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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1927)
J Friday, August 12, 127. TUB EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Face NIn ARKET PLACE : f. 0 M FLYERS READY L ( Preparation Made for T r a n Atlantic Hop from Paris to N. Y. I'AIUH. Auk. 13. (AIM All of I'm French pilou preparing for a westward- If ans-Aliunde f I Ik lit were St Lcboiirgul today, and the general almnaphcro was tense with Ilia belief among the apocta tor lliat nut msuy tuor hour would go by bufor utim on of III four inrn would Ink the tlr fur Nw York. The aky w bluer than ll haa Inrn In wecka. but report! front the nilil-AtUntlr mid New Fuuudlund const were not o optimistic a appearance In rn. Tlio Bluebird, with L:n (llron at lh atlrk. rerniiiinlterrd the first slag ut lite luni hop by go lf., to Churhourt . and back In flva noura ami live minutes. The hip broke a lire on landing. Th extent of th load carried In tha test waa kept ret. but , lilvoa aald thai ho was aatlaflcd with th leat. i PrrinrnlloM Mmli Maurice Urouhln and Chnrlca GLASSES Tfr numincit. Firtrt) irnl llv? GUtto CiiKiitJ tn nut un iuuny tn tmtt )r iaJnnJM mint. Broken Lcnte Replaced DR.GOBLE'S 10 MAIM t?JCIT Bungalow Camps CanadianVaafic its . dislinctivt camp v. her jiy clnthrs com ' , fort (nil healthful r creslionsohanditvlund hucli up in the fincsf. nioniiluni mvm-ry m tin ' unrfj. Mixlesl accomo Jatinin ond wholesome cuuinrwill appeal lo all the family: i-ou' Summtr Hail h'aret nd moderate daily com at cunp will lit any vacation budget. I'lcniy lo do - riding, hik 1 ing. tithing. boatinK. camphrr under the stars. Oet Uuni(ilote Camp literature now. rr I W CsssJiss Psrihc TwV.r't Chdssi U OooJ tht WcU Ovn. HDcconCV'nfPawDcptr Third St fortisnd Mulinomsh Hotel side J MOM'N POR. I SUPPOIS VO0 KNOW i."T MfKING OUR !ltAN0S JZAICWj Mv5 . .sultco im rop ooiMti f,Hfl POLMR CXPC0ITIOM NITH r MAM HflMtV DNG HOP r -rr A. Levin were on Urn fli'ld aludylng mapa In preparation fur Ilia projected return flight of (he llulluma tuoniiplaiio Columbia. Levins aald lhal aoma peopl dls-i-ouragi'd a hop off tomorrow lw raua It waa Friday and aoiiie the mil because It war the thir teenth, but Ihct waa a certain twliikln In hla eye wlun ho add I'd, that therefore, he and lirnuMr, iiilKhl Iiiiv lo piatpoii the lake olf until Sunday. Discussing the 12(1,0110 prize of fi rril by Hi u I'hlludiilphla .Bul letin fur Ilia flral flight from a European capital to I'll I lu il-l ph lu . Levlne aald If It wit allll day light when ih Columbia roai li ed N'tw V ik, be might go ou lo Philadelphia. (Ilvon ou the other hund, auld, "If ( git lo Ni-w Vnrk I will be as hnpiiy to ae Ihv alatui of lllii'rty that I wou't worry about being any further." IIVK TF.FTII l.M.F.IUl M. NEW VOIIK. A. IX. IAPi A dog with a minimum of fit teeth la diiigi'ruua riiuugh In muzzle, rule a locul rourt. even If senile, rheumatic and peace able. Danipvy friil Kid Herman lMraua h aorkud lb" vg-cliaiup ou Ilia noan. A aparrlug partni-r Inuda. II ai'i'ma, a grrjl llfn If you don'l b-ak 'I in. An viper! complalna that Hliar kcy in uk i-a few frlvnd wlilln lirnipavy haa doirna of 'rln That a all right. Ilolh pug are going Into the ring on at a llnir: j Road Oil Qeaning Our 8) at en 1 Hornet bin; New and Dvtter thaa tb Ukl Hud Sjatem Car WsahecJ Motor Cleaned Varaani Clean el Cs I We call for and deliver Phone 606 NEW SYSTEM AUTO LAUNDRY Ksplnimdo near Kast Main VVvV'i VOO CrTV FEV.V-E.Rs . I in ii i hi w, " r"iww-niiiw einv v ata Msvut, mc 7 StE MK fRICSON- eoTHPOOClH WITH IS TH6 flM6 WAY n''lA S HPPEeJfcl?" S I v i.W-s- w.