& si P'l.r.. KM.? THE KVEXINT. HKRALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Mi.iulay. August 15. 1!27. HIGH OFFICIALS t r a St a s mm. mm mmmm m a a a mm ' J. Davidson Dies OBERAMMERGAU OF AMERICA IN SEVENTH Saturday Evening' . YEAR Coming aa a roinplele shark ; to his msny frit-nds, John Joseph j ; Darldsoa passed away In this ; city on Saturday evenlnic, fol- ..':- D : J r 11 . t rcucm a-ong-oen ,owlng , 1Iln,M of m4ny m0Bth, Lumber Co., and Oth- I duration. ert Visit j Fimlllarly known to many as ' 1 . i . TTr:. . . "Jack." he has mada friends with i (fiporlal to Tha Hnrald) ' I oia and young during his real-. j dene of mora than a year and j one-half in this city. At thai ttma of his death ba waa employ-; led at the Pastlma Tool Parlor. Mr. Davidson was born In Ana- Irondt, Montana, in Aunuxt 1904. He was a graduate of St. Paula .and the Auaronda huh arhnol where he spent tha creator rart 'of hlii Jlfe with hla parents. Mr. jand Mrs. E. M. Davidson. Resides hia parents he loaves throe sisters. May. Itosa and Mir- TENNANT. Calif.. Aug. IS. ' n.' D. Tenannt. vie president ut lha Long-Uall Lumber com pany. Kelly Fleming, Mr. Ten riant a secretary, of Longriew. Wash., Hay Morrla. manager and Eugene Cates, logging auperin tendunt of rtyderwoJd, Wash., and J. M. White, manager of Weed. Talif.," were guesta of our camp first of the work. E. K. McConnell and Mlsa Eva .unonneu or bacramento, father garet of Anaconda, a brother, and sister of Dr. James McCon- Francis, also of Anaconda and Belt, tha dentist of our camp, via-1 brother Edward of San Fran lied Dr. and Mrs. McConnell this week, on their way to Soattle. '.Mrs. Jack iraddard of Weed and Mra. Robert Bayalnger of Stockton, were bouse guests of Mrs. Dale Bee win during the week. Mlsa Dorothy Murphy left Sun day for a two weeks' visit with bar sister, Mra. C. H. Klamath Falls. ' clsro. .la: PELICANS WIN FROM ASHLAND (Continued From Page One) scoring three runs ahead of him. McShane'a eagerness to stretch a single Into a double resulted In ; Foster at j hla being thrown out at second. I And then came the great Pell-! The Misses Florence and Helen can rally in the last half of the I White, daughters of Manager J. ninth. - ' ft. White, of Weed, and Hen hell j Fuller, first man up, grounded ' Jonoa. aon of Dr. Jones of Sac- out to Davis. ramento, were visitors at the C. Powell cracked a amart aingle. J W. Mnrphy home Thursdany and Fortelr laced out a double. Pow-1 Friday, on their return to Weed. ; ell stopping at third. Peterson I They were accompanied by Mlsa : poled out a double scoring Pow-1 r.....i V...nt... ' I -11 J . . en sou rurucr. ae crowa went $1 A VHhjif. WiA'.i Yx'iii AM mm mm fapw- .M Pl. tt ; UK Till tl. hi KIhiiiiiIIi l iiiiiily, HlHlnd IIKAIttMl. mull lit U Oraoii, and belure In the District Court of the'""1'' seliurn, the said propertv, fulted States for the District ot !'"" described was by K. T. t Oregnu. Westfull used III thn removal,. I'ulled Blules of Aui.rlcs. II- 1111,1 'or the deposit and couceal- bwlaiit, vs. men I of 4 quantity of bonded Due Jordan Sedan. Motor No. ' hlskey or distilled spirits, with! SUSS, and tools und accessor- 'nlent to delraud the fulled' lea: and F. T Westfall. I States of the tss thereon, the j To F. T. Weatfull, and all oth- distilled I'll" then audi era whom It may concern: (there being a commodity lor Notice la hereby given I list an ' hlch and III respect whereof a ' Information wae tiled In the 1 1,1 theretofore had boon and 1 above-entitled court in the above- j """" l'l"ed by the laws of entitled cause, on the 8th day of."1 I'olted Slates, wb'ch tat had ! August, is:;, wherein and where-1 nnl '""'h t .! : contrary In the' by It la sought In have corlnin '"rm ' aMtiite In such case Court. In Ibe City of I 'oil In ml . In ' the Hliitn and District of Oregon, on ni before the Sill duy of Sep Iciulier. 