Tape Four THE EVENIXfl HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OKF.C.ON Sittuiiliiv. Awirimt 13, 1127. T. li. MALARKKY V. H. 1'KKKINr) ..... F. Ii, E.SULI8H. iHCornnn IIUI LUIU ed by V. A. Jonea (or mi auto mobile ari'lilniil which, occurred yesterday on the Klnmath Falls. PI flIMC M L T n I 1 U"j''. nn Isoldes In Med bUillllld m u-1 M Li sTm. isrs ,r: m ill b out rara Au Important rovtdcd. for thou UU- meeting of the - ..fcdltor Advertising Manage ............. Business Manager f Lakevlew highway between Oleu ufrirurm .f lb church In culled (or Ileal Tuei-ilay evening at the Building t 7.30 Ing. "Hung In Ih.. Night." MIii;i- j tnlUvd mul uip.ilile teachers wl 1 rtreel. All Inlereited r Invited hard; "Alurvhe Iti.qialnu," Uiu-' nun lining and old to Ih ( Mr. N. II. lire o( til Nnrlh noil. I 'rlnua Hum.' Arthifr tiriihb. m- Ninth street ha Invited Ih wo- uted us second I..k matter at the poatoftlc at Klamath Talla, Oregon, on August 30, lflu, under art of Congress March 3. 1871 Delivered by Carrier ' ll- cm Tar ....... .ii.bo (in Month Kin Months .... .. 1.60 Three Months Hire Mnntha . l.tS Six Months On ,!outh .64 On Year .. Mail 1..0 BEF QUND Jfc''.i'lll Z r7!Cherjie of O. A. C. Dean i Denied by Federal Mining Official ;'lty Library o'clock. t.00 I Ii Associated Press Leased Wire " Member of Audit Bureau of Circuation I'ORTt.ANP. Ore, Aug. I J. Kord. took road an.l that ho roul.l not avol.l kl.AM ATM TKMI'I.K. striking the approaching anloino- ( Eighth and Oak Streets bile without plunging into ,th liuy Devrlos. pastor ditch. He elected to crash, and ( are undenominational and both car Were badly damaged, preach the full gospel. Salvation j (or Ih aoul, healing for Ih body, (iiinlnn MurAiilay Hon" ' ,he baptism of th Holy Spirit ISorUou MacAulay, formerly of i ,, h,ra r,url , j,,,,,, this rlty and now making hi aa ()(IP king, home in .Vlnishficld. la the Thi. ni.. .ir. .. '"'th corner o( Seventh ami Main eek end meat o( (rlemla or for th Culled Statea interior department, la not aatiatied with i a .declaration of Dean Newton of ii Member of th Associated Press h Oregon Agricultural College Th Xortated Tren la exclusively entitled to th us or republics I school of mluea ronrernlnir th.i tlun lit all news dispatches credited o it or not otherwise credited ' mystery whit metal of Joae ' In I li'a paper and nlao the local news published therein. All Hunts phlne coumr of republication of special dispatchca herein ar also reserved -There Is metal In th rocks Ct, ,..,!.,., A, 10 in.)T ' 1 ot -,'Phlne and Dour I as coun- oaiui nay, xugut io, m-i. j OT or t m ,n8 worst-duped j I man in urcjeon. aam Hov-er. "I , V. 8. Itoyer. diatrict tnapect- Klamath Kalle. Mr. Mar Aulav ' strtl. Sunday school i in, Ttvie Unn.lc- DHrf i..,7 C.. am ready and willlnn lo o to! MftCO, 111UllO, J. 111 11 m U.ttlJ 'th mat with Dean Newton and Here From (iolil Hill plaua io reiurn non.e to in nay m. Mornlna worahlp 11 ciiy u.morrow. ii is regtaiereu : Sei-inon subject: "The I. o s I at the Hotel Hall. : fhrlal.-' Youim people's meeting (at 6 o'clock followed by a street leaving tor Koaort 'meeting. Housing evangelistic llert Hull of th Hotel Hull service at 716 p. in. Music by plana to leave In the morning for Temple orchestra under the Lake a- llx Woods where h will1 direction of ,Mr. l'ellett. Hood, spend the week end. expecting to bright song service aud testimony return home on Monday after- . meeting and a , meaaage from nmn- Ood'a word entitled "The Other - 'Side." . ... line bureau or mines. I want to 1J(ie Sixth street property owners are confronted with ; ,,,. ,new, raKia a most exasperating situation. Paving at the end next ; 'take water' . or admit that 1 to Matin street is full of holes and jet it is not an oldih" ." . Ti , . . Boyer. who la interested In pavement It was a piece of paving that proved worth- ! ,he qullon of n,...,!, ,u jessjljut it was paid lor by the property owners---paid ! southern Oregon so that his de for in good money. Now, they must pay again." .They iment may. 