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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1927)
Univeriitv Ltnc.ry j'ii-.'i . ,.. ,',f Eugene. urrvnn City Edition The Old Home Paper WEATHER. OREGON: Flr tonight ant Friday moderate temperature, llumllly somewhat below nor mal. Moderate wind along the roast. , Associated PrrHs and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate -Your Trade Trice Five Centa KLAMATH FALLS, OftE., THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 127. Number 6108.. nn A w mm mm .... ) - - - 1 1 . J y - '- ' o'LT h U. S. WILL OPEN TULE 1 Reclamation Official "Sold" on Home stead Projects Firnt, insight into plan of the government in opening up more Unci of Title lake homcHtoud lurid to not tiers wax r c v o a I e d today by (loorgo Krcutzer, Washing ton, 1). C, director of rci-lu-mution economics, who (n sported the 90.0o0.ncre for 1 1 1 d hiiHin ycHtx-rday in com pimy with -R. E. Kolley, lunnnircr of development for the Southern Puiific, nnd C. A. Henderson, coun ty ngent. '.'.The government intends to o(n up 600 acres in 1028 to :ttlemi;nt and 2,- 000 acre . in 1929.'' Mr. explained. "Thin land is on tho went nido of Tulo Liko and i - proven oil." ' , IKnl,i rH I ami ."There la 1500 acres on Iht M l aide tit Tuli lake under dltrh vhlrh lh government la - tt lu have permanently aol 1 1 I'd ti n i II It hna binn proven. Ihn anil. In places, la a trifle Itiln, and unlit II la shown thai 1 ho land la beyond question of KimI quality. It will mil h opv iil In homestead. "However, thn government m ilbiIm ready to allow temporary, rettlumcnt and rulllvatlon alonK nn approved basis. There would lie n roiu undiir Ihla nrrnngi iiirnt and the only mat wouli' ho water charges," Air. Krctitxor look nulna to ox liliiln thai the 'government re fuses to open up any land tor settlement unlit It waa "aold" on Dip fortuity und possibilities for development." "Thn reclnmntlnn service la (Continued on Pago Eight) Sacco-Vanzetti , Decision to' be ' ' ' . Given Tomorrow AND N IIOSTON, Aug. IS. CAIM An nouncement that I Ho dmialon of Ihe Miuuuichimetta aupren4 court on exception and a pelllinn for a writ of error In the Snooo-Van-tot II raae would bq mndo public tomorrow morning, waa mndo nt the office of the offlcliil reporter of aupreme court xdnclKlnna ihla nftornnon. It wna nnderaiflnd thai tha four Judgr-a who, allllng aa the full bench, heard argument on Tuna dny. hud completed the writing of their declalon. It wi decided,, however, not In muke It public lodny. i , Waters of Crater Gradually Recede - - , rilATKn tAKK, Aug. Id. A recent imaiiri"Ucnt inndn by I'nrk Coinnilaloiier'"H'.tli Htcele Hhowed Hint over n pilo(l of yenra thn wnter of the Inke l alowly receding. According to Mr. Hloelo III 18115 Ihn water loel wna Ihe lilgliiint alnce the dlacovery of the lake and the murk toft la nt the preaont time 3 Inchea nbnvo thn wntcrievol. Thla would loud to allow I lint Ihn wnlor level ilecreaae hiia hfen fairly alow and atenily hill ncliinl inenHiiremenla allow hnt It vnrlca Kiently according to the aniaon. Thn nienanreinent for Inat year ahnwa Hint. It went to Jho loweal murk over rucordud, ond Oml thla yenr 'nfler tlio Imnvy wlliter Juat pnaacd, la alx Inchea hlglior. I MARKET AGENT ARRANGES FOR SPUD GRADING Klntnalh'a growing Importance na an a rlt ii II ii rn I acctlon, and particularly aa a potato produc ing a lor, hua drawn Hi alien, lion of Him Market Agent Hey., nmiir Jnnva, Hulom, who arrived! In till" illy yoatcrdny afternoon to arrange fur I ho plmiiia of (trading; expert who will grade, ihn product before It leave for I tin outside matkoi. "I am Impressed with what Ihla country hua don In develop n develop- ln poialo ln.ln.lry of Klamath." Mr. Jouoa roininonled. "1 look a trip lusouith Hie Kliniath lrrl-1 luilnn dlatrli-i 'y'nirday and If Hie appi-araino of I ho plant on, tup of the anil la any morion of J Ihn oo underneath th .on, you n. nave oinnn-r .puo vr'W- Jir. jonea rontorred iiiii mnrnlni with County Agent V. A.,.,, .,, p.annri, ,,. .,- whnre he planned to arrange for ! the plnclng of a grading expert Our principal job now la lh-1 weighing nil inii noil '" I grain. int. niaraei ageni com- ninnted. Approximately SO, nut).