j'huriwlny, 'Anpwt 1H, THE PANNING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. -iL- ti - f Trip to K. F. Made in Fast Time by Auto What in IIkiiikIH In b a rrr mil run . between Hnlac, lilnhn. ml Klmimlh Km II. dltsnr ' uinr than toil m 1 1 , mailt' trriluy by Mr. J. T. Toy and oi who arrived her ai lh lliuel Hull twenty minute before nilitnlalil lual eri'iilng, makliit th yip In 1(1 1 In Ima than 17 hnura. , Dunning a rloa second, and unaware Ihut they hail traveled ii(r tin amn road from Pay I'Ha, liluhn, a illalaiira of ohouj 41 mllaa froin Kliunulli Fall wi'iw hr. ami Mra. A. Arlaan of I hlraito who reached the Hull ai I I ;f p. in. Ilnlh purlin niailn llm I rip vin Caldwell, Vnlit ami over ilir John r"ny Highway to ImyvHIe A-Y- (At Yoiir Door) "Industrial Supplies. ' ' rilON'R 871 STAGES TO ALL POINTS 326 cw Phone Number New Reduced Rates , New Location 8th & Klamath Ave. Tho Aainalilno Raa(" , NOW is the time to Buy Property in Lakeview, Oregon ; ' t and Alturas, California " 1, " ! T f Tjir i i ' f I ), Y 4 We Tiave business "arid "res idence property; acreage and sub-divisions; business chances. Write t Favell-Utley Realty Go. Lakeview,, Ore. Alturas, Calif. MOM'N POP . VIE SA,t. A SgU wt SAIL FOR . TO 8 I. JT SAM JOAN DC SALVANUIMTO. S 60U 7V RESEARCH WOUK , VJX . I of ThC SoornEN Coast op .L ? fS . v-v:'i-r C17 " V SOJtM AMRiCft,WMeeoOP S-- ' ' i t ' ?t "a ekpedit.on boat ues-X sT-iS ' ''i , V.'sf ' i hit r k, .. ...... . W - 9 ' I II wan at (his point bnih par Imunnil In mlk of Mi diloru roudlilnn of lb road. Ili't Dnyvllli. unit Mllrhall, dlalaiicr of eont ,15 in IIm, both partle were forced m apiuid I wo houm. which nil ronaldi.rahl lime off III record they prrhap rnulil hnv mail Into, llii tiiy. Apparently Hon Ilia worau from I hn Ion drive, Mr. Toy , u lip ai tr.M) (hla moriilng am! left wild hl mother for Ham- memo, Indian Pow-Wow To be Held Soon RI'OKANK. Waah.. Auk. 18., lfl Tim ihlrd amiitnl nnrihwrat' liiillnn i oiiKrixia will bo held hero Hi'iiii'ialirr 20, Zl and 22, li wan aiinntiiirrd.loitny by I'oul (I. W pa to. prmlnViit of Ilia rotiferrnce. following Ma ri'lurn from two wwk of ronferrnrea with, Imllaii Ictiilcra on I tin rnaaf. A fire nlnuia apeaklng routeat with a fill prl la In ho held ilurlnx Ihi ronxrua, with hprukera rhoa- ;U lu I'lliiiliiuil.in cmiivata on llm ! v.irlou reaervallona. Tha iliili'a Hnro sol during the i work of ill" air drrhlc and lh" j nnllniinl nlr rca lu-ro. In rum- pliuiir wlNi wilm of many ul : llm Indiana in wllne Ihi'ni, Mr. 1 Wapuln nnlcl. All kinds of GLASS Sash and Doors Screens Window Frames Come and see us GLASS HOUSE 215 No. 11th PKone 477-W here I III' rut rrn In Mitchell NEWS NOTES OF C MODOC POINT. Ann. 1 . (! rial In Tha Id-i ild I Mr. and .Mra. M. E. Kun drov to Dor rla on Wcdneaday evening. Mr. and Mra. Mxlvln Vondrr hoff liavo purrhnard haw F. nrx roarli. Mr. and Mra. A. A. C'larka mo ld rod in limy Mill on Wcdiiuaduy cvrnliiK. On Thuraduy aflrrnonn , ihr llrldKO rlub nml at lh homr of Mra. N. V. Kloddard. Tbri-o lahli'a wire In play ilurlnn lb iiflrrnnnn. Al I ho rloan of Ihn piny IiIkIi urn waa twnnlod Mra. Kmll Joliuaon. . Palmy rii (ri'ahinanla wrro aorvrnl