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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1927)
TUP. F.VENTXfi 11FRAT T. K I. A MATH FAT.T.S. ORF.CSOM Tiu'silav, August lf27 Pi.... 1-Mt.lif World's Champion Axeman to Give 50 to Man Who Takes tor, Marti Jrawn mmk tmii. "q, Progressing '''' lifut takeoff anil tank hi vl. r . AT I ...... ....... k. ..... rosf on Aeu Line for which It MAtnct. It f-mn rv v v w I 1 lwice limerie Uses on lree" 5 SACRAMENTO, Aug. It. ifir.'i a cnanr. for tha wood rkopMra and axrawlnitera of Foul born Orcrou tn cash In on tttrlr ability to mike tha cblpn tff from a Ion. I'rtcr McLaren. snuliTs rtiamplon wood rbopper, wtu will b at tha California Ftnts Pair. Bent, a to 10. will tm In Klamaib rails, Oregon, ana Chlluquln, Orrtcon, tbl week ' and will ofer a prlta of HO to man who ran cut through a lug tn IwIca the time It take, lilm. - ' .Th content will not be carried cm l on a "trick lot" or anytbinie like thnt. The lot; U to b e Inci.'d In the rnmmmilty and Mi-Ijircn and all contestant are to chop on tbe aaroe lot. Tha champion will be In Klam ath alia on August IS and Chilo quln, AuRiiat SO. lie bars no one In tbe con teat and the man who ran rut a log In twice McLaren' time gel. t5i). McLaren, whosa appaaranros In the I'nlted Rtate aud Europe hare attracted wide attention. ha never been beaten. In fart, Of Great Northern The Initial link of steel which will .rentually ioniie.1 Klamath Auggy Tedlar. piloting the j ., llh n . nA aU r can.M. Miss Moran started fifth. If ; rnio,, lhe railroad circle, for tbe field easily, but returned , Kllln),,h will no doubt soon anerwara mi a a apuruuB p)arvt .ro,,,,,! September first. motor. The return of the MIm Tlit the iiiiiteineiii of Doran resulted from premature ; KumiMh HMtfT of the Mauser firing of the .park plugs. Me- Von.tnutlon comimnyN ho pent caanic lo.t no time In starting Monday evening In Klaiimih rMIU repair. o that another attempt i , ,,,, of ,n ril,1MruSi i could be made thl arternoon tor U(im of ,n ,!rrlU Nl,rih k ! a successful ; r.radlng I progressing r.ip dly Art t.ohel and Lieutenant 111 I . llolw , , mn ,, run Davis put their plane the Wol-;4ua , 6l)0 1auw , nrae into Ina air soon after tbe ... .. ...h.,,,,,.,,....! no living person ha been able.""" r.aaie nu ere ii.uuw.-u j of hB ,ir,,jwt- , to chop a log In twice Mcl-ar-,0 Captain Wm. Erwln and A. Ar,jV,y j, in evidence along' en' time. wnose luuaa fcpint i . he,. ). Khev. McLaren Is figuring on keen ! "n 10 xn un "? lla-lllxan logging railroad and competition In Oregon, where . damaged tail aoon t h,malllt, where the llrrat Xorth- orae of the beet woodsmen In . " , 'en I. to connect w th the 8 nth- America are to be found. A few minute, after Captain , rn , Jclle Sharpen your axe and go after' Erwla 'rned the Oklahoma j j j the ISO. I flew to tha field and lauded but , I neither pilot aor navigator f OrtTieT l.lQTnCth : 1 ' would give a reason for turning' Psti'ni t.tfe Loading Ordinance Adopted by Council Itegulatiou of autn truck li.f- ! fir III Klamath Pall wa Innur rd ln.t night at the rlty council meeting when the round) bv puuiug an ordinance empowered the etreet riuuinlttee to pluce load limit on whatever atreet In the city It deemed neccury. The ordinance paid by un nlnioii. vole and goc Into ef fuel Immediately a It born an etnerguncy clau.e. I'lirpone I. to m regulate heavy loaded auto traffic that paring in the city will ho Aved from destructive pounding. IIAIIK I.I01S IITlll. ( IIICAdl), Aug. ID (,!) . It nth made hi. J.'th home run or the year In the fifth Inning of today' Y.ukre gum with Jhr White Hex. Ituth I. now one Homer behind Lou (lehrlg. NOTH 11. Mi. Kineinoii t I'orlluiid will lie lu chum of II. ion lle.ut)' Khop during Mr, liloretin Wee ren'a .h-enre la (lukliMliI Mr-.. Kniei.nii come, highly re. om llietlded In lieuulv culture. OI.OIIKNNA WAItllKM. Ilonton lleauty Hhop. REAPPOINTED .