r.-iyo Eight TUB RVKNINO MKK.M.1V KLAMATH FAT.T.S, ORKflON Tluns.by, August 1H, 127. OREGON GRAIN LOOKING GOOD, LITEST REPORT i but (hire I binw damage from 1 the heel. rrun' are colorln I. ale bcrrlet arc ripening. Pick ing of llnrllill prara 1 under way. A good crop uf excellent ! quality. ' I OPPOSE THREE ! DOLLAR FEE NO TRACE FOUND OF TWO. PLANES Corn iri Fair Condition; Early Apples Ripe; Picking Pear POflTr.ANT), Ore. Aur. IS. P.) The weekly Oregon crop re port of the weather hnrean today luy efirn la reported fair In good, in IdhroI In tho northern pari and earing well In the aottth ern part. Iiut beginning to need ruin where not Irrigated. Ilur-von of wlnlor wheat la practically complHcd and lhrcihing well un der way with good yield in the crop reported. Spring wheut la good to excel lent hut some damaita from ex ecutive heat. The oat crop In weatern Oregon la harrextel and anme of It thrnhed, they called It generally good.' In eastern Oregon the crop la ripening and the quality U excnllont. Itarley la ripening rapidly In eastorn section. Early npplea are ripe: later tfirietiea are generally ripening (Continued From Page One) I property, the rtate would have only the mi all amount from II jcenae feea and the gaa tax for I conntructlnn and maintenance i which woulil cMntlnntc new high way and make difficult main taining thone ilready constructed. I it waa declaretl. Walt l mil I Mil. Coventor Patterson avked the people of the county to lake no j action In a revision of the II- cense foca until after 1SH when i the peak of the bond payment i will be reached. Mr. Patterson will Join the member of the slate highway commission for a trip over the Kooaevelt and nedwood highway in Oregon tomorrow morning, re turning to this city on Sunday. Another llace. NHW YORK. Aug. IS. (P) And now a cros country run. John J. Seller of Atlantic City. professional foot racer, plan to hoof u mile a diy beginning September 10 and reach Lo An gelca In two months or so. 9 9 0 Ten Reasons! Why you should attend our huge sur prise sale and take, advantage of this astonishing money saving event. These ten reasons exemplify the great reductions and values on our entire stock just as precisely as the ten. com mandments indicate man's moral trend of life. I II III IV V vl; VII VIII IX X Fancy Silk Rayon Union fiJQ QQ SuiV,. Reg. f4.00 values Pab07 Extra Good Lisfe Sox. Reg. Cf 2uc values. 3 for OUC Finest Quality Moleskin tfJQ QC Pants. Reg. $4 values V O Heavy Khaki Pants. Reg. ?2.50 values $1.89 Color-Fast Fancy Shirts. Reg. $3. values $1.95 3 for $5.00 Full-cut Athletic Union Suits. ,7Qr Reg. $1.00 values IC Fancy Silk and Silk-mixed ACkt Sox. Reg. $1.00 values XC Corduroy Pants. Reg. $5 d0 AVL values tPJiU Tans Blues Greys Genuine Chambers Union J 1 1 f :. $1.75 values V X . 1 17 Suit. Reg. And a Hundred and One other Bar gain Surprise for you. "You'll Be Surprised at the Savings" OREGON WOOLEN STORE 8TH & MAIN We Sell for Loss! Always the Best! (Continued From Pago Ouel ! more plane Mil tile .'.rooxook two.' x i From t'rissey field. Pan Fran 1 Cisco, ten planes of the army were ready to roar out to aea as : soon a the heavy tog lifts, i Four will go' beyond Farallon i es. 111 mile off the tioldon Gate, the other will ply up and down the coat. j The Fnited State nivy sprang Into action with order to 4 2 ves , scla of various rlasalflcallona lo ; hunt for the plane along the ' :too mile course and among th ' Islands of the Hawaiian group. The coast guard hurried two boats to aea. Merchant ships were alert, arned by broadcasting radio. The fate of the Mis Dorun ' wa cause for greatest anxiety lowing to the fear that it may j have been forced down soon af i tor it left the starting point and J dumped Into the aea with a Ion lot gasoline In the tank. The : possibllitiea of a amash-up and i quick sinking loomed large In ! this picture, tor the plane' ' loads would have made a landing ' at sea a most batardoits task, j The Golden Kagle presented t more hopeful prospect. It was sent Into the race equipped lo 1 care for Just such an emergency. Its navigator was considered on. j of the most skillful and pilot ' Frost hidl the machine perform ing perfectly at the take oft. If It stayed up for ten hour until halt tho gasoline supply was gone and was then forced Into the open sea. the landing gear could be dropped after the plane reached the water and three ex trimitlcs of the craft the wing ends and the rear ot the fuselage could be Inflated with air car ried In a tank In the navigator' cabin. Pipe line connected with the air feed and the navigator could