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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1927)
f i wii'ii inniiu.'rn1 Taw'?' THE rVFXINT, HERjUP. 'KLAMATH FAU, 'OKK'flON W'iMliicsdnv. August 17, H27 on n i I'M vn in i n p i.v ui.r.i .1 im' T. W K. B O Ol Hi Tl Oi T i( ia ol - i c 1 ! M Hard Luck Ruins Chances oF German Aviators in Long Hop miKMBV, fiermany, Aur. 17. (AD Misfortune dogged I lie Junker monoplane Europa after her excollent tart from Dessau last rilKlit with h-r blstur plane, Bremen tn an attempt to ba first to make 'westward iinn-stoi Illjrht across the north Aliunde. . Tb Euroua and llremen flew together a far a Masdehura-. hut afar oaaahie; over that lty lost tauch with on another. Cornelius KiUard and Joh&uu Kts fin, the Europas crew. then de rided lit shape their eourae fart li ar to tha north In hope of meet ing bolter weather. Tha motor went Well, driving the plane at n snoed of 230 kilometers (alHiut 1( ml I en per hour! until tha flyer had protrcased well out over tha North Kea. Then motor trouble developed which the pil ot unsuccessfully trlod to rem edy. ' Their dlfflcultlea Increased -when the Europa ran Into a dense lof bank. It van then that they decided It would lie hopeless to-conttmre, and reluctantly turned- bark toward land. So dense was tha fog. Kdtard said, that he could not nee (tlx hand !efore hi eye. - In his opinion, it wonld hare been rrlminally fool hardy to have continued. The airmen were able to dls cera the Hghta of the Bremen airdrome only with great difficul ty and circled around a half koir trying to find the landing (lane. 'Eventually they maUo a Ull) li I I ., - ' . ' Columbi- Basin Project is Probed by Board of Officials SPOKANE. Wash.. Aug. 17. APr Members -of the irriga tion and reclamation committee of the national house of repre sentatives, with their hosts, left here thbj morning aboard a spe cial train for the grand coulee He of a proposed high storage dam for irrigating the lands of the Columbia basin project. Members of the committee took a trip about Lake Fend Orlelle. In Idaho, yesterday, and viewed Albany falls and other parts of the upped Pend Oreille river. . .. Return to Spokane on the spe cial train was set for 6:30 o'clock thht evening;. Tomorrow a trip will be made to Saddle Moun tain, in the heart of the area it Is proposed to Irrigate, for a sur vey of the land. f Approval of the project was voiced by Representative Philip D. Swing of California, co-author of the Swing-Johnson bill for the development of the Colorado basin, and by Representative Samuel Arentz of Nevada, him self a mining and civil engineer, iu newspaper statements today. ' "Prom an engineering stand point, -the Columbia - basin pro ject Is absolutely feasibel and simple." Representative Arentt said. ' "There are no serious en gineering difficulties involved." - The cattle in 347 counties of 27 states are nndor supervision for the eradication of bovine tu berculosis, according to the De partment of Agriculture. At present 17, 60.:i8O cattle in these states are under this sup ervision, while fonr million more are on the waiting list for in spection. ' COMMITTEE ON f.EWS NOTES ; INVESTIGATIOFa OF MERRILL; Announcement We have been appointed the Elide Eervice Station for this locality. In addition to aclHog . .- ' BATTERIES the right battery for your car; our Service include skilful repair work on , every make of battery. You can rely on responsible advice and reasonable prices here. i - We look forward to a call from you. IMPERIAL GARAGE ' "The Gin age 'That Ncivr Chiseii" 8.W T . ' - PHONK liltl mm mi 1)iimpT landing. The lull of tha machine went into a dltrh and ta under carriage aud ropollor were itamaitcd. None of the three men, lilt -tlit. Kdtard or Hubert Tt. Knlrk prlwrkarv representing the New York American, as lnjiired. . K.tiard, although greatly ills appi'lntcd. Mid this morning that he Vm resigned to the Inevit able. HI ttiiihle. he said, legan between Dldenberg and Kniden. near the Cerman coaM. when a severe thunderstorm Irtikf. ':oon alter we pas.ied over Hrcmen." he continued, "the Weather thickened. We were Just nli'.e to discern the light of the Island of Xordernay tsouthwe-t of Heligoland) and were trying to shape onr course toward Hull (England, when we got a severe shaking up from a thunder storm. The visibility became worse every moment. We dodged this way and that trying to find bet ter conditions, but in rain. Then Klstlct suggested that we fly hack and go oTerland across Hol land, but the weather became steadily worse. We faced the alternative of returning cr foratng way through full speed with the grave risk of having to make a forced landing in the Atlantic through insufficient fuel. 1 think we did the right thing In choosing the former, although with extreme regret, " .... MERRIIX. Aug-. 