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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1927)
Tiioaiiy,;'Aust lft'i7. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS; OnHGON rago Seven PLAGE? MARKET 1 INTEREST SOLD B(BjM0H! Formor Vice-President of Doernbecher Furni- ; ture Co. Sell Out .i,VrlTI.AM..w.. Auk. 14. (A. I', I llrunu I'. John, former vice prralrinnt ui( 'iiK-rlulvndcnl ol Hi Hoeriiheahwr Manufacturing iiunpsny. third largeat furnllura liiuntifnrlurliiK plain In th world, old hi Interest In Dm conrvrn. Jl.V.U.OOII, to hn executives nf ihn concern on July IS. It wns learned by Tim Telegram loduy. II. A. lireen, general manager nml heavlcat stockholder In III com cm, wai I ho principal pur- Wo e'rcpiluniil ,rro ,l tit' Una ao that Ihn cy la luoklllg squarely lliroiiKh llm lena. DR. H- W. BARR y.yo Klsht Hpeelell.t CUS DUNN JI.UI I i:u A V II OPTICIAN' IHI3 Main hlici A STAGES TO ALL POINTS. 326 . New Phone Number New Reduced Rates . , New Location 8th & Klamath Ave. "Tha Hunalilne Route" NOW is the time to S Buy Property in r 8. Lakeview, and Alturas, We have business and res idence property; acreage and sub-divisions; business ;chances. .; WriL - Favell-Utley Realty Co. 1 Lakeview Ore. J:.ajc:rxirr MOM'N POP r DOT AND I, Ae 60Ms V Va$Cpr. Ee?iCS0rT MV-WHAT A BOtSUSr ' ' 00T TO O.U8 "TONIGHT, I IS COMING Ovefl TSlSls( LlTTLe: SlRL eW s pop will you be A again TtxiaHT Tb tht av vi.' N('0L eAver.TDo, J HfiRe TO LOOK AFTER V BWMS ftte SOMtT r j op Tkt: l. ue V0OR rVAV ? DOPE ON OUR - AMILV I JTHCR 7y- . fjjr " .P0tAR trip i . t- rSUHE-tH(N aftLvri ' lU'ieSoM. HL ;..': .UCKrMXTH' .T-TVV-f T -C I KIOSINTH' ' nliBHrr. Oth'ir directors war In roUml to a laaaur dcarc. . A aiiinjl. jiwiunt ,of lha etnek was dlnlrlliuiml aiming vsrluua department hands of Ilia tonrarn. At the Pine Tree A hrlKlit and broesy flva-ai-t program or vaudeville will hold thn board of Ilia I'lnv Tree Theatre, for Tuaaday and Wcdnaaday together wild a pic ture feature of unilaual Intereat. Nturtlng proceeding la Claude lliirkn. a young ventriloquist who baa many noveltiea la unfold In Ilia art of voir throwing. A comedy Swede oddity wlib llrnwir and Hlinmons aa Hip prlnclpala la a neatly constructed offering of romedy and song. Mla .Hlmmona offer a churacturl latum of n nrruti wenum that la aurn-flr for langh. 'Ilio Hoping : Jam Cava nnuxli nf hig-tim fumn can do alinoxt anything Willi tha larlut. Tba runny Hot aud waa Jimmy tlinuld uui' roar of laughter with ilidr merry pcraltluK and CHIP repartee, s The HkailUK Fiend, belter known a Ihn Whirling Dun, bring Ilia' show tn a close with soma daring feat on rollers concluding .wltlt a aunaallon tal nf balancing never before at tempted on lha singe. on the. anteen. "Miillnca Lad le'' Ii-aturliia 'liny .VrAvoy, Mal rolin McGregor and lledda llop- Standard Dyers and Gleaners Odorless Cleaning One-Day Serrlca Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St. Phone 825 : 1 1 I Oregon California t; V Alturas, Calif. par, a comedy nf dancing mam ma and their dancing boy will bo tha faaturo . men a.llrai'tloo,. At the Liberty Thnl Robert Kan go In for auibniitlrlty of Mincaphiir In hi , pl lur wm evidenced whan lia will oitl Invltullon lu prominent Tammany Hall leader and mem ber nf Iho Harvard and Vulr lull to tnka part In 111 Intent picture, "For the Love of .Mike," whii b will bring in linproaalve at n thn Liberty Theatre dpi! Tuesday and Wednesday. ThU llnrvnrd-VGln regatta In "Kor lha lxv of Mlka" wo alio! from a graat many anal. Cloao upa (if thn ri:r, with Hkl Cullughxr Bating