.x 0)4 Vase Six MM. JOBS WILL BE DONE; NOVEMBER I5TH Excellent Progret Made By S. P. On Standard -Gauging Project " LAKEVIEW, Ore., Aug. 13. With the present speed being maintained by tie nd steel crews. the completion of the standard ieatlon of the Nevada. California, Oregon railway to Likevlow by . Norember 15lh. da practically as- i aured. waa the statement of tien eral Manager S. H. McCartney .. to an Kramlner represon tallve thia morning. I'ndcr favorable ". rondltktna thin might be accom- . pllahed by November first, - aald. - Twenty tnilea of the new steel have been laid and track crews re making excellent progress. '.', Lata last week the tlo crews . were within two miles of Likely Installing new ties In the line. n-? Re. Phone 1143 Klamath Fall Office Phone 1183. Mefhase Bids All kinds of GLASS Sash and Doors Screens Window Frames Come and see us GLASS HOUSE 215 No. 11th Phone 477-W Good Poultry Feed The success or failure of your flock de pends largely upon the way you feed them. Good feed means better production. MARTIN BROTHERS MILL is producing a grade of poultry feed that will insure the success of your flock. Your poultry will thrive 'on Martin Brothers' feed. ' : . - Martin Brother Mills "The Home of Crater Lake and Ancnor Flour" FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS yesT33C..'.v PECEiVt? Bacom ; 7jxat bob3v bacom pjas" PICA Ufti Boy 'i -i THAT 7aSAU!WS POUiJOA0b TO AIS PAR&AJ7S". as ca, y - " -1 : "(ru-GEAt?) T ) ITTO J ve boon distributed to Al - rder to speed up the work from Alturas northward, a new ransfer track wilt be laid at Alturas and materials from there to Likevlcw will he transferred at thut point. Survey crews working out of Alturas are work ing northward to Laitevlew. With the lengthening haul of materials as the work progresses northward, shortage of X. C O. equipment to handle the huge stores of material ts beginn'ng to be apparent. A temporary transfer track will be made north of Alturas and prallel tracks will be laid on the bare sod tor transferring rails and ties. A aingle day's work will serve to in stall the transfer and much time will he saved In handling ma terials for the Work northward. Armed with dynamite and a huge steam ghorol, a crew is tearing away at the grade up Murray hill., wldonlng the cuts and filling the grade. Addi tions! crew' are following up he the ateel work. Installing the al ternate short tie left In the first instance, with new standard gauge tics. Ballasting will fol low closely, from standard gauge trains, though this work has not yet been started. Additional crews are arriving daily at the rate of SO or more each day. Labor appears to be plentiful and no delay la antici pated on this score. With standard gauge trains runlng Into Lakeview by No vember 1st or even by the 15th. much of the late livestock, agri cultural and lumber tonnage will be handled out of Lakeview this fall la standard gange trains. WATCH REPAIRING HKftK t year gua-antee on work GEO. METZ JEWELER (21 Main eat where it's cool SPECIAL DINNER