at lh rloa of Ihn piny at the Individual lulling. Thoan pri'li'tlt wnr Motdnmra Kmll Johiiaou, M. K. Knnuaa, Pun Crump. H. V. KkiIIii". M. Mr Mil la ii, J. Mnlvln. It. Plenum. A. Jarnhann, K, Puffy. J. Kniihi-I. .nika r.nna niwiiiiirii unci in noa- ti. - i Mr. and Mr. P. K. Ounn of Mi'dfnrd, (Imaon, Wir" th bnuao Rural ..of Mr., and .Mra. Pun Crump for "VrroI d'. Ira. Pun Cruuip and Mr. P. P. Dunn cfHiu Friday at Ihr 1 4i mm I.umhrr toinpnyiy lonflna camp. I Mr., ami .vra. k. w. Eii-unr , apenr Prlday. rvrnlna In town. I PONT Mr. and Mr. firorn- Jennlnaa i mom red Into town Sunday rvo wrr Rural of Mr. and Mr. M.'nlliK. K. Ku-iuaa on Kunday. , j Mr. and Mra. P. E. Mr(!r and Thoa who wtprd In town Doylo 'and Homer MrCne aprnt WALL PAPER All New Stock , Acme Quality Paints i F.R.OLDS Across from Postoffice i Out Our Way ... ; . .," ' a , , rv-iKi'r HURW 5 I " )H1r ! S"1"IT' BouT vKwokt MSI--05Pi- z rCo n-eALOMCT . ' 1 . tr CreyJ&.MOH,EuT? WALK TO TH ' ' " PT sy A VMZvt VM6 MiOUT SvsJiMMiM' "rV3L ' , ' 3iUT A& NEH. ftM TO Lutif ' r- HtY-- : WAtT'OM MOO- PeAT OP ' A ' ,&: L V v ' i' 1 'l-.-ffT'i 'hi ill W'ik: I comfTugbue. Lti-r'tt i I i k.t ...iT vr i -. -: r ',',,'';':',-V!;m';v'''',';'V .;... ! i " ' . J.f?.WiLLiftK, i . HEROES A!E MAOa - NQTBOWM.. . C,K,KX j yi -r Encouraging Ralurday r-yrnlnf war Mr. and: M. , Oai-tr Hand. Mba , lil I Hmythn. Orln Kln hni, Mr. anil , Mra. Una llullantyiii-. Mr. and 'Mrl. Jrnatn. Mr. and Mra. J.I Malvln. It. I'lrraon. Mr. and Mr. N. I. Hhurt, Mr. and Mr. Mar. ro ii I, Mr. and Mra. X. ('. Hmyihr. on Hunday. Mra. I.. K. Fnnxlrr unit Mlaal Mr. and Mr. S. I. Hhnrt en Kdllh H.nl"r ar rlalilnx Wm. Joyed a family p union at th-lr Hpamli-r from ihrlr holu In horn on Kunday. honorlna Mr. Itnddlnx, Calif. Th.y ar ataylnit , Hhori'a parrnta. Mr. and Mr. K. at Ilia hum of Mr. and Mr. Warnrr who am vlaitlnK here Una Hallnntyne whll her. . from Vancouver. H. V. Mr. and Mr. Ilrrkman apml Mr. and Mr. N. V. Hloddard lh wmk-rnd in Mrdford. Mra. honorrd Mr. and lr. H. II u nil llmkman and rhlldn-n rrmalnrd wlill Mr. Ilrrkimin rciurnrd Hun day rvi nlnK. Julio Bovrrn purcliaed a naw War roach. Mr. and Mr. Mi Vrlrh 'ar trnw Cvlnit wilh Mr. and Mra. K. Mr-Vi-lcht on lh Pox farm nnnh of Modnr Point. lr. and Mr.' Tudor of Bh'nw llrrlram wr nueai of Mr. and Mra. Mun'nna on Kunday.' Mlaa IxiU Hmylhe and . Orln Klti lirn aimiit Kunday In town. Mr. and Mr. Vrr Kmyiho of, Khimulh Pill apnut ths wrrk rnd at tho horn of llr. and Mrs. N. J. Kmyihn rnroulo In Port land, Oro. Thry will rnmalo "V rrsl month a riiou of Mr Bmyili' piin'ntu, Pr. and Mr. II. C. Kt'lioiy. (ivom MrMlllan apcni Kunday In town. m Mr. and Mr. B. W. arllm drovn to Crali r lak on Kunday. Mr. and Mr. A. A. Clark r-n- i Joyed u trip around lh lakr on Hunday Mr. and Mr. M. Vondrrhnff 1 .That's soino to ee a -T " UoT s ( L0MS TIMt; TO SPBUO li NECESSARILY-J V I W4.AV aaaaai Ai S V - I I - - I in in uC3U-nic -- r. i v Iff um' V f':ar y.V -J btmt r c Jtuvicc wc S'- ..-ji. .,i itTi a ' i t p '-' 1 ' , t ' ' ' ''., j. .,iaiii I Hn. wnknd at Diamond Lak. Air. and .Mr, Mulx of Chil it uin api-nt 'Sunday at th homi) 'of Mr. and Mr. J. Kaul-I. Mr. and Mra. Oarar Kami. Mra. 