fill the tasks by turning a valve. Tho bottom of the Cold en Ktgle'a fuselage wa.s lined with cork and sand hags could be placed on the wing tips to prevent the sea from pounding them to pieces. The doors and all other open ings were lined with rubber to make the Golden Eagle seawor thy. K1ew Against Advice. Lieutenant Ben Wyatt. who made all the navigation tests for the Dole entrants, mad? the fol lowing statement concerning the ni'saing planes: "I am of the opinion that the Mildred Do ran plune wa forced down by en gine trouble. Pedlar, the pilot, on his return to the field was warned against taking oft again sinceM did not believe that changing, the spark-plugs would rectify the malar trouble, whicn forced him back. ' I believe he experienced the same motor trou ble that forced the Oklahoma out of the race. "I am at loss fo explain the non-arrival of the Golden Karle since this plane wa probably the best equipped of any fn the race." ' 2E HERE'S SHIRT' N RAX FRANCISCO. Aug. IS. fAPl The biplane carrying Mis Mildred Doran. Auggy Pedlar and Lieutenant Knope. If Itjias been forced down In the ocean can remain afloat a full day or more if the sea I not rough. Lieu tenant Ben II. Wyatt. navigation Inspector of the Dole flight com mittee, announced after a scien tific calculation. Lieutenant Wyatt believe that the sea would not break up the plane structure for at least 21 hours and if the sea la calm, he believes, that the plane could flail even a longer period. . TULE LAKE LAND WILL J5E SOLD (Continued From Page One) particularly nj.-restea In the 8, 000 acre opened to settlement last pring," the United State official continued, "and desired to get a line on the type of settlers and what progress was being made in development. "Personally. I was amazed. On many of the homesteads, en trymen have their crop In al ready and Indicatltns point to a fine yield. 'That Is remarkable, when you atop to consider the short time that has elapsed since' the Innd wa opened. "This land was picked up so quickly that the government de sired to know whether or not speculation figured In Its popular ity. Iiut I find that half or the people who have taken land are from Klamath and that many come from Idaho and Washing ton. It I just a case of for ward looking mrn seeing a good proposition and taking It." To Insure ahsolnte control of grasshopper Infestations In the reclaimed Title lake .ires. It will be necessary lo locate grasshop-1 per egg bed In the early fall ; and .disc up tho beds In order lo reduce the hatch, Mrs. Kraut zer said. "Tho hoppers arc laying eggs now and by plowing the egg beds the danger ot a erlou Infesta tion would probably be lessened considerably. I r ivi w'red the head office In Washington. O. C. asking for on , appropriation of 1500 to help defray the cost of a rider whose Job would be lo spot tlha egg beds." WITH A PUNCH . ' Lou Langworthy is a ncwxcomer to Sugarman's. You read in the paper that he was coming. Well, now he' here, and just to make you remember the day he came he's putting on a gigantic three day shirt event that will knock all former shirt event prices into a cocked hat. -S" wm -its u Fresh, New, Crisp, Soft, Colorful, Stylish Shirts I Jffltp Rich, lustrous, colorful, full of style and pep. Every shirt a per fect fit and every shirt with full cut shoulders and body. For three days this event will be held. Don't Miss It HERE THEY ARE ! 4T-M--l - Let's Go ! I Folks, remember this gale in but an annual -i event comes but once a year. As prices I I are- lower and values hiirhcr, this year I should surpass any in the history of this, i. sioie. 1 , ;; So if you need shirts, men, now is the time :; to get "shirtt'd," also 1 shoi Id like to per :: manentlv cet acquainted with even' man I in Klamath Fulls. See you hero Friday, I Saturday and Monday. - "Shiitfully" yours, LOU LANGWORTHY. 1 : - Friday, Saturday and Monday . Shirts - C O-C uroacicioin snins, aiso Madras, in smart new patterns and all colors. Since when have you bought a GOOD shirt for $1.33? Friday, Saturday and Monday Shim tChOC Smart, soft, lustrous shirts, of Marfra.) and Silk designs. All colors and all sizes. A regular $1 value. NOW Friday, Saturday and Monday Shrits r A great collection of smart Droadcloth, Madras, Rayon Stripe and Silk Stripe Shirt3 that have not been seen for many a day. A $3 value. ' $165 Friday, Saturday and Monday Shirts V 100 High-grade Droadcloth and Silk striped Madras, also Silk striped Broadcloth and Rayon mixtures. A $5 value. NOW View our specially arranged shirt windows. 1 I I lr-rJ-f4".f.M-l-, K. Sugarman L 1L