aa rouwaln of a rraw atrokad by Urn Lyon, wcr lakin at the Now Kochi-ll Kowlng rtuh rouran. Tha acsnaa ah(iwd llugh CainiTOn. Oaorge Hldncy. Ford Hinrllng and Claud ctla follwrt chearlng IJ"n from nn obaarvatlon train. Th not iinl r.T wan phoiographnd by JoMiph lliyl' tit Now lmdciti wlii-n ih f:tmlu fgatta hHwn Yuln and lUrvurd t'Jk pla-n. J.kl T U.iUia UAIHlw WASIIIMCTOS. Aug. 1. t I'. I will iwnt NrUon T. John aim II I'm a yoar la b an na- Klatnnt arrritary of Mute. II' new Job paya $76iH) a yrur. Mr bu lion prnmo'i-d from a lOOdd pnalilon 'ia rhlaf nf tha dlvlaUin of far raaiarn affulra. ANEW CAR whose Reliability; Power and Style Mark it All-American i i. ! '.J I iMi'ufiiiity? ItMik at the lunger, hcoklrr frame of the All-Anicricart SU the big new engine, txansmia- alon and flutch the longer vheeU haae (117") and larger Urea all the mult of pitile teating on General Motor' great American proving ground! Poirrrf Oct Ulilnd the wheel! Thrill to the pull of the biggest engine used in a aix of Oakland' irii'c. An engine whose might no till ran ta vhoe amoothneaa and tradine are the result of a 78' j lb. counter-balanced crank shaft vllh Harmonic. Balancer, a new type of combustion chamber developed by General Motors'' re search alaff, and Oakland's famous rubbrr-hilrnrtng principle. ". .. ''. ', . Stylet Instinctively your eyes will look for tliut famous emblem "Body bv Fisher" for here are PaOOUCT.OF (i OAKLAND j AMlMERICAN sis Very r Gl P. HEADS VERY CAUTIOUS Leaders Inclined to Take Coolidge's Statement for Literal Truth riAI'ID C ITV. H. U. Aug. 1. (AIM - Almoat two wk of con lamplutlun nf th aiinniiiirrmanl of ITtnlili ut Coolldg thai bo did net cborfa to run, tor prraldi-nt In I 'J a f Inda tha admlnlnlralinn ladara who cull ut tha iwiwi Wblt lluuao atill wary in naming candidate to uc!d tha pranl dnt. Thn who called on Mr. roolldg In th coumo of regular government hunlni-M alnre Ail gnat wh'-n th announcement wa given nut, bav Incliidnd cabinet moiulHira. aeoalora and raprcacnt ative. Moat aro regarded admlnia trailon alalwarta. None had named a candidal. V nellewl. ' All hnvo itlinfid thn conviction from their talk with Mr. Cool- Ids that he meant eiactly what ho anld and would n-it conaider , rtitmlnr While I allent on noaalbl aucceaior aomermdate. MoiiUay nljht, wra aai of thn adminlalratlon nmn have jfoiipwa;' Jow-phlne Hayea, CKO; i ...iHbl Ik. a.I..Ih ih.l lf f' - " - Idg should and would be n.m-. inaied anyway. 1 I Firmly refuaing to amplify IiIh ; statement, the president Is Just ns silent about indicating In th llgbtcat degree any person whom as silent about indicating In th.. new heights i the best ... 1. 1 ' linger, lower, more rakinh lines. Richer and more alluring l)uco color. Sweeping crown fenders and luxury feature by the score. .'",... Oakland ba act the nation talking by building the new AU-Auicricau Six and oiTering it at new low prices! See this history-hiaking car today! Ai:n: LOW PRICES a-DOOR SEDAN $1045 LuJi. Oap. '1045. UhvMa. SHIS' aMi.if 11)75 . krw.t .. - '1115 aaH Mia I2(m (s. Al I mriemm m I Im tar. IMifir r inm Urtnlr mini K N i E 11- A 1. R. R. R. GARAGE - 820 Klamath Avenue Brave" ' ( -VtHYIGO-WAVOP NY0OCAMT).cKr!S POP -NNICLYA --A -- HERE T3 TH'STtf?e R3R I TJtC tWT. SOMC . -Sv DP AN' -AW Txieu mi tu J , MOM..CBOSS TM'CAe? OThcR TiMe. AMV. gNM tlfiHT - its awTuV f ' tRCKS N'eveRYTMiNQ- 1 ITSYtMcT FOR gTkkJeWA. , . e "-V 1. AIN'T AFfVMt OF - TOO TO BC , I iVwW-. DAkK ; . MOTtllN' VTWRSMjBCDy I I R rVoQf 7 ' V ltrT.. v.l Ju. wo o i hi orr XS I I V J . , , , V , 0'3T by ai 1CWVICC. lac X. 1 I , " " r"."' : . 