-' ono bu.hela of grain will pain, i tnrougn our nanoa inia laii. we miniate moat of which will be wheat.' El . rf.. n Klamath Citizen Return ' from Inspection of Mine Properties Development of mining proper ties on Slide creek. Com county. ti mllea from the community of 8elma, and alx mllea from the llllnola river, la contemplated by a group of Klamath men Includ ing Juatlie of the Pence W. II. Ilarnea, Winter Knight, Zed Kar ri and Olck Morgan ' The four men have Jut return ed from an Innpeftlnn of the mine they purchased month ago, the (iolden Dream mine, and today Mr. Ilarnea enlhualnaHcally dinplnyed aome little gold nug geia he had panned out, in a few minutes nn Bllde crock. "We' believe we hnve a great proportion." Ihe . m a g I a t rate amlled. "If a person w what 1 saw. they would he convinced of It. We plan to develop the pro perties by Initialling a hydraulic outfit. The Justice of the pence wna weary from effect of a alx mile hike from the mine over mountain to the llllnola river. He In bnck for several dnye to pro aide over a civil case In Justice court. Tho mine la located In Curry county and waa bought hy the four men from Jock Casey. Colonel Lindbergh . Will Drop Message Greeting to Salem SAI.KM. dre... Aug. 18. (API Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, hero of the trans-Atlantic, flight from New York to Paris, will not atbp In Snlem when he visits Oicgnji next month, but ho may fly over tho city and , drop a message of greeting. Thla la the substance of a message received hy Renntnr Chnrlca McNary todny from II. K. Kelfer, aecro- lory of roinmerco for aeronautics. I At the request of ttie Snlem j chamber of commerce Senator j McNnry requested Hint Lindbergh stop here If possible. j Store Employes To tnjoy rtcmc Willi bankets filled Willi tempt ing foods stillnlile for n picnic lunch, members of tho Cloldon liule Store nnd their fnmlllos will leave tonight for McCol- lum'n Mill Bhorlly nfler 6:30 o'clock to enjoy the nnntinl oul-of-doora aummer event. At least 8K grnwn-itps and children will mnke the trip. Thn girls' of thn lornl store hnve prepared tho lunch mid the men of the stuff nro furnishing tha transportation, PLAN TO DEVELOP IN I KILLERS unuui n mnii ii i 1 1 ii i ii iiiii i n ii a : laf I IIIII IIIII I liUlfl JnlL . , , i arir. J CC4 p2 IlOm.. di.lcnaid. will brlna County Jail is Successful fITTSHl ltfill. Auk. IX. (Ar, ,Two evatUivl marderora fhol their wav to freedom from Ihe A.inan,, r011nIy j,,, lB downtown dlatrlrt today. A h( nvaTri , enlrnni'A of Ihft tnll Mfler nlil In. , k UookIl r IUPV ,.,,,.,, ,w() . .rd!. r0n9 tfuarilu One i f I .,.. , .. .....i J wrkl I nvi, , ,,,. i.vrnll nMi n, knom. , ,,, .mimrlHoa nalperalurea Inalde the aura vary'alon be l.u0 ..,,. ..,,,,.,., ,.,, ,,, r. i u , ii,iiHnur..rai ., , ,.,,, ,.xpUtU mM panlcip.iilcn I m ,Ilon, cv,.rdule ,. . u .. 