'ron .ind Mia Dorothy piaraon njoyd a drlra to Kirk! of Xi-w York CHy with a dlnnrr on Kalurday evrnlnn ut their liomr-. Th(urata numbered ten. Mra. Pun Crump la apendlnf a few day In town. - I Portland Matron Brutally Attacked PORTLAND. Ore.. Auk. II. Of) Mr. C. M. Payne, 30,.wa iwlied laat nlxht by a man who jumped from a hiding plana be-i nruth a large trne on Kt Kix-I (lain Strom betreon Kturk, and Ili'lmont atrerl. ' Per clothing wa lorn and hr nrrk brniaed by an attempt to atranxlo ; tier before aho earprd. No Iran wu found of her asaailant. Cig arette tiih In an obi en-availon nenrhy Ilullraled he had Waited, for a rletlm lo appear. I Karly Tueaday Mabel lllrker, ', ;S. waa mnlealed at Raat Second and Morrlaon at met by a negro who a given lx monih in Jail. Committee Makes Inspection Today SPOKANE. Waah., ' Aug. IS. ID Swelled by the addition of 'aome 80 rnaldenta of this city. the party of congreaamen making an Inspection of the Columbia bar In irrigation project, with It I host numbering almut 50, left I thia morning aboard ita special train for Saddle Mountain In the heart of the land it i proposed to Irrigate nndcr the project. Tomorrow the party will go to 'enatrhee and thrn proceed to the roast for a visit to West Side Cities of Waahington and Oregon. - I To Yprcs' Heroes A aC41r-iipiT aMiiai i . 'H - A tiew of the unveiling- of the. Rritinh, nvmoruil at pres. Bel gium, to 5C.O0U unidentified Knglisb troops who fell in the fighting thero during the World war. King Albert and thousands of parents of war heroes attend ed the ceremony. Legal Notices ix invKmiTcv. In the District Court of the I'ultrd States, for the District of Oregon. I In the Matter of Valentine Conihest and Stella McOinnis (omlie.Ht. bankrnpU. To the creditor of Valentine , Cnmoest and Stella ilctiinnls Cnnibcit .. j Notice i hereby given that on ' AuRitat Sth, , 1027. Valentine. Conihest and 1 Stella MrtHnnls ComUnt were duly adjudged binkrupt and that the first meet- ing of creditors will be held at I the office of the undersigned, at 409 Main Street.. Klamath Falls. Oregon, on August 29th. 1927. at 2 o'clock p. tn.. at which time creditors may attend, prove their claims, examine the bankrupt, elect a trustee and transact such other business as miy come be fore them. Dated August 18th. 1927. . J. C. Rl'TENIC. Referee in Bankruptcy Standard Dyers and Gleaners -Odorless Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 ' FIRE INSURANCE We 'specialize in Ifrlga'led farm, and stock ranches. 18 years' experience in county. REED & REYNOLDS NMO Main St. Thone 1005 By Tavlor HEARD OF ft FELLOW 1 tl AtVr-j i i I- .,Jw- ;. I up.vrssnyri. ... . Wwm i . - i WH6 WCNT DOWN fHERe THIRTY VeftRS A30-H& ISMT BACK Y6T' NEW TODAY KOK HBNT-- Pour room , ipari-1 muni. J' l.lnrolh. is-Jii BKST OPPOflTl'SITV to gl lint rlaa dairy row; no colli. I aellinx entire herd. Th Adam , ftanrh. Merrill. Or. 11-24 jjMA.Vo PUK BALK Heeburg I ""'.i1 i""", k- j at by nickel or metal cbarka. I, , In A-l rond lion. Kay term ' I to unit. Leave word for Paul , electlc player, automallr, oper- ONell, Wlllard Hotel. !-! WANTKD ilouaework by middle-axed woman. No children. Jl-.x 1. Herald. 