Wiiosday. August 17, 1027 THE EVENING HERAT.T. KLAMATH FAI.T.S, OREGON Six JUEEfJ CONTEST LAKEVIEW NOW: ON FULL BLAST ' " Robert Strahorn Visits , finntv Set of Lake ! r- . c J... ouiuy Juiiuojr I.AKKVIKW. Ana i:. (Special Hi The Herald 1 threat interest la evidenced In the Queen con tent. Tim following Lake county liimiilcs have been nominated to run tor the high honor of Her II, ..ml Highness: Mary K. John son. Ethel Itnnnett. Lucille Sim ninna. I.ury I'avlon. luvitrire Smith, llarhara Metiker. Krbe lUniuieraly. Mae H o t c h k I a a. I .aura Bradley. Mttrial Wither. Mubel kicks, tsiwi Itllliy Cllison. Josepnme i.arr. Dorothy Pleti. Ruby W llllamson and Cornelia Robertson. I.oui onhestra of Keno his been en gaged to furnish the music for the Itnund-1'p dance which be gin Friday, the 2nd of Sepiera lier. Itnhert Strahorn motored to Ijikevlew Sunday and spent Mon day looking over the local altu ation and renewing acquaintance vrtfh mend. He returned to Klamath Kali Til Alturan. 1 llruce Dennis of Klamath Fall. Saturday, paid uikeview a pleas ant call. He report our sister .;rir stenie city enjoying a aeuaon of brisk f;ric stewie of the publicity trade, the lumber market bright- department of the Southern Pa er and tourist by the hundreds ' cifje. who makes hi headauar-, pawing through on their way to ler, j San Francisco, 'arrived Crater lake and other point of tn the city thia morning and Intereat. Mr. Denn's atated his will spend several days In this Intention of again visiting Lake-, view dirlug Its annual rodeo. . Ike Kent. A.. I.. Thornton and ; son. Buck, spent several days : last week In the vicinity of the Stein mountain and Billion river In Harney county on a fUhing , trip. They found tnat particular recreation good, and the vacation far from the frequented path of the average sportsman, enjoyable. With the steel-laying crew In the vicinity of Horse Lake and the tie crew between Likely and Aliuris. the Southern Pacific is straining every effort to make their word good, that standnrd giume cars will be In Lake view by the time snow flies. Work has been steadily prog - ressiug. The north inlt has bven I finished and but a few streets'! j VWtinR.A.,tfdfonl .... ; , the south unit remain untouched:! " Mr. and Mrs. T. T." Nelson nd Dreamland, 'ijikeview- new noi Nelson are visiUng at the open, air dinclng pavilion, ha .home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Nel been attracting large crowd to j son at Bedford for a tew days... he Saturday and mid-week dances. The Five Aces from . Crania Pass are furnishing the music Dreamland Is situated three miles, northwest of Lake-; view near Hunter's Hot Springs ini, . . j ,.....rr I Jtaly has put a tax on laehe-; Ions. , In this country, only their, ingenuity Is taxed. , ' " Legal Notices XOTICB TO CKKDITOItS. r In the County Court of the State t of Oregon for the County of , i Klamath. j 'IK the Matter of the F..itite ' inf MORRIS WESLEY JOHN SON, Deeeased. j The- public will please take notice that the undersigned has ! been duly appointed admlnlslra-1 tiix of the above entitled estate, by the County Court of Klamath . County. Oregon, and haa duly . qualified as sii.h administratrix. I All persons having claims against the said estate shall present the , same to the undersigned ad-1 mlnlstratrlx. properly verified and with vouchers attache!, to me l General fiellvery, Kiam mii Falls. Orecon, within six months from the dale of this notice. - Dated July 19. 