1.1.,.. , I. : rond by a mine. Jawamkl'a com- paniun In Ihe eacape waa John llA'liltidor.. convicted of murd hT. Ing a man In Mi Kepnrt rauae he fofuaed In loan him quarter. The guard", Harry j Itleger and John Hanloo. each I were hot In the arm. A number I of pedoatrlnna and employee In riiuri iiuiiw bow. if" ' i from Ihe Jnll wltneaaed the break. They anld the two convlcta rame from the jail door with amok Ing platnla In Ihelr banda. They I were believed to bare obtulned them from man who vlalled Jawnrakl Juat before the trouble atnrted. Aa the convlcta reached; the oulalile thla man Joined them In firing at the guard. Ilo uaed two guna. Thn convlcta before reaching the main floor forced Paul llela wlnger. a boakkcnsior, to turn over hla kcya with which they opened the locked, doora. U.S. ENGINEER Duck Disease Incites In vestigation By Wash ington, D. C. Man 4 To Investigate tho mysterious J duck dlnen) and loog into- um possibilities' of diking off value less Innd In lower Klamath from the fertile land with the Idea In view of recreating . a breeding ground for game birds. L.. T. Jcs siip, Vnlled States associate drnlnnge englneor of Washington. D. C, accompanied by Ray C. Steele. Vnlled Slates game war den for Oregon, arrived In Klam ath Palls last night and planned to spend Inlay on tho lower lake. They also plan to Journey to Mnlheur lake, where the duck riliease Is also In evidence. W. I.. 1'owera, aoll specialist of Oregon Agricultural college, met tho fwo men nnd will confer with them on the agricultural possibilities of tho rower lake. Mr. Powers recently conducted nn ' Investlgnllon of Lower lake with respect to agriculture nnd submitted a report 'to the gov ernment In that connection. Governor Patterson Will Ask Cities to Help Guide Planes 8AI.RM.. Ore., Aug. 18. (AP) At the requost of. Horbort Hoover, secretary of coinmorre, Governor Pntterson will request the chambers of commerce of Oregon cities to hnve the name of tho clly placed In large letters nn the top of the highest building In each clly ns nn alii to mlr nnvlgnllon. Hoover writes that this would he n distinct ndvnn Ingn nnd n great assistance to both Ihe military and coinmcrc'.il air pilots. Explosion on Sun Would Cause Death Prnfnr Outline, Pnaaikilitv rf" Attrnnru mical Catastrophe; Tells of How Star Bursted in Heavens Recently CHICAGO. Ana. 1.. (API- An explosion of I hp aim. almllar ! to I h it which oC'urred recently Ih , N Acoolla of 1H27. death and drair'tiiloD to the earth, J'rofeaaor K. H. Kroat of I York and return. Yerkea obaervatory aald today. j "Tula energy, auddenly releaa Tho espanalon or explnalon of ed, drlvea from the atara the en tile alar, almilar In type to the circling gaaeoua apclla which aim waa announced yraterday by ; reach the pUneta In the wake Dr. Mag Wolff of Heidelberg l.'nl- of ahrlreling heat. The atara are vemltv und confirmed hv nhoto- ' not deatroved by exoanatona. The iheigrapha taken at llarrurd L'nlver- ally. ' - - "Theae actlona." 'rofiior Froat aald, "are believed to be i to audden trlgger-ll'ae re- l,.a of liiiMp-almnle eni.rjv. due vr hhelv ln Ihe nnlielleveable h.n ,.r ihe ...n' Inlniom Ti m- degreea fahrenhelt. I.luatratlng tiluatratlng energy contained In noma, and ... .h.rf . . 1 .1 l 1 ..rf .. f I i.A.1 Two Airmen Who Couldn't Get In on Air Derlpy Prepare to Search for Two Lost Planes MUNICIPAL AIIIPOHT, OAK I.A.N'I), Calif' Aug. "18. (API Two airmen couldn't gut In on the prize money so today they prepared to join the eearrh for lost filer. The planea Air King and Dal las Hplrlt. piloted by C: Pirk hnrst of Loraax. Ills., and Cap tain Wm. Krwln of Dallas. Texan, respectively, fxpected to go out over the Pacific today to aid In the hunt for the one woman and four men Dole fliers whose planen failed to reach Hawaii.' All night and during the morn ing houra radio experts labored Bids for Chiloquin Struc ture to be Called for Monday Announcement of the construc tion of a IS, 000 gymnnshtm mea- anrlng tx68 feet at Chiloquin, with work to atari within the coming two weeks was made late this afternoon by Kred Peterson, county superintendent of schools. The building will consist of a full sized basket ball floor, with a wing on either side extending Ihe full length of the building. I'nder one wing will be the blea cher's seats whHe the other will house the stage and dressing loom. I'nder the