- I V, McWflr; MG'O U,r I THIS rJOVM TlifiT HC'S j BRAvC AND FCARLCSS, M W'"'V ' rZT I V MlMOFf y inuTcn-iT' . Awn oAmFO Hip 1 1 Rk' . -TT r ' C I ? 1 I j ,i .. A .... a roij: ccr m'l umi ( I'.i i i - , . .c- a p f I . . .. . . - 1 l'r- 1 1 &l s ' II I I L KLAMATH BOYS If CI T Spud Judging Team May Enter I'acific interna tional This Fall i Tliul two Klninath youtha yet lo be named inny again at templ to carry off the honor In the potato Judging rouleat at thv I'arlflr lulvrnatloiiHl Kxhlhlllou at Portland Ihla fall wis the. an- , nouitrement yealerday of Krunk Ki'iton, county club leadi-r. "V hope lo maks arrange-1 menta lo hara Klamath rluba, repreaented at the I'arlflr Inter-1 nullunal," Mr. Hexton aald. I Luat year Carl liehllnger and i I. eland Triplet!, composing Ihv Klamath team, look aecond hon ors at the I'acific International and were but S polnta behind the winning team. The Klamath boya competed with teams from Ore gon. Waahlngtno and Idaho, Iht'lalon haa been definitely nin de to aeud a county club live stock Judging loam lo compete with oilier Oregon club team at the atute fulr In Salem Iho lut week In Bepteniber. Mr. Kexion and County Agent ('. A. Henderson are now aelect lug candidates for the team and will put the boya through rigor ous training before Ihey enter competition. rolUhrd fcrpert Greasing Free Crank Ctw Service and OU The At the Liberty I'eto Morrlaon alur of "Htain- pt'de Thundi-r hlih I allowing 1 ul th Liberty for tli laat llu..-.t"'M ""l'ny .l.-rk. All a today, rlalma Hint Lightning the j "u,"r " "d '!'' hor w. that pluy au h an Import-! 1.1,1 ourl In lh .rl. l Wli.rt.a ' Morrlaon I making, la " nmr, human na a boMo ifu ,bj In 'this atory I'eUi la ictplurrd by ruatlers, 'hut hla htirae e ; cu pes. What Lightning doe at thla time In the photoplay la' u n eiceptlonul feat for 4 horan. I Tomorrow, fir Saturday - only, I Jack I'mrln. In 'llldln" West," a alory of the Arizona border, lie one of thou exciting wcrtTners' that never fall to pli-aae the pa-1 Irons of III Liberty.- To ml this picture Is mlaalng cne of the best of Mr. I'errln'a rehlclea. Let nothing keep you away. TIIK LAST Jl.tV'S I.l II New Voik World: It mut have been a solemn eVeiit,' this i hot meeting of thrt IjiSt Min'i club which was Held tne oiner night In Stillwater. Mlu.. when three withered veteran, of 'be Civil war sat about a table and drank the bottle of Ilurgundy that bad been kept from July 21. USG. the day on which the club was founded. One often reads of such things In books: oue sel dom reads of them In the newn ps pers. What must puxzle any soldier Is how the club came to b fuuuded at all. Such a club could bo conceived only by men of romantic Imagination. Jlnt how could enough auth men have elided In Company B. Klmt Minnesota regiment, to keep the club going for more than forty years? As every man know who has served In the army. It la al most Impossible to collect the members of any organization for so much as a reunion dinner. If the organlrntlnn was a large one. like a division, per hips enough will show up to make the occa sion a lively one ei til I per. cent of id. Oimi men enn whoop I up -a pretty good banquet. Hut company dinners are sad af-l fairs. The notice are sent out. and for a week In adv.nrc there Is greut talk of a fine attendance. Hut those who show up usually Hero ln luili, Mi" - captain. . the first lieutenant, lb general who made a upeclal trip from Washington to b prniifiit. tliH anpply Mr grant, two tni'fi who wtar Irunn f. rrid Into the rompony a wi-k iM'Torn It aulU'd for homo, and ait dln- l that " '-' "'" n1'" ',1,r lt'"' ' X 11"- ner. What bond was there that brought . Company H of the Klml Minnesota regiment togeth er every yeurn? One would like lo heur the Inside atory of that Last Mau'a club. NEW TODAY KOH KAI.K- Kisy Dr. A. A. Smile. 