(Continued From rg One) b! appointment la not a duly qualified elector and a resident of tbe city of Klamath Palls, and who has not resided in tha city 0 Klamath Falla for one year nevf preceding hi appointment, Ot within the territory embraced within tbe city at tbe time of ment I had been a resident of I LAND. Calif.. Aug. 1. (API the atata of Oregon for at hJJ Mildred """j "v!" i headqu.r'ler. In eighteen yeara. more than one '" teacher of Michigan. j art.ta in Klnnl year or which w .pent aa , accompanied by Mm. Fanott to renident of Klamath Fall, and Into the air a second time bound , . . clearly under aection S7 of ihelf'T Honolulu and the chance at , ,. v,' "Ki.m,,t, .... ; T 1 ... .r.. ,h.r. I ... ...imi . .'ih $:6.00 Hole priie In the I ..' "'...: " -"Jr . . ' ... . t., n . - 1 more inau it year, uru a mi win the appointment. I airplane pilntel by J. A. Pedlar. LIGHTING PLANS Uo n "4 ,h cUy frtr , ,ck- At the time nf m. .nnnlnt. M I Mt lrAL AIKPtlUT, OAK (Continued From Fag One) would mean eight light, at the Intersection of .Btxth and Main streets?" anggested Mr. - "Well, that'a what wa want," replied the mayor. ' The estimate were referred to the council aa a whole. At meet ing thla week will be held to determine which ot tha two pro pcVal will bo taken and to at tend to neeeaaary arrangements rvllminary to calling for bid. Installation of new fire hyd rants at tho following Intersec tion was authorised at the rec ommendation ot Fire Chief Keith K. Ambrose: Owen and Orchard aTeone: East Main etreet and Orchard avenue; aouth Riverside ad Main street ""TV. D. Ay re. wai granted per mission to erect a sign at 210 Martin street. Bert Wellington was granted permission to blast. A. W. SCHAUPP I F. A. K. Faott. connected with 1 the paxicngcr traffic department of the Southern I'acKlc. with San Franclars. Klamath Fall, today. ( f n OK TIIAXKA We will nlwav bold III crate fill rememhraueo the many acta i of klniluee. tendered u. during our recent bereavement, the Ill nee, and PAH!ng of our beloved "Jack." We are eapoclatly In- j uentuil 1U III. i VII.. , I.. Hull. Mr. and Mrs. Kelley, and all the staff of the latline. Key. Father A. F. Looter, and little F.lmer and Jimmy Itae. .whose kindly mlntxtrntlon. meant so much to Jack. Itelng iinahlo to I extend nur thank, perennially to 1 eo4 h one we have recourse to I thl mean.. I v TIIK FAMILY OF JOHN t JACK I DAVIDSON. I :: Insurance Real Estate :; When you think of INSt'UANCH It in K1KH INSl'IU ANCK thnt comes to 'onr miml, but tlitl you know !! thnt tho comimnii'H reprosontotl hy thin offifo write !! ovor forty linog of inxurnnec? So. in iinnlyzinR yotW I! i nun r:nc e on your own iirtipcrtit'H. think how much i iiHurimco you niust be luikiuif. It in our lnmino.H ' to hi'ln you tlocidod whnt you iwi'tl, and thl.n office has the aid of experienced inxiirnnre men nnd In stirante enjrineerg, hence you cannot go wronjr with the SERVICE wo have to offer. J. F. Maguire, Jr. 816 Main St. Write All Kindt of Sound Insurance. MM t Mlillilil UtttftW be rememliered here by many of , 'However'I do nt wlh or de- which had been forced to return;,.. ... ., ..n h.... 1... ire to embarrasa the city ,d.;""r a first .tart because ot mo- jm.M rafnc m,niw, of the Klnm. mlnUtratlon at thla time by hav-!tor trouble. ath Navigation Service. Ing any of my acta questioned;! 77nr.nnT rink ' Todlv ,ho ."'"Iwra are enjoy. : consequently I wish to tender! l .'"V A.. Ir" S? Ing a trip to Crater lake. They' my resignation at this time as ud, r""f lfl-Mis boel UOH ,ho HaU. j city attorney which resignation trplaes. each carrying more ( is to take effect immediately." , ,Dan a ,on ot "o"ne 'lsT i night long th Woolaroc was be Respectfully submitted: 'pointed their spinning propellers lnt loaded with peclal llght (Signed) A. W. SCHAUPP. towards Oahu. sn Island of tha welfrht gasoline sulpprd from " I Hawaiian group In the first long i rjartlesvllle. Okla. r a fT? ic vrtlir ui.inr ueruii ra.