'f nary. re- 7 ; v .if (classify Oregon and California must Iay ;another pavement because the first pavement graat Und,. ha Just returned provfid Worthless. ' . . , . . ' from Orauts Pass, where he made I i ten. a. m nine oi ine leal Ifow would you like to have that experience? Would- . he got from one half ounce to J of th I . CHURCHES - n t it make your blood boil a little? Of course it would. ,is ounce of whit metai( usiug i Lt us look into the future. We do not want anv "UOHl "nl Punn or rotk to a morai of the Sixth street experience. And Sixth street is not the only street in Klamath Falls where pavement and proved faulty not by any means. Drive the town ovef'f("'' and judge for yourself. . raving laid without a guarantee to property owners. Paving laid under specifications that evidently were weak. Paving laid with poor inspection. ! Who was the city engineer when these jobs were' done? Ution to Hungary to attempt to recover Transylvania and to Rus sia to recover Bessarabia. The transfer of those territories ha I uaue sore spots wnich manv ihink are festering to the dinner Who was the city engineer when the Sixth street job ; point. But neither Hungary nor acconted bvtheritv j Russia Is likely to attack. The w as accepted by tfte city . . . f; 1 t "on, . holding the reins Why was the guarantee for a period of years ever ; too tightly. removed from the contracts? - All of these questions are timely and come quickly Langell Valley into the minds of Sixth street property owners who now After First Prize are forced to dig up for another pavement. i - - At County Fair i no nuujvvi. vi ivaua aim pai ciutfiiLS is one inai is I I'rayer service wednendny eve- le .l VI t U v .... VV. ..7. ."-.... nlng, tnolr practice Thuradiy and C. KB Davie and alster. all evening with. Mrs. Devrlos lead resident of tlold HUI. are regla- lnr. s.rllU). ,, mrwK, on tered at the Hotel Hall loday. ; ,h, Holv s,,,rU folowwl u, , , prayer and tarry meeting. You are cordially Invited tu attend these services. During the temporary absence f the puator the services will be conducted., by the He v. W. J. ! Dorniau. Come aud bring your " i friends. We will pray for the KIKST 1UITIST HCICH sick at the close o( the service Bible school 9:S0 a. m. Morn- Sunday evening. ,r ing worship and sermon 11.00 1 ' a. m. Kvening service S:00 p. m. : PKKSIIYTKIIIAN t ilt Hell Juat the nld-fauhinnnif tn.n.1 V'A ; -I . .. I. . i . i . metal not accounted invite you to worship with us. th morning sermon at th I'res t byterian church net Sunday. The iur l I III IM II Itev. n. V. Hulghl will be back In 102S High Street , th pulpit atter thrue wwk' C. V. Hoffman, pastor. absence. "I am convinced." says Sunday school :30 a. m. Morn- Mr. Ilalichl. "thut moat Chrla lng service 10:.t0 a. m. Sermon linns do not reallie how much on the text: "Let him that think- 0( life they uiiaa. and by how nur eth he standeth take heed lest ; row a margin. In spite of a he fall." The Bible class will great deal of ignorance concern meet Monday evening at 7:S0. ing th faith, it Is not Ignorance Jthat Is. the cause of so many dull 1MMAM KL IIAITIST CliriM H or defeated Uvea, for there Is 11th and High also a considerable measure of R. K. Mulholland. pastor