Every Evening $1.00 75c 50c Try them they're appetizing! Club Cafe; 3 k -V -erf , 17 3cinA,.i TUB r At the Pine Tree Hence Adores started her c-1 Film stnr yesrnt to play 4c reer as a -dancer and In her , cordlon. new screen rolo It stands her Inj For five yoira that Jean Her good stead. She plays a Salome sholt. famous screen character no dancer in e. tiudapest show. In tor and director, has been before "The Show," sensation l mystery j the rimers he hte nursed a sup drama, whirh Is showing at the pressed desire. And It has born Pine Tree for the last times to- day. John Gilbert plays the hero and Lionel Barrymore. H.lward Connelly, Ucrtrudo Short and oth er notables are In the cast. Tonight, In the prellmlnar'es of the Charleston contest, three winners will be chosen who will compel with the champions of Klimatn Falls for the title of champions of Klamath valley, next Friday night, the flnsJ con- test of the series. To ir'ss this one. will be overlooking one of the main events of the contest, so let nothing keep you away, but come early. Tuedny and Wed nesday, a clever presentation of vaudeville will be the n.itn nt traction. Deeds Filed H. It Boomer, et ux, to A. C. Mullenax; SWi Sec. ll-J-ll. A. C. Mullenax et al to Mae Thomson Boomor; Lot 4 Blk 1 Shlve's Add. II. Wolleaberg to Jos. Hesstg; Lot 1 Blk IS Hole's Add. Ft. Klamath. Vnitcd States to Herman K. Finch: Patent: PK SE Sec. S3-86-11; SE'.SE1 Sec. 4-2!-13: Lot of Sec. l-SS-17 and NWV,- XW14 Sec. 85-36-10. , Herman K- Funch et nx to the raveilltiey Kenny to.; ssmw property. Charles S. Spiccr ot ux to W. I E. Sawckuck et ux: Lot 8 Blk )06 liuena Vista Addn. The K. D. Co.. to . J. Sabo: Lot 16 Blk 87 Hot Springs.. 1. D. Rumcr et nx to X. McCoy et nx; Lot 20 Blk Hot Springs. T. 40 Margaret Applegate to K M. Pearson: Lot 678 Blk 115 Mills Add. j E. M. Tearson single to J. Itrnrr Thomas: North 40 ft Lots i C7S-579 Blk 115 Mills Addn. A. L. Wishard et nx to liar Morgan and Clara Morgan: M& U Tract Sec. 3-39-J. San Bernardino Daily Snn: Like an officer In the army, Mr. Dempsey finds he has been re- duced several numbers for los- lng a battle. - well sif?-we Puf allTm VeOMEN AND CH'.LORE M iMTo Tr' ' AMMUWltlOM WAGON "MO lFT Y A MAM Ml"5- StiCT Blow iT UP IF 1H' :? Or OS TROOPERS AMD yVJOW -1H MEDAL OF OHAT -Ts.Rr?:BuE He?d A Vj,--:- at: mem : i wfr, 7 r -TrLi-cA EVENING 1EKAUV KLAMATH FALLS. 1 OKKKON ! At the Liberty .1 nothing lees than ail overwhelm (ng obsession to have the clu.nee to pluy his favorllo music il In strument In oue of his scenes. And that favorite musical luatru?, ment has been nothing lel thsu an atrordlon! i Mr. Ilrrsholt. be:ldes being on of tho greatest character actors of the screen, has many other talents beyond his skill with un accordion. He Is a dilettante .painter and etcher of note. And many times has he hsd an op- portunlty to show off his eklll as on artist In his movie roles, nut nary a' chance to play his be loved accordion, uuill VntU'he ws east for the role of a Swede construction host in his latest picture, "Flames." j Here he plays a clever tntxiil I comedy and dramatic part and ' dur.ng one ot the comedy scenes regales himself with an aocor-1 il.on selection. That la, hi eagle I eye. trained by five years of witching for the chance, saw here at last tho moment to sat isfy his grand passion. 