12' KOII ItKXT house. UHS I'hone ID IK. 4-room furnished Kargeut Avenue. IMS ANTKU--Kxperieuced egg ran dier. Kwlft t Co. 12 H)lt It K. NT furnished. -4-room apartment. 82a Lincoln. 12-15 i holt HKNT 4-room partly fur nished house, with bath, water and garage. Near school. I'hone J22-II. 12-1.1 UASOL1NK WASIIKK with mo tor built In. lii. V. II. M. Keen. T04 lelta St. 12-1.7 Foil SAI.K One team logging horses with harness. 1200.00. On heavy team. 1100. C. H. M. Keen. 74 Ixdta. 12-15 l.OT Two davenirt cushions between Kljmulh Falls and Malln, August !th. Ileturn to News or Mrs. Everett Johhson. Malln. 12-14 FOIl SALE 192 Chevrolet one ton truck. !ouble transmis sion, frame extension. 32x6 tires on rear. Th.s truck in excellent shape. Locke Motor Co.. &23 South 6tb. Chevrolet agency. 12-3t WOCI.D n-staurant man. who wanted to buy tent show in Portland two weeks ago. com municate with Herald, box 99. 12-21 FOIl SALE 24ii-arre ranch. Will sell all or part. 100 acres A-l potalties. House and other buildings. MU chickens. 7 head of sheep, all young black fared Hampshire; seven good wifrk horses Thri (rood milk cows. 126 Hcres under pafd-up w iter right. S2 acres under government ditch. For partic ulars cill at Heruld office, or phone 1419. li't FOR SALE 1 pair . Heat steel log wheels. I pair wood log wheels with tractor attachment. 1 Rest 60 tractor, with mud shoes. 4 heavy tractor cable shive blocks. 4 heavy steel trnctor log wag ons with extra parts. CAMI'BEl.lTOWLE LBR. CO. Sprague River. Oregon. 12-IS Markets Itulter. ' lOUTLANI), Ore.. Aug. 12. 0 -Butter: Standards aud butter- fnt 'Up ijc. Wholesale prices. Extra cubes city 41'i: standar I.- ii prima iirsis tni; iir. . il7H: creamery prices: Print: .V iibpve cube slandards; butleifai 42i fob Portland. 1 I :. .Milk. .. Milk: Butterfut up lo farmer: Haw milk He: bids 4 percent,! 8.28 cwt fob Portland butterlat I 42 fob Portland. Kgjes. Eggs steady: current receipts 23c: fresh mediums 23; Tr-sh standard .firsts 27: ditto extras 2S. Poultry. Poultry steady. Less S per rent commission: lleav hens 21 t3: light 12Jjl4- sprint; :: broilers lSil; Pekin white ducks IS: colored nominal: tar keys alive nominal. Onlous steady; local 1.76 ft 2.00: pota toes steady. 2. 60 Jt 3.25 sack. NEW TODAY KAUl.ll roil IWK.VIMKNT C 7 A' ltK.S, 4 heap water risht, good p'ltato and all Ufa land, on fine highway. A double chance to make some money due lo the fart that two oil rlics arevlrMIIng nearby. Noth ing smug. Juki a anan. t'i" .f0 M-r acre, easy payment , ten years to pay 6 Interval. 0 ACKKH. Improved, close In, loirsii'd In berit pot i'o pri.Mluc- .ng section. MlKbl consider , clear city projiertv for part payment. I'rlce Jli.'.MO. Tsrms. If you want the bent garden end le-rrv land clone In. see Kair Acres. 3m per acre. Small pay ment down, balance. 11.05 per mouth. Hfil.AK A TKACV Healtors r.0! s. Cth St. I'hone C9 12-13 FOIl SAI.K 1100 ACHKS excellent bottom land with 1 miles Klarna:b river front iget 15 miles from Klamath Falls. Can be di vided. A bargain for quick sale. 130 FKKT on Klamath Ave. in two pieces; near Wlllard Hotel I and Conn House. I SO ACHKS southwest of Klam ath Falls, near Orlndale school. Oood county road. House, birn. well, flood subdivision proposition, near Weyerhaueser tract. Karxa'.n at 320u. 320 ACHES timbered land north east of Bonanza, In oil terri tory. Only tS.25 per acre. SQUAW POINT, on Upper Klam ath Ijike. adaptable for sum mer resort or lodge. Large like frontage. 