1UJ7. Dated tills 'III duy of August, l7. CI.AItKNCK II. 1IOTCIIKIHH. t'nllsd Slates Marshall fur the District of tiregou. Ily Clarence C. Wells. Deputy, A I ! I 111? : property described vis follows, to wit: One Jordan Sedan, Motor j No. NS&. and tools and ar ceisorles. which said property - ms selicd on the lllth dav of July. 117. and heretofore attach ed and arrested and held and 1 erlied, and now la In the V'a esslon of V. K. Newell, Deputy Federal Prohibition Administrat or lor the St He and District of Oregon, forfeited for the follow ing reasons, tn-wit: . ' That heretofore, tn-wll: on or about the lth duy of July, 1917. tuadii and provided. That anld conveyance, to-wlt: the said Jurdiin Sedan, Motor No, tlSHItSt, and tools and accessories, are now subject 10 selsiire, under Section It of the Act of Con gress of July U, Ni;. Tlint by order of the Court all persons Interested In suld almve descrlbsd property and the libelee are hcrehv cited to file answer to said !nformii;.oii, setting forth their Interest In or claim to said property libeled. If any they have, with the Clerk of this "We Know How" Phone 154 New City Laundry R. t. KOMI, Manner Pearl Murphy : Mra. O. O. Wlngfleld will leave Sacday for a two weeks' visit with her slitter. Mrs. C. Ft. Fifield at tlisnts Pass. The many frlenda of Mr. Alva Herod who ba been very ill in the hospital at Weed, will be pleaaed to learn of hia rapid re covery to health. f Miss Eva McConnell of Sacra mento, was an Incentive for a bridge party Tuesday atternoou, given by Mrs. Jamea McConnell at her home on A street. Mlsa Ysobfl Goldman had high score and Mra. Delia Goldman won the consolation. Mlsa Eva. McConnell wild. ! Conlin. pinch hitting Brown, fanned. Once again Manager Sanders tried strategy, and this time it worked. Mathews, another left hander, waa sent In to bat for Delaney. The rangy alugger came through with a hard single scor ing Peterson and tying the 'Score. lladley, next up. tingled, Ma thews stopping at second. Hen Ion then came to bat amid a deafening roar from the. grand stand. The pitcher sent a tantlizinr roller to short, Robblns, whoe Falem'ne and Dlb'.e characters live again In the .PIlKrlmng play, starting Its seventh yeir In fnr the huge Hollywood hills ampitheater. known as the OberammerKau of America. Left, the 'youth ful John the Duptlxl. piaved bv Mllinn Sawyer, selected because of splr.ttin! qiiulllii-s lacking In young men. tight. Ian Macl-arcn as lh. Christ. lnel. Christ's triumphal entry liit.i Jerusnlem Just before the crucifixion. " Billy Evans Hurt Ike guest prise. Those who en- homr of the first half of th Jo fed thla delightful- bridge party j inning scored four runs, lost were: Mesdames Benson, Haw-j the game for his club when ho klos. Goldman, Olioison Temple- made a low throw to first, teu ton, Parker. Sandle. Mackay. i 'n Mathews romp in from third with the winning run. Marshall, Wlllbanks, Bailey, Miaa Eva McConnell the .honor gnest and the Missoa Ysobel Goldman, Pearl 1 Mtirphy and the hostess 1 Mrs. Jamea McConnell. Tempting Csmpllmenting her house ""rd' " ": guests Mrs. Jack Goddard . of Weed and Mrs. Robert Bayalng er of Stockton, Mrs. Dale