IO I Wl Wctliirstlny. Aummt 17. 12? THE F.VENTN'f. HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON' Webster and Callahan Draw; Infighting Feature of Main Event; O'Malley is Winner INTEREST HIGH CHANNEL SWIMMERS READY TO OPEN THEIR 11)27 CONVENTION Kl 'ii.r ili fight funs 0;ii night firlH '1 nunc itltuijl t hi' gnuthl .t nt !nf lulil'nw' tk.m 1 hfV--'" new 1" Tori' when Tim ('alln)inii. Mi mi( r of Klniroiih, and " Wcti-iler, lined Tu .una flash, hammered' away t . . u ot '.let's midriff for ten r.lnls I a lira-. To these who like only nor nd Kri. k-outs. eihaps the fight i iii'i ci:ne n trt I'M'.'ctMtttins; nt. the la. I nf the kiIIit Is. ml it Ma" it ceniarVlble cxhlld .nit of li.niy pum hing, something ...lin s--en In a Klamath r-og. f ..ell ronml tins nlilte. Webster .-unfit puke A lung right he is hi i ui li i a w - -Intu Callahan's i c. Tiir would flail away at ;n ni'uro's M'ction once or twice ml then tiny would bend iver; J end tn head, i liouliler to should r, like two rums, ami' whale ..ay at the body. ' ' Worked Hard. il,.t!t liiiyn worked like tru ns anil both lnnst today feci le res-tlta of the pouudlnS tn mill miction. Hut therf was 't a drn)i of Ulrxid wpllt. there usii't i stKj:gorlnit Mn lo the iv. and' the only time , they inl to the canvass was when ivy trlnp.'d over each other and II. " - The m-CYo slugger1 lived np' to pectntions. He was extremely ffective throughout and his de-. nse waa marvel of dexterity. and all round V t special Bey W Ins, wlndup vrnk ,Ct'Uti , Jack O'Mallcy. siiti-tlmtlng for Hill Austin whi had been In jured the. prevlotn-i ty. toik a dose decision from Tat McKad den. rough, tough guy from Kla math Palls, lu the semi-windtip. most proved his undoing. tWlth moat prove dhta undying. With a lonK snake-like left ab and a looping overhand right to the jaw, he battered hht heavier op- IMinent all over the ring for the first three rounds ' '-' With a" confident smile on' hhi fire, he alarted In the1 fourth Jabbing and crossing wttb that jarring riiiht rroti. Suddenly Me 'Kadden' thanced taitiia and' al most floored lh lrtahman with a terrifle risat' to' the heart' Ibe.t turned him half way around . Si'nulnjt hi adnintare. McKad , OAV (iltlii NIC.. KtniK. Au Otlii- -lheyre nt,. It iium rvcr l)nr. Trailint .tiixfnio.iVl"! - In the. water, eherklu llilei. tst in i-urreiiti and feeing the air a only ihaunel iieioo tan do And on the nuniU the talk U the t -aine a It hni heen for the Ium earn Ket Up tor Heavy ,i.. mii rhamn i .i.t,m- Struggle in Forthcom- minr itl'jf Week' ' 1 Althoush Oerlrude Kilei'Ie nmipoed to have kfi-ked niv'nt of . (Ui llx Awax'lateil'lrnw) ' 'he ro limine out of the sport the After :d t liUrnrsa. .mark- ehannel lr.-n tl', I ed only 'hy lie' Hoxtou llravea wine l h ilikf aiitatis till i i the piculiar twiata of Ihn K.I nil Jeuaeii of lieiiuitu she la i nnilim In (iris Sot a noli us the wiiiliirr Is fuvnruhle for ' awtiiiinliia. I Tim weathei;. Iiiiwnr. lias heau k''Cighty-thrcc VearOM Golfer v Makes Devil's Own Hole in One year are women., Tiiiiirjv, as (he nmal illfeoiinialtia so far. The .hamii l l". "ihey ate out In -heal "'" H ihaniud Is niiuli II... Kderle ie,.d of 1 hours ,'"',','r lhn usual at Ihls lime of ear. and Ihls aeillou of Krinve and a hslf , lifts hud priullitilU no summer The News of the World offer of rt Last ear Miss Kderle awuui jr.. eon for the llrltlsh wmian i sirrn on Aiiiusl , hut It will uri... ,n ilii. ...,..1 I'f'l'ahly he later hefor- llnlulal'l aieul Interest KpkIIi liirl swliuiuai'rt. due o h' fori'inovl Is a nowrotuer, Mis inn lie '.heaid l.y lona illstan.-e swim- 13-11 viettir. it llV''!in!iisa over Philadelphia, interest In the ma jor leaane raeea eentered' yester day on I'lttMUiirgh-.V'' VorV r tea. openlns at tjin' I'oln lirnunds. The Clauta are only one (time out of ' third plaee. The teitu haa won 14 out of lis laal 1 I games. 