1 ' t . V Saturday, August l.'t, h)2T. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON " it, trTT 'A'' trr rLAtb j I 3 n i US TAe Toggery Made Defendant in , Suif Fi7eJ iSy Leonetti i Tht hi hark wum (nil oihnr mousy which ho hlrb ho alleges It dun him aggregate $3,295 Iff (bo (hr uf Fred Lnonettl, former t'tnployn of The Toggery, cloth lug ators on Main iltoat, beiwenu ivh and Hitvenlh at reel, who haa brought milt rlnii Joe llnrro n ml Angrlo llorchl (or Ihn recovniy of I hill qum. . On the oilier bund. Itocco haa flli'il criminal complaint against Leonetti rharglug hlin with eui builamant or 13 to. , The ra tut scheduled Just lea of tba lo . como before opl of tills nai'tlon tb Internal-race W. II. itlonally known lluatr.n Tru. Iturtu-a this -afternoon. A demur- riiln Jn.tly Fainoua Truaa ia unl rer waa II led to the alato'a com-j verully I'onaUlered tho our per lilnlnl agalnat Leonetti yesterday feet and hatlsfaclorv Inatrumint all. ulna that farta rllad Were not rufflclent to brine 4 rauaa of action. Iiiinoitl la represented In tho rlvll action by V. H. Wiley and WALL PAPER ... , .11 New Stock -'. Acme Quality PainU ' F.R.QLDS Across from Postoff ice Phone 43 : RICHARDSON SPRINGS ..".. Pn Highway Near Chico The most talked of rewirUm the state. There f must be a reason ! why not come and nee for yourself ? ' ' LEE RICHARDSON, Mjr. ; ' NOW is the time to Biiy1 Property m Lakeview, and Alturas, ii i 4 We have buineU and res idence property; acreage and tub-division; business chances. Write Favell-Utiey Realty Co. Lakeview,, Ore. '( v. MOM'N POP "Tcapt r.Ricsou.Tite CKPtORtd WITH WMOA YOO QO - 1 ANTAPCTtC, IS COMIMQ Ove lONK&elT TO TftLK OVCR OUR FLAWS Y y i ' - - Cnluli Jones, and In the criminal '(Inn hy Mr. Jones. Rupture Expert and Authority HERE WITH THE FAMOUS HUSTON TRUSS Dr. 1 tlutitos. . tf Ih 1 1 union Truia Co..'.'', Vorl1 "' poraonally bo at I bo Wlllard Hotel, Klamath Falla. Monday only. August 15th; from a. ui. lit 6. p. m. and offers (o the p no I for the relief of all klnila nt re. ' riuclhle rupture, without tho use of aiiriciial o-israttoi-a or medlcul J treatment of any kind. Instan taneous rvllef la apparent the moment It la traced In petition Oregon California Alturas, Calif. L Itot'li SOMETiHNU TURNS Ut'6oTlinr ' - ANO HE rWli WMC Of jfilt. L.K2: :'JC KB tXCES YC'LL Hrtwe TO GO TrteVUji O.OOR JOtiftNGV THC6'S SEEN DONT HVC To eNetOTbTrhlNK. ftU. MV f rXlLT WCVC(? X -rout raw Ion (if 111" opening la!" mnnllt'ai In a few day and la rumors ao,a illHappars f-tmtw viilly la tli average, raw. The puil on till Triua wilt hold any reducible rupture per fectly, and will nt "MP regard of the a u Meet Sleep In It--Bathe In It No under !';. aira pa, elastic' webbing or bulky pada nro used In Ma const m'ct Ion, Nothing to wear out, clean .and aanltary. Moisture proof and will not cbul. Can bo put on or off In flo aor nnda. No other lualrmnont haa ever met I lu te dcniauda with u h u n I v o r a a 1 endoiaement. tiuaraalerd liol to break. WAHNIN'O- --Yoa nro mullonod, aitalnit wearing elantlc wehblna. fir the old aiylo 1rather Covered Truaa, or nndor lex almpa. Hu-h Truaiwa prona in Ilia wroof place, often caueliiK atrauaulutlgn and death. V If ft 1 MlltTY-FIVr: VKAUH H( JKSTIflO STI DV OV Itl l'TI ItK W AIIRANTS Tll!8 STATKMKN'T. Thl