Eugene. Or" A . . ' THE FA' FN' INT, flKKAM), fcliAMATH YMXM, ORfcCON re(? Sown ei. f v 5 1 JL MllSll .!!!, I. ' ill Offer ,;) Closes at 9:00 o'Cl ock Saturday Night Your Last Chance To Get Extra Votes on $20, Clubs of New Subscriptions 80,000 EXTRA VOTES '. - - - h Candidates are offered a wonderful opportunity to get thousands of extra votes by forming "new subscription clubs.,' ' ; ' ' .'. " . ' ' . .. ' V," '80,000 extra votes will be given for every $20 worth of new subscriptions turned in during the period starting August 8th and ending August 20th. The 80,000 Votes' arc a bonus in addition to the regular voles' given on subscriptions. .There is no limit to the number of 'clubs any candidate' "may turn in. tor every $20 worth of new subscriptions there will be 80,000 extra votes. ' This' is the. greatest extra' vote offer to be given during the remainder of the campaign. It is MOT necessary, or advisable, to hold subscriptions until the $20 worth are secured. Turn in your subscriptions as obtained,' so the , subscribers will receive their pa pars promptly, and after the offer closes a ballot will be mailed to cover the extra votes earned. "; . ' Last Club Of fcr Ends August 20th ; Standing of Contestants pISTRICT NO. 1 4uiiitiea nil territory within 'llw ril)' liuilla of Kluinalli Knlla, i 8UIiIiiik1jii uJ IVIhan 1iy. Ihiniiau. Win. J. U'lMMI lloueltl. Juanlla 0TI.7.V) rnioa, Mn, J. W. (I7.1.IMNJ Muurr,- Vrr.v..... IIKWW linking. Mr, i. K Oa.1,4.10 IXxti-r," .Mm, Walter'. itlO.07.-l Mnrtln. Mr.. J., I'll. Clly im7,A..1 KiIiiioimU, Minn 071.7'J.I llruitiou, Moplilr (IH-VJ-tO Junra, Mm. Wilbur 0UU.4.VI Mairnju. Marie 07O.79T Toirrjr, Mm It. U (172.1(H) Mrlrnlr, II. M. IU7.H73 lohntoii, Mrnnrvt I7I.04MI DISTRICT NO. 2 4 'isiiriM- all trrrllury ouUMo tlir rlly .Im.u of KUunTil. Fall, KlilpHii(tuu hihI rrllrnn City. Mlilklrr, Mililml. Mk..hi OT.YKOO Hunch, MrUn. I I. Kin. .MH.H73 Skrrn, Mnta K tllll,.VMI llrtmn, Mr. Arlene, . . Merrill 7:I,7S .lmlrrMn( Mr. Kraiiria, IhMTla, llf (Mill, (lit Ki'lkur, Kalullln. MmIIii 7,.VNI KlifcHi, Mn. J. (I., C1illixuln II7II.WMI Mull. Mm. H. W. Itril 07S.7HO l-nnlrl, Mm. f. M., Ihiiuttiln I'urki U, Jmelp, ht-no Itnrry, Juecvhlite, . take lew (17.1,7.10 lUiinn, il.ulo, I'uMr) 74..VHI (17 1, (Ml I 07O.1W" Example HOW TO OBTAIN BIG VOTES: 10 Klv Yer 8uliirlilluiii to NKWS or HER ALD ..l.C00.0OO If New Subrllluua (in rxtra volt-Bl f.300.000 Tliia vguld louillluto 1C tialxi N TOTAL VOTK COIXT FOR 10 KrilSCRIH- TIONS 2.9U0.000 OR 5 Klv Yfor SiilmrUidona to NKWS and. I IK II- . ALI) : .-. ". i.SOO.000 If New ouktrrliitlona (In lra vole) 1.300.000 Thla would conll(ule 1 cluba TOTAL VOTK OOINT KOR 5 COMBINATION SUCSCRHTIONS 3.100.000 Surely, (hi lilit oipiriunlty offers any contestant id oiwriuiii(y of a wluulug vols total. - IICT RKMKMRKR, only a iihort tinxi remaina of Ilia UKICKST TotluR uppurtunlty of tlia cami)in. HO.000 KXTKA VOTE 'OFFICII Moica Saturday. AuRUst 10, one week from Then (br end ui (he camjialsn Saturday, August 27, at 9 p. m. CAXItllUTKS ARK HKvrK.HTKI To OKT UtSY ' " ' IT'8 NOW or nkvkr: J Vote Value of Subscriptions Payable in