720 ACHES. Meadow lake, house. Darns, garace, etc. 50 acres cultivated: lots of adjacent of adjacent 'k.i,?roPT"on MU exchante range. Oood stoc flu per acre. lor Improved nearby property. FOH RENT Main street offices, singly or In suites: convenient to court hourie. " MRS. L. B. HAGUE !10 Williis HMe !h.. - livnntnrv. Loans. , ll-aliy" All k'Mdl of ajAlbfa6ks. : 1 ' 1 12-13 Nerve Specialist and Chiropractor v. x,i:v.l.L You'll I e? your aclni. Bonanza, Ore. DRINK HAWUM WATLIi Has cured thousands. Why not you Radium ore for sale by N. A. llltKitiS, (Special Representative) I'hone 9C0-W J16-A16 STAGES TO ALL POINTS 326 'ij ' New Phone Number hi . srss m aea. aT new Keduccd Kates k New Location 8th & Klamath Ave. "The Sunshlno Route" i asM, - FIRE INSURANCE We spr-ciiillze In Irrigated farms and stock rauches. IS years' experience In county. REED & REYNOLDS Kilttl Main St, I'boiie 10115 By Taylor MISCELLANEOUS WINUir.V ( LKAMNi; Floor waxing, house rl,-anri3 and J:in.:i.r aervb e. Iteferein ei. A. M. l:h..a i. riiolio lli.'.t V. Id" :r.-if LOST AND FOUND LOST - Link culf button. Sma.l ilrmiund In eent.-r on one link and mnnll yaj-pliire In enter of other. 'K'.tiirn to Herald offii and re.-elve reward. Sir Hicvci.K ktoLKX llawtliome liilui'i. lied. trimmed In T.'am. Ittward. Phono M It. M 3t For Sale Automobiles KOIt SAI.K 7-psswnser CadllUc in good condition, newly paint ed, by owner. Imiuire at Herald. lt-tf I KOI SAI.K - Cie list Olds roach. This car Is sure some buy. Kqulpped, only .. S7i i One 1926 Ki"ex coach, all new rubber, runa flue 42ijhome. all furnUlud. for 1.0.00 down and the balance Ilka runt. One 1925 Olds Sport Roadster. '- Completely overhaul.-d, new I J2". OS TJi: INVESTMENT .7 rubber.'. Thfai -Is a real buy. I !et thl one quick. We cad (jzlj .1jo0 t deliver a small property which! ... , Is paying 32 percent on the In We have tnany more to 'vestment. Tin" beat buy In Klacw telect from. "'lath Fall. Liberal Term. HOT CALL'S USED CARS See Walt Abbey h nnd l'!n- I'hone 234 FOR SALE FOIl SALE I'hone M-J. Hreedine rabbits. 20-Ct FOR SALE Good Underwood typewriter. Almost new. $35. j Inquire Herald office. -13 FOR iM. Rtromberg-t:arlson receiving set. A iiap. 1300 Lookout St. . 9-2 ron SALE Five acres of spuds, I 1 S0..d,. ,H.Uud.. Cheap. .Phone J 42. ll-12'I FOIl SACK Oil LEASE- Apart- menL luinse, centrally Jorated. LHiim; . good business. Inquire - .at llorald office. VI I T 11) Til Hill rw u v.v .nvr. f l.nvi'l innnralnr K,t 1, .Tnlin I Laval si-rarato liji XlTeV. "Rlanuflt" Fnw"U"l 'r ' 1 Hox 324. 11-121 FOH SALE Well selected mil linery stock and novelties. Good location., reasonable rent. Own er must leave. Write Uox 135 News.. 11-3! ' FOR SALE Siure fixtures. alo I L cash register, two show cases.) I . wall cabinet with lots of draw-J I ers. Cheap. V liter II. Iver- f ette. Medford. Ore. ll-lS'jFOR i FOR SALE Jinn sell my late! I model star Coupsut on ac-1 t count o- sickness. Can. give f terms, ,1'tione 49. Mr. Shel- p ton. lU-St HAVE THREE Well marked tier-. min female puppies, eligrMe ; for registration in A. K. C. ( Will trade for lumber, posts, j saddle, harness or anything ! around $r,0 that I can use on i a homestead. John Roberts, , Klnmnth Fulls, tire. 1-11 WANTED HOOD STKMKIRAl'HElt He sires position. Can give refer ences. Inquire nl Herald of lice. lltf WANTED Experienced nun wants Job on ranch. Can take charge of ranch and handle stock. Reliable. Any proposi- ' lion considered. Call or write The Herald. Box IV S-13 WANTED Stenographer, lumber experience preferred. Dicta phone operator preferred. Kes terson Lumber Co., Dorris. Cal. 11-13 For Sal5 Real Estate WILL. SACRIFICE On fine proposition. A real opportunity to party with some money "to put over a fine income property. Must see to, appreciate this buy. If Interested la n real buy. Bee us today. , A. A. BELLMAN & CO. t Realtor 120 No. 7th St. Phone 153 $157S Dandy 3-room furnished house on pavement. Large tot, ' good location. Easy terms. $4300 New 4-room home, cor ner lot on pirement. Basement, hardwood floors, nook, garage, fireplace, et.J. A real home. Liberul term." . $56bd Beantiful new slnrco - home .in fine jdistrlcl. Corner lot, on pavement, fireplace, hardwoil flonfs, basement, ce ment foundntiiLi, etc. Terms. 