Trim an not anld hy mall al rack part M aatertrd, aaaem bled und fitted by Dr. Huaton eiMljlly for ra h Individual rae. No (uaaK work, but a aclen i if Ir fining of a wlentillc Truan. WKAIC A HI KfrN Tltl HS U I k'OIKil-T il'lt Itl IH KK I'.a'itnoe Ikntaivla fht lol Permit other Hom In Thla Seel Ion ; .Vo rharjen for ailrk-o or dm. ' oiiotratlun. i IVmrniocr the ditto iao.l Hotel Ak lor Dr. liuiun. j Permanent addir. Ilutea Troo Co., t llff Nevt York, X. V., f. M. A. II STAGES TO ALt, POINTS 326 New Phone Number New Reduced Rate ; New Location , . 8th & Klamath Ave. . "The aunabJao Route" T- Veronica In. ReaJudng CUgtn OefVl PkyslcUa la) si l Srvij Wsa aal ai -" High Blood runt I. el Al CandltUae id Kldoev. Uee sad Bladdes Tseablaa ta4lMls CaasllDetlaa Star Drug Co. i Any Time Any Place Just Phone 7 89 For CAL'STAXI .Safe drivers. - . ;v Comfortable cars Courteous service Country trips and dance trips a specialty Encouraging tONCi List ok ykiCbo ivsfj..vic.'. COdiaitCreo v(TH TrttS PrtrtTicoi.jif' BCCN A0L6 TO GL'T fMuaiXiiH tr At the Pine Tree " Olrls would you shudder II yonr nnrka? " ' Would you tremblo k Ultlo bit If you had to wutfh man get lilw held rut off cupivlally If 'hat nvaa happvned to bo the baudantno John f.llbert? And would you (brill a little If tno eainn Jonn l.llbort, wno atari- ed out u a lerrlbln btnrkauard. became a good man. after a ter rific atrurgl Ihn kind of man auy girl would love? Wall then you have ahudders. teara, honrt tbrolM, a few laugha, all waiting for you. In "The. Kbow," playlug Sunday at the Pin Tree Theatre. It la a fantaatle atory laid In a Iludapat aldeahow, with living nair tauioa, gnoata, anikee and jonn liiioen getting nta Bead rut off. Itenea Adoree la Kalomn dancur -and doea aome oenaa tlonal doming to that Jolin'a head will fly Into the batknt. But I she lovea him Jut the name as:,h Dlaibled American Veterans la shown when the terrific drama ot n World War has Toted to I "area the aldeahow whero th urrendr Its charter. Membors beheading trick ia done, ' and gets behind the scenes. I I At the Liberty The management of the Lib-! erty Thoatro. believing lh It U Impokslhle to please all of the peoplo nil of the time, ia it tcast making an effort to picas them all aome of the time. Thla feat Is promised for next wuek when the screen pro duction of "Flames" will begin an engagement at thit theatre. "Flames" la romantic atory of the Northwest, featured by thrills and fast action, the main dramatic moment being one of the moat awesome and reallmlc forest Mre ever screened. To make sure that thla picture , would pleaae on hundred per I cent, the producers did not atop at the story but gathered togeth er a cant for Its presentation that ia trnly al(-tar. Four oft the moat popular and best known j screen favorites have the lending role. They are Virginia Valll, Eugene O'Brien, Jean Horsholf and Rrrnnt Wnahhurn. Standard : Dyers and Cleaners Odorless Clean! of One-Day Service Expert Dyeing - 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 Nerve Specialist and Chiropractor DR. C. NdRVAI.L You'll lose your ache. Bonanza, Ore, DRINK RADIUM WATEB Una cured thousands. Why not rou? Radium ore for sal by N. A. ltRIGGS, (Special Representative) Phone 960-W J16-A1S FIRE INSURANCE ' We . apeciallie In frrlgated