Advance Tho nubHuripHon rates of. THE KLAM.ATH FALLS MORNING NEWS and THE KLAMATH FALLS EVENING,' IIERALDj arc nhown below, together with the regular number of votes allowed on each jubscription payment. The votes shown hero apply on botli Old and New subscriptions!' Rates For News or JIerald Combination Rate For Both Papers " ' NKWS OR tlKUAI.D ' II)' Carrier In Kluimilb Vnll ' ' I'RICK FIVK YKAKK !3!.ri0 FOfR YKARK Jt.Oil THRKK YKAIIH I9 60 TWO YKARK - ,. H on ON 15 YKAR 6 60 SIX MONTHS , 3.60 News or Herald . . It) Mull OuIkIiIii hlamalh Kiill. I'RICK FIVK YKARH 125.0(1 FOUR- YKARM 20.00 THRKK YKAIIS 16. OU TW YKARS 10.00 , ONK YKAR 6.00 HIX MONTHS J. 75 VOTKS 160.(1011 110.000 70.0011 4U.U0II JS. Odd 6.0UU VOTKS 1R0.OHU 100.000 HO.000 31,000 U.IKKI 4.000 NKWS AND IIKRAI.D Ity Cnrrler in Klamath KalH I'RICK FIVK YKARS $66 .00 FOUR YKARS 52.00 THRKK YKARS .19.00. TWO YKARS i l'G.00 ONK YKAR 13.00 SIX MONTHS , v , 7.00 News and Herald II) Mull Olllnldo klalllndi Full I'RICK FIVK YKARS 50.00 FOIR YKARS 40.00 THRKK YKARS 30.00 TWO YEARS 80.0 ONK YKAR 10. U0 SIX MONTHS .- ; 6-60 t ) ,j .v: .a I VOTKS 360.000 36(1.000 1 HO.000 110.000 40.000 15.000 VOTKS 340.000 340.000 160.000 110,000 35.000 13.000 Nomination Period Closes Tonight at 6:00 P. M. It's Now Or Never NOMINATION BLANK Good for 2,000 Votes rivano cnlcri 1 Naino Aa a Cundlilnlo In Tho Kliinmlh K11IU Nrna and llirnld Aiitumubilo unil I'llo OunpniKU Slrovt ami No ......... Town or Clly Dint No Blgncd i ........, AddrcM .1 .'. .... Only miu lioiiiiimtlim lilnnk ri'iulltiHl to rafh rnmlhluto. You (nil ruler yoniaclt or nninlnnlo liny other ivraon. I : I - - . J Fill In And Mail This Coupon Today HALF STAfiVEQ HI INVADES HOI IN OLENE News Note ; Chicken Stealer Active;' Phone' Line Conrtrur'.ed OLKNK. Aug. 17. (Spflrlul tt. Tim tlcraldl-Rm turn-of a half lurvrd hure that had antarad a dMrlHd htia and anable to rh-uu Karlf. - wf Biida by Homer and Ray Robrrla iturlnx lh paHt eck. It waa with con nldcrahla dlflli ally the bona waa (nkon from th bulldlnc on ar nfurit of l( waakPnod romlllton duif to lark of foud..' A new phona tine from the marknt road to tho Wood ranch on l.iit rlvor haa bn luaiailed by Mr. Ilolybauacr. . Mra. .L K. Ki rk rrporta the I heft of ul Mat . two-lhlrda of br cMtkvna at tba ranch home in I'oej alley. Araba itnberla and tiforge Da rla have pun-baaed now Iron whfHiled wagon to be. used with (hxlr nradnr outfll. The Upper Von Valley Gap waa (he arene of a baaket picnic laat Sunday when friend and rela (iv italhrrad tu Mr. aad Mm. I Mink aad .(Uelr two Kn and Mra. Jula Marh of Kalfm. Marin and party Motored down to apend a week vaca tion with their many friend and relallvca. Mra. Julia Ma mil la a aidler of Mra. H i. KnberU, Mra. Itoal Taylor, .Will Roberta and Tout Itiiuurta. Thiiee prcnent at (he picnic were Mr. an4 Mra. Marah and fkBilly. Mr. ami Mra. Will Roberta and family, Mn. Julia Marah. Mn. Zctia Kulllvan and family. Mr. and Mra. Rex HI ind fumlly. Tom Itnberla, Kli Wolf. 