1 "Flames," showing Hersholt nt i his best, is being shown at the j Liberty for the last times today, j Tuesday and Wednesday. "For; th Love of Mike." starring Hen i Lyon, a portrayal of the other bIUo of college life will be the main feature attraction. ; Wires CrCckie OS Dorris Goes Dark nOTlIlIS. Culif., ""Aug.- IS. ! from the "door ot the town pnmp 'hn.,. .ml noon Investigation. It was found that the morr had been over-charged and was near ly ruined. It Is slid that two high voltage lines came In con tact In some manner and burned' out live other motors in tne ais- trlct. T'.ie town was of course without water while the motor was being re-wound and patched together, but It was not for long, and the water supply was soon . normal sgain. I Omaha World-Herald: Common ly sold .that talk Is cheap, but the kind that goes over the tele- phone cost Nebraska people 10.- . 000.000 iast year. OutOurYay br.u COME. HALF DO ORDERS TO imoiams 8Roke A SCOOT HOMOR OAV Like the Chance f CP Hits To wjCiTG k . ssmM--, rf, r Dcauty? Yes; Rut mm 4 mm. i WMT4 i. v' :-x-x--lis7rn'- H , ., jf. The Custom os giorttytni itiers u.mtr feconily stirred np a re bellion In th rnlvern'ty of -t'tsL Salt IJik.i Ctlv. A personality contest was decided upon and ilclure.1 of 4 6 co-eds were anhmltled to basincss men. They chose 15 of lB nu"'bir rlur ,u Kourxe tanovei nil iac i:t. Building News fConttmd from nag live! An -a'tmrtlve display of the polychrome Frtneh mirrors ar.i on. display at Cofer Hmthers on Houtn Meventn. 1 nese mirrors are last gaining 'In popular.ty. "All possible speed Is used on nil construction being i being . done by the W. 1). Miller ""- pany to be completed If P" j before the cold weather "U In.' iirvie. : , . NOW-lt PASTE.GHT. VOO HEAR ME ? 4: r . e.r. "It" Means More i : - j !, v; 7 anil these li were sent to Fllnor ." ' " It." Margaret Tli.s was tho stntement of F. I tl. Iiumtii. lt of the W. U. Miller ' Const met ion company,! who talk j I'd or the great amount of work i being done this summer. j Completion of the Ilnlslger building has been rralli.nl by tno company this past week and n( W bulldliie has been turn- ed over to Mr. llalslgor of the llulsii;er Motor cumpntiy. Plttliospn anil 7fnl t,,nt mih. ' ,,.,, ,re ,,,, bringing the! sered Heart Academy addition , to completion and will turn the' ! building ovr on September first, j ' Kchiiol takes up in the new ijiuj'lliyj on .jteptcmber sixth, ac ' icoriling la,, aa annoiincement J iluaiV ludny hy Sister llanoza. I "Diamond BriquelV'j , Vftl'Nfi COAL TKANSKKn CO. ! rimne 10117 Klamath Falls Business Directory I.OIH.IV HIA'IKIIXAL. NOTIl'K tLtti. It. I". ,0. K'Ll M' Thursday 1 Visiting me.nbel asjs ' corns. Kl.hH evening. bers wel- ELKS TEMPLE1. 