stage a mod- ern heating plant will bo Install - ed. The roof will he nf "l-unell ' tho type used on the new fair ' KfoundB building and across the: 6,000 GYM TO BE BUILT SOON ironi win oe a tun length, porcn. several mllea northwest or Klnm lllds nnd specifications will bo nth Falls. called for Monday. I H. It. Perrln of the Hirpka Hulldingt la the archltert In study of pent soli, and his visit charge. j here mny give an Insight into "The building should he com- possible utlllxntlon of this type I pleled within the next seveu'tv- of soil that hns not heen uncov-j , tlx o days," Mr. Perrln stnled thla.ered." Mr. Powers said today. nllernoon.- . ' ' 1 Notional League, Plltshnrgh-New York, post- poned, two games tomorrow. Clnclnnntl-Phllndotphln g a m e postponed, rnln. St. Louls-Iloston postponed ruin, two games tomorrow. American League. Philadelphia .., 1 8 1 Cleveland 2 8 0 nnmmell, (irnv and Cochrane; Siuto and Sewell, I i (11 tho nrnfeasor an Id a aluaa of; , wator contalued enough energy !to send the I'.auretanls arroaa Hie Atlantic oiean and baik. Or It would aend all tha auto. In the eoantry from Ciiitaico to New ncucleua remalna and In time ac qulrea another gaaeoua apell," the profeaaor aald. "The beat from an explosion of the aun would reach the earth : n almul e tlif mlnnlea ann woula '. lie followed bv the deadly aaaea In 13H houra. Ktmuld the rinan tlmea the aun'a waa Novo Ac- ! qulla of 11 : qulla of 1D18. deatrucllon of life would be but a matter of few iiM ,h. .,i ..,rh ! .Kl.l. aM h. .krlrnll..rf nit" on the Dnllns Spirit 1o lnstall-a strong radio set. a transmitter expected to cotrer l.OOu miles radlua. Gaaoline tanks were wheeled alongside the stubby- Air King to refuel her for a tour out over the ocean. The Air King had no radio so this ship wna expected to cruise but about 400 miles out to aea and return. Captain Krwln announced he planned to tig tag across to the Hawaiian Islands, keeping the great circle line as hla center but cutting back and forth across It Jo cover and area of several miles on either side. . IS Prominent Authority In specting Klamath Ba sin Soil Today Dr. A. T. D. Stokes, Washing ton, D. C, prominently connect- ed .with the United States Bu- reau of Plant Industry, and one of the foremost authorities In the world on peat soil, arrived In Klamath Falls today to conduct an Investigation of peat soil in Klamath. Dr. Stokes Is here at the request of W. L. Powers. Corvallls, soli specialist chief of ! 'he Oregon Agricultural college, The two men today Inspected . p(,nt 0n In the lower Klamath lake district, and, It Is under- I UmA- plnn ,0 lnnwt he Pcat of Wocus and Caledonia valleys. l.lfe Study. I "Dr. Stokes hns made a life i "I was anxious for him to In-; I sped this Innd, as he has not yet "had , the opportunity to corrc- late and place It In Its proper relation with other peat lnnds In . Ih M-'niled Stales." Vr. Powers was one of threv men sent to Klamath last year to report on fertility and dovel npiueut possibilities of lower. KliAnnth lake. i UK Stokes plans to be In K'a-. irallt only today mid will Jourj ney to California whore ho will conduct similar Investigations. 1 PEAT UNO T T PATTERSON IS AGAINST $3 LICENSE Passage of Measure Would Curtail Road Work OHANTS PASS, Ore., Aug. 18. (API Reduction of existing au tomobile license fees to a flat rate of 13. as proposed In an Initiative measure which may be presented to the people of Ore gon at the next election, waa strenuously opposed here today by Governor 1. L.. Patterson In a talk given at the annnal picnic of the Joaephltie county gringe. Passage of aucb a measure would jeopardise the entire highway program In Oregon, he contended. I'nder the present system Jo sephine county gets iM.000 an nually from the license feea and under the $3 rate the amount coming to the