TJIF. EVENINfi HF.KAT.n. KLAMATH FA1.T.S. OKfifiON K.iliinl.iv. AiitfiiMl in, 11l'7 t Mr. and Mrs. Mills TV Entertained Guest CpRAYER U (he heart's ln- cere desire, I'ttered or unexpressed; The motion of a bidden fire Thit trembles In the bmii, Prayer U the simplest form of speech, Tht Infant llpa can try; Prayer the aubllmeat atralm ' that reach The Majesty on high. Prayer ta the Christian vital breath. The Christian'! nntlve air; Hli watchword oTercometb - death He en I era heaven with prayer. -yOU sever can tell what your thoughts will do fn bringing- yon hate or love. For ihoafhu are thing, and ' their air wing Are swift ae carrier dove. They follow the law of the universe Each thing must create Its kind. And they speed o'er the track to bring you back What ever went out from your 'mind." H'PID la his many adventures prose and poetry, U never moro sure of winning a girl's heart ; lor a man than when her father!:. U-k. . .v.- . it i. fh. . . . i. i v- t ma iiiw, Biuiyij ms iuc v& the romance. It is the thrill that redeems It from the prosaic. If the maid Is wilful, Cupid has only to whisper In her ear that this languishing youth la not de sirable In her father's eyes, and she falls in love with him forth-' with. In the blessed times of old ; with their chivalry and state the ' star has enjoyed during the sum lover dashed up on a milk-white mer months was held on Tuesday charger and the maiden slipped afternoon at Masonic ball. Dur from out her father' castle, lng theafternoon nine table of rllmbed np behind him and away bridge were in play, besides a they flew to their Gretna Green, number of visitors wbo enjoyed The father always made the covery. There was no alarm 4to his. iwiiaiui reiaiaers sou nits? iain"y reiresnmens -were started out In mad pursuit. Bnt . grrTe(i at the close of the after Iway the little-god Cupid org-: Doon by the hostesses. Mrs. R. B. ed the lovers' steed, and alw&VA i'-k.,.. &r J I R.jrrt .v.. .1 ' ' .....w BnilR OX IUB 1U.01UVID, learned that even In love one G. Woriley and . Mrs. Oscar Pey must be progressive and that the j ton mm preside a hostesses, faithful steed, tunc In ancient ! rhyme and legends, cannot keep ahead of modern methods of pur suit, do lie uas necome a cuaui-' feur. He Is everything, any-, thing. He can steer any craft ever ouiit ior lana. water or' .... .. j-h,i air. If thoa wbo love wish to! UISS ElT " " delight- call hack tha gorgeous past and I 'u"r entertained on last Saur- .the old ehlvalrlc life with th'J,T 'ler".0 JtB. "7", 5u!2 trumpet' sound and gleaming : " treet ,n.r,;f- pear. Cupid ha only to cast! number nel" " fna 18 Mr., tfim him m.1a 1 n rl they do not know In what times tney live. All tney know is that , . .1. , ..... iwve is m BUiam nun ana uui . they are together. There are sharp curve ahead. Many danger sign on the road will be disregarded by the toe- headed child at the wheel. There will be bumps and Jars and Jolt and perhaps, an npset or a colli- Conner. Jean Mxon, Lot Hou ston, but through It all they will roe, Lenora- Hargarve, Etva Nel- be happy and content so lour aa love lads. For lore is reality, , which la born In the fairy region of romance. It is the culmlna-1 Hon of happiness. . I r Fortunate are they with love'i 1 Hand at the wheel. For so long as love guides, pursuit from be-, Ttf fipnrcr Ratth bind, danger on the side and the,iVlrS Vjeorge UaTUl dragons of the future ahead will tot avail. Love rules the world. - - . , . Waffle Breakfast Ol FritW Mnrnlnc vjn rnaay xviorning . . . Ml"- ana r. noya Duncan T McMillan entertained with , waffle breakfast at their home on ! Korth Ninth on Friday morning I u courtesy to Mr. Connie Graab I president ot the state association sf Kits from Baker. Covers were Mrs. Earth ha been chief op lald for six. I era tor of the local office for the The breakfast table was cen- j past