tarma) olid stock, ranches: IS years' experience In county. REED & REYNOLDS 100 Main St. Phono 1093 I -J2'2L V & ( - weu.. I hope j CB&ZUS WE'LL OK&MTak-J . ',J j V ' - , . ' , L CANT OCT THROOOM Si ' C aT - I I I I THAT" wav Ttiu M . I a I 2 - I Three Sitters are Added to Faculty . Of Local Academy Three new Hlaura have been added to tba atafl ot Sacred Heart Academy with the arrival Of BUtor t'ortona, Klatnr Klentb erfa and Muter 1'bllomena from rrnilleton laat evening. Hlater Cortona will have charge f tho fifth and alxth (tradon for ihs coming- year while Slater phllornena rod 8h.U;r Eleothrla f 111 uw ,n the muaic dpart- I' i.ient. Slater Tjihalla will teach ut and muaic and Suiter Roaailnci : will lie In the blgb ecbool. in rompany with Suiter Uanora and '.Un. JumoB Driscoll the bmt"r arrived her laat evening iruui i'endleton and are making plant for the romln; term of echool ut Fuerl Heart Academy, which itptember. n(4.k VETH DIH'tAVD. PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 13. (A. P. Portland post number 4 of 109 f0"1- numbering about 40, ; will otganlx a . new veterans' j orranliatlon. to be known oa the. Dlaabled World War Veteran.' I Alfred P. Kelley. commander of Fust number 4. aald that the, disabled world war veterana will w.. r . i i while former primarily to hold! together tho member of the dis-: banded pott, it would ba extend-, al u the occasion arose to at me wide and ven nation-wide scope. WUV FALLS. LA GRANDE, Ore.. Awe. 13. (API One-hundredth ot an .nch of rain fell here last eve ning, cooling the air and break ing a dry spell that haa endured for more than d fortnight. The shower cleared the valley of a nail of smoke that apparently! drifted here from foreat fire In I Washington or southern Oregon, Legal Notices .NOTICE OF ADMIXISTR.. TRIX'K KALE.' Tho eatntflv-of Noah Rhode, de- ceased. . Votir. u hereby clven that byl virtue of an order ot.the County. "'.Court of the State of Oregon. In I -I.. In. I .n rVi.mlv enlerel AH the 4th day of December, 192 licensing and directing roe ns ad miniatratrlx of the estate of Noah Rhodes, deceased, to sell the real properly hereinafter described. I will, on nod after the l'th day of September. 1927, on the prem-l llsea (address A.. E. Wheeler. Eu-j i gene, uregon.i otter ior Bate ana 'sell at private sale to the party offering the most therefor, c.iah In hand, the Lot Number 21 In 1 Block 19 of Hillside Addition to I Klamath Falls, Oregon, as plat ted and recorded, subject to the approval of said Court. LOUVINA RHODES, Administratrix. A 1V20-27-S3-10 NEW TODAY FOR SALE Irish Setter pup pies. Midland Store,' Midland. Oregon. 13-19 FOR RENT 4-room furnished apartment. Reasouable,. 1314 Crescent Ave. 13-19 FOR RENT 1-room house, part ly furnished. Light and water. VI8.00 mo. 2451 Dnrrow Ave.. Mllla Addn. 13-16 FOR RENT Sleeping room. 1033 Main upstairs. 13-15 WANTED Will buy good used baby buggy. Must be in good condition. Phone 272. 13 LOST Party in gray Chevrolet who Dirked un Kit hnx nn i Sixth street please return to Chamber of Commerce. Re ward. 13 T.-.v. i iw. r uraiiure bxenange : anniversary sale. Tuesday. Au- j gust 16, and each Tuesday; thereafter. at 7:30 p. m. J. E. and II. Ralney, Klamath Falls. 