3rd and Main Ol.IVKIl KPIKEH. F.nlted Rnler F. l. McMlLLAN. liecretary Fraternal Order l Fialca fCf Mceta Erery Frl jJm 'day, 7:30 at 'stsTSsssO Moose Hall. C. 1). LOXfi. Secretary Aerie 2090. I'hone 071 Labor ,' . Temple LOyAI, ORDKH OF MOORK Meet every Thurs day, 7:30 L. O. O. M. ' M6ose Hall, Klam ath Ave. CEO. OfSLE, Die. Klamath Lodge No. 77 A. F. and A. M. Work In F. C. Craft Friday, Attn. 13 ' Visiting llrothers Welcome J.OOM1M laiLDI.NO By Blosser V "t . ' 1 I I era u s.t m . . 'Rlo'T PifcfT sr mm stirvicir iwc .. t . -V .. ' : Hall is Selected 1 To Head Lake o Woodt Association Kelt Hull Waa elected pieMrnt ot the loike o' lh Woods itsrreu llonal Associstlnn at His sniiiml election til officers held on Sun day at Lake o' the Woods. W'lth Mr. Hull, W. O. .Mm (Hi as secretary snd treasurer, II. Knders of Aslilwnd, '. 11. I'mlei' wood and "Top" (isles of Med ford, all directors, will serve f.ir the rnxiiliiu year. ('. If. I'lnlsi wm.d In roll ing president and Mrs. II. M. AiM the retiring secmlary. This minks Hi third mr of the association. OH.IMi I IMStll.lt, (illANTH PAHS, tire., Aug. If,, t AH Hllitt opersllous on Hie Klamath Falls Business Directmy ATTOIINKVH '. I'. JUIIIU t it Attornev.at-l.aw Rlnte nnd 'nlrrn fourts AlMirarls Kiumlnnd !ng Wllllts Ulilg. l-hone 911 Ken I Kstule Law a Kpcvlnlly li. I,. H.I.IDTT Attorney-iit-t.nw. Suite IJ New Molhuie 111 .1 sr. I'ln.no 624-J times Chnlli. l ilt Across street from (urt House M. O. WILKINS Lawyer JH Williams Htllldlug . Klamath Falls. OriMuti Phono 11H4 Iny cr N:c!it Al roMollll.i: IIKAIMts llepalr Work, lioiierv S'.rvice. Tires -Nash, (tnklnnd, I'onilac. Paekurd II. it. it. it ;k RSI Klnmaih Next tn I'Tstofiire I'liono "13 floidyear Tires Fireproof Htorago ArTtlMOItll.K i tK! ' llrlng In ntir worn tin's et AtlOO miles mora nt usunl cost At K TIJU: Klltll Cuaranteeil nil. uniting 11S So. Uth Ht. Phone M3-J retreoiU A I' TO HKPAIH Smithy's Itennlr Khon V Ounranteed Auto llvpulrlng Cars called for and delivered South 6th fit. Phono C03-W MATTKHV NKItMt K Batlnrr Fcrvlre, Magneto, tilnrter and Ounoraior llepslrlog .. FlrflVII IIKMIIOT CO. S3i Main Rl. 1'hona 397-W Ilattery, Miigneto, tienerntor aud Complete Klecirkal Kervh e W. P. Johnson's ACTO KI.KCIUIC KlitlVlCK i2i Klamath . Phouu 149 Phllco llemy helco Uoseh Atitollte JK.VK.I1AI. HFPAlit HCIIIIIKKTH t.KVK.ItAI, , JlKPAIIl SKItllt K Carl Rrhubert. Jr. nepalra Cash Registers, type writer. Adding Machines, Safe and locks and C'jns 020 Klamath Are. ' (Hetween 6th and Cth) i IlKAI'TV I'.VKUIltS Expert Operators. Individual booths, violet ray. marcell lng, balr tinting BOSTON IIK.ll'TY HIIOP ' Clorenna Warren vV Inters Bldg. 1'honoSlt Water, French Paper Curl Facial and Sculp Treatment JillLOJ.VCI MATl.lil.l I.S SWAX I.A.KK einri,to col Quality nulhllng Matcrlnl , Bomh Oth fit. i.,lon, 7CS WANTED Carpenter work by contract or Day. Cabinet work and fixtures built. MH Division Ht. Phono H.13 imnciiKs NAt llKII HKAUT ClU ltt'H Klghth and High Hts.. Kev A. lr. Loeser. Itev. C. ji, Frir fundav masses at S:30. J-o6 JI130: Kvrnl"B 'I'vollons nt 7:30. Wenk-dny mass at 7 a. m. Merrills. 