1927. PKAKL JOHNSON. Administratrix of the enta!e . of Morris Weslev Johnson, de ceased. J19-24-A2-8-16 Have Your Teeth Examined Tim I IHST AND MOST IM- POKT.WT AHT OK TKKTII HKALTII Is riireful exninlimtlon Kood tlcntist. Vnnr teelh are supposed to last your entire life and they will If they have the proper treat mint. DR. PEAT "Dentistry Willi' a Written finaninlee'V. OPKX KVKXIXdS L-sai.'T,1 BRIEF NEWS OF KLAMATH Hnarks 1rai Inu . t ". t). h park a, of the Golden : Iluto. plant to make a hurried I business trip to Sua Fraarlero Inrar lha m-awak .eaifi l r mnA Ir Sparki are making- their horn at I Hotel Kern and will return ' lo sn Kranrlaci permanently 1 ,.,,,, Bnol,i ,he first of Seplrm i Iter. Mr. Soarka ia In charge of I the Colrien Utile during the ab i aenre of Mr. Vannlee. who la on an ettrnilml trip east buying mer chandise for the local store. l.eft fur Kost John V.lum of Milwaukee and 'Die Aaneaa of Minneapolis, who t have been visiting for the paat two weeks at the home of .Mr. !and Mm. Benn I-ear, Sr. left yesterday for San Francisco. Loa "r""-.Angeles and other southern no'nts vhrn ,hpr ,., Yialt fl for u time before returning to their eastern home. They trip by motor. are making the Returned to California Mr. Frank Hathaway of Vlsal lia. California, with her daugh ter. Mr. H. D. Wortman of Weed and her grandson, Charles Wortman have returned home af ter an enjoyable visit at the horn of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ma gee., Mr. Hathaway Is a si iter of Mrs. Magee. section in the Interests of his company. Mrs. faolilbrrs; Arriving Mrt. Madge Goldberg, with her . son. Martin, will arrive in Klatn- J atb fall this evening from Stock ton, Calif., to spend several weeks as the house gueat of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hayden. Mrs. Goldberg Is a sister of Mr. Hay den. j Mli Harrnpori Home Miss Alicia . Marie Davenport ;has returned to her.hom In .this i city arter an .enjoyable week at ; ' . ,- t; j P.ray Mill, where ahoj was bth'.i ike , t. w.hxI ; (house gueat' of Mr." and .Mr, j Mr. sTnd Mrs. C. C.' Kelley with , eorge Chasfain. a party, of friends- from Hawaii t-X Au BOYS' KOVERALLS Tan or blue, 95c WORK SHIRTS Full cut, triple stitch, 1.00 value, 69c STRAW HATS ONE-HALF PRICE 517 Main G Arriving; Tonkin Miss Meriam Martin. ho ha been soeniliug the ial litre" week in San Francisco and oth-, er bay polnta. la expected home ' Ihia evening, and will be areom- panted by her aunt. Mr. Ma , Aiken of Kreir.o. California, who , vll here for a short time as the house guest of Mr. and tin. Silas Olienrhain. Warner In Valley A. J. Warner of the Aee Tire Shop la In Mrdforri today on a I brief business trip. He plana to return home late th.a even.ng. Klamath Klnrr SIhid Kor fluwrr. r'loral design, quality with service. H3i Main street. 1'hone 1S9. adv. Here Kor Two Wft-ki I F. V. I.oomi of Dnnsmuir is which Mrs. Dixon attempted to here for two weeks transacting ' put out with a bucket of water, business for the Southern I'arlf-1 As she dashed the water onto the. ie. He la atoppxng at the Hotel , flames, the stove exploded. wrap Lake, ping her In the flames. ' visiting From California ' F. A. Piper and daughter of 1 Corning, California, are spend- lng a short time In Klamath Fills visiting. They are regis - tered at the hotel Arcade. .Marriage l.lcen A marriage license wa grant ed to Walter Aaron, LMiv. aged 42. and Carolina Oertrude Allen, 'seed -iti. at ,lh of Jtef of lht county clerk toduy. J lli-re From laikeviow . l)rv Charle E . Ijikeview. 1 Is here brief business and roniiilned . ' .' a i -4 I.eithcad of. pleasure trip From Mtdfirtl S. M. Rnltfst of Mrtford 'spent Tuesday in the city on-bnsiness matters. " Mr. Ilulli was t tered at the hotel Hall egls- Fniin I'tac Itidgi' H. A. Fender I a bnvinr-sa via. The City Park Hoard reserve ' ltor here today from Pine Kidg:lhp rK)t to reject any or all and is stopping at the hotel Hall i while here. Here On Hul J. W. McShane of Ashland Is here for a few ttiys on business .affairs. During h a stay in the ettv Mr iirKhn u ,mnn:.. the hotel Lake 1 are enjoying a few day at Ijke !u' the Wonds. ... , See Connolly llroii display of gnn. Hunting s ison ftr. deer starts Sept.. luth adr. gust Specials WORK SHOES Real values, $2.35 HEAVY