Friday, August 10,' 1!I27. Tlir: F.VENINfi HFUAM). KLAMATH KAU,S. OREGON. Piiiro Fiv Whiteline Tract Early Klamath Days Recalled (Continued From Pan One) Papism urdnrril mo and several others oil guard duly. We'd had bard day uf It and whit' wild onu thing and another, we wem Kino sluniterlng undotaouih a JunliHT tree. The rsplnln here was too marl. lie rum down lo tlisl 1 Juniper treo and woke us." The Inquiring reporter wanted In hear linl happened IhoMnf dr. bul Frlrk was silent. "Ak the burnt, " bo commented, lib a IwlukU In bla evo. an he nutlnued hla Journey up Main atrrrl. THEFT HfM'KlT Charged with having IimiiihI a homo ni'ar the 1 1 t Springs room- Tire Prices Slashed limine. Jim Dower wna nr- turning to hur liunm In Hai Kruq- C...I...I I,.., Htul.l I.M ....!(.. ...! I-'I-.... .... U .J:.u ........I.... lOnf irmed holng hold UhIuv un an open an enjoyable two work' ra-v rliume. Ilower wo. wearing j'lltn hero with relatives and (Continued From Page One) 'pair uf orarall whkh pollen al- Irlmidi. Mrs. Hlsnmor will re mun User agreement betweiin I ho ''( ha had alulru from Ilia uuiim her position at Ilia Whllt two roaiN formerly begun at Ilia house, illouie cn Monduy morning. Miss nunh awlti'h, lucalrd al lliol ! I'auMna Clin la leaving wl'b Mrg. northern liuumUry uf I'elhan 'uiiilnn Haiurilii) MkIiI H.seinoro and will uiako lir lu ('My. Thiia, Ihn Northern llnoj Mnrjorlu blwinnrw la re.'lure homo In Bun frunclaro. lo unlii arixaa lo thi'Mi two inn tioKu urntliirlng plnnls would ba forced lo liullil Ha own Una no I. Ink river from li property In oil III Itlvernlile nrk. Tim Houllieru i'ailfle agreed lit ninva Ilia polnl hira only lirlilgn rliihla would bn In ef fect 10 a polnl al llio south b'lumlaiy uf I'nllrnn ('II ) I'll it it thin ri'portml arrangement, tlm (irwit Northern 'iu Ihn auinn arrets In the Ivliiun Clly plnnla Until It bus to lumber itiiiipuiiliia Inn I tlm rl I', nuiln linn frmii Chi'iiiult aiiuth, ImiiiiUlig Ihn Al imna l.umtiiir rompany, tho Chll- oiinln Lumber rnuipmiy, Foret' Lumber company and Lamm's mill. -for 10 Days Only on Ajax Guaranteed Tires ao.x:j Paragon Cord $5.25 30x31;. Regular, Paragon CordH 6.95 30x31;. Oversize, Paragon Cords 7.45 29x4.40 Ralloon, Taragon Cords ., 8.15 Other Sizes in Proportion : ' ' .' ' ' Buick Garage 1370 Main Phone 42 i M i' Axe Chopping Contest Friday, 3 p. m., 7th and Pine A prize of $50 will be given the person who can chop through a log in twice the time it takes Peter McLaren, World's Cham pion axe chopper. , Opponent must not use the famous Plumb One-piece Axe. You will kcc this famous Plumb Axe demonstrated by an expert. Plumb axes and tools are sold in Klamath Falls by KLAMATH HARDWARE CO. ROBERTS & HARVEY f. ? : Six Varities of Melons 4 Plenty Parking; Space for Every Car GRANTS PASS GRANTS PASS Fancy CANTALOUPES TOMATOES FANCY ELBERTA 3 for . Per Crate PEACHES Per Crate 25C 70C ; ' $1.15 HALF GALLON RHODE ISLAND -,., MASON JARS RED FRYERS . rLUivK, Dozen ' Per Pound $1.00 85c $i'5'0 KS2."JM?N wWuITEM"t? BLACKBERRIES PINT JARS Washing Machine . per Dozen Soap, Lge. Fkg. " Crate ' V 48c $U5 KERR MASON STRAWBERRIES CRAB APPLES QUART Per per JARS Crate Crate $1.15 , $1.00 $1.00 We Deliver All Orders amounting to Over $1.00 Without Extra Charge.' PUBLIC MARKET Phone 169 "PAY CASH-IT PAYS7 6th St. at Walnut "1 mwlk iff Tomorrow Night at Nine Your Last Chance to Get Big Votes Extra Vote Offer TODAY AND TOMORROW-up to 9 P. M.-are TWO DAYS chuck full of opportunity for candidates in the KLAMATH NEWS and HER ALD'S $6,000 Prize Campaign. Two days to put yourself in the van guard of those fortunate men and women who will receive luxurious mo tor cars on Augst 27th. And never again will there be an offer 0 important Do yor level best NOW! Success, luxury and happiness i3 within your grasp take advan tage of it Positively your last chance Get Busy Today! 80,000 EXTRA VOTES Candidates are offered a wonderful opportunity to get thousand of extra votes by forming "new subscription clubs." ! 