1st and 3rd Sundays at J.0:.1. All are cordially wolcunin at our serv ice. CIVIL i:(ill;i;i!s , r; fLKfilltmv Civil Engineer and Surveyor 21J High fllroot T. C. KRM.RY Consulting Civil Engineer Underwood RMg. I'lieim 107Ti ni:.NTiHTs . K. .. .V.IS;CAK Kit - Diu i. a, iMU'iiu-. Dentistry . ' X-RAY Laliornlory , Underwood Dldg, 'hn 648 jloiuliiy. August 1 ", H'27. .alUuUwhl liighway n Mulim mid II'" a I ill- line, a illsUuce or , 21 Utiles. Srvru Mlllipll'lMl loil,is, The eiiilnin til Is now lieiHK I u IT it i,t th,, ItiiMnliiira.t 'iiiih I1.,, i highway lirrn II miles ut Hiji lilghsy will ne oiled. Meningitis Case Reported Today ' delimit i.isa of meningitis ' bri iil: nut In the l.luliuil'ii Full i ' iliMi'ict hi Hie iwt week wis re mu I' d llils nun u. nil til the Kin m Illli niuim hesllli unit elf 'in. I The i hllil Im (mil' years old uinl I lis imn tilj reslilj at l'l''.'0 t)r ch.irtl gvviiue. ' ! Aiiiiilier liilumlila Hinr. I Jetry I.iiiik. tiniiilier Columliln ' iiulviirsliy pn ditet. Is going grrm In tennis meets In the t-S"t. IH.MIM'H i. . in is! I'rneili e of li.'iitlNiry Hit. I'llll.lP ( OI K Ms Main Over Mile's Slni'ii- Phono BUS Open EvutitiiKs ! Alipiilnlnittnl I'nr, l')D anil N'ose Doctor Dr. J. J. Emmens, Meilfurd, tire. Pracllce limited to eve, car, son. nnd Itirnuf. I'ii.ille r.7 -i i-..r.'i ' imtoi'i! KToitrt lilt. OI.KM MtMlltK I'liliner tirudiinte chrjnle aud Nervous Dlseasi A .vw inninse iiioi s, aii SISID l'h'ine 1!7 Op:osite C'onN House ro.WAI.KM i:T IfiiMK 'iNVAI.FHCKT IIOMK t.VI tiranlle si., Aslilnnil, Ore. Wh.'re the slek and seed aro sr. d fur tn ptessanl heme ur roiindliigH. JS Al Silvliilid tarn at reasons ble prl.rs. Ms.emliy rases a specially. TIIK I'ltlVATK NWATAItlt'.M Phulie 7IH.W t.1(ll Wnnli n nml llth Hta. JI-3I KMPUIV.Mt.XT AUKXCY KLAMATH KMI IXIVMKXT OH U K Kmploymenl for worker la every iisde mills, railway and farms. Jiinies It) an. Prop. iti anil Mnln. Phone 1,17 KHTtMTi Krosh cows nvi hand at all times from- ono to carload KLAMATH 1IAIHY COW tt. Phoues: liaueh 22F3.)lca. 410 E. Moellotl.il, Jr. Tesum Ktatlun tlKTKdl'ATIIH mt. v. it. ooniitrm 1. O. O. F. TKMP1.K Osteopathic Physician anit Surgeon Office and Itealdenca Phono Sit I'AIXTM. V.AI.I. PAPKU Wall Paper. Pair.! i, UMlm. Ilrushes , v. ii. oi n Across from Posiofflce t'honn 43 i Everything a Paint Store Keeps Pulnls. Oils. Varulshes, Dead "onlng Tclt. filnsa. Hoofing. Wall-Paper PATTi nso.V'H I'AIXT SrortR' 0 Bo th St. Phone 683-J ' KTKXOtill.U'HY MUM. L. II. HAGtK 1 Puhlle Stenographer Notary Puhlle ' . " Savings and Loans Ileal ttstite ...... 1 tnsuronc 210 Wllllts niilB. Phone M7 All kinds ot legal form TIMItKIt CRCINKIOt rimhor Cruising. Itecnnnnla anee and Appraisal II. ll. oi.i.i; 0(l .Mnln Ml. phoirn 30.T-W Working from M. It. Johnson's nfflrs EXCAVATIXO HLASTIXO 8ower and Cosspool Work I'honn 42'4 Call nt sua K.Maln Bt. KltAXK MAHTIV eo.. ,, , , ,, Try Evening Herald Fixed Space Ads V n ii r mm I