six year and at the concltt 'fered with a low crystal cut bowl slon ot the dinner tho girU pre- f pastel shaded sweet peas. Mr. Graab arcompunit-d local KIks to Lukevlew yesterday morn ing where a lodge was Installed last evening. Bridge on Wednesday MRS. M. F. Rohn and Mis Vir ginia West have Issued Invi tation for an afternoon of bridge on Wednesday, August 17th, at Xho Rohn residence, 238 North Hevcnth In courtesy to Mrs. Janet Thompson of Portlsnd. one of ine summer visitors In Klamath Falls. New. Ties ' The enrly rummer . eollarlcss neckline has developed many tie had tab erfocta that giva a fem inine and becoming touch. Helene Breitenstein. Society Editor. Phone 88 Informal Affairs For Summer Guests IK courtesy to Mr. and Mr. H. 1 f..jA v rA.b mt who have spent the summer months here with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Runde, a number of Informal affairs bsve been given during the past week. On Tuesdiy evening Mr. and Mrs. Divld R. Vandenberg enter tained In honor of the eastern visitors with a prettily appointed dinner at their home on North Third. 1 Covers were laid for six. Mrs. Dan H. Crump of Modoc Point presided over a noon-day luncheon on Wednesday honor ing Mrs. Runde. Cover were latdfor six. Mr. and Mr. John Siemens. Jr., were host and hoeteea on Thursday evening honoring Mr. and Mrs. Runde at dinner. Cov ers were Uld for eight. : The home of Mr. and Mrs. X. T. Stoddard of Modoc Point will be the scene of a prettily ep : pointed dinner this evening, bon i orbag the visitors. Covers will be laid for eleven. Another enjoyable affair of the week, which honored Mrs. Runde was the one o'clock luncheon of Friday afternoon when Mrs. r-l....!.. Il.n.hiAii -nlart.lnul a ( " t " ... home. Covers were laid for five. Aloha Chapter Has Social Afternoon' rf ... informal onernoona wnicn Aloha chapter of the Eastern di-,the hour with social conversa- xioa. . " ' , ma yM t t miss civa i lctuscii . - . . flOnOreQ Willi JrailV . .afternoon at her home, the occa- ,lon "ono'l" Mta Hansen's - . " ----- with ramps and muse. Lata in . u"T , A color note of pink and white added to the attractiveness of the Kelson home. Among the guest were: Jean aon, Eileen Hirgrava, Meredith Hewitt. Catherine Nelson, Bar- bar Louise Way. Shirley Rlsely. Mesdames Msble May and Ma- t ble Hargrave assisted the bos- tcu throughout the afternoon. I Honored At Dinner , Mn TX farewell courtesy A George Brth, chief to operator at the telephone office, the girls of the local office entertained 0 apPointed dinner . . .. on Thursday evening at tne Green Lantern. Late summer blossoms In the rainbow shades were attractively arranged In a low centerniece for the table at which covers for seventeen "vere j laid. sented her with a lovely gift. a a remembrance. Mra. Banh with ' . . , . M i UCI UUPIMU11 Will W VI U ."I " 1. I day for an extended tour of the east where it Is possible they will locate permanently. Covers were laid for: Mesdam- es George Bartb, Alice Moore. Gertrude Ludwlg, Sunny Stracbe-j an, Inn Good, Faye De Spain. Clair Mercler, Cleone Stamper. sle Elliott are " bow-knot shspes. suede and handling to. mutch. Misses Alice Joanl. Merle i cfe8cent m0n n modern do-1 The colors most In demand are Stamper. Ethel Craver, Grace!""' tr "l ,wl,h ""n- black, brown and blege. The Bordal. Helen Fernandez. Mirtha i ,t0"cV"d '0,orehd ,ton; . ,, I trimming Is of plgrkln wjth col Rho.makcr. Esther Gardner and! 1',b' to adjusuhlo 0rful applulnues made of tiny til- Evelyn Mobley. . Color Touches Yellow nnd brown and certain autmun reds are being used ad - vantageouKly in new color com-1 biuatlons for silk ensembles. i h Will the Ladies Let it Grow ft ... '.. .; ' .... : i , ,'..". y. ' v- - - .'