12 of whleh were pltiyed on the riwd The I'lratea. five full games out of first plaee, but only three games ahead of the Clants.' will be ant to a stiff test In the series. 1 With the Washington Senators 1dlsHwei1 of. the New Ti-rk Yun- keea berm . their final western trip, meeting first the White Sox in t'hieago. Miller lluggliia' lue haa a 13-gnme lead In firat place. lead too great for aity rival t hope to overcome. Ven:rilu 'a one hull game was . marked by J safe bits. J u quea KourDier of Hostoh nnd Jim- mera of al! descriptions. ltrp resenlatlvus of Kn aland and Kgypt alieady are nn the lull. and swiuimeia of r raiui 1 tei Otjiers itlrwudy lu the many. Ilelalnm niid lleimiark hiol.vim Mnllle Hudson. Hilda Hiriliim of who irniiilui: here. - She Is eighteen nd built verv iiuuli like tiude Kdi'ile. Itinul;h ahoiter and nlii.tit twenty pounds llahter.' rlicn ire l.olltlntt any serlnus htleiuiiia ""'"" in ii ,1s this ., Ileluiy u'ud M I sa Harding nre 1 1 j In It) k under Jnhea W'olle. tlty NKA Sertl eapeiled as anon as the wvathep. diver, .'illaa f'onnle' Jentia of Nnt f M. 11'il.nB .. I,.h l kit den waded in with rlchta audit.' j f - i nnme rune. lens ana nan iae poaane ooy ; clears. For KIiik KuaiTs Kike ( Ishak lliniy. the Ktvpiiau, is buck for bis third year, lie sa..' he le lu pi-i-fc.-t ciuidtiii.ti. dunii' lo 25? pounds in weirhl, and completely vureil of the alumni.' trouble niidcriulned hi' aire n nth .ist year and fined him to uhamli n bis tn atteinpiK lle Is detei nil licit to awlin th" haniiel for the 'sake of Kiii, Knad. who Is lutere-ied in llelmy and has expressed a wish tor hhu lo succeed In order to stir up Interest In athletics in Egypt. Krauk 'I'erks-. the Mirmiutliiini mechanic and another vetiran; aeaioned In channel fnilum. ', JSula is . lu trulning at' Dover ! I'HWSVI.V.WU l.liADK. Ih-aplte the fact . some gtlini miles separate l,eiiiislvuiiln from 'and (IVllNN'MI. Ana. Iltvit la . Joy In the lai t lucliiiuiirs most faniinis itoiflng liinisoiii.t, the "I'nur Mnske t leers. " whose attes total .111 years. The d.'iin of the 111111111 hail inurte 4 hole In one. ; I'. II. Kiosing. m. Is "the dean" lo all ami sundry who itii the Midi. I'nrk (Inir (lull course, where ihu fniiroiiie has : licconti.. a luulltloti. Ki'si.lilif uteis.i up In lUe ten of the jcrooki-d lievil'a Own" 1 hole on the course, addressed the hull with hla ctisiutnurv vigor laid a licit uue straight for IT. (,1V- (thaler. 7T an lis of degree. 1 ! A ilinii with They JiHosiiniae.( thai j tjis, llniihalil. Mrs Jack Weldliluli wife of llje vytvran trnun r all.) died il .in. Mlsa Jane I'.irsln called th" I'.'nif istery woman" he taioe she trtl's' to conical he: real niuie and 'activities. 1 ir Nora Mm ( I0II.111 and Mlsa Mer li'de (Ilctli'e, So far lllese have been ilniiiK thi lr trnihliiK In Mus lim t. The Lest ?. :iihtI nwliiuncr oti the jnh Is Mn Mllle forson, ,lhe Allierii-all wlti. last year succeeded after Mts Kdetle nnd in slir.lnlv longer time. i'lie Oilier Direct loii' She swum from Crli to hover and now- aants to from the KiigM-li tn tli Kieiich cimt. which U 1 harder Joh oxvlntt to Si at Inn KI'l. Angelea, the inn. unit of tunll recnlveil nl this station from Pcnn.Wlva'tila Ja di.nlite the anioiini received from Its home state, California.' , ' IH kI'II K lst HAM'll. Compulsory Insurance advo cates lu Massachusetts point to the fact thai rciflitiatlnns in dint itnti have passed alt pre vloua figures for' tile" first four months. This despite the fuel thai the state haa ..1 compulsory iiiMirahce In-. MiMlK DANISM l'niil April 1 of this your. ' there vere llu.Kila mil lii rerelv lug seta lii Denmark. Tills figure represents an Increase of ail per ci iil ciir-'r the 'ntlmlior of .ih'ta of .mime period t'aKO rive p'tctiers aaw i the' green whcie 11 trickled Into tin-'run. ' On top of that, h" turnnil In a curl of k.l for the clahteen holes. Kesslug's evestght la perfe.