80,000 extra votes will be given for every $20 - wortl of nev subscriptions turned in during the period starting August 8th and ending 'August 20th. The 0,000 votes are a bonus in addition to the regular votes given on subscriptions. There is no limit to the number of clubs any - candidate may turn in. For every $20 worth of new subscriptions there will be 80,000 extra votes. - This is the greatest extra vote offer to be given during the remainder of the campaign. It is NOT necessary, or advisable, to hold subscriptions until the $20 worth are secured. Turn in your subscriptions as obtained, so the subscribers will receive their papers promptly, and after the offer closes a ballot will be mailed to cover the extra votes earned. Last Qub Offer Ends August 20th Standing of Contestants DISTRICT NO. 1 ConiprUra all territory within llMt rily limits ot Klamath Falls, hlili'lptiftton ami Prllran City. ....070.400 ....071.730 ....673,000 ....074,000 ....OA3.430 ....000.073 Dornian, Win. J Howard Juanlla rnon. Sir. J. V... Moor, V-a Ilosklng, Mm. i. r. Foster, Mrs. Walter .Martin, Mrs. J., Tel. City 007,573 tilinonds, Mlna 071.723 lirurlion, Sophie. 603,230 Jones, Mm. W lllinr 000,430 MrKwin, Mario 070.737 Torrej-, Mrs. It. ..67400 Melcnir, II. M :....107JI73 Johnson, Miirnan t 171,000 DISTRICT NO. .2 Comprin-s all territory outshle the cttjf limits ol Klamath Falls. Shlpnington anil IVUraa Citr. MJdkltr, Mildred, AUcoma 073,fWK Dunrhv Marian, Ft. Kla. 31873 Bkern, MeU K. 6I0.3O0 Rrown, Mrs, Ark-ne, Merrill .67S,723 Anilerson, Mrs. I'Vunris, Dorr Is, Calif 000.023 Kelkar. Kamllla, Malln 676.300 Puforr, Mrs. J. O., Cblloquia - 070.000 Walt, Mrs. II. W. RFD 072.700 Innlel, Mr. C. M., nonnnza 071,0O- Puvititt, Jessie, Keno ... 670,230 llarry, Josephine, Ijikevlew 673.730 Italian, oLuNe, ralsley 474,300 Example HOV TO OBTAIN BIG VOTES t 10 Ftra Tear Suitocriplluns to NEWS or HER ALD It New Subscriptions (In extra rotes)... This would constitute IS dubs TOT At. VOTE COUNT FOR 10 SCBSCTtlP- .1.100.000 .I.300.0(U) TIONS OR 3.900.000 S Fire Tear Subscriptions to NEWS and HER ALD .. 00.000 1.300.000 If New subscriptions (in extra rotes) This would constitute 1 eluiw TOTAL VOTE COUNT FOR i COMBINATION SUBSCRIPTIONS 3.100.000 Surely, this big opportunity offers any contestant in opportunity ot a winning rote total. ' BUT REMEMBER, only a short time remains of the BIGGEST voting opportunity of the campaign. 80.000 EXTRA VOTE OFFER closes Saturday. Augnst 10. one week from tonight. Tben the end ot the campaign Saturday, August 27, at 9 p. m. CANDIDATES ARE REQUESTED TO GET UV8Y its now on never: Vote Value of Subscriptions Payable in Advance The subscription rates' of THE KLAMATH FALLS MORNING NEWS and THE KLAMATH FALLS EVENING HERALD nrc shown below, together with tho regular number of votes allowed on each subscription payment. The votes shown here apply on both Old and New subscriptions. Rates For News or Herald Combination Rate For Both Papers NEWS OR HERALD By Carrier in Klamath Falls I'RICB FIVE YEARS . 1.13.50 FOUR YEARS - Sd.00 THREE YEARS !. TWO YEARS .'"13.00 ONE YEAR 6 6 SIX MONTHS 3.50 News ' or Herald By Mail Oulslrlo Klamath Full PRICK FIVE YEAns 2S l0 FOUR YEARS 30.00 THREE YEARS - - 15.00 TWO YEARS .. 10 00 ON K YEAR BiOO BIX MONTHS 2.75 VOTES ' 100.000 110.000 70.000 40.000 1 5,001) 5.000 VOTES 1(10,000 en. ono 35.0'ift 13.000 4,000 NEWS AND HERALD r.y Carrier In Klamath Fslls PRICE FIVE YEARS f,5.00 FOUR YEARS 62.00 THREE YEARS - 39.00 TWO YEARS . 26.00 ONE YEAR IS 00 SIX "MONTHS - 700 News and Herald By Mall Outstile Klamath Fulls PRICE FIVE TEARS . luO.OO FOUR YEARS r. i 40 00 THREE YEARS 30.00 TWO YEARS i 30.00 ONE YEAR , - 10.00 J1X MONTHS - MO VOTES 300,000 200,000 130.000 110.000 40.000 15.000 V0TF.S 340.000 !40.00(V 10.000 no. ono 35.000 13,000 Big Selection of Guaranteed . Used Cars Standard Makes ' ' Late Models 1925 Ford Coupe Lots of Extras and Jn per- s feet shape , 1926 Buick Coach 1925 Buick Coach 1925 Hupmobile Roadster 1924 Flint 55 En- r; i; j; ' closed Touring 1924 Jewett Touring ..1923 Buick ' Touring 1927 Ford Touring 1925 Chev Coupe . . .. Dodge Roadster Ford Roadster Reo Speed Wagon . i Ford Ton Truck . Dodge Screen t Delivery All Priced Right at Convenient Terms Buick Garage Phone 42 1330 Main a r ijyi ! f: 1 ,