. M i . ,yvi: , .'A--'sY-i J Hollywood Is letting her hair grow movie capital is passe, toey say, i. .. .... -v' . . - " " "We Women" (By BETTY BRAINERD) ,, portraits. Aabrrjr the Average VBRET la neither pretty nor ugiy.oui mere is a siumoer lng expectant glow In her eye that often Illumines her w: max ouen illumines ner win At such moments she I a creature .. wH--n, ..luUut r.u,- j rocceruea moauy wiia inu i la in repose she Is mentally flat- portance of food and shelter and chested, emotionally congested c oil.fs. icon fused but fundamentally, - - - - - i neaiicy. uae a young iree m nas not yet tonna us lun-Dioom- cu ,ur7 " ward ,nd outward. 8be te BeltDBr lnt.1K,ntf o- nhIcated. nor hopelessly stupid Life simply hasn't opened It bnMi !' o her. Most of her mind 1 shaded arovea into wbfch lLe warm and comforting sun of tomuuuii uu uoi yi v.-er- .. . jiuurey capacny ior ram ana uer ability properly to asslml'atd sorrow and disillusionment ha not been tested. She Is Ignor- , sntly hi srful. Tho comic picture In tho newspsper claim Aubrey's at- tentlon, but seldom the editorial pages. She knows a little about , every Important personage in the' Show Novelties in Shoes CIIOES at this time of the year made in bronze, stctl nnd gnn are naturally receivinc; consld- metal steel. A few . attractive i era hie attention, especfally those 'for evening wear. And to fur- tller ennanC8 "8 ayi for unf and elaborate trimmings, new b"ckle' "de aa J1" r" fctown-. Jbtw re n,ade of b,i comnosltlon to rMPmhln ellht-r . -.J , '. eu.u i ,at,,ii,iii. i Us mi- portant article, however, is the shoe slide, which Is worn with pumps boasting the new narrow straps that fit ever so snugry trend so apparent In sports cloth abent the nnkle. These slides of severity, that Is, and lilnnd come In oblong shapes. In little ing ot different colors bedroom squares aad circular effects and slippers are doing likewise.- The are entirely paved with rhln. stone or rbinegtone ' combined hi. . i. . . ."". Z. i i, v .he bckles are not at all Ike those shown heretofore. V ,. , , , , , , . . 'usiuiu Birunsiy resemoie ine old-fashioned brooch's., They l win mios wdct, ii cuts ine instep to are fastened like any other ' T . 7 m't'?ll J 7, dH ' .'?'9 , VJ, hr ' " S""801" of j-., ......d im uunicir ur """" cimie m iwo t lengins. ine nrsr is attacnea at each aide ot the shoe and uhuuI- . ly has a centre vetting that Is - rather placed over tho strep and .is somewhat simpler In design. For daytime wear there are smart-looking buckle and slide EWS j; 'v- v y?Sj again. Tbe fad of bob In the ana iuo osir uas rviurueo. in i. k.i. .. i. a i i. ' - - ' '' Lews but the sum total of her Insignificant In its relation ' to mc.auuu suuhi svr. sue drifts this way, no, know. 0i y. and wabbles that way. u,ia)y ignorant. But her drifts are M-ver serious or trsgli, lb- rorma- or sunnormai . - huo is .the live the life of a .katinj iue u in ui e. ik: ou a pond, dwelling onv on the surface and probing no deep- p-,er, noi possessing ine tore yet ,0 make a p.netr.Pg, ,,,.. g,nt Inquiry. Aubrey logic Is a serl4 of tiny curves. She cannot think In a straight line of any length or. in M.r.i m,n. rf.rik circle and return to her starting! point, sne stammers mentally.,, Her Idea of romance I mum. light, a canoe and t ukele. Bhe is intensely Interested In the movies and has a complete gnl- lery of favorite heroes. Her manner of speech is trite and her mode of thought, such a- It is. conventional. Her habits ere Innocent and harmless. She Is a type. She is The Average Girl. pieces are shown with touches of color Introduced by means of, enamel work. From some quar- j Iters it appears that the colonial h,lrklM reappear this com- -wn i-t Pn.p. Th atnnll h,fri'l. hnrgv., aPa , , naijjiiiK i"iik ir w L- r on m- teruoon slippers of fine kid and satin. I " Negligees having followed the new mules to wear with tbene gay kimonos' and negligees are of kid with the forepart woven el- mer in two contrasting