1 - ....... .... i h might dcalra lo auacad hlm- aaif. Maanwhlla . ha going about Ma vlalla In the bUck 21111a In Juat tha name manner h fol lowed . befora making tha an-nnuuccnu-ul. If anything, ha li pwauing a mora ambltloua pro gram. Thn pTvaldeni'a caleadar la rapidly filling up with aagagn ment and It I likely now that ha will mak aeraral rial! to Hunlh Dakota point liefora marl ing t'T Waahlngioo about tha Inlddln of Kaplembar. , Tula week he will go to tha Pin ItldKe indlan agonry in tha aoulhern part of lha atate. mak ing lb foug trip by railroad and automobile Wrdaenday. Tha fol lowing day hp will Journey to Hut taring where he I to In aped a government hoapllal. Culinary Alliance Choice for Queen Leading Candidate With I he blggeat quean' con tent ever aluged hcra prewged for the laibor day celebration In curly Keptumbar, the contestants mudiT their first report on prog-1 rea of th voto campaign Mon-j dny night, with Joaepbinu Haven. : candidal of tha culinary !-! Hanc. In tba lead. i v..ta n.i I.. .fn... ..... T1...I I." : ...... t I t : '" w-iiirih. , ,u. i bert. toutl; UVerne Craven. 375: Elna J. on. 1900; Car - roll Cramer. lvuA; Ruth Llnd- any, luuli; Addie Jenkins, 1UOU: Cella Carnlnl Pierce n Ibelma Hstton, lfu. Cell, Carnlnl Hiercc nl. 1000. and . of beauty and fashion American tradition. w M O . T O H vS NE GIVES RELIEF IDEAS Organization of Cooperae tire Units and Farm Board Favored WASHIXOTON. Aug. IS. (AP) Kxtenaive organization of co- Timber, wa tha name choaen operative unit among farmer, for tha summer camp of the creation of a federal farm board Cnmp lra Olrla, who spent lb and catabllahmenl of a fund to past week at Lake o' the Wood aaalat In carrying surplus crops on an outing, from seaaon to season la viewed ! I'nder the direction .of Cap-, by Secretary Jardlce as tha moat tain O. C. Applegate military cffe-'tlTa meana of Improving the company was formed to be known troubled agricultural situation. la th Laka o the Wood Mnun Tbia plan woe outlined by lb talneers. The young women nn aecrctary In an article written , dar th leadership of Captain Ap for th current Issue of the Farm ' plegate hiked around th lake, a Journal, a Philadelphia publics-: dialanee of ten mil. The his tluB Control Hnrloc. i Two avenue of approach, were socn control of surpluses dun principally to weather conditions and a better adjustment of pro- ductlon to tbe requirement of tb market. - In handling surpluses. l!r. Jar- dine said, much could be accom- pllalied through "commodity stab- illxailon" corporation operated ,he ""f""1 "non of wblcli .would be to take oft the market temporarily ..L . ucn amoaui. oi a bkih, '' Prevent the price from laiiiDK io a. ruinnuHiy ww nvri., i -i i i iorw cjrporai.Mna. tie smsiu, 1 ... .... .a . . "ouid "a lre ot a leaerai Doara. Ailjuxmenu Adjustment of production was evnU'.ned in mean "ad I nat ment la kind, quantity and amount" of th New Orleans Southern Aa whicb Mr. Jardine aascrted. call- .aoclatlon club. 1 -. : ad lor complete information on Morgsn is one of .the ontstand- aunnlv and demand both at home "g star of the leagne. His , and abroad ami for reliable data I nn rUn.i nrnriueiian nrnhlema. Tbe federal farm . board, he said, should be selected on a basis of special fit peas for tbe work involved. Its dmies should include' formulation of plan and policies for handling surpluses, assistance to the farmer In es tablishing clearing house ansocia- i linns tor me mBraeung 01 pr lahables and administration of tha projected. fund. r . Secretary Jardine. empfias'.sed ' his belief that tbe plan would not put the government into the business of buying, and selling fxrm products and that it was "in no sense a scheme of price fixing." j Ohio State Journal: Another ! seemingly 'ineradicable difference between the sexea Is that a wife always knows it's bnrgljrs mak ing that noise downstairs and a husband . always knows It isn't. BP.. JC. NORVALL . Graduate of Palmer and Pacific College. . Fourteen years axperieaca We remove the cause of diseise. Bonanza, Ore. A1S DRINK RADITM WATER Has cured thousands. . Why not you? Radium ore tor sale by A". A. BRIGGS, . i (Special ReprasantMlve) . Phone 9tO-W J16-A18 FIRE INSURANCE ' We speciallte In Irrigated farms and stock ranches. '19 years' experience tu county. REED &. REYNOLDS 1030 Main Ht, Phono 1093 By Tavlor1 GIS CHOOSE NAIf CAf "Mona Unka" (Big Tim ber) Appellation of En campment On Lake "Mona I nka." meaning- Big toric soot of the lake region were axplalned In detail by Cap- tain Applegate. At the close of the Boy Sconta camp at the lake tbe girl wera given permission to take over tba quarters through the. courtesy of Beryl Blevens A aa appreela- tloo. the Camp Fir girl con- ferred tbe title of "Major" on Mr- Blevena. More than thirty local . girl throughout Tk'-. ino weal attendance cnrTirrnv mi I riuv - - .M , WI.NH-DIAMOND FAME ' vpw nnt riVB AnsF 1 - a - T) Tk- a. a.1 1 1 . aahUk ''Z -i.k.. , "- -'v--" - 1 football or a baseball player at Tulane university baa landed him a regular nertn in me onuieia record reads like that of a ot- eran. in i aames ne -nil for 3S2. smacking out 1 singles. 17' doubles, eight triples and eight bom run. . - - NEW. TODAY FOR BALE OR. TRADB Good radio kL bargain. 1710 Mon lowny aftor 6 p. m. 1S-1S FOR RXNT A room i for geniie- nuui.aJl. N&lh Bt i-oreii. Apartments. . . " x.16-24 WILL. SAC'KIKK'B splendid new S-room house for $1000. Will take car or other property, half payment. Phone 591-J. ls-21 i ii i ' KOR RENT Furnished 2-room honser t 18 month. Orenos Ate. Call tXT Jefferson -or Phone 47S-J. 1-17 FOR RENT Four room apart-( ment, furnished. 825 Lincoln.: 1S-1S WILL SACRIFICE US equity i In bond of the Wester Bond and Mortgage Co. Phone .824. ..' 1-17 FOR KENT All or part ot nino- room tarnished' house. -bloclrs .from Main. Beautiful home. Phone 22. It FOR RENT Modern 4 -room fur- nlshed house. .Inquire 305 Lin coln St. : 1S-20 ROOM FOR RENT Nicely ,fur . ' nlshed - front room,- se of phoue and hath. Furnace heat. 422 No. 3rd 8L . Phone 79 8-J. ... .. .. FOR SALE Good country gen - eral store.' Klamath county, in ' fine Irrigated valley, a . good I money maker. Will sell stock ' and lease buildings or can deal with you most any way. Can give excellent terms. Invest!- gate. Write P. O. Box 1138. . Klamath Falls. 18-18 GHAMI PATRIARCH TO VISIT KWAVXA x v .. . . Jesse T. Jones. Grand .. Pat riarch of the Encampment branch ot I. O. O. F. Oregon, will offi cially visit Ewauna Encampment ot this city on Wednesday night. August 17th. All local and visit ing Encampment members are urged to be present to welcome and hear the grand patriarch. C. C. BROWER, Scribe pro tern. - 10-17 ANTED A worthy widow with six small children, four boys, aged 2, 4. 10 and 12 and two girls aged 7 and 9, wants clothing of any kind. Bundles wy be left at Tbe Herald e.llce or phono tbe address to Herald and the bundles will be picked uo. 15-17 . FOR SALE 800 acres good salt and swamp grass pasture. Part can bo Irrigated. Hooper Ranch Mldltnd. Or. 15-17 W A NTED WANTED A ride to ' Portland. Will help pay expenses. Ad dress V. P. Kerald. 