17. (Special to The Herald) Mr. 'and Mr. R. 11. Anderson and daughters. Thir xa and Helen, and Misses Wilma Offield and Wylie Walker return ed on Sunday from a week's stay at Rocky Point as the guests of Thomas Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wilson and sou. Gerard, returned Sunday from a week's visit In Medford. Mr. E. Shay and Mr. C. Hall left for Seattle Monday, where they will remain for a few days on business. They plan to bring back a laid of furniture belong ing to Mr. Hull. Miss Ruth Streeter has return ed to Reno. Nevada, after spend ing the summer with her folks. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Streeter of .Verrlll. Miss Streeter pi ins to attend the University of Nevada. Mrs. E. Shay is visiting for a few weeks with her mother at Horris. Mr. and Mrs. Weeks and son. of Santa Barbara, who have been visiting with Mrs. L. ' S. Moor, left Tuesday for their home. Clyde Barrows, who returned from Big Valley Tuesday, has ac cepted a Job with Cox brothers. The Merrill Library club held their monthly meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. T. A. Blake. A new book committee consisting of Mrs. J. A. Dewey. Mrs. W. W-'iker and Mrs. R. I.. Dalton was appointed. During the past month Mrs. B. L. Hall and Mrs. M. L. Moore and Misses Edna Merrifl and AHen Murray have Joined the ciub. Dainty refresh ments were served by Mesdames A. Krazier. J. Ktevonson. T. Blake and W. Walker to the following: -Mesdames J. Kldwell, J. Culmoii.. J. Wilson. C. Barrow. B. L. Hall, i I. W. Hurriss. C. Halley. C. Cog, S. Dewey. Jr., J. Dewey. L. Farm er. R. Dalton. N. Woodhouse, i OH, SO COMFORTABLE! iL r.. -,.. ' ...... . .' T)M-V A big dav for l.iziie. Quern of the elep;int herd at the Phila delphia too, wv the SOtb annlveryary of her enforced sojourn there. While her cage wates looked on enviously, she trunked away a sumptuous vegetable rake, garnfshed with sweet hay. and then had herself a dip In the pool, as pictured here. R. C. Anderson. Rob Adams. Skinner. E. J. Merrilt. L. Brown. J. Ratliff. B. Jans. M. Bowman. A lien n Murriy. EJua Merritt and thu hostesses. Ermin Harper has accepted a position at the Valley Service Statiou. Will Graham, wno returned re cently from Huckleberry moun tain, reports thut there are many huckleberries. .Mrs. J. A. Brown left Satur day for Yuba City. Calif., where she will spend months with her daughter. Airs. Ray Benigh. Warren Fruits left Saturday for San Jose, where be will visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Fruits and daughter will return with him. ! An Sl-year-old woman In Ten ' nesseee has never seen an auto ' mobile. No wonder she lived so long. Now via Klamath Falls in? train of the west orer two Cascade Line betueen Calif or nia and the Vacifcc Sorthutst Direct scn ice withouf chant of can. for travel en from Kl inu ih FalU. The appointments and ftcrvice of new deluxe trains. t Southern Pacific fine new Co cade leaver here southbound ac 8 a. m. arriving Sat) Francisco at 9:25 p.m. Northbound, leave e 6: 20 a. m.. arriving Portland 4tOJ p.m. and Seattle 9:45 p.m. A a extra-fare train, firnt-clatsthrougii out, with the added service of harber,valctand ladiet'maid bhowcr-baths for men and for women. The new West Coast to Sacra tnrnto and L04 Angeles leaves at 3:50 a.m. leaves at 10:45p.m-,arfivirift Portland at 9:25 a.m. next day. No extra fare, yet comparable to the finest. In addition, through Pullman leave here daily at 4: 10 p.m., con nectinc with the Uregonian ar rivinsSan Francisco at 9:50 a. m Uo, local train leaves 8 a. m.t arrlvcj. Eukcoc 1; 20 p.m. tor-nn-' n action arriving Portland 7;40 . P m. i . ; j. . Miu.F.n iiitt. i cur. v I'llSH, . J4 1 1 I'sually. the first thing that strikes a. visitor to tliis conntryj A taaal J mm . 'r e moderns ore hard to please. Hut ' ' ;y i VJyV 'wc m"c "'"" anyone or any' I . n. ,- -,J 'Mf 'U Crater Travel Heavy. MEDFORD.Ore.. Aug. 17 Travel to Crater Lake continues to be quite hravy In spile uf the increase In travel through tae Klamath Falls entrance thl: year. Stages have been carrying np to 14 or 12 passenger a day to visit the lake. Many tour ists go in by the Medford en trance and out by way of Klamath. hard-to-suit age chooses ' J '1 ; r.