100' per front Toot will buy nl fine piece of Main street prop erty. Investigate this. A. A. BELLMAN & CO. ... ' lle:ill.l-H For Sale Real Estate KOIt KAI.K I'liono 3!) Hoiu.'liold furniture. -It. -t I'Oll S.M.K - Lot. on pavement. Jie.iMirablr. I'y owner. Iniiilrw at ilerjtd office. g-U Full HAI.K -160 acres of good meadow bind, by ownor. Flvo room house nnd other bldgs. Inquire at Herald office. K-1.1 Foil SALK-A1 paying business, uwlnit to oilier tie-ups. A money geitcr. New and nsed good. To right niun snau. C. links, 229 Main St. t-U FOIl SAI.K Sawmill and timber east of Alulin. For particulars write or Imtuore of Hryant Mt. Lumber Yard. Malln, Ore. 9-15 OWN THIS ONB Nice 4-room home In Hot Springs Addition on corner lot. has hardwood floors, garage in bnsement, sleeping porch, break fast nook. etc. 2j down, bal ance like rent. WHY PAY HKNT OK BUY rrit.NITfKK when yon ran bny a dandy little THI-STATE3 RFALTY CO. " Realtors rhoue 1050 1134 Main 11-13 FOR RENT FOIl RENT 4-room apartment, fitrsjlshed. 825 Lincoln. 9-11 FOR KENT Furnished modern 4-room house. . 305 Lincoln. . f FOR RENT 2-room and 5-room 1 a()t 43l No 10th 8, ii-i FhousV , RENT Four room modern Owner at 838 Walnut 11 1 FOH RENT House and garage 1 - wjnter. to responsible party. $15. Right away. 122 Lincoln. 11-15 IPOit RENT S-room arjt.. strict- I . . . . . . . . . - lJr private, ois tugn tn. u-u- ' I. FOR RENT llonse next to bath house. See Connolly Bros. .11-13 FOR RENT ' Partly furnished house, close in. 814 Lincoln. 11-17 FOR RENT Well furnished apartment with regular bed room. Clean, quiet, close - In. 3o. St. Francis Apt., 826 Oak Si.. 11-17 RENT 4-room furnished bouse. :i 16 E. Main. Bath and garaee. $:15 a month. Phone 333-W. 1 1-12 FOR KENT Nbw 5 room brick- hous. Bath, garden roof, basement and garage. Aply box 12 Herald. 8-13 Folt RENT Furnished 2-room houses, $18 00 month. 423 Plum. Phone 544-J. A4-SI FOR RENT Furnished apart ments. Reduced rate. Cozy Apts.. OS Main St. 30-13 FOR RENT First class furnish ed apartments. Steam heated. McCarthy Apts., 630 Pine. I'hone Mil). A5-S5 Folt RENT 2-room apartment: also sleeping room at 813 Onk Ave. Inquire 806 Oak. 6-12 ROOMS 20 Lincoln. Phone 697-W. J27-A27 FOR RENT 4-room partly fur nished house with bath, water and garage. Near school. Phone 322. 10-12 FOIl RENT Completely furnish ed apts. Garage, paving, new building. Just off Main street on Broad. Rex Arnm Apts. Phone 1116. J20-A20 FOR RENT Furnished ourt apt., 2 rooms and bath, Olec trie range, hot wator. Oarage, $35, 1615 Esplanade, Phone 794-W. Al-Sl FOR RENT Completely furnish ed apts., garage new building. Just off Alain on Broad. Reg Arms. I'hone 1116. J20-A20" FOIl RENT Furnished 2-ruom hound. Large hack porch. Ins side toilet, near depot on grav eled street. $17.50. Phone 205-W. 10-3 FOR RENT Unfurnished 3-room house, 10 minute walk from. 6th and Main. 3 blocks from California Ave. Paving, clean and In good condition. I'hono 2o5-W. $17.50. 10-1 FOR RENT We can gave ' you big money at the Arcadn Hotel Apartment, furnished corn, pletely. electric range. linen, dlxhes and telephones." Or rooms with private hath at. real cut rate to permanent guests. Arcade. . Mtt-Js 1.0 N, 7th St. Phone l.i.lj , . 1MJ