-l He never hua l.can kunKn lo lose a hull nnd lortully finds must ui the halls thul Hie cluh ilulfnr.. lose. lie rrgurds a 'cidily na a ue lesa uppeiiil'igp. Ills fli 111 Mini- old hag of rlu lis always swing from his' own shoiildeis. 4 , His phishifiu some yens uun advised hi 111 to take up golf nnd expressed Ilia opinion thai the patient would not live limit "That", aava Keaslng, "was n good Joke," ' KMMInf's golfliik rompiinlons art. (. J Wciidtoth, cliurlei Mulili. ,5 and II. W Mori'un- nr.. flgliilng off Hie mini map er with a inn-hie. II111 Ihey pluv uliunst as sou. I a game aa in- ileutl The iiuuiitliy of wli.ilfi mill, niniliiced In ihu' i '11 II i'l Hi ne. dining I 'OH Jumped four million lioiiinla over Hint in'oilured In I'ijA. The llgureu for Inl'li. In dinting milk con-uiiie.l In III" l.oiiM'iiolii. hutler and ru Ilk ui HI the miiiiuliii'ture of ce cieiun, li 1 !.? ok. T nno miiiiIs. URVJC VC3U MAD. Ka u 1 Mi orr. aj. hanging on lo the fonrth and fifth.. O'Malley raaie1 back" like' -a trojan In the Sixth and jabbed and eroased Mcr'adden round tha right at will. Itoas's' deel aion waa greeted with rheera., Ryler Whia. 1. Aspirations of Dickie Williams, rnllnarr artist of Klamath. to pugilistic fame were cut abort ia the second round of the sched uled six round special event'. : seemed aometlmes that he when Kid Ryder waa. awarded a reaiw every blow, of- ' Calla-, technical knock out ju's Tim's liardeat fell on' . WillLiins flashed a bit to the p' fnreurm. - .. ! first round and did clever foot If Heferco Kolihy Kosa had 1 work, but could hot avoid the Meeted to give a shade decision. : crushing lefts of the Ryder. j service. t iVehsicr would undoubtedly have licen the favorite. Hut what, the main event lack ed in blond, waa. more than ui.ide np''in the six round aeml- Al Wilson and Tex Stewart fought a mild four round draw in the- curtain raiser. ' A. fair crowd witnessed the bouts. . - B EAVEHS TAKE CliBS a doubt header victory otvr'the Cleveland" Indians, winning the tint t-i and the second S-u. rjet roil' won It sixth consecn: tire victory by beatlnn the Iloa ton' Red Sox; 10-7! ' Washington and the St. Louis Browns were rained ont. "I owe tttis id 31 1 i; Oakland Overcomes Ear ly Lead end Defeats Missions' 8 to 4 ,J Te-tot r iW wV Oakland J no . 54' San Fraitiisoo ........83 '2 Self! tic 79 6.1 Sncraincnto" '.'...:." 2 ' 72 Portland S "4" llnllynood 66 79 Missions '.at 1 I-os Angeles 5'4 90 Pet. -.C25 .SC9 mi p rnnrihp.T innna niniTrpi " h rim HI lOnr Dili run fr.1 nor ncmttrii! rtHL ULILillLU -.. -.I . J - r ' , . r, -'KJ tbr Aa.HOcUtrd' rs) -Whan the. If inut ru(ed. tlje Pittsburgh Pirates in ythe first game of their series "at the Polo Grounds the Chicago Cuba nrof- Althouh l'ortland .5 r. 6 j It ed by the result and today had .500 i a lead of six full game in first .479 1 place In the national league race. .455 1 Charlie Root'a wrinkle ball .441 I baffled the Brooklyn Dodgers .376 land the -Cubs luft Ebhetts field . I with a 3-9 decision.' - ' . ' ) garnered ' Rogers Hornsby'a twentieth eighteen hits as against ten fori home run of the season. Inserted! th-.. SVals, a three 'run 'rally In with two men on bases In the' thi! Inst of the ninth was need-1 seventh enabled the Giants to j ed to give the I3eavers a 7-6 vie-1 come from behind and drutt the lory. lotteries: Mitchell, Kunx, ' Pirates, 8-4. " The UtartU gain- ! and Itcgo, Mlti-a, French and led a full game on the Pirates, Yelle. - f ' 'but the St. ?loitia. Cardinals I Scorini? five runs