1X-19 25.00 KKWAKD To party who ran give Information ronrern Ing peranu who atola flxtnru for derrick from A. i. Man ning Itanrb. lk-20 WANTKD ti ladlea and girl to win MftO in raah prliea by iwlUng ticket for the big open ing danre at th Pair Oround. AuxuHt 30. Call Pair Board office, Koom D, baaement court houae, for partlculani, or phone 214. 18-21 I1S75 Tflre 3-room fnrnlahed hoaae on pavement. Garage, Urge lot. etc. Liberal turma. 14200 Pin 4 -room now home In Hot Hprlngx. ook, fire place, baaement, concrete fonn ilatinn, hardwood floor, etc. Eay term. $4300 4 -room Tiome. clone in, hardwood floors throuxhout. t'.replare, garage, baaement. concrete foundation, nook, lot of bulltln.i. etc. Term. $ 4 C00 Will buy fine home on pavement; full basement, con crete foundation, cement floor, nook, fireplace. .hardwood floors, etc. Liberal terms. ' A. A. BLLMA.V A CO. Realtors 120 X. Ttb KU Phone 158 lH-Jil FARMS FOR INVESTMENT 67 ACRES,' cheap water . right., good potato and alfalfa land. aon fine highway. A double chance to make some money due to the fact' that two oil rigs are drilling nearby. Noth ing wrong, just snap. 327.51) per acre, easy payments, ten yearn to pay, 6 Interest.-. I ACRES, Improved.' close In,, located in best potato produc ing section. Might i consider clear city property for part payment. Frice 16500. Terms. - IF YOU WANT the best garden nd berry laad close In, Fair Acres. $300 per acre. Small payment down, balance' 34.05 per month. i SELAK & TRACT i - Realtors 609 S. 6th St. Phone 969 ' for Bale AutoSbbae WILL TRADE : A good, used touring car tor lots or acreage. Clear, ho equity.,- Butcfc -Oa- , rage. 17-23 FOR, SALE 7-passenger Cadillac In good condition, newly paint ed. $350, by owner. Inquire at Herald. 11-tf ywwiwai.wiw.wwwaww FOR SALE FOR SALE f-Itiih Setter pup pies. , Midlaad Store. Midland. ' Oregon. 13-19 FOR SALE Household furni ture. 1,7.66 Main St. . . X7-20 FOR BALE OR TRADE Good radio set. bargain. 1710 Mon loway after 6 p. m. 16-18' FOR SALE Bargain, practically new , ivory bedroom suite and two library tables. Call 240-J. . . 17-20 FOR. SALE Sanitary couch,, two mattresses, wringer and other household articles. Inquire, at 703 Delta St. 17-20 WANTED WANTED A ride to Portrand. Will help pay expenses. Ad dress V., P. Herald. 15-20 WANTED First class mechanic i at Merrll Garage. 15-20 FOR SALE Dodge Phono 612. bug. $60. 13-17 WANTED Plasterer, apartment house. Phone 23&-W. 15-17 WANTED Return load of fur i nlture for Salem or Portland ' at once. Reduced rates. Capi tol City Transfer So., Salem, ' Ore. 17-19 WANTED Return load of furni ture for Salem or. Portland, at once at reduced rate. Capitol City Transfer Co., care Eve ; nlng Herald. , 16-3t WANTED A worthy widow with six small cblidren, four boys, aged 2. 4. 10 and It and two lrl aged 7 and 9. want Uothlng of any kind. Bundle , iv be left at The Herald o.flee or phoue the address tc J The Horald and the bundles j will be picked up. . 19-111 LOST AND FOUND LOUT Link rulf button. Hmall dumond la renter on on link and amnll aupphlr In center of other. Ueiurn to llrald o(flc and rerelve reward. kit MISCELLANEOUS WINDOW fLKANl.NO Floor na.isviv waxing, janitor u nh boua cleaning an1 aervlra. P.frnne. A. M. Kaoada. Phono 10S-W. -107-21-tt AUCTION Purnltnre Exchange anniversary sale, Tuesday, Att gut 1, and each , Tuewley thereafter, at 7:30 p. m. J. P. and II. Itainey. 