-.i . t Game! 0 1417. ft t.'Kn.lJ. Thuf Coaiwai WHHiM.a.lns, M, C, C; N. REVENUE El Northern Line Only Car rier in Northweat to Show Good Return The lirt'Ht Northern railway Is the nl ' large system lit the I northwest region tlrtl Hhowed an Increase In gross revenuaa and itel operating Income for the fl,t half of this year compared Willi the same period of lit'.'il. according to a report In the Wall Street Journal, N'onu of the other lurge Toad in this territory lu rreased In liross or net over a year ago. Inrreased gttltta by the Croat Northern .m nttrlliutrd largely In gniu In oro and mis celhinet as traffic. The lailirate of gross earnings for the Yod this year made by Unlph ItMld. prc'.dont. uiul thu optlciNtc crop reports from this section Justify the prnllctlou, ac cording to the Journal, that share earnings will approach ill Sn a share on $;4s.trt,or,o preferred stock for 1927. In some uuaj-tcr It ia expected that as much as 111 a shars will be Road Oil Cleaning Oar System la Something New and Ik-tier than toe - Old Itaml bjalctn Can Waahcdi Motor Cleaned) Vacuum C'lraoetl Gas .We call for and NEW SYSTEM Kftptniiailo shown If crop" prospect ni'ilcr lallte. Iiuk IHk1iiii lu Your. I li' It... til Ml .. ..I.-... ......I- I- reached. It will .reflect the best earning power for I lie road since 1011. when 111 Tn sua earned "If the present er.riilng rate should roiiilnuu, stockholders of tlivui Northern can look forward j In au Im iv is,' lu Hie dividend J from a r rale in 14." the Join Dial continues "n ( ,r t h ( scema a prolalilllty In 1'.'.'K II may come In the form of a $6 rate on die srock of the tlreul Northern I'lultlc railway. , the new company under which the I Northern I'ai Iflc nnd tire it iNorthi-rn lire to lu1 merged n 'piopuseit in an npplb alloii now I bofore the interstate commeree couimlsslun, or If the merger Is denied the tircat Northern as an j Independent . company probably would he in u position by that time to ratso Its dividend "The merger upplli itlon was presented to the commission In l be forepart 'of July. A decision. Judging from ucllon In the Nick el Date and Southwest merger cases, can he expected before the middle of l'.i!!. Moreover, by that llinu Ilia commlnttion will J probably havu passed oil the p t pltcatlnn for lucrcasetl el.iss 'freight rales lu western t r ti li k line terrllory. 1'rtis.iMM-t for lllic tiNH, ' "Krcd W, KirKeiit. president of IS.lUbrd Kiport Greasing 1 reo Crunk Case Service ami Oil deliver Phone 606 AUTO LAUNDRY nrnr Kit Mala K :m MODERN people are hard to satisfy. But Camel has pleased them and they have made it the most famous ciga rette of all time. ' Present-day emokera are "tasty,1 and they recognize in Camel the choic est tobaccos "gro wn," Blended for smoothness and mellowness. ' Camel leadership in this modern world is an overwhelming tribute to the taste and fragrance of this quality cigarette. ' Camel will prove itself to you. What a cool, satisfying smoke! When you try Camels, you will see why they are first and favorite with present-day smokers. " flare 'd Camel!" - the Chlcagil Niirthmesteru rail way, exitacts a dot Isloii on the rale iiucMlun liefor this eai end. Work on Ilia Croat North ern Cascade tunnel probably will he I'ompli led III IM2s. Thus mat His of iiollcy ahlch have mlll l.ited against any change In the dividend rule proltibly wilt be cleared up by the lulddlo of nest year "Of course, us lung as the present merger application Is ponding nil IncrcUKii call lie el pucled directly.. If the merger is approved, wel-lnformcd tiuurters eapeel the stork of the Ureal Northern Pacific railway to be put on a fa basis " Almost avery day the rabies bring word that Charles A l.e vine has started another fllghl arrusa I ha Atlantic. . i power : WASHING GREASING Leave your car with us t ready the next morning. w imams vrarage l "ALWA yS OPEN" f Phono j06 Cor. 2nd and Main j) ' I 1 to invi:hti( mi:ti.. IIIIANTrt PAHH, tire,, Aug 14. (API-W. H. luer, division in apeclor for I be deparlinenl of Iho Interior, .arrived here Ihu moriiliig from Portland In mu. tluna III white metal tests Mr lluyor staled that lis espeeta in dolcrmliia hefnrn he leaves If t bi metal riimea from the ore Ho will be aided by Inspectors llur rill and Merrill Mr, Hover us rtoil Unit all ill'us used will be ssi il rod by bl in or one of his allies ami that the furnace In which Ivsls are made rill be un der guard by hliu or til men day and night. . Poultry and egg crop value or luiii amounted to - ll.lH.uutl. lino. 'Tills 'figure repn-loiiis Uf per cent of the oiiili value of luosiot li during Hint year. l' at night and have it ! i I ' t