-- id ..i.-.,, ( $;arun Jensen et a ntgnts KALL ID iLIVV jfor SS5.000 in priie.. a gift of;work0iit for bis mechanic, when 1M Fill ? CIWT rVJf"1 1 Dol of Honoluln. lhe retired by ordering a new Aw r-ll- JYTIiVjj Although emphasis was placed J .perlal pump ' Installed. About , Inpon speed of the planes at the 1 ,lx mechanic worke.1 long after (Continued From Page One) ,rtnf line, there waa a nnanl-. midnight Installing the new de Canto, Steered by Norman 'mtty among aviation expert thnt , T(ce. Goddard and navigated byi'he nu' Bot ",olie for ,hc Livingston IrvlngJ a lWkeley L onn-), w.i,i0 w"t b,,t oa ,or ,h ator , srartime filer, had his plane load- Kenneth Hawkins, speeded under,tanding hi. problem. well'M w,ln food ,ippM during the down Kie runway, me tail enough to chart a course along : night, care being taken to tow away the victual. In the order FOIt BALK HlUIlT Hay net. hnrneii collar pads. . wagon springs, chains. Talis, pans, dishes, stoves, saw ing machine and many useful. mlscell.nenua articles. Itesult of 41) years gathering. . I ' ' PKOI'I.KS WAttF.HOCRR Bo. th. K IT 1 WANTKD Iteturn load of furnl .lurn for Silem or Portland at once at reduced rate. Capitol t'liy Transfer Co., care Eve ning Herald. IS 31' Kilt TIIAliK -Portliind prM-rty 'for Klamath Ilnsln pro. riy. either town or country, flood. offered. Call News, phone I ST7. l-til RICHARDSON SPRINGS On Highway Near Chico The rnost talked of rcsoi'.ain tho state. There - . . must be & reason! Vhy not como 1 i , ; ' . nnd see for yourself? LEE RICHARDSON, Mgr. WALL PAPER ' All New Stock Acme Quality Paintt F. R. OLDS Across from Pottoffice Phone 43 needed. Obituary the above aectloa wits) section 3.26. .It 1 my opinion as wen as the opinion nf some very compe tent attorney of this city that la order, to qualify for this of fice thsr It Is necessary to have been a resident ot tbe state for huno- tn th or mind and sr the great circle route. .. . .. , , I Long before the starting time. as it passed the 4500-mark ,s aoon, p, llm.. heavy the plane lurched off the ' fog hung over the entire bay die- runway and turned over. I trtrt ,nd the T"lblllt' not . , . .... .. . more than two mile. A heavy breaking the right wing off. ! of fphore f0g waa also reported m Both. ' flyers Stepped out the path picked by the filer for smiling and uninjured. :rt"aT.T 5l"Jor UvtriBston Irving, who v.j ..k.j int. . 'irtjon I Jack I were forwarded to .started third, failed to get off j v..l .u I Mnnt hi mnr.h. said appointment." Construing the gronnd but broughi his pU.e '"Vo. a thst nien akIn J.ccompanled by his sister. Mia their test flight could be I May uaridson and a brotner. DAvmsov The remain of John J. T)av- bark np the runway and started rreim tor another getaway. kBnrd sofn above tBatjE: P. Davidson. Interment will Tho Golden Eagle, piloted by ,,,),, , bo made In the family plot In Jack Frost, roe from the ground . . There WM Bot , brea(i, of'tlmt city ' In Mt. Carmel ce ae apparcntly without effoM and 1 vind ttrrnB. tact which caua-; tery. The remains were l ne.i.ti out over tie so JTancl e(, nme of ,he mm to exprees Pared far shipment by I.' A. co bay. Gordon Scott is na1a breete Towey. local- under;aker. r ANNOUNCING ARRIVAL OF New Fall Hats There is a marked difference in Felt Hats this year even though seemingly alike. There is quality of body; the beauty of finish; the charm of color; the smartness . and novelty of style and the individuality which is the distinctive touch of the ar tistic designer. $2.50 up. The Velvets and Silks are very striking at $5.95 up. BARNHART'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR McCarthy Bid. . No. 118 No. 7th St. a desire for a slight down the runway. A "crash detail" numbering thirty men under comand of j Captain Burdetta A. Paler, ar-, rived at the field early from away In Portland Thursday. He C. C. JACKSON