15-20 WANTED First class mechanic . at Merrll Garage. 16-20 FOR SALK Dodgo Phone 613. bug. 160. 15-17 WANTED Plasterer, apartment I house rhone 236-W, 16-171 For Sale Automobiles kX)K HALE T-paasengr tradllkac la good condition, newly paint ed, -tttu. by owner. Inquire at Herald 1 1-U FOR HA1.K lt Chevrolet on ton truck. Ioubie traaamis Ion. frame extension. ItxS tire on roar. This truek la excellent shape. Locke Motor Co., 612 Hon lb (tb, Chevrolet asency. 11-St LOST AND FOUND LOST Link cuff button. Small diamond In center on one link and amall sapphire In eentr of other. Return to Herald offJe and rwcatv reward. ' ttf - FOR SALE FOR - 8ALB lrlh Holler pup pie. Midland Slor. Midland. Oregon. - JS-19 MISCELLANEOUS WIMDOW CIJSANI.NO Floor waxing, bouse cleaning ' . and Janitor service. References.- A. M. Rhoads. l'hon 1068-W. 107-2-t AUCTION Furniture Exchange anniversary sale, Tuesday, Au- e gust it, and each Tuesdsy thereafter, at 7:30 p. m. J. 13. and II. Ralney, 23 N. 4th St.. Klamslb Falls, Ore. 11-20 For Sale Real Estate )POR SALE 2 acre. 1 mile ' from Ith St. Write 6os; til. Rt. L. ar see owner. 16-J0 $1200. wUl bon.lle fine Income . property 2 dandy bouse -on Urge lot. Will net around IS on InvestmenC One house furnished. This Is a fins op portunity. See It today. : A. A. BELLMAN ft CO. ' ' Realtors ' ' . ' '' ' 120 K. 7th BL - Phone 151 CALIFORNIA AVENUE 1)1 -TRICT. Do yon want to save 21.0(10 on a nswly co attracted property, klodscn tbrongbonC 42a0. Term.. This U (orced sale and an exceptional, bar gain. 1300' worth ot new fur- nitnre goes with It! Latest . 4ype high grade walnut fur niture. . Inquire Fred O. Flatch er. It Looml Bldg. ' 13-1S FOR SALE 246-acre ranch. Will sell all or pare 140 acres A-l potatoes. House and ' other buildings. 109 chicken. 67S aaasl at atteep, aH raung blaek taced Hampshire; sevea good work horses. Three good milk eows. 12 aonea under paid-up water right St acres under government ditch. For part le t's ra call, at Herald office, or phone 1419. Utf FOR SALE 7 1 pair Best steel log Wheal. ' 1 pair wood log wheels with tractor atUchment I Best 00 tractor, with mad shoes.' . .' ) . 4 heavy tractor cable shlve block. 4 heavy steel tractor log ?wa. ons with extra parts. CAMPBELL-TOWLE LBR. CO 1 ; 6praue River, .Oregon.' '" :. - . - it-it FOR RENT FpR RENT Modern 4,room fur aished house. Inquire at 90S Lincoln. ... , , ... lS-jo FOR RENT 4-room' furnished . house, 1309 Sargent Aveaae. Phone 1018. - 12-.18 FOR RENT 4-room furnished apartment. - Reasonable. 1314 Crescent Ave. 13-19 FOR RENT Well furnished .. apartment wlt,h regular bed room.' Clean, .quiet, close ia.: 130. St. Francis Apta., 826 ' Oak St. '. , . .. 11-1 FOR RENT Partly furnished bouse, close In. 814 Lincoln. 11-17 FOR RENT Furnished 2-room houses, 318.00 month.. 423 Plum.' Phone 644-J. A4-84 FOR RENT First class furnish ed apartments. .. Steam heated. McCarthy Apta.. 630 Pin. ' Phona 800. AS-S5 ROOMS 20 Lincoln. Phona . 697-W. . . , - J27-A27 FOR RENT Completely furnish ed apt. Garage, paving:, new building. Just off Mala street on Broad. Rex Arms ' Ants. Phone Hit. J20-A20 FOR RENT Furnished enrt apt., .2 rooms snd bath, jlec trie range, hot water. Oarage. .235. 161 i Esplanade. Phona 794-W. Al-61 'TOR RENT Comoletelv furnl.k. apis., garage, new Building. Just off Main on Broad. Res Arms. Phona lilt. J20-A2S FOR RENT We can save you big money at the Arced Hotel Apartments, furnished com pletely, elect rlo-ranges,' linen, dishes and' telephones. Or rooms with private baths' at real cnt rates to permanent guests.- Arcade, M-J