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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1927)
-'i' FIvtK Monday, Anptist Ifi, H27, THE KVKNINfJ IIKIJAI.D. KI.AMATH FAU.R. ORFION UBLDERS u wn er: D nOME STAGE gP BUILDING LOANS Disappearing Mortgages 'Just Like Rent' Fill u tun fi'll anl, fclini'llfv borrowing on rea elule; at I hit suu lime sound fur lh lender and safe for I ho borrower. Cull mill ll ua explain fully. Insurance Department Wilson Abstract Co. General Insurance Loans Bonds lIOl Kill R. E. WATTENBURG ShhIi '.4 none 1316 R AHMTItUTS . ' .-il.e" TITI.K INM IIA K AN' OREGON CORPORATION Chartered In i'o a enteral Abstract and Land Title llualnct. Our ('! tri-'Xi mill Corporate Henl Cu.iranii-n A'-'ur.iry. ABSTRACT OF TITLE COMPANY of Hnlifllirtl Oreum! HIO un i . T. Price, Miiiinip-r T. I. IIIMI AIIMTItITH "IVi-.timil rrliT" TITI.K IXSt HAXrK mm .7-r H 11. ROSK AMP. Builder Phono r,72 Hrick, Tile and Concrete . Building Construction of all hinds Commercial Buildings Apartments Residences Public Work. Etc. Katlinutoa Cheerfully Ku nil h.-il Philipsen 8C Huls Phone 293-W 204 Main Street t ELECTRIC FIXTURES-WIRING ? t y Y "SUN rKOOF" PAINTS "WATKR SPAR" VARNISHES "BANZAI" ENAMELS R. P. OLIVER hnno 7-- R imv Concrete Pipe for Sewers and Culverts ' All Hltes Also ' Stone Tile for Foundations and Walls Our Pipe, nnd Stfine Tile (iunriinteed to pass nil Teat Require ments mid Building Hpeclflrnllnns. I'llrcs lleiiNniinliU't Klamath Concrete Pipe Co. I'll AH'J-W 1 'WI.1 Market CHAS. N. COSEBOOM Building Plans, Specifications, Supervision 210-211 Underwood Bldg. Phone 654 ail Main M. Contractor and Builder tint Doom Screen IIotiHc Rppulrx. All kiml.-t of Millwork, Cnbimt Work mill liuilt-in Fvuturr.. 801 Spring St. A Home Iliilll nf Kuncrlnr Material and Workmanship will com mand a Higher Ue-sulo Value. Let Me Build Such a II v riome lor i ou 1072 I'.uil Street TT.vde 1)KMM.K .iy tliey like to . 1 1 1 1 y their paint Mippliis here Ixt'uiiM llicy ! ren-cive imhI ui ire nlotix Willi I lie inn tcriiili. Of i'iniro, the tulvice is pvoa only wlu ii tvnnleil. Hut our 1'niiil-srllinn rx ricin-e has t uiik lit in muiiy tliiupi that we like Ik I mi on to oiMiiiin'rt. We huvr Dulc li By white-lead nml linxnl oil for I ii 'I h exterior ninl interior liar. Ami n full litis of oilier paint supplies. Come In ami talk toltti tie ' abinil iiiting. Patterson's Wallpaper and Paint Store Phono CIS J C26 So. Gth St. ? Y Y Y Y Tfnnnvu 12(1 Nfi. 7th bt. A. I lioili' or l ull Ht. I. .;;!? ' . . . . Anyonn ruutliK tin cmnly fair trnumla llii-w day cinnnt but ninrvi'l at I hn nw fxhlhlili.n liuilillnK which la raplilly m-ar-Iiir romiilM'.un. ThU l a tnammoth ' bulldinK with a rlrar floor tpim of 7 6 x 1 .r 0 fi't. At rarh rornrr la a towr-r aptirnxlmatnly IjllO U-rl. Thwut tnwrra nupply rent room nd hinruKd furllltliN. On nlrrlna onn In ImpriMiiusI villi llm roof rotiHirurtlnii which In rnllially il lliniil from any HiIiik bi'forc ii mil In Ihla unilnn of Iho country. Th" fulr hoard, and Howard 11. I'orrln who dr- Icni-d tlm bnlldltiK. aimed to make thin atrurtur th Inut word In fulr liullillnx ronitrurtlon. Ac rnrdlnitly, arveral tyi of roof wcr" rxnm'ncd and finally tho provnt typ chown. The ilinlun of thn roof U bond on a com bination of arch and network theory which wia originally d ynlntwd durlnx the war for mruc lurea to lioime alant dtrlalhle. It la known aa the lamella ' tern of roof ronlrurtlon. Thla type of roof alvea a cb-ar pan with no oliolrurtlona from flour to arch, the thrtmta nelnit tuki'n on benla hu It on the exterior of Iho bulldinK. WMii and II lull. -. m , , Thf litilldlnx la wide and hlKh enouith to permit baakotlinll roitrta to lio located acrona the width, linn allowlnit for bmket bnll at o:n end of the bulldinK and daucInK t tt other end without tho neccaalty of remov ing bleachera. It la flu ii rod that lh: ImlldlnK will lake rare of an ntttomohlle allow UlaplaylnK 64 eara. It will BigBasinLumberCompany KLAMATH I Al.l.S - OKKGOX Retailers a Regular Lumber Yard A C.OOII I'l.ACK TO TKAUK tlFCAI SK OF THE I.ARCE STOCKS TO SflT