horns that would lie al lowed In district number 3 could not lie built In t or 1: bin a district 1 homo could he built In 1 or 3." Mr. Walters went on to tie- serlhe how the Indu-irlsl section ' of tho city would he definitely outlined' and confined within, eertalu boundaries; likewise thej eommerclul and tho wholesale and the rutull dlalrli t. "A soiling plan such as we hope to formulate, will not he an arbitrary law which will work ; hardship on some property i holders. We hope by discussion 1 and conference to reroncllo all viewpoints and como to a com mon agreemeut that will be I Vneflclnk lo all." Legal Nctlres VOTICK UV rtS.H. ACIOI NT. In the County Court of the State uf Oregon tor tha Couuty of Klamath. I It the miller of the estate ot Surah K. rleixls. deceased. I Notice Is hereby given that the ; anderalgned ha filed her final .account and that Friday.. .Hepteni ber ltllh. 13T, at .Z o'clock p. j m. of auld day, ln the court room lot tbo above entitled court In the ; County Court House at Klamath I Fall. KLimsth County. UUla of I Oregon, haa been fixed by the ! eourt a the time and place at iwhlch the court will hear objee l tious to said account and eettlo the same. ! All persons having oblectlona 'thereto will tile the same or ap- 'pear personally and object there-1 ito on or before the date set fori ' the hearing of said final account. ' MAHY K. ZACHARIAII. I Fiecuirlx ot the Last Will and I I Testament of Harak t. Seeds, !'I Deceased. NATIONAL FORFJ4T TtMUKR H MALI:. Sealed bida will be received by the-District Foreater. Portland. Oregon, up to and Including Heg tember 14, 1937, for all the mer chantable dead timber elaatliwg Klamath Falls Business Directory LuLHiK, VU.tTKa.MAL. MttlCK 11. P. O. liLKH Meet Thursday evening. isltlng mejiner wel- com. HLKS TEMPLF. 3rd and Mala OLIVER 6PIKKR. Kxtlled Ruler F. D. MeMILLAN. llecreury I I i I Fraternal Order ot Eagle ' f Or Meote Every- Trt Wfa. day. 7: 30 al Seljia Moose Hall. q. D. L0NO. Secretary Vorle 200. Phono 67 tabor Temple LOYAL OnnKR OK MOOKK Moot every Tnora- ' ,day. 1:30 L. O. O. M. Moose Kail, KUs ath Ave, GEO. CHILE. Die. Kfem.th Lodg No. 77 A. F.'and A. M Stated Communications Secr-hd and Kourth .Mondsys Visiting Brother Welcome 1XX)MI4 UCII.DIXtJ -1 By Blosser y isntawvmc J Lot ilown. and nil Ui live timber uiaUed or UvalgnuUu (or cutllng , urut KU1i,rucmi, uli 1 wliLIn Hocrt.m .tu. Tnwimhlu 11 South. Rnnge t Rant, and Hot kin 1, Townablp 33 Holllll. Itnngn Rust, W. M Ann i Creek wainr- sheil, t'rnler Nntloual Foresl. Oregon, estliiintuU to be 1,1)1, UUU feet II. M. of western yel low uud augur pine, lOD.UUU feet H. M. uf loiliropoln pill" and in. UUtt feet II. II. wllllo fir, a total of 3. SU.UUO fiut II. M.. inure nr less, No bid or less than S ri.au per M feel for wlcrn yellow pine, augur pino and lodgopol pine, and fl.UU per M feet for while fir, will l.o- eniialdonl, 1 3100 niuxt be deposlieil with each bid 10 be applied on Ilia punhasn price, refunded, or re tained In psrl n liquidated dsm. ages, according In conditions of sale. -The right to reject auy uml all bids imsrved. Ilrfore bids are submitted, ull. luforniatlon roneernlng the timber, the eon dltlnns of sulo, and the submis Klamath Falls Business Directoiy Arittlt.NKVH C. C. ItltOWKU Attorncy-at-l.aw Hiate and federal Court Abstracts f'.xnniluod SOS Wllllla llldg. 