CANVAS SHOES 3.50 values, $235 SUMMER UNDERWEAR Values to $1.50, now 89c BOYS' PLAY SUITS . Sizes 2 to 8 Values to $2.00, $1.19 The Little Store With the Big zBetfdlllatutore. KLAMATH FALLS WOODBURNORE. Iaae A at nii'nn INCUHb INJUHY Klcmath Woman Hurt When Stove Explode In Home Suffering with eevere hum about lha head, face, chest anil arm. Mr. U. , inxnn l a pn licnt at Klamath alley hospital a the result of an accident on Monday afternoon when a gaso line stove exploded. Mr. Dixon was enlaged ' In Ironing and wa heating lh irons upon the gasoline stove ut Hie home near Anna Creek I ., .. A I .... h- f..... lha I.. ..... part of the stove ranted the blase Mr. and Mr. Hlxon are resi dent of Siisnnvllle. California, but were spending the summer month at Anna Creek Springs I where Mr. Dixon iwith be Standard I wa employed Oil Company. Itcnaon From lleml City Attorney c. S. Benson of Bend, wa a business visitor In Klamath Fall today and this af ternoon net with member of thai. couiTtv tourt. 1.1.') TICK TO CONTK.UTOKS. otice 1 hereby given that sealed bid will be received hy today nn 1 M&he rjtv'J'ark Board tin to 4;lu P m. on Tuesday, the Urd day! j August. ij7. for the . fr (Cradlrat.t draining and con struction oi one aounie ten nis court on the Park site : between Stukel and Martin j Street and Home Avenue. Plan and specification, nro- I posal forms, and instruction to 'bidders may be had at the office inf the City Engineer. H"- WILL W. BAI.OWIX. Secretary, City Park Board. Il-tS Z. PETERS TEACHER OF MUSIC AccVedltan h'y l'htr tate B'xird of . Kdll. otlon Piano. VMM, Hon jo. Ila staluia (,uilar jind nthi-r In 'mmentii taught. For tniorruutlpn and parti-' nlttr' leave yonr adilrei' r phi-ne number by culling 4.TI-W or ll:tM Values 517 Main 7 Markets Hut ter. PORTLAND Ore., Aug. It. V Mutter: Kxlrea and prime firsts up 1c. Wholesale prices: Kgtre, euhes city Ofe: stan dards il'tl prima first 41V: first . Creamery prices: I'tlnla &c above ruhe standards: butterfal )ir fob Portland. I Milk. Milk steady: bids In farmar: j i aw 'milk 4 percent. t.SS cwl fk Portltnd. Ilutlerfat lob Portland. Eggs: Current re ceipts, firsts and extras all up lo. Current receipts tic Ant- eii: fresh medium SI, fresh sipttdard first !.H; ditto extra .' !' Poaltry. - : Poultry steady; lea S percent cemoilsslon; heavy hen 111 SI; light UtiK; spring 10: broil er lift Is: Pektn white ducks IS; colored nominal turkeys a live nominal. ' thtlon. Onions steady: local ' 1 ?ifi 100; potatoes steady liUff J. IS. Dverdoing? lyr Virrv unit Ovrrworli Br I it, Kctii-y Sttuiit. MODERN life throw a Itrev ' but-vlco. on our bodiry ma j chinny. Tlal'tTualnativT organs, r I pcciatly tltc kidnrys, are apt to be j come lMitt Rctsntion of cixeai uric acid'aml'orrirr poisonous wasti often givo rix to a dull, luntuk feeling and, sometimes, toxic back aches and srasiernr. Tliat he kid . ' irvi arc notCtfmrriordiig perfectly It : ; oftrn shown by burning or scant) 1 passage of accretsavs. More am j ' more people are learning to assist their kidney by the occrlnnal usi j of foan's - a stimulant diu ! rctic. Ak yout rieVatijuf j DOAN'S r,6 . Stimulant Dimmic tuthm Kldnmyt Cn.. Mft Csni . H.,Sh., N V CM) Lord Baltimore Pound Paper and Envelopes r 'Jf- For those who have a -host of v friend with whom they are frequent ly -. eOmwnondlng, .VM";"'." " : I. ' ; MRl It U.TIMOR H ! I'ounil Paper Anil Knvloni-a -This romhlnatlnn Is already popular with thousand who are quick to recognlxe an excep tionally good value. Him h for 90c . STAR DRUG STORE ra $yjgjUt, Stf OUR i i mil Klamata Falls. Ora. jjj : X" ., ; y T- ....... I - i! ? Because it is the best. , I , f y Merchant's Lunch 65c The Hotel Willard Coffee Shop v"pnly the Best Served" are I lew 1 days at lha home of their aon and daugliler-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. llvron Noud of Pacific ter race. I hey Just recently return ed from an enjoyabla visit In Hie east. Expert Prerrllonlst Forbes Pur llrugs. dT. Coats Remodeled. Fur Manufaclitrar. Furrier HUH. WM.MAM IIKSrtl.KH 4t Klamath Avenue, net ween Fourth and Fifth. Klamath Fall Or. At Noutl lliMiic Mr. and Mrs It. Noud visiting In lb rtty for AT THE CINE TREE at- .. ... VJT? - ." ' , - . .