ANY Pi nSE. IT IS TO YOlIt ADVAX T.M1K TO TilAUK WHKItK KKI.WTIOXS AUK OKKKItKD. K AIM TO COXDI CT A POI'l'LAK TRADIXU 1'LAC K. , WM. He LODGE, Manager t Now is the Time to Build ., DUILDlXn MATERIALS: Crushed Hock All Sties. Sand All Kinds. Cement. Ro-lnforclng Sleel. SASH and DOORS SCREENS Klamath Cabinet Shop K. S. Robinson 616 Spring St. Phone 1434-W COUNTY FAIR EXHIBITION BUILDING DESIGNED BY al ait IM peraon, allowinf- at the aame time a flag 11 feet wide. Knlrancoa and exit ra eon- yenlently liK-ated on all aide, and the bulldinK la adequate, pro jected aKaJnm fire with four Un derwriter type of Iiom reela. A i large k)l Kht SU feet long, I f jgethur with the ample window 'npice glros natural light without jahadown. I The Interior of the building ! will be pulnti-d while with art craft green laln waintcotlng. , The , enorinoua roof la covered 'with a light green color aalle .aurfared roofing and the walla and trim will be white.' III? Addition. I Thla biiiioing. wnlch will be ready for the rnmlns fair will be a great addition to the fJir i ground eulpment. The follow- Iltig f.rma am jointly proud of their work on th!a building. Ceneral contractor, W. 1. Mil ler Conatruction Co. Klectrlral contractor. The Elec tric Shop. I ' I'lumlilng contractor, Kecnan 'Plumbing and'Hcating Co. I Sheet Metal, l.llifi'ity and I lln'.ni'. w Mlllwnrk contraitor, Klnui.v.h I Cabinet Shop. ' Painting contractor. T.' R.'ftlili. .Lumber coiitractor, Swon 1-ikc Moulding Co. j lamella r'Mif construction by I Swan l.uke Moulding Co., lo- al i agenta. The dcaign ond anpervlnlnn of ! conatructlon la being handled by ! Howard It. Porrln. .ilillliomil lliillillng .e on i I'agi, M Trucks For w. xj, miner vuiisirui.uun v-u.. Phone 78 H0LL0V TILE HOMES The home built of Hollow Tile is everything that a home should be. There is no danger of warping, cracking or shrinking to permit leaks Df cold air or dampness into the home. Hollow Tile may be finished in several differ ent ways. A facig of stucco or brick may be used, or the wall may be built with a finished wall of face tile. Hollow Tile the most economical form of per manent construction. Klamath Falls Brick & Tile Co. 420 Main St. Phone 1017-R. Yard, Shippington Phone 101 7-W HOWARD ft. PEnniV (Building News Hcnratlon of the Krandenherg home on North Third wan atarted today by the Pattenoo Wallpap er and Taint Store. Complete re-palntinc and re-dwontln of the Interior of the home will take neveral days. Mr. and Mm. C. I. Stebblna plan to move Into their new homo on Crescent avenue during the coming week. The home ih a new five room bungalow which u built a few month ago by It. M. Smith. Sale of the prop erty was made through the firm of Wattera and Darnhhvl. Decorating and remodelling of the Patteraon I'p-Town Paint Shop to be located at 115 North Fourth will be at-irtcd this com ing week. It is the intentions of the firm to have the new loca tion ready for occupancy by the flrat of September. Mr. Patterson lll leave thU coming week for Portland where he will purchase equipment for the new store, with the Intention of milking It one of the finest In Kouthcrn Oregon. The home of hollow building tile has all of the physical ad vantages necessary to make It a perfect home. C'onMderlng these advantngea the one outstanding feature Is that it is fireproof. Hollow Tile is a hard burned cliy paoduct, made in various sires, and hating one or more voids running longitudinally through- It. It may be made of KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. (Heltatle Abstracters since 1905.) ' ABSTRACTERS TITLE EXAMINERS TITLE INSURANCE Blue Printing Fire Insurance lit So. 4th St. Phone 1811 Hauling General Construction concreto Building nuu-ks. tlth nct Commerclnl DliPont Explosives. : 1 I;. Mili,, K- j j I , 1 1 3 surface clay, fire clay or shale, which Is finely ground, mixed with water Into a plastic dim and forced through dies. The stream oi' elny coming through the dies Is cut Into the required lengths. The pieces are thor oughly dried and then burned In peclallr designed kilns at tem perature ranging from 1700 to 2000 