23 X. 4th St., Ore. 13-20 " " V VMMCe rirt vue- rih ' V ' I NEW TODAY IIOL'SK FOIt ItKNT Furnlahed four-rooma, modern, aaragn. Clone In, HZ KaaU Main. JJ-14' CAl.lKOIt.MA A V BN V K Dlri- TRK'T Do yon want to gave Jl.OUu on a newly constructed proimrty. Mmlern throughout. 29.r.U. Term. Thla ia forced aale and an exreptlnnal bar gain. 1300 worth of new fur niture goea with It. Latest type high grade wulnot fur niture. Inquire. Fred O. Fletrb er. 1 Ixwniia Bldg. 13-1 FORD ROADSTF.R S good tirea, dlac wbeela. A world of trana portatlon for only IJS.00 FORD TRUCK Make the pur chase price back in one week of hauling. Drive It home for only 195.00 DO DOE ROADSTER The car that will take those bard trips and enjoy them 1325 REO TRl'CK 13S DO DOE TRUCK 1275 CHANDLER TOURING Thla ear U in wonderful ahape f 550 UUP ROADSTER Good tires, motor 1n 'perfect condition, blue Duco $650 Latest modela In need Bulck Coaches and 8edana. We of fer you wonderful bnya In these care and write a -real guarantee for service. Your Satisfaction la Our Success! ' BUICK CARACR ' j llin l.in ri jet BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE i $3650 A very fine, well built home on California street, con- i siatiug of 4 rooms, bath and i full basement. Complete built- In feat urea of the highest t gride that are found In higher' priced homes. Tho lot ie large I nd on upper aide of street. One of the choicest places In town and a real bargain. $500 I cash, balance like rent. j 11500 20 acres, close Into town on west side. Has been all un der cultivation. Some fine po tato ground. This would make i someone a tine little close-in farm, -especially adapted to chickens, turkeys and rabbits. Plenty of range for cows. Bet ter see this today, only about 4 mile from city limits. (500 cash, balance very eay. SEVERAL RANCHE3 TO LEASE BUSINESS CHANCES and ever one a money mater. .lucludlCR j rooming houses, restaurants, soft drink and light lunch I stands, etc., also lots. ROBT. W. CLAYE Across from Hotel Wlllard Phone 1359-J MISCELLANEOUS WOULD restaurant man, who wanted to buy tent show in Portland two. weeks ago, com municate with Herald, box 99. 12-2t WINDOW CLEANINO Floor i waxing, house cleaning and Janitor service. References. A. -M. Rhoads. Phone 10SS-W. 107-2-tt. "" " " ""-w.w.l...e......... LOST AND FOUND LOST Link cuff button. Small diamond In center on on link and small sapphire In center of other. Return to Herald office and receive reward. Stf LOST Two davenport cushions between Klamath Falls and , Malic. August 9th. Return to j News or Mrs. Everett Johnson. -Matin. 12-14" WANTED GOOD STENOGRAPHER De sires position. Can give refer ences. Inquire at Herald of fice, lltf WANTED Experienced ran charge of ranch and handle tfon considered. Call or write 1 Tn HeraM. Box 14. 8-13 WANTED Stenographer, lumber experience preferred. Dicta- phone operator preferred. Kea- terson Lumber Co., Dorrls, Cal. 11-13 By Tavlor s For Sal& Automobiles FOIl HAI.R 7-pamenger Cadlllie ! In god condition, newly paint-1 ed. 1150, by owner. Inquire! at llorald. 11-tCj FOR SALE 1826 Chevrolet on- ton truck- Doable transmis sion, frame extension, 321 ' tires on rrar, Th's truck In excellent shape. Locke Motor Co.. 522 Sooth Cib, Chevrolet agency. J2-Jt FOR SALE I CA80LIXB WASHER with mo-j tor built In. (35. C. it. M. Keen. 704 Delta St. 12-15 j FOR SALE Good Underwood ' typewriter. Almost new. 135. ' Inquire Herald office. 