lu the last i trimmed the Boston Braves 5-2 three, Inuinitii Oakland - closed and thus moved to within one : APHIS CAl'SKS KrUIL ' Because warm weather, which breeds parasites that exterminate the aphis, was so late In coming this year, this dreaded upple tree peat has made, fist headway in New Jersey. Farnfera In this slate are taking alt precautions against the spreading- of this neat. j OLD CARS Jl NK:l). Kansas City' dealers' have' or ganized a central wrecking com pany which would Juuk cars traded in on new automobiles, but nnsuited for resole. It Is their way of solving the used car problem. Multrt PARrt VISITOR,-. The national parka this year expert a considerable Increase of I iiaiiiiis. n u iiii-reuse 01 tn per cent nas aireaay neen notea in motor travel' to Seqdoia National pirk lo California; AVTO IXCRK.VhKS ROt'TI?. ' Before the days of the' auto mobile, a rural mail rarrier's ronte averaged 24 miles daily. With the coming of the auto he is able to rover between 50 and 75 miles In a day. Contrary to rumors, bullet proof vests, will not be worn by Jack, and Ger.e i in the Chicago battle. - . ' v m I : , : i , j . . I - .-. L' Alton ll&milton remarks to hit friend Carl de Mcl a he offers him -a Lucky Strike at the Afonor Country CfiifS. ,i.'xjrr ,'J to if -i villi a rush to overcome an early lead of the Missions and vein, S-l. Batteries: Sparks, Iliit'liler nnd Read; Wlenert and Walters. . Held jHjwerless by the . slants i hurlers. - , , J of Spocu Shea, Sacramento beav- j The last' invasion of the, west : i r, Hnllvwuod lost the- gerie op- by the Yankees got under way J ( tier 6 f. Batteries: Sliea and ! at Chicago aad the American Scrercld; Fullerton, Murphy and i Jeagoe leaders ambled lu win- game of second place. ' Philadelphia opened Its' series ',. with the Cincinnati Red's- with a E-.T victory, faster Sweetland ; otitpitrhing three Cincinnati i IJovvaril. AlthouKh out Ji St by the In dians, .the last place Angela kept jiJuKKinK away, finally -winning !i-S. Butteries: Peters. Smith. Hamilton,- Weatheraby and Han- bino's career. nah; I'iummer, House, Nance and;' The Philadelphia Schmidt. j opened their western ners by an 8-1 count. Babe Ruth hit his thirty seventh home run Into the upper deck of the grandstand in. right field, ona of the longest hits of the Ram- Athletics trip with ' HAT JS . i J (enajA NtXJ (J"" f SMOsiE A .fcve pipe fiwuiti an eJ9HXA viunvi ri'M. Nt lis., epcox. M6lX CUtiiLB, HID. SC w -i r. I i tr laajpaiv ,-''.'- ; .' - -..jus,, a-.. w - - ' m t :.V 'frf l.' e- . . , -. ... - Tn - i . ? V.:. yZ ai.iiiaurr ii : .,;--sv x T4-3''' " i s v .. .-iir Xt V itftf?. 4rjJ Mr'jJ , -k a ft y . i .- .- . sX--v.v' i . i" .'. i.-v...-: " - " -.- ,J 2 f ' r t- .. I'-,' V " V fw. ' mm. Herbert Brcnpn, noted Film Director, - ivrites: . , During the pandemonium of motion picture ffroductionas in my direction o; 'Beau Qestc'-l find Lucky Strikes ate ' not only Soothing to tired vocal chords, but they have-the best flavor. The con , stantmedf myi oice'in my work demands that I keep it in epndition. Lucky Strikes are the only cigarettes which brotect me frtm ah irritated throat; and which 1 enjoy to the utmost." . ' ,, , ., . Watcl for Him! Mr. Lou Langworthy is nb-vV aboard a train . speeding toward Klamath . Falls. ;.- . . f ...... . . . Watch for him! Wait for him! ; He will Have an important announcement tomake on this page in a few days. Yoil, too, will find that Lucky - Strikes are mild and mellow the finest cigarettes you ever smoked made of the finest Turkish arid domestic tobaccos, properly aged and blended with great skill, and there, is an extra process "ItV toasted" no harshness, not a . bit of bite..; ? . v 'r No Throat Irritation -No Coutlht - ICS . r . ai i sssssssssssWftsswasaiBSBBSl '111