understanding. It would not be Bible school at :45. The hard to state the eiiiluniit'.i.n ; lest. He said the lest showed percentages of lead and antimony some All the boys and gliia will be 1 alatanl auvrluteiili'iit, la m men of Ih church and their I trie mla in lir hum for in scuii f mi a! annual Silver Tea of thfl Mission- eager to hear the Junior sermon, clui a this nioiilh a rexulur l.niui'.. or I he moruliigl Wcduea.Uy evening al ervlce. i larae group will meet for sllr- Al prece.lliig the morn-Uuiul (ellouslilp. pruyer, and Ing service the Siiii.lny school Mu.ly nt the word al Hie home vonvenea. It la fully depni tuieii- j o( III puator, AH North Second ary Kocleiy. There will be a tuu l, ul pioKium and a Ulk on th work In l hu riilllppln lalaud by Mra. 1 1. V. Iliilkht. arwvsav jSWaaBVSTavrs' ' I n. ! aISlD, ' f V - a tm am a, (Jit . M 'J HI EE-WIRE - tjo:srQjAji3 homo P'W WIRING a YSTEM -jbr lifetime service study of h Bible Is worth while I nor would It be hard for many for old and young. Do not miss ' who are losing or have lost the i ever.ueiore us since tne merciless manner in which prop- , " """" Drag. out. i.t: -m erty jowners have been treated here on street improve-! that they win again take first ment in the past. an opportunity. Morning worship at 11. Sub- honors in Klamath county booth W- rp now ahnnt n onl.r , e . compettion at the annual - -w aa.v au Cl A VI vUUlllJ Yonng people meet at T p. m. Evening service at 8. Everybody always welcome. Christian Science Society Tenth at Washington Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. Sunday service, 11:00 a. m. Coil n I V f u IT thh va.v I J ! n I rnnrf hnilrlino ' A rtnlf rvtillinn Hnlloi-a hu. kom. .i-;!i,'nnl.r i trn- . . ' . . .1 1 1 " - .......v.. J iiii.i Ul.u nkiuiikj ' nruci. V I rial J oi lUV langell voted by the people. But in voting that money the -peo- ' Talley nmunity club. i pie expect, , as'they have a right to expect, well con-! lflrT k?" I Strucfed, Standard highways. ' . ... . .: ilii ' Hopkins ara stocking hard on hei FT1. T? TT tJ J 1 l.-t i ' avhlhil A KA..a . a. i . . . . " t v""c" """" 'uc' be erown in K'-itnnth mriii k. ! .uWl lor tne morning serv- the' organs at loth services aftd for we believe it is necessary to have highways through-:on exhibit" " 1 , August 11. -Soul." ! will play an offertory at the eve- out the country in order to open up for settlement the i Mr. Keiier said that indication. I ,JL IT'"" m,,"d Jt n""t . "f rT1 of her own tam' rich iands. of this basin. A majority of the voters saw J-.nted , . banner crop year m i -r;aTe,day0mThu" ; K: ! It .7 rtr hop of knowing the glowing life of victory. Joy. and peace, to gain the experience. And It" la my faflh that many In Klamath Kails will soon learn the secret, i The messages of thl pulpit Ihe : com in fall shall he aimed at giving jprartlrnl help toward this. ; end. Mrs. Halght and I enjoyed a uvi.gi.uui iu.ii.iuu ami are giaa I to be btu k home with our friends tiujh tira Rrmmbet also If you arc hmUiriR, inrrruct yum aitlu'tctt or contractor to j ccily a 0 E W'iriny System. If yuur electrical wirinR if n"t ad-iti;.tc nml convenient, your home can c.r-ily W nuKK-rtuzeJ. Cull a "CHECK" SEAL Electtical Cmtrjctoi anJ a.sk him to rc-wiie with the 0 E WIRING SYSTEM. I Ic will do a quick, clean ji b. If you desire, convenient payments can lc arranged. The G E Wiring System, now standard equipment in modern homes, is a system of hotwvwring cinbtidyinp; adequate outlets conveniently controlled and u.