1'houe tit Ileal Klula Law a tieclaliy i:. I.. M.LIOTT Atlnrney-at-tw Williams IH.lt;. I'hone lli i Ufflr J'hone It94 M. O. WILKINS Lawyer - OS Williams hultdhig Klumslh Kails, Oreion riiona 14M Day rr Night AVTOMOnaR DEAI-I'.RH llepnlr Work. Iluttnry Hervlce, Tires Nash. Oakland, Pontlar, Packard It. II. It. (iAHAf.R .H Klamath Next to Pusiolflce I'hooe SI Oood year Tlree Fireproof Btoragn AI'TOMOIIIIJi 1IRKH llrlng In )our worn tire get OOOO nilli1 mora at t usual mot ACK TIRK KIIOP fltiarenteed vulconUIng IIS Bo. 11th St. Phone 843-J re-tread wto m:PAm dmliliy's Rcalr Hliett Ouaranleed Auto llepalrlnjf Car called for and delivered South dtb Ht. Phone 001-W BATTKRlt 8KKVICK flattery Service. Magneto, Btarter and (lenoratot Reiwirlng FIjOVD Uk.NRIOT CO. 234 Main St. Phone 397-W Battory. Magneto, Cenerator and Complete Eleoukai Kcrvlee TV. P. Johnaoa'a ACTO KI.HCTfllO ) Kit VICE 714 Klamath Phona H Phllco Remy Deleo Bosch Attlolite nEACTV PARIX1RH Expert Operator, Individual booths, violet ray, tuarcell log. batr tinting BOSTON 1IEAITV SHOP Clorsnna Warren Winter Bldg. Phono 11 Water. French Pa pen Curl Facial . and Scalp Treatment IiriLDlNO I ATERIAL3 SWA I, ARK MorXDIXfl CO. Quality Building Material . South fitu St. , Phone 759 WANTED Carpenter work by contract or Day. Cabinet work and fixture built. 14U Divleioa m. Phone 14IU tinilCHKS HACKED HEART CHl'KCII Elghih and High His.. Rev. A. E. Loeser, Rev. C. n. Felge. rlunday niannf at 6:. II). : 00 and 11:30. Evening devotion at 7:30. Week-day mnss nt 7 a. ni. Merrills, 1st nnd 3rd Snadnye at 10:30. All are cordially welcome ntAiur gerv Ico. , ( IVH, KNOI.XKFKH I ; J. C. CI.KfiHORV f Civil Engineer nnd fliirreyor 210 .High Street . C. C. KKLI.EY Comulllng Civil Knglnan tJndnrwood Blrtg. Phono 1078 DENTIHT8 UK. 14-, it. WIMECARVEK ' ' on. ik, v.; cooi'Eii. 4 Dentistry -X-RAY Laboratory .' TJndnrwood Bids. Phone 4J Friday. Aurust li, ml.- sion t bble "hoilld be obtained from ibe Foreet nuii"rviMir, ,imi ford, Oregon, or Die District For ester. Portland. Oregon IM.-S NitTICK Ttl ttTIHt1llH. . t Notice I hereby given that sealed bids will be rcoelv, by the' t' ly Pork llourd un lo :So p. m. on Timduy. Hie 3rd day ot August. 1113., for I he (irndliiK, ilialnluat and con structlon of or.e doubln ten uis court on the Park slle bntwesn Hiukel and slsrila, Mlreels wild Home Aveuua. Plans uud ap'wlilcatluas, pro posal inrms. ami In.inoUons to blildors may he had at the office of the t'Hy Kuginver. The ,Clly Park Hoard reserve tan rig 111 to reject auy or all hid. WII.I. W. BALDWIN. Uccretury. Cliy Park ltnard 13-13' HKNTIHTH (iuiiernl I'mcllce of Dentlslry till. I'MIMI' COl.K tu Main Over Moe'a Htore-.Phone J9 ien Hvenlng by Appolnlsaeat Kr, Kjo aait Mnae Doctor Dr. J. J. Emmens Medford, Ore. , Practice Hmlind lo eye, ear, so... sud thront. Phone S4T CIIUtoriLlCTOilh) , un. (.i.iy Mooitn . . Palmur Uraduste Chrsnh and Kerveu Ulsensek New alelhne 11 lock, lit Mala Phone 11TI (ppoail Court Hmtse) K.!I'IX)YMKNT AOKNCY kI.t.MATII EMflXJVMKXT UKrlCM Emplomnt for worker la very trade mills, railway and farms. Jamr It) an, Prop, nill ami Main. Itione 1ST .Ml Hit) NTt'DKJ M US. U ll I.AItll JdllNiMI.V AixnsllMsi Trnetter of I'lano lliirmony. Ear Training and Musical History. Studio KM Prospect Phone n.VK IR-SO UVKHTOCK fresh row on hand at all time from one to carload KLAMATH DAIRY COW CO. Phones' Ranch lliKJ; lis. 41 H. Mochettat, Jr. , . Texuui. Station OHTKUI'ATHS - Dll. K. It. OtllMIARD i. O. O. r. TEMPLE Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phone Stt PAINTS. WALL PAPEIt Wall Paper. Paints, Enamels, Brushes V. K. OLD . Aero from I'o.tofflc Phone 41 Everything a Pslnf Store KeepA Paluta, Oils. Varnishes, Dead suing Felt, OIbss, Roofing. Wall-Paper PATH RHOVti PAIXT trOnB to th flt. Phdal SS1-J STENOdHAPHY MRS. L. H. IIACitkl : Publln Stenographer Kolry Public. . Saving and loans . Real GaUto Insurance ll WUlits Wdg. Pbooe SSI Ait sin as ot legal form TIMBEIl (Itll.MKRH Timber Cruising. ReconnoJa. anre and Appraisal II. M. (Mil.K 4041 Main Ht. Phono SOS-W Working Iraav 1 M. I. Johnson's office . . - E.TCAVATIJCO . t BLA8TLNO Sewer and Ccmpooi Work Pbooe 4SM Call at ftoa K. Main St. EHAKK MARTIN Try Evening Herald Fiied Space Ads ' ,