C. C. Jackson, a well known ar- resident ot Fort Klamath, passed Crissy field, San Francisco. The men. member of tbe 381st ser vice squadron of the air corps re serve, were to handle any acci dent, arising at tbe take off and asglat In wheeling tha planea Into position. Julius Kahn, Jr.. eon of the wa horn In New Yor. city, March's, 1819. and at the time of hi passing was TS year 6 months and two day. Hn Is sur vived by the following children: F. J. Jackson. Fort Klamath; Mrs. Sharp of San Jose: Ercn. of Los Angeles: Ear! and Kdgar late congressman, was a member! of Portland; Columbus of -Fort of tbe detail. Klamath, and Wilbur Jackson of Early In the day crowds had ' Texas. The funeral services were begun to press eagerly forward held at the Fort Klamath church to the fence which mark off ; Monday afternoon at 2: 3D, Itev. three sides of the field. The i Poindexter officiating. Members lino of parked car grew stead- jof the Masonic fraternity of which lly as a continuous ribbon of 'he was a member, conducted the automobile of all descriptions committal services. Tbe funeral streamed Into tbe airport. was under the direction of I. A. I Tractor dragged heavy roller j Towey. Interme nt was made In over tbo rnnwar smoothing out the Fort Klamath cemetery. - Irregularities to insure the racer 1 a fair takeoff, while several wa ter sprinkling carts sprayed the surface to lay the dust churned up by the whirling propellers, i Around headquarters . n bat tery of movie cameramen had Installed themselves 'preparatory to filming the scene as the filers swept down the runway and from the air as they made their way out through the golden gate. I Throughout tbe night work progressed on three of tbe planes j under field - flood lights. All lis j Watch for Him! Mr. Lou Langworthy is now aboard a train speeding toward Klamath Falls. Watch for him! Wait for him! He will have an important announcement, to make on this page in a few days. New Life to Your Clothes Our modern method , of dry cleaning keeps your clothes fresh - and new. , Have them cleaned often and avoid the Tiarmful accumula tion ' of soil and grime that detracts from their appcar : ance and lessens their wearing qual ities. Just Phone 1166 Acme Cleaners and Dye Co. 15 V, Main ' 1 Buy Your Linoleum While Prices are Low See our window display showing how and where linoleum is made. eiyr .evsMa s tiiaww Wj .-" s Combine Beauty With Economy Use BLAB ON S LINOUUfT for Every Room in Your House Because of the individuality of design and charming color har moniesso hard to obtain in other types of floors you can add beauty to almost any room simply by covering its floor with LU noleum of appropriate pattern. i No wonder, then, that Blabon's Linoleum is proving increasingly popular among discriminating women especially since, through its use, it is possible to combine economy with added beauty. It's Made to Stand Economical Because In addition to its superior wear ing qualities, a Blabon floor will de crease the job of floar-cleaning to a minimum just go over it once with a mop or damp cloth and the work is . done. It is waterproof, when laid our Hard Wear and It's It Gives Long Wear way cemented over a layer of builders' deadening felt as well as spotproof, easy underfoot and quiet. Let us show you our attractive Blabon patterns and give you tho benefit of our experience when you are choosing new floor-coverings. Genuine Print Linoleum ..90c sq. yd. MORDOFF Furniture House Locke Motor Co. Chevrolet Sales and Service You Get the Benefit of General Motors Finance 1926 Chevrolet Touring A-l Shape 1922 Ford Del. License, Just a Ford $65 1926 Crevrolet Coach Trunk Bumpers $175 2-1923 Ford Coupes $135 ' 1925 Star Coupster 7 Tires 1922 Buick Master Six Touring, Fine Shape 0 $165.. 1925 Overland Coach, fully equipped 1926 Ford Coupe Fine shape 1925 Ford Coupe, Excellent shape $265 1926 Chevrolet T Roadster, fine car VS aw 38.