Bee sou waa hostess at a bridge party Thursday afternoon at her home oil B street Two tables of bridge were in play. . Mrs. Jamea McConnell won ft rot prise and Mra. B. O. Gholscn the consolation, and Mra. Godard and Mrs. Bayslnger the guest prizes. Mrs. Beeson served dain ty refreshments. The guesta of Ilia afternoon were: Mra. Jack I Goddard and Mra. RcbC Bay albger honor guesta, and Mes daroes Hawkins, Sanie. Gholson, McConnell. Vance, Marshall, Mrs. :, W. Murphy and the bostesa, Mrs Beeson.. - The Tennaat ladies' Elks club hel their regular monthly meet ing with Mra. E. F. Miller Wed nesday afternoon. This was a very . apeclal occasion as two young uridns, Mrs. HohL Wright and Mrs. (,'ecil D. Brown were Initiated as new members and each presented with a lovely gift from the Elk ladies. The day being so delightful and warm the party was held out of doors on the gpucUus lawn between Mra. Miller s and Mrs. Clay Parker's homes. After Ibe business meet lug, one table of bridge was in play the rest did .fancy work. Mrs. Miller, aaxittte dby Mrs. Parker served . delicious refreshments. The members present were: Mcs diiuii's Wright, Brown, Parker, Teiiipleton, Hawkins, Stroud, Wil bunks, Wiimfleld, MacKay and the hoetoss Mrs. E. F. Miller. The ladles were pleased to have Mrs. Miller's aunt, Mia. Mary Millner as a guest. Ashland AB Marlow, cf 4 1 Hughes lb .... 3 Logan, rf ...... 3 I Mnffnrrt ir Robbins, as 1 5 McShane. 2b.. 5 Morgan. 3b .. 2 Walren. c 3 Davis, p 3 K. F. AH Heath, cf t Fuller. If Powell, aa .... Fortier. rf Peterson, e Brown, lb .... Delaney, 31r.. Hadley, 2b .. Henion. p .... Mathews Conlin 40 8 21 2713 1 Mathews batting for Delaney. Conlin batting for Brown. Summary: Home runs, Hen Ion, Robbins; two-base bits, Pet erson 2, Hadley, Heath, Warren. ; Fortier; atrnck out by Henion. ; S, by Davis 12; double pViys, McSbine to Robbing to Hughes, Davis to Warren to Robbins; hit by pitcher, Marlow, Fortier earned runs, Ashland 2, Markets r - .sum. r h po a e i twtl? iri 1 10000' 1 1 1 3 2 0 s' - , , 12 0 10' , 1 1 0 i - , .j . , v 1 3 10 2 1 ' j-- K 0 0 1 3 0, f , , 1 . 13 ! dVis 1 R H PO A E , I 7; VV I 1 3 2 0 01 ,Vi, , : J I : 4 0 2 1 1 0 I i1 ' ' kS 5 2 4 3 ll te" " I 4 1 2 0 0 0; M- &wir 6 12 8 1 0 ! JT I r 4 0 1 10 0 0 ; Ti I A- "... . 5 400100 tjt, : s 1 4 1 6 0 sV 1 i If 3 1 2 0 3 0 ..".J I VI f ' l, 1 1 0 0 0 mfil :-. V" t'' 0 0 0 0 0 1 ' Z a' JL II ' .. I -, ' Child Fractures Arm in Bad Falli Missing hcV hold on tha- steel ) WANTED A worthy widow with Too Late to Classify ring, while swinging on the I swings at the Central school grounds, little Louise Clover suf fered a compound fracture of the right arm this afternoon.. She Is reported a resting com fortably at the family home at the Oregon Rooms where he wa. taken by Dr. J. Randolph Burr after her arm va net. Her parents are Mr. and Mm. ! McKlnley Harbour. Mr. Harbour J is employed at the post fflce. six small children, four boys, acid 4. 10 and 12 and two girls sited 7 and 9, ' wants rlcilbliir of any klird. Bundles may be left at The Herald nfilee or phone the addri-ss to! The Herald snd the bundles : will he. picked up 15.17 Legal Notices I ' Xo. L-WIMU NOTH K OF SKIXt ItK AM) TIME HOW MANY TIMES? How many times a day tlo you use your teeth? , Did you that? ever think of The life of an umpire is Jo'it one thing after another. Here's Rillr Evans being carried oft the field after a painful ankle injury Klamath durlng Washlngtcn-Detroit Give them just one-half the care they descn-e and they will serve you