23 N. 4th SU Krimaih Pall. Ore. 13-20 For Sale Real Estate KOIt SALE lit) arres. 1 mllea from th Bt. Write Box 27, Rt- L, or ee owner. 1 S-S0 POR SALE S00 acres good salt and swamp graaa paature. Part can bo Irrigated. Hooper Ranch Midland. Ore. . 15-17 WILL SACRIPICR aplendid new 3-room houae for $1000. Will take car or other property, half payment. Phone 691-J. 1(1-32 . POIl THADB Portland property i . for Klsmk-.h Basin property. , . either town or country. Good deals offered. Call News, phono 877. , .r.i. l-t ' POR BALE 24-acre ranch. Will sell all or part. 100 acres A-l potatoes. House and other ! buildings. 200 chickens, tit ' head of sheep, all yoang black- 1 faced Hampahlrea; seven good ., work horses. Three good milk : cows. 126 acres under paid-up i water right. S3 acres nnder -government ditch, for panic- I ulars call at Herald office, or i pbone 14 M. 12tf FOR SALE Good country in ' eral store, Klamath county. In fine lrragated valley, a good t money maker, will sell stock . and lease buildings or can ideai with you most ony way. Can give excellent term. Investi gate. Write P. O. Box 1133,; Klamath Falls. - K-1S '; PORSALB 1 pair Best steel lo wheels. 1 pair wood log wheels with tractor attachment. 1 Best 60 tractor, with mud shoes. . .- . 4" heavy' tractor cable, shire . . blocks.. . , 4 heary steel tractor lof was:- , 'ons with extra part .- -- ' CA3IPBELL-TOWLE LBR. CO. I, Spracue lUver, Oregon.. ' - 12-1S TOR RENT FOR RENT Modern 4-room fur-' niabed house. Inquire at 30S Lincoln. 15-20 FOR "RENT it- 1-room furnished bouse. 1309 Sargent Avenue. .Phone 1018. 12-18 ' FOR. .KENT .4-room furnished apartment. Reasonable. 1314 ' Crescent Are." 13-19,: FOR, RENT Foiir room ' apart- . ment, furnished. 825 Lincoln. ' . : 16-1J FOR RENT A room for gentle man. 12.1 N. th St. Lorenx Apartments. ..'1I-22 FOR RENT Modern 4-room far-' UTahed hodse. Inquire 305 Lin-. coin St. 15-20 . FOR RENT 3-room furnished house; garage. Hot Springs Adilu. PUpne 1154-W. 17-19 - ROOM FOR RENT Nicely far fished front room, use of, phone and bath. Furnace heat. ' 422 No. 3rd St. Phone 793-J. . . . - ' 16-22 FOR RENT Furnished 3-room . houses. 118.00 month. 433 Plum. Phone 614-J. A4-S4 FOR RENT First clast furnish- : ed apartments. , Steam heated. ..McCarthy- Apt., 630 i Pine. ..Phon-800. A5-S5 ROOMS 920 Lincoln. Phone 697-W. J27-A27 FOR RENT Completely furnlsh .ed. apu. Garage, paving, new building. Just off Main street "on Broad. Rex Arms Apt. Phone 1116. ; J20-A20 ' FOR RENT Furnished - urt apt., 2 rooms and bath, lee-' trie range, hot water. Garage. ' 335: "1615 "Esplanade. Phone 794-W.- , . Al-81 FOR RENT Completely fUrulsh-, ed apt., garage, now building, ' ' Just ofr Alain on Broad. Rex Arms. Phone 1116. J20-A20 POR RENT- We can save you ; big money at the Arcade Hotel 'Apartments, fttrrifs'ied rom- pletely, electric ranges, linen,' dishes and telephones. Or 1 rooms with private hatha at 1 real cut rate to permanent'' guests. Arcade.. M9-Ji I.