'Mr. and Mra. Hurley Fen Ion and family. Mr. and Mra. Chaa. Waldrof and family. - Mr. A. O. Roberta and family, Mr. and Mra. Joe Taylor. (ieo. M. Davla la III wilb pneu monia at the homo of bia mother, Mra. A. O. Roberta of Yonaa valley. Homer Roberta and A. O. Rob erta purchieed a header and are heading in Foe valley. They re port a good crop and proapecta of aMong hin: ' From HIS (o HJS. Hie ouue Iter of furmen cf. iterative or ganluttoti la lh t oiled Slalei luareaaed by 311 per cent. Thru rganiialloiia bandied' 377 per ant more buxlneee In 1036 than In IDIt. Meinler tol'iled 1., and Ihrouah Iheae or ganlutiiuiw iraaaacud a bualni'KH anvxintlag lo 12. 4oo. noil. OOU. Standard Dyers and Cleaners " OdorleM Cleaning One-Day Service Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St Phbiie825 WATCH REPAIRING HERB 1 year guarantee on all work - GEO. METZ JKWKLKIl 111 Mala GLASSES Fyr EfuminnJ. FiiirU aik) iIk? Cilv (ftuuiK in our uwii liilmy IV I Hit tout iudtVlJhM 4,'ri.tVef.f, Broken Lciiks Replaced DR. COBLE'S 10 MAif areur Kif ihi C"'(i Srrth Phone 403 .. and let the ' Klamath Cleaning and Dye Works . Make yoiir clothe ' ' "look like new. 431 Main 1 hcaT'rhone iUii Klamath ' Falla i Office Phone 113 Melhaae BIdf.' eat where it's cool SPECIAL DINNER Evrrf Krenlnn ' $1.00.' 75c 4 50c Try tham they'fa appetizing! Club Cafe 431 Main. St. CLEANING PRESSING Work called for and delivered. Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works ? .Phen 40. I Why put off auch an Important ; thing aa beKerlng your aeeing , power? -i ; ! DR. H. W. ARR Kye Sight SpecialUt. I . GUS DUNN !, JKVYrXER AND OPTIU.1X j j 003 Main Hirrrt - I Correct Dental Work When you come to me for your dental work you will be assured of propej workmanship "at a just and reasonable price. My list of satisfied patients is growing daily. You, too, will be pleased with ray service.. Free Examinations Given DR. R. D.COE Hopka Bldg." .. : . ; . " . Phone 836 03 BE H 0 L D HE R SKILL She is a charming picture as she sits at the head of the tabic, demurely dallying with crystal cruets. So charming that the guests ex claim with surprise to find that she is skillful, too. For behold, she has been busily mixing an extraordinarily good salad a most professional French Dressing. You will find it very pleasant to play hostess in this fashion. To mix, right at the table, the French Dress ing than is so smart now. And you will be surprised to see how much more inviting a freshly blended dressing is. ' Mix three parts of Wesson Oil and one of lemon juice or vinegar for mild dressing.' Add more vinegar for a tart dressing. Vary the propor tions to suit jour own taste and in accord with the strength of the vinegar or lemon juice you use. Salt and pep per to taste. Paprika for its gay color. And then experiment. Add a bit of ketchup or a dash of mustard for fish or meat salads or for green salads a small amount of Roquefort . . . French Dressing can be a dozen different dressings in one. Its excellence, however, depends on the oil. You will find Wesson Oil is exactly right for French Dressing clear and light in color and very delightful in flavor. French Dressing made with Wesson Oil is dcliciously good to cat and wonderfully good for you. . .