colors or r0 emphasltrd In the silk blous two shade of the same color, es suitable for summer wer or the heels, trimming; and lining early fall suit wear.' uwins oi inn preaonunnnc one. The favored combinations, are I wblte with red, blue green, rose 'avenoer or mane; or two snaues of ro,' lawnder. Pink, blue, Tellow and peach. a novelty set just irom rarls angles of kid in red. green. . Autumn 'Hints A coffee brown satin fro k Orgnudy pastel colored frocks with a regulation wnlatllne nn.I sro using velvet ribbon for daln more length anticipates autumn j ty Incrustation. Sheer braid change In style. J bat employ tha same trimming. Rin. and Mrs. C. Frnnk Mills presided over prettily ap polnted dinner at their attractive home, lit Hlch street, on Wed nesday evenlug In honor of their house gurst. Mrs. Douglas J, Bin rluir of llnwalt, who spent the past week In Klnmsth Kails. An attractive arrangement of pink sweet pea and fronds of torn rrntred the dinner table ( which rover were laid for Mrs. Douglas i. Hlnrlalr, M'. and Mr. Prentice Purketl. Mr. and Mr. Jacques' J. Btetger, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell of Chlloquln, Miss Msrcaret Kerr of Portland, Mlrs Anna Mae Johniton, Miss Velds Pnrkntt and the host and hostess. Mrs. Louis Porter Hostess at Luncheon VfllS. Louis Porter, presided over a prettily appolntrd nooni non-day luncheon at her home on Third on Thursday In cour- to Mr. George Hanh who leaves on Monday for the east to make her future home. The table was lovely In a decoration of pastel shaded sweet peas and fern. Covors were aid tor six. Worthy Matron j -A SPECIAL meeting of Aloha! v" chapter of the Eastern Star has been railed tor Monday eve nlug. September nlnetrenlh, by Mrs. C. K. Dvnnls, worthy ma tron. Al this time Mr. Msrgaret Rarnes of Grant Pass, worthy grjud matron of the Eastern Star for the slate of Dresjiu. will pay her official visit to the local lodge. The following day Vr. Rarue will leave for Lakcrtew hr. .h. rin .i.u i0ha chanter will motor to Ashland on sepiemoer sixth September where they will exemplify the Initiatory work before the valley lodge. Mizpah Qass Enjoy , Informal Afternoon E.MIIEnS of the Mlipah class jyl of the First Melhodlst church enjoyed a delightful af ternoon on Wednesday at the hi,- t ur. h k. ph. w.innt. Mn tviti. and Mr. J cybsers presided aa hostesae. b hours were spent with gsmss and an Interesting talk by Mr. Grace T. White of Albu- i..v..i Mr. jjcthodlst Banltorlum at Albu- qUarqtte Dainty refreshments were serv ed at the conclusion of the so cial hours. More than 40 mem ber and guests were present. Shirt Dress Introduction of the long. nn- N-ltid Jumper has bronght forth a Parisian "shirt dress" which has a man' collar and look like a men's shirt worn outside the straight shirt. Snake shin Velveteen Velveteen. In a gray snske-skln ! design, makes its appearance as : the s -Hour smart short Javket of tail- that usee pliin gray velve I'.-en for the rkltu - Surprising Neckline A new neckline gives the ap pearance of having started 'out to be a I) boat front and back j and then dipped auddi-oly to: sharp points. I Deep Yoke A rust-colored tweed coat has a deep yoke of fine tucked' ma terial for the front, back and both sleeves of the body of the garment. Popular Yellows Crenmyyellows. corn yellows and a rich riildlBh yellow are smart shades for mid-summer silk and linen frock. Cilet Effects diet, or waist-coat . effects, Evening Cane 1 A rose-pink plush evening ' rape has silt for the arm and J . a bow In the back of the collar ! that lei Its streamer bang be low the back hemline. Modi fied Felts I ' Felt hnl for mid-summer take ; flowered and geometric design Inserts In sstln of matching ! shade.. Some have sstln crown. . New Incrustations' : Miss Betty Graves 1 Feted on Wednesday t " yllSH netty Oraves. of Holly. 