-.Tuesday and Wednesday li Last Times Today VC"1 . ACTW-! VAUDEVILLE - y . On the hill tills weeSt' f feature Mr. Morgan Brown wel known to oil Klamath Fall theatre goers. Ills act la clever. Matinee Ladle Starring MAY McAVOY, on the screen, . .ANNOUNCING r .i arrival; of i i - New Fall Hats ' Thore'I a marktd difference in FulL.lJaU. this yenr even thouRh secminuly.. nlike7 " There'- W iquallty. of. botijyUiv,l?(yiuO:t. p, f finish; the chnrm of color: the HmnrUu's and novelty of ntyle and the individuality which is the distinctive touch of the ar tistic dcttijrner. $2.J0 up. The Velvets and Silk lire very "trjkintr at $.V9!i lip. i r BANHARTS t LADIES' READY'TO-WEAK McCrrthy BIdg. 'No'. 118 No.'7lh St. CHEF SAYS Why does everybody eat at The Willard. ' Condi! lou luipixivee ' Itl. har.l Heck of So. t Main street, who aa severely scalded last week whin h fell Into a boiler filled with aralillng water la reported aa Improving rapid- .MIIM. WIl.l.AIII) JtHINHIIV Accredited teacher of Piano, llnrmany Studio, (II Prospect Ave., Phone TJJ II AM 17-11 1 AT The Liberty laxot Time Today FOIII) STF.III.IN'tl and UKllllliK SIDNKY III "For the Love of Mike" A Melodrama of lite 1'. H. rievret Hrrxlrs) Thuraday and Friday "THROUGH THICK AND THIN" Thuraday "UNCLE HIRAM" SPECIAL Thuraday and Friday , JOHN BARRYMORE j The greatest living artnr a the greatest of lovera In bON JUAN" A picture starring JOIIM IIAItllVMOItK carries Its own endorsement.' Leal You Forget I The teat laat Charleston Con Is next Frldsy Bight PA PHI H AXOIXO PAIMIMi imiNU SMITH BROS. 94.00 Per Hoe as l pbona 4UV The Cascade Hotel HTIIICTI.V HIWKIII Weekly Hales M.00 a ad r Hl.ower ami Tub Hal lis I fee Dili and Walnut. Plione ! Klainatb Falls, tiro. lineal Mineral Wad In tit World III rT NPItlMi NATiTtlltll'M now ic from 1:00 A. M. to luldnlghl Tub llalh Hwlmmlng Tan Hot and Cold rthowers For Private part Ira Phone li-W Spring aad Ksplaaarto FOR TIIK IlKHT Ask for lb union card F. H. Olds, J. II. Flgea. II. I. Ureen, U II. Khehorn, C. II. King. Mr. Carpenter Employ members of L. V, 1119 Ktartlng July II Red Ball Stage Line Twi Ially atagea- I let wee a klamalh l-ll sad Lk.le. leaving MtllO anoralusj leaving SUMS I. M. Uave III KAIlH'tt AmIa ( Ktaa Office ... Phone 77 or 600 III IIHV TAXI HKHVK'K -v .,, Uodar. . ,.. New Managrmant ' Photia 111 Prompt rJ.rsl. 4 Jlu J Yll HOWARD Transportation Co. STAGES lealu KUntatli tVHs T:Mi A. M lOlOU A. M- I P. M.. 4:40 I. M.. mak lug master l kins in I'onlaBil and was polnta same dir. -Ooaaenioa at Ashland with fir k at lea Matte fur aliform la solata, ?:M A. -M. aad It I'. X I Stage nak. dlraet through eoaneciiuii to Fontansj, aan Ken i tie ID A. M. anu I'. M. rttagoa nuke direct ooa oecllona to 8a8 Fraarlaro and I am Aagtea. luteal Offlra flfiVMala Ht. . . Jlauaa ,w,... -i-.i," -, rorNfl ' ,. Coal & Tranter. Company i ' nianion4 Hr low eta" t Ituma 109T"-1 i:, . Fir.t Methoditt Church Tenth and High Hta. FIU.NK I.. WK.MKTT, - Minister Iteahtraee, loci nigh Hi, "Wa Hpeelallse In Helpfulness" Sunrlur Service: 1 11 a. ni., 7:10 p. at. Chiloquin Stages l-eave KUmaih I alls Dally for Cliiloqula , and JniermrdUta polnta aa folotrst 1:00 a. m. 11:30 Boon , . t!IO p. at. ft 00 't(m.' Take a. m. boa lo connect lor canrnsl berntid Ohllo'iulo. . V. H, KINO, ' ' Owner KI-AMATM-WEfn BTAUK to WEICD v and Intermediate polnta. Lt. K. r. T:S0; Ar. Weed IS Lv. Weed 1:J0; Af. K. Y. CUB 8tngi Leovog Blajo Terminal llepot v 019 Main Hi. ' Tiy Herald Fixed Space Ads NuBuiimin III. I. lllh Main GAS X BAY