well. Have an examination of your, teeth and learn '' ' the trcLh. , , Open Evenings DR.. PEAT Falls 8; base on balls of Hen ion 0, off Davis 2: left on bases. Ashland 8, Klamath Falls ll: first base on errors, Ashland l ; pissed balls. Peterson 1; time, two hours, IS minutes; umpires, Drolette and "Pool: scorekeepers, Olover and Mohler. game at the capital. "DENTISTRY Kugnrmnn Bldtf. Nitrous Oxide Gas WITH A WRITTEN GL'AIt.VN'TEK" : U- . ' lllli and Main Obituary ,i- Butler. PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 15. VP) W h o 1 e s a 1 e prices: Butter steady. .Extra cubes, city 41, standards 41; prime firsts 39; firsts 88. Creamery prices; prints 60 above cube standards; butter fat 4 2 Vac fob Portland. .Milk. Bids to farmer: Milk steady: rrvr, milk (4 percent) 2.25 cwt fob Portland. Buttcrfat 42c fob Portland. ' ... I'.gff. ft Eggs steady. Current receipts 23; fresh mediums 24; fresh alanilurd firsts 27; fresh stan dard extras 28. Poultry. Poultry steady. Hcivy hens 21 V,:.1; light 12tilt: springs 20: broilers IS 1: " Pekln- white' ducks 18; colored nominal; tur keys alive, nominal. PAI L FLLHWORTII KLACKl'S. Paul Ellsworth Flarkus. the Idolized Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Flackus, well known residents of Hlldebrand district, entered Into rest in thli city last evening following an Ill ness of three days' duration. The child was horn in -Hlldebrand on January 27, 1928, and was Just past eighteen months old. The funeral services will be held on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Bonanza church. The remains are at the I. A. Towey Mortuary. LOVISE MARGARET KCIfMOIl. Rev. Ross Anderson officiated at the funeral services of Louise Margaret Schmor, the beloved Infant of Mr. and Mra. Henry I Schmor, who was laid to rest in the Bonanza cemetery on Sunday afternoon ut two o'clock. Two hymns were, rendered by the choir. The services wore under the direction of L A. Towey. . BOXING CARD TUESDAY EVENING, AUG. 16th MAIN EVENT Tim Callahan vs. "Pep" Webster 10 Rounds ' ' SEMI-WINDUP Billy Austin Vs. Pat McFadden . ; ' . I ,t 6 Rounds y i SPECIAL EVENT , Kid Ryder vs. Dickey Williams 6 Rcunds . LEGION HALL $1.65 First Event, 8:30 Sharp $2.20 KLAMATH FALLS BOXING COMMISSION GLEN LeEARON, Matchmaker Sunny, ulcaxatU rooms. DcpcmluMc nnritij; care. A Kwl plac to convalesce in illnris ami after Mimical opernilons, KLAMATH VALLEY HOSPITAL 1'IXK AT IX)1'ItT RTRUKT. KLAMATH 1 AI.I.S, OHKOO Corner Fourth and Pine Telephone 4 97 More than 3000 Preferred Shareholders CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Ash or TUK of this Attractive Copy Book Containing sixteen pages of picturea and facts, illustrating and describing' the properties of The California Oregon Power Company, the bookie shown above is yours for the asking. . It is packed full of informative facts about this progressive public utility company. Its charts present a striking picture of growth. Its pictures illustrate modern plants and properties, built and maintained for the service of the public, The capital supplied by ," thousands of investors goes directly into the construe-, tlon of permanent, useful public utility properties. A large map illustrates the wide territorial diversity. It tells how you, too, may become a partner in public service by investment in the Company's prefer red shares. Write, or phone for your copy today. The California Oregon Power Company O.'FICES. Medford. Grants Pasi.Roscburg. Klamath ralli-Orcgon Yrcka, Dunsmuir-GiliornU v fSSaajM