-ing G E materials throughout. ' t ' ' i Remember, before a Contractor ot Retailer can display the "Check" Seal, he mu5t prove to us by his standards of workmanship and by the quality of the materials he ue, that he deserves your confidence. Look ft r the "Check" Seal an J be turd Wednesday evening meeting at ' of Kla :. Mrs.rkeev. Wcinirr. will h-t lng serv- th the matter in the same light. ' ' i This newspaper pledged efficient and economical Justice of Peace highway construction with the half milu'en dollar bond f t r T j issue!; We still pledge it, for we believe the present j 1 LCye Oday on county court will not undertake road construction with j Ten Day Vacation out employing the best ability possible to secure in road j " , , . .. , . . . , .. U x. . , ..... , ! At last, sighed W. B. Barnes, building. It takes ability. The neophyte and inexperi- Justice of the peace, as be closed enced cannot build highways. This was plainly. Been ' docket, shuffled through a when, the market road supervision was placed in the .nP.?X .rose' hands of the state highway commission because so many j his desk this afternoon, counties insisted on attempting to build market roads in i "Tni ,he Ust tlme 1 " the old fashioned war which resulted in an absolute eT:.0:,.' bearing' waste" of the people's raoney. Not intentional, to be cure, tance. "I'm on my way tomor but nevertheless, it was a waste. Seeing this repeated ' row ormng for Grants Pass, by several counties,' the legislature passed a law placing ; 2?,".; .7," Z'. supervision of the market road building in the state high- : where I win finish up my vaca way ; department where trained engineers and trained ,loB-" day ana turaay. Tne public is ' Maclntfre; Hymn" by lxane: cordially Invited to attend th t Postlude. "Duke Htreet." Whlt- serrices room. and use the reading i that "Check" Seal Cleetrical Retailers aril Quahiy j rUrtriral PACIFIC STATES , ELECTRIC COMPANY . vv ZMcnhanJix Distriliilor CENERAL ELECTRIC o ! sacrfd HKAitT riu nrii Kigl.th and High Streets Rer. A. F. Loeser Ilev. C. B. Feige ! Runday masses at :30, 8:00 1 land 10:30. Kvening devotion all 7:30. Week-day mass at 7:00 a. m. Merrill, first and third Sun-' days at 10:30. All are cordially' welcome at our. service. i Barnes Overrules ST. road builders were responsible for the work. . Thvaa aea Viln-t. A K J J l.A'l :n: j 1, . .. '-"7 " aouars is ail , . r ... nm ' operation and there w the road money this county can expect for years to come, i-, .,eone"1 isemurrer u.e onJy n . m With'lt properly apent the county will have a good road ! Demurrer of Fred Leonettl to wl" be ,,he V"- BVatfirn onrl tliuf ia -n.W . -i..J rr-i ! .1. . , . . 1 and TisltOr in town ..K.uv...t o . uic uuuun .acii; VUUJU, Illa; f;.i..nrfieiiieni. ui county court has witnesed plenty 6f waste, prior to its 3 ch" preferred by his t-i. .1 ...l.a. :l . - . ;f"rmer employer. Joe Rorco t"-"""" '"": aiiuws wiiat u means to nave in- was overruled late yesterday af. PAl'l.'H KPlStOPAl. ! CliriM'H TJie Friendly Church Kigbth at Jefferson Rev. J. Henry Thomas Church Phone 21S-W. House Phone 216-R. The summer schedule Is In 111 be serv-. The rector Stranger; are espe-! daily Invited to this service. ' IF tOU THK HAI.VATIO.V ARMY experienced men undertake big things. And the Herald h" Justice of the Peace! KannZ offi-i cers In charge. i Meetings Tuesday, Thursday ' holds to the belief that the emirf jjill oiimni . j w- B- Barnes, and the case ten- u...i.i: ,.t..., I, . . . -"-"'f;.'"' tatlvely set for trial two weeks uuuuHiS niinuuv cAjicnenirea enginenng, careiui super- hence. , ! the! leonettl had alleged that facts stated In the complaint1 signed by Rorco and filed by the vision and competitive bidding, all of which combine to insure the road dollar doing its full share in providing Klamath county people with the. highways which they desired to badly they were willing to further take on a ,0 cowHnt a cause of action. 