4T1 wood. California, ono of th charming summer visitors In Klamath Palls, was honored with a noon luncheon on Wednesday when he aunt, Mrs. Joel T. Ward, Invited a number , of the younger set to her summer home at Lake Shore Gardens. Following the luncheon the girls enjoyed an afternoon swimming party. The Mlssea Klliavwth Oruhara. Dorothy Dunham, KlUalxith Ramsby, Katherln Walton and Helen Abbey were member of the younger set who enjoyed tha atiernoon with Miss Graves. Mr. and Mrs, Slater Have Dinner Party VyR. and Mr. Jack Bister en 1 tertalned at a prettily ap pointed dinner on Wednesday evening at their home on Huron. An art bowl of gold held orchid and pink sweet pea, making a charming decoration lor the din ner table, . Princes tapers In shell pink were artistically ar ranged on either aid of the cen ter piece. Following dinner the guest ' enjoyed an evening of card. Cover were laid for Dr. and Mr. E. D. Limb, Mr. and Mr. Claud 11. Dn, .Mr. and Mrs. Uary ('ntad and tha host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Slater. Business Women To Dine At Luncheons vvrlTH the month of Beptrmbrr but a short Hire away, social and civic club of the city wilt soon be announcing plans for the tall and winter months. Of Interest among these an nouncements I that of Mr. Ilett Glover, prrstdrnt of the Business and Profotslonal Women's Club who has announced the rhanKlna- ot evening meetlnga to noon-day I luncheons to be held on the sec-' ond and fourth Mondays of each month at the rhapibor of com merce. At this time, the members of th club will gather from twelve until ono o'clock for an Informal hour. From time to time speakers will be engaged to talk before the girls on subjects of Interest. What routine business Is essen. tlat will be taken care of by the executive committee. Shortly after the opening luncheon next month, an active campaign for new member will be started, according to Mrs. Glo ver. Coat Remodeled. Fur Manufacturer. Furrier MR. WTLMAM DKHHLER 424 Klamath Avenue, Between Fourth and Fifth. Klamath Fall"- - Or. OUR CHEF SAYS Good Food Well Served Makes an Ideal Merchants Lunch every day Dinner every Sunday The Hotel Willard Coffee Shop "Only the Beat Served" J'To Humanity IktUr" To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive .and the true i.uecesa In to labor.' STEVENSON. Ba Yenr of HalUf)lng Service FUNERAL, HOME TaiavxoNi 46 Linkhaven To Have New Home on Fifth "1 INKII.h'EX." nn of the moat popular places to d e In the city, located for more than a year on the bank of Link rlvor on Conger avenue, will, soon have a new home on North Fifth In the residence for merly occupied by Mr. A. Walk er. The home is now being re modeled and formal opening wilt take place on September first, according to an announcement made by Mrs. Avis Mcl'nnnell. Three attractive rooms will La arraused for luncheons, nrivni dinner parties snd regular din ner guests. Luncheon will be served from eleven until two o'clock. The evening dinner hour will be from five until eight o'clock. Ermine Hat Band A Mack lore formal hat with Irregular brim and rather high crown has a narrow banding of ermine finished with ermine tails Instead of 'bow or flower. I WU-m-SgJTM'IH.ll Fireproof Centrally Loratnl. Popular Price and Service are the demand of the day that's why the Sutter Is patronised by the discriminating. tlxiMi ui. ui lev. tferrea Ituowi THE SWAN FOUNTAIN SERVICE and LIGHT LUNCHES I Curb Service Opposite Court Hoimo Place to Eat. day y Attendants Pirrg Ave at 6t "We Know How" Phone 154 New City laundry F. J, ', Manaavr 7 If you're a Realtor carry Photographs of the homes you list. Photojrraphu show people wha they're getting for their money. MAY KING Stinson Studio 431 Main St. CLEANING PRESSING WorA called for and delivered. Klamath Cleaning & Dye Work Phone 40. 38 . ..$ .65 .'. 1.00 .1.25 0