9-13 FOR SALE One team logging horaea with harness. S2oM.0tt. One heary team 3100. C. H. U. Keen. 704 Delta. 12-15 FOR SALE Well selected mil liner Block and novelties. Good location, reasonable rent. Own er moat leave. Write Box IK. Newa. , 11-1 FOR SALE Store fixtures, also cash register, two show cases, wall cabinet with lots of draw ers. Cheap. Walter II. Lever etto. Medford. Ore. 11-13 FOR SALE Must s-U my late model. But Coup iter on ac count of alcknes. Can give terms. Phone 43. Mr. SheK ton. - ' 10-3t FOR - a pair mi siert iub wuku. 1 pair wood log wheels with tractor attachment. 1 Beat (0 tractor, with mad " shoes. " 4 heavy tractor cable solve blocks. ' 4 heavy steel tractor log wag , ona with extra parts. CAMPBELL-TOWLg LBR. CO. Spragoo River. Oregon. 12-13 For Sale Real Estate FARMS FOR INVESTMENT 7 ACRES. ' cheep water" righf, good potato and alfalfa land, on fine highway. A double chance to make some money due' to the fact that two oil rigs are drilling nearby. Noth ing wrong. Just a snap. 337.60 per acre, easy payments, ten years to pay t interest. 80 -ACRES. ImproTad.-cIooeT in. located in beat pouto- produc ing section. Might consldet clear city property for part payment. Price 16500. Terms. If you want the best garden I and berry land close In. see Fair 1 Acres. i3Qt per acre. Small pay ment down, balance 34.05 per month. SELAK & TRACY N Realtors (09 8. th St. Phone 99 13-13 : : : FOR SALE 1100 ACRES excellent bottom land with 3 mUea Klamath frontage. .15 miles from Klamath FalU. Can be dl- . A bargain for quick sale. 130 FEET on Klamath Ave. in two pieces: near Wlllard' Hotel and Court House. 80 ACRES southwest of Klam ath Falls, near Ortndale school. Good county road. . House. barn. well. Good subdivision proposition, near Weyerhaueaef tract. Bargain at 33200. 320 ACRES timbered land north east of Bonania. In oil terri tory. Only 36.25 per acre. SQUAW POINT, oa rpper Klam ath Lake, adaptable for sum mer resort or lorin. t.. i saae irontage. .720 ACRES, Meadow lake, house, I cultivated: lota of adtoeent range. Good stock proposition. $10 per acre. Will exchange ior improved nearby property. enn nrvr xt-i n atreet offices. singly or in auites: convenient to court house. , ' MRS. L. B. HAGUE 210 Willlt Bldg. ! Phone 237 Insurance Loans Realty All kinds ot legal blanks. 12-13 11575 Dandy 3-room furnished nonse on pavementi Large lot, good location. Easy terms. eiovv iew f-room home, cor ner lot on pivement Basement, hardwood floors, nook, garage. urepiace, etc. ,.A real home. .Liberal terms. 15600" -s Beautlfuf new stucco home" In' fine district. Corner tot. .-on pavement, fireplace. hardwood floors, basement, ce ment foundation, etc. Torms. lOol pef front foot will hnv fine piece of Alain street prop- -srijr, inrcatigate tnts. A. A. BELfcMAN & CO. Realtor 20 N. 7th St. phon 158 I -w?i'i- -Real Ettate . FOR BALE 10 acres of good' mt'iilao tanil. hv narner. Five For Sal room bouao and other bldg. -,u' inquire at Herald otlktt. 