'debt f a half million dollars, ' and Saturday, 8 p. m. Sunday morning holiness meet ing. 11 a. m. Jlomhanla'a 1'crlls Discounted Baltimore Sun: Probably the death bf King: Ferdinnnd of Iton mantai will further Inflame the district attorney, office failed ' , f'oraPan-v n"?etinf tnT children. Young People's Legion, 6:30 1 p. m. . tg I Salvation Meeting, 8 p. m. i All meetings preceeded by an ' open-air meeting on Sixth and ' . . ... , 1 Main street. . " ui me car oeanng tbn . ratirnpla li . I cumstances the report that mar-' whoever ha might be, was Mam-! . tiui law has been declared is rea- JZditorial Opinion From Over Nation California Driver j Blamed For Crash ! "Come for all things are now sonable. Yet It Is likely that arrange- polltl.p of that notably Inflam- menu have been made which will mable country. There always Is j prevent domestic unrest and dls a whirligig of varied ; domestic i order from getting completely be politirs that Is quite beyond theiyond hounds; and it Is altogeth- understandlng or all save natives ;er likely that the International and those outsiders' who lake up , situation Is sufficiently in hand Obituary 1HKST HI Fran The KHT MKTIIOIHHT t lll ltfll ity Library Building nk L. Wemett, minister pastor speaks at 11:00 ........ ... o'clock on the subject: "Mar-i IXHMK M.IHGAItKT KtllMOK. , Iou (ir.ce. You will enjoy' Louise Margaret, the beloved h. .n.,.i.t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry j Attention Is called to the Bible B" "'i"11 discord after: rest at an early hour last eve-1 Bundav niornlrTa-6 The H r .7 a, , k !r"u,""na oeatn leading to the nlng,-after an illness of a week's ble class taual i bv Mr Ilem To the ordinary lnflnnunnhl. explosion In the Balkans of duraiinn si,. ... i t... . .7. ass, latignt ny Mr. itomi ..t.i . a.,..a . ol rauon. She was in her tenth Und the MUoah clusa for women .,,c ...c ins , " " curone uvea in constant vear Mt H,. i,. i. i Former Crown Prince Carol's j fear. Vnder all the tension of . ni,u.. h. maneilrers and his support In Europe there Is at work a steady I. .i.,. v.. will to prevent wars, because, in ; passing. ,The remains were en thls period at least, no Important i trusted to the care of I. A. Tow government there can afford war ' ey, undertaker, or dare face the consequences at j , The funeral will he held Bnn home ir there should be a serious day afternoon from the Bonanza t' ,,, ..... " . i -htVch at two o'clock with Itev. Trouble. ,110h (t Roummila iio, Anderson officiating. Intcr may -bav In the week ahead ment will follow In the family would one have been an lnvl-piot In Bonanza cemetery. the army, the well-nigh bound leas Ambitions of Queen Marie and fliA inevltuhle. striving to control or undermine the regen cy which will rule during the lu funry of the child king, Michael, on ot Carol and grandson of Ferdinand. The boy Is not yet .1 years pld. Vnder all these clr- and the Mlzpah class for women, taught by Mrs. (leorge Casper, I are centers of real Interest. j An evening service under the auspices of the Kpworth League will be held at the Williamson I River church nt 7:00 o'clock. I Residents of the reservation and I the people of Fort Klamath will participate In the meeting. Friends are asked to meet at the I corner of Tenth and High streets! at 4:45, where transportation 1 JUL HAVE' OPEN A' SAVINGS ACCOIJNT HERE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK ' ? Member Federal Reserve Bank v