county would be negligible, the governor asaerted. "The only man directly bene fitted by aucb a move would be the non-tapayer who owne noth ing but his car." srild Mr. Pat terson. "The taxpayer would be forced to meet an Increased tax to pay off the I3S.000.000 In emurtandlng highway bonds and payment of the Interest on theae bonds." lucreaHeil Tax. ' Contention that the alx percent limitation law would prevent the raising, of taxes In the state to an amount necessnry to meet the Increased load was denied by the governor In showing that this does not apply to taxes levied to pay off outstanding bonds and interest thereon. The. move would therefore result in an Increased tax on property, he showed. Hut if this burden of bond and interest payment were thrown on (Continued On Page Eight) L HAVE FEATURE Dormitory of 12 Rooms , Will Be Provided In Pelican Theatre ' A dormitory consisting of 12 beautifully furnished rooms to be used exclusively for actors and actresses who will appear at the new Pelican beatre will be an added feature, according to an an nouncement made today by Harry Poole, president of the corpor ation. "The novel Idea is yet In Its In fancy, never having, been used on the Pacific coast until it was planned In the local theatre which will near completion around the middle of December, giving Klam ath Falls one. of the most beau tiful and up to date theatres on the western coast. The plan has been successfully carried out in a number of the eastern theatres. Each room will be furnished throughout with the finest furni ture. Including double beds, van ity dressers and full length mir rors. Shower baths .will be built into each of the rooms. The dormitory quarters will be placed next to the stage en the upper, floor and In many- In stances will serve as dressing rooms for the performers, how ever, modern dressing rooms will be placed In the theatre as well. "It Is my Intentions to rent these rooms at a nomlnnl rate and to treat tho performers aa my em ployees. To assist them In every way possible is my Intention and I believe In doing so one finds tlie answer to success," Mr. Poole commented. As to the number of stores which will be located on the ground floor. Mr. Poole was not ready to state, but It Is thought nt least eight good alsed rooms will b available. THEATRE WIL TRAFFIC OVER' HIGHWAYS OF COUNTY GAINS Klamath state highways and market roads are bearing the heaviest tourist traffic In the history of this district, results of a traffic census conducted by the state highway department disclose. On nearly every state highway and market road Joining a high way, the automotive traffic - of August, 127, show a substan tial Increase over the traffic In dicated by the census of Angnst, 192. There are exceptions. On some aectlona of the Klamath Falls highway and The Dallea- Callfornla highway anbstantlal Increases were noted. - Following la a comparison of the 127 cenaua with the 1924 census. VONXA VAI.LKY JIXTIOV. KaM of Janet ion. 12 252 1917 1J7 West of Jn net Ion. 1926 182 1927 259 VOXXA VALLEY -MARKET ROAD. 19! ' 101 1927 77 LAKEVIEW JfXtTIOX. .North. 192 878 (Continued on Page Five) PELICANS SET E FOR N I Klamath Nine Will Make ! " the race of 2400 mile to Great Effort to An- Honolulu. nex Flag Sunday In the hPe that the. planes, carry ing four men The team that cracked oat 21 and one woman,! might still bits to Its opponents 7. and yet', ... . , , , t barely nosed out a victory byjue afloat on the broad Pa the score of 8 to 7 In other words the Klamath Falls Pelt-c-ns. who defeated the Ashland Boas In til" first of the three game championship series to de termine the champion of th southern Oregon league will aga'.n take the field Sunday af ternoon against its rival, but this time on foreign soil. TJie Pelicans, whose unortho dox and unexpected movements