degrees. It is thl extreme ly high burning temperature that gives hollow tile snch an enor mous fire resisting property, ac cording to a bulletin published by the Hollow Building Tile As sociation. Hollow Tile is impervlons to moisture. It means dry. sani tary, healthful conditions. it mean dry wills, eliminating re pairs caused by dampness seep ing through. It provides much better insulation against heat and cold than any other masonry material. Dead air I the best known insulator agilnst the pas sage of heat, and the hollow spa ces in the tlie wall provide this dead air space that makes It possible to keep ont the heat of summer, as well as to retain the beat inMdo the house. In winter. Fuel bills will be mnterHlly re duced in the home built of uol I low tile walls. .. . t Considering all of these point?,' it Is eay to realise why It hat been universally named as one of the moat economical forms of permanent construction. E. C. rhilipsen of Philipsen and Huls, local contractors, Is transacting business In Portland for several days in the interests of his firm. k Lime, Plaster, Juhns-Manville Roofing. Industrial Electric Co. K. K Hill K. It. Ilremer Electrical Contractors Wiring Motor Winding Repairs Fixtures - Itinnesi Shop, 771-W MKbt, l-ll New Location Cofer Building 7th and Walnut Ave ("or Your Protection THE KLAMATH FALLS Bam bur. Fred Painting Contractor Big I'.aaln Lumber Co. Lumber ft Rulldara Buppllc Bottomly it Kelfer General Cnntractor Browne. C. II. palntlna' i.untrsc'or Cutler. R. M. C.ennral Contractor Cain. R. R. Lathing and 8hlDgllng Cofer Bros. Cabinet. and Millwork Drake Lumber Co. Lumber Builders Supplies Ewlng, L. C. Plastering Contractor Gloyateln, Henry Painting Contractor Carcelon. Cha. D. Electrical Contractor Crabam-. A. F. . Building Materials Gray. 1. M. Plumbing Contractor Hansen. L. F. ' General Contractor Heldt. Fred Lathing an Shingling Humphrey, A. V. General Contractor Industrial Electric Co. tlectrlcal Contractors Jensen, J. M. Geners Contractor For Farther Information 24 California, cN PAINT POLYCHROME ' The latest in French Mirrors See Our Windows . Prices Right ' v ' COFER BROS., Inc. $V Phone 289 220 So. 7th St MX .' (gk Brick Builders Hardware m Vsw-Wn- aaT r'TrJ We Can Save You Money on Your Lumber Here are some SPECIALS Dimension Stock $17.50 Shiplap $17.50 4-inch Bevel Siding $10.00 tVe hare many other Items to ihow yon. Drive out and look hem over. We sell retail at prices little over wholesale. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. Pelican City For Choice Building Lots See Watters 8C Barnhisel Phone flllfl 02)11 )iain St. Fred Jordan General Contractor AND Builder riiono 801-J-l Ijiki-vi. w IU. HOWARD R. PERRIN Designs and Plans Commercial, Industrial & Residential BuildinfS 209, 215 Hopka Bldg. Phone 250-J Kmploy Metiilier of BUILDERS' EXCHANCC Jolly, Arthur Plaatarlug Contractor Jordan. Fred , General Cnntractor Klamath Cabinet Shop Cabinet and Millwork Lakeside Lumber Co. Lumber Builders Supplies Lin real y t Haines Plumbing and Sheet Metal McCollum, Geo. Mlchnelson. John Painting Contractor Kelson, Lin General Contractor Patterson. W. E A J. E. 'f Painting Contractors Pierce, Ray Painting Contractor Porter Construction Co. General Contractors Roskamp, H. fcl. General Contractor Sixth St. Lumber Co. Lumber A builders Supplies Stevens, W. A. Boo r- General Contractors Swan Lk. Moulding Co. Lumber Builders Supplies Van Fleet, D. D. Electrical Contractors Wattenburg, R. E. General Contractor Westfall. T. B. General Contractor Call, Ray Pierce, Secretary, Phone 102S-W GLASS ss- X -a . 'T'sf ... Ill Better Lumbet Better Houses In choosing the Lumber for yonr construction work. Insist upon the very best which of course, means that you'll get It from the Lakeside Lumber Co. ; We can supply yonr needs to any dimension or amount. Let ns figure on yonr neat r Lakeside Lumber X, Company W. B. PEXAVAItDEX, Mgr.") Klnmatb Ave. at Center St, ' Phor.o 128 .. Plant More Tree 2 "If It Can lie DuUt Of Stone or Concrete FEB Chas. Bennett Stone Work a Specialty P. o. Dot 8.1.1 Phono SOl-Sl Klamath Fall