1-11 1 FOR SALbV A-l paying buaiaesa. owing to other lie-ape. A i money getter. New and used. 1 gooda. To right man snap. I C. Dick. 230 aln St. t-13 FOR SALE Sawmill and timber east of Matin. For particular I write or Inquore of Bryant lit. Lumber Yard. Malta. Ore, -15 WILL SACRIFICE) On fine proposition. A real opportunity to party with soma money to put over a line Income property. Mnat . see to appreciate thia bay.. If Interested in real buy, see its today. A. A. BELLMAN t CO. - Realtor : - 120 No. 7th SL Phone 1(1 FOR SALE 246-scre ranch. Will aell all or part. 1(0 acre A-l potatoes. House and other buildings. 200 . chickens, 7 head of sheep, all young black- -faced, Hampahlres; seven good work horses. Three good milk cows'. 126 acres under paid-tip water right, 82 arrea under government ditch. For partic ulars call at Herald office, or Phone 1419. ,12tf OWN THIS ONE ' ' Hie 4-room home In ' Hot i-'-L) Springs Addition on corner lot',. ;g has hardwood floors, garage In basement, sleeping porch, break-' "n fast nook, etc. $250 down, bal ance like rent.- ; WHY PAT RENT OR BCT FURNITURE ' when yon can buy a dandy little home, all furnished, for $50.00 . down; and the balancs Ilk rent. i . 32 ON YOUR INVESTMENT '. , Get this one quick. We can " I deliver a small property which I Is Plying 32 percent on the In- J vestment. The best buy In Kiam- ata ails. - - - e - TRI-STATES REALTY CO. ' - - ' Realtors Phone 1050 1134 Main 11-13 FOR RENT FOR RENT 2-room. and 5-roon 5-room 11-14 iapt. 433 No. 10th St. FOR RENT 4-room apartment. turnlHBed. 825 Lincoln; 11-15 . FOR; felJNT '-. S-room furnished - hoase. 1309 Sargent Avenue. Phone 1018 ' 12-18 FOR RENT Houaa and garage for winter, to responsible party. , $15. Right away. 122 Lincoln. 11-15 . FOR RENT Hoose next to bath house. See Connolly Bros. - 11-1S FOR RENT Partly furnished ' house, close' In: 8,14 Lincoln. 11-1? FOR RENT 4-room partly tar nished house, with bath, water and garage. Near school. Phone 322-R. 12-13 FOR RENT Well furnished apartment with regular bed room. Clean,, quiet, close la. $30. St. Francl Apt.. 82 Oak St. .- . 11-17 FOR RENT 4-room furnished hoase. 316 E. Main. Bath' and garage. 1 35 a month. ' phone 333-W. 11-12 FOR RENT- New 5-rootn prick house, Bath, garden roof, basement and garage. ' Aply box 13 Herald. S-lS FOR RENT Furnished 2-room houses, $18.00 month. 483 Plum. Phona 644-J. A4-S4 FOR REST Furnished, apart ments. Reduced ratoa. Coxy Ipts.. 58 Main SL 30-13 FOR RENT First class tarnish ed apartment. Steam heated. McCarthy Apt., (30 Pin. Phona 800. AS-S FOR RENT 2-room apartment) i also sleeping room at 612 Oakr Ave. Inquire 806 Oak. 8-12"' ' ROOMS -' 697-W. 820 Lincoln. Phone J27-A27! FOR RENT Completely furnish- ed apta. Garage, paring, new . v- .building. Just oft Mala tret lIH on Broad. Rex Arm Apt. Phona 1116. J20-A30 FOR RENT Furnished mrt . apt., 2 room and bath, ,'lee , trie range, hot water. Gang. $35. 1(15 Esplanade. Phon 794-W.. ' ... JH-S1 FOR RENT Completely furnish ed apta.; garage, new building. Just off Main on Broad. ' Rex Arms. Phone 1116, J20-A20 POR R3NT We ran , fotf big money at the Arcide Hotel . Apartments, . furnished com. pletely, electric ranges, linen, dishes, and telephone. - Or room with private bath at real cut to permanent guests. Arrade. . M9-Ji a ilia ; ".1 i.i ! '( f I ' I t J as -Ay-?"' CiastT ov wra ttcavicK. inc?v firs t' s pat arv. - , ; m - - 1 11 1 ..'!"J. u -saun, jbv ..... join .ii. -"i a ' ,.i ' . .- . a ". .. . - ' .. . -.. s ; ; --.. .tic i ... ....'. f . ) . , ,,.,..- , i. ' I , . i -