on the field, keep the fans on edge from, the first inning to the last, are going to carry the fight for the pennant Into the enemy's camp Sunday In the attempt to wrest the 1927 pennant for the Klamath country. If, the second game results In an Ashland victory, the third and final game will be staged In the town which had the biggest gate. Anxious to annex the pennant for Klamath, the Pelicans are rounding into fine form and hope to sweep over the Boas In even more effective style than last Sunday. Henlon will again be In the box and the trusty and level- f headed1 Peterson will do the re ceiving, On Henion's twirling will de termine largely whether or not I Klamath will come out ahead. ! Henion is obviously a better i pitcher than Davis, Ashland's ace. The box score shows that. I A number of Klamath fans 'are planning to drive to Ash land and witness the final game. I Bigger Enrollment ! Sought for Scouts i - I That the present enrollment of ! the Boy Scouts will be enlarged i by at least 100 new members ! during the coming few months I was evidenced today when Beryl ! Illevens. scout executive, outlin ed his plans for an active mem ; bershlp drive which will be start i ed with the opening of school early In September. 1 Already leaders for the Ten derfoot classes are being a ming led for and a general reorganising; of troops will take place wtthln i the coming month, according to 1 Mr. Hlevens. , "We should he able to enlist 'at least Inn Tenderfoots with Klamath Falls growing rapidly land many new families arriving ! here each week to make this j their fnture home," Elevens com-jjnented. NO TRACE OF 2 PLANES Believe Miss Doran's Airplane Dropped Early in Flight HONOLULU, Aug. 18, (AP) James D. Dole, don or of the mainland-Hawaii flif ht prize, today authoris ed the Nationaf Aeronautic association . to offer a re ward of $10,000 for discov ery of the occupants of eith er lost plane or $20,000 for discovery of occupants of both planes. FOUND I SAN FRANCISCO.. Aug:. 18. (AP) The navy and , the 'army organized today all their resources in air and on 'water to search for the Dole flyers, the biplane Miss Dorart and - the monoplane I Golden Eagle which .took. I off from Oakland TuiaUy! cific nearly 48 hours after, they began the flight, the navy's fast destroyers raced out over the course the planes followed and began' to zig zag along the route in an intensive search. ' : The airplane carrier Langley and the airplane tender Aroo stook rushed north from San Di ego toward the great circle with decks loaded with airplane pre pared to aoar over the water to pick np alght of floating; planes.' The Langley carried thirty or (Continued On Page Eight). . B. Moore Given Stiff Sentence By J. J. Brophy Possession of Intoxicating li quor In Chiloquin Is a dangerous habit these days, It was Indicat ed late yesterday when J. B. Moore began a 60-day Jail -sentence following hla conviction be tore Justcle of the Peace J. J. , Brephy of the reservaton city. In addition to the jail sentence,. , Moore was fined $250. ' , .' Joe. Hough who was alleged to . have keen, a party to Moore's Ini quity, was found not guilty. Bend and Klamath t Eagles Plan Fete . At Fort Klamath' Eagles of Bend and Klamath Falls are to be guests of the Klamath Fulls Moose lodge and Fort Klamath on August, 28, ac cording to local Eagles. It Is expected that a considerable number of members of the local L. O. O. Ml lodge will accom pany the Bend Eagles to Fort Klamath, Former Grid Star 'Has Narrow Escape "maRSHFIELD, Ore.. Aug. 18. (AP) "Spike" Leslie, of Co qullle, former star of tha Uni versity of. Oregon football team, was rescued from drowning while fishing near the